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Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green

Setting: Indiana and Amsterdam
Major Characters
Hazel Grace Lancaster The 16 year
old protagonist who is also the narrator
of the story. She was diagnosed with a
terminal form of thyroid cancer at the
age of 13. She distanced herself from
people, knowing her death will affect
them, until she falls in love with
Augustus his only boyfriend and love.
Augustus Waters (Gus) The 17 year
old protagonist who became Hazels
boyfriend. He is a witty person who is
diagnosed with osteosarcoma. He lost
his right leg and uses an amputated one
instead due to his cancer.

Minor Characters

Isaac Mutual friend of Hazel and

Augustus. Blinded by his cancer which

caused her girlfriend Monica to break
up with him.

Mr. And Mrs. Lancaster Hazels caring

and emotionally strong parents.
Dr. Maria Hazels primary cancer
doctor who suggested Hazel the
Support Group where he met Augustus.
Peter Van Houten The infamous
author of An Imperial Affliction which is
Hazels favorite book and became the
basis of their relationship.
Lidewij Vliegenthart Peter Van
Houtens kind assistant
Anna the protagonist of An Imperial
Affliction. She also suffered from a
terminal illness but greatly admired by
Hazel due to her honesty while dealing
with her cancer.

Kaitlyn Hazels friend and former

Monica Isaacs girlfriend who turned
to be an ex-girlfriend.
Patrick Leader and sole adult at the
Support Group.
Caroline Mathers Augustus former
girlfriend who died from brain cancer.

Hazels mother insisted that her daughter is
depressed considered as side effect of
cancer but the protagonist believes that it is
the side effect of dying due to her not wanting
to go outside their home and reading her
favorite book over and over again. Dr. Maria
suggested for her to attend a Church Support
Group for cancer survivors. Through this, he
met Augustus Waters who feared oblivion.

They were almost inseperable since they first

met. Hazel required Augustus to read An
Imperial Affliction and in return, he required
Hazel to read the book that is the basis of his
favorite video game. They bonded over the
book because both of them has a burning
desire to find out how the story ends due to
that book and its protagonist is quite special.
The book ended midsentence, leaving its
readers hanging and wondering about the
conclusion of each of the characters life.
Hazel relates to the protagonist of the said
book whom is Anna that has a rare blood
A week after discussing the literary meaning
of An Imperial Affliction, Augustus

miraculously tracked down Peter Van

Houtens assistant Lidewij, and through her
they managed to have an email
correspondence with the mysterious author.
Hazel devised a lot of questions but mostly

concerned with Annas mother. She figures

that if Annas mother survived Annas death,
then her parents will be alright after she dies.
Van Houten replied that he could only answer
her questions personally and invites her to
stop by if she is ever in Amsterdam.
Augustus invited Hazel on a Dutch-themed
picnic as he planned shortly after where he
revealed a charitable foundation that grants
the wishes of kids and has granted his: a trip
for the two of them to Amsterdam to meet
Peter Van Houten. She was very thrilled and
happy because of Augustus surprise. Over
time, she realized she likes Augustus a lot but
shes afraid that he will be only hurt when she
dies. She thinks of herself as a grenade, a
dangerous one.
In the midst of her dillema over Augustus, she
suffered from a serious incident where her
lungs was filled with fluid and has to go to the
ICU. She didnt want Gus to see her suffering

and weak. But she found out that Gus never

left the hospitals waiting room when she was
released. He delivered Hazel another letter to
Van Houten which was more personal and
made Hazel more determined to meet the
author. But her family and her team of doctors
didnt allow her since they dont think that
Hazel is strong enough to travel. The situation
seems hopeless. Thankfully, Dr. Maria
convinces Hazels parents to let her travel
since she needs to live her life.
Augustus, Hazel and her mother departed
then to Amsterdam. But when Hazel and Gus
met Van Houten, they found that instead of a
productive genius, he is a mean-spirited
drunk who claims he cannot answer any of
Hazels questions. They left his residence
with utter disappointment and accompanied
by Lidewij, who feels dismayed by Van
Houtens behavior. She invited them to tour
around the Anne Franks house. At the end of
the tour, Augustus and Hazel shared a

romantic kiss which caused the other tourists

to applause. They head back to the hotel and
made love for the first and last time.The
following day, he confessed to Hazel that

while she was in the ICU, he had a body scan

which revealed his cancer had returned and
spread everywhere.
They returned to their hometown with Hazels
realization that Augustus is now the grenade.
His condition worsened which caused him to
self-deprivation. He became vulnerable and
scared unlike before but still a very beautiful
boy in Hazels eyes. She then realized that
she loves Gus now as much as ever.
However, his condition deteriorated quickly.
Knowing that his remaining days are shorter,
Gus prepared a pre-funeral for himself in
which Hazel and Isaac will give their eulogies.
Hazel expressed how much she loves
Augustus and that she would never trade their

short time together for anything in the world.

She also stole a line from Van Houten that
some infinity is larger than other infinities and
that their infinity is much smaller than others
but will be the most memorable and special
moments of her life.
Sadly, Augustus dies eight days later. Hazel
was astonished to see Van Houten at the
funeral. He then explained that he and

Augustus maintained communication and that

Gus demanded him to see Hazel at the
funeral for ruining their trip to Amsterdam. He
revealed the fate of Annas mother, but Hazel
is surprisingly uninterested.
A few days had passed since the funeral and
Isaac informs Hazel that his late friend was
writing something for her. He had hinted
about writing his own sequel to An Imperial
Affliction for her only. As Hazel struggled to
locate the pages of Gus writings, she

encountered Van Houten once more. He

drunkenly revealed that Anna was the name
of her daughter who died of cancer when she
was only eight. And his book, An Imperial
Affliction was his attempt to reconcile himself
from his daughters death. Hazel then tells
Van Houten to stop drinking alcohol and write
another book instead.
Hazel learned that Gus sent the pages to Van
Houten because he wanted him to use the
pages to write well-written eulogy for her.
Lidewij forced Van Houten to read the pages
and send them to Hazel.
The novel concluded with Hazel reading
Augustus letter. He says getting hurt in this

world is inevitable, but we do get to choose

who alow to hurt us. And that he is happy with
his choice, hoping the Hazel also likes her
choice. The final words of the novel which
made the readers cry their heart out came

from the lovely protagonist, Hazel who says

she does like her choice.

Obviously, the conflict here is the cancer
itself. Both protagonists battled theirselves
against their cancers but miserably failed in
the end in Augustus part. Even in Hazels
situation, she still struggles because of her
lungs that can be easily filled with fluid which
made her have a difficulty in breathing and
bringing an oxygen tank everywhere she

There are many things this novel has taught
me. I admire John Green so much for giving
me a very realistic but beautiful insight about
Pain demands to be felt.

This is so true. Because if you dont feel it or

havent felt it, then I can say you arent human.
Pain is essential in living. Not only I or you can
feel pain. Every one of us has and will. So just
feel the moment, the pain, thinking everyone
feels them too.
The world is not a wish-granting factory.
This refers so much to reality. We cannot have
anything or anyone we want or wish in this
world. Because the world is like that, and
theres nothing we can do about it.
You dont get to choose if you get hurt in this
We really dont, but we can say some thoughts
to those who hurt us. Every one of us will get
hurt and it goes with pain, and as I said before,
it demands to be felt.
Its a good life, Hazel Grace. Augustus
This line is very heartwarming. Because even
though they are suffering from a terminal
disease, they enjoy the life God has given

them and are thankful to Him instead. Thats

how life should be. Even though its getting
tough on us, just be thankful that we are given
the most precious gift, our lives.


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