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About the Author

Paul Anderson lives in Adelaide South Australia, although he
spends two months of the year writing in New Zealand where he
grew up. He is a surgeon specializing in upper gastrointestinal
surgery. He has written two novels which have been published in
the medical thriller/suspense/drama genre. This is the first romance
novel for which a sequel is planned.

This book is dedicated to four very attractive intelligent women,
who provided both the inspiration and the research. For obvious
reasons they wish to remain anonymous. However, without their
help and encouragement this novel would never have been written.
The outstanding cover design was by an artist/designer and friend,
Klaus Madsen, who perfectly captured the essence of romantic

A titillating Tale of Sexual Evolution

Copyright Paul G. Anderson (2015)

The right of Paul G. Anderson to be identified as author of this
work has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78
of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this
publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims
for damages.
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British
ISBN 978 1 78455 926 7 (Paperback)
ISBN 978 1 78455 927 4 (Hardback)
First Published (2015)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

Printed and bound in Great Britain


There is no disguise that can for long conceal love

where it exists or simulate it where it does not.


With any writing, there are many contributions. This novel is no
exception. It could not have been written, without the research and
support of many friends, who all believed in its ultimate value.
There are many, too many to name, and even if I did, I might run
the risk of offending some who were left out. Particular thanks must
be made to Charlies Naughty Angels, who for reasons which will
be obvious to the reader, wish to remain anonymous. I feel very
privileged to be the Charlie to three very intelligent, attractive,
liberated women, who provided rare insight into mens emotions
and lack of understanding of women. Without their insight and
encouragement, I would still be at chapter one. In fact, once upon a
time, there were four, but the fourth created a national scandal, and
ran to leave the country. Say no more; her input was also
invaluable. To say this writer was educated by osmosis; is an
Normally men write about sex in the way that they think about
it, or think other men think about it. Escort sex or grubby sex;
resolutely disguised as an affaire de coeur. On rare occasions, mens
writing has risen above that. I did not want this story to just be
another shade of grey, but a story with underlying romance
attending a sexual evolution of the principal character. A story in
which the reader could empathises with the personal deficiencies of
Dr Theo Martin; as well as gaining insight into his sexual
inadequacies. A principle character who finds that happiness is not
guaranteed when someone says they will marry you. A character
uncertain in the beginning, as to how to change, but whom thanks to
chance meetings, with intelligent liberated women, slowly evolves
into a man of sensitivity. Following Theo through these encounters,
my hope for most readers and their partners is that they will enjoy
being involved in a sexually titillating romantic tale, as much as the
principle character
They say that life imitates art; I wish.



Chapter 1
Theo looked up at his anaesthetist and friend, Trevor Walker, as he
finished placing the last suture in the patients abdominal wound.
Trevor smiled over the top of the drapes and gave him the thumbs
up- another life saved. The fifty-five-year-old man Theo had just
finished operating on had presented with severe chest pain before
collapsing in accident and emergency due to a major artery leaking
blood. Theo had replaced part of his aorta with a new artificial graft.
Now he would survive and probably continue to lead a relatively
normal and active life. Theo loved the feeling of making a
difference. As he stepped back from the operating table, he
remembered once when a very attractive nurse asked him if
performing surgery was better than sex. Theo laughed at the time,
and told her that if sex lasted as long as surgery, it would be an
easier question to answer. Tonight was no different; if he was
brutally honest, the post-operative high he experienced after saving
someones life exceeded any sexual afterglow.
Great job, Theo. I hope your partner, Elena, isnt too upset that
you had to miss her parents 40th wedding anniversary dinner.
Fortunately, Elena is wonderful when it comes to
understanding that surgery can be a demanding mistress. Not that I
wont have to make it up to her in some way.
Given how successful you are becoming, that could be quite
expensive in the future, Trevor laughed as Theo took off his gown
and gloves.
Well, heres hoping theres no more work over the weekend.
Thank you everyone. You were all wonderful, Theo said as he
walked out of the operating theatre.
The cold night air of the hospital car park partly took his breath
away and reminded him it was nearly midnight. As he unlocked the
car he thought of his beautiful Elena asleep in their bed and how
lucky he was that she understood his love of surgery. Driving out of
the car park, he resolved to sleep in the spare room so that he would


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