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Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

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Effect of coarse aggregate type and loading level on the high temperature
properties of concrete
Minho Yoon a, Gyuyong Kim a,, Gyeong Choel Choe a, Youngwook Lee a, Taegyu Lee b

Department of Architectural Engineering, Chungnam National University, 99 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea
Department of Construction Technology, DSME Construction Co., Ltd., ELCRU Building, 636 Nonhyun-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-010, Republic of Korea

h i g h l i g h t s
 The properties of concrete at high temperature were evaluated by aggregate types.
 The thermal properties of concrete are mainly affected by that of aggregate.
 LWC indicates better thermal properties than NWC.

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 4 May 2014
Received in revised form 20 November 2014
Accepted 27 December 2014
Available online 14 January 2015
Articial lightweight aggregate
Aggregate density
Residual compressive strength
Thermal expansion
Total strain
Steady-state creep at high temperature

a b s t r a c t
When concrete is exposed to temperature changes, its durability is reduced because of the decomposition
of cement metrics generation of cracks within its structure as its component materials undergo different
volumetric changes. Coarse aggregates play an important role in such behavior of concrete. We thus evaluated the inuence of coarse aggregates on the re resistance performance of a concrete structure by
conducting a re experiment under loading on two types of concrete, one with a granite-based coarse
aggregate (NWC: normal weight concrete) and the other consisting of a clay-ash lightweight aggregate
(LWC: lightweight concrete). LWC displayed a higher residual compressive strength than NWC under
thermal load condition. NWC suffered from a large number of cracks at its interior at high temperatures,
while the interior of the LWC demonstrated fewer cracks because of the voids in its interior to the mitigation of thermal expansion stress. When a load equivalent to 20% of its room temperature compressive
strength was applied, both NWC and LWC demonstrated quasi-equilibrium between the thermal expansion strain and the loading-induced shrinkage strain. Whereas the 40% loading condition, the specimen
exhibited shrinkage strain and its compressive strength was observed to undergo a sharp decrease from
500 C.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Concrete is a mixture of different kinds of materials such as
cement pastes and aggregates that have different thermal
expansion coefcients. Hence, when the temperature of concrete
is elevated, not only cement hydration products are decomposed
but crack occurs inside of concrete due to different volume change
of component materials consist of concrete, Thus reducing concrete durability [15]. This thermal expansion of concrete is greatly
affected by coarse aggregates, which account for most of the
volume (see Fig. 1). Studies on the high-temperature properties
of concrete with various kinds of coarse aggregates have been
conducted by many researchers, especially on those employing
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Kim).
0950-0618/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

articial light-weight aggregates that have a small thermal expansion coefcient.

To examine the relationship between the concrete microstructure and its strength after exposure to re, Turker et al. [6] analyzed different concrete microstructures employing three kinds
of coarse aggregates, i.e., granite, limestone and pumice stone, after
heating the concrete for four hours at the temperatures of 100, 250,
500, 700, and 850 C. He reported that the concrete using pumice
stone, which showed cracks in the aggregates at high temperatures
rather than at the interfaces between the aggregates and pastes,
had better interfacial conditions as compared to the concretes
using either of the other two kinds of aggregates. Furthermore,
Neville [7] reported that the strength of the concrete using normal-weight granite aggregates, unlike the light-weight aggregate
concrete, begins abruptly decreasing at a temperature higher than
the approximate value of 430 C. It decreases by about 50% at


M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

Coarse Aggregate
Cement Paste



Strain ( /mm)


Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the moment on structure during a re.






Temperature (C)

Table 1
Experimental plan.

Fig. 1. Thermal expansion of concrete constituent material.

600 C from the compressive strength at room temperature, and by

about 80% above 800 C, a temperature at which the structure of
the concrete can collapse. Kong et al. [8] and Abeles and Bardhan-Roy [9] reported that the strength of the light-weight aggregate concrete was maintained up to about 500 C, and then
decreased by about 60% as the temperature increased from
500 C to 800 C. Uygunoglu et al. [10] evaluated coefcient of
thermal expansion of concrete with limestone and pumice stone
heating up to 1000 C. Also he reported that since concrete with
porous pumice stone has low coefcient of thermal expansion,
when it comes to applying to a structural member subjected to elevated temperature, spalling and risk of collapse of structure can be
reduced. Among others, Al-Sibahy [11], Tanyildizi [12,13],
Abdulkareem [14,15] and Sancak [16] examined high temperature
properties of concrete with LWC.
However, existing studies on the high-temperature properties
of this light-weight aggregate concrete have mostly focused on
the basic mechanical properties such as the high-temperature
compressive strength. However, few studies considering design
load applied to structural member have been examined. Meanwhile, many situations have been reported where vertical members such as pillars suffered shear failure under a large load, due
to the thermal expansion of horizontal members such as beams
or slabs, as shown in Fig. 2 [17]. Also, creep strain can occur in concrete members, exposed to a re for about 120180 min, of comparable magnitude to the creep strain of concrete kept at room
temperature for about 2030 years. As shown in these cases, for
evaluation of the re resistance performance of the concrete structures, the strain properties that are introduced in the event of a re
as well as the basic mechanical properties should be considered
with design load applied to structural member.
Accordingly, in this study, the effects of the different kinds of
coarse aggregates on the re resistance performance of concrete
structures were evaluated by re resistance tests under load by
appraising the strain characteristics as well as the basic mechanical
properties of concrete with either granite or clay-ash articial
light-weight coarse aggregates.
2. Experiment
2.1. Experimental plan and concrete mixing
The experimental plan is described in Table 1, while Table 2 shows the concrete
mixing proportion. The water-binder ratio (W/B) was set at 35% for the normalweight aggregate concrete and 33% for the light-weight aggregate concrete, and
the standard design compressive strength was 60 MPa. The compressive strength
at room temperature of NWC and LWC was 68, 69 MPa, respectively.



level (fcu)

Target temp.




20, 100, 200,

300, 500, 700

Evaluation items
 Total strain
 High temperature creep

Table 2
Concrete mixing proportion.






Unit weight (kg/m3)















W: water; C: cement; SF: silica fume; S: sand; G: gravel.

Loading conditions were set at 20% and 40% of the compressive strength at
room temperature, as well as considering the non-loading condition. The target
heating temperatures were the room temperature (20 C), 100, 200, 300, 500, and
700 C. At the respective target temperatures, the stressstrain relationship and
high-temperature compressive strength were measured. The thermal expansion
strain, which occurs during heating to the target temperature, and the steady-state
creep strain at high temperatures, which occurs when the temperature is maintained at a xed value, were also measured.

2.2. Materials
The physical properties of the materials and chemical composition of
coarse aggregates used in this study are described in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
For the normal-weight aggregates, crushed granite gravel was used of up to
20 mm in size, 2.65 g/cm3 in density, and water absorption ratio of 0.8%. On the
other hand, articial clay-ash type light-weight aggregates, which were added to
the coal-ash to improve features such as the water absorption ratio, were used,
up to 13 mm in size, 1.68 g/cm3 in density, and water absorption ratio of 15.3%
The thermal expansion coefcient, which has a great inuence on the thermal
properties of concrete, of the materials used in this study are described in Table 5.
The thermal expansion coefcient of cement paste started to decrease at around
300 C. However, the thermal expansion coefcient of coarse aggregates have been
increased with increasing temperature, and especially thermal expansion coefcient of granite aggregate was greater than that of articial light-weight aggregate.
The cross-sectional shape of the coarse aggregates is shown in Table 6. It was
veried that the articial light-weight aggregates had many pores inside, formed
during the manufacturing process. Furthermore, it was conrmed by observing
the interface between the aggregates and cement matrices that the cement paste
permeated the pores on the surface of the articial light-weight aggregates.


M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

Table 3
Physical properties of used materials.

Physical properties


Ordinary Portland cement

Density: 3.15 g/cm3, Specic surface area: 3630 cm2/g
Washed sand
Density: 2.64 g/cm3, Water absorption ratio: 1.03%
Crushed granite
Max size: 20 mm, density: 3.15 g/cm3, water absorption ratio: 0.97%
Clay-ash type articial lightweight aggregate
Max size: 13 mm, density: 1.68 g/cm3, water absorption ratio: 15.27%
Density: 2.23 g/cm3, specic surface area: 200,000 cm2/g
Polycarboxylic water reducing agent

Fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate

Light weight

Silica fume

temperature was measured for 300 min after the target temperature was completed, under condition of load of 20% or 40% of the compressive strength at room
temperature [20].

Table 4
Chemical composition of used coarse aggregate.
Aggregate type

Normal (granite)
Lightweight (clay-ash)

Chemical composition (%)








3. Results and analysis








3.1. Stressstrain curve

Table 5
Thermal expansion coefcient of used materials (10
Aggregate Type

Cement Paste
Normal (granite)
Lightweight (clayash)


Temperature (C)
















2.3. Experimental method

2.3.1. Preparation of specimen
For evaluating mechanical properties at a high temperature, 100  200 mm
specimens have been manufactured. The specimens were cured under water for
seven days, then air dry curing was conducted up to 180 days at a steady temperature and humidity chamber set as 20 2 C, R.H. 50 5%. Before heating test, the
upper and lower surfaces of the concrete were smoothly nished with a grinder
and then a heating test was conducted.
2.3.2. Heating apparatus and heating method
The experimental apparatus used in this study is shown in Fig. 3. For simultaneous loading and heating, an electric heating furnace was installed loading apparatus with a capacity of 2000 kN. Furthermore, the strain of the test specimens
during heating was measured by transferring the strain to the displacement meter
placed outside through a quartz tube of 100 mm in diameter, which penetrated
the center of the upper and lower loading jigs.
To increase the temperature inside and outside of the test specimens to the
same level, an indirect heating method was used in which heat was transferred
to the test specimens by heating the upper and lower loading jigs. Furthermore,
the heating rate was set at 1 C/min as shown in Fig. 4, and in particular, in the temperature range up to 50 C at the beginning of heating and before reaching the target temperature, the heating rate was set at 0.77 C/min to maintain the
temperature difference within 5 C between the inside and outside of the test specimens [20].
2.3.3. Strain evaluation method
The schematic diagram of concrete showing strain behavior during heating and
loading is presented in Fig. 5. Specimens were heated up to targeted temperature in
temperature elevating section. And temperature was maintained at the targeted
temperature in temperature maintain section. During all testing period, loading
was 0%, 20%, 40% of compressive strength at room temperature of specimen. In temperature elevating section, thermal expansion and total strain of specimens were
measured. In temperature maintain section, the steady-state creep strain at high

Fig. 6 shows the effects of the initial loading and the different
kinds of coarse aggregates on the stressstrain relationship, at
the heating temperatures of 500 C and 700 C, at which the features are relatively clearly observed. The respective high-temperature compressive strengths of normal-weight aggregate concrete
(NWC) and light-weight aggregate concrete (LWC) were 43 MPa
and 52 MPa, and the respective strain at maximum stress were
7.0  10 3 and 5.0  10 3 at the heating temperature of 500 C in
a non-loading condition. Consequently, LWC is thought to have a
smaller rate of reduction of high-temperature compressive
strength and strain at maximum stress than NWC.
In the case of initial load of 20% or 40% of the compressive
strength at room temperature, the high-temperature compressive
strength increased more than for the case of non-loading, and
the strain at maximum stress was restrained within the range of
3.7  10 34.0  10 3, irrespective of the kinds of coarse aggregates used. It is considered that the thermal expansion strain
was offset by the shrinkage strain under loading condition shown
as Fig. 9 in Chapter 3.3 [21].
In particular, even at loading of 40% of the compressive strength
at room temperature, LWC showed a high-temperature compressive strength equal to about 90% of the compressive strength at
room temperature. NWC exhibited a relatively greater decrease
of the high-temperature compressive strength, decreasing to 10%
of the compressive strength at room temperature, particularly at
700 C.
It is known that the compressive strength degradation is caused
by micro internal crack from different thermal expansion behavior
of materials and decomposition of cement hydrates [4,5]. Compared to its general aggregate-based counterpart, concrete that
uses lightweight aggregates, which have low coefcients of thermal expansion, exhibits a smaller decrement in high temperature
compressive strength. This smaller decrease results from a sound
internal structure in which fewer internal cracks form during heating; therefore, lightweight aggregate-based concrete exhibits
smaller strains under maximum load conditions.
3.2. High-temperature compressive strength
Fig. 7 shows the relationship between the residual compressive
strength and the heating temperature of concrete for different kinds
of coarse aggregates. For NWC, while the residual compressive

M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633


Table 6
Cross-sectional shape of used coarse aggregate.

Cross-sectional shape
Aggregate type


Normal aggregate


Table 7
Cross-sectional shape of concrete after heating (700 C).





strength decreased to 65% at 100 C, it increased to 90% at 300 C. As

the heating temperature increased to higher than 300 C, the compressive strength decreased, displaying a residual compressive
strength of about 27% at 700 C. On the other hand, although LWC
demonstrated a similar tendency as NWC up to 300 C, it displayed
a residual compressive strength of 80% on average at 700 C, which
is higher than that of NWC.

Fig. 8 shows the relationship between the residual compressive

strength ratio and the density of the coarse aggregates at 700 C.
The results indicate that as the density of the coarse aggregates
increased, the residual compressive strength also decreased,
thereby conrming the correlation between the residual compressive strength and the density of aggregates within the scope of this
study. In the case of pre-loading condition, LWC presented a high


M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

Temperature ( )

Target temperature
0.77 /min






Time (min)
Fig. 4. Heating curve used in the experiment.

(a) Heating and loading apparatus

Upper LVDT

loading jig

Fig. 5. Evaluation method of the strain properties of concrete.

loading jig
Lower LVDT

(b) Geometry of apparatus

Fig. 3. Experimental apparatus used in this study.

residual compressive strength under the inuence of the shrinkage

strain caused by loading. However, NWC, with loading of 20%,
showed a residual compressive strength of about 40% of the compressive strength at room temperature, which is higher by 10%
than for the non-loading condition.
However, at loading of 40%, it exhibited residual compressive
strength as low as about 10% of the compressive strength at room
temperature. The degradation of strength owing to the thermal
decomposition of cement hydrates resulted from the similarity
between the two specimens. This similarity, in turn, led to a greater
residual ratio of the compressive strength under load conditions;
therefore, this study focused on the occurrence of cracks rather
than thermal decomposition.

Table 7 shows the shapes of the aggregates at the interfaces in

NWC and LWC after heating at 700 C. NWC displayed many cracks
between the aggregates and cement matrices, whereas LWC
showed none. Consequently, it is considered that because LWC
has fewer cracks at the interface of the aggregates and in the interfacial transition zone (ITZ), which are known to be a major cause of
the decrease in compressive strength of concrete at high temperatures, as compared to NWC, it has higher residual compressive
strength [22].

3.3. Thermal expansion strain and total strain

Fig. 9 shows the relationship between the thermal expansion
strain and the heating temperature of concrete for different kinds
of coarse aggregates. In the case of non-loading condition, as the
temperature increases, NWC shows a great increase in the thermal
expansion strain, and in particular in the temperature range
between 500 and 600 C, it displays a sharp increase. LWC, in
which the density of coarse aggregates is low, demonstrated a
smaller thermal expansion strain than NWC.
Furthermore, in the case of loading of 20% of the compressive
strength at room temperature, the concrete test specimens showed
the smallest strain as the thermal expansion strain is restrained by
the shrinkage stress due to loading, whereas in the case of loading
of 40%, they showed an abrupt shrinkage strain at temperatures


M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

Fig. 6. Stressstrain relation according to the coarse aggregate type.




Strain ( /mm)




0.2 fcu


0.4 fcu



Heating Temperature (C)


Fig. 9. Thermal expansion and total strain by coarse aggregate type.

Fig. 7. Residual ratio of high temperature compressive strength according to the
coarse aggregate type.

Fig. 8. Residual ratio of high temperature compressive strength according to the

coarse aggregate density at 700 C.

higher than 500 C because the stress due to loading becomes

greater than that caused by the thermal expansion strain.
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the values of the strain
and loading level at 700 C. For the non-loading condition, the thermal expansion strain of NWC, with high density of coarse aggregates, is 1.1  10 2, and that for LWC, with low density, is
5.0  10 3. Therefore, the strain amount of NWC is more than
about twice that of LWC. In the case of loading of 20% of the compressive strength at room temperature, because the thermal
expansion strain is more restrained by the presence of loading than
for non-loading, irrespective of the different kinds of coarse aggregates, the strain is restricted to within the range of 3.0  10 3
1.0  10 3.
In the case of loading of 40%, because the strain tends to constrict to the strain at maximum stress at 700 C, i.e., 8.0  10 3,
the proof stress is considered to almost disappear because of the
loading stress and high temperature. Furthermore, for the case
non-loading condition, although a difference in the thermal expansion strain occurs according to the density of the coarse aggregates,
the difference decreases as the loading amount is increased. Consequently, it is believed that as the loading amount increases, the
effect of the density of the coarse aggregates on the thermal expansion strain decreases.


M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633



Creep Strain ( /mm)




LWC 0.2 fcu

cr/th : 0.3~0.7

LWC 0.4 fcu


cr/th : 0.4~1.4
NWC 0.4 fcu


cr/th : 0.2~0.7


NWC 0.2 fcu cr/th : 0.1~0.2







Thermal Expansion Strain (mm /mm )

Fig. 10. Relation between thermal strain and loading level at 700 C.

Fig. 12. Relation between steady state creep strain at high temperature and
thermal expansion by coarse aggregate type.

3.4. Steady-state creep at high temperature

Fig. 11 shows the relationship between the loading amount and
steady-state creep of NWC and LWC at high temperatures. For
NWC, in the case of loading of 20% of the compressive strength
at room temperature, a similar strain of about 3.5  10 4 in the
temperature range between 100 and 300 C is exhibited, whereas
it shows a strain of 1.4  10 3, which is 4.2 times greater, at
500 C and 700 C. LWC shows a similar tendency to NWC until
500 C, whereas it displays a strain amount of 4.1  10 3 at
700 C, which is 2.9 times greater than for NWC.
In the case of loading at 40% of the compressive strength at
room temperature, the strain was similar to or a little higher than
for the case with loading of 20% in the temperature range between

(a) NWC

100 and 300 C, irrespective of the kinds of coarse aggregates,

whereas the strain greatly increased at temperatures higher than
500 C. The respective strains of NWC and LWC were 4.8  10 3
and 2.1  10 3 at 500 C, demonstrating that the strain of NWC
is about 2.3 times larger than that of LWC. Furthermore, the strain
of NWC could not be measured as the NWC structure collapsed at
about 560 C during heating to 700 C, whereas LWC displayed a
strain of 8.6  10 3. Studies on creep at room temperature [23]
have reported that LWC, with low density of coarse aggregates,
shows a larger creep strain at room temperature than NWC.
However, the present study contends that because in the case of
loading at 40% of the compressive strength at room temperature,

(b) LWC

Fig. 11. Steady state creep strain at high temperature by coarse aggregate type.

M. Yoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 78 (2015) 2633

the proof stress of NWC sharply decreases at the high temperatures

of 500 C and 700 C, the steady-state creep strain at high temperatures is larger than that of LWC.
Fig. 12 shows the relationship between the thermal expansion
strain and the steady-state creep strain at high temperatures for
different kinds of coarse aggregates. NWC, in the case of loading
at 20% of the compressive strength at room temperature, demonstrates a smaller steady-state creep strain at high temperatures
than the thermal expansion strain. It presents a ratio of steadystate creep strain at high temperatures to thermal expansion strain
(ecr/eth) of 0.10.2. The ecr/eth of LWC was in the range of 0.30.7,
showing that it tends to have a larger high-temperature creep
strain than NWC at the same level of thermal expansion strain.
However, in the case of loading at 40% of the compressive
strength at room temperature, the ecr/eth of NWC was 0.7, greater
than the 0.6 of LWC, at 500 C; on the other hand, the ecr/eth of
LWC was 1.4, but that of NWC could not be measured at 700 C,
as it had collapsed before its creep strain could be measured.
4. Conclusions
1) Concrete that consists of lightweight aggregates of smaller
density and thermal expansion coefcient showed higher
residual compressive strength at high temperatures than
its general aggregate-based counterpart owing to the formation of internal pores during the manufacturing process. The
concrete that used general aggregates, of high thermal
expansion coefcient, exhibited many cracks in the aggregate interface and ITZ at temperatures greater than 300 C,
and, as such, its compressive strength was degraded.
2) The thermal strain of concrete can be explained as thermal
expansion strain under non-loading conditions, and as
shrinkage owing to connement and strength degradation
under load conditions. Under loading of 20%, the room temperature compressive strength, the shrinkage strain owing
to the load, almost achieves equilibrium with the thermal
expansion strain; however, a rapid shrinking phenomenon
was observed under 40% loading condition.
3) In the scope of the present study, NWC that was subjected
with 20% compressive strength at room temperature had
high density aggregates since its thermal expansion strain
was large and the high temperature creep strain (shrinkage
strain) was small; however, LWC showed higher high temperature creep strain despite the relatively high residual
ratio of the modulus of elasticity at high temperatures. Nevertheless, NWC showed greater high temperature creep
strain than LWC owing to the sharp degradation in the internal strength of NWC at 40% load and temperatures greater
than 500 C. Therefore, the compressive strength at high
temperatures should be considered in the evaluation of high
temperature creep strain.
4) This study validated the excellent performance of concrete
which consists of clay-ash-based articial lightweight aggregates by comparing and evaluating its high temperature
properties with those of the concrete that contains granitebased aggregates. Therefore, using lightweight aggregatebased concrete in structures such as a slab should improve
the safety of the structure during res.


This research was nancially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science Technology (MEST) and National Research Foundation of South Korea (NRF) through the Human Resource Training
Project for Regional Innovation.
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