Celta Language Task

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Daria Vaughan

CELTA full-time
Assignment 1: Language Related Task
1. She neednt have got up so early.
a). Analysis of Meaning.
She got up early.
It wasnt necessary.
She could have stayed in bed longer.
b). Context.
Sarah is having a date tomorrow and is very excited about it. The next day
she woke up early to catch the train at 10 oclock. However, she had
forgotten that her date is at 4 oclock in the afternoon.
Ask Did she get up too early? Yes
It wasnt necessary for Sarah to get up so early. As a result she had to browse
in shops for several hours.
c). Checking meaning.
Did she get up early? Yes
Was it necessary? No
d). Form.
Subject + need not (neednt) + have + verb 3 (Past Participle)
e). Phonology
Youd need to help students with the stress on the first syllable in
neednt /nidnt/ and its linking to weak form of have /nidntv/.
2. Ive been waiting for two hours.
a). Analysis of Meaning.
I came here 2 hours ago.
I started waiting.
I am still waiting here.
b). Context.
Show SS picture 1 of a man standing with a clock above his head. The time
is 10 a.m.
Ask - What is he doing? Waiting.
- Whats the time? 9 a.m.

Show SS picture 2 of the same man still standing, but the clock now says 11
a.m. and he looks unhappy while looking at his watch.
Ask - What is he doing? Hes still waiting.
Whats the time now? 11 a.m.
How long did I wait? 2 hours
c). Checking Meaning.
Was he waiting 2 hours ago? Yes
Is he still waiting now? Yes
Is he happy? Most likely not
d). Form
Subject + have/ has + been + verb + ing
e). Phonology
Youd need to help SS pronouncing weak /i/ in been, contraction of I and
have Ive /aiv/, waiting - /weiti/, hours /az/.
3. Im meeting her next Friday.
a). Analysis of Meaning.
I have a plan to meet her.
We meet on Friday.
Friday is in the future.
b). Context.
Show SS a picture with a diary on it. Friday is circled and there is a sign:
Meet with Susan.
Ask Has she got any plans? Yes
When? Friday
What plans? Meet Susan
c). Check Meaning.
Are we talking about past, present or future? Future
Did they plan to meet in advance? Yes
When are they going to meet? Friday
Is it in his/her diary? Yes
d). Form
Subject + to be (am, is are) + verb + ing
e). Phonology

Youd need to help the students with contraction of I and am Im /aim/.

Also the weak form of her and its linking with meeting (sounds like

4. I told her off.

a). Analysis of Meaning.
She did something wrong.
I was not happy about it.
I spoke angrily to her because what she did was wrong and not acceptable.
b). Context.
Show SS picture of Samantha secretly getting into her parents car and
looking around so no one can see her. Its dark outside.
Ask Does she want anyone to know that she is going to take the car? No
Did she ask for permission? Probably not
How do we know? Because she is looking around
Show SS next picture of her driving into a tree.
Ask What happened? She crashed into the tree.
Snow SS picture of Samanthas parents looking very angry next to the badly
scratched car in the morning.
Ask Did her parents find out? Yes
Next picture Samanthas parents are screaming at her. She looks very sad
and guilty.
c). Checking meaning.
Did she do something wrong? Yes
Did her parents find it out? Yes
Were they angry? Yes
Were her actions acceptable? No
Did they tell her about it? Yes
Did they speak angrily about it? Yes
d). Form .
to tell smb off (subject+ tell+object+off)
e). Phonology.
Youd need to help students with the weak form her // and also the linking
between told and her sounds like /tld/.

5). That dress really suits you.

a). Analysis of Meaning.
She tries on a dress. It fits and looks very good.
b). Context.
Show SS a picture of a girl trying on a dress. It looks too big.
Ask Does it look good? No
Why? Its too big
Snow SS another picture of the same girl trying on another dress. This one
fits perfect.
Ask Does this one look good? Yes
c). Checking of Meaning.
Does the dress fit? Yes
Does it look good? Yes
d). Form
to suit smb (subject+suit+object)
e). Phonology
Youd need to help SS with the stress on really and the weak you and the
linking between suits and you (sounds like /sutsju/).

Books used:
R. Murphy English Grammar in Use
R. Murphy Essential Grammar in Use
M. Swan Practical English Usage

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