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French people- vociferous in calling for security against future German

aggression and for reparations for all the damage caused by the Germans
in northern France
In Paris, he tried his best to impose a punitive settlement on Germany.
Clemenceaus Belief Germany should be brought to its knees so that she
could never start a war again
French should abandon its claims to annex all or part of Rhineland or to
detach from Germany
His strategy to deal with Germany was to try to combine measures to
deprive it of territory, people and raw materials, with a continuing
commitment from America and Britain to maintain the victorious wartime
coalition. He saw both as vital to future French security. His problem was to
balance the two strands of his policy and to calculate how far he could
pursue one without jeopardising the other.
He continued to press for more concessions, including an extended Allied
(British, American and French) occupation of the Rhineland and
demilitarisation of all the Germany territory on the French side of the
Rhine and in a 50kilometre deep zone running parallel to the river on the
German side
Clemenceau to dominate proceedings as presides over the conference. His
command of both French and English gave him added advantages.

French Aims for the Peace of Paris

Military Considerations
o German military to be limited as much as possible
o Britain and America to sign military alliance with France
o To pay for war damage
o To pay for war expenses
o To punish Germany for causing the war
o 2 SIDES: Keynes French who made in the first instance the most
definite and the most extreme proposals, mainly responsible for the
conferences difficulties over reparations vs. British representatives
presenting highest demands- Alan Sharp
o Suggested 8000000000 pounds
Territorial Aims
o Alsace Lorraine to return to France
o Poland to be created from Russian and German lands
o Rhineland buffer state to be created between France and Germany
o French colonies to be carved from Ottoman territory
o Manoeuvred Wilson into supporting a 15 year Allied occupation of
the Rhineland
o Did not seek to break up Germany


Failed to gain his goal of security

France was also offered an Anglo- American guarantee of support should
Germany ever invade France again
Achieved both parts of strategy Allied evacuation dependent on German
execution of the treaty + concessions. Either Germans would fulfil
obligations under treaty or the French government could continue to
extend Rhineland occupation
I have the 15 years. I now consider that the peace is made.

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