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7 Diagram 7 shows four types of cells, J, K, L and M which are found in

living organisms.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan empat jenis sel, J, K, L dan M yang terdapat pada

organisma hidup.

(a) Observe the cells in Diagram 7.

Based on your observations, state one characteristic of each cells
J, K, L and M.

Perhatikan sel dalam Rajah 7

Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, nyatakan satu ciri bagi setiap sel
J, K, L dan M.

J : Has nucleus, Has cytoplasm, Has cell membrane,

K : Has nucleus, Has cytoplasm, Has cell membrane,
Has vacuole, Has cell wall, Has chloroplast,
L : Has cell membrane, Has dendrites, Has nucleus,
Has axons,
M : Has cell membrane,

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has nucleus

No nucleus

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

J, K, L

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has cell wall

No cell wall

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

J, L, M

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has vacuole

No vacuole

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

J, L, M

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has chloroplast

No chloroplast

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

J, L, M

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has dendrites

No dendrites

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

J, K, M

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Has axons

No axons

J, K, M

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel

Classify cells J, K, L and M in Diagram 7 into two groups based on their

common characteristics. Write the letters of the cells belonging to each group.

Kelaskan sel J, K, L dan M dalam Rajah 7 kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan

ciri sepunya. Tulis huruf-huruf yang mewakili sel itu bagi setiap kumpulan.

J, K, L, M


Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf sel



Figure 7 shows four different patterns of electric circuits P, Q, R and S.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan empat corak yang berbeza litar elekrik P, Q, R dan S.

Based on your observations. State types of electrical circuit P, Q, R and S.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda. Nyatakan jenis litar elektrik P, Q, R dan S.

Series circuit

Series circuit

Parallel circuit

Series circuit

Classify the electrical circuit in figure 7 into two groups based on their common

Kelaskan litar elektrik pada rajah 7 kepada dua kumplan berdasarkan kepada
ciri-ciri sepunya.

P, Q, R, S


Series circuit

Not in series circuit

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf Litar

P, Q, S

Classify the electrical circuit in figure 7 into two groups based on their common

Kelaskan litar elektrik pada rajah 7 kepada dua kumplan berdasarkan kepada
ciri-ciri sepunya.

P, Q, R, S, T, U


Parallel circuit

Not in
parallel circuit

P, Q, S

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf Litar

Figure 7 shows six different patterns of electric circuits P, Q, R, S, T and U.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan enam corak yang berbeza litar elekrik P, Q, R, S, T and U.

Based on your observations. State types of electrical circuit of any four

P, Q, R, S, T and U.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda. Nyatakan jenis litar elektrik mana-mana empat

dari P, Q, R, S, T dan U.

Series circuit

Series circuit

Parallel circuit

Series circuit

Series circuit

Parallel circuit

Classify the electrical circuit in figure 7 into two groups based on their common

Kelaskan litar elektrik pada rajah 7 kepada dua kumplan berdasarkan kepada
ciri-ciri sepunya.

P, Q, R, S, T, U


Series circuit

Not in series circuit

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf Litar

P, Q, S,T

R, U

Classify the electrical circuit in figure 7 into two groups based on their common

Kelaskan litar elektrik pada rajah 7 kepada dua kumplan berdasarkan kepada
ciri-ciri sepunya.

P, Q, R, S, T, U


Parallel circuit

Not in
parallel circuit

R, U

P, Q, S, T

Ciri sepunya

Letter of

Huruf Litar


The usual term comes out in this question are:Sample answer to question no. 8



Based on diagram 8.1, record the initial reading of the pointer.

Berdasarkan rajah 8.1, catatkan bacaan permulaan penunjuk.
55 cm
Manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

Mass of load

Responding variable

Pointer position

Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
iii Constant variable

Initial position of the pointer

Pembolehubah dimalarkan
Mass of load / g

Force / N

Extension of spring / cm

Jisim pemberat / g

Daya / N

Pemanjang spring / cm







predict the extension of spring when a load of 450g is added to the scale pan.

ramalkan pemanjangan spring bila 450g pemberat diletakkan di piring penimbang.

9 cm

state the relationship between the extension of spring and the force exerted on it.

nyatakan hubungan diantara pemanjangan spring dan daya yang dikenakan.

The bigger the force, the longger the extension of the spring

What can you deduce about the meaning of extension of spring?

Apakah kesimpulan anda tentang maksud pemanjangan spring?

Extension of spring is the pointer position

Extension of spring / cm

Pemanjangan spring / cm


Record the initial temperature of the distilled water.

Rekod bacaan suhu awal air suling itu.


Manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan
Time taken

Responding variable

Pembolehubah bergerak balas

Reading of the temperature

Constant variable

Pembolehubah dimalarkan
Volume of distilled water
(c) State a hypothesis based on the result in Table 8.1

Nyatakan hipotesis berdasarkan keputusan pada Jadual 8.1

As time increases, the temperature increases


predict the temperature of the distilled water at the 12th minute.

Ramalkan suhu bagi air suling itu pada minit ke 12

(ii) state the relationship between the temperature and time.

Nyatakan hubungan antara suhu dan masa

As time increases, the temperature increases but remain 1000C
after 8 minutes

what is your inference about the boiling point of salt solution?

apakah inferens anda tentang takat didih larutan garam?

The boiling point of salt solution is more than 1000C because
it contains salt.

what can you deduce about the meaning of impure water?

apakah yang dapat anda rumuskan tentang maksud air tak tulen?
Impure water has boiling point more than 1000C

(i) State one difference of physical change between the first and second day
of germination.

Nyatakan satu perbezaan fizikal pada hari pertama dan kedua percambahan
On second day root has emerge

What inference can be made?

Apakah inference yang boleh dibuat?

Root emerge first during germination

Predict the size of cotyledons on the fifth day of germination.

Ramalkan saiz kotiledon pada hari ke lima percambahan.

Size of cotyledons become smaller

Time (day)

Masa (hari)
Length of radicle (cm)

Panjang radikel (cm)

0 cm

1.4 cm

3.3 cm

3.8 cm

Radicles length (cm)

Panjang radikel (cm)

Time (day)

Masa (hari)


Based of the graph, state the relationship between the radicles and time.

Berdasarkan graf, nyatakan hubungan antara panjang radikel dan masa.

As time increases, the length of the radicle increases.

Manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

Condition of the seeds

Responding variable

Germination of seeds

Pembolehubah bergerakbalas
iii Constant variable

Pembolehubah dimalarkan

Types of seeds

State the action taken which enables the seed to germinate.

Nyatakan tindakan yang diambil bagi membolehkan bijibenih bercambah.

The seeds must have water, air and suitable temperature.

What can you observe to determine the germination to occur?

Apakah yang boleh diperhatikan bagi menentukan percambahan berlaku?

The emerge of radicle and plumul.

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