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Pflvate Inlernatona Law (Law 1 12)

Un vers

ty"ofthe phi ppines College of Law

2 " Semesier t\y 2012-2A13

Professor Elizabeth Agui ing-panga angan,



l. Scope of Conflicts of Law: Nature, Definition and tmportance
A. Diversity of Laws, Cusioms and Pract ces
B Defn.ton

Object, Function and Scope

ll. A Brief History and Development of Conflicts of Law

A. Roman Law Of gin
B. l\,4odern Developments

lll. Souces of Conflics of Laws

A. Codes and Statuies
B. Trealies and International Conventions

C Treatises, Commentarles and Studies of Learned Socteties

D Judicial Decisions
pARr 2: luBtsDl(It orIt\ND


lV. Jurisdiction
Basis of Exercise of Judicial Jurrsdiction
T. Jurisdiction Over the Person
2 Jurisd clion Over the Res
3 Jur sdiction Over the Subject tVatter

B. Ways ofDea ing with a Conflicls Prob em

1. Dsmiss the Case
Docline af Farum Non Conveniens
2. Assume Jurisd clion

V. Choice of Law
A. The Corre at on between JLrrisd ction and Chotce of Law
8. Approaches to Choice of Law

Tfsditional Approaches

2. I\4odern Approaches
VI. The Problem of Characterization
Characterization and the Single Aspect I\,4ethod
1 Subject Mattef Characterzation
2 Substance-pfocedure Dichotomy
Statute of Frauds
Statutes of limitat@ns and barrawitlg statutes
LWV Construction vs Dupo, G.R. No. 172342, 13 Juty 2009

B. Depecage

Vll. The Problem of Renvoi

A. Definilion
B Various Ways of Dealing with the Problem oi Renvoi
C Usefulness oi Renvoi: to avord unjust resulls

Vlll. Notice and Proof of Foreign Law

A. Extent of Judicial Notice
B. Proof of Foreign Law
C. Exceptions to ihe Appllcation of Foreign Law



LAW N'v rq'

lX. Nationality

A. lmportance of a Personal Law

B. Determinallon of Nat onality
1. Natural Bofn Citizens


Tecson vs. Commission on Etections, cR 151434,3 ft4arch 2004

2. C iizens by Naturalization
C. Procedure for Natu|alization

D Loss oi Phil. Citizenship

E Problems in App yrng the Nationality

Pr nciptes

1. Dualor N4ultiple Ciizenship


Mercado vs lllianzano, G.R. No. 135083, 26 May 1999

2. Stalelessness

X. Domicile


B. A,4efrts and Denrerits of Domicile

C. ceneral Rules on Domicie

D. Kinds of Domicile

Xl. Principles on Personal Status and Capacity

A. Definition
B. Leg slative Jurisd ction Distinguished fronr Judicial Jurisd cton
C Beginn ng and End of Persona ity

D Absence
E. Name
F. Age of l\4alority

G. Capacity

Z\BT 4.!lQlqE oF LAW pRosLE^/lS

Xll. Choice of Law in Family Relations
A. Mafliage
1 Philjpplne Po icy on Mariage and the Family
2. Extrlnsic Valid ty
3. Intrinsic Validity

4. Effects of Marr age


Perconal Relations beiween Spouses

Propefty Re at ons of Spouses
B. Divorce and Separation
1. Divorce Decrees Obtained by FLlipinos


Republic vs Ofbecido, c.R. No. 154380,5 Ocrober 2005

San Luis vs San Luis, c.R. No. 133743, February 6,2007
tsayot vs CA, G.R. No. 155635 & G.R. No. 163979, 7 Novembef 2008
Corpuz vs Sto. Tomas, c.R. No. 186571, 11 ALrgust 2010
2. Foreign Drvorce Between Foretgners

C Annulment and Declarat on of Nullity

D. Parenral Retal,ons
1. Determinatron of Legliimacy of a Chid
2 Corn_on Law Pr 1c plec o- -egit,ma.),
3 Paf-.ntal Authority over the chi d
E. Adopton


Xlll. Choice of Law in Property

A. The Controllng Law
B. Capacity to Transfer or Acquire Property
C Extrinsic and Intrinsrc Valrdity of Conveyances

Spouses Alcantara vs Nido, G.R. No. 165133, t9 Aprii 2010
D. Exceptions to Lex Situs

E Situs ofCe{ain Propedies

1. PersonalProperty ior Tax purposes

3. Debts
4. Corporale Shares of Stocks
Patents, Trademarks Trade Name and Copyrighl

XlV. Choice of Law in Contracts

A. Contracts involving a fofeign e ement
B. Exirinsic validity of conlracts
C. Intrinstc Va id ty of Contracts
1. Lex Loci Contractus (where the contract was made)

Lex Loci Soluiionis

3. Lex Loc lntentonla
D. Capacity to Enler nto Contracts
E. Choice of Law lssues in Conflicts Contracts Cases
1 Cho ce offorum clause
2. Contracts with arbltration clause
a Internationa Cornmercia arbitration- CLASS REpORT

Korea Technologies vs Lerme, G.R. No. 143s81,

7 January 2008.

3. Adhes on contracts
4. Special contracts
Carriage of goads by sea
Contracts for internalrcnal tra nspaftatrcn (Warsaw Convention)


Philippine Airlines vs Savillo, c.R. No. 149547, 4 Juty 2008

'171092, '15 ftlarclr 2010

Lhuillier vs British Airways, G R. No

F The applrcable law

in the absence of an effect ve cho ce (Feb 14)

G. Limitations to choice



XV. Choice ot Law in Wills, Succession and Administration of Estates

A Extrinsrc Validity of W lls
B. Intrinsic Validity
C Interpretation of Wills
D. Revocation
E. Probate
F. Administration of Estates
G. Trusts

XVl, Choice of Law in Torts and crlmes

A. PolLcies behlnd conf icis tort law
B. Lex Laci Delicti cammisst
C. Modern Theoties on Foreign Tort Liab lil,
1. The Most Signiflcant Relat onsh P

2. Interest Analysrs
3. Caver's Principle of Preference
Forelgn Tort
T. Condtions for ihe Enforcement ofTori Clalms
2 Pfoduc{s Liability of the Foreign l\,4anufactuler
3 The Alien Torl Act
4. Philippine Rule on Foreign Torts

E. Distinguishing between torts and cr mes

Lex Loci Delicti

XVll. Choice of Law Affecting Corporations and Other Juridical Entities

1. Personal law ol a corporaton
2. Exceptions to the rule of incorporaUon test
a. Constitutlona and statutory restriclions
b Control test our ng war
3. Domicile or residence of foreign corporat ons
4. Jurlsdiction over foreign cofporations
5 Right oi Fore gn Corpolations to bling s!it
Aboitiz Shipping vs Insurance Co ol North Arnerica, G R No 168402' 6 August


Cargill, Inc. vs Intra Sttata Assurance Co, G R No 158266 15 lllarch 2010

6. Except ons to the Llcense requlrement
a. lsolated Transactions
b. Action to protect trademark, trade name goodwil patent of for unfair competition
c Agreements fully iransacted ouls de the Phi lppines
d. P;ilt on fi ed is mere y a cofollary defense in a suil against it
7. Defniton and scope oftransactlng buslness

Special corpofattons

C. Partnetships



XVlll. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

A Dlstinction between recognition and enforcement
B. Bases of recognition and enforcement of foreign ludgments
C Policies underlylng recogniion and enforcement
D. Requ s tes fot recognit on ot enforcemenl
1 The fore gn judgment was rendered by a judicial or quasi-ludic al tribunat which has lufisdtction
over tfre partres and ihe case in the properlLrdicia proceedings
St. Aviation Services vs Grand lniernationat Aifways, G.R. No. 140288, 23 October 2006
2. The judgment must be valid under the iaws of the court that rendered it
3 Thejudgment must be final and executory to constitute resirdlcata
4. The state where the foreign judgnient was obtained altows recogn tion or enforcenent ol

Phi jppine judgmenls

5. The judgment must be for a fixed sum of rnoney
6. The foreign judgment must not be contrary to the pubtic polcy or good morats of the country
where it is to be enforced
7. The j!dgment must not have been obtained by flaud. co]lusion mistake of facl of of law
E. Grounds {of non-recogn tion
Sps. Belen '/s Hon. Chavez, G.R. No. 175334,26 March

F Modefn developments


n enforcement of foreign judgments

G. Procedure for Enforcement

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