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The Golden Honey Bee Farm in Bulacnin, Lipa City, Batangas is solely
owned and managed by Mr. Edgardo L. Del Rio. It started manufacturing its main
product, honey, in the year 1999.
Mr. Del Rio, a sole proprietor, is the one managing the business with the
help of his family. Hes the one who does all the work starting from obtaining the bee
colonies, managing it, and until the harvesting and packaging of the product while his
wife, Mrs. Lorna del Rio, is in charge of their financial decision-making. And because of
that, it strengthens the business management by having full control of it. If a problem
occurs, he could immediately recognize it. He and his wife know each and every aspect
of the business, thus, makes them able to give a quick resolution without having any
trouble.Also, they have a good personal relationship with their customers.
The main objective of their business is to be able to introduce their honey
in a nationwide scale. They try to achieve this by focusing on their products quality and
also by attending seminars and forums yearly regarding the production of honey. They
also commit with the local government and other honey bee farm owners in promoting
honey throughout the Philippines. At present, they are only a few steps away from
achieving this objective.

Philippines, like most of the countries in Asia, is an excellent place to grow and
raise agricultural products. Because of its tropical climate, crops and animals are
abundant in its nurtured land.
The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm in Bulacnin, Lipa City, Batangasis one of
the suppliers of Honey to Rose Pharmacy. Its 640 square meter farm consists of 250
bee boxes, at present, where the bee colonies work to make honey.
The business started operating in the year 1999. Mr. Del Rio came up with the
idea of putting up the bee farm when he and his wife saw a beehive located at the roof
in the corner of their house. Upon seeing it, they immediately asked a friend for an
advice whether to get rid of it or take care of it. Then, their friend told them that it would
bring them luck so they should rather take care of it. He took his friends advice and
bought 10 bee boxes to start his business until his bee farm grew and reached its 250
bee boxes, at present.
They are now focusing in promoting the production of pure honey in our country.
Along with that, they are also introducing the benefits pure honey could provide our
health. In addition, they are innovating and trying to put up new products for their
business. They want to bring the production of honey to a wider range of prospective
buyers increasing their target markets.
They try to achieve these by building new marketing strategies and researching
on the possible new products they could get from honey- among are soaps, lotions and

many other beauty products. They also do further study on honey production for quality
The business has been going on for almost 15 years now, the success of their
business was gained because they have a strong management. Its one of the strengths
of their business which became the major key in their success. Another one is the
quality of their product. It is the most recognizable among the other in their location and
another thing is that it is the only product registered and checked by the Department of
Science and Technology and the Department of Trade and Industry in their locality.
However, their site is in lack of market. This is the weakness evident in their business.
As for management issues, having a sole proprietorship type of business requires full
responsibility and accountability of the owner. In this situation, Mr. del Rio is the owner
as well as the manager. If something happens to him and he would be in need of
immediate leave, then the business would fall, for he is the only one who does almost
all of the work in his business.
Their business is now supplying Rose Pharmacy with Honey and that was
because of the opportunity they gained through their connections. Also, because they
are doing further advancement and research on their products they could gain more
markets. On the other hand, their site serves as a threat for them because of the
intense competition of the Honey production in their locality. Almost all of their neighbors
are also selling Honey.

Products and Services

One of the key factors in order to be successful in business world is in terms of
product and services offered to consumers. It may serve as a trademark that will
increase the number of customers who patronize the business you are in.
The Golden Honey Bee Farm manufactures their product, Honey, and sells them
in their retail store located at their site. They are also a distributor of Honey in Rose
Pharmacy.Some of the products they manufacture and offer besides Honey are the
Honey Vinegar and Beeswax.
Pure honey is good for you; it is healthy on many levels. It is good to consume. It
is a food which digests easily and naturally, this is because Pure Honey is composed



chemicals. Pure



Honey is









produced PureHoney contains the pollen of local flowers, ingesting the substance may
help lessen the effect of allergies. It also helps accustom the body to the local
Honey Vinegar is made use of its cleansing and disinfecting properties to selfdetoxifyones body. It is seen as a powerful cleansing agent and natural healing elixir
with naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria.
Bees need wax as construction material for their combs. They produce it in their
wax glands, which are fully developed in 12 to 18 days old workers. In older bees the
wax glands diminish their activity. However in emergency situations wax-synthesis can

be reactivated. Greatest quantities of wax are produced during the growth phase of bee
colonies, under moderate climate conditions during April to June.
In order to produce these products, the following manufacturing process must be

1. All Natural Production

Honey gets its start as flower nectar, which is collected by bees, naturally broken
down into simple sugars and stored in honeycombs. The unique design of the
honeycomb, coupled with constant fanning by the bees wings, causes evaporation to
take place, creating the thick, sweet liquid we know as honey. The color and flavor of
honey varies from hive to hive based on the type of flower nectar collected by the
2. Harvesting and Extracting
Beekeepers large and small harvest honey by collecting the honeycomb
frames and scraping off the wax cap that bees make to seal off honey in each cell.
Once the caps are removed, the frames are placed in an extractor a centrifuge
that spins the frames, forcing honey out of the comb. The honey is spun to the sides
of the extractor, where gravity pulls it to the bottom and it can be collected.
3. Straining and Bottling
After the honey is extracted, it is strained to remove any remaining pieces of wax
or other particles. Some beekeepers and bottlers might heat the honey to make it
easier to strain, but this does nothing to alter the liquids natural composition. It only
makes the straining process easier and more effective.
After straining, its time to bottle, label and distribute the honey to retail outlets.
Whether the container is glass or plastic, or purchased at the grocery store or
farmers market, if the ingredient label says pure honey, you can rest assured that
nothing was added, from bee to hive to bottle.


Honey Vinegar is specially blended and made from honey fermentation in which the
vinegar was obtained from pure honey. The utilization of pure bee honey for vinegar
production needed a fermentation process of about 6 months.
Beeswax is obtained from the honeycombs of bees, after the honey has been removed
by draining or centrifuging. The combs are melted with hot water, steam or solar heat;
the melted product is filtered and cast into cakes of yellow beeswax.

As their business is practically growing, they are now planning on new

advancements on their products. They are already conducting present research
regarding adding new line of products from honey. They plan on making or producing
beauty products from honey among are lotions, shampoos and soaps.

The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farms location is located at #424 Bulacnin,
4217Lipa City, Batangas.It is of 624 sqaure meters big and is next to the residence of
the Del Rios.
The farm consists of 250 bee boxes, a storage room for the bottles and it also
provides a lot of space for the plants - for the bees. They also have a good supply of
water and electricity to operate the farm. Their retail store is located just upfront of their
farm. Their place is just enough for all the things they need in manufacturing their
The main advantage about their location is that it is just along the highway and is
very accessible for the customers. There wouldnt be too much worry about searching
for their place and also the bumpy roads. However, their site is a far flung area. People
wouldnt be able to access it in the main city itself, thus their location is in lack of
market. Another disadvantage is the threat their competitors give. Almost all of their
neighbors are engaged in the same kind of business.

Business firms cannot operate by itself. It always needs the help and guidance of
its owner/s, in order to have a productive and successful establishment. Their
relationship with each other is mutual, where they are both get benefited from one
another. And if problem occurred, the two of them become affected.
The business serves as a product from the imaginative minds of the owner/s.
With this, the owner/s can catch the attention of the market and can implement the
business goals and objectives.
But, the most important is the persons who manage the business firms. The term
used is legal structure. It is defined as the formal guideline that establishes how a
business or how a business operates.
The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm is a family business owned and managed
by Mr. Edgardo Del Rio and his wife, Mrs. Lorna Del Rio. Having a type of sole
proprietor ownership, they have full authority and responsibility in their business. Being
a sole proprietor is a very difficult task to do. It is because you have to exert all your
effort and time in your business so that it will become profitable. The management also
of the business is limited to the capacity of the owner/s.
Despite of the obligations of a sole proprietor, there is a good benefit of it. The
most important is the fast decision-making. It is because only one person decides on
the entire business. No one is needed to blame if there is an occurrence of delay and
problems. Another is the flexibility of operations. You may do whatever you want to do
anytime without the any approval from the other people.

In their bee farm, Mr. Edgardo L. Del Rio is the General Manager, in which he is
the over-all concern in their business. He takes care for all the bee boxes, he prepares
and maintains the food solution for the bees, and he also harvests the honey from each
bee boxes manually.
Mr. Del Rios edges towards to his competitors are;first is he learned from his
experienced when he started his bee farm. Second, he used to do a trial-and-error tests
in able to know what is the best method to apply in his bees. In addition to that, Mr. Del
Rio studied on about how are the proper handlings and taking care of the bee hives.
The best ability of Mr. Del Rio is he was able to introduce the modification of honey in
the market.
But, in the field of financial, his wife, Mrs. Lorna M. Del Rio is in-charge. She
regulates the allocation of budget according to their bee farm needs. She does the
understanding of the units financial situation and not allowing unintended deficits to
occur. Mrs. Del Rios part is quite serious, because she needs to know if their business
is gaining profit or not.
Mrs. Lorna Del Rio is a teacher at Bulacnin Elementary School at Bulacnin, Lipa
City, Batangas. Regarding in her profession, she can be trusted by everyone and may
convinced some people about their products. With those things, she may help their
business to have excellent sales. In terms of her skill, Mrs. Del Rio is a very
approachable and sociable person. She can easily adjust on the different attitudes that
each person possess. And as a result, she can use it to provide a good relationship and
large scale of market.


PLANNING -The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm like other businesses also starts with
planning. Mr. Del Rio and his family decide that instead of removing the bee hive from
their house, they decide that business can be done and it may serve as their lucky
charm. Mr. Del Rio considers if this kind of business can be done in their place and how
can they do the business they want to start and when is the right time. The owner
established goals about the Golden Bee Farm so that it can be manage well. He plans
to gain more knowledge about bees in order to run their business well. And as their
business grows, they are also planning on adding new products produced from honey to
the market.
STAFFING - The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm do not recruit employees because the
owner, Mr. Del Rio, believes that he is be able to manage his business well and he was
really passionate about what his business is all about. Instead of recruiting workers, he
was training his daughters, guiding them and teaching them about how their family
business runs so that they can able work together and their business will continue to
CONTROLLING - In terms of controlling, Mr. Del Rio is the one who controls everything
about their Honey Bee farm and his families just help him in other areas. He makes sure
that the business goals are being carried out. He was responsible for everything so that
he meet the expectations of the costumers. He was the one who monitors their
business and guiding his family in reaching their business goals. The owner


communicates well with his family and costumers; he is willing to adjust things
according to changes.
ORGANIZING - Because the business is under Sole Proprietorship, Mr. Del Rio decides
what resources are needed in order to perform well their Bee farm. He decides where
the important things that they need like bottles will came from, where they will get a
good sources of bee box and many other things. He was doing his best so that their
resources was properly used in order not to delay producing products and meet
customer needs even though sometimes shortage of products happens because honey
was not easy to produced and right time of harvesting must be followed.
DIRECTING - Mr. Del Rio, even a sole proprietor, does not fail to recognize and
appreciate the potential of his family members. He provides motivations in order for their
business become successful. He himself set standards for their performance and willing
to learn more by communicating to other people who could help him. He was willing to
take new experiments, gaining new experience and learning in responds to changes.



Management is the most essential part of a business and in that section you may
know how a manager do his/her best for the attainment of organizational goals in an
effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling
organizational resources.
But, next to management is the marketing. It is the activity involved in moving
products from the manufacturers to the customers. Marketing is the creative part of a
business, because you have to think for the best strategies that are catchy and
appropriate to introduce the companys product to the market.
Any type of business organizations can have a marketing strategy as a means of
communication to the consumers . The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm is the evidence
for that. It is a bee farm that was established by Mr. Edgardo L. Del Rio. He occupied
his vacant lot by a number of bee boxes for his first trial in producing honey. Like the
other business in the beginning, he experienced a net loss but he learned from his
failures and he was able to overcome with it.
As years passed by, Mr. Del Rio established his own business store in front of his
bee farm. It is named as Golden Clover. It is a simple, organized and well-ventilated
store. The Golden Clover plays a significant role in their bee farm, because in their store
you can buy their by-products at different sizes. Those are the honey cider, beeswax
and their best-seller pure honey.


Mr. Del Rio said that the Golden Clover once distributed a bulk order of pure
honey at Rose Pharmacy. His daughter, who is a Pharmacist, serves as their broker.
The Rose Pharmacy used the pure honey as additional ingredients in their medicines.
In addition to that, Mr. Del Rio also stated that they also distributed pure honey in
Mindoro, Zambales, Cubao, and Mindanao and even in Shangri-la. But, their deal last in
a short period of time because Mr. Del Rio had a hard time in managing the business
In business, the owner/s also consider their packaging. It is because the physical
appearance of a product can contribute to promote better sales in the marketing.
The Golden Clover used a glass bottle as the type of their packaging. It is
because the glass bottle has the characteristics that are suitable for their products: 1.)
frequently used for preserved foods, 2.) easy to use, 3.) very convenient to find, and 4.)
can recycled over and over again.
Mr. Del Rio said that he has a supplier for the glass bottles, in which he buys in a
bulk so that he can have a discount. As part of the quality control in their business, Mr.
Del Rio sterilized first the glass bottles to avoid the contaminants. He also used a seal
to secure that there is no moisture in the glass bottle. It is because it may affect the pure
honey and the honey cider. In addition to that, the glass bottles that they used have a
sticker which serves as the product label. It contains the manufacturer, where it is
manufactured and a contact number; the name of their store; their Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) No. and accredited by Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) and the purpose of the pure honey.


To have a competitive and right pricing in every product takes some

considerations, so that you will know if you get the capital that you invested and gain a
profit from it. Mr. Edgardo L. Del Rio set prices in their pure honey and honey vinegar
products according to the different sizes of the glass bottles. But, the beeswax is selling
As of now, the Golden Clover has a stock of pure honey in two sizes of glass
bottles. The smaller UFC glass bottle is Php160 and the bigger UFC glass bottle costs
Php320. Despite of the limited stocks, Mr. Del Rio said that they can also produce a
pure honey with a price ranging to Php440-Php1250.
Regarding with the availability of the products, the Golden Clover also have a
honey cider or honey vinegar. Their cheapest and smallest UFC glass bottle is Php40.
The smaller UFC glass bottle is Php70. The bigger size of bottle is Php90 and their
long-neck size glass bottle is Php100.
According to Mr. Del Rio, the basis of the prices is the quality of their products.
He is also confident that their customers agreed with it because they have stable sales.
Aside from it, the pure honey and honey cider meet the competitive value in the market.
A name is a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a
person or thing. It is very applicable in any aspects, and one of these is in the business.
But, it has a different term when you are in business world.
The identity in business is called as brand. It is a name, term, sign, symbol or
design or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one
seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers. The brand


resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients and prospects. It is the sum
total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence and some
that you cannot.
Mr. Del Rios basis of their brands name came from the environment of their bee
farm. Their place is surrounded by various tree plants and herbs which is clover. It
means low leguminous herbs having trifoliolate leaves and flowers in dense heads and
including many that are valuable for forage and attractive to bees. Mr. Del Rio taught
that clovers are their luck in the farm, so he decided to use it. Prior to that, in able to
continue their fortune not only in their bee farm but also in their business, Mr. Del Rio
includes the golden. And the brands name Golden Clover is named.
The use of an image adds attraction to their products. Mr. Del Rio used a picture
of a happy bee and a spoon of a golden pure honey. The image gives a relevance
towards to their products and sends a message with the consumers, in which it one of
the objectives of having a brand.
Communication in business is a good way to advertise the products to the
market. As a result, many of the businessmen try to meet and build a good relationship
with their colleagues that that may help them in times of need. The Golden Clover
established good relationship in other business owners who have also a right
knowledge about bees. Mr. Del Rio once coordinated in other bee farm in Cavite. He
also attends some seminars in private or even in public agencies in order to gain more
information and also for competitive advantage.


In starting a business, knowing how to obtain and maintain your financial
resources is a must. You cannot start a business without taking financial risks at first. To
make it short it takes money to get a business going
Like other businesses, The Golden Honey Bee Farm also starts with borrowed
money from their friends, neighbors, and other relatives so that they can start their
business well.
Mr. Del Rio first determines how much costs it will take to start his Agribusiness
and information to start a Bee Farm.Bees are the primary needs in order to produce
products out of honey so the owner decides to buy a Bee box from a good source. Each
bee colony cost 2000 and thus, 20,000 is the sum of the borrowed money, Mr. Del Rio
started to take care of 10 Bee box.
Because Bees dont cost too much on other things, the owner didnt much worry
about other expenses that the business will cost like electricity, water, and etc. The
expenses in the production products in Honey Bee Farm are only in the process of
packaging these products, the expenses cost by the bottles itself, sealed bottle lid and
printing of the business logo. Those things also serve as an asset to their business.
After selling those produced products, as the time goes by, they earn their capital
and paid back the money they borrowed. From their profit, Mr. Del Rio buys more Bee
Box to increase production. The owner makes sure that the money is properly used in
order to keep the business going and to avoid financial problems.


After 15 years of producing quality products The Golden Clover Honey Bee Farm
continues to grow as an Agribusiness and is earning more than enough profitability.
They have definitely break-evened all their investments.

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