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Exam Preparation..

For new members & repeaters...

(Tag your friends so that every one may get regardingg prep..
Again im posting the preparationn pattern that what u have to read,grip for paper...
Keep in mind tht PAPER 1 is Same for all the especialities.. Paper 2 is differnt on especiality
based .. So frst m telling you for Paper 1..
Anatomy.... Snell Review
Neuro anatomy.... Kaplan
Physiology.........Brs + chap of blood and cell physiology frm gyton
Pathology......... Brs
Embryology..... genral chap frm langman OR Heigh yield embryo full....
Pharma..... First aid(chap wise+its chap)|+pharmakokinetics frm lipincott
Micro|+Immunology+Statistics.... First Aid
Histology... epithelias pages available in this group Photos
Now come to Paper TWO thats especiality based...
Anatomy snell
Neuro both snell ortion plus from nbde cranial netves and their nuclei very important
Physio from brs
Patho from goljan or brs what ever u like and do only first 5 chapters plus neoplasia and a
chapter of blood
Micro first aid enough
Biochem faiq or first aid .. i would recomend faiq though its easier
Dental materials from mcabe whole book specially gold alloys wrought alloys composites and
polymers also do mcqs of dentogist just rattaify them ull get 4 5 mcqs from there
Oral patho from ontemporary just remem the site of lesions and chracterstic features specially
bone is very important
Pharma only first aid
Histo table of epithelium only
Mcq books chandkians asim and shoaib or rabia ali
Medicine & Allied
Physiology : frm BRS ,plus few topics where i wasnt strong enough done frm ganong.
Pathology : BRS, KAPLAN, GOLJAN (from where you feel easy) but I would prefer BRS.
Micobiology , Immunology : First Aid
Anatomy : Gross anatomy :1st chapter of Big Snell. Rest of the anatomy from Snell review.

Neuroanatomy :High yield

Embryology : From First Aid ( its more thn enough )
Histology : Epithelial linings, collagen types,cartilage types.
Biochemistry :First aid that too superficially
Pharmacology : First aid+plus ANS ,cardiac pharmacology and diuretics from Kaplan.
Biostats and behavioral sciences frm First aid that too i hv done very superficially.
1.anatomy PELVIS PERINIUM ABDOMEN from big snell gripp on them from physio+patho brs,gyton n goljan ( rest
of physio chap frm Brs and Patho especial frm first Aid+ genral frm Brs)
3.Embryology of repro n endo on grip from langmans... rest of all chap frm frst aid n heigh
4. Histology of Repro n Endo frm heigh yield
5. Community... frm Park+ First Aid and do mcqs of community frm all mcq books like
Azeem,murad,chandkians,rabia,asim shoaib n past)
6. Topics like menopause,ectopic,GTD, those mention in Syllabus.. must do frm GYnae obs
BRS OR frm ten teacher
* Staging of cancers including
- CA breast
- CA endometrium
- CA cervix
- CA ovary
* genital infections
* puerperal sepsis
* contraceptive methods
* bishop scorring
* menstrual cycle with abnormalitie
IMMUNOLOGY frm lavinson if u hve time otherwise mustt do from goljan,brs n frst aid
MICROBIOLOGY frm first aid(every page)
GENRAL PATHOLOGY .. gve read to goljan n do it frm BRS too it will easy recalled ..
ESP: PATHOLOGY.. gve read to BRS n do it frm frst aid toooooo any hw.
whole of HAEMETOLOGY section must from GOLJAN plzz.. do goljan any how for
haematology.. goljan will clear ur concetssss.. as ths time conceptual questions regarding
lukemias were came..
EPITHELIAS.. bfre my papeer two i had read to epithelias n litrally 4, 5 mcqs were came frm it..
so [plz do it]..

FIRST AID.. must must musttt krnii hai,, biochem sy autosoml dominant, recessive disease..
inborn errors, aisyy main topic must read.
fOR Surgery & Allied...
BRS for physio... weaken areas can be covered by kaplan physio lectures ( i used to listen) .....
Mcqs of murad and ganong chapter to chapter
Gen patho only first 137 pages from goljan , rest of patho from BRS...
Mcqs from murad chapter to chapter
Regional anatomy Big snell's... general anatomy fro BD handbook (just superficial)
Neuroanatomy from kaplan along with lectures
Gen embryo from langmann rest from first aid
Histo... just do epithelial linings + types of collagen
Mcqs of murad chapter to chapter
First aid ... i did first section of kaplan for pharmacokinetics + topics mentioned in surgery
Mcqs from murad
First aid (more than enough)
Mcqs from murad
First aid (more than enough)
Mcqs from murad
First aid (more than enough)
Mcqs from murad
Books Need To Be Read;
1. Physiology from BRS (two readings should be given)
2. Anatomy from Snells
3. Neuroanatomy from Kaplan (if you have time read chapter of spinal cord and tracts from
Snells Neuroanatomy; From paper 2 point of view Neuroanatomy is very important. Half of
anatomy mcqs come from Neuroanatomy in paper 2).
4. Pharmacology from Kaplan ( read anaesthetic drugs from Anaesthesia text books of Smith or
5. Pathology from BRS ( do only general patho; no need to do special patho )
6. Physics from Basic physics for Anaesthesists by Parbrooks ( do selected topics from syllabus
available from CPSP )
7. Embryo from High Yield
8. histology and general anatomy too ( just only major topics discussed in mcqs)
9. First Add (for comprehensive review)

EYE Anatomy : SNELL OCULAR ANATOMY from A to and learn each and every
thing that is written in this book by is ur main weapon in paper B...
EYE Physiology : jhon ferris eye physiology give quick read to GYUTON eye unit it
will hlp u understand those topics that are difficult/deficent in jhon ferris...
EYE Pharma : jhon ferris
EYE Immunology : jhon ferris
Course to b covered for fcps-1 ENT
Anatomy.. Brs plus head n neck from big snell n klm
Physio.. Brs plus endo n cns from big guyton
Biochem.. First aid
Patho.. General patho from brs.. Do endo n renal from goljan n medium robins
Pharma.. First aid
Ent.. Do a revise of dhingra specially anatomy n physio chapters
Revise first aid atleast 3 times
Embryo.. First aid plus high yield
Neuro.. Kaplan plus cranial nerves from big snell
Radiology... by our member
books which I read were
A. RJ last.
B. Clinical Snell's
C. Snell's review
D. Kaplan anat For anat try to deal region wise.
Abdomen + pelvis. We all know how much
important these regions are so why to take risk. I
did them from last+clinical Snell's and in the end
gave them a good read from Snell review and
Kaplan. And believe me u don't forget once what u have read the basics carefully. Only reading
topics from last and clinical Snell's saved me from
Upper and lower limb. Snll review is more than
enough with Kaplan
Back, head n neck & thorax- imp regions. Do it from clinical Snell's
Neuro anatomy is one thing which is luck. We got
gandi wali neuro in our paper and idk Allah
helped me from nowhere. Do neuro from Kaplan
an high yield. Snell review bcqs are important too.
We got around 5 minimum bcqs from Snell review.
Understand one thing u r going to be a
radiologist so u need to focus on anatomy. We

got 85/100qs of anatomy in paper 2. First aid. Personally I ain't first aid fan I just did
first aid with superficially and didn't learn it. I did
blood and bones and reproduction from it. These
are imp topics for paper 2,radiology BRS physio + first aid should be targeted for a unit
like CVS etc. I don't like physio not at all. Patho is imp for us.
I did goljan and BRS patho and first aid too patho
section. Its very imp. Osetoprosis is there fav topic.
Patho for paper 2 like I said above is important
for us specially blood and bones! Gen anatomy- bd chaursia or from anywhere
Embryo-first aid
Histo-rabia Ali bcqs If u want to clear paper in radiology than just
For all especialities Mcq books shuld cover.. ASIM SHOAIB GYNAE MED SURGERY( u have
to do all these tghree weatgher u r attmpting in gynae med or sur), MURAD, AZEEM
MCQS... best plateform is here this page....
In the end generally ill say grip on physiology nd pathology.. if still you have any querry,
question.. just ask on this posttt by mentioning the field for which you wanna ask and do tag
admins.. so tht any one frm us especiality wisee will reply you besttt

iTs all depends onn self.. bt in tensionn it might difficult too organisee study.. here r few points which i
learnd frm my seniors..
Firstt completellyy make urself rlx..
start with simplee chap of physiology.. nw its on tiime tht hw much u hve?? try to cmplt physio frst read
frmm brs with a week... dn wrry if u didn get.. ull cattch it in second read... aftr physioo tKe pathology
brs... its genral 7 chap aree sooooo easy so cover them withn 2 days n thnn remaning imp syst withn 5
days.... anatomy snell review withn wk... 200 mcqss dailyy.. nw start secnd read with more intention n
frst aidd shuld b startdd togather... try too gvee as much time as u can btt with a 15 min breakk on every
3 hr study... ..(((( FIRST READ IS ALWAYS IRRITATIVE N DIFFICULT sooo dnt wrryy jst puttt upp))))..

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