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Message by Oyelakin Gbolahan Pearl

Text: Genesis 2:16-25

Love or Infatuation
The issue of this theme is something that centers or focuses on the subject
of LOVE. There are many books and messages that have been published on
the subject of LOVE. Love is one of the most used and misused words in the
world. Love means different things to different to different people. We live a
pluralistic world
A relationship often begins where two people professing to love each other
decide on love. Though, both may have different meanings they give to love.
It could be true LOVE or INFATUATION.
Quick Overview of the Meaning of LOVE
A hole in the heart ------------Ben Hecht
A grave mental disease --------Plato
A feeling you felt when you feel something you have never felt before
A desperate madness -------------John Ford
A sentimental measles ----------Charles Kingsley
A mutual understanding ------------Oscar Wilde
To will the good of another ------------St. Thomas Aquinas
But for the sake of this teaching, our focus will be on the divine pattern for
discerning and choosing a suitable companion/helper as such to have a
successful, fulfilled and happy marriage that is heaven on earth.
Gods intention and plan for man God created man with an
intention to empower him with every necessary things with a singular view
to ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM on earth. Hereby, man is an Ambassador or
Representative of (God) Heaven on Earth. 2 Corinthians 5:20, Matthew 6:10.
Genesis 2:15 - God placed man in the Garden He planted in Eden and
commissioned man to CULTIVATE IT and GUARD IT. Every MALE MAN
has a specific assignment, purpose and mission or task given by God to fulfill
and do on earth. You need to locate your Eden and discover your

assignment. It is on this premise that man's search for a suitable helper

meet for his need is justified. (Genesis 2:18). Every Christian woman must
ask any man who intends to marry them what his specific assignment is.
Gods intention and plan for mans suitable helper The work given
to man is such that man is unable to fulfill the divine commission alone; he
requires an help meet for his need. God therefore, made a suitable
companion for the first man Adam. I am glad to inform you that He is still in
the business of making a suitable companion for His sons. The roles of a
companion in ensuring the achievement of man's commission can be seen in
the meaning or definition of who a companion is. Both the man and his
suitable companion have one mission, goal or aim - to fulfill a specific
singular purpose of God. It is unfortunate to know that many young men
and women enter into marriage relationships today without a specific
purpose. Women, make sure you ask your intended husband who work he
has gotten which he needs your help or what journey he is embarking on
that he needs your company.
According to the Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, Second
A person who goes with or is after or always with another.
A person who shares in the work, pleasures, misfortunes, etc of
A person with similar tastes, interests.
One of two things that go together; that matches another or is one of a
Proverbs 18:22

Finding the Man/Woman that really loves you

In finding a good partner, you need to first of all be a good person. Work on
yourself in being a good person before seeking for a good partner. It takes
God through the leading of His Spirit to find a suitable companion. It's not by
might, by sight or by sagacity and prowess; but only by His Spirit. Zechariah
Just like buying a suite or coat or blazer; we always look for a suited one not
the one that will look like "My Daddy dash me" after you wear it on. So, we
need to seek after a suited companion and not just anyone.


There are 5 Pillars of Self-Development:
Spiritual works study the Bible, prayer life/altar, spiritual
commitments and services, attend programmes and seminars
Intellectual-educational work
Financial work get a work or business enterprises that will enable you
have a consistent means of income or earnings.
Emotional work develop a strong self-control. Be a spirit-controlled
man or woman.
Physical work let moderation and fear of God be your motto. Beauty,
Personal Hygiene, Communication and presentations (verbal and non-verbal)
and Good health status.
These enhance attractions and make the finding process easy in a sense.
Finding is not solely the work of the male man; the female man is equally a
stakeholder in the Ultimate search for Cinderella and Prince Charming
Finding via: WAITING ON GOD. Psalms 27:14
The Word of God - wait in consistent study of God's word.
Prayers - wait in consistent praise and prayers.
Dreams & Trances: God still speaks through dreams and trances, but
be very discerning because the devil can manipulate these.
Inner Voices: This is a kind of gentle voice spoken on the inner mind.
God speaks through His Spirit to our Spirit man when we study His words
and pray, revealing His will to us.
Prophecies: The ministry of the Prophets is still active and intended by
God to guide us in His will. Hebrews 1:1.
Visions & Revelations: God has a special way of encountering us, as
such that we can clearly decipher His will and watchfully instruct us to action
in obedience. Through Holy Spirit, He reveals His plans to us the hidden
secret things of God for our lives.
Personal Convictions: This is important because we all have a living
conscience. Man is a logical being that tends to rationalize everything.
Therefore, it is important for our convictions to be guided by Gods word.
Peace of mind: This is largely necessary; whatever you do or will
decide on that will result into inner conflict and inner unrest, its an
indication that you will never like it or that it is wrong.
Parental guidance, advices and consent: God has placed them in
our lives to guide us in the right way we need to go in life. Honour them by
listening to them and consider their pieces of advice. Proverbs 22:6;
Ephesians 6:1-4.


Pastoral Guidance & Counseling: Seek and respect the godly counsel
given by your Spiritual leaders who have right intentions for you.
Nonetheless, beware of match-making.
Whichever of these, the role of personal convictions, peace of mind and
parental consent and advises cannot be overemphasized.
Avoid these:
PRESSURE: - Avoid Peer pressure, Family pressure, Societal pressure
and other forms of marital pressure.
PERSONAL JUDGEMENT: - Avoid self-condemnation regardless of
your past and avoid being judgemental.
Someone who is an Unbeliever, who is influenced or controlled by other
things except Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:14
Someone who is a Backslider a consistent sinner is a child of the devil.
1 John 3:8-10.
Someone who is a New Convert a Spiritual Baby. 1Peter 2:1-2.
Someone who is Immature - spiritual, physical, emotional, financial,
educational immaturity.
Someone who just broke up from a relationship. Such person has not
been fully healed.
Someone who is a divorcee. Matthew 19:9. Divorcee is someone who
legally ended a failed marriage.
Someone you have an intention to change. Are you the Holy Spirit?
Someone with unproven characters and bad testimonies. Philippians 4:8.
Someone you cannot accept his/her past, present and future. Every life
is made up of these tripartite functional phases the past life, the present
life and the future life. If you want to know who a man is, get to know
his/her past, present and future.
10. Someone with an unacceptable friends & family train. Someone you
cannot accept his/her friends, family and relatives. You cannot separate your
partners friends and family from his/her life.
11. Someone who is a threat to you. That is, someone who always threatens
you for love and makes you feel inferior.
12. Someone who can make you lose your real identity; be it spiritual,
physical and emotional identities.
13. Someone who will not respect and honor your personal or family
standards. Proverbs 22:28.
14. Someone who doesnt have a joyful heart and spirit, that is always moody.
15. Someone that always insist he/she can never change when he/she des
wrong. You cannot handle his/her temperaments.
16. Someone you cannot enjoy or that you dont enjoy his/her company. Such
cannot be your friend and once there is no friendship, there is no love. Love
always begins with friendship.
17. Someone under any pressure or sexual pressure...

18. Someone who is not your friend or who is a stranger. Here, Im not talking
about just a casual friend or mere social media network friend.
19. Someone you dont trust.
20. Someone who is manipulative.
21. Someone who is with an intention to impress, oppress, suppress, depress
22. Someone who is a polygamist or having different religious marriage belief.
23. Someone who is always in haste, reckless and careless. That is, avoid
AUGUST RUSH Final Year Brethren (FYB), NYSC syndromes.
24. Someone because of his/her possessions money, properties, physical
endowment, positions, etc. All these are unstable reasons and not
formidable enough to see you through the tide of marriage and storms of
25. Someone who is insane, mentally retarded or possessed. Such cannot
consciously decide rightly.
I pray you will not make a wrong choice.

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