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P r ocl ai mi ng t he glor y of God t o t he Nat i ons

The Sovereignty of God

The Realization of Redemption
Pastor Bill Finch
Ruth 4:1-21
June 14, 2015

June 14th, Today


Welcome to our Service!

Thank you for worshiping with us
today. We trust you will be blessed
and encouraged by the Word of

Please use the Connecting Card

attached to this Bulletin to share
any concerns or prayer requests
you may have.
Our Ministry Staff Contact Info:
Senior Pastor
Bill Finch
Worship Director Alfredo Faundez
Childrens Ministries Maria-Jose Faundez
Admin Assistant
Bonnie Baldwin
Student Ministries Noah Costain
Offices located at: # 221Westbourne Place

Nursery: 0 - 3 years old

Childrens Church: 4 - 12 years old,

during the sermon.

Library: Open for an hour both
before & after the service.
Upstairs, across from the
kitchen. Contact is Deb Finch

Ruth 4:1-21 ESV

Meanwhile Boaz went up to the town
gate and sat down there just as the guardianredeemer he had mentioned came along.
Boaz said, Come over here, my friend, and
sit down. So he went over and sat down.
Boaz took ten of the elders of the town and
said, Sit here, and they did so.3 Then he
said to the guardian-redeemer, Naomi, who
has come back from Moab, is selling the
piece of land that belonged to our relative
Elimelek. 4 I thought I should bring the
matter to your attention and suggest that you
buy it in the presence of these seated here
and in the presence of the elders of my
people. If you will redeem it, do so. But if
you[b] will not, tell me, so I will know.

Missionary News
June 14th, 2015

Missionaries of the Week

Amber Stark working with
Life Impact in Slovakia

Government regulations have made it so that we have had to discontinue

supporting Amberbut we can still pray!
Since I last wrote we have had 21 guests here at the Good Book Oasis. Two
of the families were return guests and it was so nice to see them at the
Oasis again.
The new family that came to visit had 8 children so we were stretched to
find beds for everyone. We did manage because the baby slept in a pack n
play but next year (when shes grown up) finding the space would not be so
easy were it not forthe new building
The builder is coming to scope out the site and hopefully the foundation
work will begin in the next couple of weeks. We hope the project will be
done by the end of summer. We are now at almost 25% of the needed
funds for the Oasis building project.
Last week I enjoyed having two ladies from the US come to work on my
garden. I do NOT have a green thumb so the garden is always difficult for
mebut not this year! Cyd and Lynda dug and planted and weeded and I
now have a lovely, low maintenance (phew!), perennial garden! I just love
seeing people using their gifts to bless missionaries (including me).
In Christ,
Amber Stark

So sorry! The mens retreat was not intended to be booked on

Fathers Day weekend and it has been decided to be postponed to
the fall.
Favorite Lines Of Fathers

I'm not just talking to hear my own voice!

Stop crying or I'll give you a reason to cry.
Don't forget to check your oil.
You could drive a wooden man nuts!
You're gonna like it, whether you like it or not!
The early bird gets the worm. Rise and shine!
If your friend jumped off a bridge would you?
You have things so easy!
What do you think this is, your birthday?
What part of NO don't you understand?
I don't care what other people are doing! I'm not everybody else's
Didn't your teacher learn you anything?!
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Am I talking to a brick wall?
If I catch you doing that one more time, I'll...
Wipe your feet!
Enough is enough!
Don't make me stop the car!
What did I just get finished telling you?
Go ask your mother!
Just wait until I get you home!
Be home early.
Fill your mouth with food and not with words.
Who said life was supposed to be fair?
If you forget, you'll be grounded till the end of the world.
A little pain never hurt anybody.
Turn off those lights. Do you think I am made of money?
What do you think I am... a bank?

Proverbs 23:24 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise
son will be glad in him.
Proverbs 20:7

The righteous who walks in his integrityblessed are his children after

Special Announcement

Sunday July 5th 8:30 am High Noon

Pancake Eaters,
Bean Bag Throwers &
Bouncy-Castle Jumpers
Be ready for a riproarin good time!!
Prayer and Praise for:
Pray for the people of Nepal and how you might help support in the
disaster relief
Pray for strength and peace for Maria-Jose and her team as they prepare
to end this season at the Preschool, and plan for the next year.
Pray for our Leadership Boards Elders and Ministry Team
Pray for FEBCAST leadership
Pray for the children at Whispering Pines Bible Camp
Pray for the children at our upcoming Soccer Camp
Pray for the Arabic Church that meets at WBC
Pray that Westbourne can reach our goal of 1000 O.C.C. boxes in 2015
Praise God for the ministry of Operation Christmas Child

Ongoing Announcements
Did you know you can listen to the sermon on the website?

Check it out at

Donations accepted via PayPal at

New Announcements to the Office no later than 10:00am Thurs prior
823- 64th Avenue NW

Calgary, AB

T2K 0M6

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