Mantravata Meanings

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Now I will tell you the descent of Mantra.

Packara is the first one known. It is an
embodiment of five aktis called parakti etc. in
the form called Sda.

The letter i is the form iva, the letter Va is
named as akti and the letter Ya in the form of
deity and the letter Na represents Nikala.

The letter Ma represents the varieties of Pthiv
etc. from the five faces called na etc., the
Mantras like

Hdaya, iras, ikha, Kavaca, Netra and Astra,

each one sprung forth, with ukla (White) Saffron

Black and veta (White) ------------ ukla (White)
rays. Hdaya Mantra is similar to the brightness of
the sun. The ivomantra with red hot gold colour.

The ikhmantra is red like sindhra. The Kavaca
mantra is similar in colour to that of a cloud. The
Netra mantra should be understood with red colour
and the Astramantra is similar to lightning in

The Tattva called Sda is with white colour----- in
the middle is Sadiva.

With two feet, one body, three eyes and with fare
complexion and crowned with matted hair and
Wearing the mudra, abhaya and varada.

And also Wearing Pa and Akua and embodied
as the pure light. Thus Praava is told here as
Vyaktvyakta (neither manifested nor unmanifested.)

Endowed with three eyes, four hands, Serene with
trident and Jna symbol or Mudra and bestowing
boons (Varada) filled with the weight of matted hair
dark in complexion is the lord vyoma vypi vara

---------------------- Serpent as sacred thread
(Yajopavta) wearing ------ Rosary beeds, Abhaya

Mudra and Serpent to that abh whose form is

vyoma (i. e. ether).

Fair complexioned clad den with red dress Wearing
khadva (knife) --- and holding the mudra, abhaya
and crown. So pious I salute to that Sarvavyp

The crown with hair triad and placing one hand on
the thigh and the other Wearing the mudra
abhaya, clad den with silk garments to that iva, I
salute the one in the form of the world ivya.

I salute Ananta, with bold eyes mustache and with
long hair, Wearing skull and trident decorated with
the garland of bells.

Dark in complexion, clad den with blue dress with
yogapaika (a ribbon) to tie the two knees.
(Wearing skull and ---- Canmudra in two hands to
that Antha I salute.

With three eyes, furious to look at, Wearing
hammer and Mudras Abhaya and Varada making a
very loud noise and with terrific face is known as
Anraya iva.

Blue necked, frightful limbs, furious to look at with
frightful teeth and Wearing the Jnamudra on one
hand and Rosary beads on the other. (My
salutations) to that cause for the supreme abode,
called Dhruva.

Saffron Complexioned and with two eyes and feet

crowned with matted hair holding sword and
shield, serpent, varadamudra. To that one who is
svata (my salutations).

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sitting on the Posture with two knees
erect (Yogapha Sasthita), Wearing black
deer, anka and ----

Bow, Arrow, --- --- with three eyes and bedecked
with serpents as ornaments to that Nitya Yogin I
offer my salutations.

Pious in appearance with ears decorated with
kunalas ornaments made up of scorpions --- ---- I
salute to that Dhyna Hara.

Besmeared with holy ash all over the body and
burdened with the weight of matted hair, Wearing
rosary beads --- ---- I salute that iva.

Wearing the elephant skin
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wearing blue Lilly, trident and embodied
sarva pravara.

Seated on Padmasana posture, dark complexioned
with frightening teeth ---------------- one hand left
loose in hanging posture (Laba Hasta) to that
iva I salute.

With complexion with crystal, three eyes crowned
with matted hair with a crescent moon holding

trident and abhaya mudra in his hands, broad

eyed, I salute to that Mrdhna iva (na
mrdha) born.

Yellow coloured, bedecked with yellow garment
bright with ears rings (Kunala) and other
ornaments holding abhaya mudra and rosary
beads on his hands, I salute the face tatpuraa
(Tatpurua Vaktra).

With flame like hair locks, three eyed -------- with
trident I salute Aghora hdaya.

Red complexioned, with matted hair -------- holding
varada mudra, akua on his hands adorned with
Ganges and crescent moon, I salute that
Vmadeva Guhya.

Fair complexioned like cow milk, decorated with

Kalhara flower garland ------------------------ I salute
that form of Savyojta.

Whose complexion is red like coral -------- decorated
with ornaments made of pearls and gems. Holding
bell and vajra in his hands I salute to that the
supreme self. (Om Nama).

To him, whose complexion is similar to that of a
collyrium, Wearing trident and conch, clad den with
the tiger skin, I offer my salutations to that
Guhyti guhya.

Fair complexioned, clad den with blue garments,
adorned with all ornaments, Wearing -------- and
black antelope, I offer my salutations to that word


Endowed with four hands, complexion with similar
to that of water screens, endowed with pearl
string. Let us remember at the end that word

Whose brilliance is similar to that of crores of suns,
be decked with matted hair and crescent moon,
holding lotus, rosary beads and abhaya mudra in
with hands I salute to that word Sarva

The complexion to similar to that of Japkusuma,
body besmeared with holy ash, holding sword,
shield and Musala to that word Yoga Adhigata I

Whose colour is similar to that of a crystal, three
eyed adorned with skin and auspicious to look at,


with hands holding lotus and ajali mudra to that

word Jyoti Rpa Vara I salute.

Whose complexion is similar to that of a flaming
fair, holding fire, serpent gode and abhayamudra in
his hands, -------- at the feet -------- to that word
paramevara I salute.
37a. One loka defining the word Acetancetana
is missing here.

Three eyed, endowed with four hands and whose
complexion is similar to that of the clouds of
deluge, holding akti, Vajra and Abhaya Varada
Mudras on his hand I salute that form of the word
Vyomin vyomin.


Endowed with six hands -------- ------- complexion

similar to that of a blue Lilly, embodiment of the
quality Rajas, and with two eyes I salute that
Mahevara who is in the form of the word Vypin

Endowed with matted hair, three eyed and with the
three hands, holding trident on one and the other
two stretched, to that word Rpinnarpin, I

Single faced, three eyed and with the complexion
similar to that of a red hot gold and holding Gada
and Abhayamudra on his hands, to that form of the
word Prathamaprathama, I salute.


I offer my salutations to that form of the word

Tejasteja, whose complexion is similar to that of a
lightening, holding wheel, lotus-------- and
abhayamudra on his hands, seated in padmsana
decorated with crescent moon.

One who is bedecked with the crest of matted hair,
and with new ear rings, endowed with four hands,
to that form of the word Jyotirjyoti I salute.

I also salute that form of the word Arpa, who is
well adorned with garlands and auspicious with
look at, with terrible face shines with knitted brows
and who subdued thunder bolt bearer i. e. Indra.

I also bow down to that form of the word Anagni,
whose complexion is similar to that of the gold, the


lord of Yogsanapati, resounding the conch with

folded hands.

The complexion which is similar to that of a coral,
bedecked with matted hair and crescent moon,
holding wheel, aka, rosary beads and trident in
his hands, to that form of the word Adhma I

Whose complexion is similar to that of millions of
lightening, endowed with long hair and mustache,
holding abhaya and sci mudrs on his hands, to
that form of the word Abhasma I offer my

Holding -------- lotus -------- garland-------- musala
and dressed with multi coloured garment, I
recollect that form of the word Andhi.


I salute that form of the word Nn, bearing Pa
and Akua in his hands, whose lotus like eyes are
endowed with brilliance of many suns, seated in V
rsana, who is encircled with the lustres of
autumnal moon.

I saluted that form of the word Dhdh, which
looks so auspicious bearing blue and white lillies in
his hands, seated on the red lotus and whose head
is decorated with matted hair.

I salute that form of the word Om bhsvh, -------dressed with silken garments so conducive to the
word mentioned above, bedecked with tiger skin
and adorned with golden ear rings.


I salute that form of the word Om bhuvasvh,

with hands bearing trident, skull, sword and
abhayamudra, wearing serpent has sacred thread
and decorated with serpent has bracelets.

I salute that form of the word Om suva, the form
of paramtman, with flames like matted hair, three
eyed and whose complexion is similar to that of a
group of stars and whose head is marked with
hanging hairlocks.

I saluted that form of the word Anithananithan,
-------- three eyed, whose complexion is similar to
that of -------- and adorned with ear rings.

Bearing serpent, rosary beads -------- and
abhayamudra in his hands the eternal one placing


the raised one put on the other knee and bearing

abhaya and jnamudra in his hands, to that form
of the word Nidanodbhava I salute.

I salute that form of the word iva, with feet shine
with jingling bells, whose complexion is similar to
that of kusumbha flowers, having sun, moon and
fire as his eyes.

I also salute that form of the word arva, the form
of Rudra, bedecked with river ganges and crescent
moon on his matted hair crest-------- and the lord of
the devas.

The Mahea termed by the word Parmtman,
holding wheel, lotus and --------, clad den with tiger
skin and black complexioned, I salute.


Whose complexion is similar to that of young sun
(rising sun) crest adorned with a crescent moon,
holding abhaya and una mudras in his hands,
who is equal to Mahevara. To that form of the
word I salute.

( ?)
Black complexioned -------- holding Sk and Sruva,
-------------------------------- to that form of the word
Mahteja (Mahdeva) I salute.

Holding skull, serpent, knife -------- rosary beads
with his hands, the auspicious one whose
complexion is similar to that of an autumnal
clouds, to that form of the word Sadbhvevara I



I salute that form of the word, Sadbhvevara,

whose complexion is similar to that of saffron, with
one hand placed on his thigh, holding
abhayamudra on other and seated on padmap

I salute that form of the word, Mahteja, with
great effulgence, with face of knitted brows, two
footed, -------- three eyed and with two hands.

To that form of the word Mahteja, whose form is
so auspicious to look at, holding bell and sword
with his hands, whose complexion is yellow and
whose feet shine with jingling bells, I salute.


To that form of the word, Yogdhipati, -------- with

sharp ears, best among the knower of Vedas,
seated on vimnapha in a yogic posture and
whose complexion is similar to that of coral, I

I salute that form of the word Mucamuca, the
form of iva seated on
Praavsana-----------------------------------------------Vetala and sword in his hands.

I salute that form of the word
Pramathapramatha, which is so furious to look
at, with terrible teeth, holding pa and akti in his
hands ------------------------------------------------.

I salute that form of the word arvaarva, who
shines like a blue lotus, bearing mudras like


varada, abhaya and jna and also holding a sword

and -------- in his hands.

I salute that form of the word Bhavabhava, whose
colour is similar to that of a red hot gold, decorated
with all ornaments and whose crest is bedecked
with crescent moon on the matted hair.

To that form of the word Bhavodbhava, who is
variegated in colour, so terrible to look at, holding
the holy scripture and the symbol of Jna in his
hands decorated with the garland made up of
jingling bells and whose face is as pleasing as
nectar, I salute.

I salute that form of the word
Sarvabhtasukhaprada, whose complexion is
similar to that of a Jasmine flower, decorated with
pearls and gems, who shines with folded hands.


To that form of the word Sarvasnnidhyakara,
whose complexion is similar to that of an insect
called Indragopa, bedecked with all nine precious
gems, clad den with lions skin, I salute.

I salute that form of the word
Brahmaviurudrapara, whose complexion is
similar to that of crores of moons, besmeared with
holy ash all over his body, blemish less, endowed
with matted hair.

I bow down to that form of the word Arcitnarcita,
whose complexion is similar to that of the brilliance
of bees, crest embellished with peacock quill,
holding skull and conch in his hands.


( ?)

Three eyed, four handed and whose complexion is

similar to that of a lead
---------------------------------------------------------------- to
that form of the word Asasktsaskta, I

( ?)

Single faced, three eyed and endowed with four

hands folding serpent, bell and musala, to that
great form of the word Sthitaprvasthita, I

To that form of the word Skinskin, whose
complexion is similar to that of a lotus stalk-------endowed with matted hair, I salute.


I salute that form of the word Turuturu, who is
terrible to look at holding wheel, lotus, arrow and
bow in his hands and decorated with serpents as

I salute that form of the word Patagapataga,
whose complexion is similar to that of the gem
called Indranla, whose body is besmeared with
the holy ash, holding flag and thunder bolt in his
hands and who is very high in velour.

To that form of the word Pigapiga, whose
complexion is similar to that of a crystal, three
eyed, holding gada, trident and abhayavaramudras
in his hands, I salute.


To that form of the word Jnjna, whose
complexion is dark red, besmeared with sandal
paste all over his body, bearing
abhayavaradamudras in his hands, I salute.

Know that form of the word abdabda, has crest
with matted hair, two eyed, yellow coloured, lotus
like eyes holding rosary beads and abhayamudra in
his hands.

To that form of the word Skmskma, is gem
crowned, so bright and encircled by effulgence,
bearing abhayamudra in one hand and the other
placed on his thigh.


Holding kamanala on the left and abhayamudra in

right hand, seated in vrsana that divine entity is
known to be the form of the word iva.

Seated in yogsana the divine entity, looks like an
embodiment of wisdom, the complexion is similar
to that of crores of lightning and so auspicious all
over his body that form of the word to be known as

Standing on the padmapha clad den with yellow
garments, with Vabha on his right, this form of
the iva is the form of the word Om Namonama.

All pervasive, pious, devoid of passion, enmity and
disease, rings on both ears, bearing sc and
jnamudrs in his hands is the form of the word


Holding amaru on the right and fire on the left
hand lying with the feet hanging down is the form
of the word Om Namonama

rkaha, Dhrjai, iva, Skmakea, Bakam,
Karla, Vracaa, Rudra, Nyaka, Sahara.

Upalaba, Virga, Bhria, Vraplaka, Khavaka,
Bali, Samayukta, Girirea, Vanecara.

Gagca, Vrarudra, Skalya, Aahsa, Rmana,
Karala, Nlakea, Viala.

Unmatta, Blara, Nlakaha, Kahoraka, Ghora,
Kla, Sihya, Pakidhya, Mahmuni.


Mati, Caraa, Kopa, Gancrya, Pariva, Malak
, Nirmal, P, Vyagara, Bhayakaha.

Meghaia, Vihsa, Haka, Nandaka, Ahala,
akta, Sama, Arkasaka, Jaila, Dhryaka.

Nicala, Ngadhr, Ekavaktra, Nirmaya, hakka,
Dhirudra, Bhpa, Vaiea, Sakala, Kala.

Agnikea, Hukti, Hetuka, Karaevara, Aea,
Rajaka, Valka, Mandara,Malya, Vakraka.


Vrabhadra, Bila, Nttaga, Arua, Tugka,

Sankara are to be known as the names of the
forms of the eighty one words.

Oh aana! Now I will tell you the colour of all
The letter is red coloured, is blue

- Lightening coloured, - variegated coloured,

- golden coloured, - Yellow coloured.

- crystal coloured, - cloud coloured,

colour of the lion, - bull coloured.

The colour the letter is similar to that of the
insect Indragopa, lilly coloured, - lotus
coloured; - blue coloured.


flower coloured and lightening coloured red coloured, the colour of is similar to that of

- pleasing coloured, - variegated coloured,
- colour of a Jasmine, - bee coloured.

- red coloured, - yellow coloured - crystal
coloured - is gem coloured.

The colour - is like Rudra flower. - moon
coloured - dark coloured - is white coloured.

- with pleasing brilliance, - lighting coloured
- coloured - is diamond coloured.


- moon coloured, - colour of saffron - metal
coloured - is blue coloured.

- mixed coloured, - moon coloured - golden
coloured - is white coloured.

- red coloured, - yellow coloured - black
coloured - is blue coloured.

colour of saffron, colour of a Jasmine - is
with the colour of dawn. - .. coloured.

crystal colured. Listen the lord of these colours
too. Bedecked with crystal ear rings blue lings
holding aka,


vajra, pa and akua in his hands. I salute that

lord rkahea..broad eyed, body
decorated with serpents,

Three eyed and bearing Jnamudra in his hands,
pray to that great Anantea.. four strong hands
decorated with serpents as bangles

Holding Abhayamudra and Lotus on his hands, I
salute that great lord Skmesa. The complexions
similar to that of blazing fire, with a gentle smile on
his face,

( ?)
Bearing the sacred text and jnamudra in his
hands, seated on lotus, I salute that lord Trimrti.
Red coloured four hands bedeck with bracelets and
other ornaments


holding trident, amaru, pa and abhayamudra in

his hands I salute that lord Amarea. Seated on
the Vrsana, lotus coloured


Holding blue lilly and lotus in his hands, I salute
that terrible lord Jagha.

Keeping his folded hands on his lap, I salute that
lord namely Hrabhta. White complexioned
with pious eyes, bearing the lute and sacred text in
his hands

With two feet and one body clad den with serene
form, my salutations to that lord Titha.
with long hands, blue coloured, two eyed

Holding pa, aka, rosary beads and
abhayamudra on his hands and seated on padmap
ha, lotus eyed, fearless and terrible, blue necked


Adorned with anklets, I salute that Harea.
possessing different type of face. Decorated with
matted hair, adorned with crescent moon and hair
locks, going upward like flames

Holding rosary beads and kamaala on his hands,
red coloured, I salute that Cana. Clad den with
tiger skin and the feet decorated with sandals.

Adorned with blouse and ornaments, I salute that
special deity called Bhautikea. Two faced and
clad den with upper garments, endowed with four

Dark complexioned and deeply involved in yoga, I
saluted that lord Sadyojtevara. The body with
similar to that of saffron, single faced, three eyed,


Decorated with all ornaments and who is
competent to bestow boons for that
Anugrahevara I salute. The complexion similar
to that of ukapupa, the eyes emitting the luster
of lotus,


granter of booms to Mahsena, I salute.

Seated on a gem studded throne, and the colour

similar to that of an insect called Indragopa.

Adorned with crown and matted hair, holding
abhayamudra and rvaraprada, kamaala in his
hands pious to look at, wearing serpant as sacred

Two footed, blue coloured, body besmeared with
holy ash, I salute that lord Krodha. Clad den
with elephants skin, shines with crown and matted


that Parmevara called Phana, I

salute. Wearing scorpions as ornaments and

crowned with gem studded crown.

Holding pa, tusk, abhaya and vara mudras

Trident, conch, wheel,

ya and vara mudras
and anka holding on his right hand, with a gentle
smile, shining with jasmine like teeth, seated in

Golden coloured, four faced, adorned with crown
on the crest, wearing golden sacred thread,
embellished with pearls and gems.


Holding Vajra, trident, lotus and rosary beads clad

den with blue dress stationed on prakti, I salute
the lord of Nivtti.

Thus in Uttarakraa, Pratitantra the second
chapter called descent of Mantras ends.

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