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Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris

Total organic carbon content (Kot) is one important parameter for water quality criteria.
In this study the method of determination of Kot in the water, where organic substances in the
sample oxidized for Catalysis and carbon dioxide determined konduktometri oxidation results.
Oxidizing Unit used a glass column reactor inside the walls of TiO2 film coated and UV light
"black light" as the source of the photo. Performance test system developed shows that the range
of 10 to 100 ppm of TOC (total organic content) have good linearity and the results are not
significantly different compared with the TOC meter Kot commercial or similar but uses a
system of shaped photocatalyst suspension (ANATOC). By using a thin layer of catalyst that
mobilized the reactor problems can be avoided and the savings of the use of catalysts, because
they do not need to inject the suspension of catalyst each time such an analysis on the suspension
Kot is one important parameter as the criterion of water for different designation, such as
drinking water, water needs and / or industrial waste. Generally agreed that the value of Kot used
as general indicators of water contamination by volatile organic substances and nonvolatile1, 2.
In this context, it is necessary that the method is simple, fast and inexpensive way to determine
Kot in water at various designation (ranging from industrial wastewater with a high-Kot to the
ultra pure water with very low content of Kot) without losing sensitivitanya. In general, Kot
determination involves two main stages, ie the conversion of organic matter into CO 2 and H2O
and CO2 yielded quantitative determination. Conversion oganik substances into CO 2, and H2O
can be done in several ways, namely chemical oxidation, 3.4 therma combustion, l5, 6 pyrolysis,
7 fotodekomposisi, 8.9 and fotokatalik.10 Oxidation by chemical oxidation is limited to nonorganic substances volatile, thermal combustion requires great energy to achieve high
temperatures in the combustion chamber, the pyrolysis can only accommodate small sample size
and sensitivity is difficult to increase when dealing with samples with very low Kot,
photooxidation require high-energy UV light (UV-C) to obtain complete oxidation.
Photocatalytic oxidation mode chosen in this study has the advantage of being able to work at
room temperature, using a source of low-energy photons (UV-A). Energy photons with <410
nm is required to activate the TiO 2 catalyst to produce strong oxidizing species that will
memineralisasi organic substances produce CO2. The system was developed to handle samples
with small volume, and can accommodate both volatile compounds and non-volatile.
Carbon dioxide is produced, in general, can be measured by nondispersive infrared (NDIR)
absorption spectrometry, thermal conductivity 11.12, 13 or determined by titration volumetri14,
15 gravimetry, 16 and various methods of ion chromatography 0.17 to 22 after its CO 2 absorbed
into the acid or alkaline solution. NDIR, thermal conductivity, and ion chromatography analysis
tools require a fairly expensive. Titimetri and gravimetric can not provide adequate sensitivity
when dealing with samples were very low Kot. In this study the determination of the CO 2 is done
by konduktometri23 a simple and inexpensive yet sensitive enough, after the CO 2 was collected
directly into the mineral-free pure water.

2. Experiment
2.1. Immobilization of TiO2 thin film on the inner wall of the glass column.
Coating TiO2 by sol-gel method using 0.5 M precursor titanium (IV) bis acetyl
diisopropoksi asetonat (TAA, Aldrich) in ethanol and propanol ekivolum. Inner walls of the
column that has been cleaned with mineral acids, demineralized water and organic solvent and
then dried. Into a glass column (pyrex and / or quartz) which has net inserted precursor solution
and let stand a few moments. Precursor solution was then removed and the walls of the column is
dried gradually from room temperature up to 1200 C. Into the column and then added water and /
or pure oxygen while heated to a temperature reaches 400 o C and held until the black layer and /
or gray all turned white and transparent. Coating was repeated up to five times.
2.2. Characterization of TiO2 thin film on the inner walls of the column.
The presence of a thin film on the inner wall of the column was characterized using UVVis spectrometry (according gapnya energy), SEM-Scanning Electron Microscope-(profile / thin
film surface topography and thickness), and XRD-X-ray Difractometer (identity existence of
rutile crystal form and / or anatase). Examination of UV-Vis spectrum is done by cutting some of
the column and split it into two pieces, then place them on the street light in watertight
compartments and the use of comparison samples of air and / or columns that are not covered.
SEM examination performed with specimens that are similar to those used in the examination of
UV-Vis. While the examination conducted on the powder XRD exfoliated from the TiO2 film.
2.3. Performance testing reactor
2.3.1. Reactor configuration
Reactor configuration consists of two coils column inner wall of glass that is coated TiO2
connected in series. Each reactor coil wrapped around the black light and UV lamp each power 8
watts. Bersistem loop reactor using sirkulator periltastik pump and reservoir buffer capability as
a gas separator. Carbon dioxide is separated from the gas liquid separator dilairkan into the
reservoir also functions as a cell which is controlled by a digital conductivity conductometer.
2.3.2. Performance testing reactor
Before use dikonditioning reactor system with 20 ml of mineral water and run the system
until the signal konduktometri stable. Then injected into the reactor as much as 5 ml sample
solution containing certain Kot (for standard / calibration curve) and / or samples to be
determined KOTnya content. This study used two types of chemical compounds, namely glucose
and / or acid bensoat, as a reference / comparator Kot content with concentrations ranging from 0
to 60 ppm. Previously conducted preliminary experiments to determine the time required to
complete oxidized organic substances used in the concentration area.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. The conceptual approach of oxidation catalysis at the surface of TiO 2 thin film and
measurement of carbon dioxide it produces.
TiO2 thin film on transparent glass can be activated by UV light illumination from the
direction of supporting materials and produce pairs of electrons (the conduction band) and hole
(in valence band) on the other hand is in contact with the solution. The interaction between the
holes with water to produce hydroxyl radical, a powerful oxidizing species, which will oxidize
organic compounds to produce around water, mineral acids and carbon dioxide (see figure 2 and
Carbon dioxide produced in the reaction will be moved into the fluid reservoir (ion-free
pure water) and measured konduktifitasnya. Value proportional to the conductivity cell constant,
the concentration of carbonate ion and / or bicarbonate ions which is equivalent to the
concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in the liquid catcher, and nota bene is equivalent to the
content of organic substances in the sample. Empirical equation obtained is:
Organic Czat = Ksel x [(kf) 2 - (ki) 2] (6)
Organic Czat:
ki: the concentration of organic matter which is equivalent to the results of
oxidation and CO2 gas dissolved in the liquid reservoir in the conductivity cell
cell constants and / or calibration coefficient (ppm/uSiemen2)
final conductivity after complete oxidation (uSiemen)
initial conductivity before the oxidation reaction (uSiemen)
3.2. Character thin layer of TiO2 on the wall in a glass column.
TiO2 thin buffer layer on glass prepared by sol-gel has a local absorption of UV in the
range of 320 s / d 405 nm, with a peak of 365 nm (Fig. 4.). Data processing with the early
emergence of reference absorbance at 405 nm provide predictions of energy gaps of
approximately 3.2 eV. Increasing the amount of coating to give consequence to the thickening of
a thin layer which is reflected in the increase of the value of absorption according to BeerLambert rule. The amount of thin film thickness predicted from the container transverse SEM
images of TiO2 films on glass buffer (Figure 5). Meanwhile, XRD examination showed that the
crystal structure formed is dominated by the anatase form which is characterized by the intensity
of diffraction at 2 between 25 to 25.5; 37.00 s / d 37.10, and 48.15 s / d 48.2 (XRD diagrams
not shown).
3.3. Measuring System Performance Test Kot
Glass column reactor with TiO2-coated surface of the walls in the measuring system
assembled into Kot as in Figure 1. The system is fed into a solution of organic substances
(glucose, as a model) with some level of concentration. Evolution of conductivity in the reservoir

solution indicates the amount of carbon dioxide gas is formed. Conductivity value will no longer
remain after the formation of carbon dioxide (all organic matter has been oxidized). The time
needed to complete oxidation depends on the amount of organic substances in the reactor, to
contain up to 60 ppm Kot it took less than 15 minutes (Figure 7). Test of linear relationship
between Kot with value (kf2 - ki2) is done by using the value of kf after konduktifitasnya
constant (> 15 minutes). It appears that in the concentration range between 5 to 60 ppm obtained
a fairly good degree of linear (Figure 8).
In this way some artificial samples containing the same concentration of organic substances
measured KOTnya value and results compared with measurement of the same sample but using
methods / instrumentation ANATOC (commercial instrument measuring the TOC or Kot-based
photocatalytic oxidation with TiO2 suspension and measurement konduktometri). The results
shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1. The measurement results of sample with Instrumentation developed and ANATOC
[record made Kot theoretical value is 17.001 ppm]
No. Sample results of measurement (ppm)
The proposed instrumentation ANATOC
1 17,979 17,370
2 17,023 15,030
3 16,550 15,328
4 16,550 15,228
average 17.026 15.989
Difference measurement range 0.673 1.083
From the table it can be seen that the results of measurements with the technique and
instrumentation that was developed has a smaller range of measurements and a smaller
difference to the theoretical value. A difference may indicate that the oxidation process in
measurement by oxidation ANATOC rudimentary guide operations over the given time line
procedure is very short. Although still to be done further tests regarding the working area of
concentration range (linearity), precision and accuracy, the influence of types of organic
substances and the sample matrix, but it can be said that in principle the proposed system has the
potential to be developed as TOC or Kot meter memenruhi simple criteria (injek sample and see
the results), without input inexpensive catalyst / chemicals each time analysis (Nearly
chemicalless) and therefore environmentally friendly.
4. Conclusion
From this research can be concluded that the glass column reactor with TiO2-coated
surface of the inner wall can function as an oxidising unit at Kot meter instrumentation. Kot
meter instrumentation developed, where the value of konduktan Kot derivatized carbon dioxide
reservoir cells results photocatalytic oxidation reactor perfect, able to provide adequate
measurement results as similar systems are already available commercially, but using the catalyst

5. Acknowledgements
Osaka Gas Foundation International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) of part suportnya in
the development of glass-walled reactor column in the active photocatalyst.

6. References
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2. Benner, R., Hedges, J.I. March Chem. 1993, 41, 161.
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4. Van Hall, C.E.; Barth, D.; Stenger, V.A. Anal. Chem. 1995, 37, 769.
5. Montgomery, H.A.C.; Thom, N.S. Analyst 1962, 87, 689.
6. Sharp, J.H. Mar. Chem. 1973, 1, 211.
7. Test Methods for Total Organic Carbon in Water, American Society for Testing Materials,
Philadelphia, PA, 1985, ASTM D2579-85.
8. Edwards RT, McKelvie, ID; Ferret, PC, Hart, BT; Bapat, JB, Koshy, K. Anal. Chem. Acta
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9. Van Steenderen, R.A.; Liu, J.S. Anal. Chem. 1981, 52, 2157.
10. Matthews W.R. in Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment ofv Water and Waste Water, ed.
Ollies DF, Elsevier Science Publishers BV, USA, 1993, p. 121-137.
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13. Kieselbach, R. Anal. Chem. 1954, 26, 1312.
14. Seligson, D., Seligson, H. Anal. Chem. 1951, 23, 315.
15. Maxon, W.D.; Johnson, M.J. Anal. Chem. 1955, 27, 1784.
16. Pickhardt, W.P.; Oember, A.N; Mitchell, J. Anal. Chem, 1955, 27, 1784.
17. Tanaka, K., Fritz, J.S. Anal. Chem. 1987, 59, 708.
18. Kreling, J.R.; DeZwaan, J. Anal. Chem. 1986, 58, 3028.
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22. Fung, Y.S.; Wu, Z., Dao, K.L. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 2186.
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Yanyan F. N., Ahmad Zainuddin and Dada Sumiarsa
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Pegetahuan - Padjadjaran University
It has been done derivatisasi compounds in patchouli oil. The increase is done by
distillation terfraksi that produce distillate at a temperature of 85-120 C and analyzed by means
of gas kromatomografi-mass spectrophotometer (GC-MS) produces peak areas pacouli 49.9%
alcohol. Then the distillate was extracted in acid-base conditions with ether, the resulting fraction
of neutral and acidic fractions. The results of analysis by GC-SM, indicating the existence of
patchouli alcohol in the neutral fraction with 51.2% peak areas. Separation is then performed by
vacuum liquid chromatography, and the test results with GC-BC showed patchouli alcohol with
75.1% peak areas. Patchouli oil with patchouli alcohol content of 75.1% complex derivatized
with BF3 / methanol and the resulting compound with the scent of wintergreen, menthol.
Nilan (pogostenom cablin Benth) is one type of essential oil producing plants. In the
international trade market, traded in the form of patchouli oil and patchouli oil known. Of the
various types of essential oils that exist in Indonesia, oil mlah tilapia that are excellent, every
year more than 45% of foreign exchange resulting from essential oils derived from patchouli oil
and about 90% of the world's oil comes from the Indonesian patchouli (santoso, HB, 1990).
One of the characteristics typical patchouli min yak is fiksasinya power is high enough.
According to Guenther (1990), patchouli oil contains compounds that m erupakan patchouli
alcohol in patchouli oil the main constituent, and the levels reached 50-60%. Patchouli alcohol is
tertiary tricyclic sesquiterpene alcohol. Not soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether or other
organic solvents. Boiling point 280.37 C and the crystals that form a melting point of 56 C.
Patchouli oil contains compounds other than patchouli alcohol (maor components) also contains
other minor components. According to Guenther (1990), in general constituent of essential oil
compounds are acidic and neutral. Likewise with patchouli oil, composed of the acidic
compounds and neutral. For example, 2-naftalenkarboksilat acid compound which is one
component of a minor constituent of patchouli oil. The molecular structure of compound daari
patchouliu alcohol and acid compounds 2-naftalenkarboksilat shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Molecular structure.

Research methods
For this study used the following materials: oil patchouli aceh southern origin, n-hexane, ether,
chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, alkoholis KOH solution, phenolphthalein indicator,
concentrated HCl, NaOH, NaSO4, anhydrous, a solution of 1% vanillin in concentrated H2SO4,
silica gel GF24 adsorbent, absorbent silica gel G60 nach Stahl (E. Merck) and peraksi complex
BF3 / methanol.

The tools used consist of: steam distrilasi equipment, vacuum distillation equipment terfraksi,
penampak spot UV, GC-SM analysis equipment (Hewlett packard 5890 series II-MSD 5970
series) evaporators, vacuum liquid chromatography column and reflux equipment.
Preliminary Analysis
Preliminary analysis of patchouli oil includes physical properties and chemistry as
numbers ester, solubility in 90% ethanol, density, putaaran optics and refractive index, and initial
levels of patchouli alcohol in patchouli oil by using GC-BC. Purification oil with steam
distillation method 100 ml of patchouli oil incorporated into the distillation flask and add water
as much as 3500 mL. Then didistilsi steam for 13 hours to obtain distillate mixture of patchouli
oil and water. Patchouli oil is separated from the water and added to anhydrous Na2SO4 and
filtered. After the oil separately, and then testing the properties of chemical and physical-level
analysis of patchouli alcohol in patchouli oil after purification by using a GC-BC. Increased
levels of patchouli alcohol by the method distrilasi terfraksi at low Patchouli oil 50 mL (the
result of purification by steam distillation) is inserted into the vacuum distillation flask.
Furthermore terfraksi distilled patchouli oil at low pressure and separated into different fractions
based on differences in boiling point. Each distillate was analyzed by GC-BC so that the content
of patchouli alcohol can be known. Peni ngkatan patchouli alcohol content by extraction
5 g of patchouli oil (the result of vacuum distillation terfraksi) was dissolved in ether, then
extracted with 2 x 100 mL 1 M NaOH solution Then the resulting two-layer solution is not
intermingled organic layer and water layer. In the organic layer, was added anhydrous Na2SO4,
and filtered so that the resulting filtrate and sediment. Then the filtrate was concentrated,
weighed heavy residue and analyzed the components that are neutral with KG-BC. While in the
water layer, add concentrated HCl and diekstrksi by 2 x 100 mL ether. In the organic layer is
added anhydrous Na2SO4 and then filtered to produce filtrate and precipitate.
Increased levels of patchouli alcohol by vacuum liquid chromatography
40 g of silica gel GF 245 in a beaker glass, inserted into the vacuum column until the height
reached 5 cm. Then eluted with n-hexane until homogeneous. A total of 5 g of patchouli oil
prepared with 10 g of silica gel 60 g nach Stahl until dry. Then the sample is inserted into the
column and eluted with 150 mL n-hexane, collected into 3 fractions. Then eluted again with 150
mL of ether, 150 mL of chloroform, 150 mL of ethyl acetate and also collected into 3 fractions.
Selanjtunya each fraction checked by thin layer chromatography to determine the pattern of the
stain, with the eluent n-hexane: ethyl acetate: chloroform (80:15:5). Then analyzed by GC-BC so
patchouli alcohol content can be known.
0.1 g minyka patchouli (the vacuum liquid chromatography) is inserted into a saponification
flask. Then add 5 mL of ethanol and 1.5 mL of 0.25 m KOH solution alkoholis Enter a boiling
stone, then a 10-minute direfluks solution. After boiling, the upper fraction kondesor added 0.5
mL BF3 / methanol then direfluks again for 5 minutes, then cooled and inserted from the top
kondesor 5 mL n-hexane. Subsequently added 1 mL saturated NaCl. Then shaken until
equilibrium, n-hexane fraction was separated and analyzed to determine changes in organoleptic
odor of patchouli oil.

The results and discussion

Preliminary analysis of patchouli oil
Preliminary analysis of patchouli oil includes physical properties, chemical that can be
seen in Table 1 and results of preliminary analysis by means of GC-BC show that in patchouli oil
contained patchouli alcohol content of 35.77%, which appears at tr 32.06 min.
Figure 2. Chromatogram of essential oil before purification were analyzed by GC-BC
Purification of patchouli oil by steam distillation method
Test result data physical-chemical properties of patchouli oil before and after steam
distillation are shown in table 1. It can be seen that after a thorough process of steam distillation
of patchouli oil, the better quality oil. Value still small because the refractive index of the oil after
refining the color is more clear than ever. The value of optical rotation of oil nilan before
purification is not in accordance with the standards according to ISO, this difference in
composition in both oil penyulinga. According to ISO standard maximum acid number 5, while
the acid value of patchouli oil before purification is 5.8071. This is due to the occurrence of
patchouli oil ester hydrolysis during storage resulting in carboxylic acids and alcohols. In
addition to naturally occurring acid. From the results of GC-SM analysis showed that levels of
patchouli alcohol increased to 55.27% and 31.95 minutes appears in the TR.
Table test results physical-chemical properties of patchouli oil before and sesuddah distrilasi

Figure 3. Chromatogram of essential oil after purification by steam destrilasi analyzed using GCBC.
Increased levels of patchouli alcohol by distillation metodde terfraksi on tekana renddah
In this terfraksi distrilasi process pressure was 75 mmHg and reached a maximum of 2 fraction
produced both of which were analyzed by GC-BC. The first fraction results distrilasi terfraksi
vacuum out as distillate at a temperature of 46-80 C and the second fraction out at a temperature
of 85-120 C. Detailed results can be seen in table 2.
Table 2. Results fractions of vacuum distrilasi terfraksi patchouli oil
Figure 4. Chromatogram of essential oil extracted with 1 M NaOH (acid fraction) were analyzed
by GC-BC
Results of analysis using GC-BC shows, these two fractions contain patchouliu alcohol,
as if no separation occurs. In the chromatogram fractions I, patchouli alcohol appears at tr 32.27
min with levels of 38.55%. In the chromatogram fraction II, patchouli alcohol appears at tr 32.63
min with levels of 49.9%. Separation of the less well is because the lack of pressure exerted on
the process of distillation. According to previous research, patchouli alcohol can be separated
from other compounds if the low pressure distillation terfraksi given pressure 3-2 mmHg.

Increased levels of patchouli alcohol by extraction

In general, the compounds in the volatile oil is acidic or nertal, therefore the extraction carried
out with 1M sodium hydroxide solution. From the chromatogram KG-BC (figure 4) shows that
there is no patchouli alcohol acid fraction.
From this process produced 12 fractions, each fraction was tested by thin layer chromatography
(TLC) with the eluent n-hexane: Etel acetate: chloroform (80:15:5) with 1% vanillin stain
penampak in Na2SO4 concentrated. From the results of TLC Dapa concluded that only a fraction
of 4.5 and 6 (ether) containing patchouli alcohol, because padad factions have stains ross-purple
color. Fractions 5 and 6 have the same staining pattern, Leh because it both together. In the
chromatogram 4 (ether), patchouli alcohol appears pda TR 29.44 minutes with levels of 52.68%.
However, the combined fraction chromatograms 5 and 6 (ether), patchouli alcohol appears at tr
29.59 min with levels of 75.1%. In this joint raksi patchouli alcohol content higher than the
fraction 4 and there are other components (minor) by 25%.
Figure 5. Thin layer chromatogram fractions of vacuum liquid chromatography with eluent nhexane: ethyl acetate: chloroform (80:15:5)
Figure 6. Chromatogram of essential oil fractions 5 and 6 were analyzed by GC-BC
Derivatisasi minor component of patchouli oil through a process of methylation
BF3/metanol complex process uses specific methylation of compounds that have carboxyl
groups. If patchouli alcohol did not have methylation, but methylation process occurs in the
minor component of patchouli oil, which is acid 2-naftalenkarboksilat. The mechanism that
occurs is estimated as follows:
1. Acid 2-carbonyl oxygen protonation by BF3/metanol naftalenkarboksilat experience,
resonance occurs and the positively charged carbon that is formed can be attacked by
2. Nucleophile attacks the carbocation
3. Elimination molekulair and followed by the withdrawal of H + by H2O will yield a methyl
Acid methyl ester 2-naftalenkarboksilat
The result of organoleptic test in patchouli oil that has been derivatized provides wintergreenmint flavor.

Conclusions and recommendations

The process of increased levels of patchouli alcohol compound can be done through
several stages of the following methods of distillation method terfraksi at low pressure,
extraction with 1M NaOH and merode vacuum liquid chromatography. The results of analysis by
GC-BC on oil patchouli patchouli showed elevated levels of alcohol from 35.77% to 75.1%.
Derivatisasi patchouli oil through a process of methylation using BF3 reagent / methanol to
produce minor component of wintergreen-mint flavor
Terfraksi distillation process needs to be done at low pressure of patchouli oil at a lower
pressure and more advanced study of the resulting aroma and its use.
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