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Been observased at outcrop and in float. The limestone tend to be least disturbed.

Deformation is strongest in geumpang formation,but its not clear how much of this
can be attributed of the geumpang line.
The timing of the deformation and accompanying mainlylow grade regional
metamorphism is uncertain, but the emplacement ages of associated plutonic rocks
in central Sumatra, suggest the this climaxed in the late creataceous. Insufficient
data are avelaiabe to explain the semi-annular outcroup of the tenunon limestone
formation around the sikuleh batholith : this may be related to the syntectonic
emplacement of the batholith or, alternatively to the priorexistence of a sizeable
resistant pluton which could have shielded the limestone from more severe regional

Tertiary deformation
Tertiary structures are essentially simple and distruption related to middle to late
Miocene. Magmatic events are present in the coastal zone. Fold axes tend to parallel
the margins of the sikuleh batolith. Movement and uplift predated the plio
pistocenentutut formation which has not, apart ffrom slight differential uplift, been
significantly disturbed. Further minor uplift followed the deposition of the meulaboh
The fractures pattern is dominated by differential movement around the sikuleh
batholith, which created a near complete sea of bounding ringfaults. Fault sets
trending NE ke ENE and NW to NNW predominate faults on the former trend also
cut the batholith and in kr.sabe are associated with an apparent 1.5 KM simistral
offset of the teunom limestone formation between the ridge culminating in G.Sawa
alengoh ( 7937) and that of g.ujuen
The often pronounced tertiary deformation found elsewhere in northern sumata did
not occur here, not only because the siklueh batholith had a range of the barisans
tended to act throughout the tertiary as a stable epeirogenetic block
The geumpang line, here lying to the NE of the sikuleh batholith, conist of a series of
southwesterly directed overthrusts involving the geumpang formation and tangse
serpentinite. Probably related thrusts in the the kr.sikuleh geumpang watershed
involve the tenoum limestone and kueh formations. Data from the banda aceh,
melaboh dan tapaktuan quadrangles suggest that the thrusts represent the surface
expression of a much steeper zone of thrusting along which substantial lateral
movement has also taken place. This was the resultof north westward translation of
the coastal ranges relative to the block to the east and is essentially a continuation
of the late Mesozoic tectonic event during which a marginal basin, the woyla group

was deposited,was destroyed . the geumpang line appears to the underground

maximum movement at about the beginning of the Pliocene

Major faulting
To the the NE of the geumpang thrusts is the banda aceh anu fault. This is a
segement of the samatra faukt system, a major compound zone of dextral
transcurrent faulting which azially bixects Sumatra. The banda aceh anu segment
appears to be normal fault with considerable vertical throw to the NE : Dextral
drainage offsets ( up to 0,5 KM ) also indicated minorlateral movement at . evicence
from the banda aceh area suggest that the present, topographically prominent, fault
line is Pleistocene age : it reactivated line of earlier dextral faulting.

Summary of geological history

The following, tentative, summary is based on a combination of result from the
present project and data avalaiable in the litelature
Until the presence of pre-late Mesozoic rocks in this quadrangle can be confirmed,
attempts to reconstruct the the history of this period can only be speculative. The
older complex of the sikueh complex of the sikuleh batholith may have been formed
at this time.
In the kate Mesozoic, however, the area is known to thae lain astraide a mobile belt.
Region paleontological data indicated that be the volcano sedimentary woyla
group was laid down between the late the late jurrasic and early cretaceous, te
distribution and tye of lithologies suggest a perially subareal isand arc- fringing reef
encvirontment. The extensive outcrop of the tenoum limeston formation implie
carbonate sedimentation was dominat over much of quandrangle.
The area mapped as geumpang fornmation also appears to contain older rocks,
including representatives of an ophiolite generated probably by back arc rifting at
perhaps he jurrasic cretaceous boundary and emplaced n the in the the late
mesozic, the same ophiolite is further represented by tectonicies harzburgites
within the tangse serpentine, which are interpreted as relic mantle tectoniites ( the
serpentine itself was derived b by remobilization of the late Mesozoic ohiolite and
was emplaced in the tertiary ) ophiolitic rocks of the same age occur more
extensively in the woyla group in the banda aceh and meulaboh quandranle

A major break ensued before the onset of the before the onset of tertiary
sedimentation, during it, the back arc basin generated by by rifting was destroyed,

with, with accompanying tectonism and the younger complaex emplaced. A marine
transgression between the late late Oligocene and early the Miocene ushered in
tertiary sedimentation and the fluviatile to paralic tangla tangla formation was
defosited in the in the area of the present coastline. A line of vulcanoes is believed
to have existed, because of a abundant volcanic debris and especially in the SE of
the outcroup, volcanic rocks, within this formation. Part of this line may have lain
across the SW sector of the sikuleh batholith, which is cut by many felsic and mafic
dykes and plugs
The sikuleh batholith itself was being unroofed by this time and early feldspathic
debris from it was incorporated into the ligan member in the NW. offshore,
sedimentation started slightly earlier and laid down turbidittic sandstone and shale
onto the basement

A second transgression occurred in the earlier to middle Miocene, probably affecting

only the west of the area. Onshore, the first sediments deposited were proximal
fluviatile conglometarte and breccias, the envirotnment changed gradually eith
continuing transgression, through paralic to open marine inner sublittoral nad the
sediment became correspondingly finer, changing from arkosic grifts to calcareous
siltstone, sandstone and limestone. Offshore, transgressive marine sediment were
also deposite, beginning in the early marine sediment were deposited, beginningin
the early Miocene and continuing into the late Miocene calang volcanic formation.
Lava were mainly intermediet in composition, through basalts were erupted in the
tenuom area. Porpyritic microdioritic minor intrusives and north of lhokruet small
stocks of dioritic composition (the uga diorites) were) were intruced in the later
stages of vulcanicity

The calang volcanic formation, together with the uga diorites and the tangla
formation volcanics, lie in an anomalous position, well to the the trench side of the
main volcanism magmatic arc, rather similar tertiary volcanics, in a similary
anomalous postion, outcroup futher south along the west coast just north of natal.
Suggested that this anomalous volcanism may have have been triggered by a
trench trench ridge triple junction migrating northwestwards along the tertiary
Regional uplift, together with minor deformation in the coastal zone, either followed
or accompanied this Miocene magmatic cycly. Uplift, greast in the NE, was probably
realted to overthrusting and transcurrent movement along the geumpang line at
about the beginning of the Pliocene : these movements led to the the emplacement
of the tanges serpentine with its relic late Mesozoic opholitic rocks

Sedimentation continued in the the plio plistocenen, yileds reef limestone offshore
and several hundred metres of fluvialtil to paralic conglomerates beds ons-hore in
the SE of the area ; all these beds are assigned to the tutut formation, in the
Pleistocene, basalat dykes were emplaced, probably associated with regional
differential uplift and faulting. The present banda aceh-anu segment of the SFS
formed at this time as a major, essentially normal, faulting throwning to the NE.

The meulaboh formation and other extensive superficial deposited in the the
tenuom mouth area were probably formed during a short lived Pleistocene marine
transgression. Active. Active progradation, assotiated with continuing uplift of the
the interior regions, is taking place at the present time, the banda aceh-anu fault
remains seismically active..

Economic geology
No metallic deposits of economic significance have been located during the present
survey. However economic interest is warranted in the northern section of the
sikuleh batholith, where regional drainange geochemistry indicats enchanced tin
value and locally high copper values and where amax international have located
molybdenite associated with late acid intrusives . the batholith is thus a a
prospective host to base metal mineralitation. The gle seuekm complex which
further to the north west, contains the tangla cu-mo prospectis also worthy of

Specific known mineral occurences are detailed in table 5 and located.

Metallic minerals
Sulphide mineralization in the form of disseminated or blebby pyrite is widely
distributed, ussualy in limited amounts in a viriates of lithologies and geological
situation. Its reported form the pre-tertiary basalts of the geumpang formation, from
silicified contac zones within the sikueh batholith and in and adjacent to intrusive
stocks in the northwest. Mafic dykesin the vicinity of calang and in the southern part
of the sikuleh batholith are also pyritic and locally contain pyyrhotite
Pyritised conglomerates are known fromm the woyla group and pyrite is abundant
in mafic volcanic float derived from the roof of the sikuleh batholith

The manganese bearing pyritic ore body reported from kr.ligan was not located
during the present survey, its probably a contact metamorphic deposit and ist said
to consist essentially of hematite, pyrite and pyrolusite. The mineralized zone was
estimed to be 700m long 8-17 m wide
Haematilte and magnetite are found in skarns associated with mafic dykes at
locatities and inor locaties are not recorded individually od fig 1 but they are
describe in detail in the various geological subarea reports

Gold deposite of plaer gold are recorded from many of the river sands in this are,
see locaties , in all cases the gold content is reported to be low and irregular of
posibble greater, through untested, potensial are the tutut formation and the uplift
older terrace gravels in the south east. These deposite are known to be auriferous
further east

Pyrolusite is recorded from babah loh

In the sikuleh batholith recent investigation by amax international has discovered
an area of porphyrite-type mineralitation

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