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can be that prospective employers, private stevedores for instance, might come to

prefer to use the workers pools service rather than hiring their own staff, and therefore
refrain from employing as much people as they would require. The usual way to solve
this conflict is a tariff setting, which after a transition period of say, three months,
makes an employee out of the workers pool more expensive than regular employment.
Such a tariff system is justified by the costs of the workers pool. Combined with the
retraining option, such an instrument may help find out alternative employment
opportunities for redundant staff, especially when it can be expected than the activities
of new private companies will pick up and therefore require over time additional staff.
Apart from retrenchment programs, compensation systems for staff retained in new
port organizations must allow to the extent possible for dynamic incentives schemes aiming
at mobilizing staff innovation capacity and improving work productivity. This will call for
operational performance targets to be defined at all hierarchical levels, with corresponding
accountabilities clearly established beforehand. Flexibility in staff and compensation
management will obviously be a prerequisite for such scheme to be effectively
Moreover, professional training and continuous knowledge management monitoring
will be prerequisites to ensure managerial and operational staff remain on the cutting edge
of their respective areas of competence, which will be a condition for sustainable
competitiveness. Appropriate annual budget allocations must be assigned accordingly.

World Banks Role and Involvement in the Reform Process



100. Within this context, the Bank Group approach to facilitating private sector
investments in infrastructure projects can take the following forms:

when a minimum public investment in basic infrastructure is required to reach an

acceptable balance between public and private financial commitments, thus making it
possible for a privately-sponsored project to proceed on an economically viable
fashion, the Bank may consider providing the financing of the public part using a
conventional lending instrument;

when a prerequisite for any private deal to succeed is the establishment of a new
enabling institutional, legal, and regulatory framework, or the modernization of existing
conditions, the Bank will be ready to help in providing the resources needed to make
the required legal, institutional and regulatory assistance available, as well as in
financing the corresponding training needs of administrative staff, and, if it appears
appropriate, the costs of staff retirement and redundancy programs;

when risk or credit enhancement is a critical aspect of a proposed operation, the Bank
can propose to make use of its Guarantees Program, which will seek to alleviate part of

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