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Poverty Is Not a Hindrance to Success

Have you ever tried looking at our surroundings? Scarcity! Famine! Thirst! Crimes! Deaths!
These terrifying states of phenomena in our country are just the products of this ultimate culprit
called POVERTY. Poverty is defined as the state of being poor and lack of resources of humans daily
needs and wants such as foods, clothes, accessories, money and the likes. Hence, people will suffer from
this kind of terrible situation if they cant find ways to suffice their needs and wants in life.
Poverty in the Philippines is a chronic disease. An old reality! Most of the citizens are coming from
marginal sectors which are solely dependent from the government assistance and support. Most of these
Filipino parents/families are unemployed resulting to their problematic condition, being into the state of
scarcity of their daily needs.
Poverty is the mother of all evils. It is because people will learn how to steal others belongings,
some may sale their own flesh, and the worst; they will even kill someone just to survive. Doing such acts
serve as humans way of getting rid of the stricken-poverty condition. However, poverty is not the hindrance
to succeed in life. This was supported and testified of so many personalities out there who are true epitome
of the word success. They are the so called street smarts people who have been able to surpass the
pangs of poverty that they have been through in their respective lives. Individual with high outlook in life will
never be afraid of poverty-stricken condition. Instead, it is their way of motivating their selves to do well and
to strive more just to elevate their unfortunate condition. These people will strive hard no matter what the
situation is. They will do everything just to succeed and overcome all the life challenges.
If all people will think of better ways and indulge their selves in productive and clean businesses,
they will surely get rid the stricken-poverty. There are a lot of distinct individuals who are true great
inspiration coming from underprivileged family but as of now they are worlds top billionaires such as Henry
Sy, Many Villar, Jejomar Binay and of course, our own favorite boxer no other than Manny Pacquio, who
had been into pathetic situation before with his Nanay Dionisia. They were able to experience hand-tomouth existence or isang-kahig-isang-tuka but Manny is wise and determined to pursue boxing as his
edge to overcome their living condition and he succeed with so much happiness as now.
The above aforementioned individuals are living inspiration for all of us Filipinos who are
experiencing right now the bitterness of having nothing and dwelling always the pathetic and undying
scenario of insufficiency or the so called POVERTY.

If others can do it, why cant we? Being poor in birth is not our mistake, but being poor when were
old is our major fault, said Bill Gates. Today we are experiencing this kind of pathetic life but if we will strive
harder with the guidance of our loving Almighty God, we can overcome poverty as what happened to
others. Today we might face thousands of problems, but as we continue to excel for better, we can seize
success through our sustained EFFORTS, DETERMINATION, PERSEVERANCE and FAITH. These four
big words are tools to succeed in life. Now, we are here in school because we believe that EDUCATION is
our passport to get a better job in the future and reach the altitude of our dreams in life. If today we are just
nobody, then we should try our best to be somebody someday!
Strive now and grab your dreams to succeed since poverty is not a hindrance to succeed in life!

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