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online shopping system

The purpose of this SRS is to specify the requirements of the web based software application,
which is an online shopping system. This Software Requirements Specification provides a
complete description of all the functions and specifications of modules. This document contains
the software requirements of Online shopping.
1.1. Introduction:
The computers and computer applications are finding its voyage to each and every field of
mankind, where the data and information are the primary necessities. The actual processing of
the system becomes very useful to its users because manipulation and utilization of data in a
meaningful way is the need of each and every organization.
1.2. Scope :
The document is the one that describes the requirements along with interfaces for the
system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basis for validating the final
delivered system.
1.4. Overview :
The system helps in buying of goods, products and services online by choosing the
listed products from website (E-Commerce site).
1. 2.

Overall description :

2.1. Product Perspective :

The proposed system is a solution carry out buying/ selling products online.
2.2. Product Functions :
The system allows the user to buy/sell products online across internet connection globally.
2.3. User Characteristics :
There are 3 kinds of users for the proposed system.


Administrators are the ones who adds or administers the categories for the products, and
administers the Vendors.

Vendors/Sellers :

Vendors/Sellers will add their products to the database, which will be seen in the website to the
end users or say customers who can buy the products by selecting the one they need. Vendors
will have the special privileges than the end users, and have ability to manage the products added
by them.

End Users/Customers:

The end user will be the one who visits the website and buys products online from the ones
added by the Vendors/Sellers.
2.4. General Constraints :

The main constraint here would be the checking the genuineness of the
buyer, which is not always possible. There can be security risks involved.

The developed system should run under any platform (Unix, Linux, Mac,
Windows etc.. ) that contains a web browser which supports PHP, JavaScript
and AJAX.
2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

The details related to the product, customer, payment and service

transaction provided manually.

Administrator is created in the system already.

Roles and tasks are predefined.

1. 3.


Specific Requirements :

External Interface Requirements :

3.1.1. User Interfaces:

Each part of the user interface intends to be as user friendly as possible. The fonts and buttons
used will be intended to be very fast and easy to load on web pages. The pages will be kept light
in space so that it wont take a long time for the page to load.
3.1.2. Hardware Interfaces :

Processor : Pentium or Higher.

RAM : 312MB or Higher.

3.1.3. Software Interfaces :

Operating System : Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows etc..

Development tool : PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor, JavaScript, Ajax

Data Base : MySQL

3.1.4. Communication Interface :

The Website Order system shall send an e-mail confirmation to the customer that the items they
ordered will be delivered to the shipping address along with user identification.

Functional Requirements :

3.2.1. Master Maintenance :

This module consists of information about the products and services. This includes two submodules, Product master and Price master.

Product Master :

Product master includes the information about particular product, such as product number, item,
name, category, images of products, description, features, constraints of products, which are to
be displayed on the website.

Price master :

Price master deals with the cost of the product, discounts applicable for the particular product of
a vendor/seller.
3.2.2. Transactions :
All transactions undergoing in the website will be controlled and managed by this module.
Transactions in the sense, Shopping Cart management.
3.2.3. Reporting :
This module deals with report management of the entire system. This includes three sub-modules
Stock Report, Order Report and Delivery Report.

Order Report :

Order Report will have the list of products ordered and the customer details who have bought
that product, which are undelivered.

Delivery Report :

Delivery Reports will generate products list, which are delivered to customers.
3.2.4. Housekeeping Module:
This module deals with backing up of data for future references and hence to reduce the database

Design Constraints :

There are few constraints that the system should follow. They are:

All the inputs should be checked for validation and messages should be given
for the improper data. The invalid data are to be ignored and error messages
should be given.

Details provided by the vendor during his sign up should be stored in


While adding the products to the system, mandatory fields must be checked
for validation whether the vendor has filled appropriate data in these
mandatory fields. If not, proper error message should be displayed or else the
data is to be stored in database for later retrieval.

All mandatory fields should be filled by customer, while buying the items from
the cart.

he purpose of Boutique Management system is to implement the computerization of the clothes

inventory and sales etc. BMS (Boutique Management System) that designed to manage your
boutique is very user friendly software. With this software, you can generate report based on
your preference (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly).

Boutique Management System

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
Download Boutique Management System SRS

Introduction :This document provides details about the entire software requirements specification for the
Boutique Management System.
Purpose :The purpose of this system is to implement the computerization of the clothes inventory and
sales etc. This uses the MS Access database and substitution encryption/decryption technique to
hide passwords of users.
Scope :The name of the project is Boutique Management System (BMS).
BMS (Boutique Management System) that designed to manage your boutique is very user
friendly software. With this software, you can generate report based on your preference (daily,
weekly, monthly, or yearly).

Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations :This program is a menu driven program. When we click the main menu the different forms will
be enabled.
The program consists of the following modules:

Source listing

This module is suppose to identify the products by their discription.

Add products

This module is suppose to take the inputs from an input device.

Add customers

This module is capable of adding customers in the specified formats.

Update and delete products

This module will update and delete products.

Update and delete customers

This module will be able to update and delete customers


In this module the admin or emplyee can search the customer or products from the database
based on criterias


This module will take up transactions like selling products, buying products from supplier
updating cash and updating the bills.Appropriate actions will be taken.

Report Generation

This is a client program which will request for reports.

Functional components of the project :Administrator or Staff needs to register to the application and login in order to access the
There are two types of users in the system



As soon as the user logs in to the system the home page is displayed. The home page should be a
dashboard from where the user can go to any of the other functionality available in the site
1) Contents of Home Page

Search textbox with a go Button to search for individual items

A list of all Categories available in the system. It will also show in brackets the items up
for sale in this category

Sell an Item link

2) Functional specification for Search

The search should be a case insensitive search for items which contain the search key word. The
search results should display all the items which matched the search criteria. It will return only
those items which are up for sale currently.

3) Sell an Item
When the user clicks on Sell an item link, then a page comes up which allows the user to do the

Provide a title for the item and a description of the Item.

There will be Upload Image Button which the user uses to upload an image of the item.
There will be an Upload text button by which the user can upload a word document
giving the description/specification of the item.

A text box to put in the minimum price

A text box to provide the date.

4) Category Browsing
When the user clicks on any of the Categories in the home page, a new page should open up
which shows all the items up for sale in the Category.
5) Buy an Item (Item Home page)
The Item home page can be reached either by clicking on the search results or by clicking on an
Item while doing Category browsing.
The Item home page contains the following:

The title of the Item

The Description of the Item

Uploaded images for the item(if any)

Uploaded documents for the item(if any)

The name of the Seller (This will be a link which opens up a new page which gives the
rating of the seller)

The minimum price (if any)

The current price.

6) Edit an Item
The sellers should be able to edit the item. The seller should be able to do the following:-


Upload a new Image


Upload a document


Change Price

Product Functions :The product functions will include the following areas.
The application is capable enough to store different products and also perform some editng on
them that is added.It will be having user friendly GUIs that will guide the user to easily achive
the same.


User Form

Adding users

Adding products

Updating users

Updating products

Searching users and products

Report generations

User characteristics :

No pre knowledge of html

No pre knowledge of database management

Should be familiar with internet

Should know English

Should be able to use and do according to the graphical user interface

Assumptions and Dependencies :-

The product assumes that the users dont opt for the same product number simultaneously.
Cannot support multiple user interfaces.
Performance Requirements :Performance requirements are :
1. good working pc with all the requirements as stated in the hardware interfaces
2. works for medium size information databases
3. should not be overloaded
Future Developments :

multiple user interface

support for large database

MS access for database

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