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There a lot of nurses in the hospital and there are a lot of ward to be take care of , and just

imagine all of the nurses without a leader to organize and to lead the pack. It will be chaos
and it just shown how important a leader in nursing environment. A leader not only supervise
but also teach the junior staff nurses how to handling a ward and any other situation.
Florence Nightingale once quotes "The most important practical lesson that can be given to
nurses is to teach them what to observe." The quotes are about a nursing leader to be more
than just to lead but also function as a mentor. Leader - takes people where they don't
necessarily want to go - that's part of what's hard about being a leader quotes by Rosalynn
Carter (The wife of the 39th American President).
There is about five leadership style that can classify and the most commonly uses to identify
a leader. The transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that motivates positive
changes in those who pursue. Transformational leaders are commonly vigorous passionate,
and obsessive. Not only are these leaders apprehensive and drawn in the process; they are
also persistent on helping every member of the group succeed as well. Transformational
leadership also can be defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals
and social systems. It creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end
goal of embryonic followers into leaders. Enacted in its reliable form, transformational
leadership enhances the motivation, morale and performance of followers through a variety
of mechanisms. These include connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to the
mission and the collective identity of the institute being a role model for followers that
inspires them, challenging supporters to take greater possession for their work, and
understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can support
followers with tasks that optimize their performance. According to Burns, transformational
leadership can be seen when "leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher
level of moral and motivation."
A democratic leadership style is a very open and collegial style of running a team. Ideas
move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly. Everyone is given a seat at the

table, and discussion is relatively free-flowing. This style is needed in dynamic and rapidly
changing environments where very little can be taken as a constant. In these high-speed
moving organizations, every decision for improvement has to be considered to keep the
group from falling out of date. The democratic leadership approach means facilitating the
discussion encouraging people to share their ideas, and then synthesizing all the available
information into the best potential decision. The democratic leader must also be able to
correspond that conclusion back to the group to bring conformity the plan is selected.
The Autocratic leadership style is the personality in control has total power and control over
judgment making. By desirable quality of their position and job errands, they not only control
the labours of the team, but monitor them for achievement often under close inspection.
This style is indicative of the earliest tribes and empires. Through our historical movement
toward democracy brings a negative implication to monocracy but in some situations, it is the
most appropriate type of leadership. That, of course, doesnt mean an empty verify to ignore
the welfare of his subordinate. There are also the Laissez- faire Leadership is a type of
leadership style in which leaders are freewheeling and allow group members to make the
decisions. Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the
lowest productivity among group members.
Meanwhile a management is the art of getting things done through people. It is the

process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other
organizational resources. It is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the
work of organization members and of using all available organizational resources to reach
stated organizational goals. It is the process of directing, coordinating and influencing the
operation of an organization to obtain desired result and enhance total performance.
Management also define as
As I working in my department there a lot of sister in charge, there all caring out each unique
leadership style and all of them show a different skill in management. There is one in charge

that I adore the most, She working as my sister in charge and by the way she handling our
department she using a democratic leadership style. She always set up a meeting to solve
problem together, even she have the power to make her own decision but still she will
always ask us. She believes by majority voice that hold the same answer will prevent back
thing happen in the future. She always given us to speak up regarding certain issue such as
when celebration of festival she will called of us and she will ask who will have the festival
holiday for that year. Everybody will allow speaking and must give a good reason why they
deserve to celebrate the holiday and always speak the truth. She will bring the old duty
roster to compare and usually if the first years you already have the time off for the festival
other people will be given a chance for this year. She seldom get angry but if she does, she
never shown or scolded us in front everybody. She always gives us chance to change if we
did make a mistake. She trust us to handle certain task but she also monitor and given guide
line to follow.
As I idol my in charge, I could see she is more to Henri Fayol management style. Henri Fayol
theories develop in to 14 steps which is division of Work, there is when employees are
specialized output can increase because they become increasingly skilled and efficient. She
will classified a task to us for the area that we already knew can give a hundred percentage
outcome such as if we are specialise in doing CTG we will be assign there so the doctor
wont be asking to repeat the CTG because it not done properly. It will save time and other
patient will wait less time.
Mean while authority is managers must have the authority to give orders, but they must also
keep in mind that with authority comes responsibility. My in charge will always given us
orders but at the same times she will also supervise and coaching to make sure the task is
completed such as when she gave us to completed certain requirement from the hospital,
she will make sure all of us understand and do it right. Discipline must be upheld in
organizations, but methods for doing so can be different. She will make sure that we never
came late to work and if we have problem she allow us to call and inform her straight away

so she can be alarm about the situation. The unity of Command is employees should have
only one direct supervisor. It is true we only follow her style and obey her command
Unity of Direction is teams with the same objective should be working under the direction of
one manager, using one plan. This will ensure that action is properly coordinated. Henri
Fayol also in force in subordination of Individual Interests to the general Interest, it means
the interests of one employee should not be allowed to become more significant than those
of the group. This includes managers. It shown everybody must have the same goals so
everybody will work together to achieves greatness. Remuneration is employee satisfaction
depends on fair remuneration for everyone. This includes financial and non-financial
compensation. In our Hospital usually were a using the competency scale where have to set
a target and at the end of the year my in charge will value the marks a she will gave us
percentage and if our percentage is more the 80% were are excellent and if more than 90%
the government will reward us with the Annual Participant Certificate (APC) and a thousand
ringgit. In UKs they are using change pay bands, that their payment according to their band
and certain percentage for staff nurses the band will be
Band 1: 14,294 - 15,013 and Band 2: 14,294 - 17,425 and if they are special nurses
their band will be different and so will their remuneration.
As for the centralization it means this principle refers to how close employees are to the
decision-making process. It is important to aim for an appropriate balance. It show my in
charge while she making decision, she will focus on the important of the organization and
our aspect.

In Scalar Chain, employees should be aware of where they stand in the

organization's hierarchy, or chain of command. This path shows a company's line of

authority and the links through which communications are transmitted from the top to the
bottom of a company and back. We should never forget that any decision in the government
hospital must follow the rule and chain of command. We must report any incident to in
charge and never over lapse the chain.

Fayol also mention about order. It means that the workplace facilities must be clean, tidy and
safe for employees. Everything should have its place. It is important to practice morning
clean up because usually at morning our department will have less patient compare in the
evening so our in charge always enforce us to do all the top up and cleaning gin the
morning. Equity mean managers should be fair to staff at all times, both maintaining
discipline as necessary and acting with kindness where appropriate. It is because without it
employees wont respect her as the in charge. Usually the situation will came during school
holiday went everybody want to go for vacation and nobody left to stay and work. My in
charge will decide how will stay and work while other can go for their holiday by her kindness
and fairness. Stability of Tenure of Personnel meaning in charge should strive to minimize
employee turnover. Personnel planning should be a priority. All nurses in the government
hospital were given an electronic planner that we can use to plan our personal plan and our
in charge will always emphasize us to do it and use it.
Initiative is employees should be given the necessary level of freedom to create and carry
out plans. It will help them develop their own management and leadership skills and style
and the last is esprit de corps meaning feelings of loyalty, enthusiasm, and devotion to a
group among people who are members of the group and the organizations should strive to
promote team spirit and unity. This is very in important in every organization and my in
charge always remind us that be working as a team so the running of the department
becomes smooth.
Even so there still room for improvement because not everybody is perfect other
management theories also can be useful depend on situation and environment. A
management should have skill to implicit and ability to be clever, productive attitudes,
principles and ideals. Their action should understood a leader should have ability to make
use of all skills, knowledge, results from social interaction, personal values and ideals in a
highly strong-minded and active manner. A leader also has to be professional and
disciplined. A leader should be able to overcome difficulties in problems a creative way with

professional and methodical knowledge to offer. With good social and communicative skills a
leader will work together and interact with others, to co-operate in a creative way and
communicate with employees in more effectively. It is show not every leader can be good in
management and but with the good management everybody can be a good leader

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