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bottling To bottle fruit you put fresh

pembotolan fruit into special containers.

canning To put food and drink into a

pengetinan closed metal container without

cooling To cause something to

pendinginan become cool.

eg : Leave the cake to cool for

an hour before cutting it.

drying Dried food or plants have had

pengeringan all their liquid removed,
especially in order to preserve
dried apricots /bananas

freezing To preserve food by storing it

penyejukbekuan at a very low temperature so
that it becomes hard.

eg : I'll freeze any food that's

left over.

heating To make something hot or

pemanasan warm, or to become hot or


inactive Not active

Eg : The virus remain inactive
in the body.

moisture Very small drops of water,

kelembapan either in the air or on a

pasteurizing To heat something, especially

pempasteuran milk, at a controlled
temperature for a fixed period
of time in order to kill bacteria.

pathogen Any small organism, such as a

virus or a bacterium which can
cause disease.

pickling To preserve food such as fruit

penjerukan or vegetables in a liquid
containing salt or vinegar .

preservation To keep something as it is,

pengawetan especially in order to prevent it
from decaying or being
damaged or destroyed.

eg : Putting varnish on wood

is a way of preserving it.


salting Containing or preserved in

pengasinan salt.

smoking To preserve and add a smoky

pengasapan flavor to (meat, fish, or
cheese) using smoke from
burning wood.

eg : They smoke the fish over

wood chips.

vakum packing Something, especially food,

pembungkusan vakum which is vacuum-packed is in
a soft container from which
the air has been removed so
that the contents can be
stored longer.

waxing To put a thin layer of wax on

pelilinan the surface of
(something) /fruit

coarse salt Rough and not smooth or soft

garam kasar


detected To notice (something that is

dikesan partly hidden or not clear) or
to discover (something), esp.
using a special method

eg : X-ray procedures can

detect a tumor when it is still

stickness Tending to stick, or covered

melekit with a substance that sticks.

Eg : You had better wash your

sticky fingers.

air pollution The act of polluting, or the

pencemaran udara substances that pollute.

eg :Pollution from the factory

could be contaminating
nearby wells.

biodegradable Able to decay naturally and

biodegradasi/ penguraian without harming the
environment .

Eg : Biodegradable packaging
helps to limit the amount of
harmful chemicals released
into the atmosphere.

compose heap A mixture of dead plant or

longgokan kompos food added to soil to help
plant grow.


A substance that spoils the

contaminated purity of something or makes
tercemar it poisonous.

e.g The food which had been

contaminated was destroyed.

To (cause something to)

decay become gradually damaged,
reput worse or less

eg : Sugar makes your teeth


decomposition To decay, or to cause

penguraian something to decay

eg : Microbes decompose
organic waste into a mixture
of methane and carbon

harmful causing harm

eg : This group of chemicals
is known to be harmful to
people with asthma.

haze When the air is not very clear

jerebu because of something such as
heat or smoke, making it
difficult to see well.

eg : The road through the

desert shimmered in the haze.

irritation To make sore or painful

eg : The strap had rubbed
against his skin and caused


landfill Getting rid of large amounts of

tapak pelupusan sampah rubbish by burying it, or a
place where rubbish is buried

eg : Ninety per cent of

American rubbish is dumped
in landfill sites.

leftover food Food remaining after a meal

sisa makanan
eg : This recipe can serve four
easily, and the leftovers are
just as good eaten cold.

pile Objects positioned one on top

timbunan of another.
eg : We piled plenty of logs
up next to the fire.

waste disposal Material or food that is not

bahan buangan needed and therefore thrown.

fuel A substance which is used to

bahan api provide heat or power, usually
by being burned:
Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas
are all different kinds of fuel.

Leakage A hole or space through which

Kebocoran a liquid or gas can flow out of
a container, or the liquid or
gas that comes out.

Eg : Water was leaking from

the pipe


solvent A liquid in which solids will

pelarut dissolve


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