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Molecular genetics

Molecular genetics is the field of biology and genetics that studies the
structure and function of genes at a molecular level. Molecular genetics
employs the methods of genetics and molecular biology to elucidate
molecular function and interactions among genes. It is so called to
differentiate it from other sub fields of genetics such as ecological genetics
and population genetics.
Along with determining the pattern of descendants, molecular genetics helps
in understanding developmental biology, genetic mutations that can cause
certain types of diseases. Through utilizing the methods of genetics and
molecular biology, molecular genetics discovers the reasons why traits are
carried on and how and why some may mutate.
How DNA technology transfers bacterial genes from cell to cell?

Role of restriction
enzymes and DNA

ligase in creating
recombinant DNA
First, a specific enzyme is needed to cut the DNA from the donor genes at a specific
site. This enzyme is called a restriction enzyme.The enzyme is used to cut out a
piece of DNA that contains one or more desired genes from the donor's DNA.

Explain the importance of gene

Genetic cloning is very important. I don't understand why people would say it's not.
Probably because they don't understand what it actually is. Genetic cloning is not
cloning whole humans or sheep, although it ultimately could. Genetic cloning allows
us to study genetic disorders in a lab environment. we can perform experiments on
these cloned cells without having to endanger the patient themselves. these clones
aren't humans, you can't even see them without a microscope most of the time. By
performing these experiments we learn about the different processes that occur
within the cell. and the more we learn about these processes the more we can do to
prevent disorders that occur due to malfunctions in these processes. How do you
think cancer research is being done right now? Without genetic cloning techniques
where would we get these cancer cell samples to perform tests in hopes of one day
figuring out how to stop it? Please don't listen to people when they say cloning isn't
important. It's one of science's best weapons in the 21st century.

Molecular Cloning allows scientists to not only discover the what proteins are
present and their function, but also explore what happens in a cell when
these proteins are changed. When studying cell division, specifically,
scientists look for proteins that control the beginning and end of division.
Using the recombinant DNA (containing the both the human cell DNA and the
cloned plasmid), scientists can direct the replication within the human cells.
By manipulating cells with cloning and learning more about specific proteins,
scientists can take their research and apply it to larger-sale research
endeavors like diseases and pathogens.
It is important to note, however, that cloning is not used to study just
proteins involved in the cell cycle. Molecular cloning has led scientists to
discover the entire genetic sequences of many different species, inactivate

genes in both humans and other organisms, and create transgenic organisms
like herbicide resistant plants and glow-in-the-dark fish!

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