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September 2013-May 2015

First name: __________________

Last name: __________________

Reading comprehension

1. Read the text

2. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
3. Write your answer to the task in the spaces provided

Turn over to read the text

I Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense and voice:
1 He __________________ since ten o'clock. It's time to wake him up. (to sleep)
2 It ________________ very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer. (to be)
3 Did you remember to book seats?- Oh no, I forgot. I _________________ for them right now. (to
4 When we arrived at the airport, we suddenly realised that we _________________ one of the
suitcases in the taxi. (to leave)
5 I've just enrolled at the local technical college. I ________________ pottery classes next winter. (to
6 Hardly anyone ____________ a hat nowdays. (to wear)
7 It ________________that house prices will continue to go up in the next five years. (to think)
8 As she ________________ the ladder it slipped sideways and she fell off it. (to climb)
9 My sister _________________________ my things without asking for permission first. (to take,
10 Who ______________at the concert last weekend? (to play)

II Turn the following active sentences into passive voice:

1. Someone will serve the refreshments.
2. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice.
3. People are spending far more money on food now then ten years ago.
4. The mob broke all the shop windows in recent riots.
5. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan?

III Complete these sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets (conditional

1. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which one ______________ (you, to
2. You'll get pneumonia if you _______________ (not to change) your wet clothes.
3. I _______________ (not to buy) things on the instalment system if I were you.
4. I wouldn't have taken your umbrella if I _________________ (to know) that it was the
only one you had.
5. If you heat ice, it _______________ (to melt).
6. I __________________ (to vote) for her if I had had a vote then.

IV Complete these sentences with infinitive or gerund form of the verb in brackets:

1. I didn't feel like ____________ (to work) so I suggested ______________ (to spend) the
day in the garden.
2. I didn't mean ___________ (to offend) anyone but somehow I succeeded in
_____________ (to annoy) them all.
3. Do you feel like ___________ (to go) to a film or would you rather ____________ (to stay)
at home?
4. Did you remember ______________ (to lock) the door?
5. He decided _____________ (to put) broken glass on top of his wall __________(to
prevent) boys ___________ (to climb) over it.
V Put the following sentences into the indirect speech:

1.I've been to London for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower, said
2. It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday, I remarked.
3. We've been here for two and a half years, said the man who had spoken first, and
we're going to stay another six months.
4. I am going out now, but I'll be in by nine, she replied.
5. When was the timetable changed? I asked.
6. Are you interested in acting? asked Ann.
7. Don't argue with me, the teacher said to the boy.

VI Write the missing forms of the irregular verbs:


Past simple

VII Write the plural forms of the given nouns:


wife - _______________
information - ____________________
family - __________________
theatre play - ______________________
tomato - _____________________
furniture - __________________

Past participle

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