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Lahore University of Management Sciences

Molecular Biology (BIO216)

Fall 2013
Room No.
Office Hours
TA Office Hours
Course URL (if any)

Dr. Sohail A. Qureshi

Room 10-507
Haris Manzoor

Course Basics
Credit Hours
Recitation/Lab (per week)
Tutorial (per week)

Three (3)
Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week
Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week
Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week

Course Distribution
Open for Student Category
Close for Student Category

Yes (for undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Biology)

Yes for all others
Biology majors and minors

Two (2)


75 minutes

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to molecular biology and is designed for students interested in learning molecular
mechanisms which control cellular processes in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Topics include structure of nucleic acids and proteins, organization
of genes, genomes, chromatin and chromosomes, DNA replication, repair, recombination, transcription, mRNA processing, protein synthesis and
turnover, control of gene expression, signal transduction pathways, non-coding RNAs, evolution of biopolymers and origin of life.

Introductory Biology (BIO101)

The objective of this course is to impart foundational knowledge and essential concepts in molecular biology to students.

Learning Outcomes
After taking this course students should:
Be knowledgeable about the structure of nucleic acids and proteins, and how genomes are organized in bacteria and
Understand specific roles of different proteins involved in cellular processes such as gene transcription, DNA replication &
repair, protein synthesis etc.
Understand mechanisms through which expression of genes is turned regulated in bacteria, viruses and eukaryotes
Be aware of quality control systems that work in concert in order to minimize errors as well as dampen genetic noise

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Grading Breakup and Policy
Quiz(s): 10%
Exam-1: 25%
Midterm Examination (Exam-2): 25%
Final Examination (Exam-3): 40%
Examination Detail


Yes/No: Yes
Combine Separate: Combined
Duration: 2 hours
Preferred Date: None
Exam Specifications: Combination of multiple choice and short answer questions (no exam booklets required)

Final Exam

Yes/No: Yes
Combine Separate: Combined
Duration: 2 hours
Exam Specifications: Combination of multiple choice and short answer questions (no exam booklets required)

Lecture Schedule

Lecture #: Topic(s)


1. Introduction Biodiversity, Cells & Genomes

Chapter 1: 1-42

2, 3. Cell Chemistry & Proteins (2 sessions)

Chapter 2: 45-65
Panel 2:106-11 & 118-119
Chapter 3: 125-152, 171-177

4, 5. DNA & RNA structure; Chromatin & chromosomes

(2 sessions)

Chapter 4: 195-219, 233-235,

Figure 4-72 on p244

6. Transcription-I

Chapter 6: 329-339

7. Transcription-II; mRNA modification and Processing

Chapter 6: 339-366

EXAM-1 (covering lectures 1-7)

8. Translation

Chapter 6: 366-387

9. Protein folding and turnover

RNA world and Origin of Life

Chapter 6: 387-399
Chapter 6: 400-409

10. DNA Replication-I

Chapter 4: 263-280

11. DNA Replication-II

Chapter 4: 281-294

12. DNA Damage & Repair

Chapter 5: 295-304 + Readings

13. DNA Recombination & Transposition

Chapter 5: 304-322

EXAM-2 (MID-TERM; covering lectures 8-13)

14. Control of gene expression-I (general)

Chapter 7: 411-432

15. Control of gene expression-II (bacteria)

Chapter 7: 432-440 + Readings

16. Control of gene expression-III (bacteriophage)

Reading material posted on LMS

17. Cell signaling and communication

Chapter 15: 879-954

18, 19. Control of gene expression-IV (eukaryotes)

(2 sessions)

Chapter 7: 440-477

20. Post-transcriptional controls

Chapter 7: 477-497

21. Non-coding RNAs

Reading material posted on LMS

Lahore University of Management Sciences

22. Molecular biology of mitochondria and chloroplasts Chapter 14: 855-870 + Readings
23. Molecular biology of extremophilic archaea

Reading material posted on LMS

24. Methods-I (studying cells & proteins)

Chapter 8: 501-532

25. Methods-II (manipulating DNA)

Chapter 8: 532-552

26. Cancer

Chapter 20: 1205-1267

FINAL EXAM (covering lectures 14-26)

Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings

Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts et al. 2008 - 5 Edition).

Genes IX (Lewin 2008)
Molecular Biology of the Gene (Watson et al. 2004 5 Edition)

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