How To Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems

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MCSE EETES work snoPey eS How To Diagnose and 3| Repair Automotive §&| Electrical Systems ¢ os * Reading Wiring Diagrams * Troubleshoot All of Your Vehicle's Electronics Tracy Martin To Leslie, whose love and advice First published in 2005 by Motorbooks, an imprint of MBI Publishing Company, Galtier Plaza, Suite 200, 380 Jackson Street, St. Paul. MN 55101-3885 USA © Tracy Martin, 2005 All rights reserved. With che exceprion of quoting brief passages for the purposes of review, no: part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from the Publisher. “The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recommendations are made without any guarantee on the part of the author ‘ot Publisher, who also disclaim any liability incurred in connection with the use of this data or specific details. ‘This publication has been prepared solely by MBL Publishing Company and is not approved or licensed. by any other entity. We recognize that some words, model names, and designations mentioned herein are the property of the trademark holder. We use them for identification purposes only. This is not an official publication. Motorbooks titles are also available at discounts in bulk, quantity for industrial or sales-promotional use. For derails write to Special Sales Manager at MBI Publishing Company, Galtier Plaza, Suite 200, 380 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101-3885 USA. On the front cover: Main: Sometimes a lab scope is the determine if an electrical component is doing ics job. “The waveform for one of the cight'fuel injectors on this Ford F150 looks good. Small: These compe may appear different, but they're all just load devices with resistance to electron flow. Ip way to On the back cover: A relay has been added 10 a diving light circuit. The relay now controls che high amperage load that the driving lights need to operate. For more on this, sce Chapter 8. : Jennifer Johnson and Peter Bodenss Designer: Chris Fayers ner anted in China CONTENTS “Three Things” About 12-Volt DC Circuits .........- “Three Things” About 12-Volt DC Circuits . Resistance/Amps Relationship DC and AC Circuits. Oh No, Math? .......... ee eee Rules of Operation for Three Types of Circuits . CHAPTER 2: Weltage Drop Testing ......ceeeeee cece eee eee ee eeeee eee e eee ee CHAPTER 3:__Electronic Testing Tools . Test Lights .......00055 Eluke Multimeter Measuring Amperage Logic Probes Noid Lights .. ‘Short Finders. Spparic Testor sees sw cers sess esses sense es reece estseessenees ignition Timing Lah Soldering Tools .

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