10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer - Thought Catalog

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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

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July 13, 2014

10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes

You Richer
Deanna Sallao
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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

6/10/15, 3:06 PM

You might not own the most expensive car in the world, nor the biggest house on earth. But one thing is
for sure your dreams are bigger than those things. Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you
richer. Yes and yes! I agree. I know you have read this line for so many times now on so many blog
posts, on your Facebook news feed, on your RSS. Well, let me try to explain it further by giving some 10
good reasons why that such line exists.


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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

6/10/15, 3:06 PM

1. You cannot buy memories. During your first plane ride, I know you can still remember how your heart
pounds when the plane is about to take-off. A simple memory like this is something you cant buy, the
feeling, the sweaty palms, the nausea youve felt, the wonderful I-feel-like-flying you experience; all of
these cannot buy with money.
2. You grow as a person. When you are totally pissed and tired from work, the first thing you have in mind
is to take some time-off, not for the sake of the company that you are working with, but for yourself. You
go on a vacation and unplug yourself from the real world; while having a beer on your right hand and a
book on your left while watching the ocean glistening right before your eyes, your mind do all those
realizations about life, about work, about everything in life. And when you get back, you become a
different person, and most of all you grow as an existing human being.
3. It restores your belief in humanity. When you travel alone, there comes to a point that you really cannot
get on how to read your map or in-short you are LOST. Yes, when you break the good news to your
family that you have decided to take that trip of a lifetime, the usual thing that you will hear from them is
Traveling Alone? Are you out of your mind? Isnt that scary?. Everyone is scared and you are
excited, how peculiar feeling is that? But you still go on and do it. Then, on your journey you will meet
people who will help you get the next cab, who will tell you how to go the substation, who will try to help
you without any motives to harm you. You will learn how to trust bit by bit.

4. It challenges you. The only thing on how you conquer your fear is to face them. No one will push you
to your own limits except yourself. It allows you to dive into a whole new perspective in life after you
have conquered your fear. You will never know your boundaries until you have reached it, but it doesnt
stop there. Life has no boundaries. So keep on pushing yourself to the limit!
5. It gives you a taste of the world. Different sides of the world, different continents, and different people.
It allows you to embrace how the locals live, how they live it to the fullest! Can you just imagine how
your favorite pasta was made? How its made to perfection? How your favorite rice noodles was made?
When you go in depth on whats behind all of these, it lets you embrace the beauty of life, the beauty of
the world! You understand how they do it, and why they do it. You become part of them, you see things
through their eyes!
6. You gain self-confidence. If you are struggling with your self-confidence, I advise you to travel alone.
Aside from facing your fears, you allow yourself to be yourself, to talk to a complete stranger, to give
yourself a boost of self-confidence. It might scare you at first, but believe me, it works! You will come
back home braver and much more different in a good way than you were before.

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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

6/10/15, 3:06 PM

7. You see a whole new horizon. Everything becomes a routine that we all try to break. When you travel,
your perspective becomes broader, you embrace the new horizons of life. It gives you an idea how lucky
you are in this world, from the people you meet and from the things you see. The best advice you can get
is from a stranger; it strikes you like a lightning and one day you wake up and have decided to change the
old you into a version 2.0.
8. You learn to trust yourself. Becoming true to yourself is one of the spice in the pillars of success. You
cannot buy trust, you gain it. And by traveling, trusting yourself is one of the hardest battle you will ever
encounter. You will meet people who wont be as good as you have thought, who will frustrate you, who
will break you. But the bits and pieces of those that you have experienced will let you learn how to trust
yourself. That in the end, you will realize that you can only love many and trust a few.
9. It gives you happiness. Years back, only rich people can afford to travel. They have these private jets
and having a toast first class up in the sky, we cant blame rich people if those luxurious things makes
them happy. But now in our 20-something-century-modern-day anyone can afford to travel! Flying in
economy class can also make someone happy! Traveling gives you sense of fulfillment, a carefree liberty,
and a sense of happiness. If traveling is something you are passionate about and you know will give you
happiness, then go ahead and do it! Explore the world, fill your eyes with places and faces, hope and
10. It is an investment. Imagine traveling as an investment. It teaches you more about life than the 4
corners of your cubicle in your 9 to 5 job. An Investment that cannot be snatched by anyone from you, its
like education. You can put all of your experiences on you Resume and its an added plus! (Joke, half
meant). But on a serious note, its an investment that you can share to anybody! When youre old and
cannot travel anymore, it is the stories that you will tell to your grandchildren! Its like investing
memories in your head, because in the future someone will benefit from it; it can be yourself too!

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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

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Deanna Sallao
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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

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10 months ago

#1 says you can't buy memories, the experience of flying for the first time, the sweaty palms,

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10 Reasons Traveling Is The Only Thing You Buy That Makes You Richer | Thought Catalog

6/10/15, 3:06 PM

#1 says you can't buy memories, the experience of flying for the first time, the sweaty palms,
the nausea, etc . Well, unless someone else paid for the trip, then you DID pay and bought it.
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Meticulous Mick

a year ago

Congratulations Deanna, a brilliant post, well written and thoughtful. Happy travels. MM !


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a year ago

I bought my iPhone and a contract with data usage. If I had not have purchased these, I
would have not downloaded Grindr and would have not met my boyf. And he makes me
richer every time I see him.
It's a bit of a sickeningly sweet response, but I just find these travelling articles elitist and

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a year ago




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a year ago

nicely written! great to see more Filipinos travelling and seeing the world! :)

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Deanna Sallao

a year ago

To each his own.


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a year ago

Did thought catalog seriously publish this article? It was not only poorly written but makes
me feel uncomfortable. As a traveler, I couldn't relate to any of this. Also, traveling and
vacation are not synonymous (number 2).

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Alan Carr > Sofi

a year ago

English isn't her first language. Her enthusiasm shines through, much of what she
says DOES resonate with me (and I travel, a LOT). Don't be such a spiteful mean
person. Say something nice?

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