The Safar Letter

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The afar Letter

Remind them of the Days

Days of God.
God. (Qurn 14:5)
This is an excerpt taken from Kanz Al-Naj Wa as-Surr, a book that focuses on the special qualities of
each month and what devotional acts are recommended during those particular months and days.
Please note that these recommended acts for the month of afar have been suggested by many
righteous scholars and people of insight and have proved beneficial to many over the centuries.

Many righteous people (alin) state that Allh sends down the trials and tribulations that will occur
throughout the year on the last Wednesday of the month of afar. These trials and tribulations are
spread out accordingly and apportioned to specific people. It has been recommended to make certain
supplications (du) and perform certain devotional acts seeking Gods mercy and gentleness during
this time to avoid being apportioned any trial or tribulation.

What to do on the last Wednesday of afar:

Pray 4 rak
rakah (other than an obligatory/far prayer):
o In each rakah recite the Ftia, followed by
o Surat Al-Kawthar (Chapter 108) 17 times,
times then
o Surat Al-Ikhl (Qul Huwa Allhu Aad - Chapter 112) 5 times,
times then
o Surat Al-Falaq (Chapter 113) once,
once and finally
o Surat Al-Ns (Chapter 114) once.
o Repeat this in each of the four rak
rakah (prayer units).

After saying the salm after the 4th rakah, this du should be recited:




The Transliteration:
Bismillh Ar-Ramn Ar-Ram, wa alla Allhu tala ala Sayyidin Muammadin wa ala lihi wa abihi wa
sallim. {Allhumma} y shadd al-quw, wa y shadd al-mil, y azzu dhallat li izzatika jam khalqik; ikfin
min jam khalqik, y musin, y mujammil, y mutafail, y munim, y mukrim - y man la ilha ill anta, bi
Ramatika y aram ar-Rimn. {Allahuma} bi sirri Al-asani wa akhh, wa Jaddihi wa abh, ikfin sharra hadh
al-youm wa m yanzilu fh, y kf. Fa
Fa sa yakf
kfkahumu All
llhu wa Huwa AsAs-Sam
Sam ulul-Al
Alm}. Wa asbuna Allhu
wa nam al wakl, wa l awla wa l quwwata ill billh Al-Al, Al-Am. Wa alla Allhu tala ala Sayyidina
Muammad wa ala lihi wa abihi wa sallim.

The Translation:
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May the peace and mercy of God the Exalted be upon
our Master Muammad, and upon his Family and Companions. O God: the One of intense power, the
One of intense perspicacity! O Glorious One, Your entire creation is humbled before Your might
protect me from Your entire creation, O Charitable One, O Beautifier, O Gracious One, O Giver of
Blessing, O Generous One - there is no god except You, we ask Your Mercy, O Most Merciful! {O God} by
the secret [blessing you have given] Al-asan and his brother [usayn], his grandfather s, his father
[Al ibn Ab lib, g] - protect us from the evil of this day and from what descends on this day, O
Sufficient Protector! God will protect you from them: He is the All Hearing,
Hearing, the All Knowing.
g. (2:137)
God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, and there is no might or power except
Gods, the Exalted, the Mighty. And may the peace and mercy of God be upon our Master Muammad,
his Family, and Companions.
Also, it is highly recommended to read Surat Y
Y-Sn (Chapter 36) on that day, and when reaching the


Salmun qawlan min Rabbin Ram
Ram  (36:58) to repeat that verse 313 times

o After finishing the Surah, read the following du:

)( .

{Allhumma} alli ala Sayyidina Muammadin altan tunjn bih min jam al-awli wa al-ft, wa
taq lana bih jam al-jt, wa tuahhirun bih min jam as-sayyt, wa tarfaun bih al addarajt, wa tubalighun bih aqs al-ghyt, min jam al-khayrt, fi al-ayti wa bad al mamt.
{Allahuma} irif ann sharra m yanzilu min as-sam wa m yakhruju min al-ar, innaka al kulli
shayyin qadr. Wa alla Allhu tala al Sayyidina Muammadin wa al lihi wa abihi wa sallim.
O God, send mercy upon our Master Muammad, a [prayer of] mercy with which You save us
from all threats and calamities, and by it You fulfill all our needs, and You purify us from the
entirety of our sins, and You raise us by it to the highest levels, and You allow us to reach our
greatest aspirations, in this life and after death. O God, avert from us the evil that descends
from the heavens, and from [the evil] that comes from the earth - indeed, You are in power
over all things. And may God send His Mercy upon our Master Muammad, his Family, and
Finally, it is recommended to make du for ones spiritual needs as well as ones worldly
needs, and then ask God for protection and good health.

Translation: Peace,
Peace, a word from a merciful Lord.
Lord. (Qurn 36:58).

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