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The purpose of this method statement is to describe the activities and methods, which
will be used to carry out FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT (Rehabilitation and Resurfacing).


The sequence of the work to be carried out shall be as follows:-

2.1 General Requirements
2.2 Resurfacing Works
2.3 Cold In-Place Recycle (CIPR) – Cement Treated Base

2.1 General Requirements

2.1.1 Before starting full-scale work, a trial lay is required to ensure that
the asphaltic mixture will be produced according to the design mix
specification and familiar with the actual operations on site.

2.1.2 An electronic sensor paver shall be used for laying of asphaltic

pavement. Laying temperature shall be in the range of 125o C and
170o C.

2.1.3 Compaction shall be carried out using the specified equivalent type
of rollers and compacted in accordance with the specification.

2.1.4 Rolling shall be commenced from the lower to the higher side. The
final rolling temperature shall not less than 110o C.

2.1.5 The surface of asphaltic pavement shall be finished to the grade

and line as required and a joint survey shall be carried out to
confirm these.

2.1.6 Coring shall be carried out to determine the compaction, 24 hours

after laying.


2.2.1 Demarcation on site shall be carried out to determine the extend of
repair area.

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2.2.2 Joint survey on existing pavement shall be carried out prior to the
commencement of milling works.

2.2.3 Milling out of the existing to a depth of not exceeding 110mm or as

shown in the accompanying drawings.

2.2.4 The surface to receive the premix shall be cleaned, free from dirt,
loose materials and standing water.

2.2.5 Supply and apply bituminous Tack Coat prior to the laying of
ACBC. The spray rate of the Tack Coat shall be between 0.15 to
0.30 liters/sq.m.

2.2.6 The approved premix shall be delivered to site by tipper trucks. To

prevent loss of heat, the mixture shall be covered by tarpaulin.

2.2.7 Supply, lay and compact ACBC as specified thickness including

necessary regulating works. Materials and workmanship shall be as
per specification. The ACWC shall be laid the next day after
completion of ACBC.

2.2.8 Supply and apply bituminous tack coat prior to the laying of ACWC.

2.2.9 Supply, lay and compact ACWC as specified thickness including

the necessary regulating works. Materials and workmanship shall
be as per specification.

2.2.10 Asphaltic concrete shall not be opened to traffic until compaction

has been completed and the materials has thoroughly cooled and
set in the opinion of the Engineer’s representative. This is usually
not less than 4 hours from the initial of rolling.


2.3.1 Description
This Work shall include the breaking, mixing compacting and shaping the
cement stabilized base course in accordance with this specification and
the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on the
drawings and/or as required by the Engineer.

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2.3.2 Setting up the Recycling Train
Recycling should only commence once all preliminary requirements have
been met. These include, in order of sequence:

• A thorough check on all machines and equipment to be used in the

recycling operation, including rollers and water tanker.
• The bags of cement based on calculation, shall be placed at regular
internal along stretch of works.
• Check that the recycling operator has all the data concerning the rate
of application of stabilizing agents for keying into the computer, that
there is a clear guideline for the full length of cut and that all start-up
procedures are clearly understood.

2.3.3 Preparatory Works

Prior to the commencement of works, the areas should be thoroughly
investigated and checked. Presence of any underground utilities
especially cabling work shall be detected and marked in order to avoid
damaged during the mixing operation. Any utilities that could not be
avoided during the stabilization operation, relocation works need to be

2.3.4 Coring and Investigation

Coring need to be done to identify the thickness of the existing pavement.
Upon identify the thickness of each of the pavement layer, the thickness of
the asphalt and the existing crusher run base in the vicinity of the
determined recycle stabilization areas should be taken for sieve analysis
and laboratory compaction. The dosage of stabilizing agent such as
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to be applied in respect to the required
strength shall be pre-determined in the Laboratory by Unconfined
Compression Strength Test.

2.3.5 Pre-Treatment
If the base is wet and above the Optimum moisture content, the base
material need to be pre-treated. The process of pre-treatment using the
stabilizer machine or any other mechanical mean approved by the
Engineer is by pulverized the base material to dry-out the material until
below the Optimum moisture Content before the process of spreading the
cement for stabilization.

2.3.6 Spreading of Stabilization Agent

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The determined recycle stabilization areas shall be marked and the
required quantity of cement shall be spread over the areas. If case of the
stabilization area is small, spreading could be done manually, in order to
reduce the spreading cost. To have a uniform spreading, the cement
bags shall be placed in areas that already been marked off, opened and
spread with a rake or other mechanical mean alike.

The Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) or any other stabilizing agent in

powder form shall be spread with the mechanical spreader in order to get
a better production of the works.

The quantity of the cement required for recycle stabilization area shall be
computed using the following formula:-

C = Ar x Tr x δc x Rc

Where C

C = Quantity of cement needed (kg)

Ar = Area for recycle stabilization (cm2)
Tr = Thickness of recycle stabilization (cm)
δc = Density of the unconfined samples (kg/cm3) at the required cement %
Rc = Required cement %

The rotor of stabilizer shall be so adjusted that the required thickness of

breaking and mixing is achieved after compaction. The area near edge of
the pavement shall be worked by shifting the rotor of the stabilizer
sideways, the maximum offset outward from machine wheel is 35cm on
either side.

2.3.7 Breakdown Compaction

When necessary to have a break-down compaction after mixing,
pneumatic tired roller shall be used for break-down compaction.
Sprinkling of water from pneumatic tired roller shall be permitted to obtain
the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) during the break-down compaction.

Vibrating roller with 20 t static mass ideal is use with rolling pattern of 2
passes static and 6 passes vibration. Moisture content is the most critical
variable in achieving densification with minimum effort. Due to the time
delay between recycling and finishing off, a light application of water
should always be applied to the surface before final rolling.

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2.3.8 Trimming and Compaction
• Immediately after break-down compaction (if require), undulations shall
be eliminated by a motor grader. Further compaction by a pneumatic
tired roller or a viabratory roller shall be used for full pavement
compaction. To achieve best suitable compaction the moisture content
of the mixture should be controlled to an about of Optimum Moisture
Content (OMC). Fine trimming by motor grader to obtain the required
level after final compaction. Final smooth rolling by pneumatic tired
roller to knead down any loose material left over on the surface.

2.3.9 Prime Coating

After compaction of the above operations, prime coat of cationic
Bituminous Emulsion with Bitumen content not less than 58% shall be
sprayed at the rate 0.5L/m2 – 1.0L/m2.

2.3.10 Trial Area

Prior to the commencement of site works, it is recommended a trial area
shall be carried out to establish the rolling method, required to produce the
specified field density. The established method thereafter shall be used
be used as a standard for site control.

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Type of machineries required,

i. Back pusher with power broom

ii. Diamond Cutter and jack hammer
iii. Milling Machine
iv. Water tanker
v. Air compressor
vi. Bituminous Tack Coat distributor
vii. Tipper lorries
viii. Asphalt paver
ix. Tandem roller & Pneumatic tyre roller
x. Recycler

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