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INTTRA 5 Years

in Global E-Commerce

The industrys preferred global e-commerce shipping platform

Atlantic | Pacific | Indian | Arctic

Copyright 2006 Commonwealth Business Media. All rights reserved
Published with copyright permission from Commonwealth Business Media. April 3, 2006

Maersk Line is proud to offer a full suite of e-commerce services. Our partnership with the
leading industry portal, INTTRA, further serves your every business need. To nd out more,
Creating Opportunities
in Global Commerce.
Maersk Line
Giralda Farms
Madison, NJ 07940
P: 973.514.5000
F: 973.514.5410

The INTTRA story a five-year work in progress

How one company began operations in the fall of 2001 with a group of carrier investors sharing a common vision


It is the kind of story that is inspirational, yet one that makes

you think twice about how one organization has managed to
survive in an industry that has had its share of ups and downs.

t the dawn of the new millennium in 2000, there was reason to celebrate worldwide a new e-commerce platform known as INTTRA was launched, with an ambitious
goal of becoming the industry standard in this arena.
While this goal might have seemed far fetched at the time, INTTRA
had the advantage of being formed by a group of investors who
not only had a specific interest in its success, but were the actual
companies that would be linked up to the system.
Maersk Line, together with CMA CGM, Hamburg Sud, Hapag-Lloyd,
Mediterranean Shipping Co. and P&O Nedlloyd, were the founding
shareholders of INTTRA. These carriers shared the vision that a common portal would benefit the whole industry: the customers would not
have to connect to the different e-commerce systems of the individual
carriers, said Jorgen Engell, executive vice president, A.P. MollerMaersk, who is also INTTRAs chairman. By facilitating the e-commerce
process, the customers receive additional incentives to go electronic,
which in turn benefits both carriers and customers by speeding up the
process and improving the quality of the documentation.
We took the initiative to co-found INTTRA together with the other
lines that felt the Web offered an opportunity to increase connectivity
with our customers, while at the same time lowering our joint development cost in this new arena, said Piet Jan Ten Thije, director, e-commerce, Maersk Line.
Once the founding carriers were in place, it was time for INTTRA to
choose its in-house staff, those who would not only be the common
link between the carriers and shippers, but would also act as
change managers, assisting new customers with the transition from
manual transactions to e-business. These individuals come from various
cultures and backgrounds, with most combining industry experience
with e-commerce expertise in local markets around the world.
It was decided that INTTRAs main office would be established in
Parsippany, N.J., so that it could be close to the U.S. headquarters of
April 3, 2006

most of its founding carriers, which are located

in the New York-metropolitan area. INTTRAs
founding carriers then sought out a person who
would run the day-to-day operations from its
New Jersey base. Enter Ken Bloom, who was
tapped by INTTRA as its new chief executive,
and who would work not only to take the company to a new industry standard but also to
establish its presence on a worldwide basis.
We recognized early on that the successful
implementation of e-commerce is not just
about a connection between two computers
its a connection between people, Bloom said.
Its not enough to just connect two companies together, youve
got to train people on the business processes. At INTTRA, we have
people around the world on the ground who are there to show

Consignees | Freight Forwarders | Logistics Providers

Cargo Agents | Shippers | Software Alliances

INTTRA's e-commerce platform connects thousands of customers to the world's

largest network of ocean carriers.
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our customers what works for them thats

what we do.
Bloom is referring to the thousands of
connections INTTRA has implemented worldwide in the last five years, and how the
organization has responded to this growing
adoption of e-commerce. For example, if there
are users in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America
regions, INTTRA employs managing directors
and staff in those respective areas who understand not only the system, but also the culture and the language of those areas as well,
aiding in the transition process. In areas
such as Hong Kong, India and Latin America,
we have people who are there to help and
support e-business for the users in those
areas, said Michael Schutt Nielsen, INTTRAs
senior vice president, global commercial sales.
They know the culture as well as the particular procedures, and the specific solutions constructed for those respective areas.
Perhaps this is why INTTRA has experi-


enced the worldwide success it intended when

it was established five years ago. Prior to
2000, EDI with carriers was not widespread
and there was not an organized, established
means to communicate to and from carriers
electronically. We have now seen, partly
because of INTTRAs global presence, the globalization of e-commerce in the shipping
industry, said Michelle Cummings, INTTRAs
managing director, North America.

An idea leads to globalization and benefits

Could INTTRA then perhaps be responsible
for the globalization of e-commerce within the
shipping industry? If the concept hadnt been
established in 2000, then someone else might
have gone ahead and thought of it instead, and
INTTRA may have never been invented. Perhaps
another group of investors, those who unlike
the carrier shareholders, didnt have a real
interest in the shipping industry, and rather
were just looking to make some easy money

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Ken Bloom, INTTRAs Chief Executive

and would not have lasted. Luckily, this need

was recognized, and now no one is left wonderPage 6A
ing: What might have been?

April 3, 2006


Best Compliments
to our partner

on their



< Page 4A
It was the belief of the founding carriers,
that the case for an industry portal was so
compelling, that if the carriers themselves did
not establish an industry portal, then someone else would, Engell said. It was better
for the industry if the carriers rather than
financial investors established the portal.
The carriers had both the knowledge and
interest in making it work.
Since that first connection was switched on,
the INTTRA concept caught on, and why wouldnt it? After all, the organization had the backing of the top carriers, and it also offered carriers a ready-made service that would connect
them to thousands of their customers in
essence standardizing the entire booking procedure across the industry. During the boom
period of e-commerce, a lot of people came in
thinking you could make a fast buck, but for us
it was more about the value of our network of
connected shippers, which you cant build
overnight, said Harry Sangree, INTTRAs senior
vice president, business development and corporate strategy. It takes being in the market
and satisfying the need of our customers.
A major benefit is that with INTTRA we can
offer our customers a standardized communication tool with worldwide, unified and reliable
features to process their shipments (bookings
and shipping instructions.) This aspect helps to
further focus our customer service activities on
the advanced customer needs, said Paul
Wenger, director customer service, Hamburg Sud.
Many customers have also noted that INTTRA
is helping to reduce costs, allowing their staff
to focus on other areas such as business development. By being a member of INTTRA, we
have reduced our workload and costs by having
about 55 percent of our shipments handled
through carriers within the same portal, said
Marco Van der Schans, logistics director, MGBMetro, one of INTTRAs first customers.
INTTRAs uniqueness is the fact that it is
industry generated and is now a standard by
reducing the complexity of the shipping industry.
With a concept, a proven technology and
dedicated staff, INTTRA has been working the
last few years to expand even further on its
business model through four areas: e-commerce sales, customer service, product functionality and technology. Through e-commerce
sales, INTTRA strives to add customers to INTTRA
efficiently and rapidly. The goal is to help them
to tap into e-business through the carrier net6A

work with little or no effort to get the project

going, which INTTRA knows how to do because
of its world-class e-business expertise.
Once the system is in place, the relationship
doesnt stop there. INTTRA is always there for
its customers, and helps them through the
change-management process, which could otherwise lead to frustrations and problems. If a
customer gets frustrated, INTTRA can fix those
types of headaches because we have the
expertise and the employees who work to support our customers worldwide, Sangree said.
INTTRA is very focused on delivering the
best-in-class products for a very defined segment of the supply-chain management field
the containerized freight industry, said Mark
Yong, INTTRAs director, global operations. INTTRA
does not try to be one size fits all, and thus
both customers and carriers come to rely on
INTTRA for their current and future needs.
Another unique point is that INTTRAs products
are freely available to customers, Yong said.
INTTRA has continued to concentrate in the
last five years on building its connections and
carrier networks. Unlike some of its competitors, INTTRA doesnt sell software that competes with software vendors but rather aligns
with leading vendors such as Topsoft, Cyberlog
Technologies, Solulog, Riege, Transaxiom, IES
and Oceanwide. Therefore, if a customer finds
their needs go beyond INTTRAs channel solutions (INTTRA Link, Act or Desktop), they can
receive added services from an independent
software vendor with whom INTTRA has established an alliance.
Rather than going to an outside vendor who
might not be familiar with INTTRAs services
and systems, these software alliances have the
ability to complete the package for INTTRAs
customers so their needs are met. We dont
compete with software providers by selling our
own software solution, we align with them to
serve our customers, Michael Schutt Nielsen
said. Software alliances are typically local
country-specific, and they have established
connections with a lot of the shippers we wish
to serve, too.
Many companies have invested in solutions
to meet their core business needs and dont
want to change for the benefit of e-commerce,
said Paul Stephen, INTTRAs managing director,
Indian Ocean region. If e-commerce solutions
can be added to what they already have, then
we add value.

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Michael Schutt Nielsen

INTTRA's Senior Vice President
Global Commercial Sales

A focus on quality rather than quantity has

also taken INTTRA to new levels, and that is
something that the organization will remain
committed to in the next five years and
beyond. Were focused on how good the quality of the information is that carriers send to
customers and shippers to carriers, Michael
Schutt Nielsen said. Were looking to optimize
the whole process, because data and process go

What does the future hold?

INTTRA has made great strides in the last
five years, and this trend is set to continue.
E-business is becoming common practice in
the industry, and the benefits speak loud and
clear to the market, said Dieter Schmidtsdorff,
chief information officer and managing director, Hapag-Lloyd, who is also an INTTRA board
member. Customers hear the message and
know that they must take action to strengthen their own competitive position and provide
a higher standard of service throughout the
supply chain.
The more groups who make use of INTTRA,
the more they can benefit by getting productivity gains in their organizations, said
Ottmar Gast, deputy chairman, Hamburg Sud,
who is also INTTRAs vice chairman. All players in the shipping industry have realized
more and more that one standard (such as
INTTRA) will offer the highest benefit.
As this is realized, that INTTRA is the one,
seamless standard system that will become
April 3, 2006

the industry norm, the organization is hopeful that more carriers will
buy in to INTTRA, and the trend will continue on an upward basis. In
fact, two other carriers, who were previously connected to other portals, recently came over to INTTRA, as they realized INTTRAs value and
presence. Our rate of connections is accelerating, Sangree said. More
and more customers and shippers are seeing the benefits of INTTRA.
In 2005, between 3 and 4 percent of the worlds ocean carrier
transactions were initiated through INTTRA, and the 2006 plan is to initiate between 5 and 6 percent of worldwide container transactions, he
said. Our strategy is to continue doing the same things weve been
doing for the past five years providing value to shippers and carriers by standardizing and automating their processes.
INTTRA will continue to remain focused on what it set out to do on
that fall day in 2001. Today were processing 80,000 container orders
per week and 700,000 messages per day, Bloom said. For the past
several years, we have been experiencing a growth rate of over 100
percent per year, and our plans this year are to manage 5 million container orders, which is double of what we did in 2005.
We want to be even more efficient, and were going to keep doing
that and will build upon what we already have. The more we do this,
the more we can learn about the process so that we can satisfy our
mission of being the leading industry portal.

A focus on quality, rather than quantity, has taken INTTRA to new levels,
and that is something the company will remain committed to.

Congratulations INTTRA on your 5th Anniversary!

Since 1976
April 3, 2006



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INTTRA value-driven and carrier-supported

Industry portal provides high value for shipping industry

t was in the fall of 2001 when INTTRA began operations. What was
to become the worlds first and most successful ocean e-commerce
platform flipped the switch and delivered its first transaction
during that time a time when there was so much political and
economic uncertainty. However, in the spirit of creating value, INTTRA
had the perfect mix of world-class technology and the support of leading
ocean carriers, to create a thriving and growing new economy business.

The carrier connection

INTTRAs investors are the carriers themselves, consisting of industry
leaders A.P. Moller-Maersk (Maersk Line and Safmarine), CMA CGM,
Hamburg Sud, Hapag-Lloyd, Mediterranean Shipping Co., and United
Arab Shipping Co. It is partly through these shareholders that INTTRA
became a reality, and continues to lead the industry. With such founders
INTTRA is set to become the industry standard in regard to worldwide
From a carriers perspective, INTTRA has, in many ways, become
their own e-commerce department where its expertise and resources are
focused on supporting the carriers e-commerce drive, said Bobby Lim,
INTTRAs managing director, China and Korea. From the shippers and
forwarders perspective, INTTRA provides a single, standard platform to
connect to INTTRAs growing carrier network, which now exceeds 60 percent of the global ocean container capacity.
The biggest value that INTTRA provides, once shippers and forwarders
are connected to the system, is a network of connections to each of its
22 carrier members for all ocean transactions. This is beneficial because,
rather than having to spend thousands of dollars establishing separate
connections to each individual carrier, this ready-made link is already in
place. INTTRA is directly connected to almost 4,000 customer sites. If
a carrier didnt already use INTTRA, it would have to build as many as
4,000 of their own connections. Through INTTRA, we offer carriers automatic connection to these customers, just by hooking them up, said
Harry Sangree, INTTRAs senior vice president, business development and
corporate strategy.
In addition to its direct connections through its carrier members, the
INTTRA system not only provides efficiency and speed. The scale of the
network helps carriers accelerate the adoption and implementation of ecommerce, Sangree said. One carrier, after connecting to INTTRA,
began conducting e-commerce with almost 200 different customers in
just the first 120 days of joining INTTRA. Using INTTRA allows you the
ability to talk to all of your customers in the most efficient, fast and
cost effective manner.
Membership leads to value-added services
INTTRAs local expertise and industry knowledge help carriers
respond quickly to the increasing demand for e-commerce connectivity.
With thousands of implementations around the world, INTTRAs integration experience can quickly bring the full value of the network to carriers. Once the switch is flipped and the service turned on, carriers can
communicate with all of their customers literally the next day, accord8A Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

Harry Sangree, INTTRAs Senior Vice President

Business Development and Corporate Strategy

ing to Sangree. Theres no programming involved, and no design work

you just turn it on, he said.
This value-added service also provides cost-avoidance for carriers,
because INTTRA allows them to avoid so much of the hardship that
comes along with the change-management process that so many companies fear. This, coupled, with the cost of having to build direct connections to each customer, is something that could cause anyone to
avoid going electronic. If a carrier had to connect to all its customers, it would cost thousands of dollars to do this for each customer, Sangree said. Its a large sum of money for a carrier to build
all of those connections and maintain all of them going forward. Youd
also have to hire more people to actually build and maintain the system, thus delaying the time it would take to achieve the benefits of ecommerce and to deliver these benefits to the customer.
However, by using INTTRA, this is not the case. INTTRA has offices
around the world to provide support for implementing e-commerce.
In addition to INTTRA helping to accelerate the adoption of e-commerce, carriers also can gain efficiencies from streamlining their
processes and having higher quality data. Before INTTRA, carriers and
their customers would have their employees spending time receiving
phone calls and typing in faxes to receive a booking or shipping
instruction. However, with INTTRA this is a distant memory. Not only
do the carriers have an efficient, electronic process, but also they can
realign their employees to other areas of the
Page 10A
April 3, 2006


Master of your domain.

To all our friends at INTTRA from one of your founding partners.

Congratulations, and long may you prosper.

No matter what.

Bobby Lim
INTTRAs Managing Director, China and Korea

< Page 8A
company, such as business development,
rather than quality control issues, now that
INTTRA takes care of that for them.
INTTRA has assisted in strengthening our
e-business efforts in the market, said Dieter
Schmidtsdorff, chief information officer and
managing director, Hapag-Lloyd, who is
also an INTTRA board member. The service
provides us with knowledgeable staff to train
and assist both customers and sales staff so
that we have the know-how and the confidence to actively promote the products as
part of our enhanced product offerings, which
has led to continued success in our e-business
One-stop shipping
The convenience of one-stop shipping
is probably the most significant feature of
INTTRA, in addition to allowing shippers to
reach all INTTRA participating carriers, said
Erwin Hoefkens, e-commerce product manager,
Safmarine. The prime reason for Safmarines
e-commerce offerings is to extend customer
value and make it easy for the customer to do
business with Safmarine, Hoefkens said.
INTTRA allows business transactions to be
conducted efficiently and effectively, to the
benefit of both carriers and customers.
Hoefkens noted that the absolute biggest
value INTTRA brings to his organization is its
quick connections and ability to provide the
most accurate information in real-time. INTTRA
has allowed Safmarine, as well as Safmarines
customers, to speed up the integration of
booking requests and confirmations, and ship-

tions with customers including booking

response or confirmation, bills of lading, sailing schedules and status events.
One of INTTRAs strengths is the diversity
of its products, which allows each customer to
choose the solution that works best for them,
but allows each carrier to get the same message and benefits, said Mark BoyerChammard, vice president information systems, CMA CGM, who is also an INTTRA board
While these products have proven successful through their ability to offer customers
tailor-made solutions with flip-of-the-switch
access literally overnight, that doesnt
mean that INTTRA will stop developing new
products and/or enhancing its current offerings. We have a strategy to continue volume
growth, and we feel that the industry is best
served by a leading industry portal to help us
achieve that goal, said Ken Bloom, INTTRAs
chief executive.

A multitude of tailor-made services

Rather than building their own systems to
connect to each individual carrier, customers
have the benefits of several flexible solutions,
specifically, INTTRA Act, INTTRA Desktop, and
INTTRA Act is an online application that
offers a secure Web-based connection that
allows users to manage a wide variety of shipping processes. It provides the ability to
design and tender
standardized requests
of quotations, review
up-to-the-minute sailing schedules, book
cargo, review bill-oflading drafts, trackand-trace cargo and
create standardized
reports for shipments.
INTTRA Desktop allows
users to create shipping documents and
bookings offline and
then send them to carriers via e-mail or the
Web. INTTRA Link is an
integration service that
offers high-volume
customers the option
of using XML or EDI to
link their systems with
Finally, INTTRAs
Carrier Link, offers a
standardized electronic
connection to carrier
systems to enable
The biggest value that INTTRA provides is that once users are hooked
them to seamlessly
communicate transac- into the system, it is already linked up to each of its carrier members.

10A Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

April 3, 2006

PHOTO: Schenker AG

ping instructions and bills of lading, he said.

By building a standard interface between
INTTRA and Safmarine, we are able to offer
our customers a convenient service at a low
cost to us.
He added that another attraction toward
INTTRA was the reality that Safmarine wouldnt have to build its own individual systems to
each individual customer. By offering this
interface to our customers it has meant that
Safmarine shippers do not have to build multiple interfaces to interact with multiple carriers, he said.
Keep fully informed. Youd like to know where your consignment is at any time anywhere in the
world? No problem: all you need is an Internet connection and the consignment data of your cargo.
Weve tailored our website to suit your needs and thus already meet the requirements of web-based
e-commerce applications: you can obtain information, call up the status
of your consignment and book online. Visit us at

INTTRA expands its Web services to meet

the needs of a shifting marketplace

s the world's largest e-commerce platform for ocean shippers,

INTTRA is providing leadership in the use of Web services to
make e-commerce easier and more accessible for shippers. A
simple installation of its software allows users to create
shipping documents and bookings offline and send these documents to
carriers through e-mail or Web services.
INTTRA is ahead of the game in developing Web-based services,
said John DeBenedette, INTTRAs vice president of IT. INTTRA processes nearly 80,000 container orders a week and is growing at 7 percent a
month. Our Web services channel, which includes INTTRA Desktop,
processes thousands of shipments per day. Web services is growing at
twice the rate of our EDI-based products (INTTRA Link) and online
channel (INTTRA Act), he said. Further, customers using EDI are
starting to use INTTRAs implementation guides to move to Web
INTTRA Desktop, which is known in the industry as the fast, simple way to make a booking or shipping instruction, includes features
such as a standard process to use, create, save and edit templates, in
addition to offering an easier way to archive and find information.
Desktop also has built-in forms for compliance with U.S. Customs security, formats for bill-of-lading viewing and automated confirmations.
Available in multiple languages, INTTRA Desktop requires just a PC
with e-mail or Internet connection.
INTTRAs mission since its inception five years ago has been to
streamline the business process and reduce the cost of e-commerce for
the shipping industry. This means continually supporting high volumes
of business documents electronically through its network of 22 carrier
members with nearly 15,000 active customer connections in more than
75 countries.
In order to find further efficiencies, INTTRAs future solutions will
increasingly depend on Web services technology," said Harry Sangree,
INTTRAs senior vice president of business development and corporate
strategy. The challenge for INTTRA is to ensure we use the best technology available to adapt and respond to changing customer needs. As
a solution, Web services technology will provide opportunities to meet
future user needs with additional functionality, while lowering the cost
of e-commerce in the long term.
Available through INTTRAs Desktop channel, Web services provide a
very rich client experience for users with minimal Internet access. If
you only have a computer with e-mail, you can use our Desktop package to access all INTTRA Web functions, and you can do this with a
dial up. You dont need broadband, DeBenedette said. For example, a
customers computer sends INTTRA a booking request in a special XML
stream and then INTTRAs system digests the requests and replies within seconds with an answer and acknowledgement number, he said.
Given the growing demand for Web services in the marketplace,
INTTRA sees an opportunity to expand the use of this technology to
cover other offerings such as track and trace. And Web services tech-


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nology is the basis of an interface being developed to connect

INTTRA to customer ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning
systems and other software
providers, according to
INTTRA officials believe its
important to continue a multichannel strategy, offering a
range of solutions for users to
connect easily with the platform. Its early days for the
implementation of Web services
in the ocean shipping industry,
John DeBenedette
but being an early adopter
INTTRAs Vice President of IT
means we can set the communication standards for Web services and identify the opportunities to enhance what we can offer our
users in the future, Sangree said.
And INTTRA is confident that as the marketplace moves toward Web
services, INTTRA will have the infrastructure in place to meet these
demands. The technology exists today, and is not that complicated.
The challenge is how quickly the shipping industry embraces Web services and then how it organizes around its use. As the world migrates to
Web services, INTTRA will be ready to serve the industry, said Ken
Bloom, INTTRAs chief executive.

INTTRA Desktop allows users to view bookings for any carrier in the
INTTRA carrier network including bookings made directly with carriers.
April 3, 2006

People skills still rule in the spread of e-commerce

NTTRA, with headquarters in Parsippany, N.J., has 150 people

based in nine countries. As an e-commerce company, technical
skills are very important, but to succeed and prosper, INTTRAs
people need team-building and communication skills to collaborate closely with carriers and customers on the implementation
of e-commerce.
In addition to building world-class technology, we must
address the changes that new business processes bring to established routines, said Michael Schutt Nielsen, INTTRAs senior vice
president, global commercial sales. Implementing new business
processes is all about people.
Can as the message that would reflect the values and mindset of
the organization. I Can is a play on INTTRA Can, and reflects
the value that people at INTTRA place on continually striving to
solve our carriers and customers business questions, Bell said.
At its simplest level this message is saying we need to look
after our customers but its also a state of mind that keeps INTTRA
striving to improve what we do each day, she added.

In 2005, INTTRA launched INTTRA University as a company

wide initiative, offering a range of training and to support career
development to keep people up-to-date and prepared for the challenges of operating in local markets around the world.
As a global company working in many different countries, its
important we keep a sharp focus on our customers and share
knowledge across the organization said Lisa Bell, INTTRAs vice
president, human resources.
In addition to launching INTTRA University, INTTRA developed
a framework of 10 key values: Open Communication, Customer
Satisfaction, Teamwork, Integrity and Trust, Long-Term Vision,
Leadership, Global Mindset, Flexibility, Accountability and
Respect. These are communicated with a simple message.
Following internal and external surveys, INTTRA introduced I


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April 3, 2006

The INTTRA connection

At, online visitors can connect to use INTTRAs services
and find information about the company, its carrier network, e-commerce
tools and channel solutions. The home page links registered users to
all of INTTRAs online services: schedules, track and trace, bookings,
shipping instructions, Web bills of lading, reports and tender.
In addition, there are links to an introductory demo for INTTRAs
fast-growing Desktop solution for creating and submitting offline bookings and shipping instructions, and an online Resource Center that
includes a wealth of information about INTTRAs services.
The Web site also provides free access to download INTTRAs standards-setting Customer Implementation Guides for transactions including booking requests, confirmations and shipping instructions.
To learn more about what INTTRA can do for you, visit
Visit for free access to download INTTRAs standards-setting
Customer Implementation Guides.

April 3, 2006

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Software providers choose INTTRAs channel

solution for high-volume shippers

NTTRA Link is an integration service that

offers high-volume customers the option
of using XML or EDI to link their systems
with carriers. Customers using INTTRA
Link can take advantage of the multiple XML
and EDI connections between the INTTRA
platform and its carriers, saving money and
time in managing and maintaining multiple
high-speed carrier connections.
In June 2005, Topsoft Systems Inc., a
Taiwan-based shipping application software
developer and service provider, did just that.
The company signed an agreement with INTTRA as part of a government-backed effort to
boost the countrys global competitiveness
through electronic commerce.
The decision to use the INTTRA Link service, which provides EDI connection between
22 of the worlds top ocean carriers and several thousand ocean shippers, came after two
years of evaluation, according to Paul Jair,
chief executive, Topsoft. Jair determined that
linking to INTTRA would boost the countrys
global competitiveness by providing cuttingedge e-commerce connections for Topsofts
customer base of shipping professionals.
Topsoft engineers successfully built an
EDI platform, which they linked with INTTRAs
powerful hub, and is now offering a wide
array of online shipping functions to Taiwan
shipping professionals and their overseas
agents, Jair said. Specifically, he said the
Taiwan shipping industry could currently handle global cargo tracking and automatic
access of cargo status from the carrier online

and in a unified fashion that provided visibility of cargo data for near real-time control of
Its all about expanding their (the software providers) current footprint, such as
adding connectivity to ocean carriers via
INTTRA to the existing software solutionplatform, improving their overall offerings in
an extremely competitive environment to customers and make them unique, said Tony
Wines, INTTRAs managing director, AsiaPacific region. It also gives users the ability
to expand their revenue stream.
By choosing INTTRA for Topsoft, Jair said
his team was able to offer better services for
global logistics and connect Taiwanese logistics professionals with international carriers
and service providers.
Like Jair at Topsoft, INTTRA is excited by
the prospect of welcoming the software company, thus further expanding its worldwide
e-commerce platform.
INTTRA will now have access to more
than 500 accounts in Taiwan who actively use
Topsofts systems. As a result, INTTRA can
now reach out to each Topsoft account in
Taiwan, Wines said. By allying with Topsoft,
were able to expand our sales resource and
push a standard in the marketplace.
Because of its alliance with INTTRA,
Topsoft can advise its customers to take
advantage of EDI transactions, now that they
have INTTRA as an alliance that can support
them with this unique connectivity process.
The eventual aim is that all Topsoft cus-

INTTRA is linked to more than 30 software alliances around the world.


Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

tomers will
access INTTRA, Wines
said. When
that happens,
then the
Taiwan market
would be
working in a
largely paperless environment, and
Tony Wines
INTTRAs Managing Director,
Asia-Pacific Region
would be the
practice, saving time, cost and manpower.
While INTTRA has joined forces with
Topsoft in Taiwan, the e-commerce platform
has also established alliances with more than
30 companies, including Cyberlog
Technologies International, Solulog,
Transaxiom Group, Riege and IES, to name
a few.
Riege will be able to upgrade their customer working practice by providing INTTRA
EDI to their customers, Wines said. This in
turn will allow cost saving and smoother
operational flow than the paper and manual
environment, which is currently the working
According to Jashay Mehta, chief operating officer, Cyberlog, the Singapore-based
company selected INTTRA because of its connectivity with multiple global carriers and its
ability to provide status messages electronically. It is expected that it will improve efficiency once the status messages for shipments are received from INTTRA, he said.
Mehta also noted that Cyberlog chose INTTRA
because it is unlike other service providers
available today in that the carriers are integrated, and this is what makes it unique.
Wines agreed with Mehtas assessment in
that the carrier value is what makes INTTRA
its own special portal. INTTRAs value is that
there are very few programs offering the same
unique branding as we do, he said. No portal offers as many carriers as INTTRA (61 percent of container capacity), nor is there such
a widespread global coverage for a shipping
April 3, 2006

portal than
there is with
the decision
to align with
not only
because of its
Andrew Bullen
value and spePresident, IES
cial features
it was also
about timing. Launching a product-service
like INTTRA, the time to market was right.
INTTRA had the needed business knowledge
and at the same time, Transaxiom could prove
their commitment to the market by providing
INTTRAs services, said Frank Holmstrup, chief
executive, Transaxiom Group. Since INTTRA is
known globally, it gives Transaxiom a quality

image because we collaborate with them.

And because Transaxiom is set on becoming a formidable presence worldwide, they
sought out INTTRA to help them reach this
goal INTTRA is already a unique system
that has a global presence in place. Since
Transaxiom wants to be known as a global
player, we need to collaborate with global
alliances mainly a company that is recognized globally with a proven track record
and that is what INTTRA is, Holmstrup said.
It is true that INTTRA has been expanding
its alliance with software providers on an
international basis. However, the company
also maintains a strong focus on domestic
providers as well, such as IES, the Midland
Park, N.J.-based company that offers logistics
management software for the transportation
According to Andrew Bullen, president,
IES, the biggest value that INTTRAs service
brings is the EDI component, which saves his
customers time and money. He added that

INTTRAs already-established relationship with

its carrier members was another reason that
led IES to select INTTRA. Their relationship
with the carriers saves a great deal of time
versus establishing individual connections to
each carrier, Bullen said. Being able to connect to INTTRA once and then reach all of
their carrier members just makes sense.
In addition to its ready-to-go carrier connection, INTTRA is an attractive option to
customers because of the special features that
Bullen feels are incomparable to other
providers. INTTRA does EDI right, he said.
Competitors of INTTRA charge for EDI,
whereas INTTRA provides their service to the
shipping community for free. When you consider the advantages that EDI brings to the
carriers in reduced documentation costs and
errors, as well as the advantages of the forwarder, this is truly a great service of which
every forwarder, shipper and NVOCC should
take advantage EDI is a win for both forwarders and carriers.


on their

5th Anniversary
IBM Corporation

590 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10022


April 3, 2006

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce 17A

Kuehne + Nagel promotes efficiency through

INTTRAs global e-commerce platform

hen a hurricane, tsunami or port

strike affects shipping in any of
its 620 locations in 98 countries
worldwide, the effects ripple
throughout Kuehne + Nagels vast ocean
freight enterprise.
But Kuehne + Nagel, which ships more
than 1.6 million TEUs annually, has received
a huge operational boost from its membership in INTTRA, the worlds first multicarrier
ocean freight e-commerce platform. Not only
was Kuehne + Nagel one of the first to join
INTTRA in August 2000 but also the ocean
freight logistics giant has increased its use
of INTTRA with the expansion of INTTRAs ecommerce tools and is an early adopter of
INTTRAs many online services.
Five years later, Kuehne + Nagel officials,
such as Jimmy Wohlers, vice president of
Global Sea Freight Systems, find INTTRA to
be an extraordinary tool for streamlining
internal processes and improving data quality
all of which leads to on-time shipments
and satisfied customers.
When we started with INTTRA, our goal
was to help set a standard in the ocean
shipping industry that created one point of
electronic entry for all ocean-freight transactions, Wohlers said. In the past, we had
multiple points of entry, with different connections to each individual carrier. This
meant we had different processes and different data standards between the various parties, all of which led to errors and enormous
According to Wohlers, Kuehne + Nagel
began with INTTRAs electronic booking with
INTTRAs eBooking tool followed by electronic shipping instructions and bills of lading. The company rounded out its services
from INTTRA with its track-and-trace information tool.


When we started with INTTRA, our

goal was to help set a standard in
the ocean shipping industry that
created one point of electronic entry
for all ocean-freight transactions.

Army Pedersen
INTTRAs Managing Director
European Region

Kuehne + Nagel officials continually

work hard to promote customer satisfaction
by providing shipping data visibility
throughout the course of a shipment. Their
adoption of INTTRA's e-commerce tools and
services follows the logical progression of a

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

shipment through the supply chain, Wohlers

Along with streamlining internal processes, Wohlers said the other key benefit of
working through INTTRA, the largest multicarrier network, is that now we have set
standards for electronic entry with a number
of carriers and other users participating in
the INTTRA network. And our data quality is
growing, which is a major competitive benefit for us. Quality and communication is
always a challenge when managing with
24,000 employees and thousands of
Wohlers envisions moving beyond the
current INTTRA e-commerce tools currently
available to close the supply-chain loop with
the electronic payment of freight charges
between container lines, the shipper and
freight forwarders.
Army Pedersen, INTTRAs managing director, European region, finds that major logistics providers such as Kuehne + Nagel particularly benefit from INTTRA because of its
integrated and standardized solutions,
which promote data accuracy and offer their
customers the benefit of rapid information
The main benefits of INTTRA is that we
have a one-point entry to major players on
the carrier side, Wohlers said. Through
INTTRA, we can streamline our internal
processes globally in communication with
carriers, provide higher data quality and
speed up processes.

April 3, 2006

A model for the industry a dot-com survivor

INTTRA sets the standard in the world of e-commerce growth

Page 22A

20A Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

Global Growth of Container Orders

Processed Through INTTRA

Total Number of Containers

t was the late 1990s, and it seemed as though each day, there
was a new type of Web site hitting the online scene. The Internet
age had achieved new heights, and the dot-com explosion was
well under way. This trend occurred not only in the general Web
arena, but in the world of e-commerce, specifically geared toward
ocean shipping as well.
If you could count the number of shipping e-commerce platforms
operating in 2001 that are still in business today, one would note that
most are gone and long forgotten. However, there is one company,
which ironically began operation in 2001, long after the dot-com boom
peaked and then crashed that company is INTTRA an organization that unlike its competitors has grown and prospered, rather than
crashed and burned.
Manny Hontoria, principal of Boston-based Mercer Transportations
transportation and international logistics consulting sector, who has
been studying INTTRA, has watched the company grow in leaps and
bounds from just six ocean carrier members to the worlds largest











April 3, 2006

INTTRAs Worldwide E-commerce Growth in Transactions by Region 2005-2006

INTTRA is processing a growing percentage of ocean trade

The network effect As more and more carriers and shippers
connect to INTTRAs platform, the growth of the network
accelerates e-commerce adoption around the world.

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce 21A

April 3, 2006

Paul Stephen
INTTRAs Managing Director
Indian Ocean Region

< Page 20A

e-commerce platform for the ocean shipping
industry. This is part of a growing trend that
has accelerated quickly, as carriers and shippers became early adopters of e-commerce
tools, particularly online portals to manage
their supply chains, and in increasing numbers, he said.
While its true that INTTRA could be
viewed as one of the lone survivors of the
dot-com craze, Hontoria also considers the
company as one that is a model for the transactional portal as supply-chain manager. I
view INTTRA as a business-enabling portal. It
provides different values to different participants while removing the inherent inefficiencies of doing business, he said. We are seeing an increasing share of companies, as they
grow a global presence, making use of these
portals to drive efficiency and better manage
their supply chains.
Many medium-sized forwarders and shippers process a great deal of data in their systems that is cumbersome to recapture into
our online or desktop solutions. If their internal order processing solution is able to output
messages to INTTRA, this provides them with
the ability to get the benefits of e-business
without any additional effort, said Paul
Stephen, INTTRAs managing director, Indian
Ocean region.
Since INTTRAs inception, the companys
sales and operations offices have multiplied

worldwide and currently cover North America,

the Asia-Pacific, China, Korea, Europe, Indian
Ocean, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
And in 2005, and this year so far, INTTRA has
experienced increased e-commerce activity in
other areas from Bangladesh to Finland,
Hong Kong to Qatar and South Africa.
In the North America region alone, we
have grown 168 percent between 2004 and
2006, and we are seeing even greater increases in overseas markets, said Michelle
Cummings, INTTRAs managing director, North
Founded with a membership of ocean carriers, INTTRA has managed to penetrate all of
these areas, and has the goal in mind of continuing to do so for the next five years as it
continues to meet the demands of the ocean
industry. The future of INTTRAs growth really
depends on a couple of factors, said Bobby
Lim, INTTRAs managing director, China and
Korea region. One is our ability to continue
to innovate and come out with solutions to
meet the market needs, which I am confident
that INTTRA will deliver; credit must go to the
strong leadership and committed people at
INTTRA. The other is the strong pool of carriers out there.
INTTRAs goal is to attract as many carriers as possible to become the industry standard for the benefit of customers and carriers, said Andre Simha, chief information officer, Mediterranean Shipping Co.
Hontoria feels that much of INTTRAs success could be attributed to its vision of
sticking very close to the knitting, meaning
that the company has kept its focus solely on
the needs of ocean carriers and interactions
with their customers. INTTRA has a very
focused strategy and emphasis on ocean shipping-full containerload, Hontoria said. They
havent gone off on tangents.
While its too early to tell what the next
trend will be, one thing is certain INTTRA
is poised for even further success and growth
in the next five years. As the company continues to expand worldwide as well as beyond
the ocean carrier industry, things can only get
better. This trend should continue as our
customers keep improving and automating
their supply-chain management processes,
said Mark Boyer-Chammard, vice president,
information systems, CMA CGM, who is also an

22A Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

Michelle Cummings
INTTRAs Managing Director
North America Region

INTTRA board director. EDI and e-business is

clearly one key answer to this quest.
In an industry that has endured more
twists and turns than a roller-coaster ride,
INTTRA has still managed to be guided by a
steady compass of success. Perhaps this is
because INTTRAs platform not only is run by
those who have considerable industry experience, but also because of its relationships
with its investors.
This is mainly because unlike so many of
the doomed dot-coms, INTTRAs investors were
not comprised of several venture capitalists,
but rather, the carriers themselves, who had a
vested interest in this venture that was more
than just about making money. It is important to stress that we have the largest carrier
portfolio, and it is still growing, Lim said.
We are jointly owned by the carriers themselves, hence we are industry-driven. INTTRA
is undoubtedly in the drivers seat as we continue to make significant milestones.
When discussing specific milestones, Lim
mentioned INTTRAs EDI Shipping Order, which
is customized to meet the shipment booking
practice in central China. The set of booking
data in China contains much more information
as compared to other parts of the world, he
explained. Customers using the shipping
order in this region need just one standard
booking format, which we have developed, and
they can transmit e-booking to all INTTRA carriers, regardless of the carriers back-end sysApril 3, 2006

tem requirement of EDI booking format. INTTRA is able to process the

booking data requirement based on the carriers indicated by the booking party.
Growth in the container business is another area that has allowed
INTTRA to continue its year-over-year upswing. This, coupled with the
backing of most of the worlds major carriers and natural transaction
volumes, will undoubtedly pave the way for INTTRAs steady, continual
growth. INTTRAs growth has been fairly stable, averaging 6 to 8 percent per month since its start five years ago, said Jorgen A. Engell,
executive vice president, A.P. Moller-Maersk, who also serves as
INTTRAs chairman. We certainly expect this growth to continue during the next few years. Longer-term growth will be sustained by continued growth in volume of container business. But for the next few
years, growth will primarily come from more customers using the portal
with currently connected carriers and with more carriers getting connected to the portal.

Annual Growth by INTTRA Channel

INTTRA Channel Solution
Annual growth: 2004 - 2005

Percent Increase


+75 percent


+100 percent


+250 percent

Desktop represents 20 percent of the container order volume and is the

fastest-growing channel.

INTTRA E-Commerce Tools

INTTRA offers a comprehensive range of e-commerce tools to process and manage ocean shipments
April 3, 2006

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce 23A

Worlds largest dairy exporter streamlines with INTTRA

leading multinational dairy company owned by 11,600 New

Zealand dairy farmers was looking for an e-commerce solution that would streamline its supply chain. This company,
known as Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd., ships approximately 140,000 TEUs, one-third of which is reefer, from New Zealand,
Australia, U.S., South America and Europe. As the worlds largest
exporter of dairy products, the company was looking for a process
that would not only provide an electronic advantage, but staff support that would also be able to assist with the change-management
Step back for a moment to 1999, when the dot-com boom was an
explosion in process. Fonterra, which currently collects more than 13
billion liters of milk per year and manufactures more than 2 million
tons of dairy products annually from New Zealand, decided to explore
the implications and opportunities created by the dot-com surge,
particularly in the ocean freight and logistics industries. However,
according to Nigel Jones, the companys general manager logistics,
many of these groups didnt seem to have a vested interest in what
Fonterra was trying to do. Although many opportunities existed to


Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

As the worlds leader in large-scale milk procurement, processing and

management, Fonterra needed an e-commerce platform such as
INTTRA, to provide them with value in booking efficiencies.

develop our capabilities, they tended to involve parties with no real

interests in the area of supply-chain management not the ideal
business model with which to trust a key link in your supply chain,
Jones said.
Seeing that many of these groups encompassed venture capitalists, Fonterra had conversations with Maersk Line (a founding carrier
member of INTTRA), who introduced the dairy exporter to the INTTRA

April 3, 2006

try as well. We are there to ensure that carriers have data and know how to handle it,
which is a local issue, Pin said. They speak
the language and understand the local procedures that must be adhered to.
We considered a number of solutions,

but decided upon INTTRA and its network

which has already grown to cover most of
our container volume, Jones said. Together
with the working group, we were able to
develop and implement improved business
processes for our organization.

Nigel Jones
General Manager, Logistics, Fonterra

concept. Although at the time, other similar

portals were being developed, the carrier mix
involved with INTTRA made it an obvious
choice for us, Jones said.
Fonterra is the worlds leader in largescale milk procurement, processing and management, therefore, the company was seeking an e-commerce platform, which according to Jones, would provide them with value
in booking efficiencies and multicarrier
track-and-trace capabilities through a single
platform. He also noted how the changemanagement process from paper to electronic was rather seamless, and this is
because INTTRA is there to ensure that the
process is a smooth one. Two-thirds of the
change-management process is about going
from manual to e-business, said George Pin,
INTTRAs director, sales, Australia and New
Zealand. In general, the transition process
is smooth weve done this for five years,
and we are well-connected with the carriers,
which certainly helps.
INTTRA not only has individuals working
who have connections and experience on the
software, hardware and ocean-freight industries, but it also has its people scattered
throughout the world in the different regions
where its customers are located people
who not only understand INTTRAs culture,
but the culture of the customers home counApril 3, 2006

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce


Third-party logistics provider benefits

from INTTRAs services

s a member of the Anker Leschaco Group, Germany-based

third-party logistics provider, Leschaco is based on several
factors that contribute to its worldwide success a distinct orientation toward the customer, the acquisition of
appropriate shares of the market, an innovative power based on IT,
international presence and a sustainable profitability.
In particular, the company has gained considerable expertise
through its participation in a variety of electronic data interchange
(EDI) projects involving the use of a wide diversity of hardware configurations and transmission systems. If required, it can implement
bilateral data-interchange and systems that use individualized data
Use of the EDIFACT standard in particular has been recommended
as the ideal for transmitting the type of information required in the
forwarding and transport sector. The company currently uses the EDIFACT IFTMIN message to process its shipping instructions, sending
them via INTTRA, according to Susanne Lotz, IT manager, Leschaco.


The status events that

Leschaco receives from the
INTTRA carriers are also then
transferred into the Leschaco
tracking-and-tracing system,
providing a seamless process
that is linked up to all of
Leschacos customers.
The single platform for
exchange of shipping data to
multiple carriers provides a
streamlined standard process,
which significantly improves
the overall data accuracy,
said Army Pedersen, INTTRAs
managing director, European
region. Less manual interven- Susanne Lotz, IT Manager, Leschaco
tion also results in improved,
accurate and faster turnaround of shipping documentation.
Through the INTTRA portal, Leschaco has been able to upgrade its
EDI systems even further. We took an interest in INTTRA to improve
our shipping instructions in the daily transactions with carriers, Lotz
said. The connection with INTTRA so far allows us to reach the bigger part of our carrier network through one international portal. This
is an important fact, specifically for our international branch offices.
To be informed about the actual status of our shipments is also a
basic element in cooperation with our customers.

on its 5th Anniversary
and for its success in
bringing new technology
to the
transportation industry.

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

As a worldwide transportation provider of dangerous goods, it was

important for Leschaco to employ a portal, such as INTTRA, so that
customers could have peace of mind, knowing their products arrived
April 3, 2006

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INTTRA helps Latin American food exporter

centralize its distribution system

s one of the largest food companies and exporters in Latin

America, Perdigao is dedicated to raising, producing and
slaughtering poultry. With its core business dedicated to
chilled and frozen food, Perdigao also processes frozen pastas, soybeans and their derivatives, and distributes frozen vegetables.
Since April 2004, Perdigao has expanded its services even further.
The company currently has 13 industrial units in the south and midwest
of Brazil, 16 distribution centers and 13 outsourced distributors.
Currently, the company exports to more than 100 countries, and in
addition to its Brazil headquarters, it has offices in Europe, the Middle
East and the Far East.
With these expansions as well as the opening in 2003 of the Rio
Verde Agroindustrial Complex Latin America's largest abattoir,
Perdigao needed an e-commerce platform that would not only work to
assist with this change-management process but also to help streamline
the added amount of business transactions the company was performing
each day in regard to exporting.


Volume Growth


Preston Gates
INTTRA on its
5th anniversary

Therefore, according to Anderson Souza,

export analyst,
Perdigao, the company
wanted to have one
system, with one central location. INTTRA
was able to do this by
helping Perdigao to
streamline their export
business process, from
making bookings to
verifying the bill of
lading. Now, instead of
going to different carrier Web sites or creJim Freeman
ating individual EDI
INTTRAs Managing Director
connections to each
Latin America Region
of the carriers,
Perdigao uses one
Web site and established a single EDI connection to INTTRA, giving
them access to more than 20 different ocean carriers. They can use one
process for their ocean exporting business, according to Jim Freeman,
INTTRAs managing director, Latin America region.
For Perdigao, the biggest attraction to INTTRA was the opportunity
to have one portal that can centralize and unify all information
exchanged with our carriers, Freeman said. By using INTTRA, we can
submit and standardize some of our processes through one single path.
According to Souza, before Perdigao implemented the INTTRA
process, it would send its shipping instructions to a customs broker,
who then submitted to each carriers different system/interface. Once

Anchorage Beijing Coeur dAlene Hong Kong Orange County

Portland San Francisco Seattle Spokane Taipei Washington, DC



Perdigao's transaction volume increased 221 percent via INTTRA.


Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

April 3, 2006

this was completed, the carriers would send the processed shipping
instructions for verification it was not until after all the information
was deemed correct that the original bill of lading would be approved
and released. As a result, the documentation process was expensive and
time consuming. If you take a step back and look at the broader picture, INTTRA helps our customers by providing the tools that increase
their efficiency and streamline their export shipment processes, said
Virgil Ferreira, INTTRAs sales manager. This allows our customers more
time to cater to the needs of their customers, resulting in a higher level
of customer satisfaction.
By utilizing INTTRA, Perdigaos processes are more direct, with

decreased turnaround
times. By using INTTRAs
EDI tool, INTTRA Link, the
shipping instruction is sent
to INTTRA directly through
our own system and
relayed to each carrier, and
we are then sent an
acknowledgement of
receipt, Souza said. Using
the combination Web Bill
of Lading and Reports
products, we have reduced
our turnaround time from
seven days, to two to four
Prior to INTTRA,
Perdigao also handled all of Anderson Souza, Export Analyst, Perdigao
its bookings directly with
each carrier, and employees had to contact each one individually.
Since INTTRA is linked to more than 20 carriers, this is no longer
the case, since the information is now
Page 30A >

Newmark Knight Frank

is proud to salute

on their 5th Anniversary

Newmark Knight Frank

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April 3, 2006

Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce


< Page 29A

transmitted electronically, rather than having to follow up with a phone
call or fax to each carrier, which according to Souza, caused Perdigao to
lose valuable time.
INTTRAs Reports tool, allows us to confirm that all shipping
instructions were sent and received by INTTRA and the carriers, he
This guarantees that all parties involved in the process accepted
the information in good order.
INTTRAs Bill of Lading solution is another area that Perdigao has
taken advantage of, and has found useful. The bill-of-lading tool
allows us to quickly verify processed non-negotiable bill-of-lading
copies, Souza said. This enables us to make any possible corrections,
or to immediately approve original bills of lading.
Souza added that these tools offered by INTTRA, which are being
utilized by Perdigao have been extremely beneficial in assisting their
processes with carriers. The agility in the processes and clarity in the
information exchanged between Perdigao and the carriers has brought
impressive reductions in turnaround times we can say that our
process is now clean, he said.
Perdigaos export business continues to grow, and INTTRA will help
make that growth easier to handle because of the simple, standard
process they can utilize to process their export shipments, said Thiago


is pleased to congratulate

on its

5th Anniversary

Rodrigues, INTTRAs project manager of integration services. Our goal is

provide the necessary tools that allows them to be more efficient.
With these new technologies in place, added customer service and
quicker turnaround times, it is obvious that Perdigao has not balked at,
but instead embraced the change-management process that occurs
when implementing a new system mainly, Perdigao has seen an
increase in productivity and customer satisfaction through a userfriendly system. Nowadays, the most important thing is to increase
the service level to customers. A system such as INTTRA is a good
example of this, said Joao Oneda, logistics manager and sponsor of the
INTTRA project at Perdigao. We are always open to new technologies
that are an easy-to-do process that saves on time and money.
INTTRA thanks the following for their
contribution to this section:
Andy Barrons
Lisa Bell
Ken Bloom
Mark Boyer-Chammard
Andrew Bullen
Regina Ciardielio
Michelle Cummings
John DeBenedette
Jorgen Engell
Virgil Ferreira
Jim Freeman
Ottmar Gast
Erwin Hoefkens
Frank Holmstrup
Manny Hontoria
Paul Jair
Piet Jan Ten Thije
Nigel Jones
Bobby Lim
Susanne Lotz
Jashay Mehta
Omid Mohadjeri
Michael Schutt Nielsen
Joao Oneda
Army Pedersen
George Pin
Thiago Rodrigues
Robert Sadowsky
Harry Sangree
Dieter Schmidtsdorff
Eemaan Siddiqi
Andre Simha
Anderson Souza
Paul Stephen
Marilyn Sutton
Marco Van der Schans
Paul Wenger
Tony Wines
Jimmy Wohlers
Ahmed Yearwood
Mark Yong
INTTRA name, logo, design and related marks are trademarks or registered
trademarks of INTTRA Inc.


Special Advertising Section to The Journal of Commerce

April 3, 2006

The CMA CGM World of Shipping

With 244 ships at sea,

5.0 million containers carried in 2005,
220 ports of call in 130 countries,
and more than 10,200 staff members worldwide,
CMA CGM is the Worlds 3rd largest Container Shipping Company
and an original founder of INTTRA fostering the exchange of
accurate and timely information between customers and carriers.

marketing channel

CMA CGM congratulates INTTRA on its fifth anniversary!


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