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Report of Interview

U.S. Department of Labor

Oftice of Inspector General
OIG Fonn 103 (01-6/08)






Case Number:


Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

September 2, 2014

- wed

- ........ - -

United States Department of Labor

(DOL). The interview took place at the Office of Inspections and Special
Investigations, Office of Inspector General (OIG), DOL, 200 Constitution Avenue,


ld not provide any other information that would be germane to this

This document is the property of the OIG and Is loaned to your agency; It and Its contents aro not to ho distributed outside your agency.

OIG 103

Pg 1 of 1

Report of Interview

U.S. Department of Labor

Office of Inspector General
OIG Fonn 103 (01-6/08)


Case Number:


bate Prepared:

October 2, 2014

United States Department of Labor

took place at
ce of
Inspections and Special Investigations, Office of Inspector General (OIG), DOL, 200
Constitution Avenue, N.
DC 20210. Also resent

was asked

been disciplined in the past for~

lained that when- worked f o r employment was terminated becaus-was accessing. sites

said that sometime in spring of 2014. found

uld access
pornil!rahie sites using the Bing images search engine.
id that for five
ontinued to access pornographic site approximately one h~y
computer was taken by OIG S~ial Agents on August 15, 2014.said that afte-computer was take~ began attending Sexaholics anonymous a

This document Is tho property of the OIG and is loaned to your agency; it and Its contents arc not to be dlstrlbutod outside your agency.

OIG 103

Pg 1 of 1

12 step program for people with sex addiction issues

previously attempted to attend Sexaholics anonym
ut, could not
attend the meetings because o~ork sched
nee going to
the Sexaholics anonymous meetingslllhas refrained from viewing pornography.

Tllls document Is th& property of the OIG and Is loa nod to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.
()I~ 10~

Pn? r.f?

U.S. Department of Labor

omce of fnspector General

Investigative Report

OIG Form 110 (OJ-6/08)


File Number;


PLMS Chapter 900

Appropriate Use of
IT Property

nn1.u:u:nm.a .nr

had been watching pornography a

issued computer.

Computer Forensic Evaluation

On August 12, 2014, following the receipt of this anonD'tlr"-.
secured by the Office of Inspector General's Computer
ed to the OIG by
ment 1). An OIG
ao\Nmoa<lea a voluminous
forensic analysis
l c movies and images. A copy of the pornographic
amount of adult It
computer is being provided on a compact disl<.
material found o
{Attachment 2).

Additionally, a copy
hard drive was given to Homeland Security
Investigations, Human Trafficldng/Chlld Exploitation Unit, U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) to determine if any of the images contained child
pornography. This office analyzed the iconfirmed that only adult
omputer and that there were no
pornographic material was contained on
images of child pornography.
Interview of Complainant

29, 2014, the reporting agent

that in



ned that at the
computer monitorsaid that on several
up and would see pictures of scantily clad females

Tills document Is the property of tho OIGand Is loaned to your agoncy; It end Ita ()Olltortls are not to be d.lstrlbutod outside your agency.

OIG 110

Pg 1 of 3

wearing thongs and bikinis on~omputer monitor. said thanever s~ e comph~nude, but noticed that some of the women seemed very
aid tha~ould also se~nserting and removing
young. compact discs agovernment computer, but could not confirm if these discs
contained inappropriate images.

Resources .:::>o~~c1c:.
arranged fo
ntil the s
recently 'returned to wo~ b
longer ha~ contact with-

Interview of SubjE?ct

was asked i.
had ever been disciplined in the past for wat~
~. -explained that wherlavorked for the- - l l e i i i P i O yment was terminated becausellwas accessing sltes
with women wearing little clothing.

said that aft~-computer was

a 12 step program for people with sex add

attempted to attend Sexaholics Ai
mous i
not attend the meetings becausn o
ork "'"n""""''
Sexaholics Anonymous meetings
has refrained from

- -- --------------- --

Sexahollcs Anonymous,

location, bu. .ould
since going to the
- -- ---- --- - - - - -

This document Is the property oftllo OIG And Is louned to your agoncy; It and lt1; contents are not to be dlstribu!od outside your agency.

OIG 110

Pg 2 of 3


The investigaiion found


gly viewed pornography a-

government issued comp

omputer Sec~ Training on July
2, 2013 (Attachment 5),
owledged during
interview that- knew that viewing
pornography on- government computer during work hours was prohibited by DOL policy.

tha. visited pornographic ~ites for approximately one hour

week period, the OIG computer forensic examination determined that
ited pornographic sites for severall1ours a day from January 2014 until August
l"'Vrlt"\UIIC>''""'' "



Tflls document Is the properly oftho OIG and is loanod to your agency; itand Its contonts aro not to bo distributed outside your agoooy.


OIG 110

Pg 3 of 3

U.S. Department of Labor

Office of Inspector General

Investigative Report

OIG Form 110 (01-6/08)

File Nutnber:


OlMS Chapter

Appropriate Use of IT


Reason for Closing

The investigation found
ly viewed pornography ongovernment issued computer.
Security Training on July
~013 and ~cknowledged du

. .
that viewing pornography on
government computer during work hours was prohibited by DOL policy.

~aid th

pornographic sites for approximately one hour

e.very day for a five w.eek period ;how
Office of Inspector General (OIG) computer
isited pornographic sites for several hours a
forensic examination determined tha
day from January 2014 until August
As a result of this investigation,December 18, 2014.


terminated on

Nature of Scheme
used a

overnment computer to view pornographic images on government time.

The case was referred

November 18,


This document Ia the property of the OIG and Is loaned to your agency; It and Its contonts ate not to be distribut&d outaldo your agonr.y.

OIG 110

Pg 1 of2

Disposition of Evidence
Evidence obtained during this investigation was returned

lhis tlovument is the ptOJ)Crfy ofthe OIG nnd lslot~nod to your agency; i\ and ils contents are not to b& distributed oulsldo your agency.

- -- - -- -------- - - -- ---------------- - - - - - - - --

OIG 110

Pg 2 of 2

U.S. Department of Labor

ttDli~ 18 ~@t~
Counsel to the Inspector General

We have reviewed the Office of the Inspector Gene-allnvesti ative Report
. dated
November 18, 20
I 2014,
was ro. ..i'nlrH:>t.Oti
the Department of
your request, we have attached a copy
I have placed a copy of the removal letter
If you have any questions, please

a call on

U.S; Department of Labor

r ..

DEC 1t 101~

..,.. .



Notice of Removal

you tl1at your employment with

being terminatedeffective December i2, 2014. While you may le~ve
than your normal time you will be paid for fue entire work day.
Department ofLabor Identification badge>
and the issued RSA Tokeu (foi'remote computer
nocosg). lfyotihave a blackberry, you wnlneedto turn that in, as well your office keys.
Ifyou have any government equipment at home~ you must coordinate with me and return
it in a timely manner (15 days).



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