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Autumn / Winter 2008 Newsletter

OUR TEAM AT Awarded to Mortgage

e by A

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Anthony Smith Gary Mackertichian Mark Boulton

Ph: 03 9585 7779 Ph: 03 9585 7779 Ph: 03 9533 5340
Fax: 03 8610 0365 Fax: 03 8610 0365 Fax: 03 8611 7915
Mob: 0413 439 761 Mob: 0418 155 565 Mob: 0403 047 147
anthony.smith@ gary.mackertichian@ mark.boulton@

Avoiding a
Chris Howitt Craig Micallef Jill O’Connor
Ph: 03 9333 4370 Ph: 03 9308 9163 Ph: 03 9585 7779
Fax: 03 9333 4376 Fax: 03 9308 9257 Fax: 03 8610 0365
fees can mean being
Mob: 0401 334 599 Mob: 0417 655 577 Mob: 0412 647 506
chris.howitt@ craig.micallef@ jill.oconnor@
effectively “locked” into a more expensive or less suitable home loan if

grand exit
the cost of refinancing is too great.
Not all lenders charge exit fees, but
among those that do, the cost may be
calculated in a variety of ways. Some
lenders charge a flat fee – anywhere
Shaun Curtis Mitch Jones Stephen Forrester In today’s competitive market,
from around $500 to $1,500, while in
Ph: 03 9585 7779 Ph: 03 9773 3438 Ph: 03 9773 3438
many lenders have reduced their
Fax: 03 8610 0365 Fax: 03 8610 0365 Fax: 03 8610 0365
other cases, the fee will be based on a
Mob: 0423 720 340 Mob: 0412 881 907 Mob: 0409 250 347
upfront home loan fees in favour of
shaun.curtis@ mitch.jones@ stephen.forrester@ percentage of the outstanding loan ‘exit fees’ to dissuade borrowers
balance in some cases as high as
Mortgage Choice Limited from bailing out early.
1.5% of the remaining principal if you
302 Charman Road
Exit fees come under a variety of exit within the first year. At that rate,
Phone 03 9585 7779
names including ‘early termination’ refinancing a $250,000 loan within the
Fax 03 8610 0365 charges, ‘break’ costs, or ‘deferred first 12 months could see a departing establishment’ fees. Whatever the title, borrower charged $3,795 in exit fees.
This franchise is independently owned and they tend to come as an unpleasant The bottom line is that where exit fees
operated by The Finassist Partnership surprise – and a potentially expensive apply, the benefits of a new loan must
ABN 51 426 348 068 one, with the cost sometimes running at least outweigh the cost of farewelling
into thousands of dollars. These fees the old mortgage.
typically apply if the loan is refinanced
Part of the problem with exit fees is
or paid off in the first three to five years
that we rarely anticipate swapping
of the loan term, and are definitely
something to look out for as high exit Continued on p2...


With the recent media coverage of rental vacancies at “Rental returns have been quite consistent in all capital
record lows, potential investors may be considering cities, ranging between 10.3% for Sydney apartments to
dipping their toe into property investment for the first time. 18.8% for Perth apartments, and between 11.6% for Sydney
houses to 16.9% for Perth houses,” he says.
“Rental vacancies are at an all time low and are unlikely to
improve in the near future because of the undersupply of “However, investors should keep in mind that these
housing stock across Australia. As a result, rents are growth patterns are not necessarily the norm – the market is
increasing,” according to Noel Dyett, President of the Real cyclical – so people need to think of property as a medium-
Estate Institute of Australia (REIA). to long-term investment,” he suggests.

INSIDE • Building a dream • Financial pressures • Low doc loans • Property valuations
...continued from p1
loans or lenders in the early years. As
a dream
a result, the issue of mortgage break
costs may be swept aside in favour of
more immediate concerns, such as a
favourable interest rate. However,
according to independent financial
information provider InfoChoice,
industry data shows the average life of Few things in life can be more including laying the slab, completing
a home loan is now very short, as little exciting than building a home of framework, taking the building to
as 20 months in some cases, which your own. From the floor layout to lock-up stage, and the most exciting
means that plenty of borrowers are the kitchen fit-out, you have phase – completion!
being stung by exit fees in order to complete control over how your As each stage of building is
reap the rewards of refinancing. home will look and feel. And just as completed, the lender’s valuer will
you chose the design that meets assess the progress to confirm that the
Borrowers hoping to avoid exit fees
your needs, it is also important to work has indeed been completed and
may need to dig deep in the fine print
choose the right loan. to ensure the builder’s progress claims
of a loan contract to see if fees apply
to their personal circumstances. When it comes to financing the are accurate before payment is made.
Certainly, these charges are not construction of a new home, a Home buyers looking to build their
featured in the comparison interest purpose-designed construction loan dream home with a construction loan
rate, which only includes upfront and can make better sense than a standard are asked to provide additional
ongoing fees. Yet as Chief Executive mortgage. It’s a type of loan where the paperwork. This typically includes a
Officer of the Mortgage and Finance principal is drawn down in line with the copy of the builder’s fixed price
Association (MFAA), Phil Naylor, points completion of your home rather than as contract, council-approved plans and
out, “Costs such as exit fees influence a single lump sum. The beauty of this is specifications of your proposed home,
the total cost of a loan.” that the interest charge for borrowers is and a copy of the builder’s insurance
minimised. For example, on a loan of (this must be current for the period of
For owner-occupiers looking to
$350,000 for a house and land construction). Alternately, if you are
refinance, the presence of exit fees
package, you may only need to draw undertaking the project as an owner-
may make it worthwhile to negotiate
the initial cost of land – we’ll say builder, your lender will want to see
an even sweeter deal with a new
$200,000, so interest is only paid on detailed costings for your new home.
lender. Borrowers paying off a loan in
this amount until work commences on
full may have little choice other than to While your dream home is being
construction of your home.
wear the cost. For property investors, built, the payments on a construction
the outlook is slightly better as expenses Once building gets underway, a loan are typically interest-only. On
associated with discharging a construction loan will see the lender completion, a final valuation will be
mortgage are generally tax-deductible make a series of payments to the made, and from here the loan will
if the loan is used to produce builder. Your individual building contract normally revert to principal and interest.
assessable income. (Note you should will specify the number and timing of With the hard work behind you - and a
always seek professional tax advice for progress payments; however, there are new home standing in front of you, the
your particular circumstances.) four broad stages of home completion, celebrations can begin in earnest!
While exit fees are the bugbear of
borrowers chasing a better deal, it is
an impost that could be scaled back Concerned about financial pressures?
or even abolished in the future. Growing
consumer angst has prompted It may be time to revisit your budget.
Commonwealth Treasurer Wayne
With the cooler months approaching, Another useful tool for budgeting is the
Swan to address the matter, with an it’s an ideal time to spend some of Spendtracker. Small enough to fit in your
announcement in mid-February 2008, those chillier evenings at home, wallet, it enables you to keep track of your
that the Australian Securities and becoming better acquainted with expenses at the point of purchase. For more
Investments Commission will undertake your finances. information, visit
a review of exit charges. It’s a move
If you find yourself struggling to manage If you are still feeling uncomfortable
the Treasurer believes will “put further
your financial commitments – be they credit about managing your financial
competitive pressure on the banks”. commitments, there may be other solutions
card debts, extra personal loans or simply
At present, however, the onus is on available to you. Debt consolidation allows
managing household bills – it may be
borrowers to enquire about the you to merge your personal debts into a
worthwhile setting yourself a budget. This
prospect of exit fees – whether they single loan, which may enable you to pay off
can bring you peace of mind as well as the
your debts at lower home loan interest
apply and how they are calculated – confidence you need to move forward with rates. This could alleviate some of the
from their broker or lender. Knowing a clearer picture of your financial future. monthly financial pressure, since your
just what expenses you could be There are many free budget templates to combined overall monthly repayments may
charged if you leave a lender is a vital choose from, including the ‘Understanding then be able to be reduced. Your mortgage
part of understanding your mortgage Money’ budget planner from the Australian broker can determine if your home loan
and it could mean the luxury of choice Government website, http://www. structure allows for debt consolidation and
further down the track. identify any costs associated with this.
Low doc loans
With as many as 39% of Due to the minimal income evidence required by lenders for
us deemed to be low doc loans, the lender relies on two factors: firstly, the
self-employed or credit worthiness of the borrower and secondly, confirmation
contract workers, it is of the value of the security. There is also a larger emphasis on
little wonder demand for low the borrower, rather than the lender, to determine whether the
documentation or ‘low doc’ borrower can afford the repayments and any potential interest
loans has skyrocketed - and the rate rises in the future.
changing face of Australia’s
There are two main types of low doc loans: prime low doc
workforce is likely to continue to
loans and sub-prime or credit-impaired low doc loans.
drive demand for this type of product.
The majority of low doc loans issued in Australia are prime
Low doc loans caused quite a stir
low doc loans. These may be approved without the cost of
when they first arrived on the scene a
mortgage insurance up to a 60% Loan-to-Value ratio (LVR).
decade ago. Prior to this, self-employed
Loans insured by Lenders Mortgage Insurance are generally
workers enjoyed few options beyond
allowed up to a maximum 80% LVR. A good credit history is
expensive solicitor’s mortgages. In
required and potential borrowers are required to self-certify
comparison, these days we’re spoilt
their income.
for choice, with low doc loans on offer
across a broad spectrum of lenders. For those that have an impaired credit history or very
short-term employment, there are lenders who will provide
While similar to standard home loans
sub-prime or credit-impaired low doc loans. These lenders
in terms of repayments and features, it
often charge higher fees and interest rates. Most will
is in proof of income that low doc loans
charge mortgage insurance, irrespective of the LVR and all will
stand apart. Rather than showing lenders
do a valuation.
individual’s pay slips or a salary contract,
self-employed borrowers are able to The low doc loan market is characterised by a large degree
provide less paperwork – hence the name of variation and complexity and a professional mortgage
‘low doc’. For a low doc loan, you may broker can help you assess your options and assist you to
simply be asked to state your income in find a low doc loan suitable for your needs.
a process called self-certification.

Property valuations:
What you need to know

Whether you are buying or selling a facilities. This type of valuation generally which does not require a valuer but
property, involved in a marriage also contains the property’s age, calculates the valuation from property
settlement, or about to refinance a construction type, accommodation, market data only. These kinds of
property loan, you will require a fixtures and fittings, the general standard valuations are generally obtained through
property valuation. of chattels, as well as special features, websites or via SMS services and are
such as security or air conditioning. sometimes used by prospective buyers to
Valuations can take several forms. A find out a property’s market price estimate
full valuation, for example, requires a Your lender will generally arrange for
and a sales history of the postcode.
qualified or licensed valuer (the term a full valuation of the property. As they
differs from state to state) who are using the property for security, the
physically inspects the property and lender will want to ensure that the value
of the property is more than the amount

provides a report containing information Congratulations to the winner of the

lent. To minimise the risk to the lender, Spring/Summer 2007 Mortgage
such as the property’s market value, Choice It’s Your Choice promotion.
historical sales information, a legal the lender’s valuation is generally
description of the property’s title, the conservative and may be less than
what you expect. Gaye Dwyer of Stanhope Gardens in
land, its location, size, zoning, NSW has won $6,000.
maximum development potential, and The second type is known as an
the property’s proximity to local automated valuation model (AVM),
Mortgage Choice Limited
302 Charman Road
Phone 03 9585 7779
Fax 03 8610 0365
This franchise is independently owned
and operated by The Finassist
Partnership ABN 51 426 348 068

with $6,000 to spend at the

Flight Centre

TESTIMONIAL Simply call 1800 110 170 to make an appointment with one of our
consultants and request to be entered into the draw.
“I initially contacted
At Mortgage Choice we make getting started simple, from finding a home loan that suits you, to taking
Mortgage Choice because as you through the whole application process. Whether you are buying a new home, refinancing, consolidating
a single working mother, I debt, investing in property or financing a renovation, talk to the specialists. Mortgage Choice offers:
had very little time to be • Wide choice: We have many of Australia’s leading banks and lenders on our panel who offer
visiting banks to determine collectively hundreds of home loan products
what would be the best • Professional home loan advice
home loan for my situation.
• Local knowledge: We’re Australia’s leading mortgage broker because we combine local
At all times my Mortgage
knowledge with over 15 years experience
Choice broker was
Ask us for a Free Mortgage Choice Home Loan Health Check to find out if your current home loan
professional, patient, polite
is the most suitable one available or if there are other products out there that better address your
and understanding. His specific needs.
advice was priceless.
Call now on 1800 110 170 or fill in your contact details below and
We love our new home
• Fax it to: (02) 9954 4913 or
and my children and I are
so very happy here. I am • Mail it to: Mortgage Choice Escape On Your Dream Holiday Promotion,
Reply Paid 74789, North Sydney NSW 2060
comfortable with the
mortgage repayments... NAME CONTACT NUMBER
I feel secure and content
and that feeling is terrific.” ADDRESS POSTCODE

– D. W., Wagga Wagga


ESCAPE ON YOUR DREAM HOLIDAY PROMOTION: Call 1800 110 170 to make an appointment with a Mortgage Choice consultant and once you’ve attended
that appointment you’ll automatically go in the draw to win $6,000 deposited into a Flight Centre account in your name. There will be 1 draw and the first valid entry
will win. Winners will be notified by telephone and confirmed by mail. The opening day of the competition is 1 May 2008. All entries must be received by Mortgage
Choice at the address above by 5pm EST on 31st July 2008. The draw will be held at 4pm EST on 1st August 2008 at the offices of Mortgage Choice. The name
of the winner will be published in The Australian on 5th August 2008. Complete terms and conditions and the privacy notice are available from www.mortgagechoice. Authorised under NSW Permit No. [LTPS/08/02050], A.C.T. Permit No. [TP 08/00861], VIC Permit No. [08/878], and S.A. Permit No. [T08/942].


Melbourne’s December quarter median house price increased by an unprecedented 12.8% over the quarter to
$485,000. This represents a 23.4% increase over the year. Over the longer term the median price of a Melbourne
home has now doubled in seven years. In the March quarter of 2000 the median was $242,128.
Price growth is being driven by strong demand. The Victorian economy is performing very well which
is leading to an increase in migration, confidence and demand for housing.
Not only did the median price increase but so did the volume of property on the market. In the
twelve months to the end of the December quarter, the number of homes on the market increased
by 21%.
Other dwelling prices also increased, by 5.4% over the quarter and by 21.9% over the year,
to $390,000.
Written by Real Estate Institute of Australia for Mortgage Choice

Privacy: There will be occasions where we would like to send you valuable information directly related to property finance, as well as other related offers, tips and opportunities. However should you wish to
receive only certain types of information or nothing at all, please contact your local franchise principal. Disclaimer: The content of this newsletter is written expressly for education purposes and is based on
the opinions of the authors. The authors and agents for the authors are unable to accept any liability or responsibility whatsoever to any error or omission or any loss or damage of any kind sustained by a person
or entity arising from the use of this information. It is recommended that you seek professional advice relevant to your specific circumstances before acting on the information based in this document.

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