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06/05/2011 16:22:50


What is IP?

Interactive Petrophysics (IP) was developed by a Petrophysicist, with a view to work as petrophysicists
want to work, but never thought possible! The software is different by design - portable, quick and
versatile. It is an easy to use log analysis tool, ideal for both geoscientists and petrophysicists.
Geoscientists may wish to quality check of their log data and experienced Petrophysicists can carry
out multi-zone, multi-well petrophysical field analyses.

IP is truly unique in its approach to petrophysics. For the expert

user IP offers some of the most sophisticated interpretation
modules in the industry.

The saturation height modelling modules facilitate the

creation of Sw functions using core capillary pressure data
and/or log data.

The mineral solver enables the most complicated models to

be built.

The rock physics interpretation workflow has two highly

sophisticated fluid substitution modules.

The Monte Carlo simulation allows the user to truly

understand and quantify the errors associated with a
complete interpretation workflow.

The suite of modules in the statistical prediction package

includes fuzzy logic, multi-linear regression, neural network,
cluster analysis and principal component analysis.

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Why is IP so different?

Interactive PetrophysicsTM has been developed over 12 years and is now used by over 300 companies,
in more than 70 countries globally.

IP is PC-based and therefore portable. It can be taken offshore,

into clients offices and even home. IP enhances efficiency,
productivity and confidence in log analysis.
It offers a unique and advanced graphical interpretation program
designed and developed by petrophysicists. IPs speed and
interactivity means that data can be zoned and applied using
different methodologies graphically. Using only the mouse, you
can pick parameters from cross plots, histograms and log plots.
IP instantaneously recomputes and displays the results when
parameters are changed.
The software is also used by universities and is an excellent tool
for training geoscientists and engineers. Interactive Petrophysics
gives rapid results.

The program
IP is sold as a base licence, plus the following optional specialist

Mineral solver
Statistical prediction
Monte Carlo analysis
Rock physics
Saturation height modelling
Pore pressure prediction
Eastern European resistivity modelling
Real Time Data Loader
Formation Testing
Data/Time Wells
Image Analysis

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Frank Whitehead
Interective Petrophysics

User Programs
The User Programs module allows the user to create his/
her analysis routines. The routines can be very simple,
one line routines or more sophisticated, long routines
which loop through the data multiple times.
The routines are written by the user in either FORTRAN,
PASCAL, C++, VB.NET or C#.NET. Once compiled the
program can easily be distributed for other users to use.
The user can simply and easily define:
input and output curves
input parameters including text and logic flags
input parameter table layout
interactive log plot displays
interactive crossplots
The User Program module is arranged on
a set of easy to use input/output screens
to allow for the setup of normal
IP functionality with interactive plots
and displays.

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Interactive interpretation

The heart of IP is its graphical interpretation engine. This allows the user to perform a fast and
sophisticated multi-zone interpretation using only the mouse, adjusting parameters on log plots,
crossplots and histograms.

The standard deterministic analysis is done using

three modules:
Clay Volume
Porosity and Water Saturation
Cutoff and Summation
The Clay Volume module allows multiple clay indicators to be
The user clicks on a
parameter line and
drags it to the new
position. IP instantly
recalculates the
results and updates
the graphics.

Once the clay volumes have been determined the Porosity

and Water Saturation module is run. This module uses the
same intuitive interactive graphics.
Porosities can be calculated using several different
Water saturations are calculated using any standard
Total Archie
Modified Simandoux
Modified Indonesian
Dual Water

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Hydrocarbon corrections are made using iterative techniques.

A simple (optional) mineral analysis can be performed using
the Rho Matrix / U Matrix / DT Matrix crossplot technique.
Clay type distributions using the Thomas-Stieber technique
can be made. This allows laminated shaley sands to be
Interactive lines
allow adjustment
of most parameters
including, Rw, Rmf,
clay parameters,
density. Pickett
plots can be used
to set Rw amd m.

The Cut-off and Summation module allows multiple cut-off to

be used to calculate net pay and reservoir.
Interactive lines
can be used to
set cut-offs on the
log plots as well
as crossplots.

A cut-off sensitivity module allows the user to asses how a

change in a cut-off affects the overall zonal results.

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NMR interpretation

The NMR modules are part of the base IPTM module and allow for the complete integration of NMR
data into the petrophysical evaluation.

NMR Normalisation converts NMR distributions to user-defined

standards. NMR distribution data differ widely depending on
the tool, acquisition and processing parameters. This module
allows the user to correctly plot NMR distributions, ie on a
logarithmic scale, for use in the interactive log plots and for
well to well comparisons, regardless of the source of the data
allows all NMR
distributions to
be standardised

The NMR Interpretation module allows the user to:

apply cut-offs for Free Fluid and Clay-Bound Fluid
apply a tapered (spectral) function for Bound Fluid
calculate permeability using the Timur/Coates relationship
derive the permeability coefficients from external
permeability data
calculate Sw using the Dual Water equation (resistivity
curve required)
derive Pc curves from T2 distributions, and hence generate
a Sw height curve
can be derived
from regression
with external
data when it is

minimum Sw to constrain the results. The module also has

the flexibility to handle older, effective porosity, NMR logs
or gas affected NMR logs, by integrating with the standard
interpretation modules.
using the Dual
Water volumetric
solution utilising
NMR and
Resistivity data
provides a more
constrained result
and reduces

Capillary pressure curves can be generated from T1 or T2

distribution data, but these need to be calibrated to an actual
capillary pressure measurement made on core. The NMR
Interpretation module provides an interactive tool for doing
this calibration and it generates crossplots of the capillary
pressure curves for QC purposes. These Pc curves can then
be used to generate a Sw height curve from the entered FWL
and fluid densities.
T1 or T2 data can be
calibrated to core Pc data
using a one point or two
point methodology on
either a T2 vs. Pore Radius
plot, or, as in the example
shown, on Cumulative
Porosity vs. Sw plot.

The Pc curves
derived form T1 or T2
distribution can be
used to derive a Sw
height curve.

Water saturation is calculated in the NMR Interpretation

module using the Dual Water equation. The NMR data
provides the clay bound water saturation and total porosity,
which the model requires as inputs, while also providing a

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IP database and utilities

The IP database is simple to work with but also flexible. It can be a single well for a quick look
interpretation or a multi-well and multi-field database. An IP database consists of a binary data file
(.DAT) for each well, each consisting of log curve data, general well information and interpretation
Parameter Sets.
The Database Browser allows the user to interrogate an
IP database in a graphical Tree view.
The Database
Browser allows
the user to drill
down into a well
and view or edit
individual curves,
parameters, log
plots, crossplots
and histograms,
well data,
statistics and
listings, etc.

Curve Sets are used to group curve data together in a flexible

way that allows the user to manage the data as they wish,
such as different logging runs, different types of data (e.g.
irregular data such core data or pressure data), different
interpreters or multiple output models. Each set can have a
different top depth, bottom depth and data step.
Curve sets give
the user the
flexibility as the
only requirement
is that all the
curves in a curve
set should have
the same step.

High sample data from electrical and acoustic imaging tools

are stored in array curves. This data can then be used for
plotting and dip picking.
Image with
basic dip

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Text Curves are curves containing text strings such as RFT

pressure points, production test results, perforation depths or
core descriptions, and can be created by cut and paste from

Picture Curves are graphics files, eg core photographs with

a defined top and bottom depth allowing the picture to be
scaled to the log data. IP recognises most common image
Picture curves
can be displayed
on log plots, for
example, a sonic
semblance plot
can be loaded
from a screen
grab of a PDS file
and a DT pick
made with the
interactive curve

Well Headers allow the user to enter and save well attributes
and other important position, default petrophysical
parameters and log acquisition data. There is also a
comprehensive History Module that allows users to track
changes made to curves and wells within IP.

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IP database and utilities

IP has a full range of versatile Data Viewers including:

log plot displays including horizontal log plots
crossplots including 3D crossplots
histograms including statistical summaries
data listings
3D parameter viewer
well map
multi-well correlations
montage builder

IP data loaders support the following data formats:

LAS / LBS batch loader for multiple files

Once a connection to an external database has been

established, the following tasks can be performed:
create new IP well from an external database well
load selected curves into IP
load well tops into IP
edit and load well attributes
The Read/Write via OpenSpirit functionality allows the user
to load and save data between IP and other OpenSpirit
-enabled databases such as OpenWorks, GeoFramev and
Recall. The IP - OpenSpirit link requires the OpenSpirit system
to have been installed on the users computer systems. More
information about OpenSpirit can be found on their
IP has several interactive Data Editors, several of
which feature wizards to guide the user:
Interactive Curve Edit
Interactive Baseline Shift
Interactive Trend/Square Curves
Interactive Depth Shift with Auto Depth Match option
Interactive Curve Splice
Interactive Lithology Curve editor
Curve Filters and Averages
Curve Rescale
Fill Data Gaps
Temperature Gradient Calculator
TVD Calculator

The Interval Loader allows the user to load data such as a

facies interpretation, where a certain facies is represented by
a numerical value assigned over a particular depth interval.
The Interval Loader can also be used to load periodic or
discrete data, such as core plug analysis results or formation
tester pressure data, or any discrete spreadsheet data.
The Capillary Pressure Data Loader is designed to assist the
entering of PC data into IP and can load multiple plugs from
different wells at the same time.
The Real Time Data Link module uses Osprey Connect data
link technology to enable an IP user to connect to a remote
data server and download log curve and drilling data in
real-time. The data can then be automatically analysed and
displayed on all IP output graphics. This allows a real-time
Petrophysical interpretation to be shown, which updates
automatically as more data arrives.

Interactive depth shifting

Depth shift setup wizard

IP provides connectivity to a number of External Data

Repositories. These are for Paradigms GEOLOG6, Landmark
Graphics Corporations OpenWorks, PETCOMs Powerlog
and Senergys ODM3 databases.

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3D Petrophysics

The 3D Petrophysics interpretation module comes as part of the IPTM Base platform and provides a new
interactive module which allows you to consider and visualize, within your multi-well interpretation
workflow, regional and depth variations/trends to input logs, parameters and results in 3D space.

This new module takes the standard interpretation modules

(Clay Volume, Porosity/Sw, Basic Analysis, TDT & User
Programs) and transforms them into multi-well modules.
With this module you can:
Set up all your input and output curves per well.
Create interpretation zones by formation tops and/or

Launch multi-well interactive crossplots and histograms for

selection adjusting of parameters for all wells and by zones.
Use trend curves for parameters with depth and by zone.
Launch multi-well 3D plots for all parameters, trend curves,
input curves and result curves.
Run the multi-well Cutoff and Summation module using the
interpretation results and formation tops.

distribute zones and parameters from one well to the

Set options for interpretation for each well.
View and modify parameters using multi-well tables
displayed by parameter, well or zone.
Launch QC log plots of input curves.
Launch single well interactive log plots for zoning and
adjusting of parameters on a single well.
Launch multi-well interactive log plots for zoning and
adjusting of parameters on all wells.

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Visualizing parameters and results using the 3D plots allows

the user to review trends and variations by well or by zone,
with depth and across the field. Multiple 3D plots can be
displayed at once.
If a parameter or parameters do not fit the users
understanding of how they should change then they can be
adjusted and the 3D parameter plots and interpretation
results updated.
This provides a quick and easy method to develop a consistent
multi-well interpretation for the user.

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Date/Time Well (LWD/MWD)

Information is gathered throughout the drilling of a well. LWD and MWD surveys are made with
reference to time. These measurements are normally recorded periodically, for example every 3 to 10
seconds and as such the data amounts can be sizeable and difficult to manage. Therefore, this time
based drilling data is rarely reviewed and as such a lot of useful information is ignored or not recognised.

The Date/Time module allows LWD/MWD data to be loaded into IP, in

real time, reviewed, analysed, and converted to depth for comparison
with conventional logs.
This module allows engineers to display and analyse drilling data
within IP, where it can be used for the diagnosis of drilling problems,
refinement of drilling parameters and processes in order to optimize
well delivery.

The module allows the user to convert time/date referenced data to

depth referenced, offering the tools to control this conversion.
If a zone has been passed more than once this functionality also allows
the Time Lapse review of LWD/MWD data in order to see how the
wellbore formation has changed over time. With LWD this functionality
allows for a Time Lapse analysis of mud invasion, potentially giving a
much better understanding of the invasion process and the reservoir.

Multi-well processing
To handle large multi-well projects within IPTM a number of modules have been developed to make the
task easier.

Multi-well Parameter Distribution - copy Parameter Sets from one well to other wells in the same project.
Multi-well Change Parameters - change one or more interpretation parameters
and re-run the analysis with the new parameter(s).
Multi-well Batch Operation - run multiple IP modules or scripts,
on one or more wells, in a single batch procedure
Multi-well Correlation Viewer
Multi-well Cutoff and Summation
Multi-well Curve Statistics
Manage Multi-well Header Info
Manage Multi-well Curve Sets
Manage Multi-well Curve Headers - allowing search
queries and data harmonization
Manage Multi-well Zones/Tops
Curve Aliasing

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Mineral Solver

The Mineral Solver module allows the user to analyse the simplest to most complicated formation
using classical probabilistic analysis techniques. The user sets up a formation mineral model and
a set of input logs - the program will then use this information to calculate the most likely solution.
The solution is used to recalculate the input logs and these are compared to the original logs

Due to the speed of the techniques used, the same

interactive features that are used in the standard analysis
modules are available.
Key features:
Multiple models allow the analysis of the most complex
Input flexibility allows for any logging tool output to be
used in the model
Models both the flushed and un-invaded zone
Model combination for final results completely flexible
Interactive crossplots for selection of parameter end points

Model creation grid simple to use and understand.

Default end point values available for most tool equations
and minerals.

All end point parameters can be either fixed values or an

input curve, which allows trending of parameter values
versus depth
The weighting of input equations simple to understand
and use
Constant and Limit equation
Output equations for calculation of parameters such
as dry rock grain density or rock Qv value
Model allows all standard non-linear Sw equations
Calibration module allows core XRD data to be used to
calculate the best end point parameters needed to match
the core results

Parameter mineral endpoint crossplot. Quick and easy to

make with interactive mineral parameters which when moved
recalculate the model automatically
Interactive Pickett
plot where Rw
amd m can be

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Statistical Analysis

The Statistical Analysis module is a suite of modules that allows the building of models to predict log
curves, core data, facies and rock types.

The suite of statistical modules consists of:

Fuzzy Logic prediction
Multi-linear regression prediction
Neural network prediction
Cluster analysis
Principal component
All modules use a similar multi-well interface where a set of
wells and intervals can be used to create a model and then
this model can be applied to another group or wells and
intervals. Discriminators can be used to limit the data use in
the models.
The Fuzzy logic module divides the data up into user selected
bins and uses probability theory to predict the likelihood of
data being in a bin. The results are normally well controlled
and quality control probability curves give the likelihood that
the result is in a bin. This allows the output of a probability
map, so the user can easily quality control results in wells not
used in the model build stage. The module can be used to
predict core facies or core permeability.

In log repair mode the user selects a few small training intervals and the trained network can then reproduce the whole
log extraordinarily well.
The Cluster Analysis module is used to group log data into
electro facies. The program uses K-Mean clustering to group
the data into manageable data clusters (15-20). These clusters
are then either manually or automatically (hierarchical clustering) regrouped into Geological clusters.

Multi-curve crossplots shows cluster grouping

Plot shows a core facies

prediction. The fuzziness
of the prediction is
shown in right track

The Multi-linear regression is useful

for predicting core permeability from
log data. It uses standard matrix
algebra to solve for the fit
coefficients. Normalised coefficients
are also output to allow the user to
see the contribution of each log to
the result. The Neural Network
module uses a back-propagation
learning technique to train the
network. The module can be used
for log repair, prediction of core
permeability or in a classification
mode for prediction of core facies.

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Electro facies shown in left hand tracks. Far left track is

after re-grouping original 15 clusters to 5.

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Monte Carlo Analysis

The Monte Carlo Analysis module uses a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate errors in a Petrophysical
analysis. The user sets up the analysis work flow and enters the distribution of possible errors in the
individual interpretation parameters and input curves. The program randomises the input parameters
based on user-selected ranges and then runs the work flow. Several thousand passes are made through
the work flow with different starting parameters.

The results are cumulated on a depth by depth level and also

by zone using the cutoff and summation module.
Plot show the
error in Porosity,
Water Saturation
and Clay volume
at a depth by
depth bases.

Crossplots and histograms can be used for analysis the

distribution of the results.
Plot show the error in
Porosity, Water Saturation
and Clay volume at a depth
by depth bases.

Crossplot shows
the Vcl cutoff has a
strong effect on the
result of the Av Phi
Res parameter.

The report allows the user to quantitatively show the errors

involved in the interpretation. Rather than reporting a net
pay thickness and average porosity the user can give the P10,
P50 and P90 net pay and average porosity. These values can
then be used for more accurately estimating the errors in the
In order to access which parameters control the results of the
analysis a Tornado type analysis of the input parameters can
quickly be made. This varies each parameter separately and
then plots the change in results for the change in an individual
result parameter. The results are then ordered to form the
tornado plot.
Plot shows that the
biggest influence on the
average pay porosity
in zone one is the Vcl
cutoff. Parameters like
DTLN and Res Clay
have no influence on
the results.

This type of plot can be used to focus the interpreters

attention on those parts of the analysis which have the most
significant influence on the final results and not waste their
time on refining those parameters which have little influence.

The Summary Result listing gives the zonal results sorted by

percentiles. Up to 5 user-defined percentiles can be output in
the report.

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Saturation Height Analysis

The Saturation Height Modelling modules enable the IP user to create Saturation versus height functions
from either capillary pressure (Pc) data or from calculated water saturation curves, or a combination of
both approaches.

There are four interrelated modules:

Capillary Pressure Setup
Capillary Pressure Functions
Saturation versus Height Curves
Log Sw versus Height Functions
The Capillary Pressure Set-up module is used to:
set-up the study wells and input Pc and saturation curves
to use
convert Pc data from different measurement techniques
to a common 2 phase system
optionally stress-correct and /or apply a Clay-bound water
correction to the Pc data.
visualise raw and corrected Pc Curve data and
quality check the data.
edit bad data points from the Pc dataset.

Discriminators can be applied to allow for functions to be

generated for specific data, e.g. for a particular porosity range
or litho-type.

The resulting models can be visualised with

a variety of QC crossplots

The Saturation Versus Height Curves module is used to apply

the derived functions to multiple wells and zones

The module can also be used to

calculate a best fit for the Free
Water Level or IFT correction

The Capillary Pressure Functions module allows the user to

find a function or set of functions to represent the quality
checked and corrected Pc data using two basic methods:
1. One Equation for all Pc curves option - Find a single
equation which fits all (or a subset) of the data using one six
basic functions, e.g. Leverett-J Function.
2. Separate equation for each Pc curve option - Fit each
individual Pc curve and then combine the parameters into a
Combined equation using of three basic function types,
e.g. Lambda Function.
To help speed up the
process the Regression
Function Comparator runs
through all the models
giving each a rating.

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Changes in fluid density can be fully accounted for, e.g. a

simple gas cap or a more complicated oil compositional
gradient, as long as the contacts and densities are known.
The Log Sw versus Height
Functions module is used to
generate Water Saturation
(Sw) versus Height functions
from interpreted log
saturation and optional
porosity and permeability
data. Over 30 different
functions are available.
Discriminator logic can
be used to select the data.
Different functions can be
developed for each unit in
a reservoir.

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Rock Pyshics

The Rock Physics section in IP contains the following

independent modules:
Shear Sonic QC/Create
Density Estimation
Fluid Substitution
Laminated Fluid Substitution
Elastic Impedance
The Shear Sonic QC/Create module uses the empirical
Greenberg-Castagna (1992) relationships for different minerals
to calculate a synthetic shear sonic from a compressional
sonic log.
Greenberg-Castagna is also
used to generate a Shear
Velocity QC Crossplot to
verify that a recorded shear
sonic is a valid shear and not
a mud wave or Stoneley wave
produced by poor processing
of the sonic waveform data

When there is no density log the Density Estimation module

is used to estimate it from the compressional sonic log using
Gardner, Bellotti et al or Lindseth.
The Fluid Substitution module removes the effect of the
drilling fluid from the sonic and density logs and restores the
log responses to those resulting from the original reservoir
fluids at their original saturations.
Fluid density, bulk modulus and velocity can either be directly
entered if known or calculated from Batzle and Wang (1992)
in Seismic Properties of Pore Fluids. Similarly, the mineral
properties can be entered or selected from a menu of

The elastic parameters for two-phase fluid mixtures are

calculated using a saturation curve and the fluid mixing
approach of Brie et al (1995) Shear Sonic interpretation in
Gas-bearing Sands SPE 30595 (pp701 - 710).
Once the user is satisfied that the input parameters are
suitable fluid substitution is performed on the data at the well
step increment. Along with the fluid-substituted density and
sonic curves, both fluid-substituted Acoustic Impedance and
Poissons Ratio curves are calculated and velocity and sonic
slowness curves are output.
As with most modules in IP, up to six discriminators can be
applied to allow the user to constrain the model.

In the Laminated Fluid Substitution module the user selects

one of two models depending on the shale distribution. If
the shale is evenly distributed (the shaley sand model) the
bulk modulus of the solid fraction is modeled as a weighted
average of the moduli of all the components of the rock. In
laminated reservoirs, fluid effects only occur within the sandy
laminations, and the appropriate moduli and porosity are
those of the sandy laminations.
The Elastic Impedance (EI) module uses the high angle
inversion equation by P. Connolly in The Leading Edge (1999)
and outputs EI at up to three user selected angles.

The data are inverted using Gassmanns equation on a zonal

basis to QC the fluid and matrix properties with respect to the
input velocities and parameters.
The Fluid Substitution
crossplot enables the user
to visualise the relationship
between the velocities,
density, AI and Poissons Ratio
results. The user can edit the
Sw values in the first row of
the grid in which case the
other parameters will be

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Pore Pressure Calculation

Pore Pressure Calculation comprises of three modules to model Overburden, Pore and Fracture Pressures
based on conventional log curves, drilling information and seismic data. The modules can be used as
pre-drill (predictive), while-drilling (real-time) and post-drilling tools to analyse and refine the models.

The three modules are:

Density Estimation - density-from-sonic algorithms
included are Gardner, Bellotti et al and Lindseth
Overburden Gradient Calculation - determined from
density data, average density values, look-up tables
or empirical Amoco relationship.
Pore and Fracture Pressure gradient calculations -
Five Fracture Gradient models are implemented
in IP, Eaton, Matthews & Kelly, Modified Eaton,
Barker and Wood, and Daines
An interactive log plot is used to calibrate the model.

The model can be viewed

with a Depth versus
Pressure Fan Diagram or
a Depth versus Pressure
Gradient Gradient Plot (as
shown). These plots can
be annotated with casing
shoes, RFT pressures,
Leak Off Pressures and
operational comments
to identify hole stability
problems, while additional
curve data, such as ECD,
can be added to
the display.

Eastern European Resistivity Corrections

The Eastern European Resistivity Corrections Module is a specialist tool developed by the A.G.H
University of Science and Technology, Krakw, and integrated into IP.

When a combination of lateral and normal logs are

available, the largely automated functionality corrects
for the tool configuration, borehole temperature and
mud resistivity characteristics, producing corrected
output curves for Rt, Ri, Rxo and Di.
When only lateral resistivity curves are available the
module provides more sophisticated modelling based
on a user-created curve controlling the bed boundaries.
The user works interactively on the plot and decides
the depth of the top of the bed based on the theory of
lateral logs and geological knowledge of the formation.

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Image Analysis

The IP Image Analysis Module is fully featured and covers the complete workflow from raw data processing,
speed correction, image enhancements, through manual and automatic picking, to statistical analysis of
the results including stereonet analysis.

Predefined formats for all known tools are provided, electrical,

acoustic and LWD, to handle the various tool geometries and
curve mnemonics, while new tools can be easily added.

Perpendicular Axis (seen on both sides of the wellbore)

Borehole Breakout two boxes with apparent dip
Perpendicular Vector (seen on one side of the wellbore)
Borehole Breakout one box perpendicular to the borehole
Hole ellipsoid, for vugs and core holes etc
Trace irregular polygon, for vugs, clasts and fossils etc
Key seats

Pre-processing can be performed for speed correction, EMEX

corrections, pad and button normalisation, and bad button
Static and Dynamic normalisation are available, along with
several enhancement filters such as Horizontal and Vertical
Sobel filters.

Parallel Surfaces
Fractures pair of independent straight lines

A variety of Interpretation plots are available:

Wellbore cross section
Dip Polar plots
Walkout plots with or without look angle/azimuth
Cumulative and Difference Plots
Dip Scatter plots
Spreadsheet view of the Pick Set

There is an auto-dip routine which also has a semi-automatic

mode where the user picks a single point on a possible surface
and it will calculate the best fit sinusoid.
Zones/Beds can be defined by top and bottom bed boundaries,
or just by top and bottom depths for example in fractured
intervals. There are tools to define abutting, truncating and
containing relationships between picks and zones/beds and
these relationships are not just for display but are stored in
the pick set allowing for highly detailed sedimentology and
structural analysis workflows.
Stereonet Functionality
Upper and lower Hemisphere projection
Equal Angle (Wulff), Equal Area (Schmidt) and Equal Interval
Plot poles or great circles
Plot wellbore trajectory
Fisher mean
Paleo-current analysis, dip de-rotation
Future Development:
Thin bed pay
Textural facies
Porosity Image and pore size mapping
Fracture Analysis
More advanced Stereonet functionality

The user can set the scales, fonts, colours, labels, hardcopy
format etc, and all of the plots are multi-well with the usual
IP functionality of discrimination by depth interval, zones and
curves. Any of these plots can be mini-plots in a track on the
log plot.
A multitude of interactive pick types are available, many of
which are fully interactive with the wellbore cross-section:
Planar surfaces can be picked in 3 ways:
Simple - conventional sinusoidal pick
Point - best fit surface to 3 or more points
Trace - best fit surface to an irregular line segment, for
partial fractures and joints etc.

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Formation Testing

The Formation Testing module enables the user to create a multi-well project in order to view, QC,
and interpret formation pressure/time test data for all tools including LWD.

Data can be loaded from LAS, LIS or DLIS via a dedicated

loader that enable multiple files to be loaded quickly and
efficiently as array curves into the IP database. Pressure-time
data sets can be loaded alongside depth-pressure data sets
allowing old wells without time data to be combined with
new wells, which include raw field data.
The pressure vs time plot allows multiple pre-test draw
downs to be analysed with a thorough QC all tests, e.g.
tight tests, supercharged formations, leaking and lost seals
etc. Drawdown and multiple drawdown analysis can be
performed to determine mobility and hence permeability.
Derivative plots are available to help identify the flow
regime and both spherical and radial buildup analysis can be
performed to allow mobility, permeability and final pressures
to be determined. Pressure vs depth crossplots of the final
formation pressure against TVDSS can be launched directly
from the project module. Each final pressure can then be
include or exclude from the pressure vs depth crossplot
allowing a more accurate understanding of contacts and
pressure connectivity.

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Software support
Senergys web portal provides first class support
by a team dedicated to IPTM.
Senergy Software has regional hubs in Europe,
Americas, Middle East, Far East and Australia.
To contact one of our sales teams for
any of these regions please
Senergy Software delivers in-house, bespoke training
courses for our software products. Our courses can
be delivered as they are or on the basis of a
customised delivery.

United Kingdom
Oil & Gas

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Middle East

Survey & GeoEngineering



Alternative Energy

New Zealand



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