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Newsletter 1/4

June 2015

Project and
---Work Done Till the

In this number:
1. Presentation of the project
2. Presentation of the partners
3. Work done till the end of May 2015

Grecol meeting in Freiburg: photo of group in the Pdagogische Hochschule courtyard

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Second Meeting

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Project

Presentation of the Project

The aim of this project is to build solutions for the integration of adult citizens of the
EU in 21st century. Euroscepticism , European citizenship, using digital tools, identity,
cultural diversity, integration, economy, history, multicultural, plural, open-minded
are the key concepts that will be addressed during the three years.
To achieve this aim we will work through cooperation and partnership among
countries using digital tools.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

We will design and develop an online course called Getting Ready for European
Citizenship on-line (GRECOL) which is inspired by a previous Grundtvig partnership
project called Digital Classroom. During the project we observed, in adult learners
across this Grundtvig partnership a notable lack of European identity and a lack of
awareness of the wide range of European resources available to facilitate their
mobility and develop their sense of shared citizenship.
Once this new partnership was created with the participation of 7 adult organizations
from ES, GE, LV, IT, TR, UK, DK countries with diverse backgrounds but with common
motivations for changing adult education in EU, we started to develop the project.
European citizenship implies a closer, more emotional relationship that is rooted in
shared values, the celebration of diversity, and respect of different identities and the
protection of national heritages.
The proposed new course, comprised of 5 modules detailed below, may be offered in
online and blended-learning formats. In addition, the 5 modules may be
independently utilized as stand-alone materials or integrated into other courses
according to the individual needs of each educational context.
The structure of the subject Getting Ready for European citizenship (GRECOL) will
1. M1.Developing a European identity
2. M2. European institutions and their functions
3. M3.European mobility
4. M4. Dealing with cultural diversity
5. M5. Final Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Project

Methodology and Final Product

The final product will be an OER material ready for be using for any adult institution
around Europe. During the third year of the project impact and dissemination will be
the main goal by sharing GRECOL as much as possible al local, national and
international level in platforms, congress, papers. And of course, using GRECOL as a
course, curricula, module or workshop in each one of the partnership' organizations
during the following years.
At the end of the project we hope to offer some solutions for the integration of adult
citizens in Europe to become e-citizens. Getting involved in joint projects as well as
increased mobility helps to develop this feeling of belonging. (For and active European
citizenship, White Paper 2011).

Front page of the first flyer

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

The methodology of the course is based on a model that develops its activities through
the web and on the web. The students become the center of the model and the
process of learning. The model is aware of the nature of the potential students. The
general features of e-activities are diversity, openness and flexibility and they contain
discussions, tasks, quizzes, surveys, and a final project using a varied range of digital

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

The IOC , which is the coordinating organisation in this project, was born in 2006
from three existing initiatives on distance learning managed by the Ministry of
Education of Catalonia:
The ICESD Institut Catal dEnsenyament Secundari a Distncia ( Compulsory and
secondary education distance learning)
Palau de Mar GES ( compulsory adult distance learning)
FP oberta (vocational training distance learning)
Nowadays, IOC is the institution of reference in Catalonia which reaches anyone who
wants to learn anywhere and anytime:
integrating all kinds of learning into only one institution.
promoting the offer of new formative activities and new learning demanded by our
public school of reference as a new and singular e-learning project
funding by the Educational Department of Catalonia and by the public registration
Most of the students are adults (over 20) with other occupations and responsibilities
A small number are teenagers in special conditions (sportsmen, musicians, physically
handicapped people, students living abroad, situations of social deprivation)
The IOC has 3% of students from Catalonia
In vocational training, the number of students from all Catalonia is higher (7%)
Compulsory education: GES Graduate of secondary education (1st and 2on cycle),
8250 students.
Non-compulsory education:Bachillerat (Upper Secondary School), 2400 students.
VET Vocationaltraining (Middle and higher degree) 12300 students.
School of languages 4900 students.
Courses of preparation for entrance examinations: CFGM (Middle degree vocational
CFGS (Higher degree vocational training), University
Other (Cisco)
A team of 110 teachers (full time) and 485 assistant teachers (part time) in
collaboration with more than 500 support schools attending more than 30.000
students around Catalonia.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Institut Obert de Catalunya


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

North East Scotland College

United Kingdom
North East Scotland College is one the largest further education college in Scotland
with an annual learner enrolment of over 30,000 students. The College covers a very
wide area of the north-east of Scotland and plays an important part in many local
The College is recognised by the Scottish Further Education Unit and Education
Scotland for the quality and excellence of its teaching and student achievement rates.
The College operates across three major teaching areas: Engineering Science and
Technology, Creative Industries Computing and Business Enterprise, and Service
Many of our learners come from economically deprived backgrounds receiving
financial support through bursaries, Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and
the Scottish Award Agency for Scotland (SAAS).
The College supports people from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds including
areas of social deprivation. Furthermore, the College assists those who may have a
range of additional learning needs including those with identified mental health
problems, perhaps those with addiction problems, immigrants and refugees to study
for their chosen career by building up through individual personal learning plans their
social and academic skills.
Throughout social science programmes and the cross college delivery of essential
skills there is a strong commitment to interculturalism and active learning as effective
methodologies for embedding critical citizenship and equality and diversity in the
curriculum. Citizenship studies and student projects using various digital tools,
including, learning journals, blogs, use of VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) are an
important element in our non-advanced and advanced programmes at North East
Scotland College . Many aspects of citizenship including, respect, tolerance,
participation, volunteering, social enterprise, social integration and social justice are
covered in social science programmes and through servicing core skill communication
to various and different curriculum areas of the College.
With Scotlands long historical association with Europe and an impending referendum
on independence and the potential breakup of the UK and recently the UK
government's decision to have a referendum on UK's membership in the EU, the
whole notion of national and European citizenship is an important subject for
learners in Scotland and beyond.

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

Istituto Comprensivo Lorenzi Fumane - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza


The Europole-Adult Education is a public Organization - network of 50 Adult

Educatonal Institutions, 14 Universities of third age and 20 NGOs dealing with
20.000 senior people at national level working for the European social and
educational integration. Its main fields of activities are to promote the European
dimension and integration through European and extra - European workshops,
seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. The Europole-Adult Education is
planning "umbrella activities" involving in the projects the greatest possible
number of institutions of the consortium. The Europole-Adult Education works in
every field of education, from ITC to in-service training courses for senior teacher,
and educators to adult education in prison and in rural areas. It works also on
social exclusion, fighting against xenophobia and racism, helping to break
stereotypes around gender among different cultures and religions, intercultural
learning and in the active life field.
The members of the network are working with learners at risk of social and
cultural exclusion: audlt immigrants, refugees, social psychological borderline
situations, adult learners with disabilities and other special needs. It also works in
job strategies and economical researches. It also works with third age universities
and learnings for the active citizenship
We work in our Third Age Universities for the senior active citizenship and for
avoiding senior social exclusion, with special courses, with silver net service's,
doctor, home work, call listening ect. In the various sites of our Third Age
Universities each year meetings and events are organized with senior . There are
various topics, ICT courses, language courses.which have as their main objective
the social inclusion of the elders, avoiding their isolation
The problem of social exclusion is one of the main one to be tackle with a strong
impact on the social awareness and activities concerning education. The
economical crisis has increased those secluding attitudes, enhancing the
individualism and decreasing the governmental welfare support for senior people.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Kayseri Valiligi Dis Iliskiler ve AB Koordinasyon Merkezi

Governorship of Kayseri is the regional public authority for all public bodies including all
educational activities at all levels in its region both offered in formal or informal ways or
supplied by the private or public schools or institutions for the students and adults except
for universities, and it is in charge of activities, planning and administrative functions of all
the state organizations or institutions in Kayseri. There are 150 staff in 8 directorates in the
main building and the Governor and 5 deputy governors who are responsible for different
administrative works in different fields.
Our center, ' Foreign Relations and EU Coordination Center for the Governorship of Kayseri
(DIABKM-Kayseri Valiligi Dis liskiler ve AB Koordinasyon Merkezi)' was set up in 2010 in
coordination of the Ministry of EU and the Ministry of Interior. Our Center has an umbrella
function for cooperation and communication among all public and non-public bodies in our
region for international relations, EU Programmes and funds and responsible for improving
the awareness raising on EU criteria, citizenship and possibilities. A deputy governor is
responsible for the management of the center, project experts and a secretary work in it.
The Deputy Governor of the center is also the EU Permanent Contact Person of the city.
According to our establishment regulations our work fields and missions are to;
improve and increase capacity in the Governorship and its affiliates in conformity with
Acquis Communitaire, and National Development Plans,
organize and offer trainings for all stakeholders including staff of the public bodies or
NGOs, all teachers and adults in the region on all issues related to EU or international
possibilities and supply consultancy to prepare projects to meet the demands of the target
groups in the region and to use of supplied EU funds efficiently and effectively,
work for on-going relation and cooperation with The Member Countries, National Agency,
EU Commission and other international institutions,
support all bodies in Kayseri region to have more effective EU funded projects,
foster cooperation among public institutions/organizations, provincial governorships,
universities, the local authorities, professional organizations and NGOs to prepare projects
and use EU funds more effectively,
enhance mutual relations to share information, experiences and technologies between our
city and cities of EU member countries,
encourage any type of institutions or organizations to prepare project proposals technically
and administratively, assist to find project partners and to take part in projects as a partner,
Search for national and international project proposal calls for funds by EU, National
Agency, The World Bank, Embassies, and other international organizations and publish
them on our website to announce public bodies, NGOs and other
related bodies that can manage a project,
support the management and dissemination activities of the approved projects,
follow the usage rates of grants and funds in Kayseri supplied by EU or other international
organizations and send a report to the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of EU at the end of
each quarter about the implemented projects by public bodies, municipalities an NGOs to
evaluate the situation in our region and see our place in the country level.

The Partnership

Pdagogische Hochschule Freiburg

The University of Education, Freiburg (Pdagogische Hochschule Freiburg; PH Fr) specialises in
teacher training for primary and secondary levels. A variety of other Bachelor and Masters
courses is also available. These include for example a Masters degree in Bilingual Teaching and
Learning (Europalehramt) and in Teaching German as a Foreign Language. Suitably qualified
students may study for doctoral and postdoctoral degrees. Various PhD programmes and a
large number of other (European) research projects promote a wide range of young
researchers. Accordingly the PH Fr conducts varied educational research.
PH Fr has around 300 staff members and approximately 5.000 students. It was founded in 1962
and gained university status in 1971.
Among the Courses offered at the PH Fr are teacher training for primary and lower secondary
schools, European Teacher Training for primary and lower secondary schools, teacher training
for Vocational Schools (media technology, business etc.), Bachelor of Arts in Health Education
or German as a second language, Master of Arts in Educational Science or Psychology of
In addition to that there is general focus on adult education.
All degree programmes at the University of Education Freiburg are in revision (reaccreditation), including teaching degrees, which are reformed according to Bologna structures.
Orientation on science and methods will be strengthened and the courses will include more
international references. Acknowledging a unified Europe and globalisation, teachers
particularly need to develop a stronger cosmopolitan, diversity and science-oriented attitude.
In its plan on development and structure (2011-2016), the University of Education Freiburg has
put into writing among others the following strategies:
- Promoting young researchers: High-level educational research combined with systematic,
structured promotion of young researchers is denoted as a long-term goal
- Developing degree programmes and university teaching: Science oriented teacher education
is central to university courses in Freiburg. Teaching degree programmes are focused on
primary level to lower secondary level and are being extended to upper secondary level (e.g.
degrees in technical subjects for vocational schools, as Joint Programmes in co-operation with
the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg). In addition, teacher education for upper
secondary will be further extended at the University of Education Freiburg, particularly in cooperation with the Excellence Universities of Konstanz and Freiburg.
- Enhancing scientific professional development: The University of Education Freiburg should
play a major role as a partner for teacher professionalization in the second phase (postgraduate
teacher training) and the third phase (in-service teacher education). In addition, it should
become a relevant source for consultancy and research in educational fields of application, and
create demand for in-service teacher education courses (e.g. quality representatives in
The University of Education has steadily expanded the professional development programmes:
All master degree programmes can also be completed as professional development courses. To
promote co-operation with the local and regional school administration in developing and
conducting teacher education programmes a contract with the Regional Council of Freiburg has
been signed in 2010.
Further, PHFR has already participated in a high number of research and development projects
at national and international levels as coordinator and partner. Therefore, it can rely on many
years of experience and highly qualified staff when it comes to EU projects for example in the
Programme for Lifelong Learning, TEMPUS and the Research Framework Programme.
In addition, PHFR actively supports the goals of European integration in the education sector
and lay the focus on internationalization strategy. The university cooperates with a multitude of
partner universities around the globe and wishes to strengthen and extend its ties with both
European and non-European institutions.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

Rigas Raina 8.Vakara (Mainu) Vidusskola

Riga Raina Evening (shift) school is the oldest and the only one which was founded by
it's future students - Riga Folk high school's auditors were mostly laborers youth,who
wanted to obtain a legal diploma of an evening school in order to continue studies in
higher educational institution. On September 16, 1927 190 students started ther
studies at the school.
In 2013./2014. school year 337 students are studying at the school: 294 -secondary
general education programs, from which 30 students are with hearing impairment,
43-in primary education program. The ages of students are from 15 till 45 years.
Mostly students have work and family life. The students are from very different
social groups. Some of students are from social risk groups: persons with criminal
past, persons who had been addicted to drugs or persons from families with very low
incomes. In the same time some of our students are very famous Latvian celebrities:
actors, singers, writers, dancers and sportsmen (persons who cannot study in normal
day school because of their active career life).
Students are taught by 41 teacher. Schools teacher team is very positive,
enthusiastic and hard working.
School realizes inclusive programs. Priorities of inclusive programs are:
All students have equal opportunities of successful achievements
Diminished different possible obstacles for receiving education
Difference of students is perceived as a resource,not obstacles that need to be
Riga Raina 8th Evening (shift) School is very famous in Latvia because of high level
interest education. Aims of interest education are to create preconditions for
emotionally creative and socially active development of individuality; Improve
national cultural identity awareness,create interest about other cultures and develop
appreciation towards them; Diminish hearing impaired youth's social exclusion and
encourage their inclusion in society.
This project is great opportunity for our school students, teachers, administration to
get international experience and it is opportunity to deepen understanding of EU
society, culture, and institutions and to strengthen curricula and to improve the
quality of teaching about the Europe.
At the moment institution is actively working on e-learning implementation. This
project is unique possibility to learn from more experienced partners how to work
with digital tools with adult students and to exchange of our beginner's practice
experience in e-learning environments.
This project is very important for school because school does not have any
international EU project experience regarding adult education.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

The Partnership

VUC Storstrm
VUC Storstrm is a modern, self-governing Adult Education Center (VUC) under the Danish
Ministry of Education. Regionally we belong in the Region Zealand along with three other Adult
Education Centers. We offer general adult education to the citizens. Our mission is to improve
adult citizens general knowledge and skills from very basic level to upper secondary level with the
purpose also to give formal competences for further education.
About 5000 citizens attend our courses every year and we have a staff of 180 teachers and 50
other staff.
VUC Storstrm gives lessons in the following subjects:
Basic adult education in Danish and Mathematics (pre-courses)
General adult education equal to lower secondary school
Higher preparatory examination courses at upper secondary level
Global Classroom - Flexible Higher preparatory examination courses (videoconference)
Web-based learning at upper secondary level (Distance learning)
Special training for dyslexic people
believes in an educational milieu that builds on responsibility, cooperation and respect. We focus
on digitalization and international cooperation, and have high standards in our educational and
professional skills.
Most of the teaching takes place in normal classes of 25-30 participants, but we also offer flexible
courses as e-learning, or as so called parallel-teaching where two or more classes are connected
via a real presence video conference system. During the last 3 years a new video conference
platform has been developed giving possibility for student to participate active in live teaching also
from their homes. The platform supports individual video conference and contains also recording
features. This development including not least the training of the teachers has been supported by
the European Social Fund. To support the skills of the teachers on innovation of the use of video
and other ICT in teaching VUC Storstrm has formed a partnership with The research lab: IT &
LearningDesign (ILD), Department of Learning and Philosophy at Aalborg University, Copenhagen.
More than 40 teachers are working with video and video conferencing in their teaching on a daily
VUC Storstrm has developed and heads the regionally supported Knowledge Center for Applied
ICT in Education. The other partners are regional universities, vocational educational center and
the school sector of municipalities. Here developers and dedicated teachers meet and they
develop and share on ICT supported teaching. What is developed is shared to colleagues and to all
interested schools in the region and to the network of the partners. Among other the themes are
Video conferencing in teaching, Video casts in teaching and guidance, creative use of Learning
Management Systems and use of devises like phones and tablets in the classroom.
VUC Storstrm has a strategy for investment in technology. All classroom are equipped with
interactive boards and free wifi, and in the each of the 6 localities (department schools) there are
1 - 3 classrooms with Global Classroom (real presence video conference). The school has its own
video conference server, capture station and streaming server and skilled staff on both design of
classrooms, management of video conference for teaching and implementation of these servers in
the ordinary school ICT network.
VUC Storstrm believes in an educational milieu who builds on responsibility, cooperation and
respect. We focus on development and international cooperation, and have high standards in our
educational and professional skills.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Work Done

Twenty-one participants on behalf of all 7 partner Organisations have attended to

the kick-off meeting/workshop held in Barcelona at venue of IOC from 28th to
30th January 2015.
After presenting all partners, the partnership has done some changes in the
programme due to general agreement carried out between IOC and Spanish
National Agency.
Since IOC has previous experience using open sources didactical tools, some
proposal have been discussed and all the partners agreed on the following
the tools should be easy to install and use by teachers for preparing the contents
and activities.
During this first Workshop all partners took part in discussions about:
Target audience
Module Nr 1
EU or Europe
Exercise of citizenship
Specific competencies in being a European citizen
Responsibility for modules
National culture and viewpoints about European citizenship
Bloom taxonomy
10. Website
11. Blog
12. Facebook
13. Twitter
14. Exploitation and Dissemination
15. Modules to be translated in each in partners languages
16. Questionnaire on meetings/workshops evaluation
Italian partner promised to compose a new song on Grecol Partnership. Social
activities (sight-seeing, lunches and dinners ) organized by the team of IOC were
very successful.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

First Workshop
Meeting in Barcelona


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Work Done

Nineteen participants on behalf of all 7 partner Organisations have attended to

the second meeting/workshop held in Freiburg at venue of Pdagogische
Hochschule Freiburg from 7th to 8th May 2015. After a short Introduction of
the new participants into the partnership some communications were given about
proof of work done, mobility tool and frequency of access to the platform. During
this second Workshop all partners took part in discussions about:
1. Google drive
2. Context of modules according their own country
3. References and Wikipedia
4. English project flyer to be corrected
5. Facebook group
6. Epale as web resource for adult education
7. Module Nr 2
8. Connection among modules
9. Learning tasks and activities
10. Citizenship versus human rights
11. Critique on European institutions
12. Teachers guide
13. Comparison between Xerte and Exe learning
14. Dissemination and exploitation
15. Translation
16. How individual institutions might make use of the finished course
17. Google sites for Grecol website
Social activities (sight-seeing of Vauban quarter, lunches and dinners ) organized
by the team of Pdagogische Hochschule Freiburg were very successful.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Second Workshop
Meeting in Freiburg


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Work Done

Work done till the 31st of May 2015

The activities carried out until the end of May are:
- Creation of a GRECOL virtual class on Coordinator Organization IOC (Institut Obert de
Catalunya) Moodle platform. Enrolment and participation of all the members since November
2014. This constructive space is used as communication tool and repository of the
documentation about the project.
- Elaboration of internal agreements, inspection and revision of the allotment of the budget
to the members, checking and revision of the working plan.
- Elaboration of logos and templates to be used in different formats (word, ppt,)
- Search and analysis of open code tools (exe-learning, XERTE,) for processing and
elaborating the material.
- Spreading of Europass Mobility document for the certification of the mobilities.
- Preparation and realization of the first meeting in Barcelona at IOC on 28th-30th of January
- Presentation of each organization.
- Inspection of the working plan, calendar and role of each beneficiary.
- Evaluation questionnaire for each mobility.
- Use of IOC Moodle platform with the definition of the role of participants and editors and
organization of the space on Moodle for collecting documentation.
- Exploitation and Dissemination Plan by Europole IT.
- On-line questionnaire of the first meeting, model to be used in the other meetings.
- Creation of a Gmail account and use of Google Drive for the shared developments of the
project. Creation of folders and documents for the modules. The account will also be used to
create the website of the project and for the exploitation of the final results.
- Writing of the contents and activities of M1 in Google drive by IOC as responsible and by
other members as collaborators. All members give their contribution with contents,
comments and activities.
- Inspection of M1performed during the meeting in Freiburg (Germany) in May 2015.
- Presentation of exe-learning and XERTE platform per part of the member AC-UK.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

- Creation of flyer 1 in English and in each of the Partners languages.


Work Done

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

- Realization of two videoconferences with the participation of most of

the members using the system Polycom provided by Denmark VUC-DK.
- Creation of Twitter and Facebook accounts and a blog for implementation
and exploitation actions by EUROPOLE-IT.
- Start of the work on M2: European Institutions and their features by PhFr-GE
All members are collaborating actively in the allocated tasks.
IO (Intellectual Outputs) are distributed as following:
IO 3 M1 European identity and citizenship IOC-ES
IO 4 M2 European institutions and their functions PhFr-GE
IO 5 M3 European mobility: work, live and study in Europe. VUC-DK
IO 6 M4 Dealing cultural diversity: Learning to work in a multicultural environment. IABKM-TR
IO 7 M5. Final project AC-UK
IO 10 User Guide RR8-LV
IO 11 Exploitation of GRECOL EUROPOLE-IT
IO 12 Assessment IOC-ES

Beneficiaries responsible of IO must manage the IO and create 40% of the contents according
to the following table:








































































Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Work Done

The activities carried out using the budget allocated for the administration and
implementation of the project, besides the development of the phase GRECOL1, are for
the dissemination of the project in each organization, in their webs, and in the creation
of accounts of twitter and facebook starting from the initial phase the project.
Activities are disseminated by each one of the organizations.
Activities of dissemination of the project outside the organizations:
IOC participated at the Sal de l'Ensenyament
(annual sessions lasting 3 days with the participation of the whole educational community
of Catalunya) offering the flyer and data on the project.
Equally, the support and collaboration centers of IOC in all Catalan territory give access to
the data of the project. The European Commission in Barcelona venue was also visited for
promoting the knowledge of the project and its future diffusion.

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

- RR8-LV participated at a Comenius meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus.

There were 25 participants of 10 different European countries. The flyer was delivered and
information about the project was given.

EUROPOLE-IT participated at Free Time University of the third Age of Isola della ScalaVerona, where the project was presented, as well as in other meetings of the organization
Europole at regional level.
In a Board of Directors meeting of Cercogem (member of Polo Europeo) Ivo Zambello and
Salvatore Filella talked and discussed about the Grecol project.
At the central office of a Bank (BCC Rovigobanca) Presentation of opportunities offered to
young people in Erasmus+ programme and illustration with examples on how the bank could
help participation in such sector programme.

PhFr-GE disseminated the project through the web of the University, among the staff, the
students and in scientific conferences.

AC-UK proposed the creation of an area in Google Sites for spreading data about the
project. This will contain data on the members of the project and more data related with the

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Work Done

The intention of carried out activities up to now seeks to develop the feeling of European
identity, based on common values, history and culture, as well as to improve tolerance and
mutual understanding among European citizens and to contribute to the intercultural
Everything that the project has designed in its initial phase and the activities established in
the phase GRECOL1 were fulfilled: general outline of the project, plan of work, distribution
of tasks, development of modules M1 and M2. Creation of contents on European identity
and European institutions. Creation of learning activities in line with the contents. Analysis
and selection of the on-line tools for the implementation of the course.
IOC that is responsible for M1 has started to introduce in high school classes some of the
activities that have been designed for testing them to assure that the work done can be

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

successfully used in the class.

We should mention that the module about European identity was a topic of great discussion
in Barcelona meeting. We shared securities but also different perspectives and forms of
approaching the contents and the activities. Anyway discussion was fruitful and we expect
that the didactic offer will allow not only to approach the thematic of the identity in an
appropriate way in the organizations of the partnership but also in any organization
interested in the thematic.
AC - UK worked with the tools Xerte and eXeLearning using contents of M1. Both tools
produce similar results. They were presented and illustrated in the last meeting in Freiburg
and further steps will follow.
VUC - DK has facilitated and oriented the videoconference system that we plan to continue
using in the following phases of the project and even in the final phase of exploitation.
Phases GRECOL2 and GRECOL3 for the next two years are expected to be developed without
difficulties following the working plan designed in the initial application of the project.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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