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Quiz 3: Managing AD Domain Services


Question no 1
Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

in theIGDLAbest practices, which Security Group should be given access to resources?

Domain Local

Question no 2
Morethanasinglechoicemaybecorrectfromthechoiceslisted +10

Which statements about Security and Distribution group are correct?

Security Group can be used to assign permission
Distribution Group can be used to assign permission
Security Group can be used to distribute email
Distribution Group can be used to distribute email

Question no 3
Morethanasinglechoicemaybecorrectfromthechoiceslisted +10

Which statements are TRUE about OU and AD Container

AD Container can be used to apply Group Policy
OU can be used to apply Group Policy
You can create an OU inside an OU
You can create an OU inside a Container

Question no 4
Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

You can delegate control of OU and AD Container


Question no 5

Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

When you open properties of an User account in AD User and Computer management tools, you could
not see Security Tab. Why
You don't have the permission to view Security Tab
You did not enable View Advanced Features
User Account Object does not have Security Tab
User Account object Security tab was disable

Question no 6
Morethanasinglechoicemaybecorrectfromthechoiceslisted +10

What are TRUE statements about AD DS permission if there are any conflicting permission.
Deny permissions override Allow permissions
Explicit permissions override Inherited permissions
Explicit Allow overrides Inherited Deny
User Permission overrides Group Permission

Question no 7
Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

What is the name of TAB that can help to show effective permission of a user against certain AD object
Effective Permission
Effective Access
Resultant Set of Policy
Access Summary

Question no 8
Morethanasinglechoicemaybecorrectfromthechoiceslisted +10

OUs are used to (choose 2):

Delegation of Control
Application of GPOs
Assigning Permissions
Distributing Emails

Question no 9
Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

TRUE statements about Domain Local Group and Global Group

You can convert global group to domain local group
You can convert domain local group to global group
Default New Group is Domain Local

Default New Group is Global

Question no 10
Onlyoneamongthechoiceslistedarecorrect +10

To Creates an AD DS object for consumer devices such as iPADadmin uses:


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