.Letter of Inquiry and Letter of Complaint

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Nica Stefan Cristian-Anul II,Grupa a 2-A

Letter of inquiry
Cover Sheet
To expedite a letter of inquiry it is important to include a cover
sheet with the following information:
Information regarding who will carry out the work
Name of your organization (and acronym if commonly used)
Name of parent organization, if any
Name of chief executive officer or person holding similar
Organizations address (and courier address if different)
Organizations phone number, fax number, and e-mail
address, if any
Name and title of the principal contact person, if different
from the above
Address (and courier address if different), phone number,
and fax number of principal contact
E-mail address of principal contact
Web address, if any
There is no set format, but letters of inquiry generally include the
Name or topic of the proposed project or work to be done

Nica Stefan Cristian-Anul II,Grupa a 2-A

A brief statement (two or three sentences) of the purpose
and nature of the proposed work
The significance of the issue addressed by the project and
how it relates to a stated MacArthur program strategy
How the work will address the issue
How the issue relates to your organization, and why your
organization is qualified to undertake the project
Geographic area or country where the work will take place
Time period for which funding is requested
Information about those who will be helped by and
interested in the work and how you will communicate with
Amount of funding requested from MacArthur and total cost
(estimates are acceptable)

Letter of complaint
Keys to an Effective Complaint Letter
Describe your purchase.
Include the name of the product and serial number.
Include the date and place of purchase.
State your problem.

Nica Stefan Cristian-Anul II,Grupa a 2-A

Give the history of your purchase.
Ask for specific action.
Allow time for action.
State how you can be reached.
Enclose copies of your documents and receipts (but never
send originals).
Keep copies of all your letters, faxes, e-mails, and related
Tips for Filing a Complaint
When filing a complaint, remember these tips:
Remain calm. The person who can help probably didn't cause
the problem.
Don't use an angry, threatening, or sarcastic tone.
State exactly what you want done about the problem.
Document each step, and keep copies.
Start with the seller first. You can resolve many problems by
calling a company's toll-free number. Even on the phone, you
should know the details of the complaint. You can use the
sample letter below to jot down a few notes before you call.
If necessary, ask to speak to a manager.
If that doesn't work, send a letter or e-mail to the
manufacturer's national headquarters or consumer affairs
office. Some experts suggest that a letter is the most
effective method for contacting a company, so if e-mails and
phone calls don't work, try mailing a letter.

Nica Stefan Cristian-Anul II,Grupa a 2-A

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