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Volume 3 Issue 7

April - May 2015

A Bi-monthly bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation

Yoga Goes Universal


Learning Times
Nursery Teachers
Atma Vikas Camp - I
Atma Vikas Camp - II
Regular Ac%vi%es
Didis Programmes

Do you think you can teach even a child?

You cannot. The child teaches himself.
Your duty is to aord opportuni%es and
to remove obstacles.

hanks to the sustained efforts of our Hon. Prime

Minister, the whole world is to receive the blessings of
Maharishi Patanjali, the psychologist par excellence,
the like of one, the world has never known before nor
would see again. Patanjalis Raja yoga goes to the very
depths of human psychology and urges man to
rediscover himself and manifest the divinity or
perfection inherent in him (sans creed, religion and
culture) through controlling his own body mind and
intellect. Each sutra of Patanjali has the capacity to
transform man through apparently elementary
suggestions, from being a wretched creation into a
wholesome being charged with divine energy.
Swami Vivekananda condensed this science of Raja
yoga in his wonderful observation pregnant with
meanings and suggestions. Each soul is potentially
divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by
controlling nature, external and internal. Here we
present the suggestions from just one sutra (1,33)
which can transform every aspect of human
relationships. Let us hear it in Swamjis own words:
Friendship, mercy, gladness and indifference,
being thought of in regard of subject, happy,
unhappy, good, and evil respectively, pacify the Chitta
We must have these four sorts of ideas. We must
have friendship for all; we must be merciful towards
those that are in misery; when people are happy, we
ought to be happy; and to the wicked we must be
indifferent. So with all subjects that come before us. If
the subject is a good one, we shall feel friendly

Volume 3 Issue 7


April - May 2015

towards it; if the subject of thought is one that is miserable, we must be merciful towards it.
If it is good, we must be glad; if it is evil, we must be indifferent. These attitudes of the
mind towards the different subjects that come before it will make the mind peaceful. Most
of our difficulties in our daily lives come from being unable to hold our minds in this way.
For instance, if a man does evil to us, instantly we want to react evil, and every reaction of
evil shows that we are not able to hold the Chitta down; it comes out in waves towards the
object, and we lose our power. Every reaction in the form of hatred or evil is so much loss
to the mind; and every evil thought or deed of hatred, or any thought of reaction, if it is
controlled, will be laid in our favour. It is not that we lose by thus restraining ourselves; we
are gaining infinitely more than we suspect. Each time we suppress hatred, or a feeling of
anger, it is so much good energy stored up in our favour; that piece of energy will he
converted into the higher powers.
How elementary yet how difficult yet this can transform human society!!

Learning Times
Come April and everyone heaves a sigh of relief, it is the time for holidays. Schools and related
educational institutions close for long summer holidays. However at Ananda Dham it is the time
of intense activity. We have the different camps and activities for children and teachers.
April is also the month of Vishu. Vishu is the transit of Sun into Meda Raasi and is the day of
the Spring Equinox. The word Vishu is supposedly derived from the Sanskrit word Vishuvam
which means equal and we all know that the day of equinox has a day has equal number of hours
of daylight and darkness.
Vishu was celebrated by the inmates of Vedic Vision Foundation on the 15th of April, with the
traditional Vishukkani. Kkani means that which is seen first, thus viewing the Vishukkani, a
panoramic arrangement of fruits, vegetables, clothes, gold
coins, flowers and an idol of Krishna or Vishnu is
considered divine and auspicious.
The advent of Vishu brings to bloom the golden shower
tree, or Vishu Konna. Vishu conveys the message of
auspiciousness and prosperity and extending this to all.

Volume 3 Issue 7


April - May 2015

Nursery Teachers Training

Five day Nursery Teachers' Orientation Camp was conducted between 16th and 20th April.
The non-residential camp would begin by 9 am and end at 3 pm everyday. Sessions were
conducted under the able guidance of Smt Madhavi Tai from Nashik, Smt Sushma Padhye from
GramMangal, Pune and Smt Bahrati Patil of Navarachana English Medium School, Nashik.
The sessions and activities were mostly based on Madam Maria Montessoris philosophy of
education and methods of teaching. The camp participants included 17 teachers from 5
different schools across the state.
Lakshmi Didi acquainted the participants with teachings of Swami
Vivekananda and Mananeeya Eknathji and also included glimpses
from their lives.
A short camp, packed with loads of information, practical sessions
that provided insights to scenarios that would help the teachers
guide and inculcate strong foundations of character, culture and a
purposeful life.
Smt. Shemla K.S., Principal, Dr.Palpu Memorial SNDP YOGAM
College Of Education and Sri T.Balakrishnan, Chairman & School
Manager, presided over the concluding program.

Volume 3 Issue 7


Atma Vikas Camp I

April - May 2015


Swachabharatham Camp for children from Class VI to VIII started on 11th May at Anandha Dham.
Apart from personality and all round development of the child, the camp's focus was on "Cleanliness"
and conserving one of Earth's important natural resource, "Water". The camp started with an
introduction by Sri Sudhakarji.
The camp was formally inaugurated by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi with the lighting of the lamp. .
Lakshmi Didi spoke to the children about the importance of swachatha. Swachatha or cleanliness needs
to start from the self and then spread to the surroundings. The supreme knowledge resides in every
individual, however it needs to be awakened, and only then would it benefit the self and the
surroundings. The supreme knowledge can be compared to the light from the lantern. When the glass
cover of the lantern is covered with black soot light is
not emitted. In the same way the supreme knowledge
within each individual is covered by the soot of
ignorance, greed and desires, desires that manifest as
likes and dislikes, which in turn leads to anger and
stress. When these weaknesses are removed from the
individual the supreme knowledge glows bright and
enlightens the self and the surroundings. This will lead
to enlightened individuals and an enlightened nation.
She also stressed on the conservation of natural
resources especially water.
Lecture sessions were good especially the splendid
and practical talk by Dr. Jayalakshmi, an Ayurvedic
doctor. Dr. Jayalakshmi introduced to the children the
Indian philosophy of birth and life of an individual.
Birth of an individual is not by chance and luck, it is the
result of the individual's own actions and inactions from previous lives. This also means that our present
actions and inactions contribute to our future lives. This also means that no two individuals in this world
are same, even if they are twins.... there is always a subtle difference. This is the basis on which Ayurveda
assesses each individual's problems and concerns as
unique and treats them likewise. All diseases originate
at the mind level; when the mind is disturbed it affects
the immune system which in turn affects the body and
what we observe as diseases are manifestations of the
disturbed minds, hence diseases have similar
symptoms but the root causes may be different, an
area modern medicine is yet to comprehend. She
emphasized on how our so called traditions and culture
play a significant benefitting role in the wellbeing of
the individual and society in all spheres. The current
trends of fast food, food of non-locale origin, dressing
styles and adopted life styles are creating havoc in the
society at large. It is the young children who are greatly
affected by these ills and in times to come they will
create a sick and un-healthy society. She called out to
each individual to be a proud "Bharatiya". Our civilization is eternal and universal, whose beginning is

Volume 3 Issue 7


April - May 2015

Major General P Vivekanandans session on
positive thinking too was enjoyed by the children.The
session by Shri Haridas was all about speaking your
mind out. Now how difficult can that be, and that is
what Shri Haridas instilled in each child. Every child of
the group enacted their favourite pastime
activity. The children were taken to view the mural art
exhibition on the life Swami Vivekananda. Kum.
Bindhu wove the life of Swami Vivekananda based on
the paintings and each child's imagination took wings,
actually witnessing Swamiji amidst his childhood
pranks and curiosities which lie behind the various
events of his life.
Post lunch Shri Nivin J Nalapadan conducted a
session on the basics of theater for the children. The
children were immensely enjoyed this session, which
was full of fun filled activity based on theatrical
presentation .Pencil sketching in the first half and
craftwork after lunch were a part of the programme.
Sketching session was conducted by Kum. Vivitha and
craftwork focussed on creating a flower vase using
acrylic beads. Shrimathi Sudha Dileep conducted the
session..In today's corporate world it is very common
to hear manager's emphasising on "thinking out of
the box" smile emoticon now that's something that
we lost a long time ago from the time we were kids,
after all kids are always kept away from art and craft!
Craft on the other hand improves concentration and
inculcates patience. Art and craft create growth in two
dimensions, unstructured(art) and structured(craft).
The result strengthening academics, essential Life Skill qualities like problem solving,
cognitive benefits, social skills, appreciating others strength's and at the same time
accepting one's own abilities.
On all days of the camp there would be an hour each of vocal music, Yoga
exercises in the first half and interactive games before the end of the day.
Sunday, May 17, was the day of immense activity, being the concluding day.
At 3 p.m was the concluding programme. Parents meeting was kept followed by
a short and sweet cultural programme by the children. Mananeeya Didi and Dr
Jayalakshmi blessed the children.

Volume 3 Issue 7



April - May 2015

Volume 3 Issue 7

Namami Gange


April - May 2015

Atma Vikas Camp II

Namami Gange was the main theme for childrens camp for the classes III to V. Parents were
eagerly waiting their wards to get admitted in the camp right from 8 am though the camp was
supposed to start at 9 am on 19th May. 30 children enrolled themselves. Many repeaters
brought their friends and previous camp children encouraged their sisters and brothers to join
the camp. Surprisingly couple of elder campers accompanied their sisters to the camp and
signed the application form as if they had motivated them. With usual interaction with all the
children and knowing their names etc. the camp was inaugurated by Man. Lakshmi Didi
accompanied by the youngest participants by lighting the lamp. Didi gave a brief introduction
of the camp theme Namami Gange. The camp ran for six days and concluded on 24th May.
Parents of all the children were present to watch the programme of their wards on the stage
during the concluding function. Smt Jyothi Unniraman, well wisher of Kendra was the Chief
Guest. Children narrated their camp experience. Parents too spoke appreciating the positive
effect of such camps on their children. Apart from patriotic group songs,skits,a yoga
demonstration was put up by the camp children.There was distribution of prizes for the best
camper, best group,best in music and craft.The Chief Guest spoke on the importance of faith in
oneself which can be inculcated in the children who attend such camps.The programme
concluded with Shanthi Mantra.


Volume 3 Issue 7


Yoga Satra was conducted during the months
of April and May. Yoga Varga was attended by
10 ladies and 5 gents.

Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra

Both rituals were conducted in April and May

Satsanga Prabhashana Parampara

An in depth study of Bhagavad Gita, based on
the commentary by Abhinavagupta.
commentary has 15 additional verses than the
one by Shankara Acharya and is based on
Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy. The Acharayan is Sri.
Girish Kumar L. and will be held on the last
Saturday and Sunday of every month. The session
commenced on 30th May 2015.

April - May 2015

Volume 3 Issue 7


April - May 2015

By Dr Lakshmi Kumari

We are indeed fortunate to have chosen as our national emblem the

Ashoka Cakra with the unparalleled motto Satyameva Jayate inscribed
beneath it. For most of us it remains just an emblem which conveys nothing
of any significance pertaining to our individual or national life. It shouldnt be
so. In it is hidden values which can transform our entire national scene. But
who cares? If not the leaders at least the intellectuals must.
From where came the conviction and faith by which such solid assurance
is given in the sovereign republic of India to its people? Do the politicians of
today, who are the self styled custodians of our nation, its interests and its
people, realize what it means and promises, that truth and justice are closely
interlinked with human dignity, human aspirations and peace and happiness
in the society.
Which other country has made such a profound proclamation of far
reaching consequences, made it part of the very conscience of its people,
interlinked it with each and every aspect of their life? Not only that, almost
every century if not oftener, found its verification and endearment by master
brains who kept up its freshness, validity and meaningfulness. In this so
called modern times when every ancient value system stands devalued in the
human minds nobody has yet found the courage to challenge truth itself.
Mankind is still surviving and progressing because of the invincibility of the
Truth, a fact which man does not seem inclined to accept or appreciate.
Even in recent times there lived amidst us people who made adherence
to truth their very lifes mission as Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana and Gandhiji
to mention a few and the great moral power they wielded over mankind is
part of our recorded history. They were far far removed from the materialistic
wealth and power that todays leaders of our
Sovereign Republic fight to acquire and
accumulate at the cost of the nation and her
We all know what in the scientific jargon truth or


Volume 3 Issue 7

April - May 2015

reality means. What we fail to understand is the nature of that Truth which
lies beyond all these relative truths and in the light of which alone
everything else acquires reality. It was towards this Truth that the Indian
genius had turned its attention from time immemorial, discovered it and
realized it not only on their own Inner self but as the eternal invincible
omniscient, omnipotent Truth and proclaimed it to the world in the above
significant words. It is this Truth that reveals itself through all forms, all forces
and all phenomena. Victory is for that Truth alone.
What is that Truth?
Seeing all round them matter in a flux, our ancient seers and sages who
were in fact super scientist, looking for a permanent hold support and
substratum slowly turned their vision inward and through systematic
negation off all that was transient and impermanent ultimately reached at
the citadel of the Truth within their own Self. With the discovery of this a new
vision was opened to them by which they found the entire universe filled
with supported and nourished by this one Truth. The wholesomeness of the
entire creation and the indescribably subtle ways in which its parts are held
together and linked together also became revealed to them simultaneously.
It must be this Grand Vision of the Whole that brought out the unparalleled
proclamation Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma, Isavasyamidam sarvam,
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and so on. Truth was revealed to them not only
as the One but also as the One in many. After that there was no more
confusion in their minds and the world around them appeared not as a chaos
but as a cosmos. All that was to be done was to make this truth living in
all aspects and activities of human life.
How to achieve that? Nature - her rhythm, harmony and
the spirit of yagna hidden therein gave the answer. The
One way to be in tune with Truth was to live in tune with
natural laws.Peace and harmony and fulfillment became
part of such a life style. To have was of less importance
than to be. The entire fabric of Indian life was the
resultant of this grand thinking and discovery and
consequent application of this knowledge in day to day


Volume 3 Issue 7


April - May 2015

Whenever this truth of Oneness is upheld and preserved there would

be virtue and truth. Noble qualities naturally led to this oneness love and
understand cementing this togetherness of the parts. Through sacrifice and
service are created the ties for the interlinking of the parts. Realization of this
truth alone can release man free from bondage and misery whether it be in
love, work, knowledge or prayer.
Sooner than later the whole world will have to recognize and accept
this Truth. All tendencies, interests and actions which fragment the Whole
through actions which are self oriented and self motivated have not only no
permanent value but they destroy harmony and peace and take the
individual community and society to decay and destruction. On the contrary
positive virtuous thoughts, words and deeds, though apparently not showing
any immediate result would slowly but surely wind their way to peace and
harmony both within and without. It is this magnificent conviction, running
deep in our national veins that has made us to choose the emblem and the
motto proclaiming the invincibility of the Truth.
The character of our people and the ethos of our nation should be
rebuilt upon this conviction. This is the one and only scientific truth on which
can be based all our inter-human relations, knowledge and philosophy. That
it is possible to do so has been so convincingly established by so many of
our great teachers.
The modern science has fortunately come to our aid and proved this as
a physically verifiable fact. Each and every speck of matter in this universe is
only a part of the Whole, interconnected, and interrelated in a mysteriously
subtle way to everything else. Not even on atom can move without taking
the entire universe with it as Swami Vivekananda puts it. Knowledge of even
a little bit of this Truth can save man from untold miseries, Krishna reiterates
in the Gita.
Actualization of this truth in our national life alone can hold us together
as a Nation. Without it the emblem we have and the motto written there are
of no value whatsoever How to do it? Let the lives of our great Masters be
our guide which show the movement from complexity to simplicity, from
darkness to light from many to One. So be our life journey too.
Today shattered as we are as a nation, lets use, this unfailing remedy,
this smoothening balm of truth alone triumphs and rebuild our lives round
that Truth. Through this alone can India play her crucial and vital role in the
comity of nations as the harbinger of a New World Order.



Volume 3 Issue 7


Talk at Palpu College residential camp of B.Ed



Talk at Mata Amritanandamayi Math, Kodungallur

16th to 20th

Nursery Teachers' Orientation Camp

22nd to 24th

Interview for Eknathjis Documentary

Seminar - Women and Prasthanatraya


Dr. Suvarna Nalapat Trust

Valoor Koottala Sree Dharmasastha Kshethram



NSS Students Camp

6th to 8th

Chinmaya Birth Centenary Celebrations, Ernakulam. Talk by Didi on 7th May.


Vedic Conference, Ernakulam


Talk at Youth Club, Pori Bazar

11th to 17th

Atma Vikas Camp I - Swachabharatham

19th to 24th

Atma Vikas Camp II - Namami Gange

She is my sister! - Swami Chinmayananda

Didi addressed the Birth Centenary Celebrations of Swami
Chinmayananda. Didi considers Swami as an avatar of Swami Vivekananda, and recollected many inspirational moments with the
Gurudev - Chinmaya Amrutham. She also talked about nimittamatram, a notion from Bhagavad Gita, wherein Lord Krishna informs Arjuna that he is merely an instrument of the Lord. In the
same way when one feels like leaving everything and running away, seclude yourself in a
quite room, chant this and remind yourself
that you are nimitta-matram.

April - May 2015

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