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Jormungandr & Draconis - Tyranid Models

There are a range of epic scale tyranid models that can be found second hand. Although this is a
modern fleet list some of the older models are used directly or are suitable proxies for a modern
unit. There are also a number of units that can be directly represented by 40k scale models (and are
a useful base for more elaborate conversions. There are however some that require extensive
conversion or scratchbuilding. The following is a list of units and suitable models


Additional Notes

Barbed Hierodule

40k Gaunt

See also Conversion guide from a 40k Gaunt below.


Biovore (metal)

Barbed Carnifex





Carnifex (metal)

Devourer Carnifex

Scratchbuild/Malefactor (metal)

Dominatrix Symbiote

Scratch/Conv/Dominatrix (metal)


Gargoyles (plastic)


Genstealer (plsstic)



See also Conversion guide from a 40k Ripper below


Harridan (metal)

See also Conversion guide from a 40k Gaunt below.


Hierophant (metal)

Some weapons will need scratchbuilding/converting. See also Conversion guide from a
40k Tyranid Warrior below

Hierophant (990.M41)

Hierodule (metal)

Some weapons will need scratchbuilding/converting. See also Conversion guide from a
40k Tyranid Warrior below

Hive Guard


Hive Ship

Battlefleet Gothic Hive Ship

Hive Tyrant

Hive Tyrant (metal)


Hormagaunts (plastic)


Lictor (plastic)





Meiotic Spore

40k spore mine

Mycetic Spore

Simple Marker





Simplest method is a modelled tail attached to the upper halves of epic scale Tyranid
Warriors, Hormagaunts or Lictors. Alternatively a 40k ripper

Scythed Hierodule

40k Gaunt

See also Conversion guide from a 40k Gaunt below.



Plasticard conversion of Tyranid Warriors (untested)

Synapse Symbiote

40k Tyranid accessory

Several 40k Tyranid accessories (eg adrenal gland)


Termagant (plastic)




Trygon (metal)

See also Conversion guide from a 40k Gaunt below

Tyranid Prime


Conversion of Tyranid Warriors (untested) or unique paint colouration

Tyranid Warriors

Tyranid Warriors (plastic)


Scratchbuild/Exocrine (metal)

Tyrant Guard


Winged Hive Tyrant

Converted Hive Tyrant (metal)




40k Ravener


Rare Forgeworld Epic Harridan

See also Conversion guide from a 40k Gaunt below

Zoanthrope (990.M41)

Zoanthrope (metal)

Not the modern floating version but easily identifiable

Dominatrix model would represent a Hierophant with Dominatrix Symbiote

Also a simple marker may be used

See also Conversion guide for Trygons from a 40k Gaunt below

Addition of modelled wings (untested)


Start with a Gaunt body (4) and remove both sets of legs (leave off one side piece and clip
the legs on the other side). Re-model the torso using greenstuff. incorporating two additional
Hormagaunt bodies are slightly better for Harridans and Termagant bodies for
For the guns attach Fleshborer barrels (1) to left and right Spinefist arms (2).
For the Vituperator use Genestealer scything talons with the the spine from a Warrior
head and greenstuff to make a pincer.
For the head shave down the nub on the Gaunt body (4) and the back of a Gaunt head (3) so
the head points straight forward.
For the Vituperator use a Warrior head.
For the wings attach the tip from Gaunt scything talons (6) to Genestealer scything talons
(5). Stretch a thin layer of greenstuff between the talons and then to the body to make the
wing membrane. An extra wing 'rib' was added with greenstuff.
For the Vituperator use Warrior scything talons.
Attach Gaunt scything talons (7) for the rear legs. Add additional detail like armour
plates/spines along the back for preference.
Genestealer scything talons for the Vituperator
Mount on a flying stand


Start with a warrior body and reverse the tail connection to create an arched body.

Build out the area around the leg sockets, add armour plates to the underside with greenstuff
and reposition the tail.
Push the rear leg sockets further out for the Hierarch and thicken the base of the tail.

For the head use a warrior head shaved down at the back with two side mouth pincers. (use
talon tips, warrior head offcuts etc).

For the rear legs use warrior talons

For the Hierophant shorten the talons at the pointy end. Leave long for the Hierarch
Cut the thumb claw off and remodel with greenstuff.
Using greenstuff thicken and extend the upper leg and add armour plates to the upper
and lower leg parts.

For the front legs use warrior talons.

Cut the talon off a genestealer scything talon and drill a small hole in the base before
adding it to the end of the warrior talon. Use greenstuff to strengthen the joint and blend
them together.
Cut the warrior talon off at the join between talon and arm. Reposition as required to
make the angle between arm and talon larger and remove the thumb claw.
Extend the ball part of the arm using offcuts, spare arms and/or greenstuff. Extend
further and make bulkier for the Hierarch
Add armour plates down the front of the talon.

Make the bio-cannons using a pair of Spinefist arms spliced to Deathspitter barrels mounted
upside down.
Make a Razor Claw using a Warrior head (pincer looking one). Cut and attach a spare
arm where the Warrior face piece normally goes. Cut a Genestealer scything talon
leaving the talon and half the middle arm section. Put the severed arm section into the
hole where the warrior head normally attaches to the body. Use greenstuff to add joints
and detail.
Make three Ripper Tentacles using garden wire wrapped in greenstuff with a greenstuff
talon at the end of each tentacle. Join them together using greenstuff and attach to a
spare arm.

Bulk up the back arch with greenstuff and add additional armour plates and spikes.
The Hierarch should have more bulk added including pushing the front leg mounts
further out from the body, greater bulk along the back, chest and weapon mount areas
Small spines and spikes can be made from cut off thumb claws, carnifex armour

plates/spikes, gaunt armour plates, rear part of a warrior head and anything else sharp
and pointy.


Cut a Hormagaunt in two and rebuild the lower body from greenstuff (full coiled tail or
breaking out of the ground)
Model two arm sockets and the lower set of scything talons.

Cut the gaunt head nub off and mount the head on the top.

Add a pair of Genestealer scything talons and a pair of Gaunt scything talons.


Take a gaunt body and cut the tail shorter. Termagant body for Barbed and Hormagaunt
body for Scythed variants.
Shave a Gaunt head and head nub down to mount the head more forward than on a Gaunt.
Remove the two small Gaunt arms and rebuild the chest with greenstuff to accommodate
two arm sockets
Add some extra greenstuff armour plating to the back, head, tail and legs.
The Scything version has 40k toxin sacs added under the head.
For the Barbed splice a Fleshborer barrel to left and right Spinefist arms (same as Harridan)
For the Scythed use a pair of Gaunt scything talons and a pair of Genestealer scything talons


Take a Ripper and drill a small hole right through around a third of the way down the body.

Feed some wire through the hole and bend into a wing shape. Superglue into position.

Build the wing membrane and wing ribs from greenstuff.

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