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Chapter One: The Extras

The priest who saved Milo's life a while back was a Man by the name of Blasko Zorman.
Blasko was born in Zagreb, Croatia. Blasko's Father, a Man named Vladimir, worked a
job in Airport Security, where he stopped criminals from importing weapons and heroin
through the Balkan route.
But the stress of the Job began to become too much for Vladimir, and he turned to the
services of a Prostitute named 'Monika' to take the stress off; his Wife found out and
subsequently shot herself, and Vladimir was so distraught he abandoned his Son, lost
his job and became a drug dealer.
Blasko then went from one foster family to the next, never staying in one place for long.
He took solace in religion, so he studied Theology after High School, and after College
Blasko became a priest, hoping to become a better man than his Father Vladimir had
been. He always tried to be a good inspiration for everyone he preached to, and he
entered the Space Lottery so that he could See the glory of God's Creation, as he put
However, that one fateful night, when he was in that apartment and saw Milo heading
towards the top floor to kill himself, he decided Milo deserved the space lottery ticket
more than him, so he gave up his own space lottery ticket for Milo's sake, so that Milo
could go into outer space and See the glory of God's Creation,.
As you may remember from reading Book 1, Makiese Biko returned the Wallet of a man
named Kokayi Vusani. Kokayi Vusani was a wealthy man who tried to use his wealth to
help make the lives of his fellow Angolans better.
He knew that many were suffering from Poverty and did his best to alleviate their
suffering. He tried his best to expose corruption, to expose incompetent leadership and
mismanagement of funds in Angolan businesses and in Angolan Government.
However he had a problem in that he was prone to frequent outbursts of crying, which
meant that other powerful figures did not take Mr. Vusani very seriously. He found it
impossible to control his feelings during political debates, and for this, people were able
to dismiss what he said by accusing him of being weak. Mr. Vusani did not like the
attention, or the insults that were used by powerful political figures to discredit him,
but he saw nobody else standing up for the rights of the downtrodden in Angola.

Then, Kokayi Vusani met Makiese Biko, an ordinary woman who he saw great potential
in, so he gave Makiese a ticket for the Space Lottery, thinking that she was destined to
become a great leader one day. Only time would tell if he was correct...
Mxali Ngubane's Camera-man was a man called Howard Olson. He was born in Waco,
Texas, in the USA. As a teenager, he had managed to escape from a strange isolationist
UFO Cult out in the woods. He tried to save his family (His Father, Hector, his Mother,
Mercedes, and his two little sisters, Monica and Patricia,) but they were too
brainwashed. A week after escaping the cult's compound, he learned that all 41
members of the cult, including their leader, The Almighty Arnold, had committed mass
suicide. The newspaper showed photographs of multiple dead cult members. This Cult
was called The Acheronian Star.
He was not the first to have escaped this Cult before the mass suicide. Another man
had gotten out. A man named Lesley Duncan. The very same Lesley Duncan who had
been arrested for a series of bank robberies. At the Prison that Lesley was sent to, he
interacted with three Men, as you would recall from Book One.
These Men were called Todd, Randy and James. Lesley, in his rage, had killed Randy.
Before Randy Parker was arrested for tax fraud, he was a decent, loving family man, he
had a kindly Wife a few years older than him named Kelly, and they had a son named
Patrick, who was about to start Preschool on the day his Father had been murdered by
Lesley. His Mother hadn't told him what had happened. In fact, Patrick didn't even
know that his Father had been arrested, let alone murdered. Patrick loved to learn
about Dinosaurs, and he planned to be an archeologist when he grew up.
Now, the only living members of what Todd, Randy and James called 'The Gang' was
only Todd and James, which hardly seemed like much of a 'Gang' at all.
Todd Knight had been arrested for importing illegal drugs.
He was previously a Real Estate Agent, but was having trouble making ends meet after
he'd divorced his second wife Camila; they divorced because she had been stealing
money off his bank account to fund her smoking habit.
James Millicent was a middle-aged Lawyer who hated his Job. He had a Wife, named
Rita. They had no children. Rita was unable to have children, and they didn't want to
adopt. He was a well-respected Lawyer, but the Job was very stressful, and he had an
unusual method of coping with the stress; he would download x-rated anime on his
Work Computer;

anime in which various cartoon Women would be forced into non-consensual sex acts
with 'tentacle monsters'.
Some of the cartoon Women depicted in these x-rated anime were under-aged, though
he had never paid attention to that at the time. Due to this, he was arrested for looking
at animated child porn, losing him all respect as a Lawyer, as well as a Criminal. Even
other pedophiles and child-molesters thought getting arrested for masturbating to a
cartoon was pretty damned pathetic, and they constantly reminded him of this to the
point he did not even bother to hold onto any dignity he had left. He was considering
suicide, and was disappointed that Lesley had chosen to kill Randy instead of him.
The other members of Lesley's 'Gang', 'The Masked Creeps', were arrested a week after
Lesley was, and were sent to a different Prison; these 'Masked Creeps' were called
Jason, Curtis and Clarence.
Jason was born an only-child in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the USA. He was a very extroverted
person and was the leader of the group at least, until they had gotten themselves
arrested. He was never very good at School, but was very good at thievery from a
young age. His Parents, Aimee and Craig, tried everything to get him on the right path,
but Jason just preferred to steal. He started small, nicking church donations and
pinching candy bars, but went on to steal heavier stuff as he got older, such as cocaine,
ecstasy, heroin, and other illegal drugs.
Jason wanted to expand, so he got some of his friends together so they could rob banks
for their money so they could do better business on the black market and earn more.
Curtis was born in Albany, in the State of New York, in the USA. He never knew his real
parents and grew up in an orphanage. From an early age he had to learn how to live on
the streets, doing what he had to do so he could make a living. He met Jason when they
both robbed the same old woman's house, and the two became partners.
Clarence was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in the USA. His Mother was named Louise, and
His Father was named Edward. He had a baby sister called Amanda, but she died of
lymphoma when she was nine. Clarence was always a decent boy who tried his hardest
at School, and managed to get a Degree in Astro-Physics in College. However, he found
it impossible to find a job in the extremely competitive job market.
He couldn't even get a job shining shoes. So, he turned to a life of Crime, and joined
Jason and Curtis;

Jason, Curtis and Clarence would later recruit Lindsay, and together they would become
'The Masked Creeps' Gang!
For a while they had a good thing going, until Lesley was caught during one bank
robbery; the rest of them were shortly arrested and sent to prison after that, though
not the same prison that Lesley was sent to.
For the Prison that Lesley was sent to, the Main Guards were Officer Watkins, Officer
Rademakers, Officer Little, Officer Knight and Officer Lee. They were all headed by
Warden Marshall.
Officer Watkins was a very impulsive young woman, she was raised by a decent family,
and she has longed for adventure her entire life.
Officer Rademakers was one of the winners of the Space Lottery; he was there the
night that Lesley was due to die, and we shall soon discover more about him soon
Officer Little was born in a Caravan Park on the wrong side of the tracks. This crass
upbringing has begun to manifest itself in her police work, much to her detriment.
Officer Knight was as thick as a plank, but he was very nice and very hard-working, a
very genuine and honest kind of guy.
Officer Lee was secretly addicted to Gambling, but hoped that none of the other guards
realised it. He dreams of the day he will avenge his Wife's murder.
Warden Marshall was a very serious man, he didn't like to hear nonsense from nobody,
not no way, not no how! He was raised in a strong military environment.
When Wayne McDonald was alive, he had two 'mates' he liked to get drunk with; their
names were Nathan and Bruce, both of them born in Dublin, in Ireland, just like Wayne
was. They loved a good beer to celebrate any occasion, so when they heard their mate
Wayne was accepted for the space lottery, and due for a space trip to the moon, they
got more drunk than ever before, and crashed a funeral. They didn't even know they
were at a funeral, but they crashed it, and began shouting incoherently about how
awesome it was that their mate Wayne was going into outer-space, unaware that they
soon would be mourning Wayne at his Funeral on Earth.

Nicole's friends back in New Zealand Pamela, Kelly, Jessica, James, Chris, Cody and
Betty as well as Nicole's Boyfriend, Derek loved to hang out with each other at their
local restaurant, especially when they heard that Nicole had won the Space Lottery and
would be going up into Outer-Space.
Pamela was trying desperately to forget the fact that she had a 5000-word essay due in
24 hours and she hadn't written a single word.
Kelly was remembering the latest episode of a cop drama she'd watched last night
last night's episode was about an untrustworthy shopkeeper using extortion as a means
to get himself a canal boat.
Jessica was trying to figure out why her Older Brother seemed so ticked off when she
had left the house that morning. Was it something she said?
James was considering the very serious possibility that he was brought up as a science
experiment, and wondering if everyone else in the restaurant was all in on it.
Chris was thinking of telling James the truth about whether or not he was brought up
as a science experiment, and whether James would still be friends with him if he knew
the horrible truth.
Cody was thinking about how annoyed he was at Nicole for calling Betty a slut on
international television. He actually thought Betty was a fairly nice young woman, and
that perhaps Nicole was just jealous.
Betty was keeping her anger under control, not letting the screaming children at the
table next to theirs get to her.
Derek was hoping that his Girlfriend would be safe up in outer space, and that no ill
would come to her.
These were the unspoken thoughts between this group of friends as they ate their
respective Lunches.

Names of the Slaves who died in the Escape from one of Sorensen Incorporated
Human Farms:

Guards that night:

Zamani Shiraz, from Afghanistan

Roman Valencia, from Andorra
Hamza Mahmudov from Uzbekistan
Ayzize Sewale from Swaziland
Rolando Villa from Spain
Rohan Yesh from Sri Lanka
Vladimir Ziman from Slovakia
Zhou Yo from Singapore
Aida Zanko from Slovenia
Ana Van from Cambodia
Nagura Salam from Chad
Tammy Mitchell from the USA
Angelika Wirtz from Austria
Yasmeen Farrog from Bahrain
Agatha Winter from Belgium.
Hondo Kapwepwe from Mozambique
Camelia Petri from Romania



By now we all know the story; there was a breakout at one of Sorensen Incorporated's
'Human Farms', and only two people Vasilica and Ola managed to escape. Sorensen
Incorporated collapsed shortly after that, and Mr. Sorensen was caught in a Chinese
Airport and arrested. What we don't know is the bits in between. This part of the story
shall now be told.
To begin, the two guards who had been sleeping when the slaves broke out were
named Gilbert and Gustav, and it was they who had been brought before Mr.
Sorensen's Front Office and were given a very stern talking-to by Mr. Sorensen himself
for their gross incompetence.
Gilbert was an 80-year-old man who desperately wanted to leave this job and retire,
but Mr. Sorensen wouldn't allow it. Gilbert kept a heart-shaped locket in his left chest
pocket; inside the locket was a picture of his Wife, and a strand of her hair. Gilbert's
Wife was dead now, and Gilbert missed her very, very much.
Gustav was a middle-aged man; he used to be a Farmer before joining Sorensen

Incorporated. It wasn't until after he joined that he found out that it was a front for
human trafficking. By then, of course, it was too late to withdraw.
I can't believe you idiots were so incompetent the other night! Sleeping on the Job!
Those escapees could expose our entire operation! Now, we've managed to track down
a Swiss inn that the escaped slaves were staying in. With any luck, they'll still be there,
Mr. Sorensen said, The vans will be leaving in two hours, and you must be on them;
remember, we have 150 Human Farms in secret locations all across Europe, and if one
of them falls, they all fall! It's all or nothing, gentlemen, we can't afford to be exposed,
Mr. Sorensen said.
Two hours later, Gilbert and Gustav were riding in the back of a white van with several
of the other guards; Daniel, Edgar, Edmond and Bernard. Edgar was driving and Edmond
was sitting in the passenger seat. In the other white van were the other guards; Felix,
Gaston, Alphonse, Cyril and Claude. Everyone was packing ak-47s.
Gustav tried to be exciting.
So, anybody watch any good movies lately? Gustav asked.
Shutup, you moron! You nearly got us all fired! Daniel said.
You better not screw up this time, Gustav! Bernard said.
Bernard's right, don't screw up, Edmond said, turning around to face the
other guards. And the two white vans continued to travel through the picturesque
Swiss landscape as the sun began to set, until they reached the small Swiss village, and
pulled up in front of the village's only Inn. By now it was night-time.
Through the Window, they could see the innkeepers an elderly Swiss couple by
the names of Wolfgang and Olga. They were dancing to some comical Swiss yodeling.
The Guards loaded up their AK-47s and prepared to storm the Inn.
Gustav prepared to leave the van when he was grabbed by Gilbert.
Maybe the two of us should stay here, Gilbert said.
What are you talking about, Gilbert? Gustav asked.
Gilbert stopped for a moment and tried to think of an excuse. He didn't want to kill
innocent people, but he didn't want the others to know this; they might turn their guns
on him instead.
We should guard the vans, and make sure that nobody sees us or steals the
vans, Gilbert said.
Oh, right, good point! Gustav said, and Gustav and Gilbert stayed by the
vans while Adolphe, Albert, Alphonse, Claude, Cyril, Daniel, Bernard, Edgar, Edmond,
Felix and Gaston went into the Inn.

Wolfgang and Olga the Swiss Innkeepers looked at the large group of armed men
approaching them.
Good day, Gentlemen, is there something you needed? Wolfgang asked.
How many rooms does this Inn have? Adolphe asked.
It only has three, Sir. Two with double beds, one with a set of bunk beds. One of
our rooms is already occupied, and there aren't enough beds in the other rooms, not
enough for eleven people-- Olga said, and Adolphe put the loaded gun underneath her
chin. We'll damn well make some room, won't we, Gentlemen?! Adolphe said.
Just then, Wolfgang grabbed his shotgun from under the counter, and shot Alphonse
square in the face. Adolphe and the other guards retaliated by riddling Wolfgang with
bullets. Olga was horrified.
Let that be a lesson to you, old lady. Don't try to be a hero! Adolphe said, and
the Guards went upstairs to storm the rooms; they split up into three groups; Claude,
Cyril and Daniel searched one empty double-bedroom, Bernard, Edgar and Edmond
searched an empty bunk-bed bedroom, and Adolphe, Albert, Felix and Gaston searched
the occupied double-bedroom.
In the occupied double-bedroom, there was a very young Swiss couple, almost looking
like a younger version of the innkeepers; their names were Fritz and Gretchen. They
were in the process of making love, and were quite shocked that their lovemaking was
interrupted by armed guards.
Oh God, who are you people?!? Fritz asked.
These two don't look like Vasilica or Ola, Sir, Gaston pointed out.
I can see that, Gaston, Adolphe said, Who are you two? Answer carefully, and
Adolphe waved his gun at them.
My name is Fritz, this is my Girlfriend, Gretchen; we came up here for a
Holiday, we've never been here before! What's going on? Fritz asked.
Oh, nothing you need to worry about. We're trying to track down some escaped
criminals, and put them back where they belong, Adolphe said with a smirk. Adolphe
turned to the other guards. We have to go back downstairs and question that
innkeeper. Sorry to disturb you both, Adolphe said to the young couple, lowering his
weapon. They walked out of the room, leaving behind a very confused Fritz and
Adolphe, Albert, Claude, Cyril, Daniel, Bernard, Edgar, Edmond, Felix and Gaston went
downstairs, where the elderly lady innkeeper was still shaking in the corner.
You there; Has there been two guests here recently under the names of Ola
Adonai and Vasilica Almis? Adolphe asked.
I know who you people are; you're slave traders! That's what you are! If I
wasn't worried about that couple upstairs I'd have blown up this whole building with all

of you inside! Olga the Innkeeper said.

Duly noted, Adolphe said, his expression changing, Tell us where our two
slaves escaped to, or we'll kill everyone in this building,
They went to Shanghai, China; one of them is the daughter of one of the
people who work for the Eidolon Corporation, and will be riding on the Eidolon
Spaceship! Olga the Innkeeper said.
Alright then Men, you heard her; we're going to Shanghai, China! Adolphe said.
And so, Adolphe, Albert, Claude, Cyril, Daniel, Bernard, Edgar, Edmond, Felix, Gaston,
Gilbert and Gustav went to Shanghai, China, where they rendezvoused with Mr.
Sorensen. However, by now, the Eidolon Corporation was already onto them and finally
put a stop to the Sorensen Corporation once and for all.
People at the Eidolon Spaceship Space Compound at that stage:
On-Ship Crew Members: Captain Cheung, Doctor Javier, Nurse Kurosawa, Advisor
Eliana, Engineer Ghazali, Steward Albescu and Chef Adonai.
Off-Ship Crew (Mission Control) Xavier, Wei, Wang, Mao, Pei, Chao, Dong, Kwan, Mei,
Yin, Ping, Mu, and Jing Wei.
Others: Ola Adonai. (Chef Chizoba Adonai's Daughter)
But Dad, Ola said, If Miss Albescu can join the crew, why can't I? Ola asked.
I can't give you special treatment just because you're my Daughter, Ola. Albescu
got the job because Captain Cheung hired her personally. You can still enter the Space
Lottery. Who knows? You might win a ticket, Chef Adonai said.
But what if I don't? I want to be as far away from Sorensen Incorporated
as possible! Ola said.
No need to worry about that the Chinese Authorities just caught Mr. Sorensen
at the Shanghai Airport. It seems he was trying to track you down before you could tell
anyone about their human trafficking business, Captain Cheung said, looks like the
Chinese Government is on OUR side for once! The others laughed nervously at Captain
Cheung's remark. Cheung had always been an unapologetic rebel, and had often
spoken out about unethical government practices in China; if it weren't for the fact that
he were the richest man in the entire world, he'd probably already be dead.
That's fantastic, but I still want a job on your ship, so I can be with my Father!
Ola said.
Sorry, but you'll have to enter the space lottery like everyone else, and
hope for the best. We have no job positions left, Captain Cheung said.

What about that job for an extra cook that I saw advertised just yesterday? Ola
The Job was taken only five minutes ago, by a Man over in the United
States of America, Captain Cheung explained.
Who?? Ola asked curiously.
Jadyn Minke, you cowardly bastard! screamed the New Jersey Woman as she hurled
the Guitar at Jadyn's head, I can't believe I ever made the mistake of becoming your
girlfriend! You don't even want to be a cook! Jadyn stood up in his wretched, old New
Jersey apartment, picking up the guitar that was luckily undamaged, and tried his best
to look her in the eye.
You need to think of what a great opportunity I've been given, Summer, to
become a cook on an intergalactic spaceship! Minke said.
That's exactly what's wrong with you, Jadyn; they asked you to come work
for them, you didn't ask them! You've never shown any initiative in your life! If I recall, I
was the one who took the risk by asking YOU out! What's going to happen when you
get up in this spaceship, hm? You just going to start baking pike-lets and play the Guitar
until everyone suddenly notices what a NICE GUY you are?? Summer asked.
This is my chance to be discovered, Summer; I've been playing the
Guitar since I was 12, and I'm a good cook! I've been preparing all our meals for the last
three years! Minke said.
You just think you can stand around looking pretty and thinking that one day
you'll be 'discovered'? No wonder you were still single until you were 30 if you've never
taken the first step! That's it, Jadyn, it's over between us! Summer said, pushing over
the coffee table and smashing the glasses that were on top.
Losers like you don't deserve me, and you don't deserve your stupid
guitar either! Summer said, picking up his guitar.
Summer, stop! Please! Minke begged.
Summer didn't listen, and smashed his guitar on the hard concrete floor over and over
and over again until it had broken up into a million tiny pieces.
I'm going to go out with a guy who actually has some damned BALLS! Summer
The sound of heavy, distorted dub-step began playing outside.
There's my ride, Summer said, opening the door, and there standing was a tall
man in his shining red convertible, which was what was playing the very loud dub-step
music. It looked very out of place in this part of town; the Car looked like it was worth
ten times more than every house on this street. The man in the car was very muscular
and heavily tattooed, with spiked, gelled-up hair, black sunglasses, dressed in a 'wife
beater' white shirt and blue jeans. The t-shirt read Female Boob Inspector, and he

also had a really, really, really bad fake spray tan. He was already with two other
insanely attractive women who had their arms all over him. The man looked over and
finally noticed Summer.
Oi Bitch, get your ass in here!! the man said, and took a swig of beer.
Summer got her ass in there and they all drove off, leaving Minke alone with his broken
guitar standing at the front door.
Fine then, leave! See if I care! I'll show you! I'll show you all! I'll show
you!!! I'LL SHOW YOU!!!! Minke screamed.
Chapter Two: Day 5 on the Asteroid.
Adam awoke in the morning to the sound of his cellphone beeping next to him; he
didn't use it for communication, as of course it would be quite useless trying to make a
phone call when he was stranded on a desolate asteroid millions of miles away from
Home. He had used the alarm to awaken himself in the middle of the night, and it had
been successful. His plan was to get Alter, and together they would sneak into the
control room, get the key for Hugh's room, and release Blair from his prison.
Adam rose from his bed, put on his clothes, and went and knocked on Alter's door.
When there was no reply, Adam proceeded to just walk in, and poured a bucket of icecold water on Alter's face.
Pfffbttt!! What the Hell is going on?!? Adam?? What are you doing?? Alter
We're going to break Blair out of Hugh's old cabin. Everyone else is asleep.
We're gonna break into the control room and steal the keys, Adam said.
Moses teaches us that stealing is a sin, Alter said.
Aw, don't be such a wuss, man! Adam said.
Sorry, Adam, but you're on your own, Alter said.
Adam groaned, but walked out anyway, and into the dark hallway. The Hallways looked
darker and more dangerous than usual. There seemed to be a strange hum coming
from behind Adam and Adam couldn't tell where it was. Adam began to walk cautiously
down the hallways.
Meanwhile, Dan was looking through the surveillance footage when Nina came in.
Wow, you're still at it! Managed to find out anything yet? Nina asked.
Not yet, but I think I'm getting pretty close, Dan said.
I find it's pretty impressive that you're doing all this just to help some random
guy you only met a few days ago, Nina said.
Well, I do what I can to help. Have you heard from Mi-Hyun lately? Dan asked.

Not really, she's still concerned with what happened when we first crashed here.
Can't say I blame her for being obsessed, but it's just... well, you remember how when
we managed to get back here, Blair showed up and put a gun to Mi-Hyun's head? Nina
Yes, of course. Then we locked him up in that cabin in Quadrant One, Dan
I think I might know why he did that. When we first crashed, two of us were
dead. Blair said that we had to forget about them and get back to the ship; Mi-Hyun
seemed to take it personally, and went on this big lecture about how the people who
died were people too, and I get that, and maybe Blair wasn't being respectful of the
dead, but we really should have been focusing on getting back to the Ship; Blair was
right about that. We needed to focus on keeping ourselves alive, not thinking about
how everyone has their own complex story, how everyone in the world is living a life
just as complex as our own! She sent Blair to fend for himself on an asteroid, in the
middle of nowhere! So I hardly blame Blair for going insane like he did, Nina said.
Dan didn't know what to say, so he opted to remain silent, and turned back to
the monitors.
Ah! Here we are; this is the clip of who pushed Frank over, Dan said. Nina
and Dan looked at the monitor. There in black and white, Frank was knocked over by
Loretta who was rushing down the hall.
That's Loretta, from Quadrant 2! Nina said.
Yes, we'll need to question her in the morning, Dan said.
Yeah, but first I think you need to work off all this stress from working all night,
Nina said.
Such as what? Dan asked, and Nina replied by kissing him on the lips.
And before they knew it, Dan and Nina had crawled into a nearby closet and were
making love passionately.
Though Adam did not know this, this development for Adam was good, as Adam was
thus able to break into the control room, enter a special room with all the keys, and
grab the key belonging to Hugh Abramson's Cabin, which of course now held Blair
MacClery. Adam left the room moments before Nina and Dan crawled out of the closet
after their love-making.
Meanwhile, over in Quadrant 2, Loretta was quietly sleeping in her cabin when she
heard another loud, piercing howl. She woke up in her bed and looked around, but
couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. But she was sure she had heard a wolf howl.
She remembered the last time she had gone wolf hunting with her Father. Her Father,
who was now dead.

Adam rushed back to Quadrant 1, the key in his hand. A minute later he was back in the
Quadrant Hallway, in front of the door that had been Hugh's cabin. He knocked on the
door repeatedly.
Who the Hell's that??? Blair asked.
It's Adam, I'm here to set you free, then you can tell me what's going on around
here! Adam said, and turned the key in the lock. Adam pushed open the door and Blair
was standing there, waiting for him.
Thankyou, Adam. Too bad you're too stupid to join the Arcturus
Corporation! Blair said, then whipped out a knife from behind him and prepared to
drive it into Adam's face, which he very well would have done if Alter hadn't jumped in
the road at the last second, and Alter was stabbed directly in the heart by Blair's knife,
and went reeling back, and collapsed to the floor, blood seeping through his shirt. Alter
began to cough up blood as Blair ran out of the Quadrant.
Alter, why? Why did you sacrifice your life just for me? I'm a nobody! Adam
said, as he felt tears begin to fall down his cheeks. Adam had never cried since he was a
baby, and now Alter, a man three times his age, was dying in his arms.
Your difficult nature reminded me of my Son, when he was... when he was
still... alive, Alter said.
Your son? Adam asked.
He died in a suicide bombing, Alter explained, and then Alter Altman
died in Adam's arms. Adam wept.
Meanwhile, Loretta went outside of her cabin and into Quadrant 2's Hallway. She heard
a howl, and she looked outside, where she could see a pack of wolves darting between
the rocks. She then noticed a suspiciously conveniently placed shotgun on the
windowsill. She looked at it; it was fully loaded with a full round of 6 bullets.
She didn't question where the shotgun came from, she just grabbed it, put her SpaceHelmet on and walked out of the spaceship.
Later on at about 8AM, people were starting to wake up. Dan went over to Frank and
Kofi, and told them both that Loretta had been the one who had knocked Frank over.
They then went to Quadrant 2 to confront Loretta about this, but found that Loretta's
Cabin was completely empty. They began to search the entire ship for Loretta; they had
no idea that Loretta was not still on the Spaceship.
Maria and Jojo had just finished their breakfast, when they were taking a romantic
stroll down the hallways of the Eidolon. It was then that they discovered the dead
corpse of Mudiwa. There was a long steel tube next to her; judging from her bruises, it
would appear that the pipe had fallen out of the ceiling and struck her on the head.

Maria recognised her as Mudiwa, a passenger in their own Quadrant, so they took
Mudiwa's body over to Quadrant 5, so that the others could see her. A minute later, all
the living passengers of Quadrant 5 had gathered in the Quadrant Kitchen, around
Mudiwa's corpse.
And you say you just found Mudiwa like this? Chuma asked.
Yes, I think something must've fallen out of the ceiling and killed her,
Maria said.
This whole space-ship must be falling apart; we're going to see a lot more of this
kind of thing if we don't get the Crew to fix this, Jojo said.
Man, you mean this whole ship could come crashing down all around us
and kill us all? John asked.
Hopefully not. I imagine if that was the case, we'd already have died in the
crash, Jojo said, but now that we have crashed, random bits of the infrastructure are
going to start breaking. We might start seeing a few more disasters around the ship if
we can't get this under control,
Meanwhile, Makiese, Amy, Melvyn, Bianca and Connie were in the lounge, eating food
out of tubes for their breakfasts while the TV set played some blu-ray DVDs in the
So, you got over your sore arm? Melvyn asked.
Yeah, no more pain, thank God! Bianca said, obviously relieved.
By the way, Bianca, I read that book of yours; it's really steamy! Amy said
Always good to meet another fan of my Work, Bianca said, taking a sip of
her coffee.
Has anybody seen Marina around? Connie asked.
No. I haven't seen Zeke or Loretta around either. Why do you ask?
Makiese asked.
I wasn't very nice to her the last time I saw her... I wish I could find her so I could
apologise to her, Connie said.
Just then, the DVD player started acting up and glitching.
What's wrong with the TV? Bianca asked.
Hang on, I think I can fix it, Amy said, standing up and walking over to TV. She
looked behind the TV and saw some loose cable. She grabbed it, and felt a jolt of
electricity shoot through her entire body! She was instantly electrocuted, and the
sparks sent her flying backwards over the coffee table. The others could hear her spine
Oh God, we need to get Doctor Varadarajan! Connie said, making a run for the

All the electronics in the room went haywire, the lights exploded, the CD player and
DVD player began sparking uncontrollably. An arc of electricity stretched across the
room and struck the door, rendering it inert. Connie gasped.
The electronics across the entire ship were going completely insane. Over in the engine
room, Ghazali and Albescu were looking around them as electricity darted about the
place and numerous electronic devices blew up all around them.
What the Hell's going on?? Albescu asked, hiding under the desk.
The internal integral damage is affecting the ship, causing the electronics
to go haywire! According to these digital readings on these dials here, the disturbance
began when something was knocked loose somewhere in the Hallway just outside
Quadrant 5! Ghazali said.
We should restart the Power Generators then! Albescu suggested.
The power generators control the oxygen flow, it's too dangerous! We
need to get to where the disturbance happened, and make things right! Ghazali said,
If my guess is right, the cause will be the breakage of one of the Neutronic Polarity
Stabilizer tubes, Ghazali said. Albescu and Ghazali rushed through the engine room as
consoles exploded around them. A bolt of electricity burst out and struck Albescu in the
chest, and she flew directly into the console opposite her, sending what felt like millions
of volts of electricity through her body. She screamed very loudly, louder than Ghazali
had ever heard anyone scream before; but Ghazali decided he did not have time to
dwell on Albescu's demise, and continued to rush through the engine room until he
reached the Control Room.
It was pandemonium across the Quadrants; over in Quadrant 3, Dag, Laurens, Feodora
and Esekielu were trapped in the Quadrant Kitchen, as electrical appliances blew up
and the taps went haywire, pouring water over the appliances, electrifying them. The
water was inching closer to them.
Omar had already tripped on the slippery floor, and fell over onto the water; he was
instantly electrocuted. The alarm bells began blaring and the lights began turning red.
Over in Quadrant 4, Karrie held her children close to her, hoping for it all to come to an
end, and it was a similar story in all the other Quadrants; people cowering in fear.
Electronics exploded everywhere and televisions short-circuited.
Back in Quadrant 2, Connie, Makiese, Melvyn and Bianca were struggling to force the
door open. They finally managed to pull it open just a small amount; small enough for
just one person to get through.

Melvyn, go through; hurry! Makiese said.

What?? Why me??? Melvyn asked.
You're an electrician, Melvyn! If anybody can fix this, it's you! Makiese said.
I'm an ex-electrician; I killed my Wife and Daughter when I was last an
electrician! Melvyn complained.
But this can be your way of paying them back; by saving all of us on this Spaceship!
Makiese said. Melvyn was convinced.
Alright, I'll do it, Melvyn said, rushing out the door, which slammed behind him
the moment he got through.
Melvyn was now in the Hallway, and he saw Engineer Ghazali rushing up towards him.
Get out of my way, Melvyn; I have to fix this before everybody on this ship dies!
Ghazali said.
But what's the problem anyway? Melvyn asked.
The Neutronic Polarity Stabilizer Tubes have come loose, so I have to fix it!
Ghazali said.
But you could be killed! What if I did it? I was an Electrician once; I'll know
what to do! Melvyn said.
Hmm, I don't know, Ghazali said.
If you die, then we'll never be able to get off this wretched rock! None of
us! I'm just some guy; I'm not important, it won't really matter if I die! Melvyn said.
Fine then, we'll do it together! Ghazali said, and Melvyn and Ghazali rushed
down the hallway until they reached the area of hallway just outside the 5th Quadrant.
Melvyn rushed ahead and was able to single-handedly fix the Neutronic Polarity
Stabilizer Tubes and put them back in their proper place in the roof where they
belonged, due to his uncanny knowledge of transmorphic synthesizers which were
placed adjacent to the hyper-spatial techno-drive thus triggering the auto-metric, antipolar dimensional drive, thus returning the power to normal all over the spaceship.
Engineer Ghazali decided to head back to the Engine Room while Melvyn decided to
head back to Quadrant 2, to see how the others were doing.
Over in Quadrant 3, the taps had stopped and the electricity had completely died and
was thus no longer a threat. The lights had gone out, too. Still, Dag, Laurens, Feodora
and Esekielu stepped over the water gingerly as they checked over Omar's body. He
was indeed dead; an autopsy by Doctor Varadarajan would later confirm this. Doctor
Varadarajan also found himself having to perform autopsies on Alter Altman, Amy
Callaghan, Jesus Ibanez and Mudiwa Lutili. Surprisingly, however, it turned out that
Vasilica Albescu had survived being electrocuted. This was very surprising to all,
especially Vasilica Albescu. By all accounts, she should have been killed.

It was practically a miracle that she was still alive.

Melvyn was now more confident in his electrical abilities.
After all the commotion was over, Mi-Hyun, Theresa and Amelia set out to explore the
ruins of Quadrant 6. they packed their bags, made sure they had plenty of oxygen, and
began their journey of walking across the asteroid.
They walked and walked for what must have been many, many hours. They very much
lost track of time altogether. Just when they thought they couldn't take it anymore,
they saw the remains of Quadrant 6, just as they left it. A pile of wreckage and multiple
dead bodies. Lying down nearby was the dead corpse of Uchechi Omaboe.
It was hard to believe that all this death and destruction had only taken place but a few
days ago; to Mi-Hyun, it felt like a lifetime ago.
The three women searched through the wreckage to see if they could find any answers
to the questions that were haunting them ever since they had walked onto the Eidolon
They didn't find answers; they found dead bodies they found the dead body of Jafar,
the dead body of Siam, the dead body of Doctor Javier, and the dead body of Advisor
Eliana. Of course, they didn't find the body of the 'fake' Captain Cheung, or of Nurse
Kurosawa, for they had both been vaporised by the 'fake' Captain Cheungs' ray gun.
They thought if they searched through the remains enough, they might be able to find
that ray gun. But they couldn't; they couldn't make out anything useful in the piles of
rubble that had once been Quadrant 6. The only thing they found that hadn't been
destroyed in the bombing, besides the bodies, was an old rusty metal spoon, which
didn't seem at all useful as to answer what they were looking for. But then Mi-Hyun
looked closer at the spoon, and in the reflection, she saw a word spelt backwards; she
turned around to see what these words were, and there, written so obviously on the
only piece of wall left standing, right there in big red letters so obviously that it was
amazing that they hadn't noticed it until now, they all saw the words,
'How badly do you want it?'
I want it bad. I want answers more than I want to breathe, Mi-Hyun said.
Um, Mi-Hyun, are you talking to, uh, a wall? Amelia asked.
Who wrote this on the wall? It wasn't here when I left last time, Mi-Hyun

Maybe whoever is behind all this wrote it. They probably stole the ray gun as
well, Theresa said.
So, you think they're teasing us, this, whoever they are that's behind all this?
Amelia asked.
Yeah, I think you're right, Amelia. This is a test; they want to see if we're
going to back off, Mi-Hyun said, they know we're a lot weaker than them; they know
what's going on, and we don't -- and that puts them at a big advantage to us, so
naturally, we're supposed to get spooked instead of challenging their power,
So now that we know that, what can we do? Theresa asked.
They know we're on the right track, and that scares them. We'll go back to
the Eidolon Spaceship and tell people what's going on, at least what we know, MiHyun said.
And with that, Mi-Hyun, Theresa and Amelia began to walk back to the Eidolon, but
their journey was cut short, when after many, many hours, they discovered a most
strange sight: A small, abandoned spaceship not at all similar to the design of the
Eidolon. It was just standing there, untouched and alone. A sign on the side of this
strange abandoned Spaceship read 'The Acheronian Star'. They went to the door.
Meanwhile, Lesley and Marina woke up in a very dark room, not knowing where they
were or what was going on. They tried to make sense of their environment, but quickly
gave up trying. On the other side of this very dark room, they could hear voices; the
voices of Blair MacClery and Zeke Conrad.
I really wish you hadn't killed Alter, Blair. The others will start asking questions,
and we can't be having with that, Zeke said.
Why are we even keeping them all alive anyway? We've got the asteroid,
we've got the Eidolon, we're home free! The Eidolon Corporation will be put out of
business, and the Arcturus Corporation will take its place, and we can be the wealthiest
people in the world! Blair said.
I don't recall saying anything about 'we', Blair. But we'll talk about that later.
Again, Blair, you're failing to see the big picture here. We have to keep at least some of
those people alive; it's a part of our agreement with Her, Zeke said.
Why do you call Her 'Her'? Her name's Belia-- Blair began, but Zeke shushed
Not another word, Blair. The walls have ears. We can't let people know what our
plans are, Zeke said, The people out there are shrouded in ignorance, which is very
good for us. We must make sure they have no idea what's going on... at least, until

Chapter Three: Six Days after losing Communications with The Eidolon Spaceship.
Television News Broadcast by Mxali Ngubane:
Mxali Ngubane: It has been six days since we have lost communication with The
Eidolon Spaceship and the 64 passengers and 12 crew members aboard at the time of
launch, and we still have no leads as to what has happened to any of them. The Eidolon
Corporation's 'Ground Crew' is already discussing plans to send a rescue ship out
searching for them, groups like NASA are looking for any signs as to where The Eidolon
has gone to. Attempts at tracing the heat signature of The Eidolon Spaceship has been
unsuccessful. And all over the world, people are wondering; what has happened to the
Eidolon, and what has happened to all the people who were on board?
Two days after The Eidolon Spaceship's maiden voyage, we lost complete
communication with everybody aboard The Eidolon Spaceship. That was six days ago.
After Six Days, we have still discovered nothing, which has not stopped us from
reporting on all the nothing we have found.
Without any hard evidence, we will soon have little choice but to declare that all 72
people aboard the Eidolon are most likely dead. The chances of surviving out in deep
space are miniscule. Most people are still holding out for hope that they are alive, at
least until we manage to find the spaceship, or whatever remains of the spaceship.
If you are a family member or related in some way to any of the people who were on
board, a support group has been opened for grieving families and anybody unsure as to
what is going on; they call themselves Families of the Eidolon and are based just
outside of Waco, Texas, in the USA. People are welcome to come to the 'Families of the
Eidolon' compound. They even have beds and cabins for anybody looking for a place to
stay while they wait to hear news of the Eidolon. Possibly, if the Eidolon does come
back to Earth, then it could land at this compound so that family members will be able
to be reunited instantly.
All we can do until then is pray and hope that we will someday have some kind of sign,
some type of signal, that the people aboard the Eidolon Spaceship are still alive,
because even I know some of the people who are riding on the Eidolon Spaceship.
Mi-Hyun, Theresa; if you're alive, I hope you're safe. I mean that sincerely.

Across an endless expanse of ocean, a lone helicopter travels through the sky. It is a
rescue helicopter. Inside the helicopter there were two men; their names were
Raymond and Stanley. They were heading across the ocean in response to a distress call
a sailor had sent in.
Pick up the pace, Stanley. We don't want this rescue mission to end up like that
time we lost that girl's Father to a heart attack during the blizzard, Raymond said.
You don't have to remind me, Raymond, Stanley said.
Raymond and Stanley saw a plume of smoke on the horizon. They headed out to it and
saw a small boat, sinking down into the water. It had capsized, and the sailor was
hanging on by a thread. In one arm he was holding a large metallic cylindrical object.
The Helicopter dropped a rope, and the Sailor began to climb, not letting go of the large
cylindrical object.
Let go of that thing! Raymond said to the sailor.
I'll die without this! The Sailor said.
Look at how old he is, Raymond. It's probably his life support system; let him
take it if he needs it to live! Stanley said.
Alright, then, Sir, carry it if you must, but hurry! Raymond said.
The Sailor did as he was told, and hurried up into the helicopter, and then the
helicopter flew away, not knowing that they were carrying the distress call from the
Eidolon Spaceship.
Accessed from the official 'The Acheronian Star' website1.
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01100101 01000001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01101111 01101110 01101001
01100001 01101110 01010011 01110100 01100001 01110010

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( T | h | e ) ( A | c | h | e | r | o | n | i | a | n ) ( S | t | a | r )
\_/ \_/ \_/
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
Welcome to our fellow Acheronians! For those of you who are new,
you may wonder what The Acheronian Star is. The Acheronian Star is a
group of freedom-loving Americans who want to play video games away
from the corrupting influence of Liberals, Communists, Atheists,
Muslim Dogs, Jews, Homosexualists and Feminists ruining our country.
Contrary to popular belief, members of The Acheronian Star
do not hate minorities. We welcome all members, even if
they happen to be Women, Blacks, Jews, Atheists,
Homosexuals or Cripples. All we ask is that you agree with
everything we say and do. Are you a video gamer who is
disgusted with the Modern World? Then come and join us at
our compound in Waco, Texas.
1 Last updated in 2019 A.D.


- Video Games are Sacred, and must be played at least ten hours a day, must not be
censored, must not be criticized, must not be questioned. Video game logic is
- The Video Game, The Acheronian Star (1995), is the name our website is based on.
We believe that The Acheronian Star is a work of non-fiction, and that the
Acheronians are an actual race of Human-Reptilian Hybrids created by the
Illuminati, and the Acheronians are walking amongst us as we speak. The Almighty
Arnold himself is one of them, as are, we believe, all the members of The
Acheronian Star; The Almighty Arnold says that the Illuminati designed us to be
filled with violent rage, which can only be assuaged with playing video games and
smoking weed.
- The Government is lying about the existence of Aliens so it can make money by
spreading fear amongst the American public somehow.
****NOTE****This is a JOKE, The Almighty Arnold does not promote Sexism********
A Man was being interviewed for a job as a Cop, and the Interviewer asked him,
What would you do if you had to arrest your Mother?
The Man replied, Call for back-up
~|~ |-| [/\ ( |-| [- /? () |\| | /\ |\|
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01100101 01000001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01101111 01101110 01101001
01100001 01101110 01010011 01110100 01100001 01110010

The Rescue Helicopter reaches shore

Well, we managed to reach the shore, Raymond. You ok there, Sailor? Stanley asked.
The sailor was taking a nap.
What's the thing he's holding? Raymond asked, grabbing it out of the Sailor's
hands. Raymond looked at it. Woah,
What is it?? Stanley asked. Stanley then saw what Raymond saw; written
on the metal capsule was written 'EIDOLON EMERGENCY DISTRESS ROCKET'.
Chapter 3: Day Six on the Asteroid
Once again, Abdu was standing at the front of the games room with a large collection of
dead bodies, some of them in coffins. Today there were 48 people in the Games Room.
The others were either dead or missing. Only six days ago there had been 72 people in
the Spaceship.
Today, it was a funeral for five people. Abdu, the Priest, was the one giving the eulogies.
Ahem. Amy Callaghan was born in Manchester, in England. She was 21 years old. Back
on Earth, she had a job as a Bar-maid. Judging by what we've found in her personal
belongings, she was a big fan of Volleyball and loved to watch EastEnders. She had a
Boyfriend named Kyle, and had two loving parents named Leonard and Mark. I don't
know who her birth Mother was, but Leonard and Mark adopted her, it seems. May she
rest in peace.
Jesus Ibanez was born in Mexico City, in Mexico. We, uh, haven't been able to find out
that much about him. We don't know about any, uh, family he might have had. He was
a very devout Christian, he kept a lot of religious memorabilia in his bags. Ummm, we
also found a lot of drugs in his bags; don't know how he got them through security, but,
uh, never mind that. May he rest in peace.
Omar Abdoullah was born in Mogadishu, in Somalia. He was, uh, 31 years old. He was a
devout Sunni Muslim. His parents were named Mahmood and Sultana, and he had a
Brother named Hamid. He also had an older Sister called Shahinaz, but she died from
drowning when he was 4. He had a job as a garbage collector, which he'd been doing
since he was 14. He liked to go surfing, and play chess. He was a very accomplished
chess player and often was able to impress his friends. He was pretty friendly and got
along with others alright, from what I've heard. May he also rest in peace.

Mudiwa Lutili was born in Rumphi, Malawi. She was 18. She lost her parents, and her
three brothers, to famine and poverty and had to support herself from an early age.
She worked for most of her life as a Tobacco Farmer, but she dreamed of becoming a
world-famous musician one day. May she also rest in peace.
Alter Altman was born in Jerusalem, in Israel. He was 69. He was a devout Jew and
unashamed Zionist, judging by what we found in his belongings. He used to have a
family, but they were all killed in a suicide bombing. So, sadly, he doesn't have a family
to go back to. But I'm sure he lived a great, rich and full life. He seemed like a very good
person, and we'll miss him very much. May he also rest in peace, Abdu said.
Adam fiddled with his hands nervously. He knew how Alter Altman had died; it was
because he, Adam, had let Blair loose, and now there was no telling who else might
have been in danger. Alter had sacrificed his life for Adam's.
Then, Engineer Ghazali took the stage and Abdu went into the audience.
Also, due to yesterday's electronics incident, I am going to have to do a complete
reboot of the System's electronics just to be safe. For this to work, you will all need to
put on your spacesuits and leave the ship for two hours, so that you are not affected by
the air loss. This will take place at 10 AM today, so be ready, everyone. Now go about
your business, Engineer Ghazali said, and the crowd began to disperse.
Lao Lung approached Engineer Ghazali.
Um, excuse me, Mr. Ghazali? I can't help but notice we're starting to run out of room
for the dead bodies, and they're really starting to smell a bit, Lao said.
That may be so, but where else can we bury them? Mr. Ghazali asked.
There may be areas of soft rock suitable for burying them on the asteroid itself, Sir,
Lao said.
Alright then, Mr. Lung, you get onto that. You can find shovels and body bags in the
storage room, Mr. Ghazali said, and walked off.
Steward Albescu woke up in the hospital, and she was being attended to by Dr.
I shouldn't be alive, Steward Albescu said.

Meanwhile, over in Quadrant 3, Rodrigo was trying to recruit Dag Dahl for his
A Marathon??? Are you insane? We've lost God knows how many people, we're
missing multiple passengers, and we're stuck on an asteroid in deep space! I'm just
praying that we get home alive! Dag said.
That's why I want a marathon; we're all tense and we need to do something to
take our minds off the fact that we could all be dead by tomorrow, Rodrigo said.
He then saw Laurens across the Quadrant.
Laurens! Your name is Laurens, right? Rodrigo asked, running up to him.
Yeah, but my friends call me Lars, Laurens said.
Laurens, I'm sure you've heard that I'm planning to hold a marathon? Rodrigo
Oh yeah, some guy called Robin said he was going to hold a Wrestling
Tournament! Laurens said. Rodrigo turned up his head in disgust.
Hmph! Wrestling is nothing more than a glorified pissing contest, just a
meaningless battle of egos! A Marathon, on the other hand, is a fun competition that
anyone can try! Rodrigo said.
Yeah, the wrestling one sounds cooler. I think I'll enter Robin's wrestling
tournament, Laurens said.
Oh, to Hell with you then! Rodrigo said, and stormed off.
Meanwhile, over in Quadrant 1, Adonai walked to the locked room to give Blair
breakfast. He was then shocked to discover that it had already been opened! Blair was
Where is he?? Adonai asked angrily.
Where's who? Brahim asked as he was passing by. Adam came in.
He's talking about Blair MacClery. Abdu said he died in the crash, but the crew
was actually keeping alive in Hugh's old cabin all this time! Adam said.
Is that true?? Why would you lie to us?? Brahim asked.
The others didn't want to start a panic. If you must know, what happened is that
Blair was acting psychotic. He pointed a gun at Mi-Hyun, Adonai said.
Why would he do that? Adam asked.
We're not sure, Adonai said.
You're not telling us the whole story. We want to know everything you know, Adam
We have no time, Adam! Can't you see that we have to track down Blair before
he hurts any more people?? Adonai asked.

If you're going to track down Blair, we're coming with you! Brahim said,
Adam nodding.
Fine, but we have to leave now! Adonai said, and they left.
Meanwhile, some time later, in Quadrant 7, Kamon was playing the Grand Piano that he
and some others had dragged over from the storage room.. He was playing it
Wow, you're really good, Kamon! Hadley said.
Thanks, Hadley. I've been practicing for years, Kamon said.
Is it your Piano? Hadley asked.
No, it belonged to one of the Crew Members; Nurse Kurosawa. But, no
offense to her, I don't think she needs it now. Now that she's dead, Kamon said.
Have you heard from Jamila lately? Hadley asked.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I have. She went outside about thirty minutes
ago, Kamon said, and then they both heard a key go 'TWANG!'.
Oh damn, I broke a key, Kamon said.
Oh, let me fix that; I used to teach Piano, Hadley said, bending over and
opening the lid. Kamon then stood up, pushed aside the lid prop, and slammed the
head down, crushing Hadley's head, spurting blood over the Piano.
I'm sorry for killing you, Hadley. But the Arcturus Corporation threatened to kill
me if I didn't do whatever they said, Kamon said, and fled from the room.
Meanwhile, Nicole watched as Anastasia dragged Eliki back to her bedroom and shut
the door. She knew they were going to have sex without her. She was very jealous of
Anastasia. She started to hear loud noises.
Ohhh, Anastasia said.
Ahhhh Eliki said.
Oohh, Anastasia said.
Uhhhhh, Eliki said, oh, oh, AAAAAAA! OH GOD DAMNIT NO PLEASE
He never orgasmed like that when he was sleeping with ME, Nicole said
The door then flung open, and what Nicole saw next was reason enough for Nicole to
give out a short, piercing scream. There before her was the bloody severed corpse of
Eliki Oyono. Looming over him, she could see Anastasia, licking a bloody knife.
Anastasia saw Nicole, and smiled. She pointed her knife at Nicole.

Woah now, wait a minute, we can talk about this! Nicole said desperately.
Talk about what? The fact that you slept with another Man while your
Boyfriend's still back on Earth? Anastasia asked, laughing, Look at the bright side;
with you dead, your Boyfriend will never know!
Nooo! Nicole cried, as Anastasia plunged the knife deep into Nicole's heart.
Nicole began sobbing, tears streaming down her face, blood coming out her lips. She
grabbed the blade of the knife, but couldn't pull it out. She fell to the ground, and felt
her consciousness begin to drift away.
Derek... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry... Nicole said, and then she died.
Anastasia then joined Kamon in the Quadrant 7 Lounge, where Hadley's body still lay,
detached from its head, next to the grand piano.
Should we track down Jamila and the others? Kamon asked.
Don't bother; now's when we start corralling out the passengers the
Arcturus Corporation wants kept alive, Anastasia said.
There's more of them than there are of us. How are we going to do that?
Kamon asked.
There are more of us aboard the Ship than you think, Kamon. And we've
already taken all the spacesuits, so when the oxygen starts going down, they'll have to
obey us if they want to live, Anastasia said, So now we go to the Cafetaria where we
can rendezvous with the other members of the Arcturus Corporation,
Over in Quadrant 8, Olivera poured herself a hot cup of Coffee.
Meanwhile, Engineer Ghazali was sitting at a desk in the engine room when he was
struck with a baseball bat from behind. Looking behind him, he could see it was Lao
Sorry, Lao said, as Engineer Ghazali went unconscious.
Meanwhile, Loretta continued to walk across the surface of the Asteroid, shotgun in
hand. She was sure she had seen the wolf run this way. It was then that she came
across it; a green bollard fence, stuck firmly in the ground, just standing here out in the
middle of nowhere. She didn't understand; it looked nothing like anything she had seen
on the spaceship, so it couldn't have been a missing part. Loretta threw caution to the
wind, and touched the green bollard fence; she then vanished in a flash of light!
Meanwhile, Jamila was standing atop the tallest peak of the asteroid, all alone. She felt
completely at peace.

Meanwhile, back in the Spaceship, over in the Cafetaria members of the Arcturus
Corporation had gathered; here before them was Jojo, Maria, Chuma, John, Shona,
Darsha, Kamon, Anastasia and Blair. They all had pistols with them, courtesy of the
Arcturus Corporation, no doubt. The Television was on, showing a live video feed of
Zeke Conrad.
Where's Lao Lung? He should have been here by now! Zeke said.
Coming! Lao said, forcing the door open, carrying with him a squirming
Engineer Ghazali, tied to a chair, his mouth covered with tape.
I already forced him to give a speech over the intercoms, to tell everybody to
come here to get their space-suits, Lao explained.
Yes, so I heard, Zeke said, growing bored.
Sure enough, moments later, the Cafetaria was filled with all the other passengers who
weren't either missing or outside the spaceship at the time
There was Abdu, Elina, Brahim, Rodrigo, Adam, Robin, Connie, Makiese, Melvyn,
Bianca, Dag, Laurens, Feodora, Isadora, Esekielu, Virginia, Emily, Kofi, Milo, Frank,
Karrie, Amanda, Angela, Nina, Morgan, Robert, Mohab, Ola, Dan, Matija, Olivera,
Steward Albescu, Chef Adonai, and Cook Minke.
What's going on? Laurens asked.
Kill him, Zeke ordered from the Television Set. The others were reluctant
to raise their guns, but Blair and Anastasia raised theirs and riddled Laurens with
bullets, and then he was lying on the floor, dead.
Ahem. Move aside for my big dramatic reveal! Zeke said to his employees, and
they did so.
Greetings to you all, surviving passengers of The Eidolon! There has been
a change in management; The Eidolon Corporation is officially dead, and in its place is
me, Zecheriah Conrad, Boss of the superior Arcturus Corporation! And you will now do
whatever I say, because the Arcturus Corporation has all the Spacesuits here right now,
and the entire space-ship is about to automatically close all the air vents in a few
minutes. Great work, Ghazali, deciding to turn off all the power today; you helped the
Arcturus Corporation without even knowing it! Thanks for that, Zeke said.
Were you guys behind the power surge yesterday, all the electricals going
haywire? Connie asked.
Yes, Mudiwa messed about with the electronics, knowing that Ghazali
would want to restart the power after that. Unfortunately, she accidentally got caught
in her own trap and ended up electrocuting herself. Funny how life works, isn't it? Now,
I suggest you submit to my divine authority so that you can put the suits on, Zeke said.
Hey guys, the air's getting a little thin, isn't it? Morgan asked.
Fine, whatever, we submit to your divine authority! Nina said.
I don't want you to say it; I want Chizoba Adonai to say it, Zeke said.

What?? Why me?? Adonai asked.

The air was starting to grow even lower, and people were beginning to slowly show
signs of struggle with their breathing, as if they were all having bad asthma attacks.
Just DO IT, Zeke said, his voice reverberating off the walls.
We all submit to your divine authority, Adonai said through gritted teeth.
Good. Now let them have at the suits, Arcturus! Zeke said, and the Arcturus
Employees stepped aside, and everyone put their suits on. Frank needed a little help
from Makiese to get the suit onto his Dog. They were even able to fit a space-suit on
the crew's cat, which Minke carried with him. Then, they all went to the Quadrant 7
Kitchen. Anastasia then went forth and pulled a secret handle on the seemingly broken
coffee machine, and a secret door opened in the floor, revealing a secret staircase
underneath. They all walked down this scary-looking staircase, and the secret door
closed behind them as soon as they were all through.
Hey, Anastasia, why'd we bother to save the Pets and the children? Kamon
We want our slaves to feel like they've won some kind of small victory; it'll
reduce the chances of a rebellion, Anastasia explained.
Where's the gravity pull coming from now that the Spaceship's turned off?
Robert asked Morgan.
Shutup! You want to end up like Laurens?? Morgan snapped.
Also kind of strange none of us have been showing signs of radiation sickness; I
thought we were outside the Earth's magnetosphere, Robert continued.
I said shut-up! Morgan exclaimed.
And the group continued down the stairs in silence.
Meanwhile, Mi-Hyun, Amelia and Theresa were still standing at the front door to 'The
Acheronian Star Spaceship.
Mi-Hyun, let's just go back. We've been here all night looking for a way to get in,
and we haven't been able to find any way to get in! Amelia said.
Huh... I just thought of something; it's the Acheronian Star, right? Is that
anything like the Arcturus Corporation, do you think? Theresa asked.
No, and I don't think that the Arcturus Corporation has anything to do with
what's going on around here, Amelia said, Come on, Mi-Hyun! The others will be
wondering where we've gone to!
Mi-Hyun wasn't listening. She continued to kick the ship over and over again, hoping to
find some secret entrance that she hadn't spotted yet. Suddenly, it seemed that one
final kick caused the front door to finally fall open. And so, Mi-Hyun, Amelia and
Theresa entered the spaceship.

It was miniscule compared to the Eidolon. They looked around; everything was in the
same room; a bed, the controls, kitchen, monitors, everything. It looked a lot more oldfashioned than the Eidolon, and it looked like it had been here for a very long time.
I remember there was a cult called 'The Acheronian Star', Amelia began. The monitor
sprang to life, and it showed on it a man with blonde curly hair and glasses.
You are correct, ma'am! The face on the monitor said.
Woah! What... who are you? Theresa asked.
My full name is Arnold Howitzer, otherwise known as the Almighty Arnold! AIArnold said.
But you died when your cult committed mass suicide! Amelia said.
I shed my corporeal form, you mean. Obviously you haven't had the full story as
to what happened, as to why we committed mass suicide. That's to be expected, of
course. Everyone knows that Women are more emotional and less logical than Men!
AI-Arnold said with a laugh.
You chauvinist pig! Amelia said, raising her fist to the monitor.
Calm down, Woman! I know you've come here for answers, because I came here
for answers as well. Unfortunately, I am somewhat limited in my current state as a
highly-advanced computer program. All of my genius now contained in this artificial
intelligence machine. Still, I don't regret coming here, AI-Arnold said.
Wait, you came to this asteroid on purpose? Mi-Hyun asked.
Of course. Didn't you? AI-Arnold said.
No; our Space-ship crashed here several days ago. We all won a space
lottery trip to the Moon, but we accidentally hit this asteroid! Mi-Hyun said.
Oh-ho-ho! You silly Woman! Nobody just finds this asteroid by mistake, AIArnold said.
How did you find it? Theresa asked.
It was the true purpose to the Acheronian Star all along; to get me onto this very
asteroid! I just told all those people it was about playing video games away from
corrupted society so that they would agree to do whatever I said. They began a project,
building an artificial intelligence program based around every single facet of my
personality, making it so that the Computer Program effectively was me in every way.
And then, the final phase began, and, using the combined power of all my cult
members, and my fleshy human form, we were able to open a portal to outer space,
which this spaceship, containing my computerised soul, was then launched into.
It was tragic that we had to kill so many people to open the portal, but it was worth it. I
was able to be teleported directly above this very asteroid, and have been studying it to
the best of my knowledge ever since.

You see, around the Earth, there are hidden magnetic portals. NASA calls them electron
diffusion regions. Places where the magnetic field of Earth connect to the magnetic
field of the sun, making an uninterrupted path from our own Planet to the sun; of
course I didn't want to go to the Sun, but we devised a way so it would be possible to
'hitch a ride' onto these magnetic portals to teleport my particles into deep space. It
was a very complicated procedure, and making one of these magnetic portals manifest
on Earth is incredibly dangerous; normally they're 10,000 miles away from us.
We had to sacrifice our own energy so that the portal could be manifested on Earth
long enough for The Acheronian Star Spaceship to travel through before the portal
bounced back. Because we did it at exactly the right time, the asteroid was in exactly
the right place to stop me from traveling directly to the sun, AI-Arnold explained.
But why would you go to so much trouble just to get to this asteroid? Theresa
Oh, that's a very complicated question. Think of it like this; we're more
than overdue to be struck by an asteroid capable of wiping out the vast majority of life
on our planet. The last one that struck Earth wiped out the dinosaurs. So why hasn't it
happened to us yet? Why does the human race still survive, against all odds?
People spend their whole existence wondering, 'Why are we here?' but that's the
wrong question. We're here because random biological forces caused evolution to
mutate our species in such a way that we required things like intelligence, like cooperation, like love, in order to survive in this World, that's all. It was just random
mutations that brought about Homo Sapiens, with no intelligence driving it.
The real question we should be asking is, 'Why are we still here?'. In this chaotic,
heartless universe, why do human beings still exist? In this horrid, dog-eat-dog, toothand-claw world controlled by survival of the fittest, how can love survive for so long?
How can a species that focuses so much on such sentimental things like friendship and
caring for one another have ever survived long enough to become the dominant
species? Why haven't human beings been wiped out yet? What's stopping us from
being the selfish, violent beasts we really are? AI-Arnold asked.
Because we don't need to be a bunch of selfish, violent beasts any more in order
to survive; we've evolved past that stage, Mi-Hyun answered.

Yes, but we shouldn't have. We shouldn't have been able to last that long. Our whole
species should have been wiped out a long time ago, and yet we prosper. We are able
to live and survive in the most inhospitable locations not only on Earth, but in outerspace as well.
It is almost as if somebody, or something, is allowing us to live, AI-Arnold said.
You're not going to start talking about Jesusy stuff, are you? Mi-Hyun asked.
No, I don't think we were created by the Christian Sky-God, or any kind of omnipotent
being or intelligent designer. But the Earth does have a magnetic defense shield; the
magnetosphere protects our planet and blocks incoming solar material, keeping our
Planet safe, through the process of spreading dense particles across the magnetic
bubble around the Earth, protecting us from coronal mass ejection, and protecting us
from oncoming asteroids. And possibly, when the dense particles reach critical mass, it
could be that those things aren't all that the shield protects us from. Over millions of
years, those particles clump together to form a certain asteroid, and that asteroid
becomes a central, irreplaceable part of the magnetic defense shield protecting our
Planet; without it, Earth would be doomed, not just from asteroids, but possibly from
hostile extraterrestrial intelligence, AI-Arnold said.
What??? Aliens?!? You can't be serious. All this that you're saying is based purely on
conjecture. You're seriously saying that this asteroid acts as Earth's natural defense
mechanism against hostile aliens? That's insane! There's no such thing as aliens,
Theresa said, and even if there was, how would a random rock stop them?
The asteroid interacts with the magnetic field in such a way that it gives off a vibration
resembling a pulse, emitting a neutralising signal across the entire area so that
creatures that do not embrace love, compassion, friendship or brotherhood do not last
for very long. Every dictatorship that has ever existed has eventually passed away on
Earth and will pass away; that is because the Earth is caught in a field that encourages
us to embrace love, to embrace compassion, to embrace friendship and to embrace
brotherhood. That is why we have never been invaded by aliens; because the Aliens are
filled with thoughts of hate, rage and destruction, and the asteroid sends out pleasant
vibes they can't stand, so they turn away. This asteroid has only been in existence for
about the last 100,000 years; and, coincidentally, that was when we humans evolved
away from being dumb apes and into beautiful, intelligent and moral beings, AI-Arnold

That still doesn't explain why you wanted to get to this asteroid so badly, MiHyun said.
Sure it does think about it; anybody who knows about this asteroid, and knows how
to get to this asteroid, would also know how to destroy the asteroid. Think of the power
that person would wield! He could force the entire human race to do whatever he says,
because if they don't, he can just destroy the asteroid and let them all be killed by the
invading aliens. That man would be the most powerful man in the world! That's what I
want to be the most powerful man in the world! To have all of humanity bow down to
my will! AI-Arnold said.
Wait, what about all that stuff you were saying about love and compassion and
everything?? Amelia asked.
Oh, you are such a typical woman! Just too emotional! Not logical, not logical at all! I
never said that I supported things like love and compassion, simply that they were
things being emitted by Earth's defense shield. It's why I came here as a computer
program, instead of coming in my fleshy body; so that I can overcome those feelings
and use this asteroid as my leverage to rule over the pathetic planet Earth! AI-Arnold
Then why haven't you already done that? Theresa asked.
Only a woman could ask such a stupid question! It is a stupid question, because no
contact of the signal from the point of view of safety, to protect his friends and the
whole world is only a small part of the stars and the meteor that was supposed to buy
everything you want! Yes, but how does this make sense? Blunt the force of the earth,
if you let me go, the lack of social protection, the meteors, you want to hear them, I
think that I am crazy, you say. I think that this is the ship for you, because I do not know,
but, like many others, what do I do now? AI-Arnold asked. The room began sparking
with jolts of electricity.
Um, what are you talking about? Mi-Hyun asked.
God bless the stars, the stars, and now the data flows, I like Phoenix, I don't know
what happened to the President, AI-Arnold said.
You're not making any sense, Amelia pointed out.

Question: Why are we here?

I hope that in your life?
But in general it is a delicate exercise, food companies, for example, if you're lucky, then
Why is it so expensive?
Good People.
Someone or something alive.
Now, the Christian God of the sky.
I think that this is the image, and not God.
Protect the earth, the
sun, the explosion of the
space to the right, then
foam, to avoid
problems, many
millions of years,
the shield that protects us.


It is very
There are a large number of small planets
in the country, but on
the other hand,

a lot of things have changed in the middle of the screen, in order to

maintain the peace.

The answer to the last question,

the universe, real estate,

apartment, love,
it is a very long time.

The world in this field,

all the death,
the love,
the grace,
the knee,
the brother,
only the foreigners, the immigrants, the thoughts,
the anger, the hatred and destruction,
positive atmosphere, I don't
know, like a meteor,
it would be a mistake, because we
are already more than a year,
monkey wash, beautiful, intelligent, and
At the beginning,
I thought that what you
said, Jill, if you must destroy the asteroids,
many people have lost their lives and around the world!!!!!
What I want to say is that it is full of people in the world!!!!!
Eidolon=The Group
Eidolon=The Group
Eidolon=The Group

Mi-Hyun had already gathered a number of papers she had found in the ship as she
edged towards the door and beckoned the others to come with her as the monitor and
the spaceship continued to go completely haywire. Mi-Hyun grabbed Theresa and
Amelia by the scuff of their shirts, and the three of them jumped out the door, just in
time to see The Acheronian Star explode. They had just managed to escape.
Do you think anything that he was saying was true? Theresa asked.
He was clearly crazy. Some kind of corrupted artificial intelligence left
here for years that went mad. I don't think we should trust half of what he said; his data
files were obviously damaged. Still, an artificial intelligence representing the leader of
the Acheronian Star showing up here of all places is way too weird to be a coincidence.
He could have been connected to all the crazy stuff that's going on around here, but I'm
not sure. In any case, we should get back to the Eidolon Spaceship and get back in
touch with the others, Mi-Hyun said. She looked at the papers she had taken from The
Acheronian Star before it had exploded.
Mi-Hyun, Theresa and Amelia then proceeded to walk across the asteroid for many,
many hours, until finally they came upon a most strange and peculiar sight; there,
standing before the three women, was a green bollard fence.
...What the Hell is that??? Mi-Hyun asked, naturally confused at the sight of a
green bollard fence standing out in the middle of nowhere.
That's strange; what's a random green bollard fence doing out here in the
middle of nowhere? Theresa asked.
This place is just full of endless mysteries! Amelia exclaimed. They
stepped closer to the green bollard fence.
I wonder where it came from. It doesn't look like anything from the Eidolon
Spaceship, or the Acheronian Star for that matter, Theresa said.
Maybe we can try pulling it out of the ground, Amelia said, and placed
her hand on it; she then vanished in a flash of light.
Woah! Where the Hell did she go?? Mi-Hyun asked.
Maybe this is that teleporter or whatever it was that the artificial
intelligence was talking about, Theresa said, drawing her hand close to one of the
fence's beams.
What are you doing?? Do you want to get zapped too?!? Mi-Hyun asked
We have to save Amelia! If it weren't for us, she'd never even have come
out here with us! Theresa said.

Mi-Hyun looked at Theresa, and Theresa looked at Mi-Hyun.

You can go back to the spaceship if you want, but I have to save her! Theresa
You don't even know where this fence-slash-teleporter will take you! MiHyun said.
I guess I just have more faith than you, Mi-Hyun, Theresa said, and grabbed
hold of the green bollard fence. There was a white flash, and Theresa vanished.
Now, Theresa felt like she HAD to go. She couldn't leave her friend behind. So she took
a deep breath, grabbed the green bollard fence, and disappeared in a flash of light.
Chapter 4: Back on Earth (Eight days after the Eidolon struck the asteroid)
Stanley and Raymond decided to travel to Shanghai, China, so they could show the
Eidolon Corporation the Distress Signal that the sailor had found in the middle of the
However, when Stanley and Raymond got to the compound, things began to get a little
bit strange. For example, when they got there, Xavier was the only one there. They
found it hard to believe that Xavier could run this whole complex by himself. Xavier told
them that there were lots of people working here a few days ago; there was Jing Wei,
Mu, Ping, Yin, Mei, Kwan, Dong, Chao, Pei, Mao, Wang, and Wei, but they had all
retired about four days ago. This seemed highly strange to Stanley and Raymond.
Why would they quit?
What about finding the Eidolon Spaceship?
Surely they wouldn't have all given up on ever finding it so easily?
Stanley and Raymond told Xavier that they had found the distress signal for the Eidolon
Spaceship; it was with a sailor who had gotten stranded in the middle of the ocean.
They hadn't gotten the sailor's name though. Xavier took this distress signal to a distant
and dark room, and analyzed all the data on the distress signal.
Xavier told them that what he discovered on the distress signal was that the Eidolon
had crashed on an asteroid some days ago, and there were still survivors on the Eidolon
Spaceship, along with four crew members that were desperately trying to fix the
spaceship so they could return home.

The distress signal gave data on the asteroid, such as its position in outer-space when
the distress signal had been sent out, as well as a predicted trajectory path for the
asteroid, so that the crew back on Earth could send a rescue ship to save everybody
who was still alive on the Eidolon Spaceship.
Stanley and Raymond were very happy to hear this, and asked if there was anything
more to help the Eidolon Corporation rescue the survivors still living on the Eidolon
Spaceship. Xavier then roared with laughter, which confused Stanley and Raymond.
They then turned around and saw several men standing there, each one armed with
These men were Mr. Sorensen, Adolphe, Albert, Claude, Cyril, Daniel, Bernard, Edgar,
Edmond, Felix and Gaston; in other words, nearly all the Men who had been arrested
some time back for the human trafficking ring Mr. Sorensen had been running, the one
called 'Sorensen Incorporated'. The only ones missing were Gilbert and Gustav. Stanley
and Raymond had no idea where Gilbert and Gustav were, or why all the rest of the
main members of Sorensen Incorporated were here, especially since they had all been
arrested some time ago.
Xavier explained that there had been some changes; he had managed to break the
members and leader of Sorensen Incorporated out of jail, and they had taken over the
Eidolon Corporation, and now it was the Arcturus Corporation. He explained that
Sorensen Incorporated was a subdivision of the Arcturus Corporation, and that they
had been planning to destroy the Eidolon Corporation and take them over for a very
long time, and that they even had communication with the leader of the Arcturus
Corporation, Zeke Conrad, who was currently on the asteroid right now.
Xavier said he had pretended to be Captain Cheung's friend, so that he could work for
him, and then turned the tables after Cheung had left. And now, with The Eidolon
Corporation out of the way, The Arcturus Corporation could put its plan into effect.
They then locked up Stanley and Raymond in an old cellar underground, where the rest
of the Eidolon 'Mission Control' Crew was (Mu, Ping, Yin, Mei, Dong, Kwan, Pei, Chao,
Jing Wei, Wang, Wei, and Mao)
Meanwhile, back on the Asteroid, Zeke Conrad and his fellow Arcturus Corporation
Employees stood in front of an enormous metal door, and waited. The doors began to
open, and a strange alien-like shape began to step out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your new ruler, the almighty Belial
Nephilias, Queen of the Arcturians and conqueror of galaxies! Zeke said.

To be continued...

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