Bac'Ielor of Technology in Me ) Ta, I/Iical Engimeb'Ng (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) T.D'Eod Examimlion D@MBD, 2ooa

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D@mbd, 2OOa

Nora : Ansuer antr s.ten qu4tiohs. All questions

corry eeuol hdrks Assumesuirob,d'ssihs

r . 0

A steel rod 40 dm in dianetr ts lixed

i, . brass tube halins ouhlde
and rnside diamerer ol 60 mn and 50 nh
rspecti@ly.Both the bd and tube ara 0.5 n
lons and dren nds a r?d. Th cmpound
bd is held beh!@n h'o stoDswhi.h nre ercct\
0.5 n aDad and the temperatureol the bar is

And th slre$es in the rod and h$e if ile

disran@bet@en *)e stops

(6) h iEeded b9 02 hn
rh dhtane b.h{4n the
.xe.ted behen them is

60 kN.
Fo. SreslE = 2OOGNm2, o - 12 r loj


For Brs E - 100 GNm_2,a = la x loj


2, A nRhlre ls!6mr
b made oi a natdid unrGe
ddmie strengrn in taslon, @flpre$ion dd sh.d
de 40 N/hm2, 110 N,/mm'md 55 N,tuz
spetnb. At & crfticalpoint ri the compondt rid
statdot 9d6 is Bprenlad by
6. - 25 L]!/om2,

oy - - 75 kN/hm2
dt the sha sh$ try which
.odponent and ale sPeclly


3. A b@n AB, 20 nte6 lons suppondon tm

'btem?dhle props
12 mei6 apari ris a
uitodly disMbutedload 6 kN/m losetier utn
ioadsot 30 l,N 3t lhe telt e.d A $d
50 kN al $e nsht dd B. Th? prcps ar so l@led
lhat the reacnon is th en at ach suppolt.
Detemh tie positi.ns of the pbps ard draw B M
and S.f. diasre. Mark r! valuesoI th mximh
B.M. dd s.F.
4. A 150 lm x 20 nm sieelglBteis sirriectedto . lulL
ol 120 ld along its longiludinalce.troidal a{s ll a
hol ot 40 md dhmele. b dnlbd tnowh tne pbt
*.tDse @nhe k 50 m lrom the oiiginal longitudinal
4is ot ihe plal as sh@ in Fig. I detmin the
atume nr6 nd@d.


I (All d'@nsoG tu rn mm)


5- Tne ()6re.rim
oi a beamrs 6 shM Jn FJs.2- It
penisibl nr$ is 150 N/mn", lhd irs mohnt ol
resislan.e canpd ft wilh quival.r *crion oI
ene da l\t

(b) reclansllar sectionwith dpth tui@ the width


{c, a clr.ulai ection

6. A short hd@ cllinder colutu cm6 a codpr6sive
Iorce ol 400 kN The dtenal diametrof the @lm!
is 200 mm @d inteDal diante! is 120 mm. Flnd ih
mdlmun pefil$ible e@htnc y ol load, if the
alowa6leslrss are 50 N/frm2 ii compGion dnd
25 N/TT2 'n reNon



7. A Lhincjlindtical lheU2 m lo.g hos 200 6m diamerel

and 6ickn$ ol netal 10 nm. It G filld completely
wilh a tluid al atmosphencpresure. ll a! additional
25000 mno nuid is pBped in, find ihe pr$ur
do!loped and hoop ste$ developod.Find also th
changsin dianater and lengli.
TakeE - 2x 1OsN/mm2,p= 0.3
, In a steppedshait ABCD, Mth A as lixd 6d and D
e IEe end, AB = 1 m.BC= 2 n, CD - 1 n. AB
ts a hollow shalt ol 100 nm outer diameterand
a0 mm intmai diaDter. BC k a sotid shatt ot
75 mn diameter,CD is a solid shalt ot 69 mm
diahet! The torque applial ar end D is 2 LN-m
clo.kwise, at c is 3 kN-n anriclockwke, ar B is
Tak G = 80 kN/mm2. Find rhe rd'imum shear
st@s and angleof tuisl at tee end.


B M EO I 7


----+ 1m--+

9, A qurier e11ipti6l leal spins has a lenslh ol

600 mn nnd @nsislsof plaleseach50 nm wide and

Dtemine the leastnumberof plateswhich on

b used il the delleciionu.dar a gEdualLy
applial load rI 1.8 kN 's rct to aceed

(ii) Ir the applid load ol 1 8 kN, i6tad of bins

graduallgapplid. lalls a disian.e of 6 nm on
the undllectad spring Iind the maxiduh
defl.ctionandslre$ produced.
rO. A solid shaft 80 mn dhmetar is 5olid lor a ceftatn
lensLh from on end bul hollN Ior ils remainhs
knsth eiti ,.tur diatuter oI 40 nD. It a pure
iosion is applied such lhat ielding occurs at the
su a@ oi the solid pan ol the shaft,Gbulale
(a) deplh ol lieldlns in lh hollo@p6rlion cl th
(b) lle Flio of the anslesof twst per unit lensth. 10

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