Tuesday, June 08, 2015 Edition

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Law & Order

pg 11

Former Bank Employees on
the run For US$1.2m Theft


pg 8& 9

CBL Governor Jones Warns
Critics over loan initiative


VOL 9 NO.75









No good market, no better market because the people still think that Ebola
here and our children not attending schools, we heard that the Government is
planning to support us for the meat we lost during the Ebola period but nothing
yet and we dont know when it will come- Musu Tuagbean a meat seller in Ganta,

County News- pg. 5











MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015



MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 2 | Frontpage

Rodney D. Sieh, rodney.sieh@frontpageafricaonline.com

Monrovia n January 2012, during a ceremony to mark President Ellen

Johnson-Sirleafs signing of the Code of Conduct legislation,
a legal document intended to serve as a deterrent against
corruption among public officials in the Executive branch of
Government, Cllr. Frances Johnson-Allison, then chair of the Liberia
Anti-Corruption Commission while registering her interest in the
document, suggested that the government needed to go beyond
preparing a code of conduct bill and start to prosecute people for
their alleged roles in corrupt practices, going further to note that
prosecuting power must be given to the LACC in order to be fully
functional in the discharge of their duties.
The Justice Ministry is slow in prosecuting people for alleged
corruption and the public will not be waiting that long to see
people penalized for wrong doing, the former LACC boss declared.
The snail pace of the Justice ministry which has changed ministers
four times- Philip A.Z. Banks, Frances Johnson-Allison, Christiana
Tah and Benedict Sannoh- since the Unity Party-led government
came to power is becoming a familiar refrain, one that is rapidly
putting Liberia in the bad books of its international partners.
Annual reports of the United States Department of State have
repeatedly lambasted the countrys justice system in a not so
different description as it did during the Charles Taylor era.
The 2013 report for example notes: The most serious human
rights abuses were those tied to a lack of justice: judicial
inefficiency and corruption
Cllr. James N. Verdier, Chair of the Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission addressing a FrontPageAfrica inquiry regarding the
sudden departure from Liberia of Matilda Parker, the embattled
and suspended head of the National Port Authority who is a
subject of a corruption probe said:
This is the weakness in the LACC law - submitting report to
MoJ (Ministry of Justice) and having to wait till 90 days. We are
aware that MOJ is dragging its feet on this. If nothing happens
from the side of the MoJ, LACC (Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission) is definitely going to pursue this case after 90
days. However, it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, when
she's outside Liberia, USA or anywhere. The Ellen Corkrum case
is sharp reminder. Jerome N. Verdier, Liberia Anti-Corruption
The MoJs snail approach to dealing with corruption cases is
sparking concerns that the ministry may be driven by hidden
motives or executive interferences although Minister Sannoh,
addressing the United Nations Security Council recently averred
that the lack of readily available capacity and resources has
created bottlenecks in prosecuting corruption cases in Liberia.
Sannoh emphasized that delays in prosecuting corruption cases
are more a manifestation of capacity challenge than lack of
political will to fight the menace. "What is not being said is that
prosecuting corruption cases requires capacity and resources,
which are not readily available, he stressed.
But Sannohs explanation to the UNSC is a far cry from what
he has consistently repeated in local appearances where he
showed his disagreements with the integrity institutions. Sannoh
for example, told the Senate Judiciary committee during his
confirmation hearing that most of the reports presented by the
LACC and General Auditing Commission (GAC) do not present
prosecutorial materials. They do not have the evidence to
take to court, there is always a presumption of innocence in a
lawsuit; to overcome presumption that you must have evidence
not allegations or witch-hunting, he added. Prosecution is not
only the matter of the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission
(LACC) we also have limitations in the court, the court as they
are presently constituted, cannot hear more than two cases in a
Sannoh went on to frown on the LACC and the GAC attitude of

always in his words acting that they are the only institutions that
really want to fight corruption. Cllr. Sannoh said this creates an
impression that nothing is being done by the government towards
the fight against corruption.
The disagreement between the MoJ and the integrity institutions
appear to be one of the major reasons behind the governments
lackluster fight against graft.
Further, from 2000 to 2015, the Government has also repeatedly
blamed its inability to fight corruption by prosecuting
officials hooked in GAC , LACC and PCC reports on CAPACITY
& RESOURCES, begging the question whether the Sirleaf
administration will ever have sufficient resources and capacity to
fight corruption.
Last week, the government lost yet another case, a high-profile
one, because prosecutors dragged their feet, at least according to
the ruling of the Criminal Court C at the Temple of Justice which
allowed nine former officials of the National Oil Company of
Liberia (NOCAL) to walk on bribery charges.
Corrupt May Go Free, 11 Cases in Danger
The NOCAL bribery decision is poised to put at least eleven
major corruption cases identified by the Christiana Tah-led
Justice Ministry for prosecution based on the General Auditing
Commission audit reports compiled August 15, 2011 in danger
of never seeing the daylight of court proceedings if the rulings in
the NOCAL case at the Criminal Court Circuit Court headed by his
Honor Judge Peter Gbeneweleh is upheld by the Supreme Court of
Liberia in its October 2015 term.
The judges ruling stems from a motion filed by defense lawyers to
dismiss the indictment against defendants in the NOCAL bribery
case. The motion for dismissal was based on the argument that
felony allegedly committed by the defendants is more than five
years old. According to Section 4.2 of the Criminal Procedure Law
of Liberia it states that a defendant that commits felony has five
years to be tried, a law some have interpreted as meaning that
audit reports conducted five years ago are now in the dustbin,
while others believe the law is meant five years from the day of
According to the defense lawyers since the alleged crimes were
committed between 2006-2007 the state should have conducted
a trial from that time up to May 2012 to end the five years period
as required by law but this did not happened and therefore called
on the court to dismiss the charges. Those cleared by the court
are: Clemenceau B. Urey, Stephen Dunbar, D. Evelyn Kandakai,
Peter B. Jallah, Dr. Fodee Kromah, Fulton Reeves comptroller,
Timothy G. Wiaplah, Alomiza Ennos Barr,J. Nanborlor F. Singbe.
The Judges ruling is no doubt a blow to the fight against
corruption which has continuously suffered major setbacks due to
an apparent lack of commitment by the Government to prosecute
individuals implicated by the General Auditing Commission and
other anti-graft institutions or cited by the LACC.
The cases or entities recommended for prosecution/legal actions
by the Justice Ministry which are more than five years old include:
Grand Cape Mount County Social and County Development Fund
Messrs Erasmus Fahnbullah and Ernest A. Kiazulu for theft of
Grand Gedeh County Social and County Development Fund former
Superintendent Christopher Bailey and accomplices for fraud and
theft in six separate instances amounting to US$282,947.00
Margibi County social and County Development Fund case already
instituted against Alexander Yeaher for US$56.025.00 received
for Lakata Administration Building which is incomplete , despite
payment and US$6,934.00 for Nyawalee Town Palava Hut which
was never commenced.

US$22,876.60 and US$39,257, Ms. Evette Blyden and Ella

Dollison, Maxwell Bernard and Momolu Johnson should be
held accountable and made to refund US$22,876.60 for the
understatement of customer bill. Mr. Arma and Bakama and Mrs.
Yogie Wheazor should be held accountable and made to refund
US$39,257.00 for the understament of customer bill.
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
The amount of US$105,000.00 was misappropriated by John
T. Wilson and Deputy Minister for Social Welfare Mr. Joseph W.
Geebro. This amount should have been used for ten orphanages
and welfare institutions but were instead paid to non-existent
Montserrado County
Noble Design and Construction Company in Monteserrado County
to recover the amount of the project that has not been completed
and money was fully paid for the Congo Town Districts 4 &5
Administrative Building Project the company was paid US$9,500.
Grand Kru County
Francis Nah Nimene, County Builders Contractor/owner
should be held for breach of contract and made to pay general
damages for such breach as the Siklio Guest House project
remains incomplete. The contractor also failed to complete the
Gbetao Town Hall project and the Nifao Town project for which
US$9,749.41 and US$9,651.41 respectively.
Joel V. Printers, contractor/owner for breach of contract and
made to pay general damages for the Barclayville City Hall which
the company was paid US$22,000.
Rivercess County
Sodey Lake Contractor and his Tarwaken Construction company
should be held for breach of contract and made to pay general
damages as the project remains incomplete and amount of
US$75,000 was paid to the contractor for the construction of
the Presidential Suite and Muti-Purpose Hall. The company also
received US$68,277.50 for the construction of the superintendent
residence project which was not completed.
But long before the ruling in the NOCAL case, FrontPageAfrica
citing sources reported recently that the case was on the verge of
being thrown out.
FrontPageAfrica reported that information gathered from
judiciary sources told FPA that the Ministry of Justice was in the
process of seeking a dismissal of the indictment against the 10
accused former officials because the trial bordered on the integrity
of the presidency. The sources indicated that the ministry action
was aimed at protecting the image of the President, Madam Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf who had been implicated by one of the indictees,
Mr. Clemenceau Urey, for instructing the payment of lobbying fees
to lawmakers for the ratification of oil agreements.
FrontPageAfrica further reported that the presiding judge of the
case had been asked by the Ministry of Justice to deny a motion
of severance filed by one of the defendants Clemenceau Urey
and grant the motion to dismiss the indictment which eventually
came last week.
Taking her exit from the government last year, former Minister
Christiana Tah lamented that it had become unbearable to
continue as minister amid determination to systemically
undermine and gut the portfolio of relevance and effectiveness.
Tah who had first submitted her resignation in March 2014, but
had the request delayed by Sirleaf, stayed on, particularly in light
of the national security crisis created by the Ebola outbreak.
Tah did not mince her words, describing the Ministry of Justice
under her leadership and the presidency, saying the department
had been undermined repeatedly. I think one of the examples I
gave, there were some allegations of fraud against the NSA, and
the ministry under the National Security Act should investigate
that. But it was taken away from us and given to an independent
committee because they didnt feel that we would be impartial in
that matter, Tah said.
She said all this indicates that the organization and management
of the justice ministry took a different turn during the six months
she was serving the suspension of her law license by the Supreme
Tah said the justice ministry under her leadership did a
commendable job in upholding the rule of law, although she could
do better. For me I need full cooperation and support; I need
resources and moral support to do my work, she said.
Tah said corruption continues to be a major area of concern for
the public and the government of President Sirleaf. She defended
her departments role in the fight against corruption, but Tah said
her ministry was handicapped by the lack of resources.
I think there was the will, and I think the ministry of justice
under this administration did a lot to fight corruption. I think one
of the things the public doesnt realize is that the ministry has a
broad mandate. We had huge capacity problems. We had less than
100 lawyers across the country. You need resources and you need
well-trained lawyers, she said.
As the Liberian justice system has made a decision to let those
implicated corruption in audit reports walk because of a five year
limitation, in Ghana, officials indicted in audit reports during the
Jerry Rawlings were being prosecuted in 2009 and 2010. Like in
Ghana, some have argued that audit reports by constitutionally
created institution like the GAC do not have statute of limitation,
if at all, such a status of limitation only starts when the Ministry
of Justice actually and successfully indicts an alleged perpetrator
of corruption.
The jury is still out as if the Executive Branch is serious about
fighting corruption; it will vigorously pursue the lower court
decision to the Supreme Court of Liberia. But many Liberians
remain skeptical that the current ministry of justice and the
Executive Branch will put up any further vigorous challenge to
the lower courts decision.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015





Minister Benedict Sannohs
views and expressions Puts
Liberia in a Bad Light

LIBERIA HAS come a long way since the dog days of the
civil war, scores of its citizens have died and millions of
dollars looted in the pursuit of freedom and democracy.
THE END OF THE WAR has brought a glimmer of hope
and a peaceful turn as we continue our transition from
war to peace.
NOTWITHSTANDING, it appears Africas oldest
republic is still grappling over how it got here, how it
ended in a senseless war where men became animals
overnight and mothers and fathers forced to bury their
children and children also forced to bury their mothers
and fathers, friends, loved ones and family members.
TODAY, THE GUNS have been silent thanks the presence
of international peacekeepers and an international
community which has proven that it is committed
to seeing Liberia complete its transition from war to
TODAY, MUCH of the mistakes that led the country to
war remain with very little sign that we have seen the
last and strong signals from those at the helm of power
that they seriously have good intentions of shedding
that ugly chapter away from our existence.
THIS IS WHY WE FEEL particularly concerned about
the trend of our justice system and the failure of those
in authority to right the wrongs and put in the practice
the famed inscription on the walls of the Temple of
Justice: Let Justice Be Done to All.
JUSTICE MINISTER BENEDICT Sannoh while addressing
the United Nations Security Council recently declared
that the lack of readily available capacity and resources
has created bottlenecks in prosecuting corruption
cases in Liberia as he sought to dismiss the widely held
notion and what the rest of the world already knows
that delays in prosecuting corruption cases was due to
the lack of political will. Sannoh instead said the delay
is in fact more of a manifestation of capacity challenge
than lack of political will to fight the menace. "What
is not being said is that prosecuting corruption cases
requires capacity and resources, which are not readily
available, he stressed.
WHILE WE AGREE with Minister Sannoh that the
integrity institutions involved in the fight against
corruption were created and funded by the government,
it is no secret that in most instances those institutions
are undermined in the course of carrying out their
MINISTER SANNOH himself in on record of undermining
the very institutions he trumpeted while addressing
the UN recently.
THE MINISTER went to great lengths during his
Senate to slam integrity institutions, particularly the
General Auditing Commission and the Liberia AntiCorruption Commission by stating that most of the
reports presented by the LACC and General Auditing
Commission (GAC) do not present prosecutorial
materials. They do not have the evidence to take to
court, there is always a presumption of innocence in a
lawsuit; to overcome presumption that you must have
evidence not allegations or witch-hunting, he added.
Prosecution is not only the matter of the Liberian
Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) we also have
limitations in the court, the court as they are presently
constituted, cannot hear more than two cases in a
THE MINISTER further frowned on the LACC and the
GAC attitude of always in his words acting that they are


Page 3





David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Contributing Writer

n the last fortnight we have seen the stark truth

about Fifa. The body governing the game that means
so much to so many around the world has faced
appalling allegations that suggest it is absolutely
riddled with corruption. Blatter's resignation this week
is the first step on a long road to reform and we will
do everything we can, together with our international
partners, to help identify and prosecute anyone guilty of
wrongdoing and to clean up the game we love.
But at the heart of Fifa is a lesson about tackling corruption
that goes far deeper. Corruption at Fifa was not a surprise.
For years it lined the pockets of those on the inside and
was met with little more than a reluctant sigh. The world
shied away from taking on the problem, until some brave
British journalists and American lawyers showed that
things really could change.
The same is true of corruption the world over. Just as
with Fifa, we know the problem is there, but there is
something of an international taboo over pointing the
finger and stirring up concerns. At international Summits,
leaders meet to talk about aid, to discuss how to grow
our economies and how to keep our people safe. But we
just don't talk enough about corruption. This has got to
Corruption is the cancer at the heart of so many of the
problems we face around the world today. The migrants
drowning in the Mediterranean are fleeing from corrupt
African states. Our efforts to address global poverty are
too often undermined by corrupt governments preventing
people getting the revenues and benefits of growth
that are rightfully theirs. Corruption undermines the
wider global economy too. The World Economic Forum
estimates that corruption adds 10% to business costs
globally, while the World Bank believes some $1trillion is
paid in bribes every year. Cutting corruption by just 10%
could benefit the global economy by $380billion every
year - substantially more than was estimated for the Doha
Trade Round. While corruption costs the EU economy
alone 120billion every year.
Corruption doesn't just threaten our prosperity, it also
undermines our security. Whether it is the abduction of
schoolgirls in Nigeria or the recruitment of fighters to the
Taliban and Islamic State, time and again ordinary people
are drawn to extremist groups partly as a reaction to the
oppression and corruption of their own governments.
World leaders simply cannot dodge this issue any longer.
We have to show some of the same courage that exposed
Fifa and break the taboo on talking about corruption.
I will start tomorrow at the G7 in Germany and I will
put corruption at the heart of my agenda at the United
Nations in September and the G20 in Turkey, culminating
with a major anti-corruption Summit in London next year.
Of course there will be some who will be sceptical and
say it is all too difficult. But I believe we should draw
confidence from what we have already achieved. When we
began the Open Government Partnership, many doubted
that it would amount to much. But today 65 countries
have made over 2,000 specific commitments on openness
and transparency - from pioneering citizens' budgets
in Liberia to letting the public audit major government

projects in the Philippines.

When I put tax, trade and transparency on the G8 agenda
for Lough Erne two years ago some said we would never
get agreement on a global standard for the automatic
exchange of information over who pays taxes where. But
today over 90 countries have agreed to share their tax
information automatically by the end of 2018, meaning
more people will pay the tax that is due.
While there is further to go, Britain has also taken
important steps in practising what we preach. Last
December we published our first comprehensive national
Anti-Corruption Plan, which Eric Pickles will help take
forwards as my anti-corruption champion. We are
establishing a dedicated team of National Crime Agency
investigators to pursue overseas corruption and we
are strengthening our ability to prosecute professional
advisers who facilitate corruption. We were recently
judged by the OECD to be one of only four countries
globally which actively pursues bribery of foreign public
officials. We continue to lead the world on open data and
transparency and next year we will be the first major
country to establish a public central registry of who
really owns companies. This is a ground-breaking step
in countering money laundering and corruption - and I
will continue to press our overseas territories and crown
dependencies to follow our lead.
So now is the time to build on these foundations. Just as
we take the bold step to put fighting corruption at the
heart of our international dialogue, so we also need to
put fighting corruption at the heart of our international
institutions. We need to find ways of giving more support
and encouragement to those in business, civil society and
the media who are working to fight corruption - including
by expanding the use of open data globally, something
that could also play a crucial role in cleaning up football.
We need to do more to make the global business
environment more hostile to corruption and to support
the investigators and prosecutors who can help bring the
perpetrators to justice.
We also need to secure a fundamental change in the way
we tackle global poverty. As co-chair of the UN High Level
Panel I fought hard to put good governance at the heart
of the replacement for the Millennium Development
Goals. It took months of negotiation, but there is now a
clear international consensus for an explicit target on
reducing corruption and bribery. If we can galvanize the
world to meet it, we really could achieve our ambition of
eliminating extreme poverty by 2030.
The world of football is beginning a long road to rid
itself of corruption and it will take time, courage and
determination to see through the reforms that Fifa needs.
I believe world leaders must show the same courage
and determination to begin a long battle against the
corruption that threatens our security and prosperity
across the world. That will be my mission tomorrow at
the G7 and in the months and years ahead.
David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the United

the only institutions that really want to fight corruption.

Cllr. Sannoh said this creates an impression that nothing
is being done by the government towards the fight
against corruption.
THE MINISTER CANNOT with a straight face tell the
international community one thing and display a totally
different approach locally.
WHILE WE APPLAUD the ministers assertions that
the President has called on the National Legislature to
amend the Act establishing the Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission (LACC) to give it full prosecutorial powers,
we frown on the lip-service posture being exhibited
when it comes to fighting and curbing graft.
BUT OUR MOST damning disappointment lies in the
ministers statement to the UNSC regarding press
freedom when he asserts that there is "no restriction or

prior censorship on press freedom" in Liberia.

THIS IS NOT Minister Sannohs first time speaking
negatively about the media, especially when he goes
on to say that the media is not above the law and that
when there is clear and deliberate violation of the laws
of Liberia, the Government has the duty to bring those
responsible to justice to vindicate the integrity of the
law and for the greater good of the society.
THE MINISTERS statement is in poor taste especially
when he suggests that the government does not
condone violations by any of its institutions and remains
committed to fulfilling its obligations under local and
international laws.
IS THE MINISTER INSINUATING that the media is in
violation of something?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage






There you go! President Sirleaf cortuption endorsement continues.
How on Earth a government official and or an individual who is a
Subject of ongoing corruption investigation be ALOWED to leave
Liberia? We need to be real - Dismantle the So-Called, LACC, GAC n
likes. These entities are USELESS under our contemporary system
of governance. All of these nonsense talks of prosecutions are just
big bluff designed to shift attention from the endless stealing in
government. SHAME!!
President Sirleaf, over and again has proven to lack political will to
confront the Thieves-in-Laws in her domain. In 2018, it would be
interesting: ex-officials lined up in "Orange Suits" matching to court.
A hint!
One would logically assume that prior to this supposed 'MEDICAL
CHECK-UP" (???)PULOIN PARKER had to have had permission from
her bosses: A-The Board Of Directors B-PRESIDENT ELLEN C-Either
or both, most certainly so with this alleged $US 800,000.00 hovering
ever near her jugular extremities waiting for the slaughter-THE
FINAL SOLUTION!! In the absence of a formal written permission
for this ill-timed and suspicious 'Medical Check-Up",I,aver in the
strongest terms both her Board and her President are duplicitous
in this other hocus pocus developing tear jerking head dropping,
If not duplicitous, the entire Board should be unfrocked at double the
speed of sound and light combined! PRESIDENT ELLEN JOHNSONSIRLEAF or any senior puppeteer of her should convene a formal
meeting with the press corp of Liberia-FORTWITH!!
Taking wagers, to add insult to injuries, Poo Poo Pa Parker's MedicalCheck-Up,Per Diem, Airfare, Housing/Food, incidentals, etc. are being
funded by the Agency that, allegedly she hasn't or can't account for
$USA 800,000.00. Any suckers will to wager against me!!!??? LOL!!
The solution to this nonsense is PYJ as President in 2017 and all
these crooks and economic vampires will go underground and no
one will be using the Liberian people's money to travel to US for
medical check-up. If the medical facilities under this criminal empire
is good for the larger Liberian population; our so-called officials
should be able to use them and not travel in another country for
medical treatment. All these crooks and political hyenas will be
brought to special corruption to answer to their crimes against the
Liberian people. All pending audit reports will swiftly be prosecuted
and those found culpable will be dealt with in accordance with our
laws. When comes to security of the Nation, you can be rest assured
that PYJ will keep all the hooligans under control.
Tony, Respectfully, I assumed that you're kidding. From corrupt Ellen
to an idiot, come on; stop insulting Liberians.
What do you expect? She is an American, she back home end of story.
It is all a game . With all the opposition political parties , CDC ,
Liberty Party and what have you that makes up the same structural
corrupt government of see nothing , hear nothing and talk nothing
, what hope is there ? When Miss Johnson and her Unity Party leave
office , the one question the opposition that will replaced her be it
CDC , Liberty will be asking is , when Ellen was there and was doing
the same corrupt thing , what did your do ? Your move from here .
The people have voted in the best people they believe can and will
help the nation change course , but the end result is still the same
. Corruption in corruption out . It is a game played on the Liberian
people by the same corrupt politicians that makes up the structural
government . Waiting in the wind to do the same or even worse when
the heat is on . So for now , it is see nothing , hear nothing and do
nothing , until 2017 . Miss Parker leaving , just using her American
citizenship . It is a club formed within that government , and they
do know one another in that club . And the game is on the Liberian
nation and people . Want to join ?


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:



The Editor,

hy are some Liberians calling the CBL Governor, a "poverty doctor", for his generosity with other
people's money? Is that the new definition of the word "doctor"? I don't think so..... (Re "Western
Liberians Hail CBL Governor As a Poverty Doctor", Daily Observer Online, 06/02/2015) But hey,
if Governor Mills Jones is a "poverty doctor", why isn't his pill for poverty working, hmmmmm?
We all know that Doctor Jones' pill for curing poverty is the CBL's micro finance program. Under that program,
market women, here-now boys, and Mills Jones's lapdogs are given unsecured loans, backed by the Liberian
government, to start or grow their small businesses. But most of these people look at these unsecured loans
as free government money! That's why you see them dancing in the streets when their poverty pimp, oops, I
mean poverty doctor is in town! Free money is music to their ears!!! But who do you think MUST foot the bill
when these people default on their loans?? Itchy beard Governor Jones? Please.
Jones will be long gone when these collateral-free loans (da free government money) go into default. And
99.999999999999 percent of them will. Ultimately, the Liberian people (present and future taxpayers) will
have to pay back these risky loans one way and another! And while we're on that subject, where the hell does
the CBL gets its power to lend the people's money to market women? Part IX (Prohibited Operations of the
Central Bank of Liberia), Section 44 (1)(c) says that "The Central Bank shall NOT make unsecured advances,
whether by loans or overdrafts, except as provided in Section 32 (c)(ii). And no where in Section 32 talks about
making loans to lift Mill Jones' family and friends out of poverty! But when you look at the CBL's 2014 Audited
Financial Statements, you see US$5 million in UNSECURED loans disguised as Loan Extension and Availability
Facility (LEAF) to market women, here-now boys, and Mill Jones' lap dogs !!! Besides that, Governor Jones
have been operating the CBL at a loss. For 2012 and 2013, when Governor started building his mansion in
Sinoe County, our central bank posted operating losses of US$10 million and US$14 million respectively.
In 2014, the loss should have been US$18 million, but the Supreme Court of Liberia released the CBL of a
US$12.4 million obligation to TRADEVCO bank because, according to the Court's decision, "Tradevco does
not exit as a corporate entity" anymore! So the CBL's accountants recorded the Tradevco release as OTHER
INCOME because that was money they had to pay back, but now they can keep it... Look. You don't have to
be a CPA to know what's going at the Central Bank. All you need is some common sense! If you don't believe
anything I've said--just go look at the audited financial statements on the CBL's website and make your own
decision. On the other hand, If I continuously ran my business in red (losing money), you'd think I'm crazy to
lend money to my free-loading family and friends, right? And if I were to print money for my business, you'd
say it's counterfeiting, and call me a counterfeiter or a fraudster, won't you?
And if I were to write a check for money I didn't have, you'd call it stealing, and call me a born rogue, right? But
wait...Why do you call our Executive Bank Governor, who loses money (year in and year out) running the CBL;
prints money out of thin air, lends money to market women that we don't have, a poverty doctor? Do you have
rocks in your brains?? Enough of your silliness!
!f Jones were a poverty doctor, he'd use his own damn money to cure poverty and fund this lucrative boondoggle
(micro finance program), but he won't. Instead he goes around the country, acting like Santa Claus, giving away
"free government money" (unsecured loans) so people can vote for him in 2017. Look at his itchy beard.
Read my lips: Joseph. Mills. Jones. Is. Not. A. Poverty. Doctor. He. Is. A. Poverty. Pimp! And like all poverty
pimps, he profits from pretending to be champion of the poor while screwing the Liberian taxpayer. If you
don't believe what I just said, bend over and grab your ankles for Dr. Jones! Ouch!
Martin Scott
Atlanta, Georgia

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015



No good market, no better market because the people still think that Ebola here and our children not attending
schools, we heard that the Government is planning to support us for the meat we lost during the Ebola period but
nothing yet and we dont know when it will come- Musu Tuagbean a meat seller in Nimba County

Ganta, Nimba Countyan on the sale of bush

meat was one of the
measures put in place
by the Government of
Liberia through the Ministry
of Health to combat further
spread of the deadly Ebola
Nimba County is one of the
15 counties in Liberia where
the sale of bush meat is a huge
business and eating meat a
tradition in a county where the
common food is GB, a local food
mostly prepared with meat.
In Ganta, the largely populated
and commercial city one of
its major markets has over
15 tables owned by the meat
sellers but women who sell
meat told FrontPageAfrica
that the tables were broken
down during the height of the
outbreak of the virus.
The marketers said since they
returned to the market the sale
of meat is at a slow pace as
residents of Ganta and other
parts of the county are afraid
of eating meat.
Some of the residents said they
have nothing to restart their
bush meat business since their
last consignments of meat for
sale was burned and seized by
police officers in the county.
Speaking to FPA Ma Angeline
Yormie said I been selling
meat since 1992 to present;
they put stop to us during the
Ebola and we are not selling
like before, even the market
we bought during the Ebola
period everything spoil.
She continued when I came

Bettie Johnson/betty.johnson@frontpageafricaonline.com

from Tappita from buying

meat, the police seized the
meat, and today our children
here are not going to school,
see all this table that down,
they told us that they coming
resettle us but we dont know
the main situation because we
dont have nothing to sell with.
Another bush meat seller for
over 15 years, Martha Paye
said Since the Ebola they say
we shouldnt sell meat and my
last market spoiled, even the
one I had in the warehouse the
police took it and burned it and
since that time we have nothing
to start with; as I talking my

children not going to school,

just today my friend called me
to come take two meat bodies
to come start on it.
She added that they are just
sitting until the Government
can help empower them
because they solely rely on
meat selling to sponsor their
We are sitting here and
when some people feel for us
they give us small thing, my
children not going to school
because that this meat we used
to sell and send our children to
school. The meat they are not
buying it because the people

afraid and we even increase

the parts for $50.00 LD, she
Ma Mary Kazay, an eight-year
old woman explained that she
has been selling bush meat for
over 20 years and has to run
from her susu club members
because she took a loan to
improve her business but
was unfortunate that when
she bought the meat it was
arrested and burnt by police
I have been selling for over 20
years; we were selling the meat
one day we came from the
market the police said nobody

should buy meat but just for

the running of our families
we had to hide and sell some
of the meat but the people too
were afraid to buy before they
contact Ebola, she added.
Musu Tuagbean, another meat
seller told FPA it is problem
that Ebola put us were we are
now. We were here selling
meat and they told us to leave
the meat and we left; the police
broke down our tables, we
took all the meat we had in the
warehouse but the one we had
home all spoiled because we
ourselves were afraid to cook
it and the debt still on us.

taken: many locations were

not previously implementing
a strategy in the fight against
Now, health representatives are
engaging as many partners as
possible in order to establish
and maintain the systems that
aided in Liberias and Bongs
For both Bong and Yomou,
registration of all travelers is
critical, as it will aid in contact
tracing should there be more
active cases of Ebola in either
The delegations emphasized
play a significant role in this
People often cross the country
borders without using formal
checkpoints, and so an outbreak
would be more difficult to
isolate should there become one
in these areas.
However, border communities
are often tightknit and travelers
are easily identified, which
underscores the need for
continued awareness on EVD
detection and prevention in
communities, in addition to
the need to strengthen formal
health structures.
As Ebola becomes less visible,
health workers are worried that
complacency is becoming an
issue in maintaining Liberias

Ebola-free status.
One participant made a point
of asking to see photos of
EVD patients as proof that it
still exists; multiple leaders
responded that both sides of the
border must keep vigilant.
County Health Teams and
border community members
will continue to work together
across the county lines in order
to maintain awareness and
report ill travelers.
As Superintendent Selena P.
Mappy noted, If our neighbors
house is on fire, our house is on
fire as well.
The meeting attendees also
and potential solutions to
maintaining vigilance in the
fight against Ebola.
Notable among these was the
French and local languages are
widely spoken throughout the
region, and communications
from Liberia are mainly in
A suggested solution to this
issue was identifying language
communities who can play
a role in translating, which
is especially important for
unwritten languages.
Procedures are also currently
being translated into French so

Page 5

She further explained that her

children are home due to low
business over the last months.
Madam Tuagbean called on the
Government of Liberia to assist
them with loan to enable them
send their children to school.
Rebecca Deamah from another
city, Tappita in Nimba County
said For me I dont know
book, I meat seller but during
the Ebola they told us not to
sell so now you see my family
and myself eating dry cassava
without oil no salt and it is
hard on me and my family, no
market, I have 8 children and
if I see someone to help, it will
be ok, you see my grandchild
he went out of blood but God
passed through someone and
they came and helped me or
else he could have died.
She wants the Government of
Liberia to provide some help.
We are asking the Government
to help us with loan so that
we can come back fully and
establish ourselves mostly to
send our children to school. No
good market, no better market
because the people still think
that Ebola here and our
children not attending schools,
we heard that the Government
is planning to support us for
the meat we lost during the
Ebola period but nothing yet
and we dont know when it will
come, she states.
It can be recalled the some
112 marketers, predominantly
women from popular markets
in Monrovia and immediate
environs benefitted from
initiated by the United Nations
The marketers each received
Some of the markets include
Waterside, and Duala.
According to the UNDP, the
cash assistance is intended to
help women in this category
find alternative livelihoods
amid a ban placed on the sale
of bush meat.


Monroviaeaders from Liberia

and Guinea recently
met to discuss Ebola
their shared border.
Bong County Superintendent,
Selena P. Mappy and Yomou
Prefecture Prefect Mustapha
over the meeting, which
included Paramount Chiefs,
and Team Members, Joint
community leaders and NGO
This was the second of many
monthly meetings, coordinated
by Global Communities, to
be held between the two
counties (Bong and Yomou

Counties in Liberia and Guinea,

respectively) to discuss Ebola
surveillance at border crossings.
Such dedicated collaboration
demonstrates the high priority
with which the issue is treated
in both countries and the need
for wide participation from
stakeholders to implement a
Since being declared Ebola-free
on May 9th, 2015, and since the
last EVD case in Bong County
was recorded on December
21, 2014, Liberia has turned
its focus to ensuring that the
outbreak does not return.
As Guinea still has active cases,
this effort includes helping its
neighbors also become free of
the virus. The President of the
Bong Technical College noted

that Freedom of Guinea is

critical for freedom of Liberia,
since we live together as a
The Bong County Health Officer
shared his Countys strategy for
becoming Ebola free: building
and referring patients to the
Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU);
providing a place for suspected
persons to stay while being
tested for Ebola; and contact
Currently, the Bong Community
Health Team will stay vigilant in
its surveillance by using active
case finding, or seeking out
individuals who may have Ebola
and are crossing the border.
The Yomou Prefecture Health
strides that Guinea has already

that they can be more widely

Another concern raised was
the procedure to follow after
a suspected case is identified.
Health and NGO workers
emphasized that someone with
EVD symptoms should not
be sent back to their country,
which is often the first reaction
in any cross-border issue.
Instead, any persons with
symptoms should be referred to
nearby health centers or triages.
As a result, communities must
be aware of where to report
such cases so that information
can be gathered and distributed
as quickly as possible.
because, despite the significant
challenges faced in crossborder coordination different
languages, health systems and
government structures all
sides are committed to working
together for the common goal.
All many remaining issues will
require continued commitment
from those on both sides of the
border and to be discussed in
future meetings.
It can be recalled a meeting
of similar nature was held
in Pantah and Jorwah, Bong
County in February as part of
efforts to eradicate the Ebola
virus from Liberia and Guinea.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 6 | Frontpage




20 Public Health Units in Grand Cape Mount to

benefit from ECHOs 1,190,000 euros project

he Health Sector in Grand Cape Mount County received
giant push as 20 Health Units obtained humanitarian
aid. Grand Cape Mount is amongst the counties that
were badly hit by the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) thus
leading to the overwhelming of the county health system and
the death of hundreds of people in the county. In April this
year, Action Contre La Faim (ACF) and a local NGO, Ground
Water Exploration Incorporated (GWEI) conducted a technical
assessment of WASH status in Public Health Units of the county.
The assessment findings revealed the county health structures
as being in a deplorable state and many lacked basic Water
and Sanitation infrastructure such as latrines, water points,
incinerators, and others which tend to present serious problems
for smooth operation of Hospitals and Clinics. Structures of Some
Public Health Units were found to be leaking from the roof to an
extent that when it rains, authorities at these facilities are forced
to close for the day. Also as a result of no toilets in some health
facilities, patients and staff use the nearby bushes for defecation.
Safe Water is a serious challenge as patients and Public Health
Units staffs buy water from private water supply companies for
drinking and taking of pills.
In a bid to solve the problem, ACF and GWEI with funding from
the European Union Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
(ECHO) are now providing support to 20 selected Public Health
Units (PHUs) in the five health districts of the county. ACF in
conjunction with GWEI is providing latrines, water points,
incinerators, placenta pits, Ash pits, refuse pits and renovation of
some damaged structures in various health units. This goes along
with setting up community networks, providing Hospital Health
and Hygiene trainings to county health staff on various Infection
Prevention and Control (IPC) measures and improving routine
practices in the 20 targeted Public Health Units.
Moreover, ACF will train 200 proactive general Community
Health Volunteers (gCHVs) from many catchment communities
to support behaviour change and awareness for rebuilding the
trust of communities towards the use of Public Health Units in the
county. Public Health Units to benefit are: Mbaloma, Lofa Bridge,
Varguaye, Dambala, Kongo, Bambala, Gonelor, Fahnjah, Than Mafa,
and Mambo Communities Clinics. Others include: Tienii, Bowater
side, Diah, Than Gola Konneh, Kulangor, Gondama, Kpeneji, Zaway,
Singe Health Center and the St. Timothy Memorial Hospital.

resident Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf says the year
2015 is crucial and
a decisive time for
world leaders and global actors
to take steps that end world
hunger, poverty and suffering.
According to a dispatch, the
Liberian leader was addressing
a huge crowd of over 15,000
politicians, musicians, peace
activists, celebrities and civil
society leaders at a public
mobilization and poverty
eradication outdoor event in
Munich, Germany. She said the
year 2015 is a pivotal year to
change the future of world's
people and the planet.
The public gathering was
organized by the international
organization ONE and The
also included German and
International Civil Society
groups, called on German
Chancellor Angela Merkel
and other world leaders to
overcome extreme poverty by
The occasion was held at the
Knigsplatz in the center of
Munich. The message to world
leaders was: Its time to
keep your promise and show
courageous leadership we
must act now to end extreme
poverty. It was held under
the theme: United Against

President Sirleaf said the

decisions and actions that
global leaders and actors
collectively take in the next
few months will go a long
way to determining whether
continues or stalls.
She said in September, at
the United Nations General
will adopt a new agenda;
building upon the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs)
they will establish global goals
for sustainable development to
be achieved within the next 15
The Liberian leader said in
July in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
important decisions will be
taken at the Finance and
Development meeting when
nations, both rich and poor,
will demonstrate commitment
by policies and resources to
the New World Order and in
December, in Paris, France,
nations will determine the
path to respond to a changing
world due to climate change.
President Sirleaf noted that
an important precursor to
these meetings will take place
from June 7-8 in Germany as
primary leaders of the world,
the G7, meet to discuss the
global economy, global security
and the development policies
that will drive the new global
''The call from this audience
today is a call to the G7 and to
leaders of rich and developed

nations all over the world to

support the ambitious and
robust post-2015 development
goals to commit to provide
0.7 percent of gross national
income in official development
assistance, to commit to reduce
the debt distress of the highly
indebted poor countries,'' the
Liberian President said.
She told the cheering crowd
that it has been 25 years since
the end of the cold war, 25 years
since Nelson Mandela walked
out of prison, 25 years since
democracy began to sweep full
force across the developing
world, and now 15 years since
the international community
established the Millennium
Development Goals.
''There is
no doubt that
been made in developing
countries as a result of strong
President Sirleaf stressed,
adding, sub-Saharan Africa is
a clear example where malaria
mortality has been cut nearly
in half since 2000 and AIDS
related deaths fell by one-third
in just eight years between
2005 and 2013.''
She said the mortality rate for
children under-five has fallen
by nearly half since 1990;
literally saving millions of lives
every year. Primary school
enrollment have jumped from
52 percent to 77 percent
since 1990 with the biggest
increases for girls. Primary
school enrollment for girls are

now almost at parity with boys,

which is a huge difference from
25 years ago and that the share
of people in sub-Saharan Africa
living in extreme poverty has
fallen from 61 percent in 1993
to 47 percent in 2011.
Quoting a World Bank study,
President Sirleaf revealed that
almost half the worlds over
three billion people live
on less than $2.50 a day, the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
of the 41 Heavily Indebted
Poor Countries (567 million
people) is less than the wealth
of the worlds seven richest
nations combined; nearly a
billion people entered the
21st century unable to read a
book or sign their names and
less than one percent of what
the world spent every year
on weapons should have put
every child into school by the
year 2000.
The Liberian leader told the
gathering that the world can
eradicate extreme poverty, get
more children in school with
much higher quality education,
and ensure that women have
greater property rights and
greater access to health,
education and finance.
She noted by sustained
development with people at
the center, the world can stop
illegal migration, and remove
the global threats of infectious
disease. We can as call for in
the Sustainable Development
Goals strive for a world that
is just, equitable and in the
year 2030 a World Without
Extreme Poverty, she pointed
Also speaking at the event
was the German Federal
Development Minister Gerd
Muller who said the event
demonstrates the campaigners
determination to see a world
that is just and livable for every
human population.
Mr. Muller said the world
leaders need to act to ensure
equitable distribution of the
world's resources thus ending
hunger, poverty and disease.
Among those attending the
event were ; Hugh Evans,
Chief Executive Officer of
Global Citizens; Adrian Lovett,
Executive Director of ONE;
American musician Usher and
Kweku Mandela, the grandson
of the late South African
President and Civil Rights
Campaigner, Nelson Mandela.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Re-Advertised Invitation for Bids (IFB)

National Competitive Bidding
Regular Servicing, Maintenance & Repairs of Motor Vehicles and Bikes
IFB No. LRA/NCB/003/014-015
1. The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has received funds from the Government of Liberia
through budgetary allocations and intends to apply part of it to fund eligible payments under the contract for
Repairs &Maintenance of its fleet of light, heavy-duty motor vehicles and bikes for its FY 2014/2015 operations.
2. This procurement covers Regular Servicing, Maintenance & Repair of motor vehicles and bikes as fully detailed
under Section V Schedule of Requirements for use by the Liberia Revenue Authority. The items are categorized
under three (3) procurement lots as indicated below;
Regular Servicing, Maintenance & Repairs of Vehicles
Including Towing of Vehicles to Garage






Supply of Vehicle Spare Parts






Regular Servicing, Maintenance & Repairs of Motor Bikes

All interested bidders and service providers must indicate a current business address where the physical location
of their premises can be found.
3. The Liberia Revenue Authority now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for Regular Servicing,
Maintenance & Repair of Motor Vehicles and Bikes including supply of vehicle/bike spare parts.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the PPCA
and approved by the PPCC, and is open to all eligible bidders.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the below address within the hours of 9:30 am
to 3:00pm
Walter J. Dean,
Liberia Revenue Authority
LRA Logistics Management Section
Ministry of Finance& Development Planning,
Broad &Mechlin Street-Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: 231-(0886) -517-891
Email: walter.dean@lra.gov.lr
6. Qualification requirements include the following:
A bid securing declaration
A valid tax clearance Certificate
Company profile
Names of current past/clients and their contact details
List of administrative and technical staff
List of mechanical equipment
Workshop or garage space
Proof of similar services provided
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before June 12, 2015 at 12:00pm
8. All bids must be clearly marked with the address indicated below.
Servicing, Maintenance & Repair of Motor Vehicles and Bikes
Ref: IFB No. LRA/RB/003/14-15
Liberia Revenue Authority Headquarters
ELWA Junction
Paynesville, Liberia
Tel: 231-(0886) -517-891 walter.dean@lra.gov.lr
9. Bids will be opened on June 12, 2015 at 12:00pm, in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to
attend, at the address below:
10. Bids must be delivered to the below address at or before June 12, 2015 at 12:00pm and shall be valid for a
period of Ninety (90) days after the deadline of Bid submission. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing
Declaration. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders representatives who
choose to attend at the address below on Friday, June 12, 2015.
14. Electronic and late bids will not be accepted.
Liberia Revenue Authority Headquarters
ELWA Junction
Paynesville, Liberia
Note: This IFB and other LRA related information are also available at www.lra.gov.lr and Liberia Revenue
Authority Facebook page.
Oliver N. Rogers, II
Deputy Commissioner General Adm. Affairs
Walter J. Dean
Procurement Manager

Page 7


CIBS is a professional Insurance Institute accredited by the International Accreditation Organization
(IAO) and Ministry of Education, Liberia. The Institution is also approved by Bureau of Insurance,
Ministry of Transport and recognized by the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL). Cusworth is a Pan
African business school and a professional Insurance institute with study centers in South Africa,
Lagos, and USA respectively. In recognition of its professionalism and international standards, CIBS
is also accredited by the International Accreditation Organization (IAO) USA, and its accreditation
documents are endorsed by the Secretary of State of United States of America Hon. John F. Kerry. CIBS
is an indigenous Liberian institution duly incorporated and accredited by the Bureau of Technical
and Professional Education, Ministry of Education, Liberia.
Accreditation and Affiliation
Cusworth International Business School (CIBS) has a very strong partnership with the following
professional institutions:
Professional Bodies Affiliates;

1. Chartered Insurance Institute of London (CII London)

2. Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CII Nigeria)
3. Institute of Chartered Accountants, Nigeria (ICAN)
4. Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management
5. National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria
Academic Universities Affiliates;

1. Anointed University, Johannesburg South Africa

2. AME Zion University College
3. Lincoln College of Professional Studies
Programs Offered

CIBS is the only accredited Insurance professional Institute in Liberia. It offers the following
Insurance & Risk Management
Computer Engineering

After a thorough research on the higher education institutions in Liberia, it was realized that none of
the HEIs are offering Insurance & Risk Management, Marketing or Computer Engineering, which we
consider critical to the current socio-economic situation and the human resource needs of Liberia.
Liberia needs an institution that will boost economic growth and enhance human capacity
development. For any business to succeed, the awareness of risk exposure and effective measures
on managing those risks are very important and cannot be overlooked. All business enterprises,
including banks, factories, industries, and even government, are being exposed to high risks on a
daily basis. It is against this background that CIBS, in collaboration with its partners and affiliates,
has decided to bring these programs to the Liberian people as a means of bridging this gap.
The benefits of the above courses to Liberian economy cannot be over-emphasized. For instance,
every business enterprise requires the services of skilled and well-trained marketers to showcase
and carry their finished products to the general public, irrespective of what they are producing.
Without marketing and proper awareness of goods & services, companies will fold up. Yet, Liberia
does not have any higher institution that is offering Marketing as a major discipline.
Unfortunately, after a thorough review on the top licensed insurance companies in Liberia, it was
observed that majority of them have their heads of Technical and Risk Management departments
working as expatriates / foreigners who pose a great challenge to Liberian citizens. These people
are hired, with huge salaries, official cars, furnished houses / apartments, in these positions that
Liberians could comfortably occupy and boost employment in the country if necessary man power
is available in these areas. In Nigeria, over 70 higher institutions offer Insurance as a discipline and
Nigeria also has Chartered Insurance Institute, empowered by law to qualify professionals. The
same goes with Ghana, Sierra-Leone, and WAII that was in Liberia in the 80s; WAII is now in Gambia
offering Insurance & Risk Management up to Master Degree in affiliations with University of South
Africa (UNISA).
Liberia therefore remains the only country within the sub-region of English speaking West Africa
that does not offer any degree in Insurance and does not have any higher institution training people
in this all-important discipline. It is in view of this that CIBS is set up to empower Liberian citizens
to qualify and occupy this vital position in the Insurance industry to perform the required vital roles
in the Liberian economy.
Also, we are now in the computer age where every aspect of global economy is driven by modern
technology. It was on this note that CIBS realized the importance of qualified and skilled computer
engineers in Liberia and endeavor to bridge this gap by offering computer engineering course which
will enable Liberians to take the advantage of global technology trend to boost Liberia economy.
At CIBS, 80% of the faculty lecturers are academically qualified individuals & scholars with good
wealth of experience in their respective areas of specialization. This class of individuals, apart from
their length of experience, also possesses professional qualifications in their respective disciplines.
CIBS will resume for the next academic semester June 30, 2015. Interested persons are invited to
visit our prestigious campus @ Fiamah Sinkor, Coleman Avenue opposite Eden Water by 20th Street,
Monday to Friday between 8:00am to 6:00pm
For further enquiries, contact: 0777444499, 0555657106, 0880005353, 0880140550
and 0777444429. Email: cibs_liberia@yahoo.com, cibslibltd@yahoo.com;
website: www.
Registration is in Progress!!!
Hurry Now & Enroll!!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 8 | Frontpage


Bettie Johnson/ betty.johnson@frontpageafricaonline.com

Monrovian Saturday, in Sanniquellie, Nimba County several

citizens and residents gathered for the official opening
of the second Nimba County rural community finance
There were students dressed in uniforms, motorcyclists in yellow
T-shirts with inscription Welcome to Nimba Dr. J. Mills Jones,
Women groups, disabled group, among others all attending the
occasion characterized by speeches commending the work of the
Central Bank in the county.
Speaking at the program, Central Bank of Liberia Executive
Governor Dr. J. Mills Jones commended the citizens for the huge
turnout promising that he will work with them in improving the
countys economy.
Reacting strongly to his detractors, Governor Jones cautioned
against what he termed the baseless argument against his
financial empowerment of ordinary citizens in the country.
According to him, the action of CBLs financial inclusion is based
on findings and responses to situations that exist in Liberia
especially fighting poverty.
We shall not allow detractors to distract us from our drive to
empower ordinary Liberians because they know we are doing
the right thing to lift them up. This nonsense must stop, warned
Governor Jones.
Governor Jones said he can no longer sit and see ordinary people
We are in the fifteenth year of this 21st century and there is no
doubt that as a nation we are far removed from where we used to
be potentially. We cannot play with the detriment of our country
and need to put our economy on a new path which is a defining
challenge of our time, Dr. Jones said.
He maintained his argument that empowering Liberians is not a
There is nothing wrong with using Liberian resources to fight
poverty in the country, especially where the people are striving
to make a living. At the CBL, we are not using the reserves of the
country to fight poverty, he insisted.
Governor Jones told the gathering that a reputable institution
regularly audits the Central Bank of Liberia and therefore there is
no reason for people to call for an audit of the bank.
CBL is audited by the international auditing firm Price
Waterhouse, he disclosed.
He noted that the poverty reduction program through micro
financing came about during the African Governance Summit of
Central Banks in Abuja March 2014 when Governors of various
African banks decided to tackle and support the economies and
poverty reduction in the sub-region.
Making reference to former Nigeria Bank Governor and those of
Bangladesh, the CBL boss said those two countries are providing
credit to small businesses and extending loans to people in rural
areas who are able to meet the credit requirements of commercial
The CBL Governor maintained that if a true Liberian middle class
is to be created, Liberians must be empowered economically.
He said Liberians must have the vision and will to bring about
economic transformation. We must not do things the same way
which has brought us where we are today.
The CBL Governor responding to his detractors who he said are
in the constant habit of misleading the public that the bank is
using the countrys resources to empower Liberian citizens and
therefore they must stop the negative criticism that would not
help them.
Liberia, he said belongs to everyone and as such everyone should
have an equal opportunity.
He used the occasion to call on the people of Nimba to be united
in order to bring about meaningful benefits.
The CBL Boss said when united, the people of Nimba and any

CBL Governor Jones Warns Critics over loan initiative

Dr. Jones handing the finance institution certificate to

Madam Margaret Korkpor

Dr. J. Mills Jones delivers speech in Sanniquelle

Front view of the Nimba Rural community finance institution

other counties will find value in diversity, saying, Lets say no to
the destructive politics of tribalism.
Speaking on self-employment, Dr. Jones
said there is high
percentage of unemployment and its an issue that needs to be
He disclosed that the CBL did not just go to the commercial bank
as some critics have suggested.
Not time for Empty promise
Governor Jones further said Its time to look for the Liberian man
and Woman who care about Liberia, those who believe in Liberia,
those who stand up for Liberia and those who say count on me
for what I have done, the interest of Liberia is not about empty
promises neither destroying excellence so that mediocrity can
Dr. Jones continued: The success of the economy must stand, we
must build Liberia entrepreneurship, we must be more productive
and resources available to government must be directed toward
and creating an enabling environment for our capitalist system
that we believe in.
Commenting on equilibrium, the CBL boss declared I can assure
you that equilibrium will be prioritized, it will be equilibrium
built on poverty, it will be equilibrium built on different
equality, dependency, it is one thing to seek in order to promote

development and its another to be dependent on from generation

to generation.
Time to stop
Nimba County Senator Thomas Grupee commended the bank and
said he wonder why people should question the jobs done by the
CBL if the jobs are done in the interest of the Country.
People come to me and say you know that Dr. Jones not doing
this for nothing; and I ask so what, if you have a person who cares
for your country and providing for the people and you want to
lead them , if you want him tomorrow select him; if you dont
, select anyone you want so why be jealous of someone who is
trying to do something for his country Senator Grupee said.
One of the board members of the newly constructed bank, Madam
Margret Korkpor said the construction of the bank should be
embraced because residents traveled to other banks where it
takes over three hours to receive their salaries.
Our bank has over 150 shareholders namely: market women,
young and old, lawyers and judges. This bank will have a saving
account, money transfer through Western Union and Money
gram, she said.
She also called for more support to the bank through security
stating that the profit will be shared by themselves if the economy
of the county improves.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CBL Director of Administration Madam D. Sheba Brown in Ganta


Dr. Jones in a chat with Nimba Senator Thomas Grupee

Cultural performers at the program

In the program hall in Sanniquelle, Nimba County

Dr. Jones guarded by security including his chief of staff Crayton Duncan (in white)
during his entry into the program hall in Sanniquelle

CBL board of Governors with one of the board members, John Bestman of
the newly financial institution and Madam Margaret Korkpor

Dr. Jones arrival and brief stop in Ganta City, Nimba County

Citizens making their way into the Administrative building in Sanniquelle

Page 9

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 10 | Frontpage



Our income used to be US$3.5 million but now we are receiving US$1.8 million. And we have 240 students. The
government of Liberia promised US$75,000 allocated in the 2014 budget, but we were made to understand that
was under the Legislative project and not under government subsidy, so we did not receive anything. So at the
beginning of next year, we will only run the vocational program like BWI because there is no fund to run a full skill
academy program. - Rev. Thomas Z. Paye, Director, Lutheran Training Institute (LTI).

Mae Azango mae.azango@frontpageafricaonline.com

Lawals Lawyer Accuses Government
of Human Rights Abuse

Henry Karmo (0886522495) henrykarmo@frontpageafricaonline.com

Salayea Lofa County

he Lutheran Training Institute as you know it may soon
become extinct unless serious budgetary allotments are
made to save what was once Liberias most Academia
Institution now nearly at the verge of collapse with only
240 students left on the campus.
A visitor during a recent visit found the institution which has
molded the minds of many top level government officials in near
ruin, forgotten and abandoned.
Rev. Thomas Z. Paye, Director of the Institute says it is only a
matter of time before the school may be forced to fold up.
Our income used to be US$3.5 million but now we are receiving
US$1.8 million. And we have 240 students. The government of
Liberia promised US$75,000 allocated in the 2014 budget, but
we were made to understand that was under the Legislative
project and not under government subsidy, so we did not receive
anything. So at the beginning of next year, we will only run the
vocational program like BWI because there is no fund to run a full
skill academy program.
Situated in Salayea, Lofa County, the LTI Campus appeared more
like a ghost town, when FPA reporter recently visited the county.
Male students occupying the dilapidated boys dormitory, recently
renovated by the church partners abroad, were seen seated
outside of the dormitory, making remarks about the remaining
decapitated dormitories and buildings.
If you want to see more ugly buildings, just go in the back, you
will see more, one points the visitor in the direction of the rear
end of the building. Even the septic tank, has fallen in, and that is
a serious threat to our lives, another student laments.
Walking miles away from the campus, with sweat pouring
down his face, Director Paye does his best to keep sanity amid
the looming ruins as he attempted to run after school matters
when journalist caught up with him on the road. Wearing a white
T-shirt and a pair of dark blue pants, a disappointed looking Paye
explains that every year, 200 students are trained free of charge
in eight disciplines under the Church of Sweden fund. But he is
afraid that the program would not be able to continue, due to the
shortage of funds. And the students will suffer the effect most.
When the churchs fund was converted to US Dollars, we used
to receive US$251,000 but because the Swedish currency has
dropped on the market, we now receive US$165,000 US Dollars
and that amount cannot carry all of the students for the year. So
we have no choice, but to discontinue the program, Director Paye
Paye says Vice President Joseph Boakai recently visited the
institute and heard the plight. When I brought up the salary
issue, he said he would see what he can do, but we have not heard
from him yet. Even President Sirleaf promised two years ago to
restore our water facility, but we wait to see that happen.

Paye says the lack of a vehicle on campus is also making life

unbearable for students and faculty.
The LTI boasts some high-profile former and current government
officials who passed through the doors of LTI including: Senator
Jewel Howard Taylor, Sandra Howard, Bell Dunbar, Walter
Gwenigale Joe Keller, Hans Barchue and a host of others. These
People have turned their backs on the Institution, as if they never
came through these walls. They would pass here while driving
through to go to Voinjama and would never care to stop here for a
brief moment. If only we could have them come and give back to
their roots, LTI will be second to none in the country.


As a way of helping the government in catering to the population,
the LTI owned and operated by the Lutheran Church of Liberia,
was established as one of the few outstanding institutions in the
early 1900s to train Liberians in various field of studies. But since
the civil unrest, the Institution that was badly affected has not
been able to pick up its broken pieces, leaving the church to carry
the weight.
Mrs. Naomi Ford Wilson, General Secretary, Lutheran Church
of Liberia explains that it is the governments responsibility to
provide basic services to the citizenry. But says, if the church is
doing that, we are buttressing governments efforts as part of our
mission. So we should not be struggling as we are doing now. So
we would really like to see government doing more than what
they are doing in providing the little subsidy,
Madam Wilson said when the LTI was reopened, they were not
receiving subsidy, but through lobbying, they were able to receive
a minimum subsidy, which has not been forthcoming. Most times
she says, the academic year goes into the middle before they
receive the first face.
Like last year, we did not receive the second phase of the subsidy.
Now we are in a new year, and nothing has come so far. If we are
not receiving subsidy from the government on time, how do we
maintain the teachers? Because no teacher from Monrovia would
want to go up there and be paid less, so we have to make the
salaries attractive before a teacher agrees to teach up country.
Therefore the little subsidy we receive goes toward salaries for
the teachers, Said Mrs. Wilson.
Government subsidies are usually given every year to private
and church-run intuitions such as LTI, the Catholic Church school
system, the Methodists Church school system, Presbyterian
Church school system the Baptists Church school system and the
Pentecostal Church school system among others, through the
ministry of Education. But many of the institutions mentioned
have all complained over the years that they receive little or
no subsidy from government, hence leaving them in strenuous
Commenting on the products of LTI, she said it is true that LTI
has put out a lot of products, of which many are in the national
legislature. But she says she wont want to say they all are not
helping, because a handful of them have been very supportive.
She says the the little subsidy they are receiving is through the
efforts of the few.
It is not every one of us, are good at paying back, because if all
of LTI products that are in the legislature were just looking back
to see whence LTI took them from, they will be doing more and
we wont even be begging. So my call to all LTI products, is that
we want you to come and help save the Institution with whatever
you have. We will accept Cash, kind and even building materials to
renovate buildings in your familys name if you want.
Efforts to get a response from the Ministry of Education regarding
subsidies were met with a brick wall.
Felicia Doe-Sumah, Assistant Minister of Secondary Education,
referred inquiries to
the ministrys controller, Mr. Augustine Josiah who is said to be
responsible for subsidies and teachers salaries. But Mr. Josiah
told a FrontPageAfrica reporter to return later because the
turn-over ceremony for the new minister had everybody busy.
However when FPA returned the following day and the day after,
the controller was not available to comment.

Monroviaawyers representing the interest of accused Tony Praise

Lawal in the alleged shooting complaint filed by Mr. Sam
B. Cooper against the accused have said their client rights
were violated by officers of the Liberian National Police
while in the process of instituting arrest.
According to Cllr. Cooper Kruah, lead defense lawyer from the
Henries Law firm, his client was arrested by one officer whom
he only described as officer Caine and others without any search
warrant, with all of his personal belongings including telephones
Cllr. Kruah said: When our client, Mr. Lawal was approached
by Mr. Caine he made a request to him to allow him make a
telephone call to his lawyer. He was permitted to dial a telephone
number of one of his lawyers but the call did not go through.
Immediately thereafter, Mr. Lawal was physically grabbed by
officer Johnny/R-5 along with other unidentified police officers
and handcuff was placed on his hand even though he had offered
to go with the police.
The legal team also claimed that their client remained in detention
for the first twenty-four hours, between June 2 to 3 without being
told why he was detained in keeping with the law and constitution
of the Republic of Liberia.
At a news conference Monday Cllr. Kruah referenced Article
21sub-paragraph b and c of the 1986 Liberian constitution which
states no person shall be subject to search or seizure of his
person or property, whether on a criminal charge or for any other
purpose, unless upon warrant lawfully issued upon probable
cause supported by a solemn oath of affirmation, specifically
identifying the person or place to be searched stating the objective
of the search.
According to the constitution, every person suspected or accused
of committing a crime shall immediately upon arrest be informed
in detail of the charges, of the right to remain silent and of the fact
that any statement made could be used against him in court of
law and such person shall be entitled to counsel at every stage of
the investigation.
Evading privacy
Cllr. Kruah also accused the Police of reading every personal
communication in Mr. Lawals phone thereby evading his privacy
and a further violation of his personal right under Liberias
criminal law which protects an individual accused of a criminal
act from providing evidence against his or herself.
The Henries Law firm lead lawyer also disclosed that after more
than twenty-four hours, Mr. Lawal was told he was arrested and
being investigated because of an alleged shooting incident against
the vehicle of Mr. Sam B. Cooper, the owner of a construction
company known and styled West Wood Construction Company.
What is more troubling is that a police officer, Johnny /R-5 who
carried out the illegal arrest and detention of our client is said to
be the first cousin of Mr. Sam B. Cooper the alleged complaint.,
said Cllr. Kruah.
The lawyer further added Additionally, the fact that Mr. Sam B.
Cooper, the manager of the West Wood construction Company
and Mr. Praise Lawal, our Client, who is also President /CEO
of Paelat Construction Company, are competitors in the same
industry raises eyebrows whether the actions against Mr. Praise
Lawal is something deliberate and an attempt to bring him into
Public disrepute.
He had no part in shooting
Commenting on the shooting allegation Cllr. Kruah said, his client
had nothing to do with the shooting incident against Mr. S.B
Cooper and that his rights were violated as in keeping with the
constitution and that he reserved the right to seek any remedy
against any person who was instrumental, masterminded,
encouraged and planned the illegal action against him through
the courts of law in Liberia.
The legal team has also requested all newspapers that made public
this information which were carried on the line with implications
that Mr. Lawal was involved in the alleged shooting incident
which exposed their client to public ridicule and affected his army
business relationships both Nationally and internationally to take
corrective actions to set the record straight by reporting the truth
to the world as per the statement.
On what initial police findings has against his client, Cllr. Kruah
said, investigation conducted by the police has shown that the
accused had nothing to do with the alleged shooting and he has
been set free and cleared to go home.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Page 11



Former Bank Employees on the run For US$1.2m Theft
Kennedy L. Yangian kennedylyangian@frontpageafricaonline.com 0777296781

Monroviahe Criminal Court

C at the Temple of
Justice has issued
an arrest order for
several former employees
of the First International
Bank Liberia Limited widely
believed to be on the run for
bail jumping.
The former employees who
were serving the bank in
late 2012 when they were
arrested and charged with
the commission of various
criminal offences including
theft of property, forgery,
money laundering, criminal
facilitation and impersonation
were forward
to court
for prosecution but were
temporarily freed on bail
offered by the Sky Insurance
Company .
However effort by the Sky
produce the living bodies of
seven of the 10 defendants for

trial have proven futile as the

management of the Insurance
company has told the court
that it is unable to locate nine
of the defendants except one.
We wish to say that in obedient
of your honour order to have
the defendants presented to
court today but all efforts had
failed to find the defendants
thereby embarrassing the
issuance company the legal
counsel of the Sky Insurance
Company Atty. Festus Nowon
told the court last week.
As court has given the Sky
Insurance Company up to
Tuesday (today) to produce
the living bodies of the 10
defendants the court has also
ordered through it sheriff
to arrest and bring to court
the living bodies of all the
defendants who are on trial for
a US$1.2m theft.
Part of the arrest orders of
Judge Peter Gbeneweleh reads:
By directive of his houour
Peter Gbeneweleh, assigned

Circuit Judge presiding over

the First Judicial Criminal
Assizes C for Montserrado
County, Temple of Justice,
Monrovia, Liberia you are
hereby ordered empowered,
commanded to arrest on
sight the living bodies of the
defendants who are charged
with the commission of the
crimes of Theft of property,
forgery, money laundering,
impersonating official.
The judge also ordered
You must also include their
mothers as well as third party
beneficiaries and for with bring
them before the presiding
judge of the first Judicial
Circuit Criminal AssizesC for
Montserrado County to answer
to charges levied against them
The Judge order continued
and stated that when the
defendants are arrested after
the normal working hour, day

Sunday or holiday or during the

night time, the arresting officer
must have them detained at
the nearest police depot substation, zone until the next
working day when they shall
have been forwarded to court
for prosecution.
Freeman Robert Cummings
and Angie Brooks others are:
Ngadi Waritay, Aurelia Tamba,
Kebbeh Clark Beyan Dadzi and
Victoria Kakuba
According to court record codefendant Aurelia Tamba is
reported to be in the country
but could not appear in court
when the case was assigned
due to illness which was
brought to the attention of
the court lawyer Atty. Festus
Nowon from the Dougbor Law
office which is representing
the legal interest of the Sky
Insurance Company.

plenary makes a
the confirmation of Health
Minister designate Dr. Bernice
Dahn; the National Health
Workers Union of Liberia has
over the senate health
committee recent decision to
present Dr. Dahn to plenary for
discussion on confirmation.
We are disappointed in
of Grand Kru County, it is
unfortunate that the same
Senator Coleman who called
Dr. Dahn to order on NAHWALs
legitimacy, wrote the plenary
to say that Dr. Dahn has
pledged to resolve grievances
of various associations. We are
surprise at Senator Tornola of
Margibi in whose county 40
health workers died of Ebola.
We are disappointed in Senator
Jaye of River Gee whose County
is understaffed with health
workers and under supported
by MOH under Dr. Dahn,
NAHWAL Secretary General
George Poe Williams said.
Williams continued we had
hoped that Senator J. Gbleh-bo
Brown, former superintendent
of Maryland, with wealth of
experience from the UN circle
would not have signed as
even his own county has been
duped out millions of United
States dollars from the county
budget under Dr. Dahn as the
Chief Medical Officer.
Williams called on the senate
plenary not to confirm the
health Minister designate
cautioning the lawmakers to
think about Liberia.
NAHWAL position on Dr.
Bernice Dahn confirmation is
firm and unchanged. We call
on the plenary of the Liberian
senate to think twice in this
process for mama Liberia.
We called on the senate to
conclude this matter speedily,
Williams added.
The head of the health workers
said, their stance against the
health Minister designate Dr.
Dahn is to prevent the health
sector from collapsing.
Our quest is to advocate and
we seek for a better health
care delivery system for the
poverty stricken four million
Liberians who cannot afford to
go abroad for treatment when
they become ill, Williams said.
Williams thanked Senator
Nyonblee K. Lawrence of Grand
Bassa and Senator George
Weah of Montserrado counties
for refusing to affix their
signature to the confirmation
Williams said claims made by
Dr. Dahn that an OIC [Officer
in Charge] stole drugs from the
Clara Town health is untrue
adding that the OIC serves as a
whistleblower on the misuse of
gasoline by the administrator.
The OIC was simply a
whistleblower who unearthed
how gasoline issued by Dr.
Dahns office to that facility
was mismanaged by the
administrators, in order to
protect the administrator
which was Dr. Dahn interest,
they cleverly said the OIC
stole drug two years earlier,
Williams added.

Williams said, the Health

Minister designate has linked
health workers to motorcyclists
adding that Dr. Dahn want
to give an impression that
health workers are lawless and
The secretary General of
NAWAL said, if Minister
Designate Dahn is saying that
health workers run criminal
abortion, she must say what
she has been doing as Chief
Medical officer for the last ten
An Agenda item on the Senate
deliberation for the Thursday
June 4th working session
from the Committee on Health
recommending Plenary to
confirm the Health Minister
Designate, Dr. Bernice Dahn
was deferred to next session
as a result of a concern raised
by Senator Nyounblee Karnga
Lawrence (LP-Grand Bassa
In her concern the Grand Bassa
County Lawmaker alarmed
that she was excluded from the
confirmation hearing process
of the Minister designate
which led to her signature not
affixed on the report sent to
plenary by the committee.
The Grand Bassa County
lawmaker concern brought the
whole activities of the senate
to a halt as consultation took
over the floor between the
presiding Pro-Tempore Armah
Jallah later involving the Vice
President who at some point
presided over the session.
The senate health committee
is one of the biggest statutory
committees next to the Ways,
Means and Finance and
Security Committees with a
membership of 7.
Mr. Presiding, I am concern
why my signature is not on the
health committee report and
why Bassa County was not part
of such a serious confirmation
hearing, Senator Lawrence
Recently, Senator Lawrence
wrote the Plenary of the
Liberian senate asking that
body to prevail on statutory
committees not to hold
nominees whose names are
listed in reports from the
General Auditing Commission
(GAC) or accused by the Liberia
Anti-Corruption Commission
The Grand Bassa County
was heavily debated by the
senators in session with
several senators against the
idea including Senator Albert
Chie (ADP-Grand Kru County),
Conmany Wesseh (UP-River
Gee County), and Milton
Teahjay (UP-Sinoe County)
amongst others.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 12 | Frontpage

GERMANY resident
Johnson Sirleaf says
electricity is cardinal
economic revitalization and
reconstruction drive.
The Liberian leader said the
potential for doing business
and experiencing growth
is significantly tied to the
availability of electricity and
other sources of power, which
will propel the economy and
enhance production.
According to a dispatch from
Munich, Germany, President
Sirleaf was speaking when
she visited the VOITH hydro
manufacturing facilities in
Germany where she has gone
to see firsthand the level of
work being done on three
power turbines and other
parts for installation at the
Mount Coffee hydro plant in
She stressed that the current
22 megawatts of power being
used in Monrovia and its
environs with a population of
about 1.3 million was grossly
insufficient and inadequate to
address the level of investment
and development that the
country has seen after the
Liberian civil crises.
The Liberian leader said the
Mount Coffee hydro with 80
megawatts of power supply
and the construction of
additional mini hydro plants
for the supply of electricity in
other parts of the country will
greatly impact growth and
development in a major way
and transform the lives of the
President Sirleaf emphasized
that in addition to the Mount
Coffee hydro project and
other mini hydro plants in
rural areas, the country has
made regionally efforts with
its neighbors in the supply of
electricity through the West
Africa Power Pool to about
18 communities that share
borders with Ivory Coast. The
project is being worked out
with Liberia, Sierra Leone,
Guinea and Ivory Coast for the
supply of electricity from the
Ivory Coast to the other Mano
River Union countries.


President Sirleaf Declares During Visit to VOITH Hydro Plant in line with Mount Coffee Hydros Rehabilitation in Germany

She said without major

infrastructure like power,
roads and water, other
like the effective running of
schools, improvement in the
health sectors, the country's
agriculture program and other
meaningful projects will not be
At the same time, the Liberian
President emphasized the
need for human resource
through vocational training of
Liberians at the VOITH training
institute in Germany for the
management of the hydro and
other power sources being
built across the country.
Sirleaf and delegation to
the company's facilities, the
President and Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of VOITH Holding,
Dr. Hubert Lienhard, pledged
his company's preparedness
and determination to work
with the Liberian government
in making sure that the Mount

Coffee hydro is up and running

in an effective and sustainable
Dr. Lienhard said energy and
power supply is an essential
growth and the most reliable
and stable source for any
industrial sector and its a
fundamental pre-requisite for
investments and improving the
standard of its people.
He said VOITH remains
engaged with Liberia and want
to ensure safe, renewable,
sustainable and reliable energy
source to the population
through the construction and
operational capacity of the
Mount Coffee hydro and the
need for mini hydro plants
across the country in the
Dr. Lienhard said currently
VOITH hydro power is
manufacturing three power
turbines for installation at the
Mount Coffee hydro plant in
Liberia and said the first of the
three turbines is ready to be

sent to Liberia in December

2015 with the second and third
turbines to be sent between
February and March 2016 for
He noted that the contract
for a fourth turbine will be
signed shortly to start its
manufacturing. Dr. Lienhard
said the company is trying
to make sure that a 95-ton
powerhouse crane is to be sent
to Liberia in mid-July 2015 to
start operations.
Speaking earlier, the former

President of the Federal

Republic of Germany and
former International Monetary
Dr. Horst Kohler, praised
President Sirleaf for the level
of development and peace she
has restored to her country
and her role at the UN High
Level Panel on the Post-2015
Development Agenda that
brings hope to the people of
Liberia and the world.
Dr. Kohler said the partnership
between VOITH and the

resuscitation of the Mount
hydro plant is a welcome
venture that will help eradicate
poverty in Liberia and propel
Dr. Kohler said Africa is the
new ''potential hub'' for global
development and productivity
and noted that Liberia has an
important role in that growth,
adding that job creation for
young Africans is important
and must be supported by all.
He said the German business
community and manufacturers
are prepared to ensure that a
new long time engagement is
started with the production
of local produce on the
continent of Africa and a new
paradigm be drawn in a global
partnership that promotes
that new spirit of a win-win
situation by all.
Later during the day, President
Sirleaf and delegation were
taken on a tour of the company's
facilities, manufacturing plant,
laboratories and training
Members of the President
Sirleafs delegation included,
Lands, Mines and Energy
Minister Patrick Sendolo,
Germany, Ambassador Ethel
Davis, the Board Chairman
of the Liberia Electricity
Corporation Ian Yhap, Deputy
Chief of Staff/Presidents
Delivery Unit, Dr. Clarence
Moniba, among others.
The President is in Germany
to attend the 41st Summit
meeting of the Heads of State
and Government of the Group
of Seven (G-7) nations.
The summit takes place from
June 7 -8 and will discuss the
global economy, trade, security,
foreign affairs. The summit will
also look at the upcoming UN
Conferences and the UN Post2015 Agenda, among others.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Liberia as member state of the United Nations and in fact a founding member is signatory to various
international instruments pertinent to gender equality and women empowerment. We have been hard at efforts
to actualize our dream of stemming ills of gender inequality. Notwithstanding, our honest efforts, our national
statistics do not yet paint a satisfactory picture of what we intend the situation to be Vice President Boakai.

Massa F . Kanneh masskanneh@yahoo.com or 0886848625

having the first
president in Africa, the country
is still struggling with gender
based violence and improving
the lives of women to compete
with their male counterparts.
Vice President Joseph N. Boakai
has admitted that even though
Liberia is a founding member
to the United Nations charter
on equality, the country is
still struggling to actualize
its dream of eradicating or
stemming the ills of gender
violence and inequality against
The Vice President Boakai
acknowledged that it is not
due to their resilience on the
part of the government in
tackling the matter but the
commitment to remain at it, in
order to redouble their efforts
and join forces from wherever
they can garner to ensure
gender equality.
He alluded that the Ebola
crisis has even exacerbated the
vulnerability of more women
including their livelihood and
economic reliance.
The Vice President said
Women at the highest risk of

Ebola infection as the primary

care-givers in the family for
the sick members. In the
earlier months of the crisis,
women were the organizers
of the funeral rituals, both of
which required contacts with
potentially infected persons
especially their young ones
body fluids or dead bodies.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

has been playing a critical role
since the beginning of her
regime by signing on various
international treaties and
documents including CEDAW,
Convention On the Rights of
Children (CRC), UN security
Council Resolution (UNSCR
1325) among others but yet
there are issues of gender
Some of the inequalities VP
Boakai cataloged as early
marriage and polygamy, with
approximately 48 percent of
Liberian girls marrying by the
age of 18.
As per CEDAW report,
44percent of women aged 1549 have experienced violence.
Twenty nine percent have
experienced violence in the

past 12 months while 17.6

percent have experienced
sexual violence in their life time
and 10percent stated that their
first sexual experience was
against their will and of these
sexual experience or violence
majority of perpetrators were
people known to the victim.
Vice President Boakai said
that prior to Ebola, the
economy was progressing but
extreme poverty continues
to force women and girls
into prostitution and sexual
exploitation either for goods,
foods and money and the
aftermath is that most of
these girls or women end
up in greater vulnerability
as pregnant, infected with
diseases, single parent of
mothers for the vast majority
of children born in such
situation become fatherless.
Though the Liberian economy
was progressing prior to Ebola
outbreak, extreme poverty
continues to force women
and girls into prostitution and
sexual exploitation for goods,
food and money. Many of these
women soon find themselves
vulnerability as pregnant or
diseased single mothers, he

President, most unfortunately
some of the children are born
to fathers who care less for the
He admitted that access to
justice for women remains
limited due to the difficult
court processes, and the
negative attitudes of law
enforcers inadequate capacity
to process caseloads, as well as
inadequate staffing both in law
enforcement and adjudication.
Rural women, Vice President
Boakai said are vulnerable
under Liberias dual legal
system which subjects them
to wide range of unprotected
social and legal regimes under
customary law which permits
certain harmful traditional
practices such as early
marriage, which continues to
go largely unchecked by the
statutory system.
Said Vice President Boakai,
Access to justice for women
remains limited due to the
difficult court processes, and
the negative attitudes of law
enforcers inadequate capacity
to process caseloads, as well as
inadequate staffing both in law
enforcement and adjudication.
Rural women are particularly,
vulnerable under Liberias

Lawal was searched.

The LNP notes with deep regrets
that as critical as its role in these
trying times of national history,
certain individuals with little
understanding of the role of the
police have chosen either out of
mischief or ignorance or both, to
spread falsehoods and blatant lies
about the activities of the police
for political or financial gains, the
statement indicated.
The LNP noted that it is specifically
taking a back over what seems
a well calculated ploy and a
campaign of distortion and
blackmail embarked upon certain
individuals in the Liberian media
especially Mr. Mamadee Diakite
formerly of Truth FM claiming that
Mr. Lawal was violently arrested
and his home searched without a
search warrant.
The statement signed by COL.
C Clarence Massaquoi, Director
of Police declared that contrary
to claims made by Mr. Mamadee

Diakite and his sponsors, Mr.

Praise Tony Lawal was arrested
with the use of minimum force
despite his violent and hostile
conduct in resisting arrest by a
squad of criminal investigators.
Stated the police Mamadee Diakite
and his sponsors must understand
that the shooting incident
involving Mr. Lawal and others
was very serious and there were
strong indicators as demonstrated
by Mr. Lawals violent and hostile
conduct in resisting arrest that
he was on the verge of further
endangering public safety which
had the potential to put at risk
the lives of police officers at the
scene, for which a swift and
tactical deployment of a squad
from the Crime Services Division
was ordered to bring the situation
under control consistent with
police ethics and practices under
Liberian law.
The statement continued Police
wishes to clarify that while it

respects the freedom of the press

and would do nothing to hinder
the work or free movement of
any journalist in such a critical
situation created by Mr. Lawal and
Mr. Cooper, it however notes with
serious concern that at the time of
the arrest of Mr. Lawal, radiotalk
show-host Mamadee Diakite who
is now leading a smear campaign
was seen in the office of the suspect
and attempted obstructing the
police from arresting Mr. Lawal.
This conduct on the part of Mr.
Diakite is not only outrageously
silly and irresponsible but clearly
transcends the elementary ethics
of the journalistic profession and
further raises a serious question
about his role in aiding and
abetting Mr. Lawal to evade arrest
and police investigation.
Though the LNP will continue to
work with Liberian journalists
and radio talk-show hosts through
the leadership of the Press Union
of Liberia, notwithstanding, the



dual legal system which
subjects them to wide range
of unprotected social and legal
regimes under customary
law is oftentimes blamed
for permitting some other
harmful traditional practices
such as early marriage,
which continues to go largely
unchecked by the statutory
HeForShe campaign he called
on all male Liberians to join
efforts in advancing women
empowerment and social
justices, adding that when
there is gender equality and
when women are empowered,
the society at large benefits
from the outcomes.
He said he would like to reeco that men can be great
contributors to the campaign
to construct a healthy society.
everyone to mobilize as many
men and boys as possible to be
advocates for change.
The President continued And
we just dont want to talk
about it, we want to make sure
that its tangible. It is thus my
urge that you sign up for the
HeForShe campaign .
He also added I summon
all of us men to step forth in
championing the cause of
peace and security for women.
Let us push for economic
empowerment, equality and
participation for our partners
of the other gender. Let us raise
awareness on the potential
negative effects of some of our
long held traditional practices.
And even more so, let say a
deafening NO to sexual and
gender based violence and
human trafficking.
The Vice President cautioned
men not to see the HeForShe
campaign as a rivalry issue
but rather consider it as a WIN
WIN situation for both gender.
He reaffirmed the government
commitment to supporting
the cause and working with
international partners.


According to the UN-Women

Country Representative Awa
Ndiaye Seck the Campaign
aimed at mobilizing men and
boys globally to start up and
take action for the achievement
of gender equality and
country offices targeting one
billion men to sign up and


Monroviahe Liberia National Police

has said it is conducting
an investigation into the
shooting incident on the
life of the chief executive officer of
Westwood construction company,
Mr. Samuel B. Cooper in the Fish
market area, in Sinkor on Friday
29, may 2015 at about 04:15hrs.
According to the LNP it is currently
conducting a robust investigation
into this incident with the objective
of locating the weapon used and
bringing the perpetrator(s) to
In a statement, the LNP stated
that as part of this investigation, a
thorough examination of the crime
scene was conducted, all homes in
the immediate vicinity of the area
searched with a warrant issued
by the Monrovia city court and in
addition, several persons are being
questioned with respect to this
incident to include Mr. Praise Tony
Lawal. The home and offices of Mr.

police will not hesitate to arrest

anyone who aids and abets a
suspected criminal or engage
in any conduct to erroneously
misinform the public about its
patriotic services to state for
financial gains at the expense of
press freedom or under the pretext
of being a journalist.
As part of its solemn responsibility
to the state, the LNP has not
and will never operate outside
of the parameters of law, and
categorically maintains that the
search that was conducted on
the premises of Mr. Lawal, was in
strict adherence of the rule law
as the police sought and obtained
from the Magisterial Court in
Gardnerville, a writ of search and
seizure, which was duly served by
a Bailiff of the court on Mr. Lawal
prior the search.
The LNP wishes to further state it
will not be distracted by the spread
of lies or invectives embarked
upon by Mr. Diakite and others or

Page 13

support the campaign.

For Liberia, 800 men have
already sign up and the
campaign targets one million
men and boys in Liberia.
Seck said the HeForShe
is closely working with
UN member states, UN
organizations to achieve the
objectives of the campaign,
by targeting the actions,
partnership and leaderships
that can achieve the greatest
possible change momentum.
She said the campaign also
seeks to enhance and further
promote existing strategies and
activities that will contribute
to the goal of gender equality.
HeForShe also seeks to enable
men to identify with the
issues of gender equality and
recognize the crucial role that
they men can play to end the
global persisting inequality
faced by women and girls
in their own lives and in the
She said through sensitization,
HeForShe challenges men to
address gender equality as
human rights and as a social
and economic imperative, the
achievement of which will
benefit both men and women.
In Liberia like many parts of
the World, women have not
sufficiently participated in
decision making whether on
boards and committees in
executive appointments in
public and private sectors and
in government at all levels.
We have been slow to see
the plight of our women as
a problem for all Liberians,
not simply a problem for
women said the Un Women
She further said We know
that the position of women in
Liberia needs a coordinated
response across many parts
of our community and the
commitment and engagement
of men and boys.
Senator Jewel Howard Taylor
of Bong County raised concern
over the absence of members of
the House of Representatives
from the campaign describing
it was worrisome.
She said those of members of
the highest decision making
body are supposed to have
been present on such an
occasion for women but
however said that they will
make all effort to bring them
on board for the success of the
will not be drawn into a contest
of gossips, and maintained that it
will be a serious miscalculation for
anyone, be it Mamadee Diakite to
assume that by engaging in such
nefarious campaign, the police
will be intimidated and thereby
abandon its sacred responsibility
to get to the bottom of shooting
incident and charge those
The LNP is therefore warning
members of the public especially
Mr. Diakite
to desist from
obstructing police functions as it
will be left with no alternative but
to arrest, charge and prosecute
anyone involved in such conduct.
Meanwhile, the LNP reaffirms
its commitment to the rule of
law and highly commends its
Crimes Service Division for the,
professional, swift and decisive
actions taken in bringing the
shooting incident involving Mr.
Praise Tony Lawal, Mr. Cooper and
others under control without any
casualty and without fear and

Page 14 | Frontpage





Tuesday, June 9, 2015





igeria's military says the move to Maiduguri will

improve its response to Boko Haram
Nigeria's military has begun moving its headquarters
to the northern town of Maiduguri, it says, close to the
centre of the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency.
The move would "add impetus and renewed vigour" to the fight
against terrorism, a military statement said.
A military advance team began work in Maiduguri on Monday,
the statement said, as part of plans to move the command and
control centre from Abuja.
President Muhammadu Buhari took office last month, vowing to
beat Boko Haram.
He announced that the military would move its headquarters to
Maiduguri, in the north-eastern state of Borno, in his inaugural
speech on 29 May.
Analysis: Tomi Oladipo, BBC Africa security correspondent
The aim is to centralise operations close to the action, cut
bureaucracy and speed up decision-making.



oroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane has

ordered an investigation into the TV broadcast of a
Jennifer Lopez concert.
The singer's performance at the Mawazine festival
in Rabat on 29 May was aired on the 2M public TV network.
Mr Benkirane said the airing was "serious delinquency", adding
it contained "disgraceful scenes".
He added the "sexually suggestive" broadcast was in violation of
the country's audiovisual law.
Last week, Morocco's minister of communication was criticised
for allowing the gig to air on public TV, leading to calls for him
to resign.
Local media also criticised Lopez for her "suggestive poses" and
for being "scantily" dressed.
The singer has previously performed in Morocco without
any trouble Mr Benkirane said the singer's performance was
'indecent and provocative'
Writing to the president of Morocco's High Authority of
Audiovisual Communication, Mr Benkirane demanded the
authority "take legal measures against those responsible".




n employee at the Clinton Correctional Facility in New

York is being questioned as a possible accomplice in
the escape of two convicted killers over the weekend,
a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation
confirmed to CNN.
The source would not comment on the extent of the woman's
involvement or the kind of help she may have provided.
The development comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo
said the inmates -- Richard Matt and David Sweat -- must have
had help in carrying out the intricate plot. The pair, who were
in side-by-side cells, used power tools to cut through the cells'
steel walls and clambered through a maze of underground
pipes, according to authorities.
"They wouldn't have had the equipment on their own, that's
for sure," Cuomo told CNN of the convicted killers, who escaped
sometime after they were last seen at bed check Friday night.
In their place, the pair left decoys to trick guards into thinking
they were asleep in their bunks -- and a yellow sticky note with
a smiley face. It read, "Have a Nice Day!"

he US does not yet

have a "complete
strategy" for helping
Iraq regain territory
from Islamic State (IS),
President Barack Obama has
He said the Pentagon was
reviewing ways to help Iraq
train and equip its forces.
But Mr Obama said a full
commitment to the process
was needed by the Iraqis
He had earlier met Iraqi
Prime Minister Haider alAbadi on the sidelines of the
G7 summit in Germany.
IS has recently made gains in
Iraq despite US-led coalition
air strikes.
In May the militants seized
Ramadi, the capital of Anbar,
Iraq's largest province, as well
as the Syrian town of Tadmur
and the neighbouring ancient
ruins of Palmyra.
US officials cited a lack of
training as a major factor in
the fall of Ramadi.


parole board is
set to recommend
that the disgraced
Pistorius, convicted in the
killing of his girlfriend,
be released from prison
in August, South Africa's
Department of Correctional
Services told CNN on Monday.
Pistorius, 28, was sentenced
in October to five years
in prison for culpable
homicide in the killing
of Reeva Steenkamp on
Valentine's Day 2013. In
homicide means a person
was killed unintentionally
but unlawfully.
firing shots through the
bathroom door in his home,
but said he thought there was
an intruder in the bathroom
rather than his girlfriend.
Pistorius' fall from grace was
one of the most dramatic
since that of O.J. Simpson,
the American football player
turned sports announcer and

But Mr Obama said that the

3,000 US service personnel
in Iraq sometimes found
training capacity than we've
got recruits".
"We don't have, yet, a
complete strategy, because
it requires commitments
on the part of Iraqis as well
about how recruitment takes
place, how that training takes
place," Mr Obama told a news
President Obama met Iraqi
Prime Minister Haider alAbadi on the sidelines of
the G7 summit The Iraqi
government is turning to
Shia militias to hold back the
IS advance
"We want to get more Iraqi
security forces trained, fresh,
well-equipped and focused
and [Mr] Abadi wants
the same thing so we're
reviewing a range of plans for
how we might do that."
He said it was important to
draw Sunni Muslims into the

fight against IS.

"We've seen Sunni tribes
who are not only willing and
prepared to fight Isil [IS], but
have been successful," he
"But it has not been
happening as fast as it needs
"nimble, aggressive and
"absolutely confident" it
would be driven out of Iraq.
He said Mr Abadi needed the
support of the international
coalition as well as a
government that represents
all the Iraqi people.
He said all countries in the
coalition were ready to do
more to help train Iraqi
security forces.
Earlier, UK Prime Minister
David Cameron said Britain
was sending an extra 125
military trainers to Iraq.
Last month, US Defence
Secretary Ashton Carter said

movie star, who was charged

with murder in the 1994
deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole
Brown Simpson, and her
friend Ronald Goldman.
Simpson was acquitted in
a criminal trial but found
responsible for the deaths in
a subsequent civil suit.
Like Simpson, Pistorius was
handsome, popular and
wealthy from commercial
endorsements when the

charges were filed.

In his 2014 trial, a judge
found Pistorius to be not
guilty of murder. Prosecutors
are appealing that verdict.
Both of Pistorius' legs
were amputated before his
first birthday. In the 2012
Summer Olympics in London,
Pistorius became the first
athlete with both legs
amputated to participate in
the Olympic Games, running

the loss of Ramadi was partly

due to the Iraqis' lack of a
"will to fight".
Iraq has become increasingly
reliant on Iranian-backed
Shia militias to take on IS in
recent months.
The move has raised fears of
worsening sectarian tensions
as the militias try to drive
the jihadist fighters out of
predominantly Sunni areas
like Anbar.
strong criticism last year for
saying the US did not have an
overall strategy for fighting
IS, and some US Republicans
say IS is benefiting from
muddled thinking in the
White House.
"We aren't winning the
fight against Isil because we
don't have a winning plan,"
Republican Representative
Kevin McCarthy said.
On Monday, the Pentagon said
Iraqi forces and Shia militias
were "making progress" in
the battle for the city of Baiji
and its nearby oil refinery.
Col Steve Warren said
"friendly forces" were in
the city and "beginning
methodically to root out the
He said "progress" was also
being made at the refinery.
Control of the oil refinery Iraq's largest - has changed
hands several times in recent
months. Baiji's capture is
seen as crucial for plans to
attack IS in the city of Mosul,
because of its position on the
main road north from the
capital Baghdad.
IS overran Mosul, Iraq's
second largest city, as it
swept across northern Iraq
in its June 2014 offensive.



in the 400-meter race and the

4x400 meter relay.
Under South African law,
Pistorius must serve at least
one-sixth of his sentence -10 months -- before being
released. The parole board is
prepared to recommend that
he be released on August 21,
10 months to the day since
his sentencing.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015




Page 15



IE Fan Bemoans Humiliating Defeat

A. Macaulay Sombai, sombai121@gmail.com

Monroviafan of one of the

oldest teams in
Invincible Eleven
(IE) has described his team
4-1 defeat to Jubilee FC in
the ongoing Liberia Football
Association (LFA) national
league first division as a big
blow to the team target of
finishing the league among
the top two.
expressed that the defeat was
a big blow to the association
because it showed to their
opponents in the league how
unprepared the team is with
all the preparation before
the resumption of the league

IE was on the heavy end of

a 4-1 defeat at the hands of
Jubille FC last Saturday at the
Nancy B. Doe Sports pitch in
Kakata City, Margibi County.
Thomson explained that it
is approximately three to
four seasons now IE has not
been counted among the best
playing teams in Liberian
football, something he said
has led to their failure to
represent the country in
any of the Confederation
of African Football (CAF)
two major competitions,
the CAF Champions league
and the Confederation Cup
The defeat is a big blow
because we as fans and
sympathizers of IE were

told that the team signed

several new players as part
of the preparation for the
league season but we are
all downhearted for such
defeat because the match
was the team first in the
newly opened LFA nation
league and they all failed to
show their talents against
Jubilee which, I think showed
to our opponents the team
weakness the disappointed
IE fan added.
Thomson urged IE Head
Coach Papa Kamara to go
back to their drawing board
in order to properly put
together a better team that
would be able to produce
the necessary results for the



draw with Nimba United at

the Unification Town sports
pitch in lower Margibi
The league continued on
Sunday and in other matches,
NPA Anchors suffered a
4-1 defeat at the hands of
Keitrace FC in the day early
kickoff at the ATS.
A fan of NPA Anchors
described their team 4-1
defeat to Keitrace FC as
not surprising due to the
performance under their
new head Coach Abraham
Edward Wilmot mentioned
that under Coach Sese the
team has failed to produce
the necessary result in two
of the powerful football
tournaments in which they
participated so far this year
and now they have started
the LFA national league with
Remember as Head coach a 4-1 defeat.
of IE is your obligation to Wilmot named the two
select players for the team tournaments in which the

but it should be done based NPA Anchors participated
on merit and not friendship but failed to produce the
so if you wish IE to finish necessary result as the 2015
among the first two teams Coca-Cola and the President
at the end of the league, it is Cup tournaments.
now time for you to go back He called on the NPA Anchors
to your drawing board and Sports Association to quickly
put your houses in order take a serious and logical
for the challenges to come, decision in order to find an
amicable solution to solve
Thompson said.
In Saturday other matches, the problem the team is
Monrovia Club Breweries now faced with to make the
division needed changes.
champions Captain Mohammed Varney
Barrack Young Controllers scored the match only goal
(BYC) to a 2-2 draw at the for his side LISCR FC in the
Antoinette Tubman Stadium team 1-0 victory against
(ATS) in Monrovia and Aries in Sunday last first
Watanga FC settled to a 1-1 division battle at the ATS

ose Mourinho has revealed that Chelsea are in the

market for a striker this summer, with the club

attempting to negotiate a deal for Radamel Falcao.

Goal reported on June 5 that Mourinho is at the centre

of the push to sign Falcao, who struggled to make an impact

in the Premier League during his loan spell with Manchester
United in the 2014-15 season.

The Colombia international has since returned to Monaco,

with United deciding against taking up an option to purchase

him outright, and, while not mentioning the forward by name,

the Blues boss has confirmed he is looking to sign a striker.

He told The Sunday Times: "We have to buy a striker because

we want to have three strikers of a good level.

"We do not want to have just one [transfer target]. Then you
lose a good position on the negotiation table."

Mourinho, though, anticipates a difficult process in acquiring

players that will improve a Chelsea side that stormed to the

Premier League title. He added: "It will be difficult to find

players to go straight into the team.

been named the
most valuable
football club in the world and
have become the first "billion
dollar" brand in the sport.
The Red Devils reclaimed
their place at the top of
Brand Finance's Football 50
Brand Value ranking, despite
a transitional and trophyless
season under new manager
Louis van Gaal, and are
now worth an all-time high
$1.2bn - a staggering growth
of 64 per cent.
From third in the previous
analysis, United leapfrogged
Bayern Munich and Real
Champions League semifinalists, to regain top spot
even though they missed
out on European football
altogether in the 2013-14
campaign. Madrid have also
been pipped to top spot in
a separate Brand Power
ranking, this time by rivals



on't expect to see

playing in the Irish
First Division any
time soon.
Cabinteely FC have publicly
ruled out a move for the
striker after being less than
impressed with his form for
Liverpool after joining for
20 million last summer,
scoring just once in 16
Premier League games.
Comparing Balotelli to the
likes of Conor Foley, John
McKeown, Ger Pender and
Shane O'Neill, the Italian's
scoring stats do not rank well
in a tongue-in-cheek post on
Balotelli's future at Anfield
is under question despite
signing a three-year deal
less than 12 months ago,
with Liverpool strengthening
their forward line with the
announcement of Danny
Ings' imminent arrival from
Burnley on Monday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 8a
16 | Frontpage



Monrovia he political heat

has been turned on
ahead of general
elections in 2017 and with the
acceptance of a petition from
cross section of citizens from
Lofa County to contest as a
presidential candidate; Vice
President Joseph Boakai is the
only candidate so far who has
openly declared that he will
be contesting the presidency
come 2017.
Vice President Boakai told
FrontPageAfrica in a recent
interview that President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf convinced him
to contest to succeed her.
I am happy that the President
is aware and the President has
told me Joe, I want for you to
succeed me. If she had not told
me, I would not have asked her
and would never have taken a
step but she knows that I am
capable, Vice President Boakai
said in a recent interview.
Prior to the disclosure by Vice
President Boakai, President
Sirleaf was tightlipped on her
succession plan leaving room
for speculations that other
senior members of the ruling
Unity Party including Foreign
Minister Augustine Ngafuan,
and others were harboring
presidential ambition.
Minister Ngafuan in an
interview with FPA a while

We should remember that for the sake of winning elections, even a wolf can behave
like a sheep and a leopard can produce pictures of himself/herself wearing a Colgate
smile while hugging babies-Foreign Affairs Minister Augustine K. Ngafuan

ago left his political options

opened he declared that he will
not remain inactive in 2017.
With the Unity Party yet
to go for convention to
elect a standard bearer, the
declaration of his presidency
by Vice Boakai has left the
political ambition of Minister
Ngafuan and others in limbo.
To further muddy the political
road for Minister Ngafuan, he
hails from the same county
as Vice President Boakai; this
disqualifies him to serve as vice
running mate to Boakai based
on constitutional provision
which prohibits both the
President and Vice President

to hail from the same county.

Left with the option of
deflecting from the Unity
Party before having the
chance of contesting for either
the Presidency or the Vice
Presidency, Minister Ngafuan,
addressing cross section of
Liberians in London, the United
Kingdom commented on the
2017 election, cautioning
electorates on decision making
during the pending elections.
Wolves will behave like sheep
Minister Ngafuan said for the
sake of winning elections,
politicians he described as
wolves will behave like sheep
only to get votes.

We should remember that for

the sake of winning elections,
even a wolf can behave like
a sheep and a leopard can
produce pictures of himself/
herself wearing a Colgate smile
while hugging babies, said
Minister Ngafuan.
According to Minister Ngafuan
individuals who do not like the
ordinary Liberian people will
visit some of the worse places
in Monrovia-slums only to win
For the sake of winning
elections, individuals who have
natural disdain for ordinary
people will visit places like
West Point, Sonniwein, Buzzi

Quarters, etc in order to

distribute largesse. In short,
for the sake of winning votes,
desperate individuals will
subject themselves to political
plastic surgeries in order to
mask their true characters. It
should be the duty of the voter
to unmask these masqueraders
and see them for what they
truly are, the staunch Unity
Party partisan said.
He wants Liberians to support
aspirants with proven track
record or integrity and
patriotism to be elected in
Probably, as the Liberian
voter goes to the polls in 2017
to elect a new president, I dare
say the two most important
qualities that the voter must
be searching for in presidential
aspirants are the qualities of
integrity and patriotism, he
Minister Ngafuan observed
that as simple as these qualities
are, they are fast become scarce
commodities in the Liberian
political marketplace.
Need people with solid Track
been serving the current
capacities including Minister
of Finance said Liberia needs
competent leaders as reflected
in educational or professional
with solid track records of
achievement for country;
and certainly Liberia needs
nationalistic, not a tribalistic
or county-centric leaders,
Minister Ngafuan cautioned.

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The former Minister of

Finance believes that the
pending election is pregnant
with untold challenges and
Liberians will need honest
Said Minister Ngafuan But as
we go towards the future, a
future pregnant with untold
challenges and vicissitudes,
what Liberia will need most
are honest leaders with
unshakable and undying love
for country; leaders who will
place the interest of country
first and foremost; and above
all, leaders who have the
moral strength to choose to
lose political elections instead
of compromising their core
values and stabbing the
interest of Mama Liberia.
So far several names are
surfacing ahead of the 2017
election with belief that
Businessman Benoni Urey,
Central bank of Liberia
Governor, J. Mills Jones,
Nimba County Senator, Prince
Y. Johnson, George Weah of
the opposition Congress for
Democratic Change, amongst
Political observers believe
key members of the current
regime will prefer to stick with
Vice President Boakai whose
regime will be a continuation
of the administration of
President Sirleaf.
Minister Ngafuan is one of
the longest serving members
of the Sirleaf regime serving
as Finance Minister before
his appointment during the
second term as Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
Yearly approved rate

1. Taxi
2. Transport Pick-Up
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M/Size-1 Ton
B/Size 1 Tons
3. Transport Buses
S/S-Max 18 Persons
M/S-30 Persons
B/S-30 Over Persons
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10 Tons (10 tires)
12 Tons (12 Tires)
14-18 Tons (18 Tires)
Trailer-22 Tires
5.Private Car (PC + Personalized Plate)
6.Business Car (BC)
7.Pick Up
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9. Business Bus (BB)
S/S-Max 18 Persons
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Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Page 8b



H. E. Rudolph Von Ballmoos, Liberias Ambassador accredited

to Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and the Holy See; H. E. Isaac
Wehyee Nyenabo, Liberia's Ambassador accredited to the
European Union and the Benelux Countries; Ms. Evelyne DukeDeshield, Chairperson-elect and other elected officers of ULO-UK;
Mr. Prince Taylor, Out-going Chairperson of ULO-UK and other
officials of the out-going leadership; Esteemed Members of the
Union of Liberian Organizations in the United Kingdom; Friends of
Liberia; Members of the Fourth Estate; Distinguished Ladies and
I cannot begin my address without expressing how appreciative
I am for the extremely warm welcome and hospitality I have
been accorded by officials and members of the Union of Liberian
Organizations in the UK (ULO-UK) since my arrival in London this
evening. I am the least surprised about your outpouring of warmth
because I benefitted from similar warmth nearly three years
ago when I served as the Keynote Speaker at a special National
Independence Day program held on July 28, 2012 under the aegis
of the ULO-UK in Northampton, UK.
I bring you warm greetings from the motherland - our Sweet
Land of Liberty, a country whose people were entrapped for
nearly fourteen months in the deadly embrace of an insidious
enemy called Ebola, which claimed the precious lives of nearly
five thousand persons including 192 of our small community of
health workers. Ebola put our country through a virtual valley
of the shadow of death - it devastated human lives, it devastated
our economy, and it made Liberians both at home and abroad to
suffer overt and subtle features of stigmatization and other forms
of indignity. However, thanks to the grace of the Almighty God;
the courageous leadership of President Sirleaf; the resilience
and positive contributions of Liberians both at home and in the
Diaspora; and the generous support from many of our international
partners, we conquered Ebola and were declared Ebola free by the
World Health Organization (WHO) on May 9, 2015. The victory
over Ebola is not just a victory for President Sirleaf and the
government. It is a victory for all and sundry, including the Union
of Liberian Organizations in the UK, who mobilized financial and
other forms of support to assist our beleaguered country resist the
advancing Ebola enemy. As bad as the Ebola crisis was, it brought
to the fore a positive feature of the Liberian character - the ability
to put aside petty differences in order to meet a "foe with valor


Madam Chairperson-elect and members of the ULO-UK, we are
converged here today to participate in an occasion of immense
historical significance. We have come to witness your induction
- the induction of the first ever female Chairperson of your
great community organization. I therefore feel a special sense
of honor and gratitude to bask in the sunshine of this historical
achievement. By the election of its first woman leader, the Union
of Liberian Organizations in the United Kingdom has enlisted
itself in the honorable league of nations and institutions that have
accepted the hard truth that women cannot only be passengers on
the bus but are also capable of driving the bus.
This occasion is an opportunity to remember and celebrate some
of the great women of yesteryears and now who have blazed the
trail on which you, Madam Chairperson-elect, are today treading.
The first on this honor roll list is of course our President, Mrs.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who broke the glass ceiling on the African
continent by her election as the first democratically elected female
president on the continent; Mrs. Angie Brooks Randolph, also a
Liberian, the first female to ascend to the position of President of
the UN General Assembly; Dr. Nkozosana Dlamini Zuma, the first
female to have been elected chairperson of our continental body,
the African Union (AU). Across the world, there are strong female
leaders making tremendous impacts, notable among whom are
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Michelle Bachelet of Chile;
Park Geun-hye, South Korea's first female President. And as
America goes to the polls in 2016 to elect a new president, maybe
we may see the emergence of its first female president.
The road to according women the respect, dignity and rights that
they deserve has truly been long and tortuous. For we cannot be
proud of the fact that the right to vote was extended to women
in Liberia (precisely Americo-Liberian women precise because
indigenous women in Liberia got the right to vote in 1963 along
with indigenous men) only in 1945, after nearly a century of
existence of the country as an independent state. Even the great
United States, which prides itself as the leader of the free world,
extended full enfranchisement to all women across the United
States only in 1920 after years of relentless struggle spearheaded by
many courageous women including the fearless Susan B. Anthony,
who was jailed in 1873 for attempting to vote. England extended
suffrage to women in 1928, again after years of relentless struggle
by many women rights advocates including Emeline Pankhurst,
who once said, "We have brought the government of England to
this position that it has to face this alternative; either women are
to be killed or women are to have the vote." Of course Emeline
Pankhurst herself was jailed several times for her advocacy for
women's suffrage.
Although we have come a long way in dismantling what Susan
B. Anthony called "an odious aristocracy; a hateful oligarchy of
sex..., which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs

over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters of every
household; which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects",
we still have a long road to go. Until we can reach that day when
the election/selection of women to occupy prestigious posts in
countries, institutions, organizations, companies, etc is no longer
a breaking news but a routine occurrence, we certainly still have a
long road to go. We therefore should not rest until we can traverse
the full length of this noble journey.

Madam Chairlady-elect, Fellow Compatriots, Distinguished Ladies
and Gentlemen,
Our dear country is approaching a watershed moment in its history,
for in two years time, Liberians will be voting for a new President
to steer the Ship of State. Already, the political temperature is
rising everywhere in Liberia and everywhere in the world where
Liberians can be found. The newspapers, the electronic media, the
Hatai shops, the buses and taxis; everywhere from Cape Mount to
Cape Palmas; from Mount Nimba to Cooper's Beach; from Brooklyn
Park in Minnesota, USA to London, UK, Liberians everywhere are
seized with one question: Who will occupy the highest office in the
land in January 2018?
Not surprisingly, the political landscape is fast evolving both
conspicuously and un-conspicuously and Liberians are beginning
to see different strokes from different folks. It is against this
backcloth that I would be remiss if I did not offer you my
perspectives on this subject of great national significance.
Firstly, I think the decision as to who should lead our dear nation
should be approached with the same level of soberness and levelheadedness that must be demonstrated by a soccer team coach
when determining which one of his players should take a penalty
kick called by the referee in the 89th minute of a crucial final
match which had been tied at 0-0. At this point, the name, the
height, the age, religion, the county or the tribe of the person to be
selected by the coach will not matter. The only thing that would
matter to the coach is: which one of his players is best suited to
convert this glorious opportunity into a goal. The coach must
therefore put his best foot forward. In doing so, as prayerful as
the coach maybe, he cannot just look up to heaven and expect God
to send an angel to take the penalty for the team. The sad reality
is that there are no angels on the team, but mere mortals among
whom the penalty kicker must be selected. The coach must make
an informed decision in light of his knowledge of the strengths and
weakness of each of the players.
The 2017 presidential elections has placed the Liberian voter on
the same throne of judgment as that of the coach. Therefore, as the
Liberian voter ruminates on how to proceed, I will want to offer
him/her my humble suggestions:
1) Elect a goal-getter, someone with a solid record of performance.
Though great penalty kickers may once a while miss a penalty, a
good coach would rather depend on the player with a solid record
of scoring penalties than someone who has no such record. The
inescapable truth is that all aspirants in the 2017 election will not
have accumulated any previous experience of serving Liberia as
President; however, the Liberian voter must take cue from their
record of service or achievement in whatever previous capacities
they might have served the country. Were they goal-getters or
achievers in those previous capacities? What type of achievement
record do they have? Achievement for Liberia and Liberians or
achievement for themselves, their families or cronies? When
the question "what have you done for Liberia" is asked, can the
presidential aspirant produce a chapter of concrete, positive
answers or would he/she run out of answers after one or two
sentences? You will note that I used the word "country", instead of
"government" because while I believe that experience in serving
in previous governmental position(s) is helpful in molding one for
the highest office of government, one cannot discount service or
contributions to country outside of government.
2) Elect a Nationalist: No doubt, Liberia is a diverse country
consisting of fifteen counties, multiple tribes and ethnicities,
multiple religions and faiths, and multiple inclinations and beliefs.
While each Liberian hails from some place, some community, or
some county, the Liberian voter should be circumspect of aspirants
who would wrap themselves up primarily in county, tribal, religious

or some other flag instead of wrapping themselves up primarily in

the Liberian flag. As I said in a speech to some Liberians in the
USA in 2010, we need leaders who are more country-centric than
county-centric. While it would be naive to assume that regional
politics would not be a factor in the 2017 presidential elections,
we must be careful or else we will transform the 2017 presidential
elections into a political county meet.
3) Microscope the entire political, professional and personal
history of contenders for the leadership of the country. As we go to
2017, Liberians will see and hear many things aimed at marketing
one presidential aspirant or the other. . The crucial question the
voter must ask is not "Who the presidential aspirant appears to
be today but who he/she really is?" We should remember that for
the sake of winning elections, even a wolf can behave like a sheep
and a leopard can produce pictures of himself/herself wearing
a Colgate smile while hugging babies. For the sake of winning
elections, individuals who have natural disdain for ordinary
people will visit places like West Point, Sonniwein, Buzzi Quarters,
etc in order to distribute largesse. In short, for the sake of winning
votes, desperate individuals will subject themselves to political
plastic surgeries in order to mask their true characters. It should
be the duty of the voter to unmask these masqueraders and see
them for what they truly are.
Additionally, we should evaluate the roles- positive or negativethat contenders for high office played during critical periods and
episodes in Liberian history. If a contender was mature during
the sixties and seventies, an eventful period that saw a transition
from Tubman to Tolbert and political convulsion that graduated
into the April 14, 1979 Rice Riots and the bloody 1980 Coup
D'etat, what did they do positive or negative for or against Liberia?
If they were around during the decade of the 80's, the Doe decade,
or the decade of the 1990's, the decade of the episodic Liberian
civil war and the rule of Charles Taylor, what did they do for or
against Liberia? If they have been around since the decade of the
2000's, punctuated by the end of the civil war and the transition
to civilian rule under the presidency of Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
what have they been doing for or against the interest of Liberia and
Liberians? Individuals wishing to stand in Liberian presidential
elections must prove or have a solid record of standing for Liberia
throughout their lives. The Liberian voter in 2017 should not care
for anyone who in the past did not care for Liberia and Liberians.
4) Support aspirants with proven track record of integrity and
patriotism. Probably, as the Liberian voter goes to the polls in
2017 to elect a new president, I dare say the two most important
qualities that the voter must be searching for in presidential
aspirants are the qualities of integrity and patriotism. As simple as
these qualities are, they are fast become scarce commodities in the
Liberian political marketplace. Liberia indeed needs competent
leaders as reflected in educational or professional preparation;
Liberia needs leaders with solid track records of achievement for
country; and certainly Liberia needs nationalistic, not a tribalistic
or county-centric leaders. But as we go towards the future, a future
pregnant with untold challenges and vicissitudes, what Liberia
will need most are honest leaders with unshakable and undying
love for country; leaders who will place the interest of country first
and foremost; and above all, leaders who have the moral strength
to choose to lose political elections instead of compromising their
core values and stabbing the interest of Mama Liberia.
Madam Chairlady-elect, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have attempted over the past few minutes to give you what
I consider critical factors that should inform the decisions of
Liberians as they go to decide on who occupies the highest office
of our land in 2017. I must hasten to note that every aspirant will
have his/her strengths and weaknesses and may not score "A" in
each of the areas of evaluation that I have enumerated. Placing due
premium on integrity and patriotism, Liberians should therefore
compare and contrast the total net performance of each of the
aspirants and take a decision in the best interest of the country. I
must also concede that my list is certainly not exhaustive, and in
a country as democratic as ours, I expect some of my compatriots
to differ with me on some of the issues I raised. Such clash and
compromise of ideas and perspectives would certainly be good for
the vibrancy of the Liberian democracy.
But before I leave this subject, I need to tell you all that I am a rabid
optimist. As I look into the future, I bubble with hope because I
see alignments and re-alignments; I see adjustments and readjustments. In my mind's eyes, I see the convergence of positive
political forces regardless of political stripe, regardless of county
or tribal differences, regardless of social or economic status,
regardless of age or other differences. In the final analysis, I see a
great victory for Liberia and Liberians come 2017.
Finally before I take my seat, I want to congratulate the out-going
Chairperson of the ULO-UK, Mr. Prince Taylor, for his selfless and
distinguished service to ULO-UK and our dear Mama Liberia. I
also extend unreserved congratulations to all the officers-elect of
ULO-UK, especially the first female Chairlady, Mrs. Evelyn Duke
Deshield. I wish you, Madam Chairlady, God's choicest blessings
as you begin on this great journey of leading a great organization.
Always remember that people's expectation of delivery and
performance is no less for a female leader than it is for a male
leader. So do your best and, with God above your rights to prove,
you will over all prevail.


VOL 9 NO.75






ust days before Liberia take on
Togo in the first round, first leg
Africa Cup of Nations duel, friction
and disunity in the Togolese camp
could offer an opportunity for Liberia
to score an upset in its first post-Ebola
Liberia are in Group A of the Nations
Cup qualifiers alongside Tunisia, Togo
and Djibouti.
Last week, Tom Saintfiet, the new head
coach of Togo give team camptain
Emmanuel Adebayor the boot along
with players - Kossi Agassa and Floyd
Ayite for reportedly showing a lack
of discipline after they failed to join
up with the squad on time as they
prepared for their match against
"I have no problem with the players as
individuals. At the moment they are
not part of it, but they have not been
suspended and I have no problem
with them. The doors are never closed
for me because these are players with
exceptional quality, Sainfiet told the
Sainfiet is the latest in the long line of
recent coaching changes to hit Togo.
His predecessor, German coach Otto
Pfister resigned and then withdrew
his resignation just three days before
his team was to play their opening
Togo, which reached its peak in
2006 by appearing at the World Cup
in Germany, has been hit by bonus
row saw players threaten to pull out
of a match against Switzerland but
were later persuaded to play after
an intervention by Footballs world
governing body, Fifa.
After failing to qualify for the
Nations Cup in 2008 and 2012
and withdrawing from the 2010
tournament after an attack on their
team bus, the teams problems could
offer Liberia an window for an upset.
But despite the issues, Adebayor who
has blamed a lack of professionalism
by officials for his frequent short-lived

Could Friction in Togo Camp Give Liberias Lone Star the edge?

retirements from the national team, is optimistic of qualification from the

He told the BBC recently: "It's a tough group and it will be a tough competition
to come out of it. The reason we missed out of previous tournaments was the
organizational problems. Some players are unhappy with the set-up back
home and if we don't get our acts together it will be another chaos. Today we
have a normalization committee in place and are waiting for them to see which
direction to go ahead of the qualifiers.
Goalkeeper Kossi Agassa is not so optimistic and has pointed has urged the
country's football authority to put its house in order as the Hawks attempt to
return to the Africa Cup of Nations, warning that the country risks missing out
again in 2017 unless a Fifa-endorsed normalization committee, set up to run
Togo's Football Federation (FTF), brings order to the administration of football
in the West African country. "Togo's problem is a deep one and it's all about the
federation," Agassa told BBC Sport. "We have good players but we are always
facing different problems within the federation.
"It will be impossible for us to talk about the team without focusing on the
body in charge of organising and running the football. If we all don't come
together as one then we might just miss out on another great opportunity to
play in Gabon in 2017."
Liberia which will be without star striker Sekou Jabateh, is not without issues

of its own issues.

Ahead of his debut match, head coach James Salinsa Debbah is counting on
a number of foreign-based professionals to cause an upset against Togo.
Debbah who along with his team are on a week-long training in Accra, told the
BBC recently that his team will be disciplined play effective and attractive
Debbah has called the likes of Mamelodu Sundowns striker Anthony Laffor,
William Jerbo, Theo Weeks, Zah Krangar, Tonia Tisdell, Sporo Somah and Samy
But Debbahs selection has also raised eyebrows. His selection of George Weah
Junior and Inaki Williams is raising eyebrows. Williams, who plies his trade for
Atletico Bilbao and scored a consolation goal against Leo Messis Barcelona
in the Copa del Rey recently, is unlikely to accept the Liberia call. Although he
was born in Spain and has a Liberian mother and a Ghanaian father, Williams
is said to be more inclined to play for a country that has a shot of qualifying for
the world cup, giving Ghana and Spain the edge over his mothers homeland,
As head coach Debbah and his staff zero in on the Togo duel, expectations
are low for a country on the rebound from Ebola and lacking match fitness
and practice friendly. But with misfortunes and friction dogging its opponent,
many will be hoping that an upset will be in the cards as Liberia looks to get its



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