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Juni Haryanto (B1034131008)
Muhammad Ridwan (B1034131006)
Erwinsyah (B1034131010)

Earth is the third planet in the solar system, earth has been created since 4.54
billion years ago. Every planet in the solar system it is only earth that we know have
living creature inside because the condition of earth is the most possible place for
living creature can live inside in the planet.
The first life creature live in earth is about 3.8 until 3.5 billion years ago. 3.7
billion years ago the biogenic is found as the evidence of living creature in the earth,
the metasediment rocks discovered in Western Greenland. In 3.48 billion years ago
microbial mat fossils has found in Western Australia.
After the first life creature live in the earth it is evolve continuously until now
become the creature that we can se today including us one of the creature that evolve
from the first time the life creature live in this earth. All of the creature now start from
animal, plants until us is the evolution of earth creature.
A. Purpose of Study
1. To know the history of earth
2. To know what age of earth has been pass

The Theory of Forming of The Earth
There is many theory of forming the earth by many scientists. Every scientists
has been try to break the mystery about the earth. Just like George Louis Leelere
Comte de Buffon that creat the theory of ato weebars hood, or Forest Ray Multon by
his theory Planetisimal. The all of the theory would be discuss in below :
1. Ato Weebars Hood
Ato Weebars Hood is a theory that created by George Louis Leelere
Comte de Buffon. He said that the planet is created by the collision between
the sun and a comet that cause the part of sun bouncing out and become a
2. Laplace
The Laplace theory is discovered by a master of math and astronomy
from france called Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace in 1796. He said that
earth is created by cluster of hot gas which spining in its axis, than it is
become rings. The half of the ring are bouncing out and keep spining. The gas
ring that spining will be freeze and becoming wads like ball which become
planet including the earth.
3. Planetisimal
The Laplace theory is discovered by Forest Ray Multon a master of
american astronomy and his partner T.C Chamberlain a master of geology
which told that sun is form by gas with big mass, in one time it is approached
by another star which pass the sun by the high speed. When the star passing
the sun and their space is relative close, than the part of the sun is bouncing
out because of the gravity of the star that just passing. The part of the start

bounced out to the star line but there is also the part spining the sun because
of gravity. After the star getting far, the mass of gas which spining the sun
become freez and the ring created become solid and called as planetisimal.
Some planetisimal which created will be merge become one and after that it
would become a planet, including earth
4. Weizsaecker
The Theory of Weizsaecker by C.Von Weizsaecker, a master of jerman
astronomy said that from the beginning sun is surrounded by the mass of gas.
The part of gas consist of light element, hidrogen and helium. Because of the
heat of sun is very high, than the light element evaporated to the sky, and the
weight element stay and clot. This is will pull the other element in the sky and
evolution become the planets including earth.
From the theory that has been told by many scientists we know that the planet is
come from the sun. How ever even the planet is created by the same way from the
sun but earth is the only planet that have living creature.

History of Earth

As far as we know earth is the only home for the living creature in the universe.
To know why it is very special we have to see from the first earth created
1. Before Earth (5-4,5 Billion years ago)
Even though the theory is can not be right, according to National Geographic
Documentary The Story of Earth the earth over 5 billion years ago gravity pulls the
rocks together to form the earth, one of the hundred planets circling the sun
2. Arkeozoikum ( 4,5 2,5 Billion years ago )
4,5 billions ago our planets looks
like more hell than home. The
temperature of earth at that time
is almost 12.000 degress celcius,





carbondioksida and nitrogen. At

that time the earth are so hot with
hight temperature and the air is
very toxic for living creature. No creature can live in that condition. Our earth planet
is just like a boiling ball with liquid rock there even no solid things just the ocean of

A young planet called Thia

is heading to the earth. Thia is a
planet as big as mars heading to
the earth with 50 km/s or twenty
time faster than a bullet. This
planet thia has been discovered by
scientest and called as a Giant
Impact Hypotesis. After the crash
of Thia, the tons of rocks is bounce out of the planet. The rock bounce out of the earth
is become the moon with 3000 km wide. At that time, the moon is much closer than
we can see now just 22.000km away instead of 400.000km. At the first time, the
entire day of earth is only 6 hours even the earth day is past very quickly but the
changes is still slow.




meteors crash the earth. But the

meteor is not just have bad
impact. But inside of it, it is bring
water even it is only a small
amount of water in one meteor.
But the meteor is attacking the
earth about 20 million years, it is
enough for make ocean. It is will be the water that we will drink now, for bath, for
cooking. Now the earth is more looks like now, but it is still dangerous.The weather
at that time is very danger, the wind is so fast the tornado every where. The moon is
to close to the erth it cause tsunami and created flood. But ooooover time, the moon is
going away, the sea is getting calm.

3,8 billion years ago the tiny island is come to the land, the eruption of
mountain in the sea form a volcanic island. In the future this continent volcano will
join together become continent. Even though it is looks like earth now but the air is
still toxic and no creature can live in side.
After 100 million years ago earth getting attacked by meteors, at 3,8 billion
years ago. Earth get attacked again for second time. But for this time, the meteor
bring something else, it is realase the mineral, carbon and amino acid. After the
meteors come to earth, there is looks like smoke comes out from the earth, but it is
not smoke it is a hot liquid collecting mineral and gas on the way out of the sea and
back again to sea. No one know how but this chemical that cause by meteor created
the bacteria.
3,5 Billion years ago inside of the sea the stromatolite has been created it is
consist of microbial mats of micro organisms, especially cyanobacteria. It is turn sun
light into food or we know as fotosintesis. It is the power of sunlight to transform the
cabondioksida into glukosa or we know as sugar now. Not only produce the glukosa
but also produce a gas called oksigen. Under water, the oksigen comes out from
stromatolite. The oksigen pieces of ion in the water into rust. This falls to the under of
water and become deposite of iron rock and now we can use it as bridge or car. The
oksigen that has been out of the water created the most important element for us to
live on earth, without oksigen no one of living creature in earth now can life.

3. Proterozoikum ( 2,5 billion years ago 290 million years ago)

1,5 Billion years ago the earth

has been rotated for 16 hours a day.
3.5 billions after the earth was
created, there is still no compleks
creature, no plants, no dinosaurus, no
At 1.1 billion years ago the
volcanic island move to become a
new continent by the moving of earth
core it is so hot this movement
created ocean and continent called
rhodinia. The temperature is about 30
degress celcius. But earth still looks like mars.
750 million years ago the heat come out from the earth and make the continent
spread becoming two. At that time the heat activity creat volcano that produce
carbone dioksida into the air, all of the carbone diokside come mixed to the water to
make acid rain. The rocks absorb the acid rain including carbon dioksida and lock up
in the rocks.
The carbondioksida amount is enough to trap the heat of sun and now the
temperature of earth is -50 degress celcius. 650 million years ago, the earth become
snow ball ice with that low celcius and this is the longest time of ice age. The more
ice in the earth the more sunlight reflect away from the planet. The second ice age
make to spread meet each other and create ice age.
4,5 billion years ago earth is a fire planet, now the earth is more looks like a
snow ball and the sun light reflact away. Even though the foward of earth is very cold
but the core is very hot. The volcano has been erupted since the planet is become

freeze. The volcano pump out the billion of tons cabrondiokside. Before the ice age,
the carbondiokside that produced by volcano is absorb by the rocks but after the rocks
is covered by the ice there is nothing to absorb the gas, and it is fill the atmosphere at
traped there.
After 600 million years ago, the ice began melt. After the ice melting the
volcano comes out and realese the carbondiokside and push the temperature higher.
There is serious chemical reaction after the melt, the ice created oksigen. After the
melt, earth is become the different planet. 650 million years ago the atmosphere is
normal it is just like summer day and it is need 20 hours to rotate a day.
540 million years ago in the ocean is full with oksigen and the primitif bacteria
has evolve into plant and animel. At this time we can found worm, alga, spons,
molluscs, coral, echinoderms, brachiopods, and arthropods. From the microscophic
bacteria now it is become a giant monsters.
490 million years ago there is a new continent called gondwana, the
temperature is about 30 degress celcius and oksigen level is close with what we
breath now. Even though the condition is close to what we have now but there is still
no plants or creatures. All of it is happened because of the radiation of the sun. 50
killometers from the earth the oksigen turn become ozon for defend us from radiation.
Start from 450 millions years ago the radiation from sun is getting lower and lower.
375 million years ago the land plants has growth and it is created more oksigen,
the creature inside of the water called dicktonic. It is use its fin as it legs for walking
in the land. Over 50 million, diktonic evolve become tectrapods and can spend more
time on the land and make the land become their home. Now the earth from the fire
land, to the freezing ball into the the blue green planet and full with life even though
there is still no human. But there is still fish, plant and dragonfly with the size of
eagle this giant is called meganeura. At that time spiders and other bugs centipede

come to the earth. Just like meganeura they not looks like a tiny creature, they are
monster at that time scorpio as big as a bulls. Over hundreds million years the animal
and plants are deads and the land discover by rocks again. And the death of animal
and plants is become oil that we can use now for car and electricity.
250 million years ago a creature in seberian but it is not dinosaurus, the
dinosaurus will come 20 million years later. Even though they are not a dinosaurus
but they are big. Or we can called a giant reptile and the elder of turtle, at that time
ginkonox is the killer machine at that time. the ginkonox teeth is contain the poison
that can kill a giant turtle only by one bit. But again at that time the core of the earth
geting heat, the land become hotter than before. The entire land is erupted now. That
last life is now looks like hell. The perm extinction is happened. But the other side of
gondwana is nothing happen. But the ash fall out from the eruption comes to the other
side of gondwana with 20 degress celcius and killed the animal and the atmosphere
fill with carbondioksida and become the acid rain.
The atmosphere getting hotter, the water become evaporated. Even though the
land is no creature again and the sea creature has been died but the pink alga is still
exist and create the methane that created by green house, it is 20 times deadly than
dioksida. Even the gas has been froozen but the temperatur of sea increase the gas
become come up. After realese to the atmospehere, methane gas make the
temperature of earth getting hotter become 40 degress celcius.
200 Million years ago and only one super continent called pangea, after mas
extinction, the planet is healing, the temperature has been normal, the acid rain has
been neutralized with vegetation returning. After 95% animal hasbeen extinction in
this era the dinosaurus come. The dinosaurus now repopulated the earth, and they
become the top predator. Over 190 million years ago the pangea separated because of
the heat of vulcano and make the water become hotter. The fish going to death. The
ancient fish and plankton will become oild. Every liter of oil cars, every plastic that

we use, is come from this way. And 190 million years ago, the america continent still
moving away from asian and europe. It happen slowly and ata last the new continent
created as we know now.
65 Million years ago the mamals has been evolved from the small of number
that survive from the extinction 190 million years ago and become prey for
dinosaurus and this is one of the reason why mamals life in the ground or on the tree
and adventure at the night. Mamals is threat by dinosaurus and no one cannot
challange their dominant on earth. But the domination is not longer, the asteroid with
10km wide heading to the earth in the mexico. Because of the impact is realese of
million energy of nuclears weapon, no where is safe from that, after that the earth
wasa attack again by meteor from every direction and tsunami back to the earth. The
entire sky is now looks like a giant red. The earth now 2.700 degress celcius. The
dinosaurus age now is over but the dinosaurus death become the oportunity for other
species such like mamals, by living under ground they avoid the heat and by anything
and everything they can survive.
47 Million years ago the new creature has been evolve such like monkey, it is
not looks like human but one day it will evolve into apes monkeys and even human.
The atmosphere now is just like our now, the temperature has been 24% and the day
become 24% and it is almost like earth. At that time the india become one with asia
and everest mountain comes up.
4 Million years ago along this age mountain is growth, the living creature is
began, the apes is come, the tree is getting discover the earth. Savana start exist, the
new habitat come. The stand and walk with two feet, it is can explain where we from
1.5 million years ago homo erectus has been life with foot print like us, human
history with complex begin in this era.

70 thousand years ago the sea levels form, the gap betwen africa and arabia
strink to just about 30km. And at this time there is a new creature called homo
sapiens. And now they already separated to the europe, asian, and america.
40 thousand years ago homo sapiens ariving, the years is getting colder, the
land become froozen, the natural change. 20 Thousand years ago the world has been
covered by ice the siberia and alaska become one. 14 thousand years ago the ice
become melt now the ice become water. 9 thousan years ago, the ice back to the
artick and antartik.
0 Years ago the our world now we living, we dominate the world, we can
understand why the world around us, from the moon, the water, the land, the mineral,
and finally the life start from small into the biggest animal until now the technology

National Geographic. Sea Monsters.
horhynchops Accessed on April 27, 2014
National Geographic (2011). The Story of Earth.
v=Xsn3wpVAcjk Accessed on April 27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Teori Pembentukan Bumi Accessed on April
27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Usia Bumi Accessed on
April 27, 2014
Janto Djuni. Sejarah Pembentukan Bumi. Accessed on April 27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Stromatolite. Accessed
on April 27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Giant impact hypothesis Accessed on April
27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Methane Accessed on
April 27, 2014
Wikipedia (2014). Tetrapod Accessed on
April 27, 2014

Wikipedia (2014). Meganeura Accessed on

April 27, 2014

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