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Guillaume VERY

Student Engineer 5th Year Civil

Engineering Specialty

Reconstruction of the grandstand Leo

Lagrange stadium of Besanon

Christian Mataigne

Saida Mouhoubi

Project Graduation

September 2006


Guillaume VERY
Engineering student 5th years, specializing in Civil
Engineering National Institute of Applied Sciences of


Saida Mouhoubi
Professor and lecturer INSA Strasbourg

24, Boulevard de la Victoire

67084 Strasbourg

Christian Mataigne
Project Engineer, responsible for structural studies Betic

47 Clemenceau Avenue
BP 1041
25001 Besanon Cedex

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Thanks........................................................................................................................................... 3
Introducing Betic Ingrop ............................................................................................................... 4
1. The group Ingrop ...........................................................................................................................................4
a) Historical ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
b) The organization .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
c) Actual ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
d) Key figures ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
e) Ingrop in France and around the world ...................................................................................................................... 5
f) The various crafts Ingrop ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2. Betic in Ingrop group ......................................................................................................................................7

CHAPTER I Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9

1. Project Overview ..............................................................................................................................................9
a) Stakeholders and the budget ....................................................................................................................................... 9
b) Award of the contract ................................................................................................................................................. 10
c) Part of Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
d) Architectural and urban party ..................................................................................................................................... 10
e) Project Description .................................................................................................................................................... 11


Problematic .............................................................................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER II Tribune concrete...................................................................................................... 14

1. Calculation assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 14
a) Rules of calculation ................................................................................................................................................... 14
b) Loads ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
c) Ranking ERP and structural fire ................................................................................................................................. 14

2. Description of the supporting structure .........................................................................................................15

a) Foundations, paving .................................................................................................................................................. 15
b) Vertical structure ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
c) Horizontal structure .................................................................................................................................................... 17

3. Detailed study of the porticos ........................................................................................................................17

a) Reinforcement beams racks ..................................................................................................................................... 18
b) Checking posts .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

4. Detailed study of the bleachers .....................................................................................................................24

a) Form .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
b) Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
c) Reinforcement ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
d) Structural fire ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
e) Dynamic .................................................................................................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER III Metal roof ............................................................................................................... 37

1. Calculation assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 37
a) Rules of calculation ................................................................................................................................................... 37
b) Loads applied to the structure .................................................................................................................................... 37

2. Calculation with the Robot program .............................................................................................................39

a) Evolution of the static system .................................................................................................................................... 40
b) Estimated by manual calculation of certain profile sections ....................................................................................... 44
c) Design parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 47
d) Main results ............................................................................................................................................................... 48

3. Description of the supporting structure .........................................................................................................50

a) Main frame ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
b) Calculating the anchor metal mast on concrete pole .................................................................................................. 54
c) Metal sheet ................................................................................................................................................................ 56

4. Modal analysis ..............................................................................................................................................57

CHAPTER IV Complete Building .................................................................................................. 59

1. Modeling .......................................................................................................................................................59
a) Model Comparison .................................................................................................................................................... 59
b) Modeling bleachers .................................................................................................................................................... 60

2. Results of the modal analysis .......................................................................................................................61

CHAPTER V Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 63

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 64

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


This work was carried out from April to August 2006 within the agency Ingrop of Besancon.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the company Ingrop and especially in the East regional
entity Ingrop Great for accepting me in project graduation this through Mr. Claude Heyd (Regional
Director Great Eastern) and Herv Michiels (Director of the Agency of Besancon, Development
Director) who welcomed me in the agency Besancon.
I also thank for their time, patience and sympathy all the Ingrop staff (project managers, engineers,
designers and secretaries) and the people I worked with during my graduation project (the firm
architecture and Denu Paradon and techniques Besanon services). I was sensitive to the quality of
their hospitality and professionalism.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Saida Mouhoubi (Professor and Lecturer at
INSA Strasbourg) for being my main contact at INSA Strasbourg and also to Mr. Christian Mataigne
(Project Engineer, responsible for structural studies of concrete, wood and steel) for kindly ensure
accountability within Ingrop my graduation project. Indeed, these two people have always been
anxious to answer my questions and my expectations, and their advice and their help has guided me
throughout my work.
A big thank you also to the teaching staff of the INSA Strasbourg for the quality of education that has
been bestowed upon us, and my classmates for the atmosphere and friendliness in which we studied
during the three years.
Finally, I would like to extend special thanks to my parents, my grandparents, my brother and Aurlie
for the support they have shown me throughout this period.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Introducing Betic Ingrop

1. LegroupeIngrop :

a) History:

Ingrop was born in 1992 from the combination INTER G and ESA, both companies technical
engineering. Here is a brief recalling the important dates of the birth of Ingrop group:
1945: creation of the company INTER G, specializing in the field of thermoelectric plants,
hotels, hospitals and trams.
1984 takeover of INTER G by the manufacturer group GTM (Grands Travaux de Marseille) to
expand its core business in hand.
1984 founding by GTM ESA in order to create an art complex structures and technical studies
department works, which over the years has developed in the areas of project management of
large linear infrastructure Building and industrial plant.
1992: Birth of Ingrop group merging INTER G and STPs.
End of 2000: 1,100 employees Ingrop account
March 2001: GTM is absorbed by VINCI, managers take the initiative to Ingrop redemption of
their company through an LMBO (Leverage Management By Out), with the support of Crdit
December 2005: Crdit Lyonnais sold its stake to the Ingrop capital for the benefit of the
management team and a hundred frames.

b) The organization:

Ingrop is now an independent engineering simplified joint stock company with capital of 5
million, divided into regional units, and managed by a board of three persons whose decisions are
endorsed by the Supervisory Board representing the shareholders. Ingrop is wholly owned by more
than 160 senior executives and by a Mutual Fund Company (CIPF), open to all employees.

Figure 0.1: Distribution of shares in the company.

c) Staff:

Figure 0.2: Actual 31/12/05.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

d) Key figures:

Figure 0.3: turnovers since 2001.

Backlog at the end of 2005 stood at 186M, more than 17 months of activity.

e) Ingrop in France and worldwide:

Figure 0.4: implantations Ingrop in France and worldwide.

f) The various crafts Ingrop:

Building and equipment:

Ingrop often occurs alongside programmists, architects and urban planners, managers of public
facilities and large industrial.
Its teams design and build in the following areas:
Y Housing and urban renewal.
Y Socio-cultural.
Y Sports and Recreation.
Are Teaching and Research.
Y Health.
Y Buildings tertiary.
Y Industrial buildings.

Some current projects: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Prigueux, House of the Alsace region,
Strasbourg, Les Terrasses du Port in Marseille (shopping center), Extension of hall A

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Bordeaux Airport, renovation of the Petit Palais in Paris, Mother-Child Faencerie Nantes Hospital
Pasteur in Nice 2 hospital.


The creation of infrastructure is one of the core businesses of Ingrop. It draws on a wide beam expert,
flexible multidisciplinary teams, implementing proven methodologies and focus on compliance of
quality, time and cost.
Serving the State, local authorities, businesses, Ingrop deploys its experience in all areas of
transportation infrastructure:
Y Collection, purification and distribution of water.
Y River hydraulics and waterways.
Y Dams and transfer.
Y Ports, marine and offshore works.
Y Roads and highways.
Y Railways, TGV.
Y bridges, viaducts and tunnels.
Y Road Equipment and tunnels.
Y VRD and large platforms.

Some current projects: Lyon-Turin rail link, renovation of the tunnel of the Thorn, express link CholetBressuire bridge Nouatre the Vienna bridge crossing in Algiers (Algeria), Viaduct Monk in LoireAtlantique, LGV is section B.

Public transport:

For years, Ingrop developing its transport activity in common. It carries many of consulting and
engineering, in France and abroad for the benefit of utilities, operators and managers of transport
networks, builders or contractors working in the field of systems transport and its environmental
integration. The range of skills continues to grow: According to traffic studies, socio-economic studies and
transport infrastructure studies Ingrop develops operating systems (ticketing, centralized management,
...) while addressing the ancillary works such as multimodal hubs.
References illustrate the diversity of interventions in this business:
Y Metros.
Y Tramways.
Y Bus own site.

Some current projects: Bordeaux tramway, Grenoble tramway, tram Douai, tram Morelia (Mexico),
tramway of Granada (Spain), garage workshop tramway Barcelona.

Water and environment:

Independent industry groups that build or operate the water and sanitation infrastructure, building on
its extensive network of regional offices that allow it to provide local service, and strong experience
in the full range of engineering construction and project management, Ingrop develops its activities
in the sectors of water and environment:
Y Managing water resources.
Y River Hydraulics, improvements of rivers and canals rivers.
Hydraulic Y Urban, drinking water, wastewater and stormwater, sewage.
Y Shoreline.
Y Industrial Environment.
Y Management and treatment of waste.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Some current projects: Dam Vessy (Switzerland), Marine Structures and port facilities in Saint-Malo,
Inga Dam (DRC) gas pipeline between Egypt and Israel, digital terrain model of floodplains in PACA,
stabilization the bed and banks of the Rhone (Switzerland), spatial lido of Ste to Marseillan.


Through its multidisciplinary expertise and locations close to customers, Ingrop meets the needs of
industry by jointly optimizing processes, buildings and utilities. Ingrop deploys a specific expertise in
response to increasingly stringent constraints on industrial plants: environmental issues, health and
safety, classified facilities, validation and regulatory compliance.
Its services business is exercised in various sectors of the industry:
Y Life Sciences.
Y Fine Chemicals, chemical, oil and gas.
Y Infrastructures for telecommunications.
Y automotive and tire industry.
Y Aircraft, Airports, space.
Y Mechanical industry, steel, metallurgy.
Y Food industry.
Y Waste treatment and industrial environment.

Some current projects: painting robots for applying for PSA, C35 (string A330 / A340 paint) Airbus
building, boiler SANOFI-AVANTIS factory Peugeot Citroen in Trnava (Slovakia).

Figure 0.5: Distribution of activity by Ingrop trades.

The building and infrastructure is the main Ingrop activity.

2. BeticdanslegroupeIngrop :

Betic (Bureau of Technical Studies and Construction Engineering) was, since its creation in
April 1977 by Jacques Ovigne, an office independent technical studies (the largest engineering office
Besanon), consisting of fourteen engineers and technicians. It is now a 100% subsidiary of Ingrop
since 9 November 2004 Betic is attached to the entity Ingrop Grand Est, gathering the Strasbourg
offices (regional office), Metz, Nancy and therefore Besancon. The mission of this new agency Betic
Ingrop Besanon is to develop the Group's business in the Franche-Comt region and in the
department of Cte d'Or and especially in the building sector.
Betic Ingrop with expertise in structural and civil engineering, light work, electricity, fluids,
environmental engineering, electromechanical equipment and fire safety ensures missions
project management, execution of studies and feasibility studies.

Current research projects: construction of 25 homes on the site of Maroon Suns in Besanon (25),
rehabilitation of Voltaire College of Besancon (25) extension and rehabilitation center

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Hospitalier de Belfort (90) Remodeling of the Rock pension Gray (70), deconstruction and
reconstruction of the grandstand Leo Lagrange stadium Besanon (25), extending the stamping plant in
Bourgeois Besanon (25).

Figure 0.6: diagram of Ingrop Grand East.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


1. Prsentationgnraleduprojet :

Figure I.1: Perspective view of the podium (made competition).

a) Stakeholders and the budget:

Client: City of Besanon (Technical Services Branch Buildings).

Architect: Architecture and Denu Paradon (Strasbourg), BET Betic Ingrop firm.

Control Office: SOCOTEC.

Safety Coordinator: ACE BTP.

Programmiste: GPCI (Project Management Construction and
Industry). User: Besanon, BRC (Besanon Racing Club). Budget:
5 million before tax.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

b) Award of the contract:

The team consists of project management architecture firm Denu and Paradon and engineering
firm status Betic Ingrop every body has obtained the contract for project management for the
demolition and reconstruction of the tribune of honor of Leo Lagrange stadium Besanon after an
architectural competition and engineering in accordance with the Public Procurement Code. The
competition focused on rebuilding the grandstand but it was nevertheless asked to reflect on the
overall design of a stadium with a capacity of 12,000 seats and the general organization and
composition of the urban neighborhood.

c) Part of Operation:

This project falls within the broader framework of the complete restructuring of the stadium
whose capacity will be brought home to end about 12,000 seats (four grandstands 3500 seats in the
grandstand (West), 5000 places for the East Stand, 1500 seats for the North and 3350 seats for the
south stand) platform and the design will meet the requirements of the League 2 of the Professional
Football League (LFP).
It is also integrated with an urbanization project area: widening the avenue Lo Lagrange (alignment
20m) to incorporate transmission constraints own site, creating an urban front built along this avenue
and creation of a highway north / south (see rendering contest attached).
These projects on a larger scale are not part of the contract won by the team of project management.

d) Architectural and urban party:

Between Avenue Lo Lagrange in the North and the South Street Trpillot, sports area made
the football stadium of Besanon, the athletics stadium and tennis courts has changed significantly
over time.
The general organization of the stadium pose operational problems, and the site now offers a
confusing area with poorly defined boundaries picture, a patchwork resulting from
the interweaving of older areas with sports facilities.
The planned interventions were first to improve the internal operation of the stadium and increase both
its capabilities and its reception quality objective.
Also, they offer an opportunity to rethink this 'piece of city' to incorporate this
sector in a comprehensive urban project including the Palais des Sports, pool Mallarme and other
equipment, including urban development project related to the course of the future MRT (Public
Transport in Clean Site) will be the theme. Programmed steps, rebuilding the football stadium will
soon initiate a comprehensive redevelopment of the site of the sports area.
Even more than the programmatic requirements, including the 12,000-seat gauge desired term, the
existing site configuration which governs the scope of the planned intervention.
The site is very constrained, flexibility is limited due to the nesting of components: close to the athletics
track with a football stadium must be separated presence tennis south prohibiting all in a least
First, any recomposition South front along Avenue Trpillot, multiple access ...
Major constraint for example, 'pinch' the site in the North East at the corner of the field of honor and
Avenue Lo Lagrange, an effect that will be enhanced by the enlargement of the avenue to 20m by the
realization of the North Stand.
A context that actually offers little freedom to the designer.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


This diagnosis led the project management team to provide a flexible, scalable project, based on the
idea of a reconstruction by use and by the plant, a 'Sports Park' organized around a prominent built
feature, which will be the new stand.

The grandstand (West):

In the proposed project, the new platform is the unifying element of all the sports area, and constitutes
the 'Landmark', 'major urban signal perceptible distance architectural landmark in the cityscape.
These seven arrows shot into the sky from Besanon are part of revaluation of all of the city entrance
The proposed the VIP project is a cover wing-shaped, hanging from a cable-stayed structure whose
masts, height ranging from 35 to 40m, are arranged irregularly.
Very spectacular, all offering dynamic, changing approach in the views. At night or on game nights,
the seven masts illuminated with the colors of the city exalt atmosphere

The choice of such a structure is motivated by the desire to form a coherent whole with the south
stand; both buildings have formal correspondence, the south stand itself being designed by a system
of tubular towers.
To the east and north, future forums could be designed later by a similar system, but restricts the
height of the masts in order to establish a formal hierarchy, the grandstand to remain the dominant
Inside, the 3488 grandstand seats in the highest levels of comfort and visibility. At the top, the wind
cuts glass house the public.
The public reception areas are particularly cared for, and the ambulatory of the first level, and the
reception area for partners and VIP, offering a 360 degree view of the entire site.

e) Project Description:

The new west grandstand will have a capacity of 3488 seats and covered; it includes all the
facilities and equipment needed to operate the club in Ligue 2 of the Professional Football League
(LFP). For this section, refer to the APS drawings attached. This platform has two levels of steps:
the lower plate totaling 1874 seats including 32 seats PMR (Disability Access), accessible from
the inner court, a vast area located at 1.
the top plate totaling 1614 seats including 210 VIP seats, accessible by two bridges and
vomitories located halfway up the level 1.
The ground floor of the building located below the first level tier includes all the necessary premises in
sporting activities (sports field).
The first floor, located in the second level tier is occupied by the inner court, the refreshment area and
shop. The audience reached by two monumental stairs at the ends north and south of the grandstand.
Access to the bleachers is from this floor, directly to the stands of the lower plate, or via two bridges
and two vomitories mid-storey height for the stands of the upper plate.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


The second and top floor is occupied by the VIP area, accessible by the public and separated by a lift
stairs. This space provides direct access to the protocol platform.

In general, all the services provided in this project is the respect of the operation of the program
established by GPCI.

The sports field (level 0):

The sports field is organized in a pattern of four distinct areas:
The Y sealed area: it welcomes all players and sports players. Traffic flows are entirely
independent of the operation of the rest of the equipment.
The sealed area is organized around a central hall generously sized,
Through access to the land serving fluidly whole area. Access to land is split, to
separate the two teams.
Y Annexes and local sports facilities mutualisables: These premises are used outside of
time games, and can be made available to the athletics stadium. They have an entry in
the north of the grandstand near the porter's lodge, and access to the football field.
The weight room and warm, the pool and sauna also have direct access from the
sealed area.
Y spaces and organization techniques dedicated to stakeholders annexes, contains
technical spaces and storage, as well as local dedicated stewards. It has access to the
South gable. The local security DRC has direct access to the outside.
Y VIP hall and press space: the VIP hall is located south of the grandstand. It provides
access to the VIP lounge is by stairs or by elevator. The press area is directly
accessible from the lobby. It includes the interview room and the press room. It has
access to the sealed area, allowing either to call sports or to conduct interviews in the
sports hall.

The inner court and the bar (level 1):

The inner court is used to manage access to the high and low platform and the press box. It hosts the
bar and spaces boutiques, infirmary and a comfort station RMC. It is a vast space generously sized, to
manage all flows, especially before and after games. It is well ventilated by a perforated facade upper
west. To the east, the view of the land is clear, to maintain visual contact with the stage. The bar has
been set to provide maximum linear. It is an enclosed area that will be treated frost. The public toilets
were placed in the inter-level, accessible from the bearings of stairways gable North and South. Only
health PMR are held on the square.

The low profile platform has been optimized following a blueprint of visibility. It consists of ten rows of
bleachers size 40 x 80cm, between altitudes 2.33m + and + 6,33m. Access is provided at the top by
four vomitories wide 3UP Unit (Person), and completed at the bottom by two side stairs. Its capacity is
1874 seats, including 32 PMR.
The high platform has a height greater step. It consists of ten rows of bleachers size 54 x 80cm,
between altitudes 9,16m + and + 14,20m. Cabin access is in
bottom, by means of two corridors accessible from the court, serving two double
vomitories 3UP of each.
VIP and protocol platform is generously sized. It has a depth and spacing of the upper seats. It
consists of six rows of bleachers 60 x 90cm, following the same slope as the rest of the upper gallery.
It has a terraced area

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


to the VIP lounge. Cabin access is directly from the show, and is complemented by two controlled
gates on the lower corridor of the grandstand access. However, it is possible and feasible, to pass the
size of 54 x 80cm bleachers in ten rows (like the rest of the gallery), which would increase the number
of seats for VIPs, as desired by the master authority.

The VIP lounge (top level):

The VIP lounge located on the top level (+ 14,20m). It grows in length, providing maximum view of the
playing field. At the rear, it also opens the athletics stadium. The VIP lounge access is by an airlock,
bringing the arrival of the stairs and the elevator, and also serving the PC security and local
entertainment-center in the south of the platform. The office and its annexes were integrated into the
local volume of the show. The disposal of the latter is by the stands, accessible by both side doors. A
secondary staircase leads an additional issue.

2. Issue:

Alongside specific to this type of work technical requirements, compliance with financial
constraints imposed at the outset as a major issue of the operation. Indeed, this project is in an
unfavorable political and popular part because the football team Besanon (Besanon Racing Club),
currently CFA Group B (Amateur Championship, 4th division), finished thirteenth of his championship
season last. These results are not really consistent with the ambitions Besanon has placed in the
restructuring of Leo Lagrange stadium in view of the approval for the Ligue 2 (second division).
Therefore, the city, through its technical services, has made available for this project to rebuild the
grandstand a budget of 5 million excluding non-extendable and non-negotiable fees.
Note that a project had been abandoned for reasons of exceeding the budget. He anticipated at the
time the complete construction of a stadium with a capacity of 20000
It is for these reasons that from the preliminary design phase (APS), an optimization of the structure
work (which alone accounts for half the cost of the operation) was necessary, first
by the uniqueness and peculiarities of the work to be performed and also to avoid drift
a financial point of view.

My graduation project is therefore in this light. He was committed to my mission, under the responsibility of
Mr. Christian Mataigne (Project Engineer, responsible for structural studies of concrete, wood and steel),
define, from the architect's plans and working closely with the last, a support structure and to estimate the
For this, the work was divided into several steps. The first was to model and size the metal roof for.
Then the second job was to study the concrete structure of the platform to find a more streamlined
operation diagram and best use possible. Finally, a dynamic study of the entire building will verify the
natural modes of vibration of the structure and analyze the potential interactions between the stands of
concrete and metal roofing.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Tribune concrete

1. Hypothsesdecalcul :

a) Rules of calculation:

Calculations are made of reinforced concrete according to DTU P 18-702 Rules BAEL revised
99 91 - Rules technical design and costing, and reinforced concrete structures using the method of
limits in February 2000 states Operating expenses acting on the elements are calculated according to
the NF P 06-001 Basis of constructions Operating expenses buildings in June 1986.

b) Loads:

Dead Load:
Dead loads resulting from the self weight of the concrete structure and the various materials used
(coverings, partitions, specific hardware).
Operating expense:
Operating expenses considered are those defined by the program and, failing that, those required by the
standard. We note mainly:
Y Tribunes (seats), main corridors, vomitoria, stairways, corridors,
refreshments, VIP lounge, gym, media room, storage, public health, technical premises: q
= 5 kN / m 2.
Y Room Video, PC Security Office (VIP lounge), shop, local security, local facilitator,
conference room (<50m): q = 3,5kN / m2.
Are Changing rooms, showers, toilets (other than public), nursing, massage rooms,
treatment rooms, room heating, doping control, offices, pool, sauna, local stewards
home keeper: q = 2,5kN / m2.
Y Central Storage refreshment: q = 10 kN / m .

According to Decree No. 91-461 of 05.14.91 relative to the seismic risk prevention, the city of
Besanon is located in seismic zone (zone 0 classification).

c) Ranking ERP and fire stability:

The forum is an ERP (Public Buildings). The types of activity which may be used for different
parts of the building are:
Type N (restaurants and drinking) for the VIP lounge.
Type X (sports establishments covered) for sports facilities from level 0.
Type PA (outdoor facilities) for the stands and the inner court (level 1).

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


All activities PA + N + X is an establishment open to the public one, which employs 3,500 people, first
class (over 1,500 employees).
The concrete structure will have stability and CF degree (fire) 1:30.

2. Description of the supporting structure:

The goal was to find a carrier simplest and purest possible structure. This in order to achieve
maximum savings and also to allow the simplest implementation and most repetitive possible, in order
to reduce delays (structurally concrete GO-01 in the appendix).

a) Foundations and paving:

The site has been the subject of a geotechnical study by the research department of Geology,
Geophysics and Geotechnics B3G2.
The findings of this study are:
The land is substantially planar and horizontal.
Geologically, the nearest basement consists of limestone Bathonian.
Polls have recognized from the surface, the following layers:
Y 0.5 to 3m thick generally clay embankments, poor mechanical properties (ultimate
pressure: Pl <2.5bar).
Y and beyond to depths of 1 to 7m, clays sometimes including
blocks, and with borderline pressures between 3.9 and 4,4bars.
Y finally, limestone bedrock fractured and compact, recognized at a depth ranging from 1
to 7m.
two distinct modes of foundations are possible:
General Y substitution of a thickness of 1m under the foundation, with an overhang of 1 m
from the outer edge of mass, consisting of a layer of
0-200 blocking of 40cm and thickness of a layer of from 0 to 31.5 ungraded 30cm
thick; footings and massive to 2bar to ELS.
Y foundation rock, footings, isolated or massive piles anchored in bedrock compact
limestone, allowable stress from 3 to 5 bar for massive and well and 40bars for piles.
Note the absence of known risk of flooding or the presence of a shallow water table.
The concrete structure has evolved in relation to the competition, to a sleek solution with larger spans
and fewer fulcrum highly charged, explains the fact that the foundations in general substitution of soil
have been abandoned in favor of rock foundations. This solution is indeed better suited to take on the
high concentrated loads. In addition, on the edge of the building, along the lawn, it would have been
impossible to carry out the necessary overhang substitution 1m without damaging the existing
pavements and lawns that need to be preserved. Given the depths to be achieved, the majority of
massive foundations are to be founded on piles according sets 1, 2, 3 or 4 piles of diameter 600 to
800mm. The pile caps will be leveled to 30cm under the pavement and be bonded by a bidirectional
network of stringers, to transmit horizontal forces to all pile heads and resume eccentric moments as
piles can transmit only axial forces. The piles will be anchored in the limestone bedrock at a depth of
about 5 to 7m. They will work 40bars, for anchoring of 1.5 to 2 diameters. In places, it is not impossible
to meet the ski limestone bedrock; in this case, the piles will be replaced by 40bars massive or wells
working 4 or 5 bar.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Given the possible presence of karst cavities, it will be essential to the vertical and horizontal continuity
of bedrock check under each support by destructive surveys of drill-type wagon. The level of full body
will be established to 70cm under the pavement. The embankments under paving include a blocking
layer 40cm 0-200 and subgrade 30cm-run from 0 to 31.5. The floors will be designed unarmed guy with
coatings placed on screed. Additional surveys with pressuremeter results should be made to verify that
the design of the paving.

Paving (15cm thick)

Flooring (5cm thick)

0 to 31.5 (30cm thick)

0-blocking layer 200

(40cm thick)

Sill recovery

Pile head

Natural terrain

Figure II.1: Schematic diagram of the


Bored pile cased (800mm


b) Vertical structure:

The supporting structure consists of a vertical reinforced concrete portals disposed along the
transverse axis, numbered from A to K, a frame according to 9.5m.
Given the length of the building (about 100m), two joints are put in place.
To facilitate the implementation of these expansion joints, gantries rows E and G were split (E / E 'and
G / G') with a spacing of 2 m, which can handle either side of the door gasket -towro

We are 13 and 10 gantry defining spans of slab spans of 9.5m and 2m 2 console. Gantries include
the following (see section on the plane structure):
Pole 60 x 60 rear panel on two levels (ground floor and level 1) on the e file.
An intermediate pole 40 x 40 beams overlap the scope of the DRC on the e file. This post does
not go upstairs.
Pole 40 x 210 on two levels (ground floor and level 1) on the line 8 This post gets the rack beam
of the upper plate.
Pole 40 x 276 on the ground floor in the lane 0 This post gets the beam rack of the bottom tray.
A floor beam 40 x 80 for the recovery of high slab floor.
A beam rack 40 x 115 on the ground floor with a span of 10m (to the axis poles) showing the
steps of the lower plate.
A beam rack height adjustable 40 x 100 to 40 x 175 on the first floor with a range of 11,6m (to
the axis poles) showing the steps of the upper plate.
Porticos queues A and K (gable) and B and J have a slightly different configuration due to the
presence of monumental stairs and lack of floor level 1. Trailing post will be checked with a length
corresponding buckling 2 floor heights. Porticos show floors and bleachers. They also provide lateral
VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


building through the bending strength of the posts 40 and 40 x 210 x 276 and beams 115 and racks 40
x 100 to 40 x 175 The gantry also show horizontal forces induced at floor level by the anchoring of the
structure metal awning.
The longitudinal bracing is provided by a set of sails shuttered 20cm thick located:
On the edge of monumental stairs (at 1 and DRC).
On the edge of the platform TV (at 1).
On the ground floor, along the flow-field cloakroom on the line 8.
In DRC faade, row 0.

The seven metal poles supporting the canopy forming the roof will be extended into the building
through concrete columns elliptical diameter 180 x 120 They will transmit the loads exerted on the roof
to the foundation.
The two joints define blocks having the following dimensions:
40m in length for 2 power ends.
19,4m long for the central block.
These joints are not extended in the roof. The influence of the expansion of the concrete structure of the
frame will therefore be checked by simulating a moving support.

c) Horizontal structure:

The floors are made of solid slabs cast in place, possibly from slabs. They will be based on
longitudinal beams, possibly prefabricated bearing a portal to another. The high slab from Level 1 (floor
VIP lounge) will have to take this particular horizontal forces brought by the masts of the frame. This
panel will thus work as a beam bent in the horizontal plane approached by point forces at each mast
and supported horizontally on each portal.
The flowsheet practically excludes the use of hollow-core slabs.

3. Etudedtailledesportiques :

This study was carried out using a 3-dimensional model of the entire building as the Robot
program (Study module in a shell). The purpose of this model was to determine the stresses in the
skeleton into account the interaction and transmission of forces between the metal roof and the
concrete structure of the rostrum. To obtain directly diagrams internal forces, porticos were modeled by
bars. The choice of bars for gantry induced necessarily simplifications and geometric approximations on
other structural elements (floors, walls) as a bar is defined by its mean fiber, so it is difficult to liaisonner
a veil on the bracket a pole, for example. It would have been possible to make a more accurate model
by adding rigid connections, but the simplifications made not having a great influence on the desired
results, it was not necessary to complicate the model. It should be noted that the dimensions of the
beams and posts have racks permit the use of the module plates, though the results given by the
software to the plates are difficult to use.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


a) Reinforcement beams racks:

The racks beams are made of reinforced concrete cast in place. For reasons of simplicity, we
neglect the normal efforts in the racks beams. Indeed, these elements are always compressed, this
assumption on the side of safety increases since the reinforcement sections (without buckling
phenomenon). Furthermore it is assumed that the beams will be carried out with a cover of concrete,
that is to say we do not take into account the
participation of the concrete to balance the shear (
= K = tj0 0,3f )
Material characteristics:
Concrete: fc = 25MPa

f = 500 MPa

Steels: HA feE500

f = 14,17MPa

f = 434,8MPa

Settings section:
Is defined by beams racks, the two component beams and gantries supporting the bleachers
(but not only). Partly tribune high beam rests on the pole 210 x 40 x 60 door to the post 60 of
the back cover also supports the low-floor VIP lounge (between the line and the line 8 th), and
ends in console .
Partly forum low, the beam carries the pole to pole 276 x 40 210 x 40 (between the line and
the line 0 8).

b = 40cm

b = 40cm

h = 100 and d =
90 to 206cm

b = 40cm
d = 157,5cm

40cm H
= 80cm
b = 40cm
d = 103,5cm

High beam rack forum

Low beam rack forum

File 4

File 3

File 2

File 1

Figure II.2: description and parameters of beam sections component type gantry.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


High beam rack forum:


Md(ULS) 1812,22kN.m =
Md(ULS) -1220,04kN.m
= dV (ULS) = 624,51kN

Calculation of reinforcement Asmini section:

b d2 C


For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = 1812,22kN.m: mu= 0.129

For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: m u= 0.087

u = 1.25 1


For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = 1812,22kN.m: =

For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: =

h u = 0,8u
For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = 1812,22kN.m: hasu= 0.138
For h = 175cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: hasu= 0.091

A =

d b fCD


For h = 175cm and Md (ULS) = 1812,22kN.m: A S = 28,4cm

For h = 175cm and Md (ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: A

= 18.7cm2

A = 29,45cm2

Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA25 (2

6HA20 (2

A = 18,85cm

= 9,87cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)
Choice transverse reinforcement: 2 frames HA8 all 19cm.

Checking the tensile stress in concrete:

(ULS) = 0,99MPa
u V =


F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa

Surface reinforcement: HA10.

Beam rack platform upper tapered:


VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Md(ULS) -1220,04kN.m
= dM (ULS) -460,51kN.m
= dV (ULS) = 589,83kN

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Calculation of reinforcement Asmini section:


b d2 fC

For h = 206cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: m u= 0.063

For h = 100cm and Md(ULS) = -460,51kN.m: m u= 0.100

u = 1.25 1


For h = 206cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: =


For h = 100cm and Md(ULS) = -460,51kN.m: =


h u = 0,8u
For h = 206cm and Md(ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: hasu= 0.065
For h = 100cm and Md(ULS) = -460,51kN.m: hasu= 0.106

A =

d b fCD


For h = 206cm and Md (ULS) = -1220,04kN.m: A S = 15,6cm

For h = 100cm and Md (ULS) = -460,51kN.m: A S = 12,43cm

A = 18,85cm2

Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA20 (2

3HA25 (1

A = 14,73cm

ed = 4,78cm / cm

A t Vd
Choice transverse reinforcement: 2 frames HA8 all 9cm.

Checking the tensile stress in concrete:

(ULS) = 1,64MPa
F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa
u V =

Surface reinforcement: HA10.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.3: purifies stop bars beam rack high platform from the diagram bending moment envelope.

Low beam rack forum:


Md(ULS) -1114,89kN.m
= dM (ULS) = 618,72kN.m
Md(ULS) -273,93kN.m
= dM (ULS) 757,86kN.m
= dV (ULS) = 475,07kN
Vd (ULS) = 461,31kN
Calculation of reinforcement Asmini section:


b d2 fC

For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = -1114,89kN.m: m u= 0.183

For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = 678,72kN.m: m u= 0.102 For
h = 80cm and Md(ULS) = -273,93kN.m: m u= 0.093 For h =
80cm and Md(ULS) = 757,86kN.m: m u= 0.258

u = 1.25 1


For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = -1114,89kN.m: u= 0.256

For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = 678,72kN.m: u= 0.135
For h = 80cm and Md(ULS) = -273,93kN.m: u= 0.122
For h = 80cm and Md(ULS) = 757,86kN.m: u= 0.380

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


h u = 0,8u
For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = -1114,89kN.m: hasu= 0.205
For h = 115cm and Md(ULS) = 678,72kN.m: has u= 0.108
For h = 80cm and Md(ULS) = -273,93kN.m: has u= 0.098
For h = 80cm and Md(ULS) = 757,86kN.m: has u= 0.304

A =

d b fCD


For h = 115cm and Md (ULS) = -1114,89kN.m: A S = 27,60cm

For h = 115cm and Md (ULS) = 678,72kN.m: A S = 14,53cm
For h = 80cm and Md (ULS) = -273,93kN.m: A

= 9,20cm2

For h = 80cm and Md (ULS) = 757,86kN.m: A S = 28,55cm

A = 29,45cm2

Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA25 (2


3HA20 A S = 29,45cm
6HA25 (2

A = 15,45cm2

3HA20 and

A = 29,45cm2

= 6,11cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)
Choice executives: HA8 every 12cm.

Checking the tensile stress in concrete:

(ULS) = 1,14MPa
u V =

(ULS) = 1,60MPa
u V =



F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa for h = 115cm and Vd(ULS) = 475,07kN


F = 0.2 = 3,33MPa for h = 115cm and Vd(ULS) = 461,31kN



Surface reinforcement: HA10.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.4: purifies stop bars beam rack low platform from the diagram bending moment envelope.

Reinforcement beams racks is complex. Indeed, a study should be made on the disposal of the latter.
Always for the sake of rapid implementation and thus economy, emphasis should be placed on a
prefabrication of reinforcement cages with on-site assembly, minimizing the introduction of
reinforcement bracket.
We decide to make the rack beam high tribune two reinforcement cages. Both beds 3HA20 part of
variable inertia will be stopped and realized the anchor using splints
(2 times 3HA20) which will be implemented on site. These elements are very
important for the resistance of the section, it must at all costs prevent wrong installation so it was
decided to voluntarily increase the length, which is usually twice the length of a bar anchor HA20 , 30cm
on each side in order to take into account the tolerances of implementation. This provision also
increases the effective length to achieve sewing.


Figure II.5: Distribution splints.

Checking the sewing:

We made the choice to insert three sides between the two frames beds which reduces the
reinforcement sewing since shear can occur in two planes.

So we must have:

At n




30 +)=

( 44 30 +)= 9,42cm2

(Because we arranged two frames HA8)
where n =

To achieve the seam must be separated five times two frames 1.20m HA8 is every 20cm.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


b) Check posts:

The posts 210 x 40 and 276 x 40 are solicited compound bend. They must therefore be
determined by taking into account the interaction between the normal force and bending moment.
Their generous dimensions allow to resume the internal forces with small sections of reinforcement.
However, these elements provide bracing in the transverse direction (effect of swings), and a reduction
in their section might tend to weaken the dynamic behavior of the skeleton.

4. Etudedtailledesgradins :

a) Form:

The goal is to find an optimized shape for the stands which is both resistant (static and
dynamic), both economical and also allowing easy implementation to reduce the time of construction.
Several forms of step were investigated, but only one was chosen.
The stands are made of precast reinforced concrete face for casting mold base.
Each member include a step with a gradient of 1% to the flow of water, an edge
and running against a rounded with dropout and heel (II.2 see Figure below). The concrete thickness is
at least 15cm. These items will be self-supporting, they will receive a sealing resin. The stands are
placed on racks beams starting from the top item, the operation of each element resting on the heel of
the previous element (see Figure II.10). The junctions will be keyed on-bead over the entire length so
as to obtain the required mechanical continuity bracing building. Marches and marches against the law
will be keyed racks with continuity of reinforcement. The keyways will be realized through a concrete
shrinkage compensated.

Figure II.6: typical cross section of a step.

In fact, there are three types of step. The tiers of the bottom portion 40 have dimensions of 80cm X,
while those of the upper part have dimensions of 54 x 60 x 80cm or 90cm (partly for VIP).
Nevertheless, it will be considered that the steps of dimension 40 x 80cm they are the worst (lever arm

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


b) Features:

It seeks to identify the characteristics (area and inertia) of the selected section. To do this we
decompose the complex into three rectangular section.

Figure II.7: decomposition of section three.

Calculate the area of the section:

A 1 = 15 = 65 975cm2
A 2 = 15 = 70 1050cm2

A = A 1+ A +2 A

= 2175cm2

A 3 = 15 10 = 150cm2

Figure II.8: position of the center of gravity of the section.

Determination of the position of the center of gravity:

z G = 62,5cm
z G = 35cm
z G = 7.5cm


zG =

z G1 A 1+ z


A 2+ z


VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


z G = 45,4cm


t G = 57,5cm

tG =
t G = 5cm


there 1
= G1
+ y A


A 2+ y



t G = 34,1cm

Calculation of inertia:

I B =1 h1 =
12 18281,25cm4

dz 1= z

dz 2= z

- Z G = 17,1cm

Iy 2 B =2 h2
Iy 3 B =3 h3

= 42875cm4

- Z G = -10,4cm

dz 3= z G - Z G = -37,9cm
Dz1 1 ) + (I +
whereGyI = (Iy
A ) + (I + Dz A ) = 1063973cm4
Dz 2

h1 =
dy = y - Y = 23,4cm
b 2 h2
I2 z =
dy 2= y G - Y G = -16,6cm
b h3
Iz 3 = 3
= 1250cm4 dy 3= y G - Y G = -29,1cm
whereGzI = (Iz + Dy1 A 1 ) + (I +
A ) + (I +
A ) = 1313043cm4
Dy 2
Dy 3
I B=

c) Reinforcement:

We can now perform calculations to identify concrete steps for the rebar and sections required
to achieve the principle of reinforcement.

Calculation in flexion (final phase):

Material characteristics:
= 25MPa
Steels: HA feE500

f = 500 MPa

f = 14,17MPa

f = 434,8MPa

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



Figures II.9: modeling.


Q = 5 kN / (According to the program established by GPCI, standard NFP 06-001 provides 4 kN /

p1 = 0.55 0.15 25 = 2,0625kN / m
p 2 = 0.15 0.74 25 = 2,625kN / m
p 3 = 0.10 0.15 25 = 0,375kN / m
p 4 = 0.65 0.15 25 = 2,4375kN / m

q = 5 0.8 = 4 kN / m

g = 2.0625 + 2.625 + 0.375 + 2.4375 = 5,25kN / m


Calculation of forces:

M (ULS) = (1.35g + 1.5Q) = 147,64kN.m

M d(ELS) = (g + q) L = 104,35kN.m
V (ULS) = (1.35g + 1.5Q) = 62,17kN

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.10: diagram of internal forces to ULS and SLS (shear and bending moment).

Calculation of reinforcement Asmini

Little detrimental cracking (calculated to the ultimate limit
The steps will be covered by a resin (polyurethane or methyl methacrylate, for example). But after
searching for different commercial products, it was found that no
indication of the quality of the carrier resin (in terms of cracking) was given. Therefore in order to ensure
the sustainability and not crack sealing, it was
decided to make a calculation of the bleachers at the serviceability limit state (in harmful or very
harmful cracking). So the calculation somewhat detrimental cracking is actually a calculation of
principle, but may still be useful if another method of sealing was chosen.
Moreover, the three calculations (little detrimental cracking, very harmful and detrimental) compare an
economic point of view the reinforcement.

m u = b d2 f = 0.178


u = 1.25 1 1 - 2m u = 0.247
h u = 0,8u = 0.197
A S = Au b d

= 6,03cm2


Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA12 (2 beds) or

A S = 6,78cm
longitudinal reinforcement in the entire width of the heel of 2 beds).

(We decided to have the

= 39,34cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)
Choice executives: HA6 every 25cm.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Checking the tensile stress in concrete:


Vd (ULS)


F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa

Surface reinforcement: HA8.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.11: principle of reinforcement in no detrimental cracking.

Detrimental cracking (calculated limit state service):

= = f min 2, max 0.5 f; 110



= 250 MPa


f = 0.6 + 0.06 c = 2,1MPa

tj f


Md(ELS) = 0.107
mS =
b d2 S/ n

(1 - / 3)
mS =
from where = 0.388
2 (1 - )

= 7,67cm2
AS =
(1 - / 3) d S
Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA14 (2 beds) or
A S = 9,24cm
longitudinal reinforcement in the entire width of the heel of 2 beds).

(We decided to have the

= 39,34cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)
Choice executives: HA6 every 25cm.

Checking the tensile stress in concrete:


Vd (ULS)


F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa

Surface reinforcement: HA10 (3cm per meter of wall length measured perpendicular to their direction).

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.12: principle of reinforcement of harmful cracking.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Very detrimental cracking (calculated limit state service):

= = 0.8 0,8 min 2 f, max 0.5 f; 110



f = 0.6 + 0.06 c = 2,1MPa
tj f


= 200 MPa


Md(ELS) = 0.134
mS =
b d2 S/ n

(1 - / 3)
mS =
from where = 0.423
2 (1 - )

= 9,72cm2
AS =
(1 - / 3) d S
Choice longitudinal reinforcement: 6HA16 (2 beds) or A S = 12,10cm
longitudinal reinforcement in the entire width of the heel of 2 beds).

(We decided to have the

= 39,34cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)
Choice executives: HA8 every 20cm.

Checking the tensile stress in concrete:


Vd (ULS)



F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa

of skin:
HA10 and HA12 (5cm by
measured perpendicular to their direction).

meter of




Figure II.13: principle of reinforcement in very detrimental cracking.

Calculate torsional (construction phase):

Installation of the prefabricated girder no i + 1:
It seeks to implement these steps without the use of props. Prefabricated bleachers will be installed
from the top and going down the table compression step No. i + 1 basis
on the heel of the step n i. When precast step No. i + 1 is set, check that the No. i is stable, that is to
say, it does not spill and must also verify that the calculated reinforcements
previously allow it to withstand the torsion applied thereto.
It should be noted that such a calculation is almost never done in phase APS. For this operation, the
VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


aim is to minimize the maximum cost and time of implementation, it could be

appropriate to carry out an approach to the construction phase from the first draft.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



Figure II.14: modeling the construction phase.


Q C = 4kN (Construction hoist defined by extrapolation of the Technical Specification

processes common to the floors, Title II and III)


= 0.55 0.15 25 = 2,0625kN / m

= 0.15 0.74 25 = 2,625kN / m
= 0.10 0.15 25 = 0,375kN / m
= 0.65 0.15 25 = 2,4375kN / m

Check that0.1
the moment
the step is=less
than the time which tends to stabilize:
+ which
0.15 tends
0.1 + 0.15



R = p1 = 2.0625 = 1,03kN /
M = 2.0625
9.5 0.55 + 0.15
M> M

= 3,43kN.m

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Q C 0.175
0.15 + 0.55 = 1,12kN

x = 1,09m

Figure II.15: diagram of the bearing pressure at the heel of the prefabricated No. i.


Figure II.16: modeling flexion during the construction phase.


g = 2.0625 2 + 2.625 + 0.375 = 5,06kN / m


Calculation of forces:

M (ULS) = L (GL1.35+1.52Q

)= 93,31kN.m

+ 1.35 Gl = 35,45kN
Vd(ULS) = 1.5 QC

Figure II.17: bending moment diagram at ULS.

m u = b d d2 f = 0.112


u = 1.25 1 1 - 2m u = 0.149
h u = 0,8u = 0.119

A S = Au b d

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



= 3,65cm2

= 68,99cm / cm2

A t Vd (ULS)

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Checking the tensile stress in concrete:

= d


F = 0.2 c = 3,33MPa

Figure II.18: modeling of twist during the construction phase.


= 0.1 + 0.15 0,7kN.m


= 0.1 + 0.15 0,05kN.m / m


Figure II.19: diagram torques.

For the torsion can not be considered a section whose height is more than three times its width, so: h =
15 3 = 45cm

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.20: definition of resistant section in torsion.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


b 0 = 15 = 2.5cm

Tu = 1.5 0.35 =
t =
= 0.2 MPa
2b 0

Check that: +


= 0.382+ 0.202 0.18

= 53125mm2


u = 1.1m

= 11.11

At f
A = l e=
u S 2
s nd

Tu u
2 f = 0,125cm

= 0,001cm2/ Cm
2 fed
For f c 40MPa :


= 0,0023cm2/ Cm

B = 0.4
0 f



( A )
l min



U = 0.25 cm 2




+ 4HA12 2HA8

max{0,0023cm2/ Cm; 0,014cm2/ Cm} 0,025cm2/ Cm

The section of reinforced concrete so resistant to twisting.

d) Fire stability:

In the stands, structural fire and CF degree (fire) 1:30 is required. To check the fire stability of
these elements, simplified rules (Chapter 7.51) DTU P 92-701 Calculation Rules FB - Prediction by
calculating the fire behavior of concrete structures in October 1987 will be used.
The stands are beams to heel:

Heel width b [cm]

Heel height h0[Cm]
Beam width b0[Cm]

Minimum (2 1h1 /) value required


VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

Actual value

Number of lower beds

Number of bars per bed



One realizes, after applying the simplified rules, that the steps are stable fire at least 1:30, which is in
line with fire regulations and classification of ERP platform.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


e) Dynamic:

The aim is to ensure that when the crowd jumps in the stands, the resonant frequency of the
latter is higher than the frequency of the action of the crowd seeking the following in order to ensure
user comfort.
It is considered that the step is a beam of constant cross section and mass evenly distributed. The
formula for calculating the period of the first five modes as follows:

T = L2

g EI

Along with:

T = 2 [s] : Period.
: Coefficient depending on the mode (mode 1: the worst fashion period giving the
Thus the greater the smaller frequency).

= 0.636

L = 9,50m : Length of the beam.

E = EV f =
= 32164,2MPa : Modulus of elasticity instant.
g = 9,81m / s : Acceleration of gravity.
p = 5.25 + 4 = 9,25kN / m : Applied load.
I [cm4] Moment of inertia of the beam (the reduced section of inertia).

Calculate the moment of inertia:

For the calculation of inertia, a question arises, should we use to calculate the time (and thus
frequency) geometric inertia of the section or the inertia of the cracked section. The inertia of the
fractured section is significantly smaller (about twice) the inertia of the geometric section. So it will give
the largest and therefore the smallest frequency period, which puts us on the side of safety.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure II.19: scheme of calculating the inertia of the reduced section.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Re d / AN = 0 :b y 0 y0 - N AS (d - y )0= 0

= B y0 A + n S (d - y )0
Little detrimental cracking:

t 0 = 11,40cm
IAN = 305067,89cm4
from where f = 35Hz
Detrimental cracking:

t 0 = 13,08cm
IAN = 398182,73cm4
from where f = 40Hz
Very detrimental cracking:

t 0 = 14,72cm
IAN = 499404,98cm4
from where f = 45Hz
The natural frequencies of the beam slightly detrimental cracking, very detrimental and harmful being
considerably above 3Hz (hopping frequency and stroke of a human being, used for dynamic
calculations gateways), so there is no risk of a dynamic viewpoint of precast bleachers.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Metal roofing

1. Hypothsesdecalcul :

a) Rules of calculation:

Calculations are made of steel construction according to DTU P 22-701 Rules CM - Design
rules for steel structures December 1966 Regarding climatic loads (snow and wind), charges are
calculated according to DTU P 06 Rules 65 -002 NV - Rules defining the effects of snow and wind on
buildings and annexes of April 2000.

b) Loads applied to the structure:

Dead Load:
We can decompose dead loads in two loads: the weight of the metal forming the roof structure and
the load induced by hedges (galvanized steel tray supporting a complex seal comprising an
insulating rockwool high density and sealing PVC membrane), dressing on the underside (flat panels
prepainted galvanized steel riveted on a secondary frame suspended from the roof) and any
technical equipment (lighting, sound) that could be suspended:

g = 50 daN /

= 0,50kN / m2

Operating expense:
The roof was not available except for any needed repairs, no operating expenses are planned.

Snow load:
The building is located in Besancon in the Doubs (25), the site is classified in zone 2A (following the
NV65 Rules). The altitude of 282m asl. We can therefore calculate the snow load that will apply on the

p n = 45daN /

= 0,45kN / m2

200 A = 282m 500m

where n = 53daN /

thereforn =


A + -10

= 0,53kN / m2

Wind Load:
Effect of wind on the roof are determined by applying the NV65 and especially the chapters on
openwork construction and insulated roof dimensions and proportions equivalent to the draft rules,
which is a priori detrimental (ie the side of safety ) compared to wind tunnel tests that are also not
expected results. The Doubs (25) is classified as zone 1 NV65 rules, hence:
Basic dynamic pressure:

q = 50 daN /


VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


= 0,50kN / m2:
Zone 1.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Site effect:

k S = 1.00 : Normal site (zone 1).

Effect of height above the ground:

H = 2.5 18 + The building height is between 19 and 20m so: k

H + 60


= 1.18 .

Aspect ratio:





Considering that the two parts of the roof cantilevered overhang are actually elements of a building
with an open wall.

= 0.19

ha 8
therefor = 1.00 (Figure III-R-NV 5 of Regulation 65)

Dynamic pressure corrected:

q = q0 k S k

= 59daN / m2

Calculation of internal and external factors:

0 = 1.00 and (Roof angle): c
= -0.45 (Figure III-R-NV 6 of Regulation 65)

Door overhang 2.50m:

c i = 0.8: when this part is in the wind (wind from left to right).

)= 0.3 When this part is the wind (wind from right to left).
c i = 0.6(1.8-1,3
Door overhang of 10m:
c i = 0.8: when this part is in the wind (wind from right to left).

)= 0.3 When this part is the wind (wind from left to right).
c i = 0.6(1.8-1,3
Inside the VIP lounge:
c i = 0.3 : When the wind is in pressure.

c i = -0.3 : When the wind is in depression.

For masts:
The focus here is on the part of the mast sticking out of the building and extends to the point of
attachment of the tie-struts. One must calculate a drag coefficient, it is assumed for simplicity that the
masts have
constant diameter of 1m (this puts us safe).

It first calculates the size ratio.

h = H is the height of the mast part windward (10m) and the diameter of the mast (1m).
= 10 = 10

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


0 1.20 (this coefficient is obtained from Figure III-R-NV 10 of Regulation 65).

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


c t C =0 0 with CT0 is the overall drag coefficient function

The drag coefficient is:
of the form (category VI: smooth circular cylinder without rib and having a polished

and long lasting)


0.5 <d

and which is




c = .90 To .30 d q =


= 0.59 0.77 <1.5 .

We can therefore calculate the drag coefficient which ist C = = 1.20 0.68 = 0.82 .
As the wind is neglected on the tie-struts, we raise by 1.50 coefficient of drag
previously calculated, we obtain c
C = 1.50 t = 1.50 0.82 = 1.23 .

Figure III.1: pressure coefficients of wind load on the roof.

2. CalculaveclelogicielROBOT :

The static calculation of the steel structure was created using the ROBOT program (Study
module of a gantry Spatial). The first step was the geometrical definition of the model from the plans of
the architect. For the second step, it was necessary to calculate, create and implement all the loads
acting on the structure. Finally, the last step was the definition of the design parameters of the bars
(strength, buckling and spill) in order to compute the route and optimize the various profile sections

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


composing the structure, checking deformations and movements.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


a) Evolution of the static system:

The static system of metal roofing has evolved through four variants, the latter being of course
the structure used for the calculation and the future roof sheltering the rostrum. These variants are the
result of an optimization approach while retaining the positive aspects and strengths of previous
variants. These solutions are not independent of each other but are steps that have led to a
satisfactory structure.
Note: sheet is defined by the entire roof deck (ties, purlins, bracing) and all media for suspending the
aquifer height (masts, anchors, tie-struts and girders, depending on the elements used in each variant),
possibly see chapter 3 (general description of the structure).

First alternative:

Ties (elements
working in tension)


Completely metal mast

Figure III.2: first variant of the static system.

Initially, the idea is, as desired by the architect to achieve a wing suspended height of the masts, seven
in number and arranged irregularly. A first model was made on this basis. However, given the length of
the elements connecting the roof poles (about 20m), and in order to avoid problems related to
buckling, it was initially decided that they do work in tension (tie ). Furthermore, the positioning of the
poles causes uneven manner a real problem. Indeed, the difficulty lies in the design of the web. The
question is: should we have ties with regular spacings or does it stall the pace of spacing of ties on one
variable, between the masts.
Regular spacings

Solution 1

Irregular distances

Solution 2

Figure III.3: solutions for the design of the web.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



Solution 1
Regular grid
One length of failures
No cross attachable on masts
Adding additional elements linking
the water masts (headers)

Solution 2
Irregular frame
Bonded sheet to 7 masts 7
sleepers (cross beams)
Failures of different lengths

The first idea was to choose a regular pattern, as is traditionally done for metal roofs. It was therefore
added additional elements linking the water masts (headers).
Down under loads (dead weight, dead load and snow) the ties are in tension and transmit much of the
efforts to masts. Charges under upward (wind) the tie
are neglected and the forces are transmitted by the masts trimmers working in console.

Since the elements connecting the poles to the roof and bracing are used as tie rods (elements
working in tension), the calculation is nonlinear.

Web weight [t]

Media Weight [t]
Total weight [t]
Ratio [kg / m]

Option 1

Second alternative:

Ties (elements
working in tension)


Completely metal mast

Ties (elements working

in tension) inserted into
the facades of the VIP
Figure III.4: second variant of the static system.

The effect of the wind tends to raise the roof, a second alternative should be considered. The latter
consists of the addition of tie rods in the water, finding support on the slab of the VIP area and which
aims to reduce the bending forces seeking trimmers. These ties are hidden, for architectural reasons,
in external joinery supports the glass facades of the VIP lounge. Indeed, the architect does not want
these elements are visible. However, this solution is bad because it involves considerable efforts
parasites which significantly increase the stresses in the members connecting the roof poles. Such
parasitic forces are mainly the fact that the tie rods are not added in front of the tie rods on a main

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Since the elements connecting the poles to the roof and bracing are used as tie rods (elements
working in tension), the calculation is nonlinear.

Web weight [t]

Media Weight [t]
Total weight [t]
Ratio [kg / m]


After analyzing the results of the first two variants, it turned out that the forces (normal forces and
bending particular times) seeking masts are so important that they have unrealistic dimensional metal
sections conventional commercial or PRS ( Engineered Welded profiles).

Third alternative:

Pullers-Struts (elements working in

tension and compression)

Mast part
made of metal


Part made of
concrete mast

Figure III.5: third variant of the static system.

The third variant is, somehow, a bit of a return to the first, except that this time, the members
connecting the roof to the mast are no longer used only in tension, but tension and compression (tiestruts). Indeed, any compressive forces that might seek the elements connecting the roof poles are
actually not excessive and therefore will not cause buckling problem. However, after analyzing the
results, efforts in the masts are so important that they still can not be made of metal profiles
conventional commercial or PRS (cylindrical-conical shape). Therefore by virtue of their stress
exclusively by normal forces and bending moments along the y axis predominant (relative to the z
axis), it has even been devised to achieve SRP and the H collapse rather than have them form
cylindroconical: this in order to use the material where it is needed. Also in order to reduce the cost of
the structure, the option was taken to hold the portion of masts within the forum reinforced concrete
and let metal from the floor of the VIP lounge. The architect wished to remain in the VIP lounge metal
material to give the illusion of a mast from the ground, crossing the wing formed by the roof and
rushing the sky. In addition, the VIP lounge is almost entirely glass, the illusion seems even more
Since braces work only traction, the calculation is nonlinear.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Web weight [t]

Media Weight [t]
Total weight [t]
Ratio [kg / m]

Option 3

At this stage, the solution is satisfactory from a strictly technical point of view and architectural.
However, the cost of such a structure appears excessive. That is why we must find a radical solution
of the economic point of view.

Fourth alternative:

Pullers-Struts (elements working in

tension and compression)

Mast part
made of metal


Part made of
concrete mast

Pullers-Struts (elements working in

tension and compression) Related
porticos concrete after the
concrete frame structure

Figure III.6: latest evolution of the static system.

The last variant is the future structure. The elements linking the roof poles are used both in tension and
in compression (tie-braces), the tie-struts resting on the concrete structure constituting the platform
were added back. The position of these tie-struts is punctuated by concrete porches, and their role is to
relieve the masts and limit efforts in key tie-struts. Part of the poles inside the gallery (below the slab of
the VIP lounge) is made concrete in the interests of economy. The web has also evolved since the
idea of designing the web based on a regular grid has been abandoned in favor of the solution of
irregular frame (which eliminates the headers).
Since braces work only traction, the calculation is nonlinear.

Web weight [t]

Media Weight [t]
Total weight [t]
Ratio [kg / m]

Option 4

The solution this time is satisfactory to all points of view. It is true that architecturally mind wing
suspended height is a little lost, but nevertheless the addition of rear tie-paced struts on the concrete
structure brings another aspect to the project, however, not denatured.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


b) Estimated by manual calculation of certain profile sections:

We choose to scale the longer outages (6,47m length) and having a wheelbase is 2.50m. We choose
to make isostatic.

q d Q = g +S = 0.5 + 0.53 = 1,03kN / m2

Q d = Qd = 2.50 2,55kN / m
5 4 L d

384 EI 200
5 Qd L4
From where I

E 384

5 L


= 856,45cm4
E 384

choice: IPE 200.


q d Q = g +S = 0.5 + 0.53 = 1,03kN / m2

Q d Q =d 2.50 + GIPE
= 2,774kN / m

5 L d Q4


384 EI
5 Qd L4
From where I

E 384

5 L


= 931,68cm4

E 384

choice: IPE 200.

M (ULS) = [1.35(g 2.50 + G IPE


adm = M 275MPa




= 20,81kN.m


= I Ez h (D - 1) BC : Constraint not spill

5.2 It
E = 210000MPa

I t = 1943cm4

I z= 142,4cm4

h = 200cm

l d = L = 3,235m (Placing a link fault at mid-length)

B = 1.00 C

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



D= 1+


e the length constant load)
ld 2
= 1.7

= 406MPa the IPE section 200 does not spill because >

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Braces are only called in tension, tubular sections are chosen. Longer bracing 8,179m measure.
Nd(ULS) = -70,39kN (Tensile)

= N 275MPad


A Nd

A 2,56cm2

Choice x 3.2mm round tube

We must check
the arrow on each brace bent half-length (either 4,09m).




along with G =

0,0199kN / m



= 200

Main-braces tie rods:

The main tie-struts are biased either in traction or compression, tubular sections are chosen. Longer
main tie-braces measure 17,708m. Because of their length and because it can be compressed, they
must be checked to buckling.
Nd(ULS) =


Nd(ULS) = -1069,27kN (Tensile)


= N 275MPad
A Nd


(ULS) = A

k e = 275MPa

k = 0.5 +

A 38,88cm2

choice: Round tube 273 x 10

= Nd

k =



0.5 +



: Euler critical stress

= L = 190.2
where k =
= 57,29MPa

therefore k = 6.50
: No problem buckling
k e =

Tie rods, struts Rear:

The tie-back braces are biased either in traction or compression, tubular sections are chosen. Longer

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


tie-back braces measure 12,43m. Because of their length and because it can be compressed, they
must be checked to buckling.





Nd(ULS) = -623,97kN (Tensile)

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


= N 275MPad

A 22,69cm2

(ULS) = A

k e = 275MPa

k = 0.5 +


choice: 193.7 x 10 round tube

= Nd


k =



0.5 +



: Euler critical stress

= L = 191.2
where k =
= 56,69MPa

therefore k = 5.90
k e = 207,86MPa : No problem buckling

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


c) Design parameters:

When modeling in ROBOT, we must define the types of bars. This allows to dimension the bars
when calculating the structure. Once the latter created geometrically, enter the parameters that will
allow to size bars: resistance (choice of material and its resistance), buckling (definition of buckling
parameters) and dumping (parameter definition buckling). This calls for a reflection, in fact, you have to
have an idea when creating a model of support elements and the interactions between these

Figure III.7: design parameters of the elements of the roof.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


d) Main results:

In this part, the results are presented as Figure to illustrate the structure of the deformations
depending on the different load cases. Tables show the forces that are transmitted by the metallic
structure forming the roof to the concrete structure. The next section describes and explains the
principle structure of the roof.

Figure III.8: perspective views of the steel structure.

Figure III.9: sign convention and notation for the forces transmitted to the metal poles concrete structure.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure III.10: forces transmitted metal poles with concrete poles.

Figure III.11: efforts transmitted to tie-back braces the concrete structure.

Figure III.12: displacements under different load cases.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


The most sought poles are masts ends (No. 1 and No. 7).
Bending poles along the y axis is predominant compared to that along z.
Cases of wind V1, V2 (left right wind pressure and depression), V5 and V6 (longitudinal wind pressure
and depression) tend to relieve the structure and thus reduce
efforts in the masts.
The greatest displacement occurs under constant load (dead weight and burden of roof). The ends of
the roof are deformed more than the rest, this is explained by the fact that it
has a double door overhang that amplifies the deformation. Cases of V3 and V4 wind (wind right left
overpressure and depression) reduces the deformation of the canopy by reducing travel. After
analyzing the displacements obtained under each load case, it is necessary to
establish an arrow against the roof in order to have a minimum slope after deformation of
3% for the evacuation of water (according to the standard). We can then consider the influence of the
arrow against the calculation of the elements of the structure.
The displacements obtained under different load cases are to be analyzed in more detail,
because taken as they appear in the table above, could lead to the conclusion that the structure is too
flexible and that the deformations are excessive. Indeed, the maximum movement of the canopy door
overhang can be decomposed into two parts that are added, the first is the deformation under load of
the awning and corresponds to a second displacement caused by the bending of mast. It is therefore
essential to define a criterion flexibility to the awning and not strictly enforce the normative standard.

3. Carrier Descriptiongnraledelastructure :

The metal roof made of a steel tray seal carrier is supported by a metal structure shaped sheet
composed (see map of the roof structure in the appendix):
a network fault-profile trade section adapted to the range (IPE 160, IPE 180, IPE 200) and
spaced 2.5m.
a system of sleepers PRS tapered resting on two supports and having a door overhang of 2.5m
to the rear, a central span 17,5m and door overhang 10m towards forward.
This sheet is based on a main frame with beams type wells PRS assembled frame and suspended by
major tie-struts with metal poles and
anchored by tie-struts back into the concrete structure.
These structural elements are described in detail in the following chapters.
Coverage covers an area of 30m wide by 110m long. It has a residual slope after deformation of 3%.
The evacuation of rainwater will be through a valley located 5m from the rear side and 25 meters from
the front side.
The position of the mast, in the transverse direction, oscillates about a mean line in the third of the
width, so that the door means overhangs the awning is 10m to 20m and the back to
To reduce the effects of this imbalance tie rods were installed on the rear panel to reduce bending
moments seeking poles.
The overall stability of the structure is ensured by the mast foot which is a fixing recess.
All sections of the frame are provided in natural steel grade S 275.

a) Main frame:

The main frame contains all the elements that suspend the metal sheet roof deck.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure III.13: main frame of the metal frame.

Masts postpone all charges of the metal frame on the concrete structure.
They are made of steel, of cylindro-conical form, reconstituted by bending a thick plate welding along
a generatrix and 20mm. They will be galvanized.
The masts 7 are staggered with varying distances not coinciding with the frame
building, so as to give the illusion of a random distribution.
To emphasize this, each tower will have a different height: the highest mast rises to 40m high while the
mast is at least 34m high.
The two end poles have a diameter of 120 cm at the base and 50cm at the top while the other 5
masts, less stressed, have a diameter of 100 cm at the base and 50cm at the top. The masts will be
built in the foot, at the slab of the VIP lounge. Embedding is realized
by a series of large diameter threaded rods disposed in a ring around the mast and anchored in the
concrete, with backing plate.
The platinum will walk stiffened by welded gussets arranged along radii (see sketch in principle
This installation allows masts themselves perform the transverse and longitudinal stability of the metal
Subslab VIP lounge, these masts are extended to the foundation in the form of reinforced concrete
columns, not steel (this is a major development of the project relative to the sketch).
The posts have been described in the previous chapter. They offer the advantage of being cheaper and
naturally be light stable.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Metal mast



BA floor VIP lounge

Anchor rods

Concrete pole

Reinforcement of the pole

Figure III.14: principle of attaching the metal poles on concrete posts.

The tie-struts key:

Each mast go 4 lugs struts whose main function is to suspend the sheet roofing.
Two pulling 'upstream' support door-to-rear overhang and two ties 'downstream' support the door
The tie rods are attached to the poles at the top and on two bottom longitudinal beams (a beam
'upstream' and a beam 'downstream').
The tie struts operate essentially simple traction for recovery of charges
down (dead weight, permanent loads, snow, wind creating an attraction of the roof to the ground) but
they can also work in compression + buckling when the wind creates an effect of
Compressive forces are still very much lower than the tensile forces. To obtain good buckling
resistance and limit their deformation under own weight, these elements are provided in the hollow
tube and not in the middle section. They will be done in sections of Commerce (273mm diameter
10mm thick) galvanized and assembled by a fastening system transmitting only axial forces (joint).
Efforts are not symmetrical, the resultant of the forces exerted by the rods on the masts has a
component in either direction.
The vertical component 'down' directly in the masts to the foundation while
horizontal components bias the poles in the two bending directions. The bending moments are
transmitted by the masts to the fixity. Efforts and fed at the bottom are then VIP taken up by the
concrete structure.
The support frames:
Two longitudinal beams support the roofing sheet. They are suspended at multiple points (14 points
each) by key-rods and struts are connected to the masts by transverse beams.
The beam 'upstream' located 2.5m from the back side, and the beam 'downstream', located 10m from
the shore before the supports are sleepers in the web so have a central span of 17,5m and a
door overhang 2.5m backwards and forwards 10m.
Longitudinal and transverse beams are box-type in PRS (fabricated sections welded)
height: 580mm.
width: 550mm.
thickness: 15mm.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


The elements are loaded in combined bending and work also deflected slightly twist. By nature, they
do not spill.
The assembly formed by the two longitudinal beams 7 and transverse beams form a system
frames welded together, liaisonn poles with clips embedding type and suspended by the 7 groups of
4 main tie-struts.
The support frames are protected from corrosion by electro-galvanizing and

The tie-back braces:

To reduce the bending moments soliciting masts and thus significantly reduce steel consumption,
additional tie-struts were added back cover.
These pull-braces made of tubular profiles of Commerce (193,7mm diameter, 10mm thick) are provided
for each frame of the concrete structure. They will be fixed on the longitudinal beam 'upstream'
in the upper part and on the concrete pole at the bottom. They will be galvanized. They will work
primarily in simple traction except for some windy negating the efforts (headwind) for which the design
is done by compression buckling +.

Main-braces tie rods


Metal mast

Longitudinal beam 'support'

Longitudinal beam 'uphill'

Concrete pole

Tie rods, struts back

Figure III.15: detailed view of the main structure and description of items.

It should be noted that the main tie-struts are not in front of the tie rods in the-longitudinal struts rear
direction or even on the structure of the nodes (corners of supporting frames), for architectural
reasons. This feature has the effect of adding in the structure of the side effects (additional bending,
compression and torsion) which are generally prohibited, but
VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


which are collected by our carriers frameworks that have been intentionally designed PRS box type to
withstand these side effects.

b) Calculating the anchor metal mast on concrete post:

Anchoring is achieved by an annular metal plate welded onto the mast and fastened by sixteen
steel anchor rods distributed uniformly around the periphery of the plate. The anchor can be applied in
pure compression, pure tension or combined bending.

Figure III.16: Detail of anchoring and modeling.

To calculate the anchoring of metal mast on concrete post, we make the following assumptions:
Y Navier Hypothesis: plane sections remain plane after deformation.
Y is still in the elastic range for concrete (we must limit the permissible concrete stress) and steel.
Y is assumed that the pressure exerted on the concrete is constant over the width b of the ring and
for each angular sector of a ring, the resulting level is the average radius of the pole.
So we want to calculate the stress and bending moment that can be balanced by the anchor. To do
this we look for the recovery by compression of the concrete under the plate portion and the
recovery by the tension in anchoring rods.
An angular sector is defined.


R(cos - cos )

N b= 2 b b d = 2b

N b R = 2b

1 - cos

R 0 (1 - cos )



R d

1 - cos

Nb =

2b b0R 0
- cos )d =
1 - cos


VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.

2b R
1 - cos

[sin - cos

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


2b = R 1

1) Nb - cosb 0 0 (sin - cos

R(cos - cos )
M b= 2 b b0 R0d cos = 2b
R(1 - cos )
M b R = 2b


cos d

cos d
- 1 cos
- cos
- cos


R 0 (cos2 - cos cos )d = 2bb0R 0

Nb = 2b
1 - cos
1 - cos 0
cos sin
2) M
= 2bb0 0 2

1 - cos 2
1 - cos

+ sin 2 - cos sin


= i


(2i - 1)


<: the anchor rod is compressed.

When i > : the anchor rod is in tension.
N If = 2A S If

- cos
If =
1 - cos


N = N b +N If
i =1

M If = N If R 0cos


M = M b+ M


For each load case (action suits), known eccentricity (ratio of the bending moment and axial force), we
can find the position of the neutral axis and thus calculate the stresses that s' apply to the concrete and
the anchor rods.
To achieve this anchoring in good conditions, we must have 16 rods 30mm diameter.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


c) Metal sheet:



Figure III.17: sheet metal roof deck.

The ties are the main beams supporting failures.
They are made PRS variable inertia. They are supported on two longitudinal beams of the main frame.
They are a range of 17,5m between supports, a door overhang 2.5m backwards and forwards 10m.
These beams are working in pure bending span console + compression and bending in the central
They will have a variable height from 245 to 745mm and a width of 300mm. The core thickness is
15mm and 22.5mm thick soles.
The beams have a variable spacing as they intersect the interval between two poles in a number
whole of spans and the masts are not equidistant.
Failures based on the ties and support the metal tray.
They have variable ranges 6,47m to 5.10, due to the non uniform distribution of the poles and
They have a regular spacing of 2.5 m.
They are made of such trade profiles IPE 160, 180 or 200 depending on the scope.
The metal sheet is extensively triangulated in the longitudinal direction and in the transverse direction
by bracing tube trade (33,7mm hollow tube diameter, thickness 3.2).
These bracing provides greater rigidity to the metal sheet and help minimize buckling lengths of
compression members.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



Transverse beam
acting as a cross

Longitudinal beams
acting as failures

overhang 2.50m
17.50m span
overhang 10m

Figure III.18: detailed view of the metal sheet and description of items.

4. Modal analysis:

A modal analysis of the metal roof is carried out only with the Robot program to determine the
specific frequency and the vibration modes. The calculation was done for 200 normal modes, but we
see any calculation that only 182 would have been enough. After 182 modes, the frequency of 33Hz
is reached. This frequency is the limit which must generally be reached for a seismic calculation. Our
structure is not covered by such a calculation, but one can assume there is no need to analyze
higher vibration modes.
The results help to highlight several things. In 182 mode, almost all (99%) of the mass was at stake in
the x and y while only about 63% as z is mobilized. In addition, three natural modes of vibration
emerging from the analysis (see Appendix movements of the structure for the three vibration modes
Mode 2: 2,4Hz and 6.61% of the modal mass along z mobilized.
Mode 3: 2,62Hz and 66.83% of the modal mass along y mobilized.
Mode 21: 4,54Hz and 17.37% of the modal mass along x mobilized.

Note that the presence of tie-back braces can greatly reduce the pendulum effect that could occur
around the y axis (this is the mode 21). This pendulum effect is itself present around the x axis
(mode 3), all the roof tends to oscillate in the longitudinal direction.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure III.19: Summary table of the natural modes of vibration of the roof.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Complete building

1. Modeling :

To study the full structure, ie the metal roof and concrete grandstands, two models were made.
The first is to study the frames and to determine the forces being applied to them, taking into account
the interaction of the metal roof on the concrete structure at floor level VIP lounge and the ambulatory.
To do this, he was chosen to model the gantry by bars to get directly diagrams internal forces of beams
and columns component thereof. The other model is designed to perform a modal analysis of the entire
building in order to study its dynamic behavior. This study is actually an introduction to timing analysis
to be made later by specialized engineers Ingrop in Courbevoie. It shows whether the choice of doing
static structure are satisfactory dynamic perspective. The second model is much more faithful to reality.
Indeed all the structural elements that may have an effect on the dynamic behavior of the structure
must be considered, therefore, stairs, intermediate landings and all the sails were modeled as
accurately as possible.

a) Comparison of models:

Figure IV.1: Model 1.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure IV.2: Model 2.




Model 1
Model Bar
Sizing porticos
Simple model to achieve
Direct production diagrams
internal efforts
Possibility of achieving a modal
Simplifications of the geometry
and some elements of the
structure required
Model less faithful to reality
Number of nodes: 7548
Number of equations: 45055
Processing time: 2 hours
(static calculations only)

Model 2
Plate Model
Modal analysis
Accurate model to reality

Long and complex model to perform

Difficult to interpret the results of
the static study hard
Number of nodes: 38451
Number of equations: 230358
Computation time: 17h (statics
and modal analysis)

When creating the first model, many simplifications and approximations were necessary. Indeed it was
difficult to link such a veil over the edge of a pole as they are defined by their neutral axis. Some
devices, such as the introduction of two rigid arms to bond components or the use of compatible nodes
are nevertheless possible. However, in view of the desired results, these devices have emerged as
superfluous and would have resulted in burdening and complicating the model.
As against the second model, it was essential to model all components of the structure because the
expected results depended on the faithful as possible modeling.

b) Modeling steps:

In both models, the stands have not been modeled in the same way. Indeed, the first having to
determine the stresses in swing sets, the stands were modeled by a plate having the same weight. In
the latter, as one wishes to analyze the dynamic behavior, the stands were modeled by a plate made of
a fictitious material

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


(Of 15kN / m 3 density) to 40cm thick in order to match the inertia of the steps while maintaining the
same mass.

2. Results of the modal analysis:

Modal analysis of the entire building is carried out with the Robot program to determine the
specific frequencies and vibration modes. The calculation was done for 200 eigenmodes. After 200
of these modes, the frequency 18,32Hz is reached.
The results allow to highlight several things. In 200 mode, only 78.54% of the mass has been put into
play in the x and 75.40% along y, while only 26.80% as z
mobilized. Distorted obtained with the software are difficult to use. Indeed for the modes that appear
to be predominant, it is not clear whether the concrete structure does not move or if its
relative movements are low compared to those of the roof. The second hypothesis seemed the most
likely. Indeed, it should be noted that the weight of the total structure is 5457,1tonnes and the total
weight of the metal roof is 277,5tonnes, it represents 5.1% by weight
Grand total. It can therefore be interpreted as a first approximation that all normal modes which
involve more than 5.1% of the mass are modes that vibrate the concrete structure. However we
the concrete has eigenmodes of vibration that are less than 3Hz. Comparing own roof and those of
the entire building modes, you do get some correspondence
for a few, which is reassuring.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


Figure IV.3: Summary table of the natural modes of vibration of the entire building.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



In conclusion, we can say that at this stage of the project (preliminary design), the supporting
structure achieved for the work to be performed, seems satisfactory from a static and dynamic point of
view. Indeed, the metal roof and the shell have been streamlined and sleek and understanding of
functioning has become simple and readable. More than a financial point of view, the structure part fits
within the budget originally allocated: we can say that the contract on this lot is met. However it
appears that the concrete structure can be improved, especially when playing on the dimensions and
reinforcement of certain components of the gantries and posts supporting the metal masts.
The disappointing finding is the difficulty to exploit the results of the modal analysis of the entire
building: may be he would have been wise to perform a dynamic study of the gantry or concrete
structure in its entirety to determine modes and frequencies of vibration?
In view of the difficulties of using the standard NV65 and many adaptations necessary for determining
static wind effects on the structure, it became apparent that a dynamic study of the effect of the wind
was not feasible and that the results would had little meaning. That is why it would have been wise to
conduct a wind tunnel study, but given the cost, this approach has not been considered.
Modal analysis was performed on the structure as a whole is actually an introduction to timing analysis
to be made later by specialized engineers Ingrop in Courbevoie. They will have the opportunity to
have a first approach to the dynamic behavior of the structure.
This project graduation allowed me to build on the knowledge gained in the framework of engineering
education Civil Engineering from INSA Strasbourg and better integrated. However, in an economic and
professional reality, I had to adapt myself and make me more operational.
It is difficult and sometimes frustrating for a student engineer to realize that in a real project, it is not
easy to align the technical, aesthetic and financial aspects, as the last in our current society,
represents often the major leg of a construction issue.
Work between the structural engineer and architect, as was apprehended for this project, often helped
to transform structural difficulties in architectural asset.
From my analysis, it is therefore essential that the successful completion of a book is the result of
ongoing exchanges and work in close collaboration between them.
Moreover, during my graduation project, carried out in a professional setting, I was able to approach
such areas as human relationships even within the office and also between the different actors of the
project, reporting relationships and teamwork.
From a personal point of view, the proposed reconstruction of the grandstand Leo Lagrange stadium of
Besanon, was particularly motivating and rich in information on both the characteristics, originality and
uniqueness of such a work. Pleased to have contributed and participated is especially important that
participation in a project to build or rebuild a football stadium is rare in the career structure of a building
I had the chance to meet a tutor who was able to provide me a working methodology, theoretical and
technical skills and put them to use it wisely and more operationally.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.



CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building), April 2000 - DTU P 06-002 NV65 Rules - Rules
defining the effects of snow and wind on buildings and annexes, AFNOR (French Standards
Association): 142 pages.
CSTB, February 2000 - DTU P 18-702 Rules BAEL revised 99 91 - Rules technical design and costing,
and reinforced concrete buildings according to limit state method, AFNOR: 151 pages.
CSTB, October 1987 - DTU P 92-701 Calculation Rules FB - Prediction by calculating the fire behavior
of concrete structures, AFNOR: 41 pages.
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ITBTP (Technical Institute of Building and Construction) CTICM (Industrial Technology Center of Steel
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CPT 'floors' (Book of Common Technical Requirements processes floors), March 1985 - Part III (Part 1)
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Albiges M., A. COIN, 1969 - Applied Strength of Materials Volume I, Collection of the Technical
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RENAULT D., September 2003 to June 2004 - Structural Analysis. MARTZ F.,
January 2004 to June 2005 - Reinforced Concrete.
MARTZ F., SIEFFERT JG, September 2004 to June 2005 - Geotechnical / Soil Mechanics.

VERY Guillaume, INSA Strasbourg, Specialty Engineering, Project Report graduation.


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