Victim Impact Statement

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To the parole board,

My name is Jennifer Corsini. No one hears my cries. No one sees my silent tears. No one feels my
pain. June 22, 2008 federal inmate gowling attempted to murder me. The person I was and all that I
could do prior to his viscous attack died that day. I now live with permanent brain damage and
physical disabilities and limitations. I am unable to work full time or at the same capacity. I live on an
income well below the poverty level set for Ontario. My daily routine is extremely challenging and
very difficult because of his brutal attack. For the past seven years, my life consists of daily pain
medication multiple times a day, which prior to his attempt on my life, I rarely took anything. Federal
inmate gowling literally robbed my son and me of seven years. I was in and out of the hospital for
several different surgical procedures. Nine in the course of five years after the brutal assault. Each
time my recovery was impeded by setbacks and infections accompanied by excruciating pain and
years of discomfort. My son suffered an incredible loss then and continues to suffer to this day.
Simple tasks that everyone takes for granted such as tying shoe laces, buttoning up a jacket or blouse,
applying makeup, preparing a meal, cutting food anything and everything you can think of, I have
challenges with. Some things I loved to do, such as drawing, painting, singing and rollerblading are
just too difficult for me, and stopped. Inmate gowling single handedly, knowingly, willingly changed
every aspect of my life.
During the last seven years of my life I have suffered and endured unimaginable pain and suffering.
My life, my sons life has been turned upside down and inside out. Inmate gowling is a sadistic
monster who not only planned on attempting to murder me; he actually followed through with it.
Does he deserve freedom in any capacity? Not until he serves his entire sentence, which is still not
nearly long enough. I will serve a life sentence because of the vicious despicable things he did to me.
Gowling has never talked to the detective in charge of my case. They dont know the order of the
brutal attack because hes never revealed it. Gowling feels hes deserving of sympathy and empathy
but he violently attacked me, at 95 pounds without sympathy, empathy, remorse or regret. He has
never made any attempt at amends or atonement. The fact that he thinks or feels that after only
seven years he is entitled to any of his requests shows me that he hasnt taken what he did serious
enough therefore, I dont believe he is ready and remains a serious threat!
Where is my justice? Who will protect me once hes released? Who will protect my family? Some
people dont view this inmate as a violent offender. I am standing here before you scared and
disabled to prove them/ you wrong. Federal inmate gowling is a violent person. Look at me, Im
Criminals rights are so protected. What are my rights? What are the rights of those who are
viciously attacked daily, weekly, monthly and yearly? When does it end? When are our lives equal to
a murderer and attempt murderers time served? He will always be a threat to mealways! I deserve
to live the rest of my life without fear and looking over my shoulder. My family deserves the same.
He has stalked me and followed me in the past and paid someone to follow me too. Nobody knows
what thoughts go through gowlings mind but him. I never thought he was capable of what he did to
me, but I misjudged him and I regret allowing him back into my life 15 years ago. I fear any restrictions

placed on him when he is paroled will be broken within months of his release. Past behaviour is a
good indicator of future behaviour. Federal inmate gowling has never thought rules apply to him.
They are more of a guideline he always said. He frequently drove drunk, and drove with a
suspended license, he disobeyed and disregarded a judges no contact court order and called me
collect twice from the London jail!! He may be a model prisoner at Beaver Creek, and the guards
and warden may see him at polite and well behaved. Gowling will continue to minimize what he did
to me. He will lie about the extent of my injuries and he will most likely downplay the aggravated
assault charge. He may even be able to laugh about it over beer with his buddies one day.
I am the survivor of this senseless brutal attack yet Im not ENTITLED to know the psychosis of this
offender or what medications he is on or therapy or counseling he has been receiving. I know his
claim to be bi-polar is unfounded. I ask this board, what measures are going to be put in place to
ensure inmate gowling does not re-offend? How can you be certain he wont? His past history with
women has been tenuous at best.
All I know is this inmate is good at manipulating not only the truth, but he is able to manipulate every
and any situation to his benefit completely minimizing how his actions have affected the lives of
anyone he hurts. He simply does not care about anyone but himself.
Life is all about choice. This was Bill gowlings choice.

Let HIM rain coals on the wicked; fire and sulfur and a scorching wind shall be the portion of their
Psalm 11:6
Our courts oppose the righteous and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the street,
and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked.
Isaiah 59:14-15

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