Bag-Ong Lamdag - June Issue

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Are we for a

just war or a
just peace in
see on page 2

Volume III, Number 12 |

April 17 - June 17, 2015

Highlights of the 42nd Cfla Annual Grand Reunion

Fr. Garry Igot, SSJV

by Marie Ninia Estillore
The Christian Family and
Life Apostolate (CFLA) of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
convened the 42nd CFLA Annual
Grand Reunion on April 25,
2015 at San Isidro Labrador
Oriental. CFLA workers of
Vicariate 1 (Lugait, Manticao,
Tuod, Naawan, Initao, and
Libertad) hosted the one-dayevent. Every CFLA worker
looks forward to this annual
gathering of all CFLA workers
of the entire archdiocese for the
update, fellowship, and renewal
of commitment of continuously
serving the families of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro.
This year, the Grand
Reunion was attended by
almost a thousand CFLA
workers from Vicariates 1-10.
The farthest delegation with 26
couples came from Camiguin,
Vicariate 10. They had to be in
Cagayan de Oro City a day ahead
and thanks to the initiative and
support of the CFLA Office and
CFLA Workers of Vicariate 5,
accommodations were given

them by Saint Augustine

Cathedral and Our Lady of
Fatima Parish in Camaman-an.
The CFLA Annual Grand
with the Holy Mass attended
by 15 priests coming from
the different vicariates and
was presided by Antonio J.
Ledesma, SJ, DD, Archbishop
of Cagayan de Oro. Included
at the procession were all the
images or icons of the patron
Saints of the vicariates with
their respective CFLA workers
and some children as they sang
the GOZOS of Birhen sa Kota
signaling the start of the liturgy.
The team of Birhen sa
Kota presented the historical
background and overview of the
devotion called Sabadohan
bringing it to the archdiocesan
level. Archbishop Ledesma
in his homily pointed out the
importance of families and
the present challenges of the
apostolate. He acknowledged
the initiatives, the efforts,
the wholehearted sacrifices
by the CFLA workers of the
archdiocese since the start of
the caravan just to attend the
CFLA Annual Grand Reunion.
The presence of a number
of attending priests during
the Holy Mass was a very
touching sight and gesture of
unity. This also gave all CFLA
workers a hope that together
we could continue serving life
in our respective parishes. It
also revives the implication
of the baptismal call for every
religious and CFLA worker in
facing the great challenge for
an integral evangelization of all
Filipino families.
After communion, there
was a brief tribute to the
late Fr. Joe Sweggman. His
biography was told and a video
presentation shown recounting
his life as a missionary and

Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma SJ.D.D with Oro Clergy

pastor in the archdiocese. Being

the director of CFLA for a few
years, Father Joes passion
and enthusiasm to defend life,
marriage and the family was
fondly remembered.
Fr. Harold Anthony Parilla,
JCL gave a talk on: Lay Identity
& Mission. He pointed the
importance of knowing and
understanding the meaning of
the word lay, who are the lay
people, their roles and functions
in the Churchs mission. He also
presented the history of the
Church and how it evolved.
Father Parilla also highlighted
Vatican Council II (19621965) as a means of spiritual
renewal. It focused on the study
and the value of the sacred
scriptures, lay participation
and empowerment, and the
renewed vision of the Church
towards unity. The CFLA
workers were also enlightened
as he emphasized the need for a
lay spirituality that is integrated,

Eucharistic and associative.

There was sharing of insights
and experiences through the
guide questions in small groups
and in the plenary session. Fr.
Parilla challenged them to a
personal discernment of Gods
call and ones contribution to
the Churchs mission.
The CFLA workers then
dispersed to their respective
vicariates for lunch. While they
brought their own food, the
vicariates represented were
given a whole lechon each.
The lunch was festive and
the much-needed break was
an opportunity to establish
new fellowship among CFLA
Adding to the joyful spirit
of the gathering was the
sophisticated sound system
provided by MORESCO 1. The
afternoon program began at
1:00 PM with the opening
remarks of Fr. Ronnie Valmoria,
parish priest of San Isidro

Labrador of Naawan. This was

followed by the message of
Fr. Garry Igot, Archdiocesan
CFLA Director who emphasized
Pope Franciss words at the
Wednesday General Audience
in Rome: It is not good for
man to be alone. From the
story of creation in the book of
Genesis, God allowed man to
enjoy the Garden of Eden and
have dominion over creation
While Adam was sleeping, God
took a rib from the side of Adam
and He created the woman Eve.
She perfects Adams life who
exclaimed: This at last, bone of
my bones and flesh of my flesh.
Eve, the woman, was created
to be Adams partner. Fr. Garry
stressed that the presence of
persons is what matters most.
Each CFLA workers make life
beautiful and not lonely. You
are bone of my bones and
flesh of my flesh you are my
partner stewards of the family.

Archdiocesan Youth Congress 2015: Team Kalakbay Launch

by Laarni Joyce S. Quiones

Marvelous Light cf. Peter
2:9, the Archdiocesan Youth
Coordinating Council (AYCC)
once again held its annual
Archdiocesan Youth Congress
(AYC) 2015 on May 4-5, 2015
at Sacred Heart of Jesus in
Bugo as the host Parish. A total
of 93 coordinators and youth
leaders all over the archdiocese
attended the congress.
One of the highlights of the
congress was the Team Kalakbay
of the Archdiocesan Youth
Apostolate (TK AYA) Launching.
This is the latest initiative of
the Vicariate coordinators and
representatives for a total youth
empowerment. According to
the TK AYA Youth Orientation
(YO) module, it is a group of
youth leaders that focuses on
transforming the young people
in the Archdiocese to become
God-centered leaders in order
to contribute to welfare of
the society. TK AYA has 5
modules for the training of
youth members namely: Youth
Orientation (YO), Leadership
Training Seminar (LTS) Phase

Participants of the Youth Congress

I, Leadership Training Seminar

(LTS) Phase II, Facilitating the
Facilitator (FF), and the Team
Building Series (TBS). The
activities, inputs and contents
in the TK-AYA modules were
also given to parishes and
youth-based organizations in
the past years which provided
great impact to the well-being
of the young people today. The
program of activities were
designed to transform youth
to become an effective servant
youth leaders in the future.

Mr. Joed Brymon Llauderes,

AYC15 program head and the
AYCC Youth Leader encouraged
the delegates to be a part of
the team as he discussed the
overview of the program. He
then gave the first talk entitled
Imago Dei which means
The image of God. The talk
aims to rediscover a persons
design as male or female, as
well as dealing with persons
who identify themselves as
homosexuals. This was followed
by an opening Eucharistic

celebration presided by Fr.

Julius Clavero, SSJV and was
concelebrated by Rev. Fr.
Roberto Balsamo Jr., SSJV, the
Archdiocesan Youth Director,
Fr. Roy Barros, Vicariate Youth
Director of St. Francis of
Assisi and Fr. Euleterio Datoy,
Vicariate Youth Director of St.
John Paul II. Meanwhile, the
delegates surprised their foster
parents as they offered flowers,
while singing Thank you song
and giving tokens during the

The second day started

with BEC Prayer Session with
each of the participants foster
family. An In-depth talk about
Leadership of the Laity (LOL)
was given by Ms. Ninia Marie
A. Estillore,
AYCC Internal
Youth Leader. LOL focuses on
the biblical principles to which
leadership styles can be applied
and advice about some things
every youth leader should
Sr. Roxan Sarmiento, the
AYA Coordinator and the overall chairman of the congress,
gave the third talk, Mission
She opened the following
missions to the delegates: to
make the youth grounded in
their faith towards mission
for new evangelization; to
discern the role of the youth
and its significance in Churchs
mission today and to discover
where and how the youth can
get involved for the good of the
The congress ended with
a closing Mass presided by
Fr. Remel Mag-usara and
concelebrated by Rev. Msgr. Rey
Manuel Monsanto, Vicariate
Youth Director of St. Jerome.


April 17 - June 17, 2015

Archbishops Page

Are we for a just war or a just peace in Mindanao?

Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ

(Homily at the Baccalaureate Mass, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, 26 March 2015)

ver the past two months,

the country has been filled
with apprehension because of
the Mamasapano incident that
happened in the central part
of Mindanao. There have been
many voices, statements and
columnists opinions in mass
media about the incident. But I
think it is only Xavier University
that has come out with an
institutional stand that indeed
we are for peace by inviting
to its graduation convocation
the peace negotiators and the
people behind the peace process
related to the Bangsamoro
Basic Law. So I would like
to congratulate Fr. President,
the Board of Trustees and the
entire academic community
for this institutional stand that
indeed here in Cagayan de Oro,
in Xavier University, we are
honoring those who are striving
to complete the peace process
in Mindanao.
The underlying question
that has been raised in all these
discussions is: Are we for
a just war or a just peace in
Mindanao? In that sense we
can first reflect on the points
that moral theologians have
pointed out if a party wants to
engage in a just war.
I. Three prerequisites
The first requirement is
to have a noble intention, a
good intention, whether it is
the defense of ones country,
or to redress some injustice or
to carry out the development
of a particular region. A
just war therefore requires a
moral justification. A second
requirement for a just war is
that it is the last resort. There
should have been earlier
attempts to resolve whatever
conflict there is. It is the last
resort because there are no
other means available except to
engage in war itself. The third
requirement for a just war is that
there are prospects for a greater
good to arise rather than a
greater evil as a consequence of
engaging in the war. In all these,
we ask ourselves, are we ready
for a just war in Mindanao? In
fact, in one TV interview, when
Boy Abunda directly asked a
Muslim congresswoman what
Muslim communities would
feel in case of an all-out war,
she simply said that all-out war
had already been tried before
and failed.
So perhaps we can go to
the other side. Are we for a
just peace? And what are the
requirements also for a just
peace? The first one is still
a noble and good intention.
If we work for a just peace,
it should not be for our selfinterest alone. It should not
be for our own political or
economic gain but it should
be for the development of
Mindanao as a whole. It should
be to redress injustices that

have been there over the past

generations. Indeed, for our
Muslim brothers and sisters,
as summarized by Cardinal
Quevedo, there have been three
kinds of injustices that they
have suffered. First is the loss
of their ancestral domain here
in Mindanao over the years
and over the generations. The
second is the denial of their
cultural identity, now that
they have been minoritized in
Mindanao. And the third is that
they have lost even their right
to self-development and selfdetermination. And so, if we
put ourselves on the side of the
Muslim community, these are
the injustices that we are asking
to be redressed in terms of a
just peace.
The second requirement
for a just peace is perhaps
not to say that this is our last
resort but that this should be
our first resort: to seek for
a peaceful solution to the
problems of Mindanao. If we
look closely at the Framework
Agreement on the Bangsamoro
that has been expanded into
a Comprehensive Agreement
and now translated into the
Law awaiting legislation in
congress, we can say that this
path towards a just peace is still
alive. It awaits the consensus
among all of us. It awaits the
consensus of people not only
in Mindanao, but especially
also of people in Luzon and the
Visayas who may not be truly
aware of the situation of our
communities here in Mindanao.
And so this is the challenge: to
present the prospects of a just
peace not as a last resort but
as the first resort that we can
hope for. On the other hand,
the BBL may also be viewed as
ourlastresort for peace, before
the drums of war, as some
quarters suggest, start beating
The third requirement for
a just peace, like that of a just
war, is that there should be a
greater good that could come
out of this than the evil that
would persist. Even now, as
we condole with relatives of
the victims of Mamasapano,
i.e., both Christian and Muslim
militants who died in the
encounter, we can truly say that
there would be a much greater

good if we continue along the

path of peace. This can be the
best legacy for those who died
in battle. This too is the resolve
of many of our Christian and
Muslim communities: to work
for a just and lasting peace in
It has been said, When you
resort to war, you lose all your
humanity. In our conversation
with Mr. Mohagher Iqbal
yesterday at the bishops house
with peace advocates, media
people, and other concerned
citizens, the general sentiment
was: We cannot afford another
war in Mindanao. We have
already suffered so much and
we must work for the higher
interests of the country which
is to have a just peace for all.

II. Six values for peace

It is with these sentiments
that we can recall what
the bishops and ulama of
Mindanao had proposed as
the result of a widespread
consultation that was held six
years ago. Different sectors
throughout Mindanao were
consulted, including Muslim,
Christian, and indigenous
Commissioned by the BishopsUlama Conference, the Konsult
Mindanaw report was subtitled,
Peoples Platform for Peace
in Mindanao. There were
6Ss that were outlined as
factors for a just and lasting
peace in Mindanao.
The firstSis SINCERITY
sincerity on both sides. This
precisely is the challenge we
now face after Mamasapano
and the loss of trust in each
other by both parties. Can we
regain that measure of sincerity
between the parties that are in
The second Sis for
SECURITY: not to rely on arms
but to rely precisely on law and
order in our communities. This
is what the Bangsamoro Basic
Law envisions: to arrive at a
situation of security for all.
SENSITIVITY, i.e., to be
sensitive to different cultural
traditions, that we are indeed
a tri-people community in
Mindanao, and that we should
respect and appreciate the
different cultural traditions
in our communities. Indeed,

in a university like this, you

are challenged precisely to
appreciate the diversity of
traditions that are represented
here in your own student body.
The fourth value is
SOLIDARITY, a sense that
we are one community on this
island of Mindanao, that we
are indeed one people despite
different traditions, and that
we can all live together in
peace and development. This
again is the challenge for our
schools, peace centers, social
movements, and the mass
media itself to promote this
sense of solidarity despite the
incidental conflicts that may
foremost is the challenge
to our churches, mosques,
temples and other places of
worship, that we as the people
of Mindanao can invoke our
spiritual values to promote
peace. In fact in our bishopsulama dialogues over the past
years we have always stressed
that both Islam and Christianity
are religions of peace and that
whatever conflict arises in
Mindanao should not be seen
as a religious war but as a war
based on political or economic
And the final challenge
that we have to work within
the framework of law itself.
At this point, we now have
the prospect of a basic law for
the Bangsamoro, what we call
the BBL. There may be some
modifications and revisions
of this draft law, but the fact
is we need some legislation
in order to make this peace
sustainable and lasting for all.

And so my friends, this is the

basic question that is asked of
us today. Are we for a just war
or for a just peace?

III. Germanys experience

Over the past few weeks,
at the beginning of Lent I
was invited to join the Lenten
Campaign of Misereor in
Germany and I had a chance
to travel to different cities and
regions of Germany. It struck
me that Germany at the end of
the Second World War was the
most devastated country in the
world and yet when we look
at Germany today, you cannot
find any traces of destruction
except perhaps for some
excavations and memorials that
have been left there to remind
the German people of the kind
of destruction that they had
suffered. And not only during
the Second World War but
during the First World War and
much earlier during the time
when they had religious wars in
Germany between Protestants
and Catholics.

Today the nation of

Germany has truly risen from
a period of wars and internal
conflicts. In fact Misereor itself,
the development agency of the
German bishops has been very
generous in helping many of
our civil society organizations
and dioceses in efforts towards
the development of Mindanao
and the rest of the country.
This is the same challenge for
us, within the span of our own
generation, that we can truly
work for peace, development
and solidarity in Mindanao. Let
us all work together for a just
and lasting peace here in our

Archdiocesan News


April 17 - June 17, 2015


BEC Core Group
by Sweet Kristine Ace G. Adorio
On February 15-17, 2015
the Diocesan Basic Ecclesial
Community (BEC) Leaders of
the Archdiocese of Cagayan
de Oro and the Dioceses of
Butuan, Surigao, Tandag and
held the core group meeting
at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish,
Bayabas, Surigao del Sur. The
said meeting was well attended
by the dioceses in the region
with the coordination of Msgr.
Director from Butuan. The
main agenda of the meeting
was the preparation for the
forthcoming CABUSTAM BEC
Regional Gathering on August
12-14, 2015 at San Lorenzo
Butuan City & National BEC
Assembly on November 11-15,
2015 in Manila.
During the first night, the
group discussed the possible
National BEC Assembly. One of
these was how to discern the
possible delegates (10-15 BEC
leaders, plus the bishop) per
diocese. They also reflected on
the theme for the event: BECs
in the Philippines: Thanksgiving
for 50 Years of Vatican IIs Spirit

of Renewal and Responding

as a Community of Missionary
Disciples to Pope Francis Call
to Become a Poor Church for
the Poor. Every region will
have 20-25 minute creative
presentation (video, powerpoint
testimonies, etc.) showing
a general picture of state of
the BECs in their respective
area.. It will respond to the
following questions: 1. Look
back at the journey of the
BECs in your dioceses/region,
their respective area, what
experiences of renewal are you
thankful for? 2. How do/should*
your BECs as community of
missionary disciples, respond
to the call of Pope Francis to be
a poor Church for the Poor?
As part of the preparation,
they plan to hold regional BEC
assemblies. The Archdiocese
of Cagayan de Oro BEC
formation team declared the
month of April and May as BEC
Awareness months hoping
to highlight the preparation
for the forthcoming regional
and national assemblies. It
would be helpful to gather the
updated BEC profiles needed
for the regional & national
BEC events through the BEC
vicariate assemblies.. The said


gathering will be participated

grassroots BEC leaders
from different parishes that
can give the real BEC situation
in their community. At the
same time, the ACDO BEC
Formation Team will conduct
a series proper orientation on
the new BEC Formation Module.
It aims to promote common
understanding of BEC in all
parishes especially in the urban
area where BEC continues to be
a challenge and a reality to be
On the second day, the
group conferred in finalizing
the flow of activities for the
CABUSTAM Regional Assembly.
With the help of the Holy Spirit
who guided and inspired the
core group, they agreed on
important points about the
said regional event. Some of
these are: sharing of the best
practices of every diocese; the
BEC system of sustainability
in approaches and unified
formulating a
CABUSTAM statement that
can inspire mission activities
for BEC pastoral works, to
incorporate the celebration on
the Year of the Poor inspired
by Vatican II; and to develop
leadershiprelationships among BECs in
the CABUSTAM region.
The meeting ended with
a fellowship prepared by the
host diocese. They went for a
tour and enjoyed the beauty
of Surigao which captivated
the hearts of BEC leaders who
gave thanks to God for the
wonders of creation. Despite
the different challenges faced
during and after the meeting,
they were reminded about the
indispensable and important
role of BECs in the building
& strengthening the Mystical
Body of Christ.

Empowerment of Youth Ministers to

Stop Trafficking in Persons
by Ma. Chloee Marlowe C. Alaba
The Episcopal Commission on
Youth (ECY) in partnership with
the Talitha Kum, the International
Network of Consecrated Life against
Trafficking in Persons,organized a
training course Empowerment of
Youth Ministers to Stop Trafficking
in Persons on April 20-24, 2015.
There were 70 participants, four
of whom are bishops, from 17
dioceses of the Philippines who
completed the training at the
Capuchin Retreat House in Lipa,
Batangas. It was sponsored by Sr.
Estrella Castalone, FMA, Talitha
Kum International Coordinator
and organized by Most. Rev.
LeopoldoJaucian, SVD, D.D, ECY
President, and Sr. Maria Victoria
Sta. Ana, FMA, Talitha Kum Asia
Talitha Kum is a network
within UISG which originates
from a project implemented in
collaboration with IOM and funded
by the US Government, Bureau
of Population, Refugees and
Migration. The general aim of the
network is to share and maximize
the resources that religious life has
as regards prevention, protection
and assistance, awareness raising
and denouncement of trafficking in
challenged the participants to
think of concrete actions and
programs in preventing human
trafficking in the country and even

in the whole world. Pope Francis

described human trafficking as
a crime against humanity. This
prompted international police
chiefs and religious figures in the
Vatican to pledge to work together
in fighting modern-day slavery.
It is a very difficult issue because
the trade involves human flesh to
keep the operation going both on
the international and local levels.
It is almost impossible to stop
due to big crime syndicates with
international connections. Then
the challenge was greatly opened
on how the youth from different
ministries can provide adequate
programs for the prevention of this
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro,
namely: Sr. Alma Del Rosario;
Ms. Jelvett Mayne Faelden, Parish

Youth Coordinator of Our Lady of

Perpetual Help, Barra, Opol; and
Ms. Ma. Chloee Marlowe Alaba,
Parish Youth Coodinator of San
Isidro Labrador Parish, Medina,
The resource persons who
helped inform, train and discuss
the issue were: Sr. Henedina
Mananzan, RGS; Ms. Jean Enriquez;
and Ms. Sally Ujano and other
facilitators. They worked together
to help the participants in coming
up with an action plan for each
diocese. Through their expertise,
they guided the participants on
the appropriate steps in making
the action plan very visible and
applicable to every diocese.
The training ended with great
opportunities in changing the
future and save the next generation
with the help of the youth.

Participants of the training course Empowerment of Youth Ministers to Stop

Trafficking in Persons

Participants of Intergenerational Healing

Missionaries of the Holy Spirit

Conduct Intergenerational
Healing Seminar
Sr. Elsie G. Nini, FdCC

As a whole I experienced Gods

saving action in a different way.
This healing process continues I
believe. I appreciate Gods ways
of inspiring the group (Healing
Missionaries) as wounded
healers. I will consider myself
as one of them. in a different
way. My prayers for Tita Joy and
company. Thanks to AWRACO
for this mission project in this
Year of Consecrated Life.
healing experiences of all the
participants I believe are deep
and amazing. The profound
encounter of the healing power
of Jesus is all AMAZING, and
it is really a GRACE. Only you
who are blessed to attend this
seminar can testify how you are
lovingly embraced and healed
by Jesus.
Let us thank the Lord for His
great mercy and compassion.
I hope and pray that wherever
we go, we remember this
experience of being loved,
forgiven and healed by Jesus.
And because we received this
from Him gratuitously, we have
also the responsibility to share
the fruits of this grace to our
brothers and sisters by our
lives of mercy and compassion.

Last February 13-15, 2015

the Healing Missionaries of the
Holy Spirit from Manila headed
by Tita Joy Dee conducted
an Intergenerational Healing
Seminar in the Archdiocese
upon the invitation of AWRACO
(Association Women Religious
of the Archdiocese of Cagayan
de Oro). The seminar was held
in Canossa Central House and
was attended by 17 Religious
Women and 12 lay leaders
from the Ad Extra and Ad Intra
The processes, prayers and
other activities healed many
inner wounds and brokenness.
The participants found it
helpful and fruitful and shared
their experiences as follows:
Sr. Mary A. Juelar,
F.I.I find it very helpful for
religious people as well as
for the lay persons. Why
do we need healing? All
around us, we see people
full of pain and brokenness
and most of these pains are
unresolved and unhealed.
These issues oftentimes affect
our thinking and our actions.
After the seminar, I became
more understanding of the
Truly, Gods Love
weaknesses of other people grants our desire to bless
especially my sisters in the
community. I became more and heal.
aware of my own
brokenness, and where
my pains and hurts are
coming from. I began to
be patient with myself
Editorial Consultant
and with others.Most of
Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD
all, the intergen seminar
Managing Editor
has brought me to the
Teresita Espina, FSP
continuous realizations
that I am made in
Fr. Rufino Cabatingan, SSJV
the image of God. By
Fr. Fermin Tan, SSJV
clinging to this image
Fr. Joel Lusat, SSJV
and likeness, I feel the
Fr. Macky Ceballos, SSJV
Fr. Ricky Bacolcol, DCJ
healing power of God
Se. Michael Yu,
within me .
Cleb Calimutan
Sr. Tirsa, CSSJ
Sr. Elsie G. Nini, FdCC
Sr. Elizabeth C. Asuncion, FdCC
healing is a great help in
Sweet Kristine Adorio
Laarni Joyce S. Quiones
understanding ourselves
Ma. Chloee Marlowe C. Alaba
and others. It deepens
our relationship with
Lay-out and Graphic Design
It heals our
Jocelyn L. Pastoral
traumatic experiences
Marketing & Circulation
in the past.
Association of Pauline
Grace Fernan
Sr. Fely Arellano,
FdCC Psychologically,
Bag-ong Lamdag is a newsletter published monthly
the process led me
by the Social Communications Apostolate of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, whose aim is to link
to reconcile with the
the various parishes, ministries, and apostolates
inner child within me.
within this archdiocese. For inquiries and feedback,
Spiritually, I experienced
send us an email at You may
visit us online and leave a comment at lamdagcdo.
forgiveness and peace in
understanding the roots
of my reactions to certain
Find us on Facebook: Search for
situations and events.
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro




April 17 - June 17, 2015

Bag-ong Lamdag Bible Quiz

By Fr. Macky V. Ceballos, SSJV

Participants of the Team building seminar

Parish Secretaries and Workers Attend

Team building Seminar
By: Fr. Macky Ceballos
Forty six office secretaries
and some parish workers
gathered together for an
educational tour and team
building on March 1-3, 2015
at Holy Cross of Davao College,
(HCDC) Maritime Training
Center in Barangay Camudmud,
Babak District, Island Garden
City of Samal (IGACOS)
Rev. Fr. Roel V. Buntol,
JCL, SSJV, Chancellor of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro,
headed the delegation and was
assisted by Rev Fr. Macky V.
Ceballos, SSJV, Vice Chancellor,
who also acted as tour guide of
the group.
The parish secretaries left
Cagayan de Oro on the eve of
March 1, and travel via Buda-

Davao route. They arrived in

Davao City the following day and
immediately went to San Pedro
Cathedral for the Eucharist
with Most Rev. Romulo Valles,
DD, Archbishop of Davao who
was the celebrant.
To meet the main objective
for a parish visit, the group went
to San Miguel Parish, Panacan,
Davao City. The activity was
supposed to discover and
learn from the host parish the
best practices being observed
to administer and manage
the parish records. Rev. Fr.
Proceso Gimeno Jr, the parish
priest, tendered the group a
sumptuous lunch which the
parish has prepared.
In the afternoon of the
second day, the group went to
IGACOS and visited the world-

known bat cave in the world,

which has been recognized
by Guinness Book of World
Records having the numerous
bat in a colony. Later, the
delegation settled at HCDC,
IGACOS for the team building
On the last day of the
gathering, the group visited
(REMASE), Philippine Eagle
Park, SUL Orchids Garden, all in
Davao City and at the Bishops
House in Malaybalay City on the
groups way back to Cagayan de
Oro City.
It was learned that the last
time the parish secretaries had
their gathering for a similar
activity was conducted in Bohol
five years ago.

de Oro.
A group from Manila which
named Wheres the Sheep?
who is pop/rock Christian band
which specializes in singing
inspirational and praise and
worship song led by singer/
guitarist Mike Shimamoto and
lead guitarist/back-up vocalist
Hero Mauricio also sang during
the concert. Other musical
friends like Jampao Reyes also
led the music production. The
seminarians sang the following
songs: The Impossible Dream;
Kinabuhi Mo, Kinabuhi Ko;
OPM medley; The Lion sleeps
tonight; Far Greater Love;
Pananagutan; I will sing

forever; and I will follow Him

which was popularized by the
film Sister Act.
Seminarian Kirk Anthony
Diala said the concert is a
wonderful experience to expose
our talents to the faithful
that seminarians are not just
praying in the seminary but
they have their unique talents
in uplifting the spiritual aspects
of the faithful.
The prayer concert was
made possible through the
generosity of the friends of Fr.
Gil Escalante, SSJV, who is the
current rector of the seminary.

San Jose De Mindanao Seminary

Holds Fund Raising Concert

Sem. Michael Andrew Yu

At least 42 seminarians of
San Jose de Mindanao Seminary
performed and showcased
their talents in singing during
in a fund-raising prayer concert
entitled Kuyod, Duyog ug
Lawig uban sa mga Seminarista
held last January 31 at Capitol
University Theater.
A fund-raising concert was
held for the purpose of raising
funds for the financial needs of
the seminary as it continues to
form seminarians to become
good and holy priest and
pastoral leaders for the future
of the Archdiocese of Cagayan

Seminarians showcased their talents

1. In the Book of Genesis, what

is the nationality of Hagar,
the slave of Sarah?
2. In the Gospel of John, who
was the first to follow Jesus?
3. The Letter to the Hebrews is a
long homily that stresses Jesus
as who?
4. In the Old Testament, who is the
biblical figure whose name means laughter?
5. What is the meaning of the Hebrew word Hosanna!
6. How are Stephen and other deacons called in the Acts of
the Apostles?
7. The Book of Exodus mentions the name of the oasis in
the desert the water of which the Israelites could not
drink because it was too bitter. What is the name of the
8. Which among the Gospels tells of Pilate washing his
hands during the Passion?
9. In one of the Letters of Paul, who is the mother of Timothy
according to Paul?
10. In the Old Testament, what holy day did the High Priest
enter the Holy of Holies in the temple of the Lord?
11. How many Great Discourses of Jesus does the Gospel of
Matthew contain?
12. In the Book of Acts, who ordered the execution of the
apostle James, the brother of John?
13. Who said this famous remark: It is better for you that
one man should die instead of the people, so that the
whole nation may not perish?
14. In the Letters of Paul, where did Paul make his farewell
speech to the Christian leaders of Ephesus?
15. He is the king in the Old Testament who exiled the
inhabitants of Judah to Babylon? Who is he?
(Please email your answers at

Seminar sa Moralidad
Mipaambit si Fr. Demli
Valmores, SSJV sa mga
katekista mahitungod sa
niadtong Marso 21 2015, sa
Patrick Cronin Formation
Hall, Cathedral, Cagayan de
Oro City.
Kon moralidad na ang
kini kon ang mga buhat sa
usa ka tawo, maayo ba o
dili; kon sayop o husto ba
hinuon, matod pa ni Fr.
Valmores, ang kasamtangang
kura paroko sa San Vicente
Ferrer, Cugman. Naghatag
siya ug nagkadaiyang isyu
sama sa pangawat, pagpatay,
paglaglag sa bata (abortion)
ug uban pa. Gihatagan ang mga
katekista ug igong higayon sa
pagtuki sa mga isyu.
Nag-ingon si Fr. Valmores
nga ang mga ginikanan mao
ang nag-umol ug nagmatuto
sa mga bata kon unsay
angayan nilang buhaton ug
puy-an. Ang mga ginikanan
mao ang una ug modelo nga
magtutudlo ug naghatag
ug dakong influensya sa
pagpuyo sa mga hiyas sa usa
ka Kristiano.
usab siya nga ang relihiyon
naghatag ug giya sa hustong
panglantaw sa usa ka ligdong
nga tawo. Ang 10 ka Sugo (Ten
Commandments) mao ang giya
sa usa ka sulundon ug balaan

Fr. Demli Valmores

nga kinabuhi.
Ang tawo gimugna sa Dios
diha sa iyang iyang panagway.
Adunay siyay lawas ug
kahibalo ug kabubut-on nga
mahigugma, kahibalo usab
magbuhat ug
magdesisyon. Tungod sa
konsensya nga gasa sa Dios
kaniya mahibalo ang tawo
kon maayo ba o dautan ang
iyang gibuhat.
mga katekista kang Fr.
Valmores sa dugang kahibalo,
ug kinaadman nga ilang
nakat-onan mahitungod sa
moralidad sa nagkadaiyang
isyu sa atong kinabuhi.
(Lamdag News)



April 17 - June 17, 2015

Kapistahan sa Our Lady of

Fatima Gisaulog

Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma uban sa mga Barnabite Fathers

Malipayong Gisaulog ang

Kapistahan ni San Jose
Malipayong nagsaulog ang
katawhan sa kapistahan
ni San Jose diha sa Santos
ni Abp.
Antonio Ledesma, SJ,DD
uban ni Fr. Ferdinand
kura paroko
ug Superior sa Barnabite
Fathers niadtong Mayo 1,
2015 sa PN Roa Subdivision,
Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan
de Oro City.
Diha sa iyang homiliya,
gilarawan ni Abp. Ledesma
nga si San Jose mao ang
patron ug modelo sa
Kristohanong Katilingban.
Isip usa ka panday, giumol
si Jesus diha sa kabililhon
sa trabaho. Sa kapistahan
ni San Jose, gisaulog usab sa
katawhan ang dignidad sa
trabaho, diha sa paggamit
sa ilang lawas ug kusog
alang sa pagpalambo sa

Si Papa Francisco sa iyang

pakigtagbo sa mga pamilya,
nag-ingon nga pinaagi sa
damgo, si Jose nahimong
amahan sa Anak sa Dios ug
siya nahimong responsable
nga ginikanan ni Jesus, ug
amahan sa sagrada pamilya.
Pinaagi usab sa damgo
nakasinati sila sa kaayo sa
Dios sa dihang didto sila
sa Ehipto. Ang pagdamgo
alang sa atong mga anak,
usa kini sa pagpaambit sa
bokasyon ni San Jose. Usa
siya ka matarong nga tawo
ug hagit kanato nga kita
mahimong matarong nga
pamilya, matod pa ni Abp.
Ledesma. Naghinaut siya
nga sundon
ang panigingnan ni San Jose, isip
magdamgo ug maningkamot
alang sa kaayohan sa
pamilya. (Lamdag News)

Malipayong gisaulog ang

Kapistahan sa Our Lady of
Fatima diha sa Santos nga misa
nga gipangunahan ni Fr. Jobelle
Gulisao sa Mayo 13, 2015,
sa Fatima Chapel, Velez St.,
Cagayan de Oro City.
Diha sa iyang homiliya,
gipunting ni Fr. Gulisao ang 3
ka importanteng mensahe sa
Mahal nga Birhen nga mipakita
sa 3 ka bata: Francisco, Jacinta
ug Lucia didto sa Fatima,
Portugal. Una, ang pagbag-o sa
kasingkasing, ikaduha, pagbasol
sa kasal-anan ug ikatulo, ang
pag-ampo sa kanunay. Kining
tulo ka buluhaton timailhan
paingon sa pagkabalaan sa usa
ka tawo.
Si Maria nga Immaculada,
sa kanunay abli ug nagsunod sa

Fr. Jobelle Gulisao, SSJV

kabubut-on sa Dios. Giisip ang
iyang kaugalingon nga yano,
ug gihalad ang tanan, ug ang

iyang kinabuhi sa Dios. Diha

sa pagbasol sa atong kasalanan, maangkon
nato ang
iyang kaluoy ug pasaylo. Kon
makasala kita, kinahanglan
nga mangayo kita ug pasaylo ug
likayan ta ang mga tentasyon sa
pagpakasala, matod pa ni Fr.
Si Maria nag-ampo ug
namalandong sa mga grasya
ug mga panghitabo nga miabot
sa iyang kinabuhi. Diha sa
pag-ampo, naminaw siya sa
mensahe sa Dios Kaniya. Nagawhag si Fr. Jobelle nga sama
kang Maria, mamati usab
ang tagsa-tagsa sa Dios diha
sa pagpamalandong sa iyang
pulong ug diha sa kahilom sa
kasingkasing. (Lamdag News)

148 Midawat sa
Sakramento sa Kompirma

Msgr. Perseus Cabunoc, SSJV

Fr. Macky Ceballos, SSJV

Ang Krus Larawan sa Gugma

sa Dios- Msgr. Abacahin

Msgr. Elmer Abacahin, SSJV

Atol sa kapistahan sa Holy

Cross, Alubijid, niadtong May 1,
2015, madasigong gipadayag ni
Msgr. Abacahin, ang kura paroko
sa parokya, nga ang krus mao
ang larawan sa gugma ug kaluoy
sa Dios. Ang Krus larawan sa
dako nga kahimatngon sa Dios.
Ang Krus nahimong larawan
nga dili kita magpabilin diha
sa sala. Kinahanglan ang
tawo mag-antos, magpas-an
sa ilang Krus, mamatay sa

Krus ug mabanhaw sa
katapusang adlaw.
Diha sa pagkamatay
ni Jesuskristo sa Krus,
nakabaton ang katawhan
sa kinabuhi nga walay
katapusan. Mao kini ang
mahinungdanon sa Krus.
kini ang larawan sa iyang
dako nga gugma. Pinaagi
sa iyang pagkamatay sa
Krus, gibuntog niya ang
garbo, ug gibungkag niya
ang kahakog.
Gihagit ni Msgr.
Abacahin ang tanan
nga makalingkawas sa
kaulipnan sa sala diha sa
pagdawat kang Jesukristo
nga nag-antos, namatay
ug nabanhaw diha sa atong
kinabuhi. Kinahanglan nga
makahibalo kita sa paggakos
sa Krus diha sa atong mga
problema, kasakit ug kalisod
aron maangkon ang kalig-on, ug
kadasig sa pagtoo kay adunay
Dios nga nag-uban kanato,
ang Dalan, ang Kamatuoran ug
ang Kinabuhi, ingon ni Msgr.

Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ,DD

Gikompirmahan ang 148
ka mga bata ug mga hamtong ni
Arsobispo Antonio J. Ledesma,
SJ,DD, uban ni Msgr. Perseus
Cabunoc ug Fr. Macky Ceballos
niadtong Mayo 2, 2015, sa
St. Augustine Metropolitan
Cathedral, Cagayan de Oro City.
Diha sa iyang homiliya,
gipahinumduman sa Arsobispo
ang nakadawat sa sakramento
sa ilang tahas sa pagpaambit, ug
pagpakaylap sa Maayong Balita
dili lamang sa pulong kondili
sa pagsaksi niini pinaagi sa ila
mismong kinabuhi , kinabuhing
tunhay nga Kristiano.
Apostoles, misangyaw sila sa
Maayong Balita nga nadawat
nila gikan sa Espiritu Santo ug
naglig-on sa ilang pagtuo, ug
nagbunyag sa tanan sa ngalan

sa Amahan, sa anak ug sa
Esperitu Santo.
Busa mga
igsoon sa
pagdawat nato karon sa mga
gasa pinaagi sa Espiritu Santo
mao man ang pagpahibalo nga
kita makasabot sa kahulugan
sa atong pagtoo kon lig-on
ang atong baroganan nga kita

gayod ang mga Kristianos nga

gihandom sa pagpaambit sa ligon nga pagmalasakit sa Ginoo,
matod pa ni Abp. Ledesma.
sa Arsobispo
ang tanan nga mahimong
instrumento sa kalinaw aron
makaylap ang kalinaw sa
katilingban. (Lamdag News)

April 17 - June 17, 2015



mga kaartehan sa kinabuhi mao ning mga
ginabuhat nato nga dili na gyud kinahanglan
pang buhaton. Wala lang! Arte lang!. Excuse
me po!
Mangutana lang ko ha? Kinahanglan ba gyud?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mukaon kag daghan nga tambok naman ka? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mag-make up o magparitoke ka nga gwapa naman ka?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga dako ug daghan kaayo ang imong housenga tulo ra man mo
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mga branded ang imong isuot? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga magpasipsip ka para ma-promote? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga musombong ka aron lang nga ikaw ang mahimong sakto?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga daghan kag uyab para ingnon nga gwapo ka? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud mas amiguhon nimo ang mga dato para dako ang imong makuha?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga dako kaayo ang imong madeposit o maremit para lang sa IMO
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mugasto kag dako aron lang ma-enjoy o ma-entertain?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga friends moaron mahatag nimo ang iyang gusto? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga magpasakaysakay na lang kaaron walay gubot? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga dauton nimo ang uban para ikaw ang musikat? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga daghan kag sapatos,sinina,balay,car,kwarta atbp?KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mukaon ka sa mga mahalon nga kan-anan? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga aduna kay isuot nga mga taringtaring o burluloy sa lawas?
Kinahanglan ba gyud mangayo ta sa uban aron itabang? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mga mahalon ang imong mga gadgets? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga sige kag pilgrimage sa Jerusalem aron lang masunod nimo ang
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mutaas ang imong position para makapangalagad kag tarong?
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga sige lang ka renovate para naa kay project? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga magpakaon ka sa mga tawong adunay ikaon? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga maghuboghubog kaaron tawgon ka nga macho?KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mag-party ka to celebrate? KAARTEEEEEEH!
Kinahanglan ba gyud nga mag-artista ka para maka-arte? KAARTEEEEEEH BA GYUD OY!
Nakapamalandong ako nga ang Dios gusto nga dili kaartehan ang kinabuhi nga atong pagapuy-an.
Nakaamgo ako nga ang gusto sa Dios mao ang tinoud nga kinabuhi. Kinabuhi nga dili peke, dili
plastic, dili bakak ug dili pagpakaaron-ingnon. Kabalo ang Dios unsay sakto ug unsay sayop nga
kinabuhi.Kabalo ang Dios kon kinsa ang maimpyerno ug kinsa ang malangit. Dapat hindi
natin paghaluhaloin, hindi po ba? Basin mabali na hinuon nga ang sakto mahimong sayop, ug
ang sayop mahimong sakto.Dapat hindi natin dalhin sa kaartehan ang buhay, Let us be clear,
ano ba talaga ang tama at ano ang mali? Kay basin we are living sa usa ka life nga kaartehan
lang. Let us make life simple, not complicated. You know kung complicated mukhang kaartehan na
yan.(kaarte ba!hehehehehe!).
Ang yano o simple nga kinabuhi mao ang kinabuhi nga malipayon. Kung wala di wala, kon naa di
naa. Basta kay dili lang unta nato pugson ang kinahubi. Ang importante mao nga maningkamot lang gyud ta sa unsay atong makayang buhaton nga walang kaartehan. Let us rely in the
power of the Holy Spirit(Pentecost). Dili ba daghan kaayo tang gabuhaton unya dili man gyud
diay kinahanglan nga buhaton pa. Walay hinungdan nga kahago ug kakapoy nga kinabuhi kini!
Sayang kini para sa mga tawong mas nanginahanglan sa atong tininuod nga pagtabang. Dili ba
insulto kini para sa mga tawong kabus? Dili ba makalilibog kini para sa mga tawong way taas
nga eniskwelahan? Arte ba ang Dios? Dili ba ang tinuod nga lawas ug dugo ni Kristo diha sa
Eukaristiya gikan lang sa ordinaryong pan ug bino? (kayano ba!) Dili ba ang relationship sa
Santisima Trinidad way libog? (nagkahiusa sila) Arte ba si Mama Mary? (YES to God- usa ka
simpling tubag niya) Arte ba si San Jose?(sa hilom lang gatrabaho siya) Arte ba si San Juan
Magbubunyag? (paghinulsol ang gikinahanglanway gastos) Arte ba si San Pablo? (ang
pagtuo ug gugma sa Dios ang angay) Arte ba ang mga Santos? (ang pagtuman lang sa sugo

Do you have something to announce?


will be more than happy to print greetings and announcements at reasonable rates.

Soft copies are especially welcome.

To find out more, call the Social Communication Apostolate

( 856-4392

Saksak-Sinagol ni Pepoye
unsa man kon sa plebisito ang bbl dili
ang kasuko sa pikas mosamot di kapugngan
ug kon may gyera kinsa ang sad-an
si p-noy kay gipalaum nga walay katumanan.
Flores de Mayo
relihiyosong custombre nga maayo kaayo
kay mga bata tudloan sa maayo
pag-ampo ug pag-ila sa Ginoo.
ang sa magsaysay nga mga batan-on
sa mga dula nagmadaugon

angayan sa atong congratulation

hinaut kini magpadayon.
ug sama sa iyang naandan
ang kita para seminaryo ug katekista nga
kay sila una sa iyang dughan
maong kanunay usab natong tabangan.
karon mayo 15 among saulogon
ang pyesta sa among patron
si San Isidro ang maampoon ug maloloy-on
sa maong adlaw una ang misa ug dayon
kaon-kaon kamo ako imbitahon.
ug kon maghimo gani sa Reyna Elena
himoa nga dili bongga
dili kini pasikatay higala
kon dili sa krus kita may gugma ba.

New Apologetics Formations

By Cleb Calimutan

The New Apologetics: Doctrinal

Formation is a series of lectures given
by the Confraternity of Catholic Lay
Theologians and Defenders of the Faith
(Catholic Lay Evangelizers) in different
parishes like
the Nuestra Seora
Virgen del Rosario Parish at Barangay
Consolacion. The sessions were
conducted during the administration of
Fr. Arnel Martinez, SSS and continues
with the new Parish Priest Fr. Kenny
Parlingayan, SSS. Among the hundreds
of participants are visitors from other
parishes who are willing to deepen

their faith. The primary objective of the

activity is to clarify the doctrinal issues
and controversies that disturb the
faith of the Catholics, and enlighten the
parishioners to appreciate the Church
in all aspects. Hopefully, this will move
them to be more participative in Church
activities and ministries. The facilitators
present the topics in an engaging way
and provide hand outs for further study.
There are also workshops to enable
the participants to fully understand the
discussions and to express the Catholic
truths in the most simple way.

Call for Articles

We invite parishioners, ministries, clergy and religious to submit

news stories. Just send us the details, and well give you proper
credit for your article.
Email your submissions, along with your name, phone number, and
parish/congregation to


April 17 - June 17, 2015

Our Vocation is given gratuitously,

Thanks to the generosity of the Lord.

-St. Magdalene of Canossa

Whenever somebody asks me about

my vocation story, I cant help but be
amazed how the Lord has planned
my life. At the age of 21, after passing
the Philippine Licensure Examination
for Physical Therapist, I travelled to
Singapore and worked as a physical
therapist in St. Josephs Home. This facility
is a nursing home being administered
by the Canossian Sisters and cares for
elderly people who are poor, sick and
destitute. I enjoyed working with nurses
and physical therapists from Malaysia,
India, Myanmar and Singapore. I also
grew in my faith as the Canossian Sisters
encouraged us to attend Holy Mass and
I can vividly remember encountering
Jesus intimately while doing bed
exercises for a comatose 82-year-old
woman with a crooked and stiff body
because she has been bedridden for
almost 15 years. Since then I became
enthusiastic to attend daily Mass and
spend moments of personal prayer. I
felt that the Lord was asking me to do
something more more than my doing
job, more than being a good friend to my
colleagues, more than helping my family.
I was once asked by a nurse from
Myanmar my reason in desiring to be
a nun. I told her that I was curious and
amazed how the Canossian sisters live
happily and simply. One particular
Canossian sister who influenced me is
Mother Elizabeth Yeo, a Singaporean
and missionary to Indonesia. She was

brought back to Singapore after being

diagnosed with spinal cord injury. When
I met her, she was paralyzed from waist
down and can move around using a
motorized wheelchair. She taught me
how to be thankful and joyful despite
her physical limitations and to trust God
and others.
In 2007, opportunities to work in
America came and all I needed was to
take the US Licensure Examination. In
the same year, I was planning to go back
to the Philippines and enter the convent.
After much prayer and encouragement
from the elderly people, sisters and
friends, I told my family that I am going
home to enter the convent. Initially, my
family especially my Nanay disagreed
with my decision but eventually they
relented. I left St. Josephs Home in June
2007 and after a month I entered as
an Aspirant of the Canossian Sisters in
Paco, Manila.
In the formation, I grew in faith in
God, in desire to love Christ whom I am
following, in the acceptance of myself
and others. I always remind myself
that God called me to this way of life
not because of what I can accomplish
but because of His great love for me.
This calls me to spend time in intimate
communion with God and to open
myself to daily conversion. I took my
First Profession last May 23, 2010 at the
Canossian Novitiate in San Juan, Manila.
I was assigned in San Pablo community
and have lived with almost 30 Sisters
in my 5 years of stay there. I was given
enormous opportunities to be cojourneyer of young people, to harness
my skills in taking care of the sick and to
live my vows with my community with
fidelity and joy.
As I look back at these experiences,
I can only tell to the God, Maraming
salamat po sa lahat ng pagmamahal
Wala na po akong hahanapin pang iba!
Truly our vocation is given by God not
because we are good but because He is
not only good but because He is the Best.
God bless to all!
(By: Sr. Elizabeth C. Asuncion, FdCC)

Mangita ka kon Wala Siya

Fr. Joel Lusat, SSJV
Usa ka tawo nagbuy-od sa ilalom
sa kahoy daw wala kini panimuot sa
iyang kaugalingon. Wala siya mawad-i
sa iyang kinabuhi apan nahikatulog
siya pag-ayo daw sama sa usa ka bata
nga nahinanok nga bisan unsaon
pagpukaw dili gayod mahigmata. Mao
kini ang mahitabo sa usa ka tawo
kon makainom na sa ilimnon nga
gitawag ug Tonggang, matod pa ni
Richard Felisida , ang kasamtangang
Katawhan sa Lanise Association
Ang Tonggang mao ang
lokal nga ilimnon sa mga
lumad sa bukid nga nagagikan
sa kahoy nga gitawag ug
pogahan sanglit wala may
lubi sa itaas. Sa English
gitawag kini nga
Fishtail Palm Tree
tungod kay ang
iyang bunga sama
kini sa hulagway
sa ikog sa isda nga
kon kini mahurot
na sa pagsanggot
dayon ang iyang
mahimong lamian nga suka
matod pa sa mga researcher gikan sa
Department of Agriculture Claveria
Research Center. Tungod niini ang
Ministry of Enterprise Development
sa Arkidiyosesis nakigsabot sa
Department of Agriculture kon
mapaambit ba ang teknolohiya
ngadto sa mga tawo. Kay possible
man angpagbalhin sa teknolohiya,
gi-organisa ang mga lumolopyo sa
barangay sa Lanise, Claveria Misamis
Oriental uban sa mga mananggotay
diin girehistro ang maong grupo sa
Department of Labor and Employment

isip legal nga asosasyon.

Nagseminar sila sa sanitation gikan
sa lokal clinic sa Claveria ug dayon
sa formal nga seminar sa paghimo
sa gitawag nga Tonggang Vinegar.
Spicy kini ug walay preserbatibo nga
gibutang kay ang nakahatag kaniya sa
iyang kolor mao man ang silikot ug
bisaya nga sili.
Ayaw kabalaka sa mga kemikal kay
kini natural nga suka nga matod pa sa
mga lokal nga katawhan mao kini ang
gasa sa kinaiyahan nga makita sa bukid
sa Claveria. Usa sa mga mananggotay
nag-ingon nga kon mananggot na
sila gidili kanila ang pagkaligo
kay dili mutobod ang
duga kon makapanimaho
ang pogahan sa sabon,
produkto nga adunay
sagol nga kemikal. Sa ato
pa manimaho ka gayod
ug tinuod nga tawo
o kon dili ba baho sa
orang utan. Gawas pa
niini dili gihapon siya
mutobod kon gailis-ilis
ug mananggotay kay
matod pa nila mangita
ug amo
ang maong
tanom. Sa ato pa ang
panginahanglanon mao
nga manimaho ka ug tawo
ug mangagalon pa gayod
aron seguro nga mohatag kini ug
duha ka galon nga duga matag adlaw.
Niining paagiha madugangan
ang bili sa ilang produkto. Natural
nga mga pamaagi, magkalig-on pa sa
ilang pagmahal sa ilang kinaiyahan ug
magkalawom pa gayod sa ilang pagtuo
sa Dios. Nag-awhag ni Fr. Lusat nga
suportahan sila pinaagi sa pagpalit
sa ilang produkto. Nakaseguro siya
nga kon makatilaw kamo niini nga
produkto, mangita gyud kamo niini sa
kanunay. Kung mo-order sa Tonggang
vinegar, tawag lang niini nga cell no.


By Fr. Ricky Bacolcol, DCJ

I have been in Sulu almost
10 years. To me the most basic
question is: Will the Proposed
Bangsamoro or will enacting
the BBL bring just and lasting
peace to Southern Philippines,
to Mindanao, Basilan, Sulu and
Tawi-tawi? In other words, my
question is addressed more to
the autonomy structure rather
than to BBL, the backbone of the
After having attended so
many peace summit, peace
conferences, peace seminars, and
focus group discussions on peace
in Davao, Cotabato, Cagayan,
Zamboanga, Manila and Sulu,
my very strong recommendation
to the Congress is to give due
and deep consideration to the
following if just and lasting peace
is to be attained.
1. The
and cultural Divide. Can the
Maguindanaons, the Maranaos

and the Tausugs be united

under one Leadership? Being
in the mainland and they are
just next to each other perhaps,
the Maguindanaons and the
Maranaos can. But the Tausugs,
can they be? Basilan, Sulu and
Tawi-tawi are composed of so
many Islands. Geographically,
it would very difficult to unite
them. Culturally too, the Tausugs
have different mental attitudes
and ways of doing things. You
have to be with them a long
time to understand their inner
goodness. They have their own
particular Leadership frame of
mind. Could this be one reason
why ARMM has failed? For the
sake of peace, in the advent of
Bangsamoro autonomy, can the
Tausugs separate itself and be
under the central government?

2. The Process Divide.

This refers to the birthing of the
Bangsamoro, mothered by the
MILF, fathered by the Aquino
government and god-fathered
by Malaysia. ARMM, mothered
by MNLF, fathered by the Ramos
government, god-fathered by
the OIC (Organization of Islamic
Countries) and anointed in
confirmation by Congress
making it a well- acclaimed

child of the Constitution, woke

up one bright morning and
found itself in total darkness,
unwanted, and considered
experiment. So much unpeace
was caused by this and there is a
lot of healing needed.

3. The Sultanate and the

Sabah claim Divide. Nothing
is mentioned in BBL about this.
Understandable, because the
broker is Malaysia. Perhaps it is
the cost of god-fathering. This is a
neglect which is crucial for Lupah
Sug. Actually, this triggered
the leadership of Chairman
Misuari, after the survivor of the
Corregidor Massacre told his

4. The
Divide. In one MILF assembly, I
heard one of the speakers say:
Now we should be happy that we
will be in the Bangsamoro. At First,
Filipino citizens in Bangsamoro
but eventually, Bangsamoro
citizens in Bangsamoro. Is
this not an indication that the
question of independence will
never be abandoned?
Reading through BBL gives
me the impression that the

President is so generous. He is
creating a subcountry, a country
within a country, a government
with so much power within a
national government. Having
received so much concession
it can grow into such strength
that it would be very tempting
to demand graduation from just
being an autonomy to being an
independent country. When that
time comes it can gather so much
force because all the factions now
will join it so long as the call is
for independence. The desire is
in the Muslim blood for centuries
and we cannot blame them. We
will do the same thing if we are in
their shoes. In the Bangsamoro as
an autonomy they are a Muslim
majority in a Catholic minority.
Why should they remain just an
autonomy when they could be
a country, a Republic? Can you
think of East Timor? Please. Dont
be a big temptation.
Once the demand for the
independence is made, will the
central government give it in a
silver platter? I have heard it said:
If they call for independence we
will join them in the fight, even
if afterwards we will fight each
other. It might even result into
a Muslim- Christian war where
do much brotherhood and

friendship will be lost among

Christians and Muslims who
understand each other very well.
And that will be tragic for the
whole Mindanao affecting the
whole of the Philippines.
Back to the original question:
Will Bangsamoro bring just and
lasting peace? To me, the answer
is NO! So many unpeace lurk
their heads in its path. Is there an
alternatives? YES!
Some years ago Kusug
Federalism. Among the main
proponents was the old Senator
Nene Pimentel, Rey Teves of
Davao and Fr. Jun Mercado, OMI
of the Notre Dame University.
I urge Congress to make a
thorough study of this. I believed
that Federalism can bring just
and lasting peace with less risk
of rivalry and rebellion among
Mindanao stakeholders. It is
hoped that Congress will not
be too hasty in dishing out
the Bangsamoro autonomy to
us Mindanao, particularly to
Suluans. Of course, the why of the
haste is understood. But should
the quest for peace of such
magnitude be determined by the
term of one person.
No to Bangsamoro. TOO
RISKY. Let us pray for lasting in
Mindanao, give, live, share, and
proclaim Peace. Magsukul tuud,
Wassalam! (Thank you so much,

Sta. Rita de Cascia Parish New Altar

and Retablo Blessed

Office of the Archbishop

Archbishops House
P.O. Box 113
Cagayan de Oro City
9000 Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Tele-Fax No. +63 88 857-1357 * Mobile No. +63 937 3700 703
E-mail address: /

To: Archdiocesan Clergy and People of God

From: Abp. A. Ledesma, SJ
Re: Pastoral Assignments

20 May 2015

After consultations, I am making or confirming the following assignments for
the coming Pastoral Year (June 2015-May 2016):

Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ,DD anointed the Churchs altar and assisted by Fr. Medallo Valmores,
Msgr. Abacahin and Mgsr. Legitimas.
Sr.Teresita C. Espina, fsp
Ledesma, SJ,DD, consecrated
the new altar and blessed the
retablo of Sta. Rita Church with
Fr. Medallo Valmores, parish
priest and other priests of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
on May 22, 2015. It was the
119th celebration of the Feast
of Sta. Rita de Cascia, patroness
of the impossible, of abused
wives and widows.
In his homily, Abp. Ledesma
said that the dedication of
retablo reminds everyone of
the presence of God the Father,
the Son and the Holy spirit
in our midst. Kining retablo
mao man ang hulagway sa
atong pagtoo, nagpahinumdum
kanato sa presensya sa Dios
Amahan, Anak ug Espiritu Santo
sa atong taliwala. Pinaagi sa
retablo, atong ipakita ang atong

pagtahod kang Kristo sulod sa

iyang misteryo, nga mahimo
kini nga lugar diin kita magampo isip usa ka katilingban
ug pinaagi niini mahimo kitang
magsasangyaw sa maayong
balita sa tibuok kalibutan.
He narrated the life story
of St. Rita who, through her
heroic Christian values as
a model wife and mother
converted her husband from
his abusive behavior. When her
husband died, she entered the
monastery and offered her life
to God in prayer and penance.
.Abp. Ledesma challenged the
parishioners to imitate Sta. Rita,
who endured a lot of sufferings
in following Gods will.
Ug kita usab nga sama ni
Sta. Rita pinaagi sa atong mga
pag-antos ug sakripisyo alang
sa atong isigka-ingon makamao
sa pagdawat sa grasya sa Dios
diha sa iyang kaugalingon.

Fr. Cornelio Cadenas - Parish Priest, Agusan

Fr. Harnifer Godinez - Parish Priest, Initao
Fr. Raul Ricacho - Formator, San Jose Seminary
Fr. Doroteo Rabuyo Jr. - Formator, San Jose Seminary
Fr. Cleto Taajura - Parochial Vicar, Agusan
Fr. Roger Almonia - Parochial Vicar, Eco-Church
Fr. Harren Salon - Parochial Vicar, Nazareth
Fr. Joseph Montemayor - Parochial Vicar, Cathedral; Director, Youth Apostolate
Fr. Nicolas Basadre - Parochial Vicar, Nazareno
Fr. Alain Nocete - Parochial Vicar, Nazareno
Fr. Ramon Francis Burlat - Parochial Vicar, Catarman
Fr. Rymond Ratilla - Parochial Vicar, Magsaysay
Fr. Bon Genson - Parochial Vicar, Mambajao
Fr. Richard Deloso - Parochial Vicar, Gingoog
Fr. Hawthorne Galas - Special Studies, Cathedral
Fr. Raul Sesante - Sabbatical
Rev. Apollo Canoy - Deacon, Cathedral
Bro. Coke Prieto - Ongoing formation, Bishops House
Bro. Jennis Pingkian - Ongoing formation, Bishops House

I would like to thank everyone for their services in their previous assignments.
May you continue to carry on the Churchs mission in your new area of assignment.
If not yet done, transfers should be made during the last week of May.


Fr. Medallo Valmores, Parish Priest

the sponsors,
benefactors and all the
parishioners who helped in the
completion of the retablo, and
all who made the fiesta more
meaningful and successful.

The Honorable Mayor Jaime

C. Roa also delivered his message
during the event. He was very
happy to welcome everybody to
the municipality of Naawan. He
expressed much gratitude to the
parish for hosting the big event as
it forged collaboration between the
Church and local government unit
of Naawan. During the program,
certificates were awarded, first to
Vicariate 1 as the Host Vicariate
to the 42nd CFLA Annual Grand
Reunion. It was received by the
Vicariate Coordinator Ms. Laura
Omas-as. The second certificate
given was the Certificate of
Acceptance for the hosting of the
2016 CFLA Annual Grand Reunion
and it was given to the Vicariate
Coordinator Mr. Ed Gutierrez of
Vicariate 2 (Divine Mercy Vicariate).
Everyone was ecstatic and
awed by the rendition of the
Capitol University Glee Club and
Dance Troupe with their various
selections of songs ranging from the
contemporary songs, old songs and
kundiman. Such fine music and nonstop performance showed their
versatility in singing and dancing
in colorful outfits, costumes and

priests birthday

June 1
June 3
June 9
June 10
June 14
June 17
June 27

Fr. Jose Alan Pulgo,

Fr. Richard Deloso
Fr. Aurelio Jaranilla
Fr. Raul Ricacho
Fr. Hawthorne Galas
Fr. Cornelio Cadenas Jr.
Abp. Jesus Tuquib, D.D.

gracefulness depicting the Filipino

There was also the CFLA raffle
draw which started from the 10 halfsacks of rice as consolation prizes.
The major prizes and winners are:
3rd Prize, a Study Room Showcase
Algiero Janubas of Bugo, Cagayan
de Oro City; 2nd Prize, a Kitchen
Showcase - Gloria Guzman of
Dumaguete City and the 1st Prize
was the Living Room Showcase
won by Ryan Jones Jr. Mabunay
of El Salvador City. A formal
announcement of all Raffle Draw
winners was then made by the CFLA
finance body.
After the raffle draw, the
Vicariate 1 honored two couples
from the host vicariate, Daniel and
Gaudiosa Seronay and Felipe and
Carmen Flores, who celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary.
The celebration ended with a
closing prayer to the Holy Family.
Fr Gary thanked everybody for the
success of the 42nd CFLA Annual
Grand Reunion, the contribution
of each one and the entire gesture
of unity. He then gave the SendOff blessing and everybody went
home bringing such fulfillment and
happiness in their hearts.


June 4 Fr. Alexander Borres, SSJV

June 5 Fr. Medallo Valmores
June 7 Fr. Raul Dael, SSJV
Fr. Elcon Magtrayo, SSJV
Fr. Glenn Pimentel, SSJV
Fr. Nemesio Pacaa, SSJV
June 21 Fr. Roger Almonia, SSJV

Fr. Julito Cabactulan, SSJV

Fr. Julius Clavero, SSJV

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