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Casilla 16-01-794

Revive: Ecuador

June 2015

I feel that this past year has been a season of rooting out, refining and molding. I have been
physically sick, emotionally destroyed and mentally exhausted. But amidst the days where I
barely have the strength to get out of bed in the morning, God has proven faithful and has
carried me. He is teaching me that I am weak, and that is okay because He wants to be my
strength if Ill let Him.
Since arriving in Ecuador in March, it has been a whirlwind of getting settled back into my
life in Ecuador and starting a new ministry. Although the place was familiar, everything
seemed different. I recognized faces and places, but my life was to be completely new.
In March I started my
new job as a youth
leader at a local church.
It has kept me plenty
busy, planning and leading the youth group,
building and training the
youth leader team,
starting Bible studies
and joining the mission
work in surrounding
jungle communities that
the local church is already doing.
Evangelism in surrounding jungle communities.

In April, a missions drama team from the

coast of Ecuador came to partner with our
church doing evangelism through theatre
and a medical brigade. We shared the Gospel with and provide medical care to 227
adults and children who had never heard
about Jesus!
In May, life was busy with planning events
and regular youth group. Nine new youth
joined our group and we had fun celebrating
birthdays and Mothers day. A normal youth
night consists of games, worship and messages. Once a month we take the youth on
an outing. In May we took them on a trip to
a waterfall in a jungle community 2 hours
Youth group outing.

Coming Up...
June- As the youth group is growing, we will stay busy
planning youth events , especially the camp for our
youth group in August.
July- Every five years my mission agency has a conference in Kentucky for their missionaries. The first week of
July, I will be traveling to Kentucky to attend this conference. Following this, I will be traveling Alaska for a week
for my brothers wedding!!
August- The youth will be on summer break so we will
take our youth group to camp on the coast of Ecuador. I
will also be assisting to plan the vacation Bible school in
my community.
Church ministry

...for your love and support I couldnt do this without you!


Please pray...

Youth group games

For Gods provision, guidance and strength

For $4000 more on a vehicle
For financial supply - $2,300/month
For the missionaries of CornerStone International who will be traveling from all over the world to attend the conference in Wilmore, KY
For our youth camp in August, for wisdom and that many youth would come to know Christ and grow in their faith!



more monthly supporters!

Please make donations to:

CornerStone International
PO Box 192
Wilmore, KY 40390

($2300/mo, total needed)

$4000 more for vehicle

Pray-ers! (

Please designate Revive: Ecuador (support project name) or REVehicle

donations available! (call or email CI office)
All donationsmonthly
are tax-deductible.
Donate from our website at:
All donations are tax deductible.

Questions? Contact CI office:


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