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Disable and Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen

Microsoft has released WGA Notifications application which effectively turned Microsoft Windows operating system into a ‘nagware’, with a “This copy of Windows is not genuine”
warning. What the Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications application does what it will check your Microsoft Windows XP validity. If it found that the copy of Windows XP is not
validated, not genuine, counterfeit, unlicensed, pirated, illegal, unauthorised or simply failed the Windows Genuine Advantage validation process, then the notification messages will appear
at various places and time.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only, as most information is found on various part of Internet. Readers should contacts Microsoft if their licensed or
OEM software cannot be validated or purchase genuine software.

When you log on to a non-genuine copy of Windows XP, the following notification error message “This copy of Windows is not genuine” will pop-up on the logon process:

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And the nicely said “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting” message on the bottom right corner of log-in screen:

Microsoft allows Windows faithfuls to have 2 options: Get Genuine or Resolve Later. Click on Resolve Later will temporarily bypass the notification and let you login into and use Windows
nagged with notification icon and messages, which will randomly appear as balloon notification message with an icon in the notification area (system tray).

Clicking on the balloon notification or the notification area icon will lead you to the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Failure Web page that contains the specifics of the validation
failure and the steps that you can take to make the operating system genuine.

To get rid of the WGA notifications that intends to remind you that your Windows is not validated, you can buy a validly licensed copy of genuine Microsoft Windows.

Update: Bypass WGA Validation with Crack or Hack and Disable WGA Notifications Warning Message Workarounds

Latest Version: 1.5.708.0 on September 2006 (distribute to whoever wants to download from Microsoft Download Center), 1.5.540.0 on 28th June 2006, 1.5.532.2 on 6th June 2006,
1.5.532.0 on 30th May 2006, 1.5.530.0 on 23rd May 2006, 1.5.526.0 on 26th April 2006.

More information on WGA Validation Tool (KB892130) and WGA Notifications (KB905474) which install LegitCheckControl.dll, WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe.

With new release of WGA, some methods no longer works, and some has been updated. Several methods that has certain success on certain people, you may try until you success.

Official Method by Microsoft - more information here.

First Method

1. Lauch Windows Task Manager.

2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6. Lauch RegEdit.
7. Browse to the following location:

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Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9. Reboot Windows XP.

Note: With this method, you may be prompted to install WGA Notifications again which can still be unselected.

Second Method

Another alternative suggested by dman is by using System Restore to restore the PC to a previous restore point that WGA Notifications hasn’t kicked in, and then carefully stop KB905474
from been applied to the system. To use System Restore, go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore.

Note: Again, you may be prompted again to install WGA Notification, so it must be bypassed.

Third Method updated

This method involves using a cracked version of LegitCheckControl.dll to replace the original copy of LegitCheckControl.dll, and thus bypass the WGA validation and make Microsoft
believes that your copy of Windows is genuine. To get rid of WGA Notifications warning messages, the patched version of WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe to replace the existing files.

To apply the patch by replacing the files manually, try to end the respective processes in the Task Manager before deleting the existing files. Most likely is you will have to restart your PC in
Safe Mode in order to replacing the original copy of LegitCheckControl.dll and related files. However, there has been automatic updater and even cracked WGA installer that automatically
apply the patched version of WGA files.

Latest Update for WGA version 1.5.708.0 latest

Download cracked and patched version of LegitCheckControl.dll with thanks to Danny.

Latest Update for WGA version 1.5.540.0

John suggested that it may be rolled out to reduce the frequency of ‘phone home’ feature. BetaNews has confirmed this and says Microsoft has completed the pilot phase for WGA
Notifications, officially rolling out the anti-piracy reminders to Windows XP users worldwide. Anyway if Notifications Tools is patched, it won’t callbacks at all. Swissboy found that now
there are 15 languages supported for KB905474 and offers solution.

General release version of Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications also has updated EULA which says installing of this update is optional. However, once installed, the update will
become a permanent part of your Windows XP software, means you can’t uninstall it. The EULA also confirms that information about your system will be sent to Microsoft. You can just
skip installing the KB905474 by clicking “I Decline” when shown the EULA. If you don’t want the Automatic Updates or Windows Updates to try install WGA Notifications again, click
Don’t ask me to install these updates again at Decline EULA window.

Latest Update for WGA version 1.5.532.2

Version 1.5.532.2 of WGA Validation Tool and WGA Notifications is NOT YET mass released to all Windows system, so your system may not have this version.

WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86-1.5.532.2-noWGA.exe (as suggested by swissboy) is the original setup of KB905474, but with the 3 files as mentioned above replaced with patched
version and re-packed. You can view the contents with WinRAR or 7-Zip. Download here or here. (Removed due to compliant from Microsoft) (as suggested by swissboy) contains hacked version of LegitCheckControl.dll which you have to replace manually over the existing dll in
\Windows\System32 folder. Download here or here. (Deleted due to complaint from Microsoft)

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new More automated WGA removal tool: RemoveWGA

Latest Update for WGA version 1.5.532.0

LegitCheckControl1.5.532.0.muiz.fixed.rar (suggested by Picard) is the patched LegitCheckControl.dll and can be download here or here (removed due to complaint from Microsoft).

If LegitCheckControl.dll alone doesn’t work, try to patch the other two WGA files too, namely WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe. Download the the patches for 3 files here or here (Removed
due to complaint from Microsoft). Overwrite the original files with these hacked version in \Windows\System32 folder. The patch should remove notifications nag screen and allows
Windows Update.

There are also several automated tools that save the dirty works of have to manually overwrites and replaces the WGA applications.

WGAPatch905474 (suggested by SilverBullet) contains 905474.exe that will patch Windows to allow access to full (custom) Windows Update and get rid of nag screen. Download
905474.exe here or here (removed due to complaint from Microsoft).

There are also several patched WGANotify KB905474 installation setup which will install KB905474 WGAnotify with the 3 patched WGA files namely LegitCheckControl.dll,
WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe. One of them is HotFix windowsxp-kb905474-enu-x86.exe suggested by DeaDMan Walking, which will after install, disable notifications nag screen and
allows update. Download here, here or here (removed coz of Microsoft complaint).

WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86-v1.5.532.0-noWGA.exe (suggested by Swissboy) is also the patched KB905474 setup file which is actually the original setup of KB905474, but with the
3 files replaced. Download it here or here (removed due to Microsoft compliant).

Old Updates

Version 1.5.530.0 of cracked LegitCheckControl.dll (suggested by chucko), can also be downloaded here or here.

Use the latest cracked LegitCheckControl.dll by searching for “Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.5.526.0.CRACKED-ETH0″. Can also be downloaded here. Cracked
LegitCheckControl.dll also available here or here. Once download the cracked dll, replace the LegitCheckControl.dll in \Windows\System32 folder with the cracked version. You may need
to restart your PC in safe mode to replace the files.

Forth Method

Jules found that by disabling and renaming the files ‘WgaLogon.dll’ and ‘WgaTray.exe’ in C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder by using the program Unlocker seems to get rid of all the

Fifth Method

Clear the contents or create a new empty data.dat for WGA, and make data.dat Read-Only and Hidden as detailed here.

The following step basically is the same with the above data.dat method, only different is that you no need to create any file in the WGA data folder:

1. Launch Windows Explorer and go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage\data
2. Go to Tools -> Folder Option -> View.
3. Select (click) Show Hidden Files and Folders option.
4. Unselect (uncheck) Hide Protected Operating System Files option.
5. Click OK.
6. Delete everything in the data folder.
7. Right click on data folder, and select Properties.

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8. Select (Check) Read-Only as the folder’s atributes.

9. Click OK or Apply.

Update: After 30 May 2006 with the release of WGA 1.5.532.0, this method no longer works. If the data.dat is set to “Read-Only”, WGA may complains that the serial key from the file
could not be read, making the WGA validation failed even with the cracked dll files. So just delete the file (and make sure the folder is not set to “Read-Only”), WGA will then automatically
regenerate the file and create the key, so you will pass the validation if you have the correct patched dll installed.

Sixth Method

Another alternative suggest that three files are installed Windows XP System Folder for WGA:


The wgatray.exe process makes the check for genuine windows software. If WgaLogon.dll is denied execution right, that WinLogon is unable to call it to check on Windows validity and
display notification package at boot, and since WgaLogon is also responsible for running and maintaining WgaTray.exe, no more tray popups either.

To change and disable the execute bit of WgaLogon.dll:

1. Turn off Simple File Sharing in Tools -> Folder Options -> View tab.
2. Right click WgaLogon.dll in Windows Explorer and open the Security Tab.
3. Click Advanced button.
4. Uncheck the Inherit box at the bottom.
5. Click the Copy button.
6. Click OK.
7. Go through each listed user/group and remove the “Read & Execute” permission for WgaLogon.dll, leaving the “Read” permission as-is.
8. Click OK to apply the permission changes.
9. Close the file properties dialog.
10. Restart the computer.
11. Turn “Use simple file sharing” on (optional).

Optionally, steps suggested by PSNet which has the same effect - disabling WgaLogon.dll.

More on…
Page 2: More methods and suggestions to bypass WGA
Page 3: How you can ‘upgrade’ the version of cracked DLLs by yourself

Pages: 1 2 3

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 26th, 2006 at 12:23 pm and is filed under Operating Systems. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your
own site.

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665 Responses to “Disable and Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen”

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October 5th, 2006 18:54

Microsoft Update Blinder

2. ghost168
October 5th, 2006 10:18

3. EveryDigg » Blog Archive » Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen

October 4th, 2006 20:12

[…] A collection of Methods to Disable and Remove This…read more | digg story […]

4. Wujek Samo Zlo

October 4th, 2006 18:03

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For Disable and Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen you must download and run this file:
This is “updates” 892130 and 905474 with patched libraries legitcheckcontrol.dll and wgalogon.dll and patched file wgatray.exe.

5. pitty
October 3rd, 2006 18:58

Steven i tried your script, is not good. it said me some files is missed end it has’n finished the work..

6. Steven
October 3rd, 2006 04:39

You don’t need to download a program to auto uninstall WgaNotify. With some help from some friends (Marcus Red) at alt.msdos.batch.nt we created this automated batch script that
uninstalls Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Version 1.5.554.0. Simply copy the following text into a text file and save the file as uninstall.bat:

:: Last Modified October 2, 2006

:: WGA-UNINSTALL.BAT Version 099.5
:: Logon to Windows as an administrator
:: Close all open programs before running wga-uninstall.bat
:: Anti-virus programs may stop this script from running
:: Disable script blocking or active scanning


IF NOT EXIST %WINDIR%\system32\WgaTray.exe GOTO :EOF

TASKKILL /IM WgaTray.exe /F /T

RENAME %WINDIR%\system32\WgaLogon.dll WgaLogon.old

RENAME %WINDIR%\system32\WgaTray.exe WgaTray.old
RENAME %WINDIR%\system32\dllcache\WgaLogon.dll WgaLogon.old
RENAME %WINDIR%\system32\dllcache\WgaTray.exe WgaTray.old

REGSVR32 %WINDIR%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll /U /S

DEL %WINDIR%\system32\WgaTray.old /F /Q
DEL %WINDIR%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll /F /Q
DEL %WINDIR%\system32\dllcache\WgaTray.old /F /Q
DEL %WINDIR%\system32\dllcache\WgaLogon.old /F /Q
DEL %WINDIR%\WgaNotify.log /F /Q
DEL %WINDIR%\Temp\WGAErrLog.txt /F /Q
/F /Q
DEL %TEMP%\WGANotify.settings /F /Q

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RD %WINDIR%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c268348752498f57ff1128ae6a23c4f1
/S /Q
RD “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage” /S /Q


NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\WgaLogon” /F
“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WgaNotify” /F
REG ADD “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce” /V
WgaLogonDelete /T REG_SZ /D “CMD /C DEL %WINDIR%\system32\WgaLogon.old /F
/Q” /F


7. ColeFreak
October 3rd, 2006 03:06

Everyone don’t download the AntiWGA it dosen’t work for bypassing the WGA Validtaion on download center. its the same junk as any other crack. It only works on Windows update

8. master
October 3rd, 2006 00:08

U can use this program to download validation reqired files.

Automatic baypass valitation.

9. ghost168
October 1st, 2006 01:52

XP pro Key, but the Tool is also for XP home.

For as long as it takes…

also use this very special validation Utility:

Or you may use another Key-Code that you

could find on the PC-case, Software, or from
other people, if they want to share their Keys,
and so forth and so on…
(Try to find out if the Keys are multi-usable)

10. Oka
September 29th, 2006 21:01

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For don’t need any patch, juste copy the serial key from any good computer : your professionnal computer (or father/mother/brother/friend…), university, cyber-café, etc… lot of them
use a valid VLK Key.

Find the key use on the good computer with KeyFinder :

Delete any patch (legitcheck or wga),

Delete “All Users/Application Data/Windows genuine advantage” Folder
Change your serial and it’s good

11. eeapysj
September 29th, 2006 18:44

to Michelangelo

(((When the Windows Key you are using is informed by this tool as “Blocked VLK”, the patched 1.5.708.0 dlls do not work neither with Download Center nor with Windows Update
(you get to the “Not Genuine” page)))

I have the “Blockedd VLK” and 1.5.0708.0 In Windows Update works without a glitch, but in Download Center NO!

The problem with all the patches until now is in the Download Center. This suggest that MS is using a different approach of validation…

12. Michelangelo
September 29th, 2006 11:55


Both patched LegitCheckControl.dll 1.5.708.0 available here from Swissboy and from Danny seem to work for some people and do not work for other people for the purpose of WGA
Validation for Download Center & for Windows Update.

Anyway, the KB905474 patch from Swissboy is still working OK for overriding WGA Notifications.

Well, I found the following:

It seems like the patched 1.5.708.0 dlls work or do not work depending on the Windows Key you are using. I tried changing several Keys.

Tested each installed key with the M$ tool MGADiag.exe (MGADiag.exe).

When the Windows Key you are using is informed by this tool as “Blocked VLK”, the patched 1.5.708.0 dlls do not work neither with Download Center nor with Windows Update
(you get to the “Not Genuine” page).

When the Windows Key you are using is informed by this tool as “Invalid Key”, the patched 1.5.708.0 dlls do work OK either with Download Center or with Windows Update.

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I don’t know the difference. Does anybody?

I can assure I tested several keys and the behavior seems to be always the same.

Hope this help.

As always, thank you very much! Great work!!!

13. Jack
September 29th, 2006 07:58

To NYgtr:

If you look at the top of this page, it says: “Disable and Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen”.

That is a different issue to the validation process at the Microsoft Download centre.

I suggest you read what it says above first, then find out what you need to do, then do it.

You need to follow the link in the paragraph that refers to the 1.5.708.0 issue. that takes you to a different page that addresses the wga issues relevant to the Download Centre.

There appear to be many people who do not read what it says above. They then download and install the first fix they find (even if it has nothing to do with their problem) and then they
complain it doesn’t work.

14. NYgtr
September 29th, 2006 03:51

I installed the Legitcheck.dll, Im still getting the “not genuie copy” when I tyr to download win defender,IE7 rc1,etc.
What im doing wrong?

15. John
September 28th, 2006 22:01

The update number for WGA notifications is KB905474 - as stated in the text on this page.

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