NJ13433 - Linguarama Competence Levels

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Language Competence Levels Guide

Level 5

Native Speaker - Very confident and competent communicator in native language.

Level 4.5

Often mistaken for a native speaker.

Level 4

Management Level - Fully effective manager at native speaker level. Occasional small
lapses, especially with idioms but almost completely bilingual.

Level 3.5

Rarely has problems except with complex topics and sensitive situations under pressure.
Understands some nuances and idioms. Probably used to working with consumers and
colleagues in the target language. Should check with native speakers when handling
documents or presentations on less familiar subjects.

Level 3

Operational Level - Can join in detailed discussions and work with colleagues, contacts and
consumers who are native speakers. Some inaccuracies and gaps in vocabulary may limit
effectiveness on complex matters. May have a few problems expressing views in meetings
and written reports with appropriate strength and sensitivity. Key target level for detailed
international work e.g. in English for UK secondments or for BAT international
management development courses.

Level 2.5

Can often converse confidently but frustrated by lack of vocabulary. Is probably uncertain of
ways to interrupt firmly and politely in meetings. Can make simple presentations but will lack
the flexibility and sophistication to be clear and convincing with colleagues. Some errors will
limit effectiveness and cause problems when writing letters, memos and reports concisely
and accurately with appropriate style and tone. Few language graduates sustain this level
without further training including language for business.

Level 2

Basic Efficiency - Can cope in everyday conversation and on some routine business topics
with a sympathetic native speaker. Has a good understanding of main structures and
essential vocabulary. Has difficulty in keeping up with details in meetings but may be able to
give explanations and suggest alternatives if given time. Limited by lack of fluency and by
weakness in reading/listening comprehension.
Initial level for international work,
particularly if still based locally. Inadequate level in English for secondment to UK.

Level 1.5

Can communicate on some familiar subjects in one-to-one conversation with a sympathetic

colleague but would soon become lost in detailed discussions. Can exchange routine
information but not really able to work extensively in the language. Typical starting level for
those without much practice or training since a long course at school.

Level 1

Simple Conversation - Can ask/answer fairly simple questions and exchange basic
instructions. Some accuracy and confidence but a narrow range of vocabulary. Beginning to
use past and future tenses and simple modals e.g.. "must / mustn't / don't have to / may / can
/ cannot." For international liaison or assignments to countries where it is not
necessary to work in the local language.

Level 0.5

Understands some basic grammar and "survival vocabulary" but cannot engage in
conversation. May have a basis through a specific course or some patchy passive
knowledge from a short course at school.

Level 0

Complete Beginner - no previous study

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