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We always heard about the Western domination in all aspect, such as education,
technologies, painted, books, sport, agricultural, historian, strategist and philosophy. Then, world
just found on 17th century that far from Europe, actually also had great strategist and philosophy.
That strategist and philosophy came from China. His idea and book become famous among the
Chinese people. Not only China, in facts, many general and militaries in Japan also studied about
this person and his famous book. The person that we talk about is Sun Tzu.
Sun Tzu is an ancient general military who lived in China (400 B.C-330 B.C.). He not
only general military but at the same time, he also known as strategist and philosopher. He
produced a famous ancient book regarding military strategies were called Ping Fa or The Art
of War. His book gave huge impact on Chinese, Asian and world history especially in tactical
aspect. The Art of War book become famous and well known on 19th and 20th centuries when
the European and Western studied about that book deeply1.
This book also give impact in politics field especially for Asian, as well as Western
countries. China once upon a time was a multi-state system during 770 B.C until 221 B.C. Sun
Tzu were lived during Warring States (Warring State happen on 453 B.C-221 B.C.) which is war
always happen because of states want to expand their territories and at the same time want
become more powerful states. He was military strategist served under The State of Chi (Qi).
During Warring States period, there are seven states fight each other in Eastern of China, which
is Qi, Chu, Qin, Yan, Han and Wei.
This assignment will review about the book entitle The Art of War, originally written
by Sun Tzu but the book that were referred for my task, translated by Samuel B. Griffith on year
1963. But this assignment will just focus on Chapter IV and V (Chapter 4 and 5) (from
Introduction part of book).

1 Sun Tzu Biography. (2012). The Famous People. Retrieved on 26 March, 2015 from


Griffith B. Samuel describe Sun Tzu (the original writer of The Art of War) as realist
and soberness form which is opposite to Clausewitzs inclination stress on total war 2. We can
see, On Chapter IV entitle War In Sun Tzus Age, the writer give overview about the condition
of Ancient China Warfare until year of 500 B.C. during that time, there are general rode and
regulation that followed by all ancient China about warfare. For example, the battle cannot be
happen or conduct during planting and harvest season, war also cannot conduct during winter
and summer because the weather are too cold and too hot.
Moreover on that time, if war happened; the children, senior citizen and injured soldier even
enemy are banned to kill. The ruler also will not practice carnage to the enemy citizen brutally.
At the same time, they will not take unfair advantage of their adversary3. The writer also mention
that the state have mandate to rule the land which is called Will of Heaven. The soldier were
controlled by few great families, or private armies. The status of peasant was far less than cow
and horse. The illiteracy and comply group played small function in war period, but for fourhorse chariot controlled by driver, a spearmen and archer become main component. The bow
become the symbol for the noble group4.
The social system were practiced on this time which is feudal society hinder to appearance of
professional soldier then noble group. The function of oracle to conduct proper sacrifices also
were mention by the writer. This feudal system were slowly change when Sun Tzu came. More
opportunities were opened for talented person. Rewards also given to this group for their
contribution and punishment clearly fixed5. More discipline and well-trained troops age around
sixteen to sixty and also more loyalty. The individual power and fame not become important
anymore because the more important is strategy of the soldier overall.
Griffith also said that the concept of a generals staff emerged during the Warring States. These
staffs from various specialists such as weather forecasters, map makers, commissary officers and
engineers to plan tunneling, mining operation, experts on river crossing and operation like
amphibious operation, inundating and attack by fire and the use of smoke. According to Griffith
2Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. III
3 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 30
4 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 32
5 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 33

also, maybe the doctrine of collective responsibility in battle, first time developed during this
time. For example, if commanders did not follow the order, that commander will be executed and
if a section retired and the leader still fight, the four who had abandoned him were summarily
beheaded as well as if a column commander withdrew without order. The unreasonable
punishment will lead armies not willing to fight in battle6.
Technical improvements lead to revolution of Chinese warfare. During this time, military tools
also become more advance. For example, the introduction of the crossbow and high-quality of
cutting weapon. The mounted men riding without saddles or stirrups were used as scouts and
messengers7. The field operations normally will controlled from inside fortified camps. In the
centre of the commander-in-chiefs banner flew over his headquarters and elite swordsmen as his
personal guard. The writer also mention about the flexibility of Sun Tzu march formation which
is possible to suitable for any battle 8. The writer end this chapter with make confirmation that by
the beginning of the fourth century B.C., or several decades earlier, we can see the mature form
in term of conducting war. At the same time, he added, Chinese possessed weapons and were
master of attacking and defending tactics that become legacy and reference for future leader9.
On chapter V (chapter 5), according to Griffith, Sun Tzu said that War is a grave concern of the
state and must studied this matter carefully10. He also stress that the power of moral, the
cleverness give huge effect in war. Before going into war, leader need to start measure the tactic
for convenient to get victory in war. The function of spies and intelligence also must play their
role which is gathering information, spread dissension and nourishing subversion. At the same
time, try make enemy in situation isolated and demoralized. Only use armies force if all this
tactic not effective but must in the shortest possible time, at the least possible cost in lives and
effects and with infliction on the enemy of the fewest possible casualties11.

6 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 35
7 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 36
8 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 37
9 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 38
10 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 39
11 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 39

The writer consider that Sun Tzu mention that national unity become important condition to win
the battle. The high morale of army are essential must put in one of the good preparation and the
writer describe that Sun Tzu tried to establish a realistic basis for a rational appraisal of relative
power12. Moreover, the writer also said that Sun Tzu was the first to put the physical clash in
proper perspective. The economic also will effected during the war also stress by Sun Tzu in his
book. The five matter also been mention by Sun Tzu to discuss in councils, there are human
(morale and generalship), physical (terrain and weather) and doctrinal. The writer also make
some critique on ancient writer including Sun Tzu such as did not contained the goal of military
action to destroy the opponent army and their cities and wastage of their countryside13.
All warfare is based on fraud or deception. Griffith said that Sun Tzu aware that the war must
started with attack the mind of enemy with directly. Sun Tzu also dislike a static situation and
attack cities if do not have other choice. The siege just wasted time and lives for both parties.
Moreover, Sun Tzu also said that the brilliant general must not be manipulated by his enemy. Sun
Tzu stress that general must create condition certain to produce a quick decision, not make
operation take long time but smart conducted14. The more time taken for war, more suffer the
state and people. The weakness of the army not only in physical term, the smart army leader
bases on his plans on enemys shape. The action tactical instruments were used by general,
direct or cheng force and indirect or chi are interdependent each other15.
According to Griffith also, Sun Tzu knew the advantage and disadvantage of weather during the
war. The general must have skill to know the weather in their favor or not 16. Griffith end chapter
V (chapter 5) with admit that the West also had same experience like what mention by Sun Tzu
recent years17.

12Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 40
13 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
14 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
15 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 42
16 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 43
17 Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press.
page. 44


According to my review on chapter IV (chapter 4), I can get general view the nature of war
during that time practiced by Chinese until the year 500 B.C. The general code were used such as
do not killed the senior citizen, children, and injured soldier show to us very high class of
behavior among the Chinese people including the military officers during war period. At the
same time, the war will not conduct during planting and harvest season. High moral of humanity
become principle among Chinese and later on it also what have been teaching in Islam until

18 Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin. (2007). Wahai Dunia! Islam Bukan Pengganas. Minda
Tajdid. Retrieved on March 26,2015 from

The feudal system were practice by Chinese on that era, same like what were practiced by
Europe, Pre-Arab civilization and almost all kingdom in world. The feudal system in China on
that era were controlled by a few royal family or noble family. However, the system have change
little bit during year 40 B.C. where the talent of person started recognize. We can see, the middle
class especially military officer or other officer have link with war have more opportunities to
upgrade their status. Based on my opinion, when the military officer get recognition such as
reward and promotion based on talent, it will make the military work more hard and loyal to their
Not only that, the discipline and well trained military also become main issue during Sun
Tzu era. Before Sun Tzu came, the military train not conduct very well and not systematic. The
ages of recruit for military also introduced (from age sixteen to sixty only). So, this element of
train will make military become more and more advance in term of energy and they ready
anytime if war happen. Later on, military train become important element for all dynasty ruled
all mainland of China (After the unification of China). Moreover, the light troop emerged during
this era. From my observation, light troop are more easy to handle compare to heavy tools were
used before especially for long range expedition. The food that supplies for military also take
into account, he make sure that military can survive in long period during war.
I interested with the concept of a general staff were came during the Warring States
period. Many expertise are appeared such as weather forecasters, map makers, commissary
officers and engineers to plan tunneling and mining operation. These expertise are important to
sustain in a right track for achieve the final goal which is victory. For example, weather
forecasters important to know which season are suitable to attack the enemy and what condition
we can win throw easy way by assists of weather. The map makers can show to us which place
we must defend or which place we can get more advantage unto the enemy and engineers plan to
tunneling can make sure the armies achieve the place that difficult to reach.
Another matter that attract me is the doctrine of collective responsibility in battle. The
punishment will officer whose did not listen the order. For example, Commanders who retreated
without orders will executed and brigade commander withdrew without orders will lost his head.
But Sun Tzu also mention that do not give punishment with unreasonable punishment because it
will cause the armies not willing to fight in war. All armies agreed to follow the military law to
make sure the operation become smooth and easy. For me, this law manage to control the
behavior of the military, to make sure they follow everything what have been order. If not,
difficult to control the armies if armies did not have any law to followed.
During this time also, I realized that technical improvements made to the revolution of
Chinese warfare. The appearance of crossbow and high-quality iron to cutting weapons. The
crossbow make much more easy for archers to target the enemies compare to normal bow. On
this time also mounted men riding without saddles were used as scouts and messengers. The
mounted men will became more light and can move rapidly to give information about the
enemies movement from high pick. The formation were described by Sun Tzu also allowed
flexibility in attacking formation. The formation must not fix but change according to the
situation. The types of weapons, movement and tactic must suitable with battle and tactic.

On chapter V (chapter 5) entitle Sun Tzu On War, the reminder were given by Sun Tzu at
early that war is a grave concern of the state and must studied it carefully. I agree with because it
not about the armies and tactical only, but also it connecting with the life of citizen and state
overall19. Sun Tzu also believed that moral strength and intellectual are important that can give
effect in war. In any war, if the soldier not in high spirit and do not have good intellectual, it will
lead to lost and give advantage to the enemies even if they are small number. He also mention
about the role of spies and agents to gathering the information about the enemies, but at the same
time try to sowing dissension unto enemies. Thus, the enemies army will conquered without
battle, but if this strategies did not work, the option is used armed force. However, the time to
conduct the war must in as short as possible, least possible cost in lives and efforts and fewest
possible casualties. This opinion are the best for any armies when they involve in the battle. The
more time and cost that they took for battle, the more casualties and more bad effect will get.
In any country, if they want win in battles, they need to make sure that their national unity in
strong condition. This also were mention by Sun Tzu and he added, the government must not
oppress their own citizen and the ruler must practice theories of benevolence and righteousness.
By doing that, it will make sure the country in good in term of inside relationship between
government and the citizen. We can take example what happen in Iraq during the American
troops enter Iraq, we can see some of the Iraq citizen are not devoted to their president on that
time (Saddam Hussein) especially Kurdish ethnic group20.
I admired Sun Tzu when he stress that mental moral, physical and situation factors can make
huge effect during war21. There is no doubt that all of that element can become determine who is
the winner and loser in the battle. That is why he discuss about the five matter to discuss on
high level of authority, which is human (moral and generalship), physical (terrain and weather)
and finally doctrinal. I accept what Sun Tzu regarding this matter, we can see what happen to
Hitler and Napoleon when they failed to conquer Russian state. The reason why they failed is do
not take account about physical element which is terrain and weather on Russia 22. That why I
impress about Sun Tzu when discuss about this matter. Even, Marquis Wu (Wu-tzu) also stress
that avoid enemy use easy terrain and make them exhausting cause of it 23.In facts, he also
realized that economic will give implication on war, such as inflation, cost regarding war and
19 Osinga, F.P.B., (2007) Science, Strategy and War. New York : Routledge. Page 36.
20 Babka, J., (2003). The Truth about Husseins Brutallity. The Truth About War.
Retrieved on 25 March, 2015 from
21 Osinga, F.P.B., (2007) Science, Strategy and War. New York : Routledge. Page 37
22 Zamoyski, A. (2005). Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March.
Retrieved on 26 March,2015 from
23 Sawyer, R. D. (1993). The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China. United
Kingdom : Westview Press. page 220.

difficulties of supply. It proven at now day that economic will effected if war happen for example
Second World War, Vietnam War, Middle East conflict will effected the economies, such as the
price of goods will increase, the oil price will effected and out of stock for some products24.
I strongly agree with Sun Tzu when he mention that all warfare is based on deception deceit. The
leader of armies must know how to make surprise to enemy25. For example, let enemy though
that our armies are incapacity, so that the enemy armies will be fooled. At the same time make
sure our armies can move in inaudible and without detect by enemy armies. The good general do
not be manipulated by enemies. This is important for me because once the leader already
manipulated, it easier for enemy to take advantage to our armies. At the same time, general must
produce a quick decision get victory in war but must wisely conducted. If general can produce a
quick decision but did not wisely conduct the plan, it nothing and not change at all.
According to Sun Tzu, Siege just waste time, energy and cost. Yes, I have to agree that if have
other alternative than siege, better choose other than siege. It not benefit for both side especially
the side that make besiege. But, that strategist were challenged by Mongol soldier when China
were sieged by Mongolian Soldier and it make China suffer, but not to Mongolian side. It is
because of the survival and durable of Mongolian people (the way of their living make) 26.Sun
Tzu stress that all the time, must observing our enemies and takes every possible measure to
make sure our enemy did not influence us.
He also mention about the action of generals tactical instruments which is normal or
direct force (cheng) and extraordinary or indirect force (chi), both of it are reciprocal. Here we
can see how Sun Tzu explain about these two tactical instruments. He explain that chi
operation is always unexpected effect happen by using cheng or normal operation. Both of this
operation can launched in strategic level. This high quality of skill on combat are not easy to
implement on war, but it not impossible to wise general. He also added that the general must
wise but not hesitant, and take in calculation of risk before make any decision. Again, I agree
with his opinion in term of calculating the risk because in any war, the general must know how
to calculating the risk on what happen if they move forward or retreat and etc.
Finally, based on my review, I realized that Sun Tzu set up theory of adaptability to existing
situations. He give example like water which is water adapts itself to conformation of the
ground. Thus, the general and armies must be flexible according to enemy situation. I agree with
this theory were try to mention by him. For example, the previous war situation and condition,
24 Goldstein. J. S. (2003). War and Economic History. The Oxford Encyclopedia of
Economic History. Retrieved on 27 March, 2015 from
25 Osinga, F.P.B., (2007) Science, Strategy and War. New York : Routledge. Page 39
26 Goodrich, L. C., & Chia-Shng, F. (1946). The early development of firearms in
China. Isis, 114-123
27 Chi prefer to unorthodox or strange.

are not necessary same with the contemporary war. So, the general and armies must adapts their
self especially in term of tactical.


After I review the book entitle The Art of War by Sun Tzu, translation by Samuel B.
Griffith, I think Sun Tzu give huge contribution on military strategy thinking in China since year
40 B.C. The systematic and proper training in military give new dimension for training of armies
for preparation before going to battlefield. The expertise under general staff such as map
makers, commissary officers and engineers to plan tunneling and mining operation contribute to
make war more easier for general achieved victory. The general at the same time must wise but
at the same time not hesitant. The cool personality must maintain during war period.
First time the doctrine of collective responsibility in battle were introduced also make
operation become more smooth because the behaviors of armies were controlled very well. The
improvement of Chinese warfare also make huge change in term of weapons, tactical and the
way of combats. The weapons like crossbow and cutting weapons of high-quality make the
armies more confident to win the battle.
The unity of national of state are important before going into the war so the general can
focus on to outside threat. According to Sun Tzu also war must conduct wisely and not drag to
long time, if not it will bring the bad effect for both side. He also change the system with give
opportunities for talent person to contribute in battle and at the same time give reward for anyone
whose give huge contribution. Sun Tzu also said that the five matter to discuss on high level of
authority, which is human (moral and generalship), physical (terrain and weather) and finally
doctrinal. Moreover, he realized about the function of weather, it will give advantage or hazard to
With all of these his opinion, we can said that actually Sun Tzu more prefer to defense the
country and not try to expend the land that this country has. Even if Sun Tzu more to defense, but
is idea and book became Bible for strategist, king, philosophers, leaders in armies and ordinary
people (especially in business). But, his idea or strategists regarding war later on were challenge
by next generation of soldier with the emerged new technologies can provide ability to make
siege to enemy states even if the location are far from their homeland.


Babka, J. (2003). The Truth about Husseins Brutallity. The Truth About War. Retrieved on 25
March, 2015 from

Goldstein. J. S. (2003). War and Economic History. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic

Goodrich, L. C., & Chia-Shng, F. (1946). The early development of firearms in China. Isis, 114123
Griffith, S. B. (1963). Sun Tzu The Art Of War. London : Oxford University Press

Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin. (2007). Wahai Dunia! Islam Bukan Pengganas. Minda Tajdid.
Retrieved on March 26, 2015 from

Osinga, F.P.B., (2007) Science, Strategy and War. New York : Routledge

Sawyer, R. D. (1993). The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China. United Kingdom :
Westview Press

Sun Tzu Biography. (2012). The Famous People. Retrieved on 26 March, 2015 from

Zamoyski, A. (2005). Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March. Retrieved on 26


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