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Gramatica limbii engleze cu exercitii

Prezentul Perfect Continuu

Present Perfect Continuous

I (Ive) have been painting
You have been painting
She/he has been painting
We have been painting
You have been painting
They have been painting
Have I been painting?
Have you been painting?
Has she/he been painting?
Have we been painting?
Have you been painting?
Have they been painting?
I have not been painting
You have not painting
She/he has not painting
We have not painting
You have not painting
They have not painting
Verbul auxiliar be la Present Perfect + forma ing (participiu prezent) a verbului de conjugat
Mod de formare
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
I have been waiting for your reply since yesterday.
Have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + been + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Have I been waiting for your reply since yesterday?
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + not + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile haven't (have + not) si hasn't (has + not)
I haven't been waiting for your reply since yesterday.

Se foloseste pentru:
- exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua in prezent.
Shes been crying for hours.
Plange de ore in sir
- exprima o actiune trecuta al carei rezultat este vizibil in prezent
Its been raining.
A pouat.

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Continuu:

You have been living in Paris since 1996.
They have been watching TV for 3 hours.
so far
So far, there have been arriving 10 passengers from London.
Have you ever been listening to the radio?
I have never been travelling to France until now.
I. Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul Prezentul Perfect Continuu, ca in exemplul de mai
I (travel) abroad for 2 weeks.
I have been travelling abroad for 2 weeks.
1. He (write) poems since 1997.
2. The children (draw) this map for half an hour.
3. The pupil (recite) the poem for ten minutes.
4. I (study) English for 4 years.
5. Sarah (do) her homework for 2 hours.
II. Completeaza spatiile goale cu "FOR" si "SINCE". Pune verbele din paranteza la Prezentul
Perfect Continuu:
Helen (study) English .......... last summer.
Heleng has been studying English since last summer.
1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.
2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.
3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.

4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.

5. It (rain) .......... morning.
I. Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul Prezentul Perfect Continuu:
1. He has been writing poems since 1997.
2. The children have been drawing this map for half an hour.
3. The pupil has been reciting the poem for ten minutes.
4. I have been studying English for 4 years.
5. Sarah has been doing her homework for 2 hours.
II. Completeaza spatiile goale cu "FOR" si "SINCE". Pune verbele din paranteza la Prezentul
Perfect Continuu:
1. We have been talking about that horrible accident for half an hour.
2. She has been cooking a chicken soup for 1 hour.
3. They have been phoning the manager for the last five minutes.
4. Mary has been living in Manhattan since June 1998.
5. It has been raining since morning.

capitolul 17: Past Perfect

capitolul 15: Present Perfect Simple (Prezentul Perfect Simplu)

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