Huawei PRS IManager

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iManager PRS

Huaweis iManager PRS provides a comprehensive analysis platform for MBB network performance
and MBB service statistics. The platform provides visibility at the network, service, and device levels
for MBB network O&M and MBB network planning. Its network visibility features provide easy-tonavigate interfaces for monitoring network capacity and KPI insights; its service visibility features
provide easy-to-navigate interfaces for monitoring throughput, bandwidth, and traffic models; and its
device visibility features provide easy-to-navigate interfaces for monitoring device penetration,
signaling traffic models, and impact of mobile applications.

Network Visibility
The PRS provides visibility and detailed analysis reports for network capacity to quickly locate and
correct bottlenecks. It can also analyze network KPI and provide customized KPI reports for KPI
monitoring as well as root and related cause analysis reports to efficiently locate and correct network
KPI issues.
Service Visibility
The PRS analyzes service bandwidth usage and the results of implementing service control
strategies. It helps operators adjust service differentiation control strategies to maximize the value of
their pipeline. The PRS provides analysis reports on the effectiveness of control strategies for end
user service packages, business consumption, roaming throughput, tethering throughput, and smart
device penetration. It also helps operators optimize service packages to improve user experience
and maximize MBB profitability.
Device Visibility
The PRS helps operators formulate device sales strategies by identifying devices with the highest
penetration and the most popular mobile services and applications. Provided detailed analysis
reports on the effectiveness of service and signaling models help operators plan and optimize their
MBB network.

Deployments & Benefits

The PRS has been commercially deployed in more than 70 countries in the world for more than 100
operators, including China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, Vodafone, Orange, Etisalat,
Telenor, T-Mobile, MTN, Bell, and TELUS.

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