Biografi Plato

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Plato (plateau) juga dapat berarti dataran tinggi


c. 428427 SM[1]
c. 348347 SM (berusia c.80)
Filsafat kuno
Retorika, seni, literatur, epistemologi,
Minat utama
keadilan, kebajikan, politik, pendidikan,
keluarga, militarisme
Teori Bentuk atau Teori Ide, Idealisme
Platonik, Realisme Platonik,
hyperuranion, metaxy, khra

Plato (bahasa Yunani: ) (lahir sekitar 427 SM - meninggal sekitar 347 SM) adalah seorang
filsuf dan matematikawan Yunani, penulis philosophical dialogues dan pendiri dari Akademi Platonik
di Athena, sekolah tingkat tinggi pertama di dunia barat. [2] Ia adalah murid Socrates.[2] Pemikiran Plato
pun banyak dipengaruhi oleh Socrates.[3]. Plato adalah guru dari Aristoteles.[2] Karyanya yang paling
terkenal ialah Republik (dalam bahasa Yunani atau Politeia, "negeri") yang di dalamnya
berisi uraian garis besar pandangannya pada keadaan "ideal". [rujukan?] Dia juga menulis 'Hukum' dan
banyak dialog di mana Socrates adalah peserta utama.[rujukan?] Salah satu perumpamaan Plato yang
termasyhur adalah perumpaan tentang orang di gua.[2] Cicero mengatakan Plato scribend est mortuus
(Plato meninggal ketika sedang menulis).[2]


Plato was one of a greek philosopher and also expert in

mathematics, born in Athena in 427 BC and passed away
in 347 BC. His main ideas were about platonic idealism,
realism, platonik, hyperurarian, metaxy and chora. He was
also a writer of Political Dialogues and the founder of
Academic of Platonic in Athena, which was the first
university in the western side of the world. Plato was a
master/teacher of Aristotle and was a students of
Socrates. Many of his ideas (Platos ideas) were influenced
by his teacher, Socrates.


He wrote a book of Political Dialogues and Republic
which was very popular at that time. In the Republic,
Plato describes Socrates posing questions about the
virtues, or moral concepts, in order to establish clear and
precise definition of them. Socrates had famously said
virtue is knowledge, and that to act justly.
He also emerge the laws and dialogues in which Socrates
was the main actor in this case.
He found the Academic of Platonic.


In 399 BC, Platos mentor Socrates was condemned to

death. Socrates had left no writings, and Plato took it upon
himself to preserve what he had learnt from his master for
posterity-first in the Apology, his retelling of Socrates
defense at his trial, and later by using Socrates as a
character in a series of dialogues. In these dialogues, it is
sometimes difficult to untangle which are the Socrates
thoughts and which are the original thoughts of Plato, but
a picture emerges of Plato using the methods of his
master to explore and explain his own ideas.


Plato talks about objects in the world around us, such as
beds and dogs. When we see a bed, he states, we know
that it is a bed and we can recognize all beds, even
though they may differ in numerous ways. Dogs in their
many species are even more varied, yet all dogs share

their characteristic of dogginess which is something we

can recognize, and that allows us to say we know what a
dog is. Plato argues that it is not just that a shared
dogginess or bedness exists, but that we all have in
our minds an idea of an ideal bed or dog, whch we use to
recognize any particular instance.

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