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1) Can one supplier information can be shared by different operating units ? if

yes then how ?
A. Yes, but only header level information can be shared.
You need to change the profile option (MO : Operating Unit) to the respective op
erating unit.
2) Difference between P.O Default & Quick match invoice ?
A) PO default:-To match specific shipment of po with invoice
B) Quick Match:-To match all the shipments of a po with invoice at a time
Both type of invoices turns into standard invoice after matching
3) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to GL?
create batch
create invoice
create distribution
validate the invoice
actions -? approve
if individual create accounting click ok
If batch go to batch create accounting.
Create accounting hits Payable Accounting(Transfer) ??Program which wil
l create accounting.
Run Transfer to GL Concurrent Program
Journal Import
Post journals
Hits balances.
4) How do u Transfer from AP to GL?
Ans--- Payables transfer to GL program is used to transfer from AP to GL.
5) What are the Interface and base Tables for payables/ open invoice ?
Ans--Table Details:
AP Invoice Interface tables
AP Invoice Base Tables:
Error table:
6) How many types of Transactions are there in AP?
Standard Invoice : The amount is g
Debit memo (increases balances owed to supplier)
Raised by organization
Raised by Supplier.
Credit memo
Mixed Invoices both debit & credit
Expense Report
Quick Match
7) Tell me about PO cycle( Procure To Pay )?
Request For Quote (RFQ)


Quote Analysis (Track/check record)

Issue Purchase Order (PO)
Goods Receipt Note(GRN)
Transfer To GL (Payables transfer to GL program)
Journal Import
GL Balances

8) How many types of purchase order types/agreements are there?

a) Standard Purchase Order
b) Planned PO : A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to
buy it
items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery sche
dules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including char
ge account, quantities and estimated cost.
EX: Buying goods for Christmas from a specific dealer.
c) Contract PO : You create contract purchase agreement with your supplier to a
gree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services
that you will be purchasing i.e. for $ amount you must supply this much quantity
. You can later issue standard PO referencing your contracts and you can encumbe
r these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.
d) Blanket PO : You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail
of goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period , but
you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket
purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually
purchasing them.
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur suppli
er about the price at which you will purchase the items from the supplier in fut
ure. Here you enter the price of the item not the quantity of the items. When yo
u create the release you enter the quantity of the items. The price is not updat
able in the release. The quantity * price makes the Released Amount. Now suppose
your contract with your supplier is such that you can only purchase the items w
orth a fixed amount against the contract.
9) What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching?
2-way matching: 2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice quantiti
es must match within your tolerances as follows:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
(<= sign is used because of tolerances)
Often used for services where no receiver is generated.
3-way matching: 3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information
match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
4-way matching: 4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice in
formation match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
(Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods).
Whether a PO shipment has 2-way, 3-way or 4-way matching can be setup in the Shi
pment Details zone of the Enter PO form (character)
Receipt required
Inspection required
What is the month end process?
What are the interfaces available?
Can we pay an invoice without creating accounting for an Invoice?

Can we post a payment without posting the Invoice to GL?

What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What are the errors we face when Payables Transfer to General Ledger program is
What kind of problems normally we face when we create accounting for the Invoice
and How to identify and resolve such problems?
What are the tables effected when an invoice accounting is created?
What is the transaction flow in Oracle Payables along with Tables getting effect
What are the tables in which the accounting entries in Accounts Payables are sto
What are the features provided by Oracle Payables?
What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What is the program used to post the transactions from Oracle Paybles to Oracle
GL? What does that do? What are the tables involved?
Payment Batch: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?
Void: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the chec
k went out and was cashed. What do we do?
Payment Batch: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Ca
n I delete it?
Payment Batch: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
Payment Document: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account tha
t says it is in use. How can I tell?
Payment Batch: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the P
ayment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the
payment batch exceeds the maximum outlay?
Printing: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatt
Payment Batch: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed?
EFT: How can I select EFT document type on a Payment Batch?
Payment Register: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payme
nt Register?
Void: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT t
Payment Batch: What is the process flow for generating payment batches
and mailing checks?
Payment Batch: How to cancel Payment Batch if it is stuck in status "ing
" (selecting, formatting, confirming)?
FAQ Details
Q: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?
A: The flow of payment processing is as follows:
AutoSelect - First you initiate the Payment Batch by entering criteria for invoi
Build - The system then builds payments based on the selection criteria.
Modify - You can optionally modify the payment batch.
Format - Format payments to have Payables produce an output file.
Print - Print checks from the output file or deliver the output file to your ban

Confirm - Confirm the payment batch.
Q: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the check w
ent out and was cashed. What do we do?
A: Example:
1. Invoice created for $1300
2. Invoice paid for $1300
3. Payment was voided.
4. Check was sent to the customer who cashed it.
5. Invoice was also canceled and another check against it was voided.
Solution Summary:
----------------Create a 0$ invoice with 2 distribution lines, 1 for the expense account as a de
bit and the other distribution lines to the cash account as a credit
Solution Explanation:
---------------------When the invoice was created if this was just a simple invoice created, invoice
paid, payment voided, but check cleared, then we would have done the following:
original invoice
db expense 1300
cr liability 1300
db liability 1300
cr cash 1300
void payment
db cash 1300
cr liability 1300
But to take care of the voided check that cleared and was cashed, we would have
created a 0$ invoice with two new distribution lines:
line 1 1300
db expense 1300
line 2 -1300 (you fill in the expense account as the cash account) which will ge
nerate these entries
db liability 1300
cr cash account 1300 (this is used in place of the expense account)
So invoice is still owed, and we issue a $0 manual payment check:
db liability
cr cash
So the invoice is paid, and the cash is ok.
1099 considerations...
If this is a 1099 vendor, you need to go into the distributions on the zero invo
ice and go to the details section, and fill in the income tax type for the expen
distribution, but for the distribution for the cash, take off the income tax typ
e. That will fix your 1099.
Almost all reports, report off the distributions, not the invoice total, so as l
ong as everything is posted this should be fine.
Q: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Can I delete it
A: Yes. But only if the status of the Payment Batch is 'Unstarted' or 'New'. I
f the batch has already been selected for processing, you must Cancel it. If yo
u have already formatted the Payment Batch, then click on Actions and deselect t
he Confirm action. After doing so, the Cancel Payment Batch option will be avai

Q: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
A: Query up the Payment Batch in the Payment Batches Summary window to view the
Alternative: Technical employees with access to SQL*Plus:
SELECT status
FROM ap_inv_selection_criteria_all
WHERE checkrun_name = ?<payment batch name>?;
Q: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account that says it is in
use. How can I tell?
A: When you selected the Payment Document for the Bank Account, the Document Nam
es window displays a column ?In Use By?. This is the Payment Batch name that is
using the Payment Document. You must complete the Payment Batch using that doc
ument before you can use it. You will only get the list of payment documents if
there is more than one payment document associated with that bank account. If
there is only one payment document for that bank account, you will simply get th
e message that the payment document is in use. If you still do not see a Paymen
t Batch, then most likely a QuickCheck did not complete successfully. Contact O
racle Support for scripts to determine the status of the QuickCheck.
Q: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
A: After the Payment Batch has been Built and before it has been Formatted. On
ce the payment batch has been Formatted, Modify is no longer an option.
Q: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
1. From the Actions Window, unselect Format and select Modify Payment Batch.
2. Enter the Supplier Name and Site.
3. Select Yes for Pay Supplier.
4. Select the invoice you wish to add to this Payment Batch.
5. Select the Build button.
The system will automatically submit the Build Payments program to rebuild the p
Q: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the Payment Batch
A: Yes. You can change the Discount Amount to reflect more or less of a discoun
t. The discount amount and payment amount can not be more than the amount due.
If you take less of a discount and you wish to pay the invoice in full, you will
need to adjust the Payment Amount also. If the invoice includes withholding ta
x, you can not adjust the Payment Amount or the Discount Amount.
Q. Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the payment batc
h exceeds the maximum outlay.
A: Yes. Select the Supplier and Site and choose 'Force' as the Pay Option in th
e Modify Payments Window.
Q: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatted.
A: These instructions are for Smart Client or NCA, not character.
1. Navigate to the concurrent request summary form (Other -> Concurrent)
2. Either query the format payment concurrent request, or query all and manually
search for the format payments request.
3. Select Special?Reprint from the toolbar.
4. This opens the reprint dialog box.
5. Select the number of copies, the printer, and the print style
6. Press OK..
Q: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed.
A: No. You must void each payment created by the Payment Batch to accomplish th
Q: How can I select EFT document type on a payment batch?
A: Change the "Disbursement Type" for ACHs under Setup -> Payments -> Banks -> B
ank Accounts -> Payables Documents from "Recorded" to "Combined"
Q: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register?
A: The best way to get around zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register w

hen an Invoice and a Credit Memo cancel each other out is to make a Manual
Payment for a zero amount (the Invoice and the Credit Memo). You can either set
up a dummy Payment Document to make the payment on, or use some other
Payment Method. The important thing here is that Oracle Payables won't make a z
ero amount payment for you, AutoSelect will not pick up zero amount payments,
nor will QuickCheck allow zero amount payments.
Once the zero amount Manual Payment is made, both the Invoice and the Credit Mem
o will be marked as paid and will stop being picked up by AutoSelect, so
they won't appear on the Preliminary Payment Register.
Q: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT trans
A: You will need to unreconcile the payment first, void it and then reissue.
From Cash Management Responsibility:
Navigate -> Bank Statements -> Find Bank Statement -> Review -> Lines -> Mark ch
eck to be unreconciled -> Unreconcile. Once you unreconcile the payment, you wil
l be able to void the payment and then pay again.
Q: What is the process flow for generating payment batches and mailing c
A: Please review APNews Vol 24 to resolve this issue.
FAQ Summary
iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the
Match: What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Fina
l Match do?
Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" invoice and how do I enter one?
Tax: How do I create a Withholding Tax Invoice?
Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
Match: How to Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?
New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced
since 11i was released?
Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after
applying 11i.AP.I?
Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy syste
m into Oracle Payables?
Requester: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice
Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more in
formation on Expense Report Import (Invoice Import in 10.7 and 11.0)?
Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
Invoice Processing Issues?
Patches: List of One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
FAQ Details
Q1. iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
A: iSupplier Invoice entry is a new feature released with one-off patch 2234922,
Procurement Family Pack H and Financials Family Pack C (same as 11i.AP.J). Usin
g this new feature your suppliers can enter their invoices on-line directly into
AP through the iSupplier module. For a complete overview of this new feature in
cluding implementation steps and usage instructions, please refer to the 11i Pay
ables User Guide (pages 4-171 through 4-174) available via Metalink. This users
guide is current as of Family Pack C (11i.AP.J) and contains installation instru
ctions for all new features released in 11i.
Q2. Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the invo
A:This hold is in effect because the invoice was matched to a PO line that has a
status of Final Closed. There is no way to manually remove the hold; the system
must remove the hold. There are two workarounds for this situation:

Workaround #1: You need to reverse the distribution line that has the final matc
h hold. You can then create a new PO line, and match to that line.
Workaround #2: You can manually create a distribution line on the invoice that i
s not matched to the PO, but is charged to the correct GL account. For More info
rmation on Final Match Holds see Note 1026090.6.
Q3. Match:What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Final Mat
ch do?
A:After you match an invoice to a Purchase Order, you can look at the AP_INVOICE
_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table and observe different codes in the FINAL_MATCH FLAG col
umn. The FINAL_MATCH_FLAG has the following QuickCodes:
N No The PO shipment line has not been matched.
Y Yes The PO shipment line has been matched, AND one of the invoices for this PO
has been final matched. When a PO is final matched to an invoice, all other inv
oices for that PO are updated, too. So you cannot tell from this flag, which inv
oice was final matched. D Done The PO shipment line is closed. You cannot invoic
e this distribution line.
Note: When you match an invoice to a PO, nothing special happens. But when you f
inal match an invoice to a PO, that means you can never match another invoice to
that PO. The PO lines that have been matched are closed.
Q4. Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" Invoice and how do I enter one?
A:Mixed Invoices are invoices or credit/debit memos for which you can perform bo
th positive and negative matching to purchase orders and to other invoices.
For example, you can enter an invoice for -$100 with Invoice Type Mixed. You can
match to an invoice for $-200, and match to a purchase order for $100.
To enter a Mixed invoice:
1. Enter the invoice or credit/debit memo in the Invoices Summary, and enter Mix
ed as the invoice Type. You can enter either a positive or negative invoice amou
2. Match to purchase orders, and/or invoices.
Q5. How do I create a Withholding Tax invoice?
A:After you apply withholding tax to an invoice, you can optionally create invoi
ces to remit withheld tax to the tax authority.
Payables can automatically create withholding tax invoices, or you can perform t
his task manually. If you chose to automatically create withholding tax invoices
, you must choose whether to do this during Approval or during payment processin
g. Indicate this choice in the Withholding Tax region of the Payables Options wi
ndow. See: Withholding Tax Payables Options.
If you choose to create withholding tax invoice manually, create an invoice for
each Withholding Tax type invoice distribution on an invoice. Create the invoice
for the tax authority supplier and site assigned to the Withholding Tax type ta
x name and for the amount of the Withholding Tax type invoice distribution.
Please see Note 198307.1 and the 11i Payables User Guide (pages 10-26 through 10
-55), for more information on Withholding Tax invoice creation.
Q6. Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
A:Chapter 10 of the 11i Payables User Guide discusses setting up and using Inter
est Invoices. Also see Note 198308.1 for more information on creating Interest I
nvoices including coverage of the following Interest Invoice sub-topics:
1) Setting steps that must be completed
2) Minimum Interest amounts
3) Expense GL Account to be charged for interest expense
4) Liability GL Account to be charged for interest expense
5) Automatic Interest
6) Invoice Due Date calculations
7) Interest amount calculations
Q7. Match: How do I Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?

A: Note 198535.1 provides detailed instructions for matching purchase orders to

Invoices. This content is presented in the form of a white paper in PDF format.
The 11i Payables User Guide (pages 4-68 through 4-82) also provides a thorough o
verview of the Invoice Matching process.
Q8. New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced sinc
e 11i was released?
A: For a complete description of new features released in Mini-Packs "A" through
"I" please review Note 166537.1. Beginning with 11i.AP.J and continuing with Fa
mily Packs C+, Payables will deliver new feature descriptions in the "About" doc
ument for each Mini/Family Pack. Please see the 11i.AP.J About document for more
AP support strongly recommends that you install the corresponding documentation
patch for Mini/Family Packs that you apply. These documentation patches contain
the most up to date On-Line Help files with instructions on how to use or implem
ent the new functionality introduced by the patch.
Note: 11i.AP.J was the last Payables Mini-Pack for 11i. After Mini-Pack J, Payab
les will deliver all 11i consolidated patches in Family Packs. 11i.AP.J will con
tain the same code release as Financials Family Pack C.
New Invoice Processing Features by Mini/Family Pack:
AP.J / Family Pack C: Interest Expense Proration, Enhanced Matching Controls for
Finally Closed Purchase Orders, Payment Batch Enhancements, Invoice Approval Wo
rkflow Enhancements, iSupplier Portal Invoices.
AP.I: View Currency Details, Primary Pay Site, Invoice Approval Workflow
AP.E: Negative Supplier Balance Report, Employee Update Program
AP.A: Automatic Creation of Debit Memo from RTS, Input Tax Groups
Q9. Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after appl
ying 11i.AP.I?
A: In Mini-pack I, Payables is adding a new workflow named Invoice Approval Work
flow that asks approvers to review invoice details, and confirm online whether t
he invoice is accurate and should be paid. The Payables Approval program has bee
n renamed to prevent confusion with the new workflow and to more accurately refl
ect its function. For a complete list of the renamed programs see Note: 179837.1
Q10. Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy system i
nto Oracle Payables?
A: This functionality does not currently exist however enhancement an enhancemen
t request has been logged. Please follow bug 94383 for up to date status on this
Q11. Requestor: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice Wo
A: This field represents the person who requested the goods or services that are
on the invoice. If you use Invoice Approval Workflow, then you can define rules
that use this value to generate a hierarchical list of approvers for the invoic
Q12. Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more infor
mation on Invoice Processing?
A: Please see the Metalink Note 207154.1 for the most current version of the 11i
Payables Users Guide.
Q13. What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for Invoice Proc
essing Issues on MetaLink?
Q14. Patches: List off One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
A: A listing of the most frequently requested one-off patches for Invoice proces

sing can be found in Note 202259.1.

5. Prob: There are payments and/or invoices that are not posting to GL and you b
elieve they should post.
Sol: Ensure invoices are ready to post. An invoice must be approved and/or have
no posting holds in order to be selected for posting. To ensure that your invoic
es are ready to post, you should run autoapproval and review the hold reports.
Invoice Hold Report - displays all held invoices.
Posting Hold Report - only displays invoices with holds that prevent posting.
Matching Hold Report - only displays invoices with matching holds.
Ensure payments are made. You must insure that all your payment batches have bee
n completed (either confirmed or canceled). A period will not close if there are
payment batches in a status other than confirmed or canceled. If an invoice is
approved but will not pay, you should insure that the invoice is due to be paid
and that the payment schedule is not on hold.
6. Prob: Payables Transfer to GL was successful, but the Journal Import is not i
mporting the data into GL
Sol: Examine AP Reports for Exceptions and Correct. Transactions that were selec
ted but encountered some exception are not inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table
nor are they updated to ?Posted?. (Exceptions can be an inactive accounting flex
field value, a GL_DATE in an un-opened GL period, exchange rate missing, etc.)
After the process is complete, the AP Journal reports are generated to display t
he results of the posting selection. These reports are very important and should
be saved. They are generated directly from the posting process and can not be r
erun at a later date.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Audit Report This report lists the details of the
accounting transactions that have been inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table. It
displays the AP transaction, its corresponding debits and credits, the GL accou
nts affected, and more.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Exception Report This report displays the transac
tions that encountered an exception during the posting process. Each transaction
includes an exception code that explains why it was prevented from posting. All
transactions appearing on this report will require some change in order to be s
elected for posting the next time you run the AP transfer process.
7. Error: In Release 10.7 or 11.0, you are using Automatic Offsets, and you get
an "undist" error on some of the payments.
Sol: Navigate to Payments -> Invalid GL Accounts. Query in this form to show the
accounts that are causing the "undist" error. You can correct the invalid accou
nts in this form.
8. Prob: You get a RATE exception when running Payables Transfer to GL.
Sol: Populate the Daily Rates table for the exchange date, run Autorate, if need
ed, and rerun the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program.
11. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, Payables Transfer to GL program shows 'No da
ta found'.
Sol: Please review Note 1067036.6 and Note 1012060.7
13. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, the Journal Import process fails when kicked
off by the Payables Transfer to GL process.
Sol: Please review Note 107272.1
15. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to General Ledger Report lists som
e of the transactions as "Accounting entries have accounting entry creation erro
Sol: There is a problem with the accounting for your transactions. Please either
review Payables Accounting Process Report, which is created when the Payables A
ccounting Process is run, or the run the Payables Accounting Entries Report to d
etermine which transactions are accounted incorrectly. For additional help troub
leshooting accounting problems, please review Note 131225.1
16. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to GL exits with Status 1 ORA-2010
0 File o0000004.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed ORA-06512.
Sol: Please review Note 141706.1
Current Issues Details
1. ALERT: Pre-Upgrade Data Issue That Will Impact AP Trial Balance in R11i (Note

During the upgrade to R11i, the accounting entries for existing payments are bui
lt using, in part, the ?Payments Distribution? tables. When certain fields are N
ULL, the accounting upgrade script will not pick up those records. This causes a
ll related invoice records to appear as UNPAID on the Accounts Payable Trial Bal
ance Report (APXTRBAL).
3. 10.7 and 11.0 Trial Balance Does Not Match GL (Note 1021413.6)
In release 10.7 and 11.0 the AP Trial Balance report occasionally displays incor
rect balances. This can be due to numerous causes including duplicate invoices,
duplicate payments, zero dollar invoices, voided payment/invoice, canceled invoi
ce, etc.. This note contains instructions on how to rebuild the trial balance ta
bles to resolve out of balance issues.
Can a user send payments or invoices to AP and AR in any currency that has been
activated in the reporting currencies table?
Yes, a user can handle payments in Euro, and can change the currency before send
ing invoices to AP or AR. It is also possible to convert a lease contract from N
CU's to Euro. Because the conversion is made at the time the currency is changed
prior to being sent to AP/AR and then stored, you are able to send payments in
one currency for a certain time period, and then switch to another currency at a
later time.
1. Q: What formula should I use to balance AP to GL?
A: Use the following as an example of how to balance:
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of March 31
+ "Posted Invoice Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
- "Posted Payment Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
= "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of April 30
Reconciling AP to GL is accomplished with the use of the following reports.
"Posted Invoice Register"
"Posted Payment Register"
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" (current and last period)
These reports ensure that your Trial Balance accurately reflects your accounts p
ayable liability by matching the Posted invoices and payments with the AP liabil
ity account.
Additional Information on Reconciling AP to GL:
Note 160267.1 How to Reconcile Between Accounts Payable and General Ledger
Note 175057.1 AP Does Not Tie to GL- Checking the Interface Tables
2. Q: How is the as-of-date used in the "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" report?
A: The as-of-date is used to determine which invoices and payments should be inc
luded on the report. Any invoices or payments with an accounting date AFTER the
entered as-of-date will not be displayed on this report.
5. Q: How is the 11i Trial Balance Different from 10.7 and 11.0 ?
A: The Accounts Payable Trial Balance is actually a new report but since the nam
e is the same it is included in the changed reports section. The new
accounting model made it necessary to rewrite the trial balance report. All of t
he enhancements that had been outstanding against the report were
reviewed and incorporated into the new report. For example, there is now an opti
on to run the report for a single supplier. There is also an option to
run the report for a single liability account. For More information and a list o
f reports changed in 11i see AP News Vol. 20
Troubleshooting Summary
Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to
Oracle Assets.
Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Cre
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.

Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
AP: 11i Replacement of FAMACR With APMACR
Create Mass Additions No Data Found.
Mass Additions Create Ends With Error ORA-01012
Invoices appear as Future Additions since 11i.FA.K.
How to determine why invoices are not interfacing from AP to FA.
All books are shown even though security by book is set up
Troubleshooting Details
1. Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to Orac
le Assets.
Mass Additions Create will only create mass addition lines under certain
circumstances. Please check that you have invoice lines that satisfy the
following criteria.
Conditions for ASSET Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported:
a) The line is charged to an account set up as an Asset account.
b) The account is set up for an existing Asset Category as either the Asset
Clearing Account or the CIP Clearing Account.
c) The Track as Asset check box is checked. (It is automatically checked
if the account is an Asset account).
d) The invoice is approved.
e) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Payable
f) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.
g) If you use the multiple organizations feature, your Payables operating unit
must be tied to the same General Ledger Set of Books as the Corporate book
for which you want to run FAMACR.
Conditions for EXPENSED Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported :
a) The invoice line distribution is charged to an Expense account.
b) The Track As Asset box is manually checked.
c) The invoice is approved.
d) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Oracle
e) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.
f) Your installation of Payables must be tied to the same General Ledger Set
of Books as the Corporate book for which you want to run FAMACR.
To be picked up, the following settings are required against the line in the
ap_invoice_distributions_all table:
assets_tracking_flag = 'Y'

asset_additions_flag = 'U' (U = Untested, Y = Accepted, N = Rejected)

posted_flag = 'Y'
accounting_date = ? (must be <= to the date entered when running the FAMACR proc
The following script can be run to check the relevant flag settings for lines
that have not come through to Oracle Assets:
SQL> Select apid.accounting_date, apid.assets_tracking_flag,
apid.assets_addition_flag, apid.posted_flag, apid.set_of_books_id,
glcc.chart_of_accounts_id, glcc.account_type, apid.invoice_id
from ap_invoice_distributions_all apid, gl_code_combinations glcc
where invoice_id = ????;
2. Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
If an invoice is not matched to a Purchase Order then Mass Additions Create
will always create a mass addition line with one unit and you would get a
warning in the log file similar to:
Invoice ID: 119788 Distribution Line Number: 10 Warning!
Warning: Invalid Units. Mass Additions created with 1 unit
Cause: The invoice line from which you created a mass addition has units
greater than the limit of 9999, null units or fractional units.
When an invoice line is not matched to a Purchase Order, the units associated
with the invoice line are NULL. In Oracle Assets, the units column is required
to permit the assignment of depreciation expense account distributions.
Therefore a default value of 1 is assigned to these lines.
3. Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Create
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.
If this is the report that is submitted as part of the Mass Additions Create req
uest set it is probably an old version of the report. Development identified sev
eral problems with the report. Please apply the latest patch to update the versi
on of this report. Patches can be downloaded from MetaLink. Ensure you search fo
r patches that include the file FAS822.rdf and apply the latest version of this
If you are running the standalone report from the Standard Report Submission for
m - you will only see data from the last Mass Additions Create run. This is a li
mitation of the FA_SYSTEM_CONTROLS and FA_MASS_ADDITIONS join on concurrent requ
4. Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
The problem could be the fact that several Mass Additions Create Programs were s
ubmitted in parallel and the Concurrent Program Definition for the executable AP
MACR is not incompatible with itself.
Login to System Administration Responsibility and set the program to be incompat
ible with itself under (N:Concurrent -> Program -> Define). Auto Install does no
t set the incompatibility of this program.
10. All books are shown even though security by book is set up
for Mass Addition Create
Steps to fix the problem:
1. Under Application Developer responsibility create a copy of value set
FA_CORP_BOOK (just create manually with the same values/checkboxes, etc.), name
it, say - FA_CORP_BOOK_AP. Put a new where clause like this:
where book_class = 'CORPORATE' and ORG_ID in

order by book_type_code ;
Save the new value set.
2. Go to System Administrator Responsibility,
Navigation Path: Concurrent/Program/Define,
find the Mass Additions Create (Payables) request.
Ensure to take the Payables request, not the Assets!
Press Parameters button, go to the second parameter - Book,
specify the value set, which you have created in step 1.
Save your work.
3. Check the list of values for book parameter using an AP responsibility
having FA: Security Profile assigned.
Troubleshooting Summary
Script: Diagnostic Scripts
Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transa
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Sup
plier Site
Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Problem: Invoice Terms Being Set to PO Terms Instead of Supplier Site Te
Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Problem: PO Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices F
lag Checked
Problem: Attachment TO PAYABLES Entered in Purchasing is not Viewable in
Problem: Reversing PO Matched Invoice Distribution Line Does Not Open Th
e PO Line For Further Matching
Problem: Purchasing Encumbrances Are Not Reversed By Invoice Matching
Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
Error: Create Debit Memo From RTS Errors AP_CANNOT_ASSIGN_DOC_SEQ
Error: APP-SQLAP-10655 Error When Matching an Invoice to a PO
Error: Matching an Invoice to a Receipt Receives ORA-00904 Invalid Colum
n Name
References: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for mo
re information on PO Matching?
Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
PO Matching on MetaLink?
Patches: List of one-off patches available for Payables PO Matching
1. Scripts: Diagnostic Scripts
In order to speed and simplify your troubleshooting process, Payables Support ha
s created diagnostic scripts that can be used to quickly identify common problem
s and issues. Please click on the following links to download the scripts. The l
ink will also provide access to readme files detailing how the script is to be r
Note 148388.1. The script provides detailed data information on an invoice or pa
Note 203567.1. The script checks the basic setup (as outlined in 'Setting Up' Ch

apter in the User's Guide) of Accounts Payable.

When setup information is missing or when the setup is invalid, the test will ou
tput error/warning messages, the action to be taken, and the impact of the missi
ng setup.
2. Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transaction
For an Automatic Debit Memo to be created in AP, the following must be true:
The supplier site has to be marked to allow RTS transactions.
There must be an original invoice already in AP for the item being retur
The PO and the original Invoice must be to the same Supplier Site.
The Supplier Site must be marked as both a Pay Site and a Purchasing Sit
The return quantity cannot cause the quantity invoiced to go negative.
The return quantity must be equal to or less than the quantity invoiced.
The Create Debit Memo checkbox must also be turned on in the Receipt for
The return must be to the Supplier, and not to Receiving.
If the debit memo is not created automatically, you should create the debit memo
manually in the Payables application.
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
When the system profile option, RCV: Processing Mode is set to Online, no Debit
Memo is created in Payables. Set the option to Immediate so the debit memo will
be generated in Payables. Check with Oracle Purchasing Support for more detail
s about this profile option.
4. Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Supplier
The payment terms for a supplier site default to the invoices you enter for the
site except in the following circumstances:
You enter a PO Default or QuickMatch invoice in the Invoice Workbench, i
n which case the terms default from the purchase order.
You import an invoice record that has payment terms specified on the rec
ord, or the import process can derive terms from purchase order matching. You ca
n override the default payment terms on any invoice.
So, the debit memo is correctly picking up payment term from the supplier site.
5. Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:
Match the credit memo to the PO with price correction enabled and the re
lated invoice selected.
Match the credit memo to the invoice which is matched to the PO in question and
validate both the invoice and the credit memo.
7. Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Enable the Allow Distribution Level Matching Payables Option, if you want to all
ow matching to purchase order distributions. If you enable this option, you can
match an invoice to one or more purchase order distributions. If you do not ena
ble this option, Payables only allows you to match an invoice to a purchase orde
r shipment.
8. Problem: Po Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices Flag
If the Hold Unmatched Invoices option is enabled for a supplier site, and you wa
nt to match a Credit Memo or Debit Memo to an invoice without receiving the Matc
hing Required hold during validation, use the procedure outlined in the Matching

Credit and Debit Memos to Purchase Orders and Receipts section of the
11. Problem: Purchasing encumbrances are not reversed by invoice matching
If PO Encumbrance Type and Invoice Encumbrance Type are the same, AP will encum
ber only for variances. Only
when the Accounting Entries have been created for AP, would the encumbrance be
relieved. Once the 'Create
Accounting Entries' process is run, encumbrance is relieved. This is the standar
d functionality and as per design.
12. Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
A Final Matching Hold is placed by the approval process when an invoice is match
ed to a already finally closed PO Shipment. This hold is not manually releasabl
e. To release this hold, the distribution created by matching to the finally
closed PO line must be reversed. If there are many lines on the invoice and man
y are matched to different PO's, it becomes difficult to determine the correct d
istribution to reverse. And, if there are distributions in the same invoice tha
t were created by final matching to a PO, these distributions cannot be reversed
. To find the invoice distribution causing the hold, run the following SQL:
Select distribution_line_number LINE, dist_code_combination_id ACCOUNT, match
_status_flag APP, amount ,
final_match_flag FINAL, Quantity_invoiced QTY, reversal_flag REV from ap_in
where invoice_id = <invoice_id>;
If an invoice distribution displays a final_match_flag = D this invoice
distribution cannot be reversed.
If an invoice distribution displays a match_status_flag not equal to
'A' and final_match_flag is null or 'Y', then this is most likely the cause.
Reverse this distribution and revalidate the invoice. The final matching should
be released.


What is MRC?

MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more

than one set of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting
set of books to a primary set of books . The chart of accounts and calendar
have to be the same for the primary and reporting set of books .
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the
primary and reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Cash management
Cost Management
General Ledger
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the
reporting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time
of original entry
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are
converted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and
reporting set of books respectively.
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in
the Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the
same chart of accounts and calendar.
Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get record
in Reporting set of books?
No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get
recorded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when
they are posted in the primary set of books.

Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.

Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?

In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of

Oracle Application and operating unit for which you want to convert
transactions to your reporting set of books.
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.
In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then
this profile option should be set to the same operating unit for both
the Primary and Reporting set of books .
When a
be the

How do document numbers get assigned to journals?

journal is entered in the primary set of books the document
assigned is determined by the primary set of books and it will
same number in the reporting set of books also .

When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it
also occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times
once for the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting
set of books assigned to the primary set of books .
Note: The one step subledger posting feature is available by applying
the relevant patch .
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also
revalue the balances in the reporting set of books?
Revaluation can be run in the primary set of books and in each
of the reporting set of books. It can also be automated,
i.e running the Revaluation process in the PSOB
automatically generates the Revaluation process in the RSOB
Refer to note 93677.1
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from
non-Oracle feeder system and the journals are posted successfully
in the primary set of books General ledger creates converted journals
in the reporting set of books .

How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances,
as you can record your transactions in multiple currencies by
assigning the required reporting sets of books as per your business
What is the difference between the translation feature of
General Ledger and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts
from the functional currency of the primary set of books to another
currency at the account balances level, but MRC in General ledger
is used to convert the functional currency to another currency at the
transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the
reporting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger
will also reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books.
The reporting journal uses the same conversion rate that was used
to create the original entry .
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars
have to be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first
ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books
does not have to be the same as the associated reporting book.
The 1st MRC Period is used by our historical transactions/balances
conversion programs and does not need to be entered if you are not
going to be using them.
The replication of data from the primary book to the reporting book
is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in the Assign Set of
Books form, Conversion Options window.
You can further control the sources/categories to convert or not
to convert in the GL Conversion Rules window.

What are the errors we normally face when the transactions are imported from Ora
cle Paybles?
What the tables affected when the journals are imported from Oracle Payables dir
What kind of problems we normally when such journals are posted?
Can we post a journal having the code combination on which Cross validation rule
is imposed?
Can I define and impose a Cross validation rule on a code combination on which J
ournal entry is created?

How many periods I can keep open in Journal Ledger at any point of time?
What is the impact of opening two periods on the GL balances? How does system ca
lculate balance for the second open period? When a transaction is made in the fi
rst open period then does the balance of both the open periods will be effected?
How do I know while making a Journal whether the cross validation is imposed or
not on a particular code combination?
What is revaluation
What Subledgers does Oracle General Ledger 11i Drilldown support?
----Drilldown from Oracle General Ledger 11i is supported for Oracle Payables, Oracl
e Receivables, Oracle Assets (except depreciation), Projects, Purchasing, Invent
ory, and Work in Process (WIP).
What are the application objects that support View Accounting and Drilld
-----GL_Import_Reference_Table (modified) For Example Invoices imported from Payables
into GL goes to this table from GL_Inerface table.
GL_JE_LINES (modified)
New views in the database:
Where in Oracle General Ledger 11i can Drilldown be accessed?
-----You can drilldown from GL Account Inquiry window and the GL Journal Entry and GL
Journal Inquiry windows. Nav: Tools -- Drilldown
What are the Release 11i Subledger drilldown features?
------ Expanded Subledger drilldown, to other subledgers.
- View Accounting Lines window.
Get the following message on Drilldown - Function not available to this
responsibility. Change responsibility or contact your system administrator.
-----Make sure you have the Correct Menu attached to the Responsibility you are
Using to drill down.
When you drill down to AX Payables or Receivables from GL, you get the
message FRM-40350 Query caused no records to be retrieved.
Can you disable budgetary control for a set of books?

------Yes you can however existing encumbrances are not cleared from the feeder system
s. Therefore it is not recommended. If you do change the budgetary control opti
ons for an existing set of books, you must do two things for the change to be re
--Run the Period Map Maintenance concurrent request, it must complete successful
--Exit Oracle Applications and restart.
You must completely exit the is not sufficient to select Sign o
n again from the Oracle Applications Special menu. Ref: Oracle GL User's Guide,
Rel 11, Vol 1, page 2-90
Is there a limit to the number of periods in a budget year or how many y
ears a budget can span?
------Your budget can include up to 60 periods per year and can span an unlimited numb
er of fiscal years.
Why don't my Detail budgets roll up to my Master budget?
------Detail budgets do not automatically roll up to the master budget.The GL uses sum
mary accounts to maintain master/detail budget relationships between hierarchy
levels. Summary templates are
defined so that accounts in your lower level detail budgets roll up into the sam
e summary accounts as the detail accounts in your controlling master budget. A c
ommon misconception is that the detail budgets somehow roll up to the master bud
get by definition, this is not true. You must actually budget to a detail accoun
t in the master budget, this then serves as the controlling amount for the detai
l budgets. Master/Detail budgets are used in the budgeting process to control
Authority and identify budgets that exceed control limits. They are not intended
for reporting purposes.
I was able to post a budget journal to a closed period, why?
------A budget journal can be posted to any period that is in an open budget year for
that budget. This is regardless of the status of that period (closed, opened, or
future enterable).
How many 'Current' budgets can you have?
------You can only have one current budget. The only distinction between a 'current'
and an 'open' budget is that the current budget defaults into the budget field o
n several budget-related forms. It can be replaced however by any 'open' budget
in the field.
Why don't my budget amounts appear on my FSG?
------To include budgets (encumbrances or currencies) in a FSG report, your report def
inition must specify a row set of column set that has control values specified i
n the Balance Control options.
In the report definition itself, you associate budget names with the control val
ues that are assigned to the row or column set.
What is a funding budget?

It is a budget that requires journal entries, and is assigned to a summary templ

ate or account range in the budget org, where the funds check level is set at Ab
solute or Advisory. It is the assignment that makes it a 'funding budget', it is
not done at the budget definition level.
Why is my budget requiring budget journals? At the set of books level th
at option is not enabled.
------This would happen when the budget itself is defined to require budget journals.
This is done at the budget definition level.
Why can't I inquire on my budget amounts from INQUIRE/BUDGETS navigation
------The Budget Inquiry form (GLXIQBUD) is used to perform inquiries about master and
detail budgets. GL compares summary balances between your master and detail bud
gets, and checks for budget variances and violations. This form only looks at su
mmary accounts. To inquire on detail accounts you must use the navigation INQUIR
E/ACCOUNTS, and choose the 'budget' amount type.
If I delete my budget org, will the budget amounts be deleted?
------No. Deleting the budget organization does not remove the budget amounts from the

Can I update/adjust an existing account range in my budget organization?

------No. To update/adjust an existing account range, you must delete the old range an
d create a new range (which incorporates your adjustment).
Can I delete a budget?
------No. Budget data can be deleted using the archive and purge functionality, but th
e budget definition itself cannot be deleted.
How many times can a budget be purged?
------A budget can only be purged one time. The archive/purge functionality was not de
signed to be a maintenace tool in the budgeting process.
Why don't my asset and liability budgets roll forward?
------This is the current functionality. An enhancement request has been logged.
Why do you receive an advisory warning during funds reservation of a man
ual journal entry, even though there are sufficient funds in the account?
------You are getting the advisory warning because your transaction is going against a
detail account where no budget has been entered. So even though there are suffi
cient funds on the summary level, there are not sufficient funds at the detail l
evel. The funds checking/reservation process will look at the funds check level

for the detail account first, and then the funds check level for the summary acc
ount. The warning is alerting you to the fact that the detail account you are en
tering a transaction against does not have sufficient funds available. When you
know there are sufficient funds at the summary level, you must either change you
r funds check level on your detail account to none (to only look at the summary
level), or enter a sufficient budget to all the detail accounts that you will be
entering transactions against, if you don't want to see the warning. ReferenceNote 1074915.6
You are trying to open the next budget year. After navigating to the for
m and querying the budget, you notice the [Open Next Year] button is grayed out.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Budget
Short Form Name = GLXBDDEF
You query up a Budget that has already been defined and the [Open Next Year] but
ton is grayed out for that Budget as well. You are trying to open the next budge
t year on February 8, 1998. Pertinent fields in the Define Budget Form are displ
aying the following information:
Status = Open
Budget Periods Block----------------------------------------First = JAN-97 Last = DEC-97
Latest Open Year = 1997
------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM EXPLANATION
------------------The last day of the Last Period defined in your Budget has already passed.
------------------The Define Budget form looks at the periods you have defined as "First" and "Las
t". Once the "Last" date has passed, you will no longer be able to open the next
year (The "Open Next Year" button will be grayed out.) General Ledger views thi
s Budget as finished since the end date has expired. According to the General Le
dger User's Guide for Release 10SC, page 2-19, "You can change the last period t
o a later period only if the period you are changing from corresponds to the las
t period of your fiscal year." In many cases you will need to define a new budge
t. When defining your budget remember that you can span an unlimited number of f
iscal years.
You find that Account code combinations are not being added to the Budge
t Organization?
------------------Account code combinations are not being added to the Budget Organization. You ha
ve added the following range to a budget organization:
Low High
----------------- ----------------000-13099-000-000 999-13099-000-000
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Organization (Form = GLXBDORG)
Name = use the flashlight icon to find the Budget Organization you are currently
working on.
Click on the [Ranges] button at the bottom of the window.
Enter the low and high range. Save/Commit the changes. Exit the screen.
When you go back to the Define Budget Organization window, click on the [Assignm
ents] button, the expected account code combinations have not been assigned to t
hat Budget Organization. You requery to verify. You run the Maintain Budget Orga
nization Program, which will also force creation of accounts. To do this, you na
vigate to the Define Budget Organization window and click on the [Maintain] butt

on. This does not add the account code combinations either. You have also tried
doing the following (to no avail):
* Unfreezing, refreezing and compiling the accounting flexfield structure.
* Running Program Optimizer from the Standard Report Submission Screen.
* Deleting the assignment and adding the assignment.
* Added account to parent.
* Dropped / recreated summary template.
-------------------Budgeting must be enabled in the Account Combination screen.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Setup/Accounts/Combinations
Do a query to pull up the desired combinations (Query Enter/Query Run).
Make sure the Allow Budgeting box has been checked for all the account code comb
inations within the range you assigned.
-------------------Assigning budget account ranges will assign accounts within the given range if t
hey have been enabled for budgeting. Otherwise, they will fail.
You want to change the period dates because of a change in business need
s or a mistake was made when it was set up. How can you fix this?
Answer: You can change a period's specifications, except for the period type, as
long as the period has not been used in a set of books. You cannot change a cal
endar period that is open, closed, future enterable, or permanently closed in an
y set of books, or is included in an open budget or encumbrance year. If it is n
ot feasible to use the periods as is, the solution is to create a new set of boo
ks that uses a new calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolida
tion to move the General Ledger balances from the old set of books to the new se
t of books. For step by step instructions on the Consolidation process, refer to
the Oracle General Ledger User's Guides. This may also mean that you need to re
-install your subledgers so they will use the new set of books. References: Note
76503.1 - Scripts to check calendar setup
Can I add an adjusting period to my calendar?
Answer: You can only define the number of periods that is specified by the Peri
od Type you are using for your set of books. For example, if, for your set of bo
oks, you are using a Period Type of Month, and Month is defined to have 12 perio
ds per year, you can only define 12 periods of Period Type Month for any one yea
r, on the Calendar form.
You defined a Period Type and now have decided that you want to change t
he periods per year that are associated with the Period Type. How can you do thi
Answer: Once you define a Period Type and save it, you cannot change it. If you
need to change the number of periods then you have to define a new Period Type a
nd a new Set of Books to use that new Period Type.
What are the year types 'Fiscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar) is used only to determine which two d
igits to append to the system generated period name. Regardless of which Year Ty
pe is used, the 'Year' entered on the Calendar form must be the same for all per
iods in your fiscal year - whether it is a calendar year or a fiscal year.
If Year Type = Calendar: The last 2 digits of the 'From' date for the period are
If Year Type = Fiscal: The last 2 digits of the value in the 'Year' are used.
You are setting up a new set of books and a calendar and are not sure ho
w much of the first year you need to define in the calendar. Do you need to defi
ne an entire year for the first year in your calendar if you are only going to o

pen the last period in that year?

Answer: No, you do not have to define the entire year. You only define the perio
ds you need, but of course without gaps between periods. Remember to define one
prior period if you will be translating. Example: You want to start entering tra
nsactions for January 2001, but you will be doing translations for January 2001
also, then you will need to define and open a period before that. In this exampl
e, December 2000.
Your calendar year is changing from a fiscal year to a calendar year, an
d you already have a set of books that is using the fiscal year calendar. How ca
n you change your calendar in GL?
Answer: There are 2 possible solutions. See Note 102460.1 for a full explanation
- Your current fiscal year runs from April 1 through March 31.
- Your new year will run from January 1 through December 31.
- You will transition to the new year beginning on January 1 of the next year, s
o you will have a short year from April 1 through December 31.
1) Create a new calendar and set of books
-------------------------------------Create a new calendar, with the correct periods, and define a new set of books t
hat uses that calendar. Run Consolidation to move your balances from the existin
g set of books to the new set of books. You may also need to re-install your sub
ledgers so they will use the new set of books.
2) Update the existing calendar
Define the periods for your short year (April through December). You mus
t define the number of periods that are expected for the Period Type you are usi
ng. In this example, it is 12. So you will need to define 9 regular periods, and
3 adjusting periods. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year. Defi
ne the periods for the next year. This is the first year that runs from January
through December. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year.
You opened a period by mistake and want to set the status back to Future
Enterable. How can you do this?
Answer: This is NOT supported. You can not set a period status back to future en
terable after it has already been opened. If you do, it will cause corruption in
the gl_balances table.
The year was specified incorrectly on your calendar periods. How can you
fix this?
Answer: You cannot make changes to calendar periods in the form if the period is
in an open budget year, open encumbrance year, or the status is Open, Future En
terable or Closed. The solution is to create a new set of books that uses a new
calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolidation to move the Ge
neral Ledger data from the old set of books to the new set of books.This may als
o mean that you need to re-install your subledgers so they will use the new set
of books.
The Year Type in your Period Types Form is not what you want. You used F
iscal instead of Calendar or visa versa.
Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar), is used only to determine which two
digits to append to the system generated period name. What are the year types 'F
iscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Can you change a period name after the calendar is defined?
Answer: If the Calendar form lets you make the change, you can do it. Otherwise,

it means the period is in use, and you can not make the change.
Can you drilldown to subsidiary subledger details?
Answer: You have run consolidation successfully. You want to know if you can per
form drilldown to your subsidiary subledger details. From your consolidated pare
nt set of books, you can drilldown to account balances, review consolidation jou
rnal entries, drilldown further to subsidiary sets of books, review subsidiary a
ccount balances, then drilldown even further to subsidiary journal entries and e
ven to your subsidiaries' subledger details. Responsibility = General Ledger Sup
erUser Navigation = Inquiry/Account
Perform an account inquiry in your consolidated parent set of books.
Click on the Show Journal Details button to drilldown to the Journals wi
Select a consolidation journal batch whose details you want to review.
(The source of the batch should be Consolidation).
Click on the Drilldown button to view the Consolidation Drilldown window.The win
dow displays information about the subsidiary balance that was consolidated to t
he parent.
To view the subledger detail information, Click on the Journal Details
button. You see the batch name, journal entry name, source, currency, line and e
ntered debits and credits for journals that effected the selected detail balance
. However we cannot drilldown to subledger data if you maintain multiple sets of
books in multiple application instances
What do the consolidation Run options mean?
Answer:The function of each of the 3 Consolidation Run Options is listed below:
Run Journal Import: If you select 'Run Journal Import' option by checking the ch
eck box [X],
the system will automatically start the journal import process.
Audit Mode: If you select the 'Audit Mode' option, a report of the consolidation
Process will be generated.
Create Summary Journals: If you select 'Create Summary Journals' option, only su
mmary amounts will be created for each account. If this option is not checked, i
t will import in detail mode.
GLXCAR: Shows a difference in December Consolidation You executed the co
nsolidation process and an unbalanced journal is generated. If you look at the C
onsolidation Audit Report, there is a difference.
Answer:The problem is that the consolidation rules were defined with overlapping
account ranges. Review consolidation rules and fix the overlapping ranges:
a. Navigate to Consolidation/Define.
b. Query up the consolidation.
c. Press [Account Rules] Button
d. Look for the rules with overlapping ranges and update them.
e. Repeat 3 and 4 for the "Segment Rules" Button
When you have overlapping ranges in the consolidation rules, the same informatio
n is consolidated more than once and it can generate an unbalanced journal.
Consolidation of translated balances caused wrong numbers for misclassif
y account
Anwer:You had an ASSET account that was classified as an expense, thereby causin
g it to close out into retained earnings at the end of the fiscal year. You cho
se only to correct the account type and just make a journal entry to correct the
balances in the first period of the New Year. You then ran translation for the
First period of the New Year. Then you ran the consolidation program, and posted
the entry in the consolidated set of books. The balance the above mentioned acc
ount did not appear to be correct. The problem is that you did not make the entr
y to correct the balances in the first period in the consolidated set of books,
thereby getting only period to date activity in the account. After you made the

entry the year to date balance was correct.

How do you keep from doubling the data when re-running Consolidation?
Answer:You want to know how to prevent data from doubling when you re-run a Cons
olidation. You ran Consolidation once. Then you ran it again. The data has doubl
ed. If you ran Consolidation a second time and re-posted the data, it would be d
oubled. You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Journals/Enter
a. Query up the Consolidation Journal
b. Click on the [More Actions] button
c. Click on the [Reverse Journal] button to reverse.
You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal. Usually Consolidatio
n is rerun because there is a problem/error in the first run. In this case, the
previous posted batch needs to reversed.
When Consolidating for the first time choose YTD Amount.
Answer:When running consolidation for the first time, it is best to run a YTD co
nsolidation instead of a PTD consolidation. PTD consolidation will only consolid
ate the period net activity. If you want to consolidate the subsidiary book's be
ginning balances, you will need to run a YTD consolidation. Also, if you are con
solidating a first-ever translated period, the using PTD consolidation is probab
ly a bad idea -- due to a lack of history you cannot really distinguish the tran
slated begin balances from the translation adjustment for the new rate. Both get
clumped into the begin balance.
Consolidation of Two Master Organizations into One
Answer:You would like to know if there is any documentation that discusses the c
onsolidation of two master organizations into one. You would like to know how to
migrate from multiple master organizations to a single master and 3 children. S
ee the Oracle Applications Release 10.7 for UNIX, Upgrade Preparation Manual, p
.11-22 through 11-24 for instructions on consolidation two master organizations
into one. Note: 1038946.6
Consolidation List of Values for Period contains no entries
Answer:You have recently created a new set of books. You are trying to run a Con
solidation for the first time using your new set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Run
GUI Form Name = GLXCOSUB (Consolidate Set of Books)
1. Navigate to Consolidation/Run.
2. With your cursor in the Consolidation field, click on your list of values (LO
V) from the toolbar and select a consolidation name. Populate the following fiel
ds as listed below
a. Balance Type = Actual
b. Method = Balances
c. Currency = <functional currency>
d. Amount Type = <PTD> or <YTD>
3. In the 'From Subsidiary' region:
a. Set of Books = <new set of books>
b. In the Period field, when you click on the LOV icon, you receive the followin
g error:
FRM-41830 List of values contains no entries
c. When you try to type in the period name, you receive the following error:
FRM-40212 Invalid value for STANDARD_TO_PERIOD_NAME
You need to open the first period of the subsidiary set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Setup/Open/Close
GUI Form Name = GLXOCPER (Open and Close Periods)
This will spawn a concurrent process. Once this completes successfully, your lis
t of values will include the Open and Future Enterable periods. This was a newly

defined set of books. No periods were opened, they were all Future Enterable. A
period needs to have a status of 'Open' in order to be consolidated. Note: 1035
Clarification of Journal Type and Average Balance Processing
You need clarification on the Journal Type and Average Balance Processing inform
ation that is documented. General Ledger has two tables that store balances, GL_
BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES. For a non-consolidation set of books:
You do not select a Journal Type.
Posting will update the GL_BALANCES.
Posting will update GL_DAILY_BALANCES if average balance processing is e
For a consolidation set of books:
- The link exists between GL_BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES (i.e., causing a pos
t to update both tables)
You can specify the Journal Type (Standard or Average)
The Standard Journal Type usage will cause GL_BALANCES only to be update
The Average Journal Type usage will cause GL_DAILY_BALANCES only to be u
In a consolidation set of books, with Average Daily Balance enabled you
would want more control over average balances maintained by date. Hence the opti
on was provided to allow posting using a journal type of Average which affects o
nly the GL_DAILY_BALANCES. When does the calculation of averages occur?
Answer: Data is stored in the GL_DAILY_BALANCES table and information is calcula
ted and output at run time based on the query or report being run. Note: 1072012
How to get Net Change when running Consolidation?
You are running YTD Balance Consolidation. You notice that the journal entries c
reated by the consolidation process is:
Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
You were expecting to see the net change. How does YTD Balance Consolidation wor
k? What is it used for?
Answer:When running consolidation by YTD Balances, the journal entry created by
consolidation is based on:
Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
YTD balance consolidation does not produce the net change. To get the net change
, run consolidation-using PTD for each of the periods or QTD for each of the qua
rters. Thus, QTD would be the amount type and they would need to run it for Q1,
Q2, Q3, and Q4. YTD consolidation is used when you want to create a new set of b
ooks from an old one. Note: 1018113.102
How do you select Subsidiary Calendar from GLXCORST
Answer:You are using Oracle General Ledger version 11.XX and are trying to conso
lidate several subsidiaries into one parent using a data set where the children
do not share the same calendar as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set
GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)
1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set by placing your cursor in the Mapping Set and clicking the
list of values icon on your toolbar.
3. When you enter the Subsidiary Default Parameters Period, the only calendar di
splayed in your list of values is the Parent calendar. This does not match the c

alendar for one or more of the subsidiaries you want to consolidate. In order to
select from your list of values, a calendar for the subsidiaries, which do not
share the same calendar as the parent, you will need to do the following:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set
GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)
1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set, which has the mapping you would like to consolidate by pl
acing your cursor in the Mapping Set field and clicking on the list of values ic
on on your toolbar.
3. Select the Subsidiary Default Parameters 'Period' you would like to consolida
te from the list of values.
4. Select the Parent Period 'Standard' value you would like to consolidate from
the list of values.
5. Click on the [Query Mappings] button to query the mappings in the mapping set
6. Click on the [Apply Defaults] button to apply the defaults for these mapping
7. You should now be able to select the mapping(s) which contain the subsidiary
with the calendar that is different than the Parent calendar.
Once you select the Subsidiary Period for that mapping set, the subsidia
ry calendar should be displayed in your list of values.
You can then save these settings and the calendars will be set up for th
e Data Set.
Note: 1016557.102
You ran a consolidation and the accounts do not appear to be mapped as y
ou expect?
Answer:You defined your Consolidation mapping:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Define/Mapping
GUI Form Name = Consolidation Mapping (GLXCODEF)
Click on the [Segment Rules] button and define the mapping as follows:
Parent Action Subsidiary
-------------------------------------------Segment 1 Copy Value Segment 1
Segment 2 Copy Value Segment 2
Segment 3 Not assigned
Segment 4 Copy Value Segment 4
Segment 5 Copy Value Segment 5
Click the [Account Rules] button and assign a range of subsidiary accounts to be
mapped to a parent account code combination in the parent set of books. When yo
u run the consolidation, the range of subsidiary accounts map to that specific p
arent account code combination you defined in the Account Rule, not the value yo
u were intending.
Solution Description
-------------------To correctly map your subsidiary accounts, Segment 3 Action should be 'Use Rollu
p Rules From', instead of 'Not Assigned'. Then under the Rollup Rules section, m
ap a range of detail values from your subsidiary set of books into one detail va
lue in your parent set of books. You can enter multiple rollup rules for a singl
e segment as long as the segment values specified in each rule do not overlap. Y
ou can enter more than one subsidiary segment range as long as the segment value
s included in the ranges do not overlap. Account rules override segment rules if
there is any conflict.
How do I enable cross validation?
Answer:You navigate to Setup/Financials/Flexfields/Key/Rules. Your rules are not
working and/or you cannot see anything in your list of values for Application S
tructure and Flexfield Title. Using General Ledger Super User Responsibility Nav

igate to Setup/Financials/Flexfield/Key/Segments
Check checkbox for Cross-Validate Segments Save
Why are my cross validation rules not working?
Possibly these code combinations were created before your rules were established
. Now after turning on the cross-validation rules they are not taking effect. Th
is is the way the system works. Rules are not retroactive. They apply only to se
gment value combinations entered after they are defined and enabled. You may hav
e to disable these code combinations if they are not longer considered valid. Na
vigate to Setup/Account/combinations. Query your combination.
Can you use parent values in your cross-validation rules?
The cross-validation rules are independent of the value hierarchy. Even if a par
ent value falls under the range of an Exclude type cross-validation rule, its ch
ildren are not excluded unless the child values also fall under the range.
How are cross validation rules evaluated?
To pass a rule, a combination must be included in at least one Include element,
and must not be included in any Exclude element. The combination is considered t
o be included in an element if all of the segment values fall within the low and
high range of that include or exclude element. The Cross Validation Rules are e
valuated alphabetically. The Exclude elements are looked at first. See Note 1012
616.102 for more information.
Where is the Cross-Validation Report and Cross-Validation Rules Listing
Report located?
Using system administration responsibility Navigate to submit/request. Choose fr
om the list of values.
Can the Cross-Validation Rules Violation Report Disable Account Code Com
Yes. The Cross-Validation Rule Violation Report allows users to disable existing
combinations that violate a cross validation rule. This is the normal functiona
lity of this report.
Can you define cross validation rules for a set of books?
No. Cross Validation rules are defined per accounting flexfield structure. Any s
et of books using that structure would operate under the defined cross validatio
n rules of the structure.
How to run revaluation again in a previous period.
Answer: Yes, you can run revaluation more than once in a period. Based on the Re
valuation calculation, any additional journal entries posted after the initial R
evaluation journal has been posted, will be picked up in the balances that are s
ubsequently revalued in that same period. The subsequent Revaluation journal ent
ry will then represent the incremental change in the revalued balance, due to th
e additional journal entries posted After the initial Revaluation. Note: 1064920
How do you specify PTD or YTD Revaluation?
Answer:You can specify period-to-date (PTD) or year-to-date (YTD) to revalue inc
ome statement accounts using PTD or YTD balances by setting the profile option '
GL: Income Statement Accounts Revaluation Rule'.
The following values are available:
PTD: Only PTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts.
If you select PTD, the Revaluation program only revalues the PTD balances of you
r income statement accounts but continues to revalue YTD balances for balance sh
eet accounts.
YTD: Only YTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts. If you sp
ecify YTD, then the revaluation program behaves as it did before, revaluing YTD
balances for both your income statement and balance sheet accounts. You can only

review this profile option at the user level. Your System Administrator can set
this profile option at the site, application, or responsibility level. Note: 11
Can you run revaluation over again without re-entering account ranges?
Answer:Yes, account ranges do not have to be reentered every time you run revalu
ation. Set the profile option 'GL: Revaluation AutoQuery Last Run Range' to Yes.
The Revalue Balances form will then reuse the account ranges you last used when
you generated your revaluations. Note: 110488.1
What formula does YTD and PTD Revaluation use?
Answer:YTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr - Begin_balance_
cr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate)
(Begin_balance_dr_beq + period_net_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq - period_net_cr
PTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((period_net_dr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate))
(Period_net_dr_beq - period_net_cr_beq) Note: 119697.1
Are there scripts that can be used to extract data necessary to verify r
evaluation formula?
Answer:YTD script: SQL> select code_combination_id,TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_COD
PTD script:
SQL> select code_combination_id, TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_CODE,
: 119697.1
Can you change the automatic reversal entries for revaluation?
Answer:Revaluation assumes that the customer will want reverse the journals in t
he following period as to not do so would mean the Realized Currency exchange ga
in or loss is not recognized in that months accounts. Journals created by revalu
ation are therefore marked available for reversing in the next non-Adjusting per
iod see. In 11i you can also automatically reverse journals by category
but this is not obligatory. Note: 1013221.102
How are the reversal journals created for the revaluation?
Answer:In Release 10.7 and 11.0, GL automatically marks all Revaluation journals
for reversal in the next accounting period, making them available for generatio
n on the Reverse Journals form. GL does not automatically reverse revaluations f
or you, but simply defaults the reversal period as the next accounting period. I
n Release 11.5, if you want to automatically reverse Revaluations, you must set
up AutoReversal criteria for the category Revaluation (Setup->Journal->AutoRever
se). Then when you run the program called Program-Automatic Reversal, it will lo
ok for all the revaluation journal entries and reverse them and/or post the reve
rsals if you defined the criteria that way. If you like, you can still manually
reverse the journal. If you do not want them to be automatically reversed by the
AutoReverse program, but want them to be available on the Reversal form for gen
eration of the reversal journal, define the Journal Reversal Criteria for the Re
valuation Category, but do not check the AutotReverse or AutoPost Reversal check

How to verify Translation Adjustment Account. Mathematically, how can a
user verify what is in the Translation Adjustment account, for a given period.
Take the total of your P&L (Revenue and Expense) accounts and multiply t
his amount by the period average rate defined.
Take the total of assets and liabilities and multiply this amount by the
period end rate.
Take the total of your retained earnings and use the historical amount o
r Multiply by historical rate (whichever way you have defined it).
Add 1,2 and 3 together. This should equal the amount in your translation
adjustment account, with the opposite sign.
Make sure no other entries have been made to the account. If there are t
hey would have to be backed out in order to reconcile the amount. Note: 1057759.
Translation using Historical Amounts
Answer:In some situations, you may want to use Historical Amounts to translate c
ertain accounts. However, when Historical Amounts are used in the very first per
iod ever translated, this creates a large Rate Adjustment for the same amount wh
ich distorts the Cumulative Translation Adjustment account. The translation code
cannot distinguish between how much of the Historical Amount defined is attribu
table to the Beginning Balance and how much is attributable to rate fluctuation
in the period, so the entire amount is thrown into the Rate Adjustment bucket. F
or example, in the first period ever translated where there is no period activit
y for the account, when you use Historical Amounts, you may see: Beginning Trans
lated Balance = zero. Rate Adjustment = the Historical Amount defined. Ending Tr
anslated Balance = the Historical Amount defined. By definition, when translatin
g on YTD basis, the Historical Amount defined is equal to the YTD Translated Bal
ance. You would like to know how to correct the situation so that you do not hav
e a large Rate Adjustment in the first period translated. The workaround is to "
back into" an Historical Rate, based on the Historical Amount that you want to a
chieve for the period. You should use this Historical Rate in the first period e
ver translated, then in the subsequent months use the appropriate Historical Amo
unt. This eliminates the large Rate Adjustment in the first period ever translat
Manually entered beginning balance to Retained Earnings.
Answer:You manually entered a beginning balance to the Retained Earnings. How th
is is translated will depend on how you have the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equ
ity Translation Rule' set.
Set to YTD: First period Translation, the translated amount for the retained ear
ning will equal 0. Subsequent Translations will have a translated amount for the
retained account
Set to PTD: You will have a Translated amount for the retained earnings in the f
irst period.
11.0 apply patch 762953 (Patch 762953 is included in GL Patchset E 1178837) 10.7
apply patches 762953 and 600293 Note: 119581.1
Does the Translation of Owner's Equity Accounts comply with FASB 52?
The profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Translation Rule' should be set PTD to co
mply with FASB 52.
Set to PTD: Beginning Translated Balance + (Current month activity in Functional
Currency x
Current Month Historical Rate) = Ending Translated balance.
Set to YTD: Translated Currency YTD = Functional Currency YTD * Rate YTD transla
tion of Owner's Equity Accounts calculation does not take into account the histo
rical rates that were in effect at the time of each transaction in the account.
For 10.7 apply patch 600293 to add the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Transl
ation Rule'

Translation changing Historical to Period Rates?

You will need to do the following:

Delete the historical rate from the Historical Rate Form. (Note if you h
ave a 'Prior' Historical Rate - this will have to be deleted. You may have a pri
or historical rate if you deleted the historical rate and reran translation with
out purging the original translations using the original historical rate).
Define a period-end rate in the Period Rates form.
Purge translated balances to get rid of the original historical rate.
If you change a period or historical rate for a prior period, do you hav
e to go back and re-run translation for the prior period?
NO. Translation of the current period will automatically retranslate all prior p
eriods where the translation is not current, limited by the parameters specified
for translation run.
CONVERSION Questions and Answers:
What are the valid values for STATUS_CODE in the GL_DAILY_RATES Table an
d what triggers a change in the column?
Valid values for the STATUS_CODE column in the GL_DAILY_RATES table are:
C - current
D - deleted
O - outdated
These values are based on the activity, deletion, or update of rates in the Dail
y Rates form. When you update the rate, the value will change to "O".
Can the user conversion type be suppressed in the list of values on the
enter journals form?
Currently there is no supported way to restrict users from being able to select
the Conversion Type of User from the list of values on the Enter Journals form.
Is Document Sequencing valid for budget journals?
-----Document sequences only apply to actual journal entries. Budget and encumbrance
journal entries will not work with document sequencing.
Where do you setup the GL document sequencing so you can see the categor
You have created document categories for each of your companies and have linked
these categories to an assignment in the Sequence Assignment form. Navigation= S
etup:Financials:Sequences:Assign (FNDSNASQ). When you go into the journals entry
form and try to select the new category that you have created, you do not see t
he new category. You have the same setup in AP and it works fine. Is there somew
here else they need to setup the categories?
-----Document categories for Journal Entries must be setup in GL. Following is a brie
f explanation of how to set up document sequencing for journal entries. In Syste
m Administrator Responsibility, you need to set the profile option 'Sequential N
umbering' to Partially Used at the Application (OGL) and Responsibility (your GL
responsibility) levels and commit. In your GL responsibility:
a. Journal categories - create a new record and set the reversal method to Switc
h Dr/Cr and commit. (Setup: Journal: Categories)
b. Document Sequences - create a new record as follows: Application=OGL; From=<s
tart date>; Type=manual; Dist... Access=GL and commit. (Setup: Financials: Seque
nces: Define).
c. Sequence assignments - create a new record with: Application=OGL; Category= T
estxyz; SOB=<your set of books name>; Method=manual; Start Date=<start date>; Se
quence=Testxyz and commit. (Setup: Financials: Sequences: Assign)
Enter a new journal and tab through Document No. And do not enter a number. This
should result in the following error: APP-1738 - "The sequence Testxyz is type
manual. You must enter a value." By entering a number you should be able to save

the Journal Entry. GL document categories are not available to the System Admin
istration responsibility and cannot be setup there. Creation of document categor
ies in SysAdmin updates FND_DOC_SEQUENCES_CATEGORIES but when created in GL the
record is inserted into GL_JE_CATEGORIES. Thus, categories must be setup through
a GL responsibility (e.g. GL Superuser) with the required GL setup forms/menu f
unctions enabled.
NOTE: This above example is not a complete setup of document sequences. In order
to use document sequences with programs such as journal import that will automa
tically assign a sequence number, you must set up an automatic sequence and crea
te an assignment with an automatic method.
How is the profile option 'Sequential Numbering' used?
-----Sequential Numbering assigns numbers to documents created by forms in Oracle fin
ancial products. Sequential numbering provides a method of checking whether docu
ments have been posted or lost. Not all forms within an application may be selec
ted to support sequential numbering. Sequential numbering has the following prof
ile option settings:
Always Used - You may not enter a document if no sequence exists for it.
Not Used - You may always enter a document.
Partially Used - You will be warned, but not prevented from entering a document,
when no sequence exists.
Users can see this profile option, but they cannot update it. This profile optio
n is visible and updatable at the site, application and responsibility levels. T
he internal name for this profile option is UNIQUE:SEQ_NUMBERS.
Can you set up document sequences for Journal Categories in the System A
dmin Responsibility?
-----No you have to set up document sequencing for Journal Categories in the General
Ledger responsibility as this updates an extra table in GL.
Can document sequencing be used for some categories in a set
ut not all?
-----Yes. Document sequencing is specific to to the combination of set of
gory. So yes you can have some categories within a set of books that
nt sequencing while other categories in the same set of books do not
nt sequencing.

of books, b

have docume
have docume

Will a reversed journal have the same sequence as the original journal.
-----It can do if an automatic method is assigned to the sequence as well as a manual
method. Reversals are generated by the system, so the system considers them to
be automatic transactions. For document sequences to be applied to automatic tra
nsactions, the category must have a document sequence assignment with a method o
f automatic. Manual method refers to journal entries that you enter manually on
the Enter Journals form. Automatic method refers to transactions that are gener
ated automatically by General Ledger.
How do you disable a segment value and code combinations so journals wil
l not be created with these accounts?
You must disable the segment, and disable every code combination that uses that
segment. In version 11 and prior, you must disable each code combination individ
ually. However, in 11i, you can disable a range of code combinations using the n
ew Segment Value Inheritance program.

If the Accounting Flexfield structure is not frozen, why does the Shorth
and Alias form (FNDFFMSA) allow updates?
This form should become non-updateable and non-insertable if the flexfield is no
t frozen. Bug 1080345 (Problem 9) has been submitted to address this issue.
How do you update segment qualifiers or rollup groups for an existing va
You need to unfreeze all flexfields that use the value set. Then you should be a
ble to update the values. See note 1015950.600 for detailed steps, and scripts t
o find the flexfields that use a particular value set.
How do you add a new value to an existing segment?
On the Segment Values form, insert a new row with your new value. Make sure the
segment qualifiers are set correctly (Allow Posting and Budgeting). If this is t
he natural account segment, specify the Account Type also.
How do I know which accounts are inactive?
Run the standard report: Chart of Accounts - Inactive Accounts Listing. This rep
ort is new in Release 11i.
Can you add or delete segments to an existing accounting flexfield struc
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data
Which table stores the parent value and its' child ranges?
What tables store segment values and descriptions?
Do all segments of your accounting flexfield have to be enabled and disp
Yes. This is true for all applications versions. All segments must be enabled an
d displayed. Any other configuration is not supported. From the Oracle Applicati
ons Flexfields Guide: 'If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, you MUST di
splay ALL segments. Hiding segments will adversely affect your application featu
res, such as Mass Allocations'. The only supported solution therefore, is to hav
e all segments displayed from the start, and for them to remain that way.
When trying to compile an accounting flexfield, you receive APP-00981 an
d APP-00068 errors. How do you resolve this?
Remove any spaces in the View Name and replace them with underscores. Verify the
segment qualifiers have been assigned. See Note 1053770.6 for more information.
The View Compilation for the Accounting Flexfield view failed with APP-0
0988 ORACLE error 905 in afuddl. How should you resolve this issue?
The View Name on the Define Key Flexfield Segments form can only contain letters
, numbers or underscores. For more information, see Note 1022367.6.
Can a flexfield qualifier be changed after it has been created?
No. Once a segment qualifier has been designated for a specific segment and has
been saved, it will permanently have the attributes with that qualifier. For exa
mple, you accidentally designate the cost center segment as the natural account
segment. Even though you do not compile this, the system saves the changes. And
once it has been saved, it will have all the attributes designated for the natur
al account qualifier, even after it has been changed back, resaved with the corr

ect qualifier and compiled. This is the inherent functionality of the software.
Unfortunately, there is no real easy solution for this issue. The only option is
to create a new chart of accounts and attach a new set of books. You may be abl
e to just create a new chart of accounts if you haven't created the set of books
yet. See Note 107448.1, for more information.
You receive the message 'APP-00734: Please enter a valid value for the A
ccount Type segment qualifier using the Segment Qualifiers pop-up window' when e
ntering a new value. How do you resolve this?
You need to make sure that segment qualifier values have been entered. If you pl
an on choosing the default values, you must tab to the segment qualifier popup w
indow and click the OK button. See Note 1071883.6 for more information.
Can you change the size of a value set used in the accounting flexfield
after it has been created?
No. Once the value set is created, you should not change the size of a value set
used in an accounting flexfield. We recommend that you set Right-justify Zero-f
ill Numbers to Yes for value sets you use with the Accounting Flexfield. You sho
uld never change to a value set with a
larger (or smaller) maximum size if your value set is Right-justify Zero-fill, s
ince 001 is not the same as 0000001, and all of your existing values would becom
e invalid.
You receive APP-00668, APP-00874 FDFBKS error when compiling accounting
Make sure you have created the segments for your accounting flexfield structure.
Also verify that you have assigned the Balancing Segment and Natural Account se
gment qualifiers to the appropriate segments.
You receive APP-1564 and ORA-904 errors when trying to create a new code
combination. How should this be resolved?
This issue is corrected in patch 656683. Apply patch 656683 or FND Patchset F (1
You received APP-00822 and APP-00730 errors when entering flexfields in
Set of Books form GLXSTBKS. How should this be resolved?
Make sure your segment qualifiers have been assigned (Balancing Segment and Natu
ral Account). Verify that value sets have been assigned to all segments. Re-sign
on to the application.
How do you enable the Journals-Captured Information descriptive flexfiel
Define context values for each of the account values you want to capture inform
ation for. Then define context-sensitive segments that will hold the desired inf
ormation. See Note 108331.1 for detailed setup steps.
How do you correct a misclassified account?
Note 1050920.6 contains detailed steps for correcting Misclassified Account Type
s. The steps must be followed in the exact order if the misclassified account is
to be corrected in its entirety.
You are trying to modify an existing segment value and receive errors FR
M-40735 and FRM-40654: Record has been updated, re-query block to see changes.
These errors are probably due to trailing spaces in a text field. The script, $F
ND_TOP/sql/afchrchk.sql can be run to find and optionally remove the trailing sp
aces. Note 1016277.102 contains more information.
Can the Accounting Flexfield Segment name be changed?
Note: 1053771.6 contains detailed steps for changing the name of a Accounting Fl
exfield segment.

Can a parent value be changed to a child value and vice versa?
An account should never be changed from a child to a parent or vice a versa. Thi
s may cause corruption in the chart of accounts at the table level and is not re
commended or supported by development.
Can changes be made to segments in an existing accounting flexfield stru
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data corruption.
How do you enable an existing Future use accounting flexfield segment?
There are no extra steps to follow except the following:
1) Unfreeze the accounting flexfield
2) Change the segment name to a proper name (if necessary)
3) Change the value set value type from constant to char and default value (if n
4) freeze the accounting flex field and recompile
Disabling an account code segment value does not prevent transactions to
be entered to all account code combinations. Is this a bug?
This is the functionality of the application. Disabling the segment value does n
ot disable the account code combinations associated with it. Disable the account
code combinations separately or run the Inherit Segment Values process which wi
ll disable all the account code combinations associated with this particular seg
ment value automatically.
What is the difference between Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Securit
y Type?
Hierarchical Security: This feature combines Flex Value Security and Flex Value
Hierarchy. The end result is 'a flex value is secured if one of it's parents is
secured'. With non-hierarchical security, the child values do not inherit the pa
rent security.
Why can you update the Segment Values form (FNDFFMSV) when the flexfield
structure is frozen?
You do NOT need to Unfreeze Flexfields to amend Segment Qualifiers from FNDFFMSV
11.5.28 (FND patchset C) onwards, for Release 11i. Due to customer requests, pa
tch 1081772 introduced this change for FNDFFMSV.fmb 115.28, and it is included i
n R11i FND patchset C onwards. This is now standard functionality. Documentation
bug 1377482 has been raised to reflect this change to functionality, since the
11i User's Guide does not advise of the change.
Should Rollup Groups be frozen?
It is recommended that Rollup Groups be frozen unless they are being modified. H
owever, if they are not frozen, there should not be any effects on General Ledge
r reports, functions, or other processes.
Do you need to have an Accounting Flexfield segment that is flagged with
the Intercompany qualifier?
The intercompany segment is an optional Intercompany feature for the Intercompan
y Segment Balancing. It is NOT required in order to do intercompany balancing. I
t is just another way to do the intercompany balancing, instead of using differe
nt natural accounts to track intercompany balances, you can use the intercompany
segment in the Chart of Accounts to record the same detail. It is more just a m
atter of preference of how you want to track the intercompany transactions. Refe
r to Note 151130.1 to see additional information regarding How Intercompany Jour
nal Lines are Created in General Ledger 11i.

What is a Reconciliation qualifier and how is it setup?
This Reconciliation flag is a localization feature used primarily by European cu
stomers. When the flag is set to YES, the account is set up to be reconciled. GL
Entry Reconciliation is a set of forms and reports that enable the user to sele
ctively cross-reference transactions in the General Ledger. Once the balance of
a group of transactions is zero, the user can mark them as reconciled. This func
tionality enables the transactions in any account that should balance to zero (f
or example, an Inter-company suspense account) to be reconciled.
What is the recommended numbering for the Accounting Flexfield structure
and why?
The Accounting Flexfield structure requires consecutive segment numbers beginnin
g with 1, such as 1,2,3..... Gaps in numbering like 10, 20, 30 could cause error
s when compiling and with other General Ledger functions.

Some of the segment separators are displayed as question marks (?), why?

Check the descriptions of the Segment Values. If the same segment separator valu
e (ie: dash) is used in the segment value description, the actual segment separa
tor on the chart of accounts will appear at times as a "?" Do not use the segmen
t separator in the description and this should resolve the issue.
What is the difference between printing standard reports and printing F
The standard reports use the SRW drivers when they are generated, whereas, the
FSGs do not use the SRW drivers at all. The standard reports have a predefin
ed print style and driver assigned to them. When an FSG is submitted, its' init
ial style is DYNAMIC which calls the GL routine FDUGST which in turn will selec
t an appropriate print style.
What are the valid print styles for printing FSGs?
There are four valid print styles for printing: 80 or < (portrait), 81-132 (la
ndscape), 133-180 (landwide), and 181-255 (landwide 255). FSG will automaticall
y pick the smallest one of these that can hold your report, and use that as you
r print style. Landwide 255 does not come seeded with Oracle Applications. If
there is a need to use the 255 style, you will have to create this new style.
How can I create the Landwide 255 print style?
Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Print St
yle form (Install/Printer/Style). You can create a new style of Landwide 255 b
y copying the Landwide style as a new record, and changing the column setting t
o 255 (leaving other settings the same). The same driver that is assigned to t
he Landwide style can be assigned to the Landwide 255 style.
What should the profile option FSG: Allow Portrait Print Style be set t
The portrait print style is only available if the FSG: Allow Portrait Print St
yle is set to Yes. Otherwise, reports that are 80 characters wide or less will
be printed as landscape, or you might receive an error when attempting to prin
t portrait reports.
How can I verify if the FSGs are set up for dynamic printing?
Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Concurren
t Program form (Concurrent/Program/Define). Query the short name RGRARG. Make
sure that the style is set to Dynamic. Also, ensure that the row and column set
tings are set to zero.
How can I get rid of the error message "Application File Server cannot o
pen file"? I get this error message when trying to view the FSG output.
This error message usually means that the FSG did not bring in any data. Your

FSG report may be referencing a period that does not exist in the calendar. Or,
there might not be any data for the period that you are running the FSG for.
What profile options should be set with regards to printing of FSG repor
Make sure that you have set the following profile options: Printer Concurrent:
Report Copies
Does Work Flow need to be installed?
No the GIS system incorporates basic workflow functionality required to function
. If you want to customize the standard functionality, then you may need to Ins
tall workflow .
Does GIS eliminate the standard intercompany journals from subledgers?
No it does not.
Do the subsidiaries have to be local to the instance which has the GIS s
No The subsidiaries can be on the same system as GIS, or physically on a differe
nt server, at a remote location, even a non oracle system.
Is GIS similar to CENTRA?
Centra (Centralized Transaction Approval System) was the name given to the inter
company system in release 11 In Release 11i GIS is the Global Intercompany Syste
m and has more enhanced features.
What is the benefit of entering Intercompany Transactions through GIS?
The major benefit of the Global Intercompany System is to prevent unbalanced tra
nsactions between subsidiaries. Also the subsidiaries involved can approve the t
ransactions in GIS prior to transferring them.
Can the 'Intercompany Segment Qualifier' be used with GIS?
Yes it is used to track the trading company's balancing segment value. The Inter
company Segment is also an optional feature for Intercompany Balancing of journa
ls, outside of GIS.
Do all the sets of books that use GIS have to be on the same instance of
No, they can also use set of books from a remote oracle instance, or even a non
oracle system.
Which responsibility should I use to enter the transaction in Centra for
a given subsidiary ?
Each Subsidiary defined for GIS should also have a responsibility defined and yo
ur system administrator must assign the subsidiary name to each of these respons
ibilities using the 'Intercompany:Subsidiary' profile option. You have to use a
responsibility that is associated with your subsidiary, or a responsibility asso
ciated with a subsidiary who has parent privileges.
Can I see the intercompany transactions for all my subsidiaries using on
e responsibility?
Yes if you assign a set of books that has parent privileges to your responsibili
ty then you should be able to view all the transactions between subsidiaries.
Is there any periodic delete program that should be run to keep GIS upda
Yes the subsidiary with parent privileges can run the "Delete Intercompany Trans
actions" program to remove the old approved and transferred transactions from GI

What type of reports are available for the intercomapany transactions en

tered in GIS?
The following three reports :
Intercompany Transactions Detail
Unapproved Intercompany Transactions
Intercompany Transactions Activity Summary
What is the Intercompany Segment in 11i? Is it backported?
-----The Intercompany Segment Flexfield Qualifier can be used with the Intercompany B
alancing feature in Release 11i. The user can assign a segment to be the interco
mpany segment. When a journal entry that affects multiple balancing segment valu
es is posted, the Intercompany Balancing feature will automatically create jou
rnal lines to ensure each balancing segment value is balanced, and the balancing
segment value of the appropriate trading partner will be automatically entered
as the intercompany segment value for each journal line. The Intercompany Balanc
ing feature is only available in Release 11i, and has not been backported to Rel
ease 11.

How do I define Intercompany Accounts in Release 11i?

------ Navigate to the Intercompany Accounts form (Setup/Accounts/Intercompany).
- Specify the Source and Category that apply to the intercompany account(s) yo
u are defining.
- Select Summary or Detail Balance.
- Complete the Clearing Company Usage and Default Options tabs.
- Define your specific balancing segments and accounts in the
Intercompany De
tail region.

Is a separate value set required for the Intercompany Balancing Segment?

-----The intercompany segment shares the same value set as the balancing segment and
is used in the account combination that Oracle General Ledger creates to balance
intercompany journals. They can use separate values sets, but they must be iden
How does the new Intercompany Segment improve intercompany accounting?
-----Specified intercompany accounts means quicker reconciliations.
Maintain granularity for due-to and due-from companies tracking, even fo
r multicompany transactions.
You can now balance intercompany journals based on multiple parameters,i
Journal Source J
Journal Category
Balancing Segment Value
- Your intercompany accounting rules may also include different accounts based o
n whether the balancing amount should be posted to a credit account (due to) or
debit account (due from). At the journal source and category level, you can c
hoose a default clearing company against which all trading partners balance.
You can also specify whether intercompany journal balancing is performed at a su
mmarized level for each trading partner or at the journal line level.

Can Intercompany Segments be used with clearing companies?

-----Yes. You can designate one company to act as the trading partner for all subsid
iary companies in the organization for certain types of intercompany transaction
How are Intercompany journal lines created in General Ledger 11i?
-----Using Intercompany functionality there are four options to automatically account
for intercompany transactions in a single set of books.
Standard Intercompany Balancing: Automatic Intercompany creates generic balancin
g lines against the intercompany accounts that are defined for specific sources
and categories.
Enhanced Intercompany Balancing: This allows definition of separate intercompany
accounts to record more detail for the intercompany journals and track the inte
rcompany balances.
Intercompany Segment Balancing: Instead of using different natural accounts to
track intercompany balances, it is possible to use an intercompany segment in yo
ur chart of accounts to record the same detail as enhanced intercompany balancin
Clearing companies: It allows to define one company to act as the trading partn
er for all subsidiary companies in the organization for certain types of interco
mpany transactions.
Is it possible to implement the Intercompany Balancing Segment in an exi
sting Set of Books?
-----Oracle General Ledger does not have a process to change the accounting flexfield
structure of an existing set of books. It is not supported or recommended to ad
d a new segment to an accounting flexfield structure that is being used. In this
case, it is necessary to define a new set of books that includes the new Interc
ompany segment.
In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment, is it possible to have a secur
ity rule on the balancing segment without it affecting the intercompany segment,
since they share the same value set?
-----Yes it is possible. Enable security on the value set. Enable security on the ba
lancing segment in the accounting flexfield structure. Do not enable security on
the intercompany segment in the accounting flexfield structure.
How are lines identified that are created by automatic intercompany bala
ncing? How do you determine which rows in the GL_JE_LINES table have been create
d by the automatic intercompany balancing process?
-----The ONLY way you will be able to distinguish such transactions is from the entry
in the DESCRIPTION column. The description column contains-> "Intercompany line
added by Posting"
How to delete a Journal Batch? The delete icon is greyed out. The Journa
l Batch does not have journals associated and it is unposted.
-----The journals/enter first popup form looks only for batches with journals.
a. Go to Journals > Enter.
b. When the Find Journals window appears, click on the 'X' in the upper righ

t corner to close
the window.
c. Click the Review Batch button on the Enter Journals form. This will bring
up the Find Batches window to query the batch.
d. Enter the batch Name and the Period.
e. Click the Find button and the batch should be displayed on the Batch wind
ow now.
f. Now it is possible to click on the delete icon to delete the unposted jou
rnal batch.
Why does an accounting period not appear in the accounting period s list o
f values on the journal entry form?
-----The accounting period list of values displays periods that have a closing st
atus of Open (O) or Future Enterable (F). New journal entries can be defined in
open and future enterable accounting periods. New journal entries can be posted
only in open accounting periods.
Why can not a journal batch be deleted or modified?
-----A journal batch can not be deleted or modified under the following circumsta
a. The source is frozen
b. Funds have been reserved for the batch
c. Funds are in the process of being reserved for the batch
d. The batch is in the process of being posted
e. The batch is posted
f. The batch is approved
g. The batch is in the process of being approved
A journal batch should not be updated if it comes from a sub-ledger. Changin
g accounting information in a journal that originated in a sub-module will unsyn
chronize the accounting information between the ledger and the sub-ledger. Inste
ad of changing the sub-ledger journal, define a new journal to adjust the accoun
ting information if necessary. A journal batch that has funds reversed can not b
e updated because the funds would not be re-reserved appropriately.
Which report shows details of a posted journal batch?
-----Journals - General(180 Char) and Journals - General(132 Char) reports displa
y information relating to a particular journal batch.
Is there a report that displays information of one specific journal entr
y - unposted/posted?
-----No. General Ledger reports display information of journal batches that are p
osted or unposted.
Can a posted journal batch be deleted?
-----No, a posted jounal batch can not be deleted. Reverse it to nullify the acco
unting effects of the posted journal batch.
Is possible to restrict users from entering negative amounts in journal

------Unfortunately, it is not possible to restrict users from entering negative a

mounts in journal entry lines.

How do you easily copy a journal entry from one set of books to another?

-----There is no standard feature to copy journal entries between sets of books.
However, there are some alternatives. See Note 204082.1.
An entire batch was reversed and posted, while trying to reverse and pos
t just one journal entry in the batch. How can this be corrected?
-----When you reverse an entire batch, one reversal batch is created for each jou
rnal in that batch. To correct your problem, reverse the reversal batches that c
ontained the journals you reversed by mistake, then post them.
Why is there a reversed posted journal in the next accounting period of
a non posted journal?
-----This is the current funcionality. Reversing journals can be posted before the
original journal is posted.
Why is the reversal period of a journal being cleared out after the peri
od is changed?
-----This is the expected functionality in Release 11i. When you change the perio
d of a journal, the application can not determine what you want to do with the r
eversal period, so it is cleared.
A journal entry with a source set up for automatic reversal is not rever
-----General Ledger automatically submits the AutoReverse program when a period i
s opened if the profile option, GL: Launch AutoReverse After Open Period, is set
to Yes. If a journal is created after the period has already been opened, then
the AutoReverse program will need to be submitted manually.
Does the reversal program generate separate reversal batches-journals fo
r each journal in a batch that is reversed?
-----Yes. When a batch is reversed, General Ledger creates a reversing journal e
ntry for each journal entry in the batch. Note that this also generates a separa
te reversal batch for each reversed journal.
How do you reverse a journal entry that was already reversed, but its re
versed journal was deleted?
-----General Ledger does not allow you to reverse a journal entry twice.Confirm t
hat the first reversed journal entry does not exist in the system.
Contact Oracle Support for the solution to Note 145043.1.

How do you restrict the ability to reverse unposted journals?
-----Unposted journals can be posted, this is the intended functionality.
Additional information can be found in Note 172016.1.
How do you automatically generate a reversal journal entry for a journal
category in the previous accounting period?
-----Automatic Journal Reversal is a feature that is included in Release 11i.
Additional information can be found in Note 151920.1.
How does the application determine the default period when a recurring j
ournal is generated?
-----The default period is only determined for non Average Daily Balance (ADB) se
ts of books.
The period that appears in the period field, will default to the
first period following the last run period which statisfies the following:
a. The period status is 'Open' or 'Future Enterable'.
b. There is at least one formula header within the batch that is valid wit
hin this period. The start and end effective dates must be valid.
How do you insert an additional adjusting journal entry into an unposted
recurring journal batch? The journal was added to the journal on the Enter Jou
rnals form, but it was not included in the recurring journal batch as expected.
-----To generate an additional journal in a recurring batch you must update the d
efinition of the recurring batch.When you create a manual journal entry on the E
nter Journals form, the
Source is set to Manual and a new batch with a Sourc
e of Manual is created. The Source for the recurring journal(s) is recurring. T
his new journal will not be combined with the original recurring journal batch s
ince they have different sources. However, you can update the unposted recurring
batch with additional lines and amounts.
Is it possible to generate recurring journals automatically?
-----In Release 11i, the automatic journal scheduling feature enables you to auto
matically generate journals for:
a. Recurring Journals
b. Mass Allocations/Mass Budgets
c. Step-down allocation sets
d. Parallel Allocation sets
How do you create a credit line for a debit balance account?
-----To create a line in a recurring journal with a balance which is opposite the na
tural account type, you will need to create the formula and include a line item
that multiplies the account by 1.
What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option"Create
Summary Journals"?
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c

oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?

What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?
Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journa
l Import?
What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
The Group ID distinguishes import data within a particular source, i.e. Oracle R
eceivables and Payables subledgers. When Journal Import is run without a Group I
D, the process will only pick up those records of the given source that do not h
ave a Group ID. A new feature was introduced in Release 11.5 with patch 1455528,
which allows you to submit requests in one step for all group ids for a particu
lar source, instead of having to enter each group id individually for that sourc
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option "Create
Summary Journals"?
Importing journals using this run option selected will summarize all transaction
s for the same period, account and currency, into one debit/credit journal line.
This will make your reports more manageable in size, but you lose the one to on
e mapping of your detail transactions to the summary journal lines created by Jo
urnal Import. You can still maintain a mapping of how Journal Import summarizes
your detail transactions from your feeder systems into journal lines, if the jou
rnal source definition has the Import Journal References option checked.
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
Journal Import does not check security rules. Transactions that come from Oracle
subledgers (AR, AP, etc.) already have the CCID (Code Combination ID) in the GL
_INTERFACE table. These have been validated in the feeder system. You can also p
opulate the accounting segments directly into the gl_interface table and let Jou
rnal Import populate the code_combination_id. If dynamic insertion is enabled, a
nd this is a new combination, then the import program will check for cross valid
ation rule violations.
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c
oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?
When the Journal Import program is completed, it automatically generates a Journ
al Import Execution Report that identifies all data errors that were found by th
e Journal Import program. This report can be viewed from the System Administrati
on responsibility by navigating as follows - Request/View/Report.

What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?


Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
No. Journals can only be imported into an open or future enterable, non-adjustin

g period for releases 11.5.6 and prior.

Please see Note 1055866.6 for a workaround.
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
Yes. Using the CONCSUB utility, you can submit a Journal Import from outside of
the application and create batch jobs to automatically run the Journal Import. H
owever this process needs to receive, as a parameter, the value of the GL_INTERF
For more information on CONCSUB see the Oracle Applications System Administrator
's Guide.
See also Note 1079972.6, Note 198041.1, Note 1034539.6 and Internal Note 136370.
1 and Note 146045.1.
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
See Note 198437.1 about Journal Import Performance improvement.
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Yes. Descriptive Flexfields can be imported with or without validation. When imp
orting Descriptive Flexfields with validation, Journal Import generates journals
only if validation succeeds.
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Yes. However, this procedure is not recommended, as data originating in an Oracl
e subledger may be lost or irretrievable. The Correct Journal Import Data form s
hould be used to correct Journal Import errors. You should also refer back to th
e subledgers where the data originated.
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
No. Journal Import does not automatically create reversing journal entries. If t
he reversal flag and reversal period were populated in the GL_INTERFACE table, t
hen the reversal must be generated after Journal Import is run. In 11i you now h
ave the autoreversal procedure that you can setup to create reversing Journals a
utomatically once an imported journal is created.
Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journal
No. These options are not available for Journal Import. There is a setup option
available for the number of lines to process at once that affects Journal Import
. Using General Ledger Super User,
navigate to Setup/System/Controls.
Does the MassAllocation program check cross validation rules?
Can you copy a MassAllocation to a MassBudget Allocation?
Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
How are MassAllocation entries calculated: Full vs. Incremental?
Does the Mass Allocation program check cross validation rules?
-----The validation portion of the program does NOT check for violations of account c
ross validation rules. Invalid lines will be created and you will have to correc
t the resulting journals in the Enter Journals Window before you post.
Can you copy a Mass Allocation to a Mass Budget Allocation?

-----No, it is not possible to make a copy from one to the other.

Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
-----They are specific to the accounting flexfield structures, not to sets of books.
If you have two sets of books using the same flexfield structure you could run a
MassAllocation defined in one or the other set of books. The responsibility you
are in would determine which set of books the journal entry would be created fo
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
-----Yes, but you can only do so if there is a summary account associated with the pa
rent. To use summary accounts in the formula, all segments in the formula must b
e assigned a segment type of Constant (C).
What is MRC?
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of Oracle Applica
What Applications support MRC feature?
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
dger ?
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting sets of
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books?
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Does posting journals in the Primary set of books also post them in repo
rting set of books?
Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
In what ways does the Profile option MO: Operating Unit affects MRC?
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When subledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it also
occur for the reporting set of books?
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to
be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
What is MRC?
MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more than one se
t of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting set of books to a p
rimary set of books. The chart of accounts and calendar have to be the same for

the primary and reporting set of books .

Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle applica
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the primary and
reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Assets, Cash management, Cost Management, General Ledger, Payables, Projects, Pu
rchasing, Receivables.
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time of original
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are conver
ted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and reporting se
t of books respectively.
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the same chart of accounts
and calendar. Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when they are p
osted in the primary set of books.
Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.
Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of Orac
le Application and operating unit for which you want to convert transactions to
your reporting set of books.

Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?

No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.

In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then this prof
ile option should be set to the same operating unit for both the Primary and Rep
orting set of books.
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When a journal is entered in the primary set of books the document number assign
ed is determined by the primary set of books and it will be the same number in t
he reporting set of books also.
When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it als
o occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times once for
the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting set of books assi
gned to the primary set of books.
Note: The one step Subledger posting feature is available by applying the releva
nt patch.
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
No, revaluation must be run in the primary set of books and in each of the repor
ting set of books .
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from non-Oracle feeder
system and the journals are posted successfully in the primary set of books Gen
eral ledger creates converted journals in the reporting set of books .
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances, as you can r
ecord your transactions in multiple currencies by assigning the required reporti
ng sets of books as per your business needs.
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts from the
functional currency of the primary set of books to another currency at the accou
nt balances level, but MRC in General ledger is used to convert the functional c
urrency to another currency at the transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger will also
reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books. The reporting j
ournal uses the same conversion rate that was used to create the original entry
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to
be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books does not have to
be the same as the associated reporting book. The 1st MRC Period is used by our
historical transactions/balances conversion programs and does not need to be ent
ered if you are not going to be using them. The replication of data from the pri
mary book to the reporting book is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in
the Assign Set of Books form, Conversion Options window. You can further control
the sources/categories to convert or not to convert in the GL Conversion Rules
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?

I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
enterable? Can we do this?
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?
How do you open a permanently closed period?
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?
-----Yes. You can still create entries for any period that has a status of open or Fu
ture Enterable. You can post to any period that has a status of Open. If you pos
t in a prior fiscal year, the balanced will be rolled forward and retained earni
ngs will be updated as needed.
I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
-----No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close that period.
There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close a period.
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
-----None. General Ledger will properly maintain the balances for the New Year, regar
dless of how many times the periods are opened or closed. Retained earnings are
calculated when the first period of the New Year is initially opened, and therea
fter when any posting is done to a revenue or expense account in a prior year.
We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
Enterable? Can we do this?
-----No. There is no way within the application to set the period status back to Futu
re Enterable after the period has been opened.
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
-----When Open Period runs, it sets the status of the next X periods to Future Entera
ble. On the Set of Books form, you define the number of Future Enterable periods
. If, when you open a period, there are no subsequent periods defined, the Futur
e Enterable periods can not be updated. When you define new periods in the calen
dar, the status will remain Never Opened, until you open the next period. At tha
t time, the program will update the status to Open on the next period, and will
update the status to Future Enterable on the next X periods.

Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?

-----No. You associate a Period Type with a Set of Books. The Period Type is defined
to have a fixed number of periods. That is the number of periods you must define
for your set of books - no more and no less.
How do you open a permanently closed period?
-----You cannot open a period that has a status of Permanently Closed.
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
-----No. There is no way within General Ledger to do this
How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Can I delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Can I post out of balance journal entries?
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Can I post to a parent account?
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the b
atch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter
Journals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Posting fails with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo
urnal entry lines for this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch
for posting?
Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Are security rules enforced in posting?
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts that can be created p
er the Summary Template process?
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current" without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templ
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary template criteria?
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir


How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
The Posting Journal Batches screen will only display journals available for
posting. A batch in error is not available for posting. If you cannot clear the
error you need to post from the journal entry screen See Note 1061835.6 for deta
iled instructions.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Answer: Yes you can. However, before doing so, you should check the posting, t
ranslation, and open period or summarization processes that created these files.
The GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables are temporary tables and are normally dropped
after the process has completed successfully.
TIP: Wait a week or so before you delete the table manually, just in case your
processes did not complete.
tables (i.e., the tables without the numbers at the end of their names), a
s these tables are used by the General Ledger system.
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Answer: When you post to an earlier open period, actual balances roll forward
through the latest open period; budget balances roll forward through the end of
the latest open budget year; and encumbrance balances roll forward through the e
nd of the latest open encumbrance year.
If you post a journal entry in
to a prior year, General Ledger adjusts your retained earnings balance for the e
ffect on your income and expense accounts.
Can you delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Answer: No.
Can you post out-of-balance journal entries?
Answer: Yes, if you turned on suspense posting for the set of books. If you en
abled suspense posting when you defined the set of books, General Ledger automa
tically balances each out-of-balance journal entry against a suspense account yo
u specify for your set of books. You can define additional suspense accounts if
you want to balance journal entries with specific sources and categories to corr
esponding suspense accounts automatically.
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Answer: The Journals General report can be run for Posted, Unposted or Error s
tatus batches.
Can I post to a parent account?
Answer: No, you can only post to detail level accounts. Parent accounts do not
hold balances.
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
Answer: Error1: The batch has a control total violation
Error2: Selected for posting to a period that is not open
Error3: Showing no journal entries for this batch
Error4: Showing journal control total violation
Error5: Showing multiple problems preventing posting of batch
Error6: Showing an unbalanced journal entry, and suspense posting is not
allowed Error7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no journal entry lines
for this batch
Error8: Showing unbalanced encumbrance entry without res

erve account
Error9: Showing an encumbrance journal entry with no encumbrance type
Error10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal entry
Error11: Showing unbalanced journal entry by account category
Error12: Funds reservation failed
Error13: Showing invalid period and conversion information for this batch
Error14: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive suspense account
Error15: Showing encumbrance entry with invalid or inactive reserve account
Error16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany account
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
Answer: You can run any GL program from the command line. Follow the
steps listed in Note 1013587.102.
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
Answer: You need to use the Find Batches window to find the Batch on the Enter
Journals form. From there, you can delete the batch. The first window that is d
isplayed when you navigate to the Enter Journals form is the Find Journals windo
w. You can not find the Batch using this window, since there are no journals ass
ociated with the batch. See Note 1036784.6 for detailed instructions.
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the ba
tch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter J
ournals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Answer: This batch does not have any journals. You need to use the Find Batche
s window to find the Batch on the Enter Journals form. From there, you can delet
e the batch. The first window that is displayed when you navigate to the Enter J
ournals form is the Find Journals window. You can not find the batch using this
window, since there are no journals associated with the batch. See Note 1036784.
6 for detailed instructions.

Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?

Answer: In Release 10.7, you must set the profile option 'Journals: Allow Posti
ng During Journal Entry'. In Release 11, this is controlled with Function Secu
rity. See Note 1051909.6 for
detailed instructions.
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Answer: Set the 'Printer' profile option. This profile option must be set to
successfully submit most concurrent requests.
Posting fails
urnal entry lines for
for posting?
Answer: Correct the
e to the batch so the
g. See Note 1061835.6

with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo

this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch
journal lines that caused the error(s). Make a dummy chang
status will be updated, then resubmit the batch for postin
for detailed instructions.

Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Answer: This is an unbalanced intercompany journal. If automatic intercompany
balancing is not enabled for the set of books, you must manually add lines to th

e journal to balance the companies (balancing segment values). If automatic inte

rcompany balancing is enabled, then one of the following is true:
-- An intercompany account has not been defined for one or more balanc
ing segments and dynamic insertion is not enabled for the set of books.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that vio
lates a cross-validation or security rule.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that con
tains a segment that is disabled or not postable.
-- An intercompany account combination is disabled or not postable
Note: Error16 can also be caused by a cross validation rule preventing the creat
ion of a suspense account. Suspense logic is always applied before intercompany
balancing in posting. If you have unbalanced journal headers in your batch, susp
ense posting will first try to balance them with the suspense accounts, i.e. mak
ing the total header debit = total header credit, and also making the journal en
tries balanced within the balancing segment values.
Are security rules enforced in posting?
Answer: No. Posting is controlled at the user level. A user can post all journa
ls for a set of books or none at all. This is controlled by function security in
Release 11 and 11i. In Release 10.7, you can remove the Post form from the use
r's menu, to restrict posting.
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Answer: No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close th
at period. There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close
a period.
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts which can be created
per the Summary Template process?
There are no limits on the amount of accounts which can be created by the Summar
y Template process however, the more templates created/maintained, the slower th
e performance of the concurrent programs.
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?
Redefining summary templates can be confusing at times. Note:61272.1 ad
dresses this process.
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templat
You cannot update the status via SQL*Plus to "Current". These must be deleted a
nd the summary accounts recreated.
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
When this is done, you will be able to quick pick on the Rollup Group name on th
e Define Segment Values form.
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary
template criteria?
NO, It just groups the existing accounts to meet the summary template criteria.
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Example: 4 requests: 1 for the parent and 3 for child accounts.

Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir

NO. When you drop a summary template, and reassign the child values, Summary Ac
count Inquiry does not save the history of the previous accounts.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
In Release 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible
to have a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting
the intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility ba
sed on the User ID?
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization, in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilean user. How is this possible?
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?
In General Ledger security rule of a parent with children, was setup to
include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functioni
ng properly.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue? Example of issue: A user in Argentina Entered a Journal Entry.
Another User from Chile Posted the Argentina Entry in Global SOB. And later reve
rsed it as well.
Question: How could that be possible when Flexfield Rules are in place.Also, if
logging in to Global SOB with CI GL ARGENTINA MANAGER, are able to view all the
Journals of say TAIWAN or CHILE or UK at the Header Level/choose batch for Rever
sing/Posting even if are not logged on to their specific Responsibility.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?
-------Make sure that you have enabled security at both the segemnt and value set level
s, it must be enabled at both these levels to work. Also make sure you have swit
ched out and back into the responsibility.
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
-------This functionality is available starting in Release 11i. In Releases 11 and lowe
r, one cannot set security for standard reports. Security Rules will only limit
users from a few functions (e.g. Account Inquiry, Budgets, Journal Entries, and
FSGs). In addition, in Release 11i there is limited
use of the security rule functionality for running standard reports. It appears
that you're the goal to restrict users from submitting reports for a particular
company cannot be accomplished using security rules.
In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible to h
ave a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting the
intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
-------Yes it is possible. You would enable security on the value set, but then on the

flexfield segment (intercompany) you would not enable security.

Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility b
ased on the User ID?
--------You cannot apply different security rules to the same responsibility for differe
nt users based on the user ID. You will have to create a new responsibility and
define its own security rules. Then you can assign the new responsibility to one
of the users.
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
-------Security rules apply only with regards to creation/modification of lines within
a journal. They do not apply when the journal is posted.
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
-------Flexfield Value Security gives you the capability to restrict the set of values
a user can use during data entry. With easy-to-define security rules and respons
ibility level control, you can quickly set up data entry security on your flexfi
eld segments and report parameters. Flexfield Value Security lets you determine
who can use flexfield segment values and report parameter values. Based on your
responsibility and access rules that you define, Flexfield Value Security limits
what values you can enter in flexfield pop-up windows and report parameters. Se
curity rules for the Accounting Flexfield also restrict query access to segment
values in the Account Inquiry, Funds Available, and Summary Account Inquiry wind
ows. In these windows, you cannot query up any combination that contains a secur
e value. However in all other forms, you will be able to query up a value even i
f it is restricted to the user.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
There is not a way in the same set of books, to prevent users from one operating
unit via security rules, from changing cross validation rules for another opera
ting unit. The only way to do this would to be create a separate set of books f
or each operating unit. Since security rules prevent users from either viewing d
ata or entering data in general, they do not pertain to set up issues such as cr
eating cross validation rules. Therefore, the only other way to prevent one user
from one organization from creating cross-validation rules to the other organiz
ation, when in the same set of books, would be to completely remove that menu fu
nction from the user.
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilian user. How is this possible?
This is working as intended. Security rules will prohibit a responsibility from
being able to enter in certain values as well as prohibit the viewing of those v
alues as well. However security rules will not prohibit the actions above becaus
e they are in the same set of books. The system does not determine if a journal
has values in it that are blocked by security rules. If it did that, then the jo
urnal would appear as unbalanced. There would have to be an incredible amount of
logic involved, which would further reduce performance, for the posting program
to scan the journal for security rules first before posting. Posting does not t
ake into consideration the rules, this is done at the time of journal entry .
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?

Check your Accounting Flexfield Structure possibly it is frozen. Unfreeze the St

ructure and then you should be able to enable Security for the Segment.
In General Ledger,a security rule of a parent with children, was setup t
o include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functio
ning properly.
System allows the account the customer wanted but doesn't disallow the ones that
are children of the parent values excluded.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue?
The Security rule should not be modified by deleting an exclude or include as it
may corrupt the rule. One should try to delete all rule lines (include and excl
udes) save and redefine the include and exclude the way that it should work and
save. If the rule still doesn't work, it may be necessary to create a new rule a
nd assign it to the responsibilities in place of the original rule.
Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled

What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?



--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates


What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?

Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions
How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?
Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type




What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?

Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition


The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?

Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget


Both (a) and (b)



What are the types of Boundry in Budgets available in GL?

Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)


Revaluation is done for ?

Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)


Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?

We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook


What are the types of Interfaces ?

Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface

For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?
A. Translation
B. Depreciation
C. Average balance processing
D. Scheduling
A. they
B. They
C. They
D. They

Which option best describes the function of security rules?

restrict access to a Set of Books
restrict access to account combinations
restrict access to segment values
restrict access to forms

Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables
supplied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
C. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
D. None
If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, w
hat accounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account
C. Offset account
Target account

Which of the

following is Funds available equation

- (Actual+Encumbrance).
+ (Actual+Encumbrance).


FAE=Budgeted - (Actual-Encumbrance)

Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the
most journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Unposted batched are stored in which table?

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?

Which schema provides access to all Oracle Applications tables?

Which data element is not in Oracle General Ledger ?
Journal entries
Accounts Master File
Which line number is used as balancing account in recurring journal?
The last line of the recurring journal
By what entity is the authorization dollar limit for manual journal entr
y set?
Journal source
Journal category
For which of the following conversion type can you override the exchange
rate in a foreign journal?

To which account should revaluation adjustments be posted?

Unrealized gain/loss


Cumulative translation adjustments

What are the tables which get populated when you run Journal Import?
Which is the Profile Option that has to be set to enter statistical jou


Name the Segment Mapping rules used for defining consolidations.

In case both segment rules and account rules are defined which one overr
ides the other?
Write a select statement to get the default set of books id while defini
ng report parameters.

How many calendars can be attached to a set of books


No Limit

What should be the value for the status_code column when journals are po
pulated into the interface table for the first time?

Oracle General Ledger Module
1.What Does a Set Of Book Consists of ?
Currency-Accounting Structure-Accounting Calendar
All the above
2.In how many ways you can create journal entries ?
3.Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled
4.What is Mass allocation Formula ?
5.What are the different status a Budget can be assigned ?

6.What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?
7.What are the two mandatory Flexfield Qualifiers?
8.An FSG Report is made up of ?
Rows and Columns
Row Set and Column Set
Rows Only
Columns Only
9.--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates
10.What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?
Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions
11.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Oracle Financials ?
12.How are Journals Identified ?
By Using Source and Categories
By Using Journal Batch Number
By Journal Number
All the above
13.How many currencies we can use in a single Journal ?
As Many
14.How many Segments are there in GL ?
15.How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?

16.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Gl ?
17.Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type
18.How many types of definition of Reversal Journals are possible?
19.Posted Journals are generally available for Reversal ?
20.What is a FlexField ?
Collection of ValueSets
Collection of Segments
Collection of Values
All the above
21.For how many segments a Qualifier can be attached ?
n number
22.Can Valueset be shared by multiple Flexfields ?
23.In the ValueSet window Min value can't be modified once it is saved.Is it is
True or False ?
24.What are the types of Validation types available in ValueSet window ?
All the above
25.Which of the following is True ?
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to only one Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 30 Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 3 Segment

26.What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?

Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition
27.The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?
28.In which module of Oracle Financial Reconcilation can be done?
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash Management
29.Which is the compulsory account that should be mentioned while creating a Set
ofbook ?
Net Earnings
Retained Earning
Suspense Account
Reserve for Encumbrance
30.What is the only account type that OF accepts for Retained Earnings ?
31.Individually entered Journals creates Batch no automatically.True or False ?
32.What are the types of a currency?
33.Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget
Both (a) and (b)
34.If the Calendar has 366 periods then ?
Budget can use only first period
Budget can use maximum of 60 periods
Both (a) and (b)
35.How to see the corresponding form name of any screen in OF ?
Help->About Oracle Application
Help->About this record
Ctl + F11
Go->Next Record
36.What are the basic needs for a Budgetting ?
Required Budgetory Journal-Range Flex field

All the periods must be open

37.What is Encumbrance ?
Used to reduce the Budgetted amount
>Used to increase the Budgetted amount
Used to Reserve the amounts from Budgetted amount
38.Encumbrance feature is available only in which of the following modules?
39.What are the levels of Funds Check?
40.What are the types of Boundry available in GL?
Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)
41.What are the types Journals in GL?
42.What are the different status of the Budgetting?
43.What are the types of Encumbrance?
44.Which module in Oracle Financial has maximum number of Flexfields?
45.What is the total no of Flexfields are there in Oracle Financial?
46.Error messages in OF is governed by which module ?
Sys Admin

Oracle Alert
47.Table associated with Value Sets is ?
48.Table associated with Calendar ?
49.Revaluation is done for ?
Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)
50.Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?
We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook
51.What is Master/Detail Budget ?
Used to create Master-Detail relationship among Budgets
Used for defining Budget Heirarchies
Used to cumulate the Parent-Detail values
52.What are the types of Interfaces ?
Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface
53. When the journal is posted then in which table the entry is effected?
54. Which interface table is used for Journal Import?
55. What is the significance of Group_id column in gl_interface table?

1. For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?

A. Translation
B. Depreciation
C. Average balance processing
D. Scheduling
Answer: - C

What is the initial status of an accounting period?

Never Opened

Answer: - C
3. Which option best describes the function of security rules?
A. they restrict access to a Set of Books
B. They restrict access to account combinations
C. They restrict access to segment values
D. They restrict access to forms
4. Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables supp
lied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. The interface programs for them have been created for you.
C. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
D. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
Answer: - B, D
5. Which of the following items are valid considerations when you need to import
legacy data into Oracle General Ledger?
A. Adding new GL columns for data not accommodated by GL
B. Network throughput rate
C. Interfacing legacy tables to Oracle GL tables
D. Working around legacy-system shortcomings
Answer: C
to GL s

Which of the following modules post its accounting journals directly in

production tables bypassing the interface table called GL_INTERFACE .
Oracle Asset
Oracle Purchasing
Both A and B
None of the above

7. If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, what a

ccounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account
C. Offset account
Target account
Answer: B
8. Which of the following Open Interfaces are provided by Oracle General Ledger
A. Journal Import and Budget Upload
B. Only Journal Import
C. Only Budget Upload
D. None
Answer: A
9. Which of the following is Funds available equation
FAE=Budgeted +(Actual-Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted - (Actual+Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted + (Actual+Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted - (Actual-Encumbrance)
Answer: B.
10. Which of the following is correct?
Converting table validation type value set to dependent value set.
Converting dependent validation type value set to independent value set
Converting table validation type value set to independent value set.

D. None of the above.

Answer. C.
11. Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
D. It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
Answer: B.
12. What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
D. Transfered.
Answer: C.
13. What is the purpose of the content set?
a. It is used to override the row set a/c assignments.
b. It is used to override the column set a/c assignments.
c. It is used to create quick report.
d. None of the above.
Answer: A.
14. Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the mos
t journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Answer B.
15. How do you omit a segment and its heading from a row set?
A. By not having a Row Order
B. By setting the segment width to 0 in the Row Order
C. By not including the segment in the Row Order
D. By setting the segment to be the last one in the Row Order
Answer B.
16. Which one of the following is not an option for summary account templates?
A. D
B. B
C. T
D. Rollup groups
Answer B.
In translation what are the rates followed by different accounts?
Answer: Period-end rate: Assets/liabilities, Period-average rate: Revenues/Expen
ses, Historical rate: ownership/stock equity.
In which table are the currencies stored?

Describe the steps in creation of Mater-Detail Budgets?

Unposted batched are stored in which table?
What are the phases of a request?
Answer: Inactive, Pending, Running and Completed

What are the mandatory columns for journal import?
Can two more journals have same name, if yes what the condition?
Answer: Yes, if the periods are different the journals can have same name.

Which one of the following is true for Consolidation?

Should have minimum two set of books.
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation.
Consolidation puts datas of translation into Parent set of books.
All of the above.

What is Encumbrance?
Answer: reserve amounts for defined budgets.

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?
Answer: Year types: Calendar/ Fiscal. And both can have 366 periods.
What the difference between Security and Cross-validation Rule?
Answer: Security rule is applied for values in value set and Cross-validation fo
r combination (include/exclude) of accounts/flexfields.
For Value set type
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B


can the WHERE/ORDER BY clause be changed.

While creating Sets of Books, for the compulsory accounts (Suspense, Ret
ained Earnings, Intercompany, Translation, Reserve for Encumbrance. Tick the typ
es of accounts can be assigned?
Ownership/Stock Equity
Answer: C, D, E


How many payment methods can be assigned to a customer?




What are the two types of commitments in Oracle Receivables?

While entering Invoices manually, Ship to Address of the customer is man



Name the two Invoicing Rules in Oracle Receivables

Assuming a payment term IMMEDIATE is attached to a Transaction Type, can w
e raise an Invoice with Payment term 30 Days for the transaction type?



In which of the following field, Standard Memo Lines appear as List of v


Invoice Lines Description

Transaction Type
Miscellaneous Receipt Description
Invoice Item Code


Auto Cash Rule Sets are defined to


Automatically apply receipts to invoices

Automatically apply commitments to invoices
Automatically apply credit memos to invoices
All of the above


If a value in a Profile class is changed, the system will

Automatically change the value for all existing customers with the profi
le class
Assign the new value only to new customers
Prompt the user whether to update for all customers or only for new cust
None of the above
Which is of the following is a mandatory descriptive Flexfield to be def
ined before importing simple invoices through Auto Invoice?

Line Transaction Flexfield

Link-to Transaction Flexfield
Reference Transaction Flexfield
None of the above


Name the interface tables used for Auto Invoice Lines and Distributions


What are the valid values for the column LINE_TYPE in the interface tabl

Can the user import invoices with user defined code combinations without
using auto accounting?



Which of the following information is not required when the user is impo
rting Credit memos?

Transaction Type
Payment terms

Miscellaneous Receipts can be imported into Oracle Receivables using Aut
o Lockbox



Name the interface table used for Auto Lockbox.


The three steps in Auto Lockbox in sequence are


Validation, Import, Post QuickCash

Import, Validation, Post QuickCash
Post QuickCash, Import, Validation
Any of the above


Lockbox is defined for a


Bank Branch
Bank Account
None of the above


Lockbox transmission formats are normal copied into



Assuming a transaction number is not assigned to a receipt in the transm
ission file and Auto Cash rules are not used, the system will

Assign a status of Unidentified

Assign a status of Unapplied
Ignore the receipt
Apply to the oldest invoice


Dunning Letters are


Statement of Account Covering Letter

Invoice Covering Letter
Reminder Letters
Receipt Covering Letters

Explain about the Lock Box functionality?

What is the interface table into which Lockbox data has to be populated?

What is the API available for Receipts?

What tables get affected when Receipts are imported into Oracle Receivables?
What tables get affected when transactions are entered in Oracle Receivables?
What are the problems we normally face during the Auto Invoice Interface program
What is the month process for Oracle Receivables?
When can I Incomplete a Completed invoice? If there are any restrictions what ar
e they?
What is the difference between Revenue Recognition and Transfer to General Ledge
How many programs will be fired when Transfer to General Ledger is fired and wha
t are they and what do they do?
What does revenue recognition program? What does it do in the case of Transactio
ns having Invoice Rules attached?
What are the accounting entries get generated in the case of Bill in Advance and
Bill in Arrears? Are all the entries created in the same period?
How can I know a particular customer balance from backend?
What is the functionality of Lockbox?
What is the interface table used for Autolockbox?
What is the use of Auto Invoice program in Oracle Receivables?
What are the tables involved in Auto Invoice Program?
QUESTION: What is the selection criteria for party purge?
ANSWER: Both organization and person party_type parties can be submitted for a p
urge, however, only the parties that have
no attached transactions or relationships can qualify for purge.
QUESTION: Is it possible to change the PARTY.PARTY_TYPE of a party using a form
within the financial applications?
ANSWER: There are no application forms which allow the change of party_type. Cus
tomer Interface is not to be used to change party_type. A bug exists prior to 11
.5.10 which allows one to complete the person type fields and convert the party
of the account being updated by customer interface but this creates other proble
ms for the account and party. With 11.5.10 this change is prevented.
The only way to change the party_type of party is to merge the existing party in
to a newly created party with the desired party_type. Also an account may be mer
ged into an account attached to a party with the desired party_type.
QUESTION: When using Party Merge and the Site Merge flag box is checked the To
Party becomes the same as the From Party. Why is this?
ANSWER: As documented under the topic: Merging Parties or Party Sites (Oracle Tr
ading Community Architecture User Guide) "You can merge parties or party sites
that belong to a party. You CANNOT merge party sites between parties, however, u
ntil you merge the parties that they belong to."
Therefore to merge Party Sites (Addresses) when the sites are in different parti
es, you must first merge the two Parties without checking the Site Merge flag

Once the Sites (Addresses) belong to a single Party, check the Site Merge flag
box and merge the sites.
QUESTION: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options is unchecked
and the 'Site Number' field is still grayed out and not available for manual nu
mbering. Why is this?
ANSWER: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options determines whe
ther the 'Location' field under Business Purpose of Customers Addresses form sho
uld be auto-generated or Not.
The profile option 'HZ: Generate Party Site Number' determines whether party sit
e number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
In order to have manual site numbering, please set the profile option 'HZ: Gener
ate Party Site Number' to NO at Site Level.
QUESTION: When a new customer site is created for the first time in the Custom
er Addresses form (ARXCUDCI), the site number field is grayed out. If using dow
n-arrow to enter a new address, the field is NOT grayed out, but gives the follo
wing error if users try to put anything in:
FRM-40212: Invalid Value for Field SITE_NUMBER
Why is this?
ANSWER: The profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" determines whether p
arty site number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
Since the profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" is set to Yes, party s
ite number will be auto-generated and therefore the invalid site number error is
received if user tries to enter any value.
At the first time you are creating a customer account and the address with the p
rofile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" set to Yes, the 'Site Number' fie
ld is grayed out because the list of values (LOV) of party_sites is empty.
But if you are creating a new customer account site for a customer account who a
lready has a customer account site then the 'Site Number ' field is enabled and
you can access the existing party sites via the LOV.
This feature is helpful when a user wants to default addresses across operating
Party sites in HZ_PARTY_SITES table is not striped by org.
Customer account sites in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL is striped by org.
So users can default data from HZ_PARTY_SITES into HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL across
operating units.


Deposits and Guarantees
Bill in Advance and Bill in Arrears


What does Create mass additions do? What tables get effected?
What is Prorate Convention in Oracle Assets?
What does depreciation program do in Oracle Assets?
How do we create accounting entries in Oracle Assets?
When the period in FA does gets closed
What is mass addition

Accounting Entries in all modules

vables ,Assets and Projects.

Inventory , Purchasing , Payables , OE , Recei

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Example: The recoverable cost is $4,000 and the method is

straight line 4 years.
Current and Prior Period Addition
You purchase and place the asset into service in Year 1, Quarter 1.
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
(Fixed Assets)
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1, but you do not enter
it into Oracle Assets until Year 2, Quarter 2. Your payables system
creates the same journal entries to asset clearing and accounts payable
liability as for a current period addition.
(Oracle Assets


Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
Depreciation Expense(adjustment)
Asset Clearing
Accumulated Depreciation


Merge Mass Additions

When you merge two mass additions, Oracle Assets adds the asset cost of the mass
addition that you are merging to the asset account of the mass addition you are
merging into. Oracle Assets records the merge when you perform the transaction.
Oracle Assets does not change the asset clearing account journal entries it cre
ates for each line, so each of the appropriate clearing accounts clears separate
Payables System
Dr. Asset Cost
(mass addition #2


asset cost account)

Cr. Asset Clearing
(mass addition #1 accounts
payables clearing account)


Cr. Asset Clearing

(mass addition #2 accounts
payables clearing account)


Construction In Process (CIP) Addition

You add a CIP asset. (CIP assets do not depreciate)
Oracle Assets
Dr. CIP Cost
Cr. CIP Clearing


Deleted Mass Additions

Oracle Assets creates no journal entries for deleted mass additions and does not
clear the asset clearing accounts credited by accounts payable.
You clear the accounts by either reversing the invoice in your payables system,
or creating manual journal entries in your general ledger.
A capitalization transaction is similar to an addition transaction: you place th
e asset in service so you can begin depreciating it. When you capitalize an asse
t in the period you added it, Oracle Assets creates the following journal entrie
Payables System
Dr. CIP Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
Oracle Assets




Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
CIP Clearing
Accumulated Depreciation

Oracle Assets




Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
CIP Cost
Accumulated Depreciation


Asset Type Adjustments

If you change the asset type from capitalized to CIP, Oracle Assets creates jour
nal entries to debit the CIP cost account and credit the asset clearing account.
Oracle Assets does not create capitalization or reverse capitalization journal
entries for CIP reverse transactions.
Oracle Assets


Dr. CIP Cost

Cr. Asset Clearing


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Life Based Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. The life of your asset is 4 years, and you are using straight line de
preciation. In Year 1, Quarter 4, you receive an additional invoice for the asse
t and change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing


Oracle Assets EXPENSED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation




Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 1, Qu
arter 4, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense


Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of year
net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Depreciating Under a Units of Production Method :

Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 3, you realize that you entered the wrong asset cost. You adjust th
e recoverable cost to $15,000.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Capitalized and CIP Source Lines

When you transfer source lines you adjust the recoverable cost of an asset. Beca
use CIP assets do not depreciate, Oracle Assets does not need to reverse depreci
ation expense when you transfer invoice lines between CIP assets. If you transfe
r source lines from CIP to capitalized
assets, Oracle Assets takes catchup depreciation as for any cost adjustment tran
saction. If you transfer source lines from capitalized to CIP assets, Oracle Ass
ets must back out some of the depreciation from the capitalized asset.
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Prior Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between capitalized assets added in a prior period.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Cost
(from asset #1 category)



Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #1 category)
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #2 category)
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Current Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between assets added in the current period:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Clearing (from accounts
payable for asset #1)


Cost Adjustment by Adding a Mass Addition to an Existing Asset

If you add a mass addition to an asset, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry to
the asset cost account of the existing asset. Oracle Assets also credits the cl
earing account you assigned to the invoice distribution line in accounts payable
to net it to zero.
If you want the existing asset to assume the asset category and description of t
he mass addition, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry for the new total asset
cost to the asset cost account of the mass addition s category. It also creates jo
urnal entries for the clearing account you assigned to the invoice line in accou
nts payable, and for the clearing or cost account of the original addition categ
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for a capitalized $2,000 mas
s addition added to a new, manually added $500 asset, where the asset uses the c
ategory of the mass addition:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset category of mass
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from original asset category)
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from accounts payable)


Depreciation Method Adjustments

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using the 200 declining balance de
preciation method. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the depreciation method to s
traight line.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Life Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 2, you change the asset life to 5 years.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Rate Adjustments


Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 2,
Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets AMORTIZED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation



Rate Adjustments Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of y
ear net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Capacity Adjustments
Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 4 you discover that you entered the wrong capacity. You increase th
e production capacity to 50,000 barrels.
Oracle Assets EXPENSED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Journal Entries for Transfers and Reclassifications

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
??Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Prior Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments
??Prior Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments:
??Unit Adjustment:
Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers
In Year 2, Quarter 2, you transfer the asset from cost center 100 to cost center
200 in the current period.
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost


Cost Center 200

Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Cost Center 200
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments

In Year 3, Quarter 4, you transfer the asset from the ABC Manufacturing Company
to the XYZ Distribution Company.
Oracle Assets


Accumulated Depreciation
Intercompany Receivables
Asset Cost
Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
Accumulated Depreciation


Cr. Intercompany Payables

Oracle Assets
ABC Manufacturing
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Dr. Intercompany Receivables
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense
XYZ Distribution
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Intercompany Payables



Unit Adjustment
A unit adjustment is similar to a transfer, since you must
ormation when you change the number of units for an asset.
e the same $4,000 asset in service with two units assigned
n Year 2, Quarter 3, you realize the
asset actually has four units, two of which belong to cost

update assignment inf

For example, you plac
to cost center 100. I
center 200.

Oracle Assets ADJUST UNITS

Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cost Center 200
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Note: If all units remain in the original cost center, Oracle Assets does not cr
eate any journal entries.
Example: You reclassify an asset from office equipment to computers in Year 1, Q
uarter 3. The asset cost is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using strai
ght line depreciation.
When you reclassify an asset in a period after the period you entered it, Oracle
Assets creates journal entries to transfer the cost and accumulated depreciatio
n to the asset and accumulated depreciation accounts of the new asset category.
This occurs when you create journal entries for your general ledger.. Oracle Ass
ets also changes the depreciation expense account to the default depreciation ex
pense Account for the new category, but does not adjust for prior period expense
Oracle Assets
Office Equipment
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Journal Entries for Retirements and Reinstatements

When you retire an asset and create journal entries for that period,Oracle Asset
s creates journal entries for your general ledger for each component of the gain
/loss amount. Oracle Assets creates journal entries for either the gain or the l
oss accounts for the following components: proceeds of sale, cost of removal, ne

t book value retired, and revaluation reserve retired. Oracle Assets also create
s journal entries to clear the proceeds of sale and cost of removal.
Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the retirement accounts you set up in
the Book Controls form. If you enter distinct gain and loss accounts for each co
mponent of the gain/loss amount, Oracle Assets creates multiple journal entries
for these accounts. You can enter different sets of retirement accounts for reti
rements that result in a gain and retirements that result in a loss.
Depreciation for Retirements
The retirement convention, date retired, and depreciation method control how muc
h depreciation Oracle Assets takes when you retire an asset. Oracle Assets rever
ses the year to date depreciation if the asset s depreciation method does not depreci
ate it in the year of retirement. In
this case, when you perform a full retirement, Oracle Assets reverses the year to da
te depreciation of the asset, and computes the gain or loss using the resulting
net book value. For partial retirements, Oracle Assets reverses the appropriate
fraction of the year to date
depreciation and computes the gain or loss using the appropriate fraction of the
resulting net book value. If the depreciation method takes depreciation in the
year of retirement,
Oracle Assets uses your retirement convention to determine whether the asset is
eligible for additional depreciation in that year or whether some of that year s d
epreciation must be reversed.
When you perform a partial retirement, Oracle Assets depreciates the portion of
the asset you did not retire based on the method you use. If your depreciation m
ethod multiplies a flat rate by the cost, Oracle Assets depreciates the asset s cost
remaining after a partial retirement. For assets that use a diminishing value m
ethod, Oracle Assets depreciates the remaining fraction of the asset s net book va
lue as of the beginning of the fiscal year.
Depreciation for Reinstatements
The retirement convention, date retired, and period in which you reinstate an as
set control how much depreciation Oracle Assets calculates when you reinstate an
asset. When you reinstate a retired asset, Oracle Assets usually calculates som
e additional depreciation expense in the period in which you perform the reinsta
tement, unless you perform it in the same period that you retired the asset. Thi
s additional depreciation is the depreciation that would have been taken if you
had not retired the asset. Sometimes, however, a reinstatement results in a reve
rsal of
depreciation. This occurs if the retirement convention caused some additional de
preciation when you retired the asset, and then you reinstate the asset before t
he retirement prorate date. Then Oracle Assets reverses the extra depreciation t
hat it took at retirement, and waits until the appropriate accounting periods to
take it.
Current Period Retirements
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you sell the asset for $2,000. The cost to remove the asset is $50
0. The asset uses a retirement convention and
depreciation method which take depreciation in the period of retirement. You ret
ire revaluation reserve in this book.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing


Payables System
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable
Oracle Assets



Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cost of Removal Gain
Revaluation Reserve
Net Book Value Retired Gain
Asset Cost
Proceeds of Sale Gain
Cost of Removal Clearing
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain


If you enter the same account for each gain and loss account, Oracle
Assets creates a single journal entry for the net gain or loss.
Book Controls form:
Proceeds of Sale
Cost of Removal
Net Book Value Retired
Revaluation Reserve Retired
Oracle Assets




Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve
Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing


Prior Period Retirement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you discover that the asset was sold in Year 3, Quarter 1, for $2,
000. The removal cost was $500. The asset
uses a retirement convention and depreciation method which allow you to take dep
reciation in the period of retirement.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing


Payables System
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable


Oracle Assets
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Dr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing



Cost of Removal Loss

Net Book Value Retired Loss
Proceeds of Sale Loss
Cost of Removal Clearing
Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense


Current Period Reinstatement

Example: You discover that you retired the wrong asset. Oracle Assets creates jo
urnal entries for the reinstatement to debit asset cost, credit accumulated depr
eciation, and reverse the gain or loss you recognized for the retirement. Oracle
Assets reverses the journal entries for
proceeds of sale, cost of removal, net book value retired, and revaluation reser
ve retired. Oracle Assets also reverses the journal entries you made to clear th
e proceeds of sale and cost of removal. Oracle Assets also creates journal entri
es to recover the depreciation not charged to the asset and for the current peri
od depreciation
Oracle Assets

Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing
Gain / Loss
Depreciation Expense
Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve


Prior Period Reinstatement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 1, you retire the asset. In Year 2, Quarter 4, you realize that you r
etired the wrong asset so you reinstate it.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Dr. Proceeds of Sale Loss
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Net Book Value Retired Loss
Cr. Cost of Removal Loss
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Assets Fully Reserved Upon Addition

If you add an asset with an accumulated depreciation equal to the recoverable co
st, it is fully reserved upon addition. When you retire it, Oracle Assets does n
ot back out any depreciation, even if you assigned the asset a depreciation meth
od that backs out all depreciation in the
year of retirement. However, it creates all the other journal entries associated
with retiring a capitalized asset.
Non Depreciated Capitalized/Construction In Process (CIP) Assets
A non depreciated capitalized asset or a CIP asset has no accumulated depreciation
. Therefore, Oracle Assets does not create journal entries to catch up depreciat
ion to the retirement prorate date, and does not remove the accumulated deprecia

tion. However, Oracle Assets creates

all other journal entries associated with retiring a capitalized asset.
Reinstatement Transactions
PENDING Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in the current accounting period that the ca
lculate gains and losses program has not yet processed, the retirement transacti
on is deleted, and the asset is immediately reinstated. No journal entries are c
PROCESSED Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in a previous accounting period or already p
rocessed in the current period, the existing retirement transaction gets a new S
tatus REINSTATE, and the asset is reinstated when you process retirements. Oracl
e Assets creates journal entries to catch up any missed depreciation expense.
Journal Entries for Revaluations
The following examples illustrate the effect on your assets and your accounts wh
en you specify different revaluation rules.
Revalue Accumulated Depreciation
Example 1: You place an asset in service in Year
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using
in Year 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again

1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is

straight line depreciation.
a revaluation rate of 5%. Then
using a revaluation rate of 10%.

Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = No
Oracle Assets bases the new depreciation expense on the revalued remaining net b
ook value.
In Year 5, Quarter 4, at the end of the asset s life, you retire the asset with no
proceeds of sale or cost of removal.
Year 2, Quarter 1, 5% revaluation
*Accumulated Depreciation =
Existing Accumulated Depreciation +
[Existing Accumulated Depreciation x (Revaluation Rate / 100)]
2,000 + [2,000 X (5/100)] = 2,100
**Revaluation Reserve =
Existing Revaluation Reserve + Change in Net Book Value
0 + (8,400 8,000) = 400
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation

Cr. Asset Cost


Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:

Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00

Cr. Asset Cost


Accumulated Depreciation Not Revalued

Example 2: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Y
ear 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a revaluation rate of 5%. Then in Y
ear 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a revaluation rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to
the revaluation reserve in addition to the change in cost. Since you are also n
ot amortizing the revaluation reserve, this amount remains in the revaluation re
serve account until you retire the asset, when Oracle Assets transfers it to the
appropriate revaluation reserve retired account. Oracle Assets bases the new de
preciation expense on the revalued net book value. For the second revaluation, t
he asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you do not revalue the accumulate
d depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to the revaluation reserve
along with the change in cost.
You retire the asset in Year 5, Quarter 4, with no proceeds of sale or cost of r
5% revaluation in Year 2, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Cr. Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain
Cr. Asset Cost


Amortizing Revaluation Reserve

Example 3: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a rate of 5%. Then in Year 4, Q
uarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire amo
unt to the revaluation reserve. Since you are amortizing the revaluation reserve
, Oracle Assets calculates the revaluation amortization amount for each period u
sing the asset s depreciation method. Oracle Assets also bases the new depreciatio
n expense on the revalued net book value.
For the second revaluation, the asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you
do not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire
amount to the revaluation reserve.
The effects of the revaluations are illustrated in the following table:
Year 2, quarter 1, 5% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the
revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Cr. Revaluation Amortization


Year 4, quarter 1, 10% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the
revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 681.25

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Revaluation of a Fully Reserved Asset


Example 4: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 2 and the maximum fully reserved revaluations allo
wed for this book is 3.
In year 5, quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In Year 9, Quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
First, Oracle Assets checks whether this fully reserved asset has been previousl
y revalued as fully reserved, and that the maximum number of times is not exceed
ed by this revaluation. Since this asset has not been previously revalued as ful
ly reserved, this revaluation is allowed.
The asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. The life extension factor for this asset
is 2, so the asset s new life is 2 _ 5 years = 10 years. Oracle Assets calculates
depreciation expense over its new life of 10 years.
Oracle Assets calculates the depreciation adjustment of $2,000 using the new 10
year asset life. It transfers the change in net book value to the revaluation re
serve account.
Oracle Assets revalues the accumulated depreciation using the 5% revaluation rat
e. The change in net book value is transferred to the revaluation reserve accoun
t. Since you do not amortize the revaluation reserve, the amount remains in the
revaluation reserve account.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Revaluation with Life Extension Ceiling


Example 5: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 3.0 and its life extension ceiling is 2.
In Year 5, Quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In year 9, quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
To determine the depreciation adjustment, Oracle Assets uses the smaller of the
life extension factor and the life extension ceiling. Since the life extension c
eiling is smaller than the life extension factor, Oracle Assets uses the ceiling
to calculate the depreciation adjustment. The
new life used to calculate the depreciation adjustment is 2 _ 5 years = 10 year
s, the life extension ceiling of 2 multiplied by the original 5 year life of the
Oracle Assets calculates the asset s depreciation expense under the new life of 10
years up to the revaluation period, and moves the difference between this value
and the existing accumulated depreciation from accumulated depreciation to reva
luation reserve.
Oracle Assets then determines the new asset cost using the revaluation rate of 5

% and revalues the accumulated depreciation with the same rate. Oracle Assets ca
lculates the asset s new life by multiplying the current life by the life extensio
n factor. The asset s new life is 3 _ 5 years = 15 years. Oracle Assets bases the
new depreciation expense on the revalued net book value and the new 15 year life
Depreciation Adjustment (calculated using life extension ceiling)=
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Revaluation with a Revaluation Ceiling

Example 6: You own an asset which has been damaged during its life.
You placed the asset in service in Year 1, quarter 1. The asset cost is $10,000,
the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. You entered a
revaluation ceiling of $10,300 for the asset. In year 3, quarter 3 you revalue t
he asset s category with a revaluation
rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
If Oracle Assets applied the new revaluation rate of 5%, the asset s new cost woul
d be higher than the revaluation ceiling for this asset, so instead Oracle Asset
s uses the ceiling as the new cost. The ceiling creates the same effect as reval
uing the asset at a rate of 3%. Oracle
Assets bases the asset s new depreciation expense on the revalued asset cost.
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to

amortize the revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 530.00

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Journal Entries for Tax Accumulated Depreciation Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
4, Quarter 1, your tax authority requests that you change the depreciation taken
in Year 2 from $1000 to $800.
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for the reserve adjustment:
Oracle Assets
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Adjustment
Work in Process Accounting Transactions


The following are the basic accounting transactions carried out in WIP
Relieve Inventory and charge WIP at standard Cost.
Move Assemblies on the shop floor and charge Resources
Earn Resources and Overheads into Jobs and Schedules
Relieve WIP and Charge Inventory at Standard Cost.
Given below is an example of what transaction and which stage they are generate
d in Oracle Application.
The following table details the costs that are used for the accounting flows.
Item Cost
At start of Production
Material Overhead
This Level
Previous Level 150
Total 150
Level Costs
Material Overhead
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Total 150
This Level
Cost Element
Incurred cost per unit
Standard Cost /unit
Resource RS1
125 (250% of Rs 50)
Resource Rs2
OSP OS1 30
OSP OS2 40
Material O/H
* Overhead for operation 10 is applied at 250% of the resource value earned at t
he operation
# Material overhead is earned when an assembly is completed from a discrete job
or repetitive schedule into inventory. Material Overhead is never earned in the
job or schedule.
Material Transactions , Issue all material Transaction : Push all compon
ents at standard cost into the job 10 units at 250 =2500
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Subinventory Accounts


Material Transactions, Return specific component : Return 2 defective un
its of component 2 to inventory 2 units at 33 = 66
Dr. Subinventory Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts


Material Transactions , Issue Specific Component : Replace defective com
ponents with substitute items
2 units at 40 = 80
Dr. WIP Accounts

Cr. Subinventory Accounts


Resource charged at Actual Cost and no variance accounted

Shop Transaction, Resource w/o rate variance : Charge resource RS1 at ac
tual for operation 10.
11 units at 50 = 550
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse resource charge : Reverse Overcharge
1 unit at 50 = 50
Dr. Resource Absorption Account 50
Cr. WIP Accounts
Resource Charged at Standard Cost and variance accounted
Shop Floor Transaction, Resource with rate variance : Charge resource RS
2 at standard for operation 20 5 units at 25 = 125
Dr. WIP Accounts 125
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
of 30 for 5 units = 150 )
Dr. Rate Variance

150 ( Incurred cost

Shop Floor Transaction, OSP resource w/o rate variance : Charge OSP OS1
at actual for operation 30 Receive 11 units at 25 = 275
On pushing the quantity to outside processing operation
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account


On receiving the material after being processed

Dr. Receiving Inspection Account
Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account


Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse OSP overcharge : Reverse Overcharge 1 u
nit at 25 = 25
Dr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account

Receiving Inspection Account

Cr. WIP Accounts



Shop Floor Transactions, OSP resource with rate variance : Charge OSP OS
P2 at standard for operation 20. Receive 10 units at 12 = 120

WIP Accounts
Receiving Inspection Account
Receiving Inspection Account
Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Purchase Price Variance



Shop Floor Transactions, Resource based O/H : Charge 250% on the resourc
e charged in step 4
550 * 250 % = 1375
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Shop Floor Transaction , Reverse resource based O/H : Reverse overhead f
or resource reversed in step 5 50 * 250 % = 125
Dr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts


Shop Floor Transactions, Item based O/H : Move through operation 20 and
charge item based overhead 10 units at 20 = 200
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts


Summary of Transactions
The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance
Cost Element
This Level
Previous Level This Level
Previous Level
This Level
Previous Level
Material OH
Total 2445
Costs are relieved from Work in Process when assemblies are completed to invento
ry or scrapped at an operation. Costs are always relieved from Jobs and Schedule
s at Standard.
Shop Floor Transaction : Scrap 2 assemblies at operation 40. 2 units at
495.90 = 934

Scrap Account
Cr. WIP Accounts

Shop Floor Transaction : Return repaired unit from scrap.
5.90 = 495.90

1 unit at 49

WIP Accounts
Cr. Scrap Account

WIP Completion Transaction : Complete 9 assemblies from WIP to inventory
. 9 units at 495.90 = 4959+ 9 units at 20 for Material Overhead.

Subinventory Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Material O/H Abs Account


The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance

Cost Element
This Level
Material OH
Total 2445

This Level
Previous Level

Previous Level This Level

(525) (450)
(1200) (400)
(2500) 400


Previous Level


Variances are recognised when you close your jobs and schedules.
Close Job or Schedule : Recognise this and previous level variances.
Dr. Variance Accounts 414
Cr. WIP Accounts


Cost Update in WIP

The Cost update revalues your discrete and asset non-standard jobs.
Carrying from the previous example
Update Previous level Costs
Material cost increases by 50.
Material overhead rate remains at 10% but the cost increases by 5 due to
increase in material cost.
Resource cost decreases by 15.
Overhead rate increases from 100% to 150% of resource cost./
Overhead cost remains at 45 due to decrease in resource costs
Quantity in job = 10
Bill of Material Cost
Old Cost
New Cost
Increase/ Decrease

Material OH










Update this Level Costs


Resource RS1 amount decreases by 5

Outside processing OSP1 amount per item increases by 20.
Overhead rate increases from 200% of RS1 value to 400% of RS1 value.
10 hours of RS1 charged to the job.
10 units received for OSP1

Bill of Material Cost

Old Cost
New Cost
Increase/ Decrease



Adjusting Accounting Entries


Material OH



Cr. Resource
Cr. Standard Cost Variance Account


Adjustment Recorded in the Job

Bill of Material Cost
Material OH
This Level
Previous Level 500
Increase/ Decrease
Purchase Orders and Releases







Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator



Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator

PO Accrual Account Generator and

PO Requisition Accrual Account Generator
??Accrual Account for Expense Item
??Accrual Account from Organization
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Budget Account Generator and
PO Requisition Budget Account Generator
??Build Inventory Charge Account
??Get Budget Account from Item/Sub
??Get Charge Account
??Get Item Level Budget Account
??Get Org Level Budget Account
??Item Pre Defined?
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
PO Charge Account Generator and
PO Requisition Charge Account Generator
??Build Inventory Charge Account
??Expense Account
??Job WIP Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Schedule Account

??Type of WIP
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Variance Account Generator and
PO Requisition Variance Account Generator
??Get Charge Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Variance Account from Organization
??Work Item Destination Type
Inventory - Standard Costing
Define Organization Parameters
?Costing Method is set to Standard
?Transfer Detail to GL is appropriately set
?Default Material Sub Element account (Required)
Define cost types are defined.
Define activities and activity costs are defined.
Define material overhead defaults are defined
Define item, item costs, and establish item cost controls.
Launch transaction managers are launched
Inventory Standard Cost Transactions
The following transctions can be performed in distribution
?Purchase Order Receipt To Receiving Inspection:
?Delivery From Receiving Inspection To Inventory:
?Purchase Order Receipt To Inventory:
?Return To Supplier From Receiving:
?Return To Supplier From Inventory:
?Sales Order Shipments:
?RMA Receipts:
?RMA Return:
?Miscellaneous Transactions:
?Inter Organization Transfers:
?Subinventory Transfers:
?Internal Requisitions:
?Cycle Count and Physical Inventory:
Purchasing related transactions with inventory destinations are also discussed,
but not those with expense destinations such as office supplies and non inventory
Purchase Order Receipt to Receiving Inspection
You can use the Receipts window in Oracle Purchasing to receive material from a
supplier into a receiving location. You can also use this window to receive mate
rial directly to inventory. Please note that this section addresses Inventory de
stinations only.
When you receive material or outside processing items from a supplier into recei
ving inspection, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A
/P Accrual account is credited based on the quantity received and the purchase o
rder price.



Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


Delivery From Receiving Inspection to Inventory

You can use the Receiving Transactions window to move material from receiving in
spection to inventory. The system uses the quantity and the purchase order price
of the delivered item to update the receiving inspection account and quantity.
The system uses the standard cost of the delivered item to update the subinvento
ry balances.


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price




Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead associated with it, the subinventory account
is debited for the amount of the material overhead and the material overhead abs
orption account(s) are credited.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
Purchase price variances (PPV) occur when there are differences between the stan
dard cost and the purchase order cost of an item.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
When you receive inventory expense items into expense subinventory locations, th
e following accounting entry is generated:
Subinventory Expense account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


When you receive an expense (non asset) inventory item, or into an expense subinve
ntory, the subinventory expense account instead of the valuation account is debi
ted. Because the expense account is debited at the purchase order price, there i
s no purchase price variance.
Purchase Order Receipt to Inventory
When you receive material from a supplier directly to inventory, the receipt and
delivery transactions are performed in one step.
First, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A/P Accrual
account credited based on quantity received and the purchase order price.


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price



Next, the Subinventory and Receiving Inspection accounts are, respectively, debi
ted and credited based on the transaction quantity and standard cost of the rece
ived item.



Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Debit/Credit Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead(s), the subinventory entry is debited for the
material overhead and the material overhead absorption account(s) is credited.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: If the subinventory account is combined with the above entry, the mat
erial overhead absorption account adds one additional entry.
Return To Supplier From Inventory
When you do not use receiving inspection, the return to supplier transaction upd
ates the same accounts as the direct receipt to inventory, with reverse transact
ion amounts. The Inventory A/P
Accrual account is debited and the Receiving Inspection account is credited base
d on quantity received and the purchase order price.
Foreign Currencies
As with the purchase order receipt to inventory transaction, the system converts
the purchase order price to the functional currency and uses this converted val
ue for the return to supplier accounting entries.
Sales Order Shipments
Ship material on a sales order using Order Entry/Shipping. The accounting entrie
s generated by a sales order shipment are:
Cost of Goods Sold account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Based on the rules you define in Order Entry/Shipping, the Account Generator dyn
amically creates the cost of goods sold account.
Attention: You do not create any accounting information when you ship from an ex
pense subinventory or ship an expense inventory item.
RMA Receipts
You can receive items back from a customer using the RMA (return material author
ization) Receipts window.
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Cost of Goods Sold Account



This uses the same account as the original cost of goods sold transaction.
Attention: You do not create any accounting entries when you receive mat
erial for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.
RMA Returns

You can return items received into inventory through an RMA back to the customer
using RMA Returns window.
For example, you can send back
an item that was returned by the customer to
for repair.
This transaction reverses an RMA receipt. It also mimics a sales order shipment
and updates the same accounts as a sales order shipment.
Cost of Goods Sold Account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Attention: Do not create any accounting entries when you return material
for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.

Miscellaneous Transactions
Using the Miscellaneous Transaction window, you can issue material from a subinv
entory to a general ledger account (or account alias) or receive material to a s
ubinventory from an account or alias. An account alias identifies another name f
or a general ledger account.
Suggestion: Use account aliases for account numbers you use frequently. For exam
ple, use the alias SCRAP for your general ledger scrap account.
Issuing material from a subinventory to a general ledger account or alias genera
tes the following accounting entries:
Debit Credit
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost XX
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Receiving material to a subinventory from an account or an alias generates the f
ollowing accounting entries:
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost



Expense Subinventories and Expense Items When you receive into an expense locati
on or receive an expense item, you have expensed the material. If you use the mi
transaction to issue from an expense location,
You can issue to an account or to an asset subinventory of the
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to
If issued to an account the system assumes the material is consumed at the expe
location and moves the quantity without any associated value. If transferred to
an asset subinventory, the material moves at its current cost.
When you perform a miscellaneous transaction to receive an expense item to eithe
r an asset or expense subinventory, no accounting occurs. Since the account bala
nce could involve different costs over time, The system assumes that the cost of
the expense item is unknown.
Inter Organization Transfers
You can transfer material from one inventory organization to another either dire
ctly or through intransit inventory. Intransit inventory represents material tha
t has not yet arrived at the receiving
Using Intransit Inventory You can move material from the shipping organization t
o intransit

inventory using the Transfer Subinventories window. You can use the Receipts win
dow to move material from intransit invenotry to the receiving organization.
Issue Transaction
Depending upon the Freight On Board (FOB) point defined in the inventory organiz
ation relationship, the shipment to intransit inventory creates the following ac
counting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization
Intransit inventory account Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending


FOB Point is set to Shipment:

Account Organization Debit Credit
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending


Intransit Inventory account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Receipt Transaction
Depending upon the FOB point defined in the organization relationship, the recei
pt from intransit inventory creates the following accounting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Intransit Inventory account Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving

FOB Point is set to Shipment:
Account Organization
Subinventory accounts Receiving
Intransit Inventory account Receiving




In addition to accounting for the movement of the material, these transactions a

lso update the inter organization receivable and payable accounts. These inter organ
ization clearing accounts represent inter organization receivables and payables fo
r the respective shipping and receiving organizations.
Direct Inter Organization Transfer
When your organization relationship is set to directly transfer material, Invent
ory performs both the issue and the receipt transaction at the time of the issue
. Any difference between the cost of items in the two organizations is recogniz
ed as variance in the receiving organization.

The accounting entries created are as follows:

Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending



Subinventory accounts Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Use the Transfer Subinventories window for direct transfers. Material Overhead a
nd Inter Organization Transfers If your item has material overhead(s), you earn ma
terial overhead on
inter organization transfers. The subinventory entry is increased for the material
overhead with a credit to the material overhead absorption account(s) in the re
ceiving organization.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: The subinventory account is combined with the above entry. Th
e material overhead absorption transaction adds one additional account to the en
The FOB Point changes the accounting for freight. With FOB receiving, freight is
accrued on the receipt transaction by the sending organization. With FOB shipme
nt, freight is accrued on the shipment transaction by the receiving organization
. For direct transfers, the receipt and shipment transaction occur at the same t
When the FOB Point is set to Receiving, the transfer creates the following freig
ht and transfer charge entries at time of receipt:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Freight Expense account Sending

Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending

Org. Material account Receiving



Inter Organization Payable Receiving


For the receiving organization, the inter organization payable account is increase
d for freight and transfer charges. These charges are included in the comparison
to the standard cost.
When the FOB Point is set to Shipment, the transfer creates the following freigh
t and transfer charge entries at shipment:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending
Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending



Intransit Inventory account Receiving


Freight Expense account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Intransit inventory includes both freight and transfer charges. The inter organiza
tion payable is only increased for transfer charges.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items:
When you receive an inter organization transfer into an expense subinventory or re
ceive an expense inventory item, you have expensed the material and cannot direc
tly issue it. The system assumes the material cost is consumed at the expense lo
Using the direct or intransit method, you can receive material to an expense sub
inventory or receive an expense inventory item. When you receive to expense loca
tions or receive expense inventory items, the subinventory expense account is de
bited for the receiving organization,
instead of the valuation accounts. The subinventory expense account is charged t
he total transaction value from the other organization.
Inter Organization Transfers and Sets of Books
The Inter Organization Direct Transfer transaction also supports transfers from an
y set of books, even if the currency is different. However, you cannot use the I
nter Organization Intransit with
multiple sets of books. These transactions use receiving functions from Purchasi
ng, which only supports one set of books. To perform an inter organization intrans
it transfer from one set of books to another, you need to perform a combination
of two transactions: a direct
transfer and an intransit transfer.
Subinventory Transfers
This transaction increases the accounts of the To Subinventory and decreases the
From Subinventory, but has no net effect on overall inventory value.If you spec
ify the same subinventory as the From and To Subinventory, you can move material
between locators within a subinventory.
Account Subinventory
Subinventory accounts To
Subinventory accounts From


Expense Subinventories and Expense Items

You can issue from an asset to an expense subinventory, and you can issue from a
n expense subinventory if the Oracle Inventory
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option is set to Yes.
The system assumes the material is consumed at the expense location.
Internal Requisitions :
You can use the internal requisitions to replenish inventory. You can source mat
erial from a supplier, a subinventory within your organization, or from another
organization. Depending upon the source you choose, the accounting entries are s
imilar to one of the proceeding scenarios. However, unlike inter organization tran
sfers, internal requisitions do not support freight charges.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory :
Use cycle counting and physical inventory to correct inventory on hand balances. A
cycle count updates the accounts of the affected subinventory and offsets the a

djustment account you specify.

If you physically count more than your on hand balance, the accounting sentries ar
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Adjustment account @ standard cost


If you count less than your on hand balance, the accounting entries are:


Adjustment account @ standard cost



Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Like a cycle count, a physical inventory adjustment also updates the accounts of
the affected subinventories and the physical inventory adjustment account you s
Suggestion: Since the standard cost is not stored as you freeze the phys
ical quantities, you should not perform a standard cost update until you have ad
justed your physical inventory.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
The system does not record accounting entries for expense subinventories or expe
nse items for either physical inventory or cycle count adjustments. However, the
on hand balance of an expense subinventory is corrected if you track the quantiti
Work in Process Standard Cost Transactions
The following cost transactions can occur when Oracle Work in Process is install

?Component Issue and Return Transactions:

?Move Transactions:
?Resource Charges:
?Outside Processing Charges:
Overhead Charges:
?Assembly Scrap Transactions:
?Assembly Completion Transactions:
Job Close Transactions:
Period Close Transactions:
Work in Process Cost Update Transactions:

Component Issue and Return Transactions

Component issue and return transactions can be launched in a variety of ways. Se
e: Component Issue and Return Transaction Options, Oracle Work in Process User s G
uide and Backflush Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Costing Issue and Return Transactions
Issue transactions increase the work in process valuation and decrease the inven
tory valuation. The accounting entries for issue transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:


Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Subinventory accounts are defined in the Define Subinventories window in Oracle
Inventory. WIP elemental accounts are defined in the WIP Accounting Classes wind
ow in Work in Process. See: Defining Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User s Guide
, Subinventory General Ledger Account Fields, Oracle Inventory User s Guide, and W
IP Accounting Classes, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Move Transactions
A move transaction moves assemblies within an operation, such as from Queue to R
un, or from one operation to the next. Move transactions can automatically launc
h operation completion
backflushing and charge resources and overheads.
You can perform move transactions using the Move Transactions window, Open Move
Transaction Interface window, or the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing.
Backflush Material Transactions
With backflushing, you issue component material used in an assembly or subassemb
ly by exploding the bills of material, and then multiplying by the number of ass
emblies produced.
Move transactions can create operation pull backflush material transactions that
issue component material from designated WIP supply subinventories and locators
to a job or repetitive schedule. For backflush components under lot or serial n
umber control, you assign the lot or serial numbers during the move transaction.
When you move backward in a routing, Work in Process automatically reverses oper
ation pull backflush transactions.
The accounting entries for move transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts




Moved Based Resource Charging

As the assemblies you build pass through the operations on their routings, move
transactions charge all pre assigned resources with an auto charge type of WIP Move
at their standard rate.
You can charge resources based upon a fixed amount per item moved in an operatio
n (Item basis) or based upon a fixed lot charge per item moved in an operation (

Lot basis). For resources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically cha
rges the lot cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can also enter manual resource transactions associated with a move, or indep
endent of any moves. You can manually charge resources to a job and repetitive s
chedule provided the job and
repetitive schedule has a routing. You can also transact resources through the O
pen Resource Transaction Interface.
Resource Charges
Work in Process supports four resource autocharging methods:
Manual, WIP Move, PO Move, and PO Receipt.
You can charge resources at an actual rate.
You can also charge resource overheads automatically as you charge resources.
WIP Move Resource Charges You can automatically charge resources at their standa
rd rate to a job or repetitive schedule when you perform a move transaction usin
g either the Move Transactions window or the Open Move Transaction Interface. Wh
en you move assemblies from the Queue or Run intra operation steps forward to th
e To move, Reject, or Scrap intraoperation steps, or to the next operation, Work
in Process charges all pre assigned resources with an charge type of WIP Move at
their standard rate. For resources with a basis of Item, Work in Process automat
ically charges the resource s usage rate or amount multiplied by the
resource s standard cost upon completion of each assembly in the operation. For re
sources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically charges the resource s
usage rate or amount multiplied by the resource s standard cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can undo the WIP Move resource charges automatically by moving the assembli
es from Queue or Run of your current operation to Queue or Run of any prior oper
ation, or by moving the assemblies from the To move, Reject, or Scrap intraopera
tion steps backward to the Queue or
Run intraoperation steps of the same operation, or to any intraoperation step of
any prior operation.
Work in Process applies WIP Move resource transactions to multiple repetitive sc
hedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work i
n Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis.
Manual Resource Charges
You can charge manual resources associated with a move transaction or independen
t of any moves. Manual resource transactions require you to enter the actual res
ource units applied rather than autocharging the resource s usage rate or amount b
ased on the move quantity. You can
charge resources using that resource s unit of measure or any valid alternate. You
can manually charge resources to a job or repetitive schedule provided the job
or repetitive schedule has a routing. If you use the Move Transactions window to
perform moves and manual resource transactions at the same time, Work in Proces
s displays all pre assigned manual resources with an charge type of Manual assigne
d to the operations completed in the move. If the resource is a person type resour
ce, you can enter an employee number. In addition to the resources displayed, yo
u can manually charge any resource to a job or repetitive schedule, even if you
have not previously assigned the resource to an operation in the job or repetiti
ve schedule.
You can also manually charge resources to an operation added ad hoc by entering
any resource defined for the department associated with the operation. Work in P
rocess applies Manual resource transactions to the first open repetitive schedul
e on the line. You can correct or undo manual resource transactions by entering
negative resource units worked.
Costing Resource Charges at Resource Standard
Resource charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
resource transactions are:

WIP accounting class resource valuation account


Resource absorption account


If Autocharge is set to WIP Move, work in process and labor are charged at stand
ard. There are no resource rate or efficiency variances.
The accounting entries for negative Manual resource transactions and backward mo
ves for WIP Move resources are:


Resource absorption account



WIP accounting class resource valuationaccount

Costing Labor Charges at Actual
You can charge labor charges at actual in two ways. You can enter an actual rate
for the employee using the Open Resource Transaction Interface or when you defi
ne employee rates. For labor charges using an actual or employee rate for a reso
urce for which charge standard
rate is turned off, the accounting entries are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account
Resource absorption account
Any difference between the total labor charged at actual and the standard labor
amount is recognized as an efficiency variance at period close.
If the Standard Rates check box is checked and you enter an actual rate for a re
source, the system charges the job or repetitive schedule at standard. If Autoch
arge is set to Manual and actual rates and quantities are recorded, a rate varia
nce is recognized immediately for
any rate difference. Any quantity difference is recognized as an efficiency vari
ance at period close.
The accounting entries for the actual labor charges are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account



Resource rate variance account (Debit when actual

rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit when
the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)



Resource absorption account

PO Receipt and PO Move Transactions
You can receive purchased items associated with outside resources from an outsid
e processing operation back into work in process in Oracle Purchasing. For these
items, Work in Process creates resource transactions at the standard or actual
rate for all outside resources with
an autocharge type of PO receipt or PO move. For outside resources with an autoc
harge type of PO move, Work in Process also moves the assemblies from the Queue
or Run intraoperation step of the outside processing operation into the Queue in
traoperation step of the next
operation or into the To move intraoperation step if the outside processing oper
ation is the last operation on the routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an autocharge ty
pe of Manual, charge the resources using the Resource Transactions window or the
Open Resource Transaction Interface.

If you return assemblies to the supplier using the Enter Returns and Adjustments
window in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Purchasing automatically reverses the charg
es to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must manually r
everse all manual resource charges using the Resource Transactions window. For o
utside resources with an autocharge type of PO move, Oracle Purchasing automatic
ally moves the assemblies from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation im
mediately following the outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperati
on step of your outside processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on the routing, the as
semblies automatically move from the To move intraoperation step to the Queue in
traoperation step. PO move resource transactions are applied to multiple repetit
ive schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. M
oves are allocated across multiple repetitive schedules on a first in first out ba
sis. PO receipt resource transactions are allocated across schedules on a first
in first (FIFO) out basis.
Outside Processing Charges
Work in Process automatically creates resource transactions at the standard or
actual rate for all outside processing resources with an charge type of PO Recei
pt or PO Move when you receive assemblies from an outside processing operation b
ack into work in process, using the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing. For out
side processing resources with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process also p
erforms a move of the assemblies from the Queue or Run
intraoperation step of your outside processing operation into the Queue intraope
ration step of your next operation or into the To move intraoperation step if th
e outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an charge type o
f Manual, you use the Move Transactions window or the Open Resource Transaction
Interface to charges these resources.
If you return assemblies to the supplier, Work in Process automatically reverses
the charges to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must
manually reverse all manual resource charges using the Move Transactions window.
For outside processing resources
with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process automatically moves the assembli
es from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation immediately following the
outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperation step of your outside
processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing, Work
in Process automatically moves the assemblies from the To move intraoperation st
ep to the Queue intraoperation step. Work in Process applies PO Move resource tr
ansactions to multiple repetitive
schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work
in Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis. Work in Process applies PO Receipt resource transactions to t
he first open repetitive schedule
on the line.
Costing Outside Processing Charges at Standard
When you receive the assembly from the supplier, Purchasing sends the resource c
harges to Work in Process at either standard cost or actual purchase order price
, depending upon how you specified the standard rate for the outside processing
If the Standard Rates option is enabled for the outside processing resource bein
g charged, the system charges Work in Process at the standard rate and creates a
purchase price variance for the difference between the standard rate and the pu
rchase order price. The accounting entries for outside processing items are as f



WIP accounting class outside processing valuationaccount


Purchase price variance account (Debit when the

actual rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)


Organization Receiving account

Any quantity or usage difference is recognized as an outside processing efficien
cy variance at period close.
The accounting entries for return to supplier for outside processing are:
Organization Receiving account
Purchase price variance account (Debit when
actual rate is less than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is greater than the standard
WIP accounting class outside processing valuation account


Costing Outside Processing Charges at Actual Purchase Order Price

If the Standard Rates option is disabled for the outside processing resource bei
ng charged, the system charges Work in Process the purchase order price and does
not create a purchase price variance.
The accounting transactions for outside processing charges at purchase order pri
ce are as follows:
WIP accounting class outside processing valuation


Organization Receiving account

Any difference from the standard is recognized as a resource efficiency
variance at period close.
Overhead Charges
Move Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you move ass
emblies through the shop floor. You can charge overheads directly based on move
transactions or based on resource charges. For overheads charged based on move t
ransactions with a basis of Item, Work in Process automatically charges overhead
s upon completion of each assembly in the operation. Work in Process automatical
ly reverse these charges during a backward move
For overheads based on move transactions with a basis of Lot, Work in Process au
tomatically charges overheads upon completion of the first assembly in the opera
tion. Work in Process automatically reverses these charges during a backward mov

e transaction if it results in zero

net assemblies completed in the operation.
Resource Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you charge r
esources. You can charge overheads based on resource units or value. Work in Pro
cess automatically reverses overhead charges when you reverse the underlying res
ource charge.
Costing Overhead Charges
Overhead charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
overhead charges are:
WIP accounting class overhead account
Overhead absorption account


You can reverse overhead charges by entering negative Manual resource charges or
performing backward moves for WIP Move resources. The accounting entries for re
verse overhead charges are:
Overhead absorption account


WIP accounting class overhead account

Assembly Scrap Transactions
You can move partially completed assemblies that you consider unrecoverable to t
he Scrap intraoperation step of that operation. (If necessary, you can recover a
ssemblies from scrap by moving them to another intraoperation step.) By moving i
nto the Scrap intraoperation step, you can effectively isolate good assemblies f
rom bad.
Work in Process considers a move into the Scrap intraoperation step from the Que
ue or Run of the same operation as an operation completion, and thus updates ope
ration completion information, backflushes components, and charges resource and
overhead costs according to the elemental cost setup.
You can also move assemblies back to the Scrap intraoperation step of the previo
us operation for Queue or Run if no work has been completed at the current opera
Costing Assembly Scrap Transactions
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify whether moves into t
he Scrap intraoperation step require a scrap account. If you enter a scrap accou
nt or alias when you move assemblies into Scrap, the scrap account is debited an
d the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for the standard cost of the
assembly through the scrap operation are credited. This removes the cost of the
scrapped assemblies from the job or repetitive schedule. If you do not enter a
scrap account or select an alias, the cost of the scrap remains in the job Or sc
hedule until job or period close. If you recover assemblies from scrap, the scra
p account is credited and the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for
the standard cost of this assembly through this
operation are debited.
The accounting entries for scrap transactions are:
Scrap account
WIP accounting class valuation

The accounting entries for reverse scrap transactions are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts@standard


Scrap account
Assembly Completion Transactions
Use the Completion Transactions window, Move Transactions window, and Inventory
Transaction Interface to move completed assemblies from work in process into sub
inventories. Completion transactions relieve the valuation account of the accoun
ting class and charge the subinventory accounts (for example, finished goods) ba
sed upon the assembly s elemental cost structure.
Costing Assembly Completion Transactions Completions decrease work in process va
luation and increase inventory valuation at standard costs.
The accounting entries for completion transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Earning Assembly Material Overhead on Completion
You can assign overheads based on Item, Lot or Total Value basis. For standard d
iscrete jobs and repetitive schedules, you can earn these overheads as you compl
ete assemblies from work in process to inventory.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for stan
dard discrete jobs and repetitive schedules are:
Subinventory material overhead account


Inventory material overhead absorption

Use non standard expense jobs for such activities as repair and maintenance. Use n
on standard asset jobs to upgrade assemblies, for teardown, and to prototype produ
ction. Non standard discrete jobs do not earn overhead on completion. Since you ha
ve already earned overhead to produce the assemblies as you are repairing or rew
orking, Work in Process prevents you from double earning material overhead on th
ese assemblies.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for non st
andard expense and non standard asset jobs are:
Subinventory material overhead account
WIP accounting class material overhead account
Job Close Transactions


Until you close a job, or change the status of the job to Complete
No Charges, y
ou can make material, resource, and scrap charges to the job. Closing a discrete
job prevents any further activity on the job.
Costing Job Close Transactions
Work in Process recognizes variances when you close a job. The actual close date
you specify determines the accounting period Work in Process uses to recognize
variances. You can back date the close to a prior open period if desired. The cl
ose process writes off the balances remaining in the WIP elemental valuation acc
ounts to the elemental variance accounts you
defined by accounting class, leaving a zero balance remaining in the closed job.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the close, the accountin
g entries for a job close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Period Close Transactions

The period close process in Inventory recognizes variances for non standard expens
e jobs and repetitive schedules. It also transfers the work in process period co
sts to the general ledger.
Costing Non Standard Expense Job Period Close Transactions
You can close discrete jobs and recognize variances for non standard expense jobs
at any time. In addition, the period close process automatically recognizes vari
ances on all non standard expense job charges incurred during the period. Therefor
e, open non standard expense jobs have zero WIP accounting balances at the start o
f a new period.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the period, the accounti
ng entries for non standard expense jobs at period close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts




WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Costing Repetitive Schedule Period Close Transactions

You do not close a repetitive schedule. However, you do recognize variances on a
period basis that result in zero WIP accounting balances at the start of the ne
w period. You should check your transactions and balances using the Repetitive V
alue Report before you close a period.
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify which repetitive sch
edule variances you recognize when you close an
accounting period. You can either recognize variances for all repetitive schedul
es when you close an accounting period, or recognize variances for those repetit
ive schedules with statuses of either Complete No Charges or Cancelled.
Assuming positive balances in the repetitive schedules at the end of the period,
the accounting entries for repetitive schedules at period close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Work in Process Standard Cost Update Transactions


The standard cost update process revalues standard and non standard asset discrete
jobs and updates pending costs to frozen standard costs. Repetitive schedules a
nd non standard expense jobs do not get revalued by the cost update.
The cost update creates accounting transactions by job and cost element valuatio
n account. Each standard and non standard asset discrete job is updated using the
following formula:
rges)] rges) -

cost update adjustment = [new costs in (material, resource, outside pro

and overhead charges)- new costs out (scrap and assembly completion cha
[old costs in (material, resource, outside processing, and overhead cha
old costs out (scrap and assembly completion charges)]

If the result of the cost update is an increase in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts


WIP Standard cost adjustment account



If the result of the cost update is a decrease in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:
WIP Standard cost adjustment account
WIP accounting class valuation accounts



When the cost update occurs for open jobs, standards and WIP balances are revalu
ed according to the new standard, thus retaining relief variances incurred up to
the date of the update.
Standard Cost Valuation
Inventory and Work in Process continually update inventory value with each trans
action. Work in Process balances are updated with each related accounting transa
ction. Inventory subinventory values may be reported when the quantity movement
Value by Cost Element
Inventory or work in process value is maintained and reported on by distinct cos
t element (such as material, material overhead, and so on), even if you assign t
he same general ledger valuation account to each cost element. You can also repo
rt work in process value by cost element within specific WIP accounting classes.
Standard Costing
Under standard costing, the value of inventory is determined using the material
and material overhead standard costs of each inventory item. If you use Bills of
Material, Inventory maintains the standard cost by cost element (material, mate
rial overhead, resource, outside processing,
and overhead).
Unlimited Cost Types
You can define an unlimited number of cost types and use them with any inventory
valuation and margin analysis reports. This allows you to see the potential eff
ects of a cost rollup/update. You can also update your standard costs from any o
f the cost types you have defined. When you use Bills of Material with Inventory

, you can specify the cost type in explosion reports and report these costs for
simulation purposes
Inventory and Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
This section describes Inventory standard cost variances and Work in Process sta
ndard cost variances.
Inventory Standard Cost Variances
In general, Inventory records purchase price variance (PPV) and recognizes cycle
count and physical inventory adjustments as variances.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
During a purchase order receipt, Inventory calculates purchase price variance. I
n general, this is the difference between what you pay the supplier and the item s
standard cost. Inventory calculates this value as follows:
PPV = (PO unit price standard unit cost) - quantity received.
Inventory updates the purchase price variance account with the PPV value. If the
purchase order price is in a foreign currency, Inventory converts it into the f
unctional currency of the inventory organization and calculates the purchase pri
ce variance. Purchasing reports PPV using the Purchase Price Variance Report. Yo
u distribute this variance to the general ledger when you perform the general le
dger transfer, or period close.
Invoice Price Variance (IPV)
In general, invoice price variance is the difference between the purchase price
and the invoice price paid for a purchase order receipt. Purchasing reports invo
ice variance. Upon invoice approval, Payables automatically records Invoice Pric
e Variance, to both invoice price
variance and exchange rate variance accounts.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory
Inventory considers cycle count and physical inventory adjustments as variance.
You distribute these variances to the general ledger when you perform the genera
l ledger transfer or period close.
Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
Work in Process provides usage, efficiency, and standard cost adjustment varianc
Usage and Efficiency Variances
Usage and efficiency variances result when the total costs charged to a job or s
chedule do not equal the total costs relieved from a job or schedule at standard
. Charges occur from issues and returns, resource and overhead charges, and outs
ide processing receipts. Cost relief occurs from assembly completions, scrap tra
nsactions, and close transactions.
You can view these variances in the Discrete Job Value report, the Repetitive Va
lue report, and by using the WIP Value Summary window.
Work in Process reports usage and efficiency variances as you incur them, but do
es not update the appropriate variance accounts until you close a job or period.
Work in Process updates the standard cost adjustment variance account at cost u
Usage and efficiency variances are primarily quantity variances. They identify
the difference between the amount of material, resources, outside processing, an
d overheads required at standard, and the actual amounts you use to manufacture
an assembly. Efficiency variance can
also include rate variance as well as quantity variance if you charged resources
or outside processing at actual.

You can calculate and report usage and efficiency variances based on planned sta
rt quantity or the actual quantity completed. You can use the planned start quan
tity to check potential variances during the job or repetitive schedule. You can
use the actual quantity completed to
check the variances before the job or period close. Your choice of planned start
quantity or actual quantity completed determines the standard requirements. The
se standard requirements are compared to the actual material issues, resource, o
utside processing, and overhead charges to determine the reported variance.
Work in Process calculates, reports, and recognizes the following quantity varia
Material Usage Variance
The material usage variance is the difference between the actual material issued
and the standard material required to build a given assembly, calculated as fol
standard material cost - (quantity issued - quantity required)
This variance occurs when you over or under issue components or use an alternate
Resource and Outside Processing Efficiency Variance
The resource and outside processing efficiency variances is the difference betwe
en the resources and outside processing charges incurred and the standard resour
ce and outside processing charges required to build a given assembly, calculated
as follows:
(applied resource units X standard or actual rate) - (standard resource units at
standard resource rate)
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No
direct charg
e operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource,
or charge a resource at
Move Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
Move based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead charg
es incurred for move based overheads (overhead basis of Item or Lot) and standar
d move based overheads required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows
applied move based overheads - standard move based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add operations to a stan
dard routing during production, or do not complete all the move transactions ass
ociated with the assembly quantity being built.
Resource Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
Resource based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead c
harges incurred for resource based overheads (overhead basis of Resource units o
r Resource value) and standard resource based overheads required to build a give
n assembly, calculated as follows:
applied resource based overheads - standard resource based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No direct charge

operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource, or

charge a resource at actual.
Standard Cost Adjustment Variance
Standard cost adjustment variance is the difference between costs at the previou
s standards and costs at the new standards created by cost update transactions.
Standard and Average Costing Compared
Cost Management offers two costing methods: standard costing and average costing
Average costing is used primarily for distribution and other industries where th
e product cost fluctuates rapidly, or when dictated by regulation and other indu
stry conventions.
Average costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a moving average cost
?track inventory and manufacturing costs without the requirement of havi
ng predefined standards
determine profit margin based on an actual cost method
measure the organization s performance against historical costs
include all direct costs of manufacturing an item in that item s inventory
Use standard costing for performance measurement and cost control. Stand
ard costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a predetermined cost
?determine profit margin based on projected costs
?record variances against expected costs
?update standard costs from any cost type
?evaluate production costs relative to standard costs
?measure the organization s performance based on predefined product costs
?evaluate product costs to assist management decisions

Under average costing, you cannot share costs. Average costs are maintained sepa
rately in each organization. Under standard costing if you use Inventory without
Work in Process,you can define your item costs in the organization that control
s your costs and share those costs across organizations. If you share standard c
osts across multiple organizations, all reports, inquiries, and processes use th
ose costs. You are not required to enter duplicate costs.
Note: The organization that controls your costs can be a manufacturing organizat
ion that uses Work in Process or Bills of Material. Organizations that share cos
ts with the organization that controls your costs cannot use Bills of Material.
Valuation Accounts and Cost Elements with Average Costing
The system maintains the average unit cost at the organization level; it does no
t use any subinventory valuation accounts. If you had separate valuation account
s by subinventory, total inventories would balance, but account balances by subi
nventory would not match the inventory
valuation reports.
Note: Cost Management enforces the same account number for organization level ma
terial and intransit accounts. Otherwise the balances of inventory valuation rep
orts do not
equal the sum of accounting transactions.
Changing from Standard to Average Costing
Once transactions have been performed you cannot change the costing method of an
organization in the Organization Parameters window in Oracle Inventory.

Accounting for Transactions
This essay describes the accounting entries created when you enter transactions
in Receivables using the Accrual method of accounting.
When you enter a regular invoice through the Transaction window, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:

Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Arrears invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entry:
In the first period of Rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In all periods of Rule:

Unbilled Receivables
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Advance invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entries:

Unearned Revenue
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, Suspense, Tax, Unbilled Recei
vable, and Unearned Revenue accounts that you specified in your AutoAccounting s
Credit Memos
When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or chargeback through the Credit Memos w
indow, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Tax (if you credit tax)
Freight (if you credit freight)

When you credit a commitment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
When you enter a credit memo against an installment, Receivables lets you choose
between the following methods: LIFO, FIFO, and Prorate.

When you enter a credit memo against an invoice with invoicing and accounting ru
les, Receivables lets you choose between the following methods:
LIFO, Prorate, and Unit.
If the profile option Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, Rec
eivables credits the accounts of the original transaction. If this profile optio
n is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receiv
ables Revenue, and Tax accounts.
Receivables uses the account information for on account credits thatyou specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. Receivables let you update accounting informa
tion for your credit
memo after it has posted to your general ledger.
Receivables keeps the original accounting information as an audit trail while it
creates an offsetting entry and the new entry.
When you enter a deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the deposit s transaction type. When you enter an invoice
against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

Receivables (Invoice)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you apply an invoice to a deposit, Receivables creates a receivable adjustm
ent against the invoice. Receivables uses the account information you specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. When cash is received against this deposit, Re
ceivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When you enter a guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the guarantee s transaction type.When you enter an invoic
e against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Receivables (Invoice)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Unbilled Receivables
When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a receivable adjus
tment against the guarantee. These accounts come from your guarantee s transactio

n type.
When cash is received against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following
journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and fully apply this receipt to an invoice, Receivables
creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables
When you enter an unapplied receipt, Receivables creates the following journal e
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journa
l entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified
When you enter an on account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal en
DR Cash
CR On Account
When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified, On Account, Unearned,
and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks window for this r
eceipt class. When you enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit, R
eceivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR On Account
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment, Receivables
creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)

You set up a Write

Off account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment, Receivables
creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback, Receivables creates t
he following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Chargeback
CR Receivables (Chargeback)
You set up a Chargeback account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you create a receipt that requires remittance to your bank, Receivables deb
its the Confirmation account instead of Cash. An example of a receipt requiring
remittance would be a check before it was cashed. Receivables creates the follow
ing journal entry when you enter such a receipt:
DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
You can then remit the receipt to your remittance bank using one of the two remi
ttance methods: Standard or Factoring. If you remit your receipt using the stand
ard method of remittance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
If you remit your receipt using the factoring remittance method, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:
DR Factor
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates a short term liability for recei
pts which mature at a future date. The factoring process let you receive cash be
fore the maturity date, and assumes that you are liable for the receipt amount u
ntil the customer pays the balance on maturity
date. When you receive payment, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR cash
DR Bank Charges

CR Short Term Debt

On the maturity date, Receivables reverses the short term liability and creates
the following journal entry:
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factor
When you enter a negative adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a positive adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
Debit Memos
When you enter a debit memo in the Transaction window, Receivables creates the f
ollowing journal entries:

Revenue (If you enter line amounts)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
When you enter an on account credit in the Credit Memo or the Transaction window,
Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Revenue (If you credit line amounts)

Tax (If you credit tax)
Freight (If you credit freight)

Receivables use the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax accounts that you spec
ified in your AutoAccounting structure.
Accounting Entries - Payables
Accounting Events
An accounting event is a Payables transaction that has accounting impact
. After an accounting event completes, you can create accounting entries for it
by creating accounting entries for the category or document class that includes
the event.( 11)
The following is the complete list of the accounting events in Payables,
listed by document class.


invoice adjustment
invoice cancellation
prepayment application
prepayment unapplication
Credit/Debit Memo

(future dated) payment maturity
payment adjustment
payment cancellation
payment clearing
payment unclearing
After Clearing
Payment is voided

Invoice Entry DR Expenses

CR Accounts Payables
Credit/Debit Memo Entry Dr Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Mixed Invoice Entry
Negative Amount
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Positive Amount
DR Expenses
CR Accounts Payables
Prepayment Entry
DR Prepaid Expenses
Cr Accounts Payables
withholding tax entry DR Withholding Tax
Cr Accounts Payables
Invoice cancellation
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Payment DR Accounts Payables
CR Cash
If it is used for cash clearing then
DR Accounts Payables(with sep lines of each inv)
CR Cash Clearing
After Clearing DR Cash Clearing
CR Cash
when payment is voided DR Cash Clearing

CR Accounts Payables
When payment is issued
AP Liability
Future Dated Payment a/c
On payment maturity
Future Dated Payment a/c
Cash Clearing a/c
payment reconciliation or clearing in Cash Mgmt
Cash Clearing a/c
Cash a/c
Future Dated payment
DR Bank Charges a/c
CR cash a/c



Accounting Events
Invoice Entry
Debit Memo
Deposit Applied to Invoice
Cash Received on deposit
Invoice against this guarantee
Cash received against this guarantee,
Credit Memo(Against Invoice/DM/Chargeback)
On Account Credits
On Account Credit Applied Against Invoice


Fully apply a receipt

Unidentified Receipt
On account Receipt
Receipt includes Discount
Receipt combined with On Account Credit
Receipt combined with negative adjustment
Receipt combined with positive adjustment
Receipt Combined with a Chargeback
Receipt with Remittance needed


Remittance and Clearing = Standard

Remittance and Clearing = Factoring


Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill in Arrear

Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill In Advance

Invoice Entry DR Receivables

CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Receipt DR.....Cash
When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables
These examples assume that the receipt has a Remittance
Method of No Remittance and a Clearance Method of Directly.
Unidentified receipt, DR Cash
CR Unidentified
enter an on account receipt,
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR On Account
receipt includes a discount,
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified,
On Account, Unearned, and Earned accounts that you specified in the
Remittance Banks window for this receipt class.
Enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit((which increases the bala
nce of the receipt))
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment,
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback,
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Chargeback)

DR Cash

DR Cash

CR Chargeback (Activity)
DR Chargeback (Activity)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
receipt that requires remittance to your bank, DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
Deposit Entry DR......Receivables (Dep)
CR.....Unearned Revenue
No accounting effect
Deposit Applied to Invoice
DR.....Receivables (Inv)
CR.....Revenue No accounting effect
Invoice is adjusted to write
off bad debt
DR.....Bad Debt
No accounting effect
Credit memo is created
against an invoice, debit memo or chargeback
DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)
DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice) No accounting effect
credit a commitment,
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
To close the receivable on the credit memo and increase the unapplied
cash balance, DR Receivables
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a deposit,
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Offset Account
enter an invoice against this deposit, DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Offset Account (such as Unearned Revenue)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
cash is received against this deposit, DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When Guarantee is entered
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Receivable Account and Revenue Account fiel
ds on
this guarantee s transaction type to obtain the accounting flexfields for
the Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue accounts, respectively.
Enter an invoice against this guarantee,
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Revenue
CR Receivables When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a
receivable adjustment against the guarantee. Receivables uses the
account information you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to
create these entries.
Cash is received against this guarantee,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Invoice with Rules
1. Invoice In Bill in Arrears

In the first period of the rule:

DR Unbilled Receivables

CR Revenue
In the second period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In the third and final period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Receivables
CR Unbilled Receivables
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Invoice with Rules
2. Invoice In Bill in Advance

In the first period of the rule:

DR Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
In all periods of the rule for the portion that is recognized:
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
>standard method
On remittance
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When u clear the receipt
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
>factoring method
On Remmittance
DR Factor
CR Confirmation
On Receipt is cleared
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short Term Debt
On Maturity Date
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factor
Adjustment against an invoice
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Positive Adjustment
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off

Negative Adjustment

Debit Memo
DR Receivables
CR Revenue (if you enter line amounts)
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
DR Revenue (if you credit line amounts)
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (On account Credit)
Receivables use the Freight, Receivable,
Revenue, and Tax accounts that
you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.
When On Account Credit is applied to invoice
DR Receivables (On account Credit)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

What does gl_balances table contains?
Explain the steps in AP while doing payments.
What the difference is between debit memo and invoice in AP?
Which process is used to post the transactions from AP to GL?
What is the difference between accounting in 10.7 and 11I?
What is Unearned Revenue(AR)?
What is Revenue Recognition(AR)?
What transactions gets transferred from AR to GL (AR)?
What is the difference between credit memo and invoice in AR?
What tables are involved while creating transactions and receipts in AR
What are auto accounting rules(AR)?
What is the Important table which gives the exact details about invoices
and receipts amounts (AR)?
Which program is used to post the transaction from FA to GL?
What does revenue recognition program do?
What are onaccount credit memos?
What are grouping rules?
Explain about Auto Invoice and Auto Lockbox.
What is an accounting flex field?
What are cross validation rules?
What does dynamic insertion allowed means for a flex field?
What are security rules?
Which of these supercede when you create a account code? combination: dy
namic insertion allowed, cross validation rule and security rules.
What are the common errors in gl_interface program?
Which tables contain the accounting details for AP transactions?
What is cash management used for
How many Flex fields are there in AR and what are they?

What is MRC and what is its use?

Ans: The Multi Reporting Currency Feature allows you to report and maintain reco
rds at the transaction level in more than one functional currency. You can do by
defining one or more set of books in addition to primary set of books.
How many reporting currencies can be attached to Primary Set of Books?
What are the new features in Release 11I?
What is FSG and what is its use?
Ans: FSG is a powerful and flexible tool you can use to build your own custom r
without programming. FSG is only available with GL.
What are Different types of transactions in AR?
What are value sets?
What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables?


What are different period types?

What are different types of Journal entries?
What are the setup steps for testing?
What is an Invoice? How many types of invoices are there in AP and AR?
What id recurring invoices?
What are AP setup steps?
If any conflict occurs in FSG who will override Column Set or Row Set?
What is Set of Books? What are the four conditions when you change your
What is the difference between cross-validation rules and security-rules
In how many ways can you enter a journal in GL?
What are the setup steps for AP, AR, and GL?
What is the difference between discounts and adjustments?
What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?
What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
What are Summary Accounts and Rollup groups?

Multi Org:Advantages of multi Org Concept

Multiple Organizations in a Single Installation
Secure Access> You can assign users to particular organizations. This ensures ac
curate transactions in the correct operating unit.
Sell And Ship Products From Different Legal Entities> You can sell from one lega
l entity and ship from another, posting to each organization s SOBs.
Receive Goods Into Any Inventory Organization >You can enter purchase orders and
assign for receipt any inventory organization that uses the same SOBs. Your pur
chase order operating unit and receiving inventory organization must share the s
ame SOBs to receive against a purchase order.

Automatic Accounting for Internal Requisitions>You can create an internal requis

ition (sales order) in one organization, then ship from another organization, wi
th correct intercompany invoicing.
Multiple Organizations Reporting>You can set up your Oracle Applications impleme
ntation to allow reporting across operating units by setting up the top reportin
g level. You can run your reports at the SOBs level, legal entity level, or oper
ating unit level
What is BG, Legal Entity and Operation Unit?
What are Multi Org Table? What is the common column?

Steps in defining Multi Org

Develop the Organization Structure
Define Sets of Books
Define Locations
Define Business Groups (optional)
Associate Responsibilities with Business Groups
Define Organizations
Define Organization Relationships
Define Responsibilities
Set MO: Operating Unit Profile Option
Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture
Change Order Management Profile Option
Set Profile Options Specific to Operating Units
Define Inventory Organization Security (optional)
Implement the Applications Products
Secure Balancing Segment Values by Legal Entity (optional)
Run the Multi Org Setup Validation Report (recommended)
Implementing Multi Org

Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)
Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)
Assign the SOB name and optionally the VAT registration number.
Define the Operating Unit (KSL SM)
Assign the Legal Entity name and automatically the SOB name defaults fro
m the legal entity.
Define the Inventory Organization. (KSL SM)
Assign the SOB, Legal Entity and Operating Unit Name
Switch Responsibility to system Administrator and set the profile option
MO:Operating Unit = KSL SM
Run the Replicate Seed Data program and give the Operating Unit name as pa
rameter to generate the Org ID.
After successful completion of the above program switch responsibility t
o the Responsibility created (AP SM KSL).
Choose the SOB in the Choose Set Of Books Window.
Now navigate to the Financials option
Human Resources tab and see the bu
siness group name that will be the one that we assigned (KSL BG).

In Short
1. Define SOB
2.Define a Resp and assign

HR:User Type = HR User

GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name
3. Assign Resp to a User.
4. Using the Resp, define a BG
HR:Business Group = <BG Name>
HR.Security Profile = <BG Name>
5. Define LE, OU, Inv Org, Sub Inv Org ((Using the same Resp )) and define Resp
MO:Operating Unit = <OU Name>
6. Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture. Run the Replicate Seed Data prog
ram and give the Operating Unit name as parameter to generate the Org ID

FAQs on Multi Org:Business Group

What is the Pre defined Business Group ((Setup Business Group))
What is the Profile Option used to associate Responsibility to a BG ((HR: Securi
ty Profile))
If there is different BG, what is the profile option used to associate a BG with
a Resp ((HR: Business Group))
Can a responsibility be attached to different Business Group ((NO))
Legal Entity
How is LE attached to the BG (LE will be automatically attached to BG if we defi
ne the LE using the responsibility associated with the business group for which
you are defining an organization.))
Operating Unit
Functionally what is the relevance of an Operating Unit?
What is the Profile Option used to link the Operating Unit to a Responsibility (
(MO: Operating Unit))
How can we find out in which operating unit we are working now?
Can Operating Unit have different SOB than the LE its attached to ((Yes))
Then what is the Profile Option used to determine the current SOB ((GL: Sets of
Books Name))
What is the program used to convert the installation to Multi Organisation Arch
itecture ((Ad Administration Utility (adadmin)))
What actually is a responsibility ((the responsibility you choose determines the
data, forms, menus, reports, and concurrent programs you can access.))
What are the information shared across organization?
??Flexfield definitions ??Customer Header (customer site is at the operating uni
t level) ??Supplier Header (supplier site is at the operating unit level)
Information Specific to Each Operating Unit
Payables ??Supplier sites ??Reporting entities ??Financial options??Syst
em options etc
Receivables ??Customer address ??Customer relationships ??Customer bank
accounts ??Customer call information (call records, topics) ??Distribution sets
??Transaction sources ??Lockbox definitions ??Memo lines ??Receipt sources ??Re
ceivables activities ??Salesperson, sales territories assigned to salespersons ?
?System options ??Tax exemptions and exceptions ??Tax codes ??Tax rates ??Tax na

mes etc
Can a new organization added to a Multi Org structure ((Yes))
What is the additional step required than when Organisation is added initially.

Limitation of Multi Org

Data Security With the exception of data that is shared across organizations, al
l data is secured and striped by operating unit.
Centralization / Decentralization Multiple Organizations enabled products proce
ss transactions within an operating unit. There is no additional support for cen
tralization/decentralization of business functions. For example, the following c
ombinations are not supported: centralized payables with decentralized purchasin
g, centralized purchasing with decentralized payables
Supplier and customer tables are shared across operating units. However, you mus
t define supplier sites and customer addresses for
each operating unit.
The Customer Merge process allows you to merge only addresses and sites within t
he same operating unit, since transactions are secured by
operating unit.
Receiving You can receive against purchase orders only in the operating unit to
which your responsibility is connected. As before, a purchase order s ship to organi
zation must be in the purchase order s SOBs.
Internal Requisitions Intercompany Payable and Receivable Invoices are not autom
atically generated for Internal Requisitions.
Location Flexfield Structure Only operating units with the same Accounting Flexf
ield structure can share a Location Flexfield structure.

Multiple Organizations Reporting

Multi Org feature enables user to generate reports across different organisation
The Reporting Level a user can select is determined by Profile Option MO: Top Re
porting Level
The report parameters
Reporting Level = SOB/ Legal Entity / Operating Unit
Reporting Context = The entity within the selected Reporting Level (SOB/
Legal Entity / Operating Unit)
Multi Org Reports
Oracle Payables
??Accounts Payable Trial Balance
??Payables Accounting Entries Report
??Payables Account Analysis Report
Oracle Receivables
4 Buckets Report
??Aging 7 Buckets Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Salesperson Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Collector Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Account Report
??Credit Hold Report
??Customer Credit Snapshot

Scenario 1

Reporting Level = SOB

Then Reporting Context = US legal Entity or Canada Legal Entity

Scenario 11

Reporting Level = Legal Entity

Then Reporting Context = Western Division OU or Eastern Division OU

Scenario 111

Reporting Level = Operating Unit

Then Reporting Context defaults to the current OU.

Step 1:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define

Create the User and add System Administrator Responsibility

Step 2:
Log on with that User

Step 3:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?Responsibility?Define
Create the Responsibility
General Ledger






Human Resources




Cash Management


Fixed Assets


Order Management

Step 4:
Set the Profile
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
1) Payables
Click Find Button

Same as for PO Responsibility

Step 5: Add all the Responsibilities to ur user
Step 6: Switch on to AP ABC USER Responsibility

Navigation: Employee? Locations

Step 7: Setup Business Group

Responsibility: AP ABC USER (INR)
Navigation: Setup?Organizations
Click Others Button

Press OK and SAVE

Step 8: Switch on to System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
Click FIND Button

Same Profile Option gives to all Responsibilities like

(GL, AR, PO, HR, CM, FA, OM)
Profile Option HR:Business Group (assign the business group name to all responsi
Step 9: Switch on to AP ABC USER
Create the Set of Books
Navigation: Setup?flex fileds?key?Segments

Create Set of Book for created flex field

Step 10:
Navigation: Setup?Organization

Click Others Button and select Legal Entity Accounting

Press OK
Organization Classification: Operating Unit

Click Others Button

Click OK
Add Inventory Organization to Organization Classification

Save and close

Step 11: Switch on PO ABC USER
Navigation: Setup?Organizations?Organizations

Go to Organization Classification--Select Inventory Organization Click Others Butt

Select Accounting Information

Press OK and Save

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Inventory Information

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Receiving Information

Step 12: Switch on System Administrator

Navigation: Profile?System
Set the set of books profile option to all responsibilities (GL, AP, AR, HR, PO,
Step 13: Switch on HR ABC USER
Navigation: HRMS Manager?People?Enter & Maintain
(Create new employee)

Step 14:
Switch on System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define (Query the user and assign employee to that use

1) Can one supplier information can be shared by different operating units ? if
yes then how ?
A. Yes, but only header level information can be shared.
You need to change the profile option (MO : Operating Unit) to the respective op
erating unit.
2) Difference between P.O Default & Quick match invoice ?
A) PO default:-To match specific shipment of po with invoice
B) Quick Match:-To match all the shipments of a po with invoice at a time
Both type of invoices turns into standard invoice after matching
3) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to GL?
create batch
create invoice
create distribution
validate the invoice
actions -? approve
if individual create accounting click ok
If batch go to batch create accounting.
Create accounting hits Payable Accounting(Transfer) ??Program which wil
l create accounting.
Run Transfer to GL Concurrent Program
Journal Import
Post journals
Hits balances.
4) How do u Transfer from AP to GL?
Ans--- Payables transfer to GL program is used to transfer from AP to GL.
5) What are the Interface and base Tables for payables/ open invoice ?
Ans--Table Details:
AP Invoice Interface tables
AP Invoice Base Tables:
Error table:
6) How many types of Transactions are there in AP?
Standard Invoice : The amount is g
Debit memo (increases balances owed to supplier)
Raised by organization
Raised by Supplier.
Credit memo
Mixed Invoices both debit & credit
Expense Report
Quick Match

7) Tell me about PO cycle( Procure To Pay )?
Request For Quote (RFQ)
Quote Analysis (Track/check record)
Issue Purchase Order (PO)
Goods Receipt Note(GRN)
Transfer To GL (Payables transfer to GL program)
Journal Import
GL Balances
8) How many types of purchase order types/agreements are there?
a) Standard Purchase Order
b) Planned PO : A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to
buy it
items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery sche
dules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including char
ge account, quantities and estimated cost.
EX: Buying goods for Christmas from a specific dealer.
c) Contract PO : You create contract purchase agreement with your supplier to a
gree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services
that you will be purchasing i.e. for $ amount you must supply this much quantity
. You can later issue standard PO referencing your contracts and you can encumbe
r these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.
d) Blanket PO : You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail
of goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period , but
you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket
purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually
purchasing them.
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur suppli
er about the price at which you will purchase the items from the supplier in fut
ure. Here you enter the price of the item not the quantity of the items. When yo
u create the release you enter the quantity of the items. The price is not updat
able in the release. The quantity * price makes the Released Amount. Now suppose
your contract with your supplier is such that you can only purchase the items w
orth a fixed amount against the contract.
9) What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching?
2-way matching: 2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice quantiti
es must match within your tolerances as follows:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
(<= sign is used because of tolerances)
Often used for services where no receiver is generated.
3-way matching: 3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information
match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
4-way matching: 4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice in
formation match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
(Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods).
Whether a PO shipment has 2-way, 3-way or 4-way matching can be setup in the Shi
pment Details zone of the Enter PO form (character)
Receipt required
Inspection required




What is the month end process?

What are the interfaces available?
Can we pay an invoice without creating accounting for an Invoice?
Can we post a payment without posting the Invoice to GL?
What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What are the errors we face when Payables Transfer to General Ledger program is
What kind of problems normally we face when we create accounting for the Invoice
and How to identify and resolve such problems?
What are the tables effected when an invoice accounting is created?
What is the transaction flow in Oracle Payables along with Tables getting effect
What are the tables in which the accounting entries in Accounts Payables are sto
What are the features provided by Oracle Payables?
What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What is the program used to post the transactions from Oracle Paybles to Oracle
GL? What does that do? What are the tables involved?
Payment Batch: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?
Void: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the chec
k went out and was cashed. What do we do?
Payment Batch: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Ca
n I delete it?
Payment Batch: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
Payment Document: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account tha
t says it is in use. How can I tell?
Payment Batch: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the P
ayment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the
payment batch exceeds the maximum outlay?
Printing: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatt
Payment Batch: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed?
EFT: How can I select EFT document type on a Payment Batch?
Payment Register: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payme
nt Register?
Void: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT t
Payment Batch: What is the process flow for generating payment batches
and mailing checks?
Payment Batch: How to cancel Payment Batch if it is stuck in status "ing
" (selecting, formatting, confirming)?
FAQ Details
Q: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?

A: The flow of payment processing is as follows:

AutoSelect - First you initiate the Payment Batch by entering criteria for invoi
Build - The system then builds payments based on the selection criteria.
Modify - You can optionally modify the payment batch.
Format - Format payments to have Payables produce an output file.
Print - Print checks from the output file or deliver the output file to your ban
Confirm - Confirm the payment batch.
Q: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the check w
ent out and was cashed. What do we do?
A: Example:
1. Invoice created for $1300
2. Invoice paid for $1300
3. Payment was voided.
4. Check was sent to the customer who cashed it.
5. Invoice was also canceled and another check against it was voided.
Solution Summary:
----------------Create a 0$ invoice with 2 distribution lines, 1 for the expense account as a de
bit and the other distribution lines to the cash account as a credit
Solution Explanation:
---------------------When the invoice was created if this was just a simple invoice created, invoice
paid, payment voided, but check cleared, then we would have done the following:
original invoice
db expense 1300
cr liability 1300
db liability 1300
cr cash 1300
void payment
db cash 1300
cr liability 1300
But to take care of the voided check that cleared and was cashed, we would have
created a 0$ invoice with two new distribution lines:
line 1 1300
db expense 1300
line 2 -1300 (you fill in the expense account as the cash account) which will ge
nerate these entries
db liability 1300
cr cash account 1300 (this is used in place of the expense account)
So invoice is still owed, and we issue a $0 manual payment check:
db liability
cr cash
So the invoice is paid, and the cash is ok.
1099 considerations...
If this is a 1099 vendor, you need to go into the distributions on the zero invo
ice and go to the details section, and fill in the income tax type for the expen
distribution, but for the distribution for the cash, take off the income tax typ
e. That will fix your 1099.
Almost all reports, report off the distributions, not the invoice total, so as l

ong as everything is posted this should be fine.

Q: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Can I delete it
A: Yes. But only if the status of the Payment Batch is 'Unstarted' or 'New'. I
f the batch has already been selected for processing, you must Cancel it. If yo
u have already formatted the Payment Batch, then click on Actions and deselect t
he Confirm action. After doing so, the Cancel Payment Batch option will be avai
Q: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
A: Query up the Payment Batch in the Payment Batches Summary window to view the
Alternative: Technical employees with access to SQL*Plus:
SELECT status
FROM ap_inv_selection_criteria_all
WHERE checkrun_name = ?<payment batch name>?;
Q: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account that says it is in
use. How can I tell?
A: When you selected the Payment Document for the Bank Account, the Document Nam
es window displays a column ?In Use By?. This is the Payment Batch name that is
using the Payment Document. You must complete the Payment Batch using that doc
ument before you can use it. You will only get the list of payment documents if
there is more than one payment document associated with that bank account. If
there is only one payment document for that bank account, you will simply get th
e message that the payment document is in use. If you still do not see a Paymen
t Batch, then most likely a QuickCheck did not complete successfully. Contact O
racle Support for scripts to determine the status of the QuickCheck.
Q: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
A: After the Payment Batch has been Built and before it has been Formatted. On
ce the payment batch has been Formatted, Modify is no longer an option.
Q: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
1. From the Actions Window, unselect Format and select Modify Payment Batch.
2. Enter the Supplier Name and Site.
3. Select Yes for Pay Supplier.
4. Select the invoice you wish to add to this Payment Batch.
5. Select the Build button.
The system will automatically submit the Build Payments program to rebuild the p
Q: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the Payment Batch
A: Yes. You can change the Discount Amount to reflect more or less of a discoun
t. The discount amount and payment amount can not be more than the amount due.
If you take less of a discount and you wish to pay the invoice in full, you will
need to adjust the Payment Amount also. If the invoice includes withholding ta
x, you can not adjust the Payment Amount or the Discount Amount.
Q. Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the payment batc
h exceeds the maximum outlay.
A: Yes. Select the Supplier and Site and choose 'Force' as the Pay Option in th
e Modify Payments Window.
Q: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatted.
A: These instructions are for Smart Client or NCA, not character.
1. Navigate to the concurrent request summary form (Other -> Concurrent)
2. Either query the format payment concurrent request, or query all and manually
search for the format payments request.
3. Select Special?Reprint from the toolbar.
4. This opens the reprint dialog box.
5. Select the number of copies, the printer, and the print style
6. Press OK..
Q: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed.
A: No. You must void each payment created by the Payment Batch to accomplish th

Q: How can I select EFT document type on a payment batch?
A: Change the "Disbursement Type" for ACHs under Setup -> Payments -> Banks -> B
ank Accounts -> Payables Documents from "Recorded" to "Combined"
Q: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register?
A: The best way to get around zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register w
hen an Invoice and a Credit Memo cancel each other out is to make a Manual
Payment for a zero amount (the Invoice and the Credit Memo). You can either set
up a dummy Payment Document to make the payment on, or use some other
Payment Method. The important thing here is that Oracle Payables won't make a z
ero amount payment for you, AutoSelect will not pick up zero amount payments,
nor will QuickCheck allow zero amount payments.
Once the zero amount Manual Payment is made, both the Invoice and the Credit Mem
o will be marked as paid and will stop being picked up by AutoSelect, so
they won't appear on the Preliminary Payment Register.
Q: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT trans
A: You will need to unreconcile the payment first, void it and then reissue.
From Cash Management Responsibility:
Navigate -> Bank Statements -> Find Bank Statement -> Review -> Lines -> Mark ch
eck to be unreconciled -> Unreconcile. Once you unreconcile the payment, you wil
l be able to void the payment and then pay again.
Q: What is the process flow for generating payment batches and mailing c
A: Please review APNews Vol 24 to resolve this issue.
FAQ Summary
iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the
Match: What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Fina
l Match do?
Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" invoice and how do I enter one?
Tax: How do I create a Withholding Tax Invoice?
Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
Match: How to Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?
New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced
since 11i was released?
Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after
applying 11i.AP.I?
Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy syste
m into Oracle Payables?
Requester: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice
Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more in
formation on Expense Report Import (Invoice Import in 10.7 and 11.0)?
Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
Invoice Processing Issues?
Patches: List of One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
FAQ Details
Q1. iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
A: iSupplier Invoice entry is a new feature released with one-off patch 2234922,
Procurement Family Pack H and Financials Family Pack C (same as 11i.AP.J). Usin
g this new feature your suppliers can enter their invoices on-line directly into
AP through the iSupplier module. For a complete overview of this new feature in
cluding implementation steps and usage instructions, please refer to the 11i Pay
ables User Guide (pages 4-171 through 4-174) available via Metalink. This users
guide is current as of Family Pack C (11i.AP.J) and contains installation instru

ctions for all new features released in 11i.

Q2. Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the invo
A:This hold is in effect because the invoice was matched to a PO line that has a
status of Final Closed. There is no way to manually remove the hold; the system
must remove the hold. There are two workarounds for this situation:
Workaround #1: You need to reverse the distribution line that has the final matc
h hold. You can then create a new PO line, and match to that line.
Workaround #2: You can manually create a distribution line on the invoice that i
s not matched to the PO, but is charged to the correct GL account. For More info
rmation on Final Match Holds see Note 1026090.6.
Q3. Match:What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Final Mat
ch do?
A:After you match an invoice to a Purchase Order, you can look at the AP_INVOICE
_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table and observe different codes in the FINAL_MATCH FLAG col
umn. The FINAL_MATCH_FLAG has the following QuickCodes:
N No The PO shipment line has not been matched.
Y Yes The PO shipment line has been matched, AND one of the invoices for this PO
has been final matched. When a PO is final matched to an invoice, all other inv
oices for that PO are updated, too. So you cannot tell from this flag, which inv
oice was final matched. D Done The PO shipment line is closed. You cannot invoic
e this distribution line.
Note: When you match an invoice to a PO, nothing special happens. But when you f
inal match an invoice to a PO, that means you can never match another invoice to
that PO. The PO lines that have been matched are closed.
Q4. Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" Invoice and how do I enter one?
A:Mixed Invoices are invoices or credit/debit memos for which you can perform bo
th positive and negative matching to purchase orders and to other invoices.
For example, you can enter an invoice for -$100 with Invoice Type Mixed. You can
match to an invoice for $-200, and match to a purchase order for $100.
To enter a Mixed invoice:
1. Enter the invoice or credit/debit memo in the Invoices Summary, and enter Mix
ed as the invoice Type. You can enter either a positive or negative invoice amou
2. Match to purchase orders, and/or invoices.
Q5. How do I create a Withholding Tax invoice?
A:After you apply withholding tax to an invoice, you can optionally create invoi
ces to remit withheld tax to the tax authority.
Payables can automatically create withholding tax invoices, or you can perform t
his task manually. If you chose to automatically create withholding tax invoices
, you must choose whether to do this during Approval or during payment processin
g. Indicate this choice in the Withholding Tax region of the Payables Options wi
ndow. See: Withholding Tax Payables Options.
If you choose to create withholding tax invoice manually, create an invoice for
each Withholding Tax type invoice distribution on an invoice. Create the invoice
for the tax authority supplier and site assigned to the Withholding Tax type ta
x name and for the amount of the Withholding Tax type invoice distribution.
Please see Note 198307.1 and the 11i Payables User Guide (pages 10-26 through 10
-55), for more information on Withholding Tax invoice creation.
Q6. Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
A:Chapter 10 of the 11i Payables User Guide discusses setting up and using Inter
est Invoices. Also see Note 198308.1 for more information on creating Interest I
nvoices including coverage of the following Interest Invoice sub-topics:
1) Setting steps that must be completed
2) Minimum Interest amounts

3) Expense GL Account to be charged for interest expense

4) Liability GL Account to be charged for interest expense
5) Automatic Interest
6) Invoice Due Date calculations
7) Interest amount calculations
Q7. Match: How do I Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?
A: Note 198535.1 provides detailed instructions for matching purchase orders to
Invoices. This content is presented in the form of a white paper in PDF format.
The 11i Payables User Guide (pages 4-68 through 4-82) also provides a thorough o
verview of the Invoice Matching process.
Q8. New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced sinc
e 11i was released?
A: For a complete description of new features released in Mini-Packs "A" through
"I" please review Note 166537.1. Beginning with 11i.AP.J and continuing with Fa
mily Packs C+, Payables will deliver new feature descriptions in the "About" doc
ument for each Mini/Family Pack. Please see the 11i.AP.J About document for more
AP support strongly recommends that you install the corresponding documentation
patch for Mini/Family Packs that you apply. These documentation patches contain
the most up to date On-Line Help files with instructions on how to use or implem
ent the new functionality introduced by the patch.
Note: 11i.AP.J was the last Payables Mini-Pack for 11i. After Mini-Pack J, Payab
les will deliver all 11i consolidated patches in Family Packs. 11i.AP.J will con
tain the same code release as Financials Family Pack C.
New Invoice Processing Features by Mini/Family Pack:
AP.J / Family Pack C: Interest Expense Proration, Enhanced Matching Controls for
Finally Closed Purchase Orders, Payment Batch Enhancements, Invoice Approval Wo
rkflow Enhancements, iSupplier Portal Invoices.
AP.I: View Currency Details, Primary Pay Site, Invoice Approval Workflow
AP.E: Negative Supplier Balance Report, Employee Update Program
AP.A: Automatic Creation of Debit Memo from RTS, Input Tax Groups
Q9. Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after appl
ying 11i.AP.I?
A: In Mini-pack I, Payables is adding a new workflow named Invoice Approval Work
flow that asks approvers to review invoice details, and confirm online whether t
he invoice is accurate and should be paid. The Payables Approval program has bee
n renamed to prevent confusion with the new workflow and to more accurately refl
ect its function. For a complete list of the renamed programs see Note: 179837.1
Q10. Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy system i
nto Oracle Payables?
A: This functionality does not currently exist however enhancement an enhancemen
t request has been logged. Please follow bug 94383 for up to date status on this
Q11. Requestor: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice Wo
A: This field represents the person who requested the goods or services that are
on the invoice. If you use Invoice Approval Workflow, then you can define rules
that use this value to generate a hierarchical list of approvers for the invoic
Q12. Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more infor
mation on Invoice Processing?
A: Please see the Metalink Note 207154.1 for the most current version of the 11i
Payables Users Guide.

Q13. What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for Invoice Proc
essing Issues on MetaLink?
Q14. Patches: List off One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
A: A listing of the most frequently requested one-off patches for Invoice proces
sing can be found in Note 202259.1.
5. Prob: There are payments and/or invoices that are not posting to GL and you b
elieve they should post.
Sol: Ensure invoices are ready to post. An invoice must be approved and/or have
no posting holds in order to be selected for posting. To ensure that your invoic
es are ready to post, you should run autoapproval and review the hold reports.
Invoice Hold Report - displays all held invoices.
Posting Hold Report - only displays invoices with holds that prevent posting.
Matching Hold Report - only displays invoices with matching holds.
Ensure payments are made. You must insure that all your payment batches have bee
n completed (either confirmed or canceled). A period will not close if there are
payment batches in a status other than confirmed or canceled. If an invoice is
approved but will not pay, you should insure that the invoice is due to be paid
and that the payment schedule is not on hold.
6. Prob: Payables Transfer to GL was successful, but the Journal Import is not i
mporting the data into GL
Sol: Examine AP Reports for Exceptions and Correct. Transactions that were selec
ted but encountered some exception are not inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table
nor are they updated to ?Posted?. (Exceptions can be an inactive accounting flex
field value, a GL_DATE in an un-opened GL period, exchange rate missing, etc.)
After the process is complete, the AP Journal reports are generated to display t
he results of the posting selection. These reports are very important and should
be saved. They are generated directly from the posting process and can not be r
erun at a later date.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Audit Report This report lists the details of the
accounting transactions that have been inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table. It
displays the AP transaction, its corresponding debits and credits, the GL accou
nts affected, and more.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Exception Report This report displays the transac
tions that encountered an exception during the posting process. Each transaction
includes an exception code that explains why it was prevented from posting. All
transactions appearing on this report will require some change in order to be s
elected for posting the next time you run the AP transfer process.
7. Error: In Release 10.7 or 11.0, you are using Automatic Offsets, and you get
an "undist" error on some of the payments.
Sol: Navigate to Payments -> Invalid GL Accounts. Query in this form to show the
accounts that are causing the "undist" error. You can correct the invalid accou
nts in this form.
8. Prob: You get a RATE exception when running Payables Transfer to GL.
Sol: Populate the Daily Rates table for the exchange date, run Autorate, if need
ed, and rerun the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program.
11. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, Payables Transfer to GL program shows 'No da
ta found'.
Sol: Please review Note 1067036.6 and Note 1012060.7
13. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, the Journal Import process fails when kicked
off by the Payables Transfer to GL process.
Sol: Please review Note 107272.1
15. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to General Ledger Report lists som
e of the transactions as "Accounting entries have accounting entry creation erro
Sol: There is a problem with the accounting for your transactions. Please either
review Payables Accounting Process Report, which is created when the Payables A
ccounting Process is run, or the run the Payables Accounting Entries Report to d

etermine which transactions are accounted incorrectly. For additional help troub
leshooting accounting problems, please review Note 131225.1
16. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to GL exits with Status 1 ORA-2010
0 File o0000004.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed ORA-06512.
Sol: Please review Note 141706.1
Current Issues Details
1. ALERT: Pre-Upgrade Data Issue That Will Impact AP Trial Balance in R11i (Note
During the upgrade to R11i, the accounting entries for existing payments are bui
lt using, in part, the ?Payments Distribution? tables. When certain fields are N
ULL, the accounting upgrade script will not pick up those records. This causes a
ll related invoice records to appear as UNPAID on the Accounts Payable Trial Bal
ance Report (APXTRBAL).
3. 10.7 and 11.0 Trial Balance Does Not Match GL (Note 1021413.6)
In release 10.7 and 11.0 the AP Trial Balance report occasionally displays incor
rect balances. This can be due to numerous causes including duplicate invoices,
duplicate payments, zero dollar invoices, voided payment/invoice, canceled invoi
ce, etc.. This note contains instructions on how to rebuild the trial balance ta
bles to resolve out of balance issues.
Can a user send payments or invoices to AP and AR in any currency that has been
activated in the reporting currencies table?
Yes, a user can handle payments in Euro, and can change the currency before send
ing invoices to AP or AR. It is also possible to convert a lease contract from N
CU's to Euro. Because the conversion is made at the time the currency is changed
prior to being sent to AP/AR and then stored, you are able to send payments in
one currency for a certain time period, and then switch to another currency at a
later time.
1. Q: What formula should I use to balance AP to GL?
A: Use the following as an example of how to balance:
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of March 31
+ "Posted Invoice Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
- "Posted Payment Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
= "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of April 30
Reconciling AP to GL is accomplished with the use of the following reports.
"Posted Invoice Register"
"Posted Payment Register"
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" (current and last period)
These reports ensure that your Trial Balance accurately reflects your accounts p
ayable liability by matching the Posted invoices and payments with the AP liabil
ity account.
Additional Information on Reconciling AP to GL:
Note 160267.1 How to Reconcile Between Accounts Payable and General Ledger
Note 175057.1 AP Does Not Tie to GL- Checking the Interface Tables
2. Q: How is the as-of-date used in the "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" report?
A: The as-of-date is used to determine which invoices and payments should be inc
luded on the report. Any invoices or payments with an accounting date AFTER the
entered as-of-date will not be displayed on this report.
5. Q: How is the 11i Trial Balance Different from 10.7 and 11.0 ?
A: The Accounts Payable Trial Balance is actually a new report but since the nam
e is the same it is included in the changed reports section. The new
accounting model made it necessary to rewrite the trial balance report. All of t
he enhancements that had been outstanding against the report were
reviewed and incorporated into the new report. For example, there is now an opti
on to run the report for a single supplier. There is also an option to
run the report for a single liability account. For More information and a list o
f reports changed in 11i see AP News Vol. 20
Troubleshooting Summary

Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to
Oracle Assets.
Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Cre
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.
Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
AP: 11i Replacement of FAMACR With APMACR
Create Mass Additions No Data Found.
Mass Additions Create Ends With Error ORA-01012
Invoices appear as Future Additions since 11i.FA.K.
How to determine why invoices are not interfacing from AP to FA.
All books are shown even though security by book is set up
Troubleshooting Details
1. Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to Orac
le Assets.
Mass Additions Create will only create mass addition lines under certain
circumstances. Please check that you have invoice lines that satisfy the
following criteria.
Conditions for ASSET Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported:
a) The line is charged to an account set up as an Asset account.
b) The account is set up for an existing Asset Category as either the Asset
Clearing Account or the CIP Clearing Account.
c) The Track as Asset check box is checked. (It is automatically checked
if the account is an Asset account).
d) The invoice is approved.
e) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Payable
f) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.
g) If you use the multiple organizations feature, your Payables operating unit
must be tied to the same General Ledger Set of Books as the Corporate book
for which you want to run FAMACR.
Conditions for EXPENSED Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported :
a) The invoice line distribution is charged to an Expense account.
b) The Track As Asset box is manually checked.
c) The invoice is approved.
d) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Oracle
e) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.

f) Your installation of Payables must be tied to the same General Ledger Set
of Books as the Corporate book for which you want to run FAMACR.
To be picked up, the following settings are required against the line in the
ap_invoice_distributions_all table:
assets_tracking_flag = 'Y'
asset_additions_flag = 'U' (U = Untested, Y = Accepted, N = Rejected)
posted_flag = 'Y'
accounting_date = ? (must be <= to the date entered when running the FAMACR proc
The following script can be run to check the relevant flag settings for lines
that have not come through to Oracle Assets:
SQL> Select apid.accounting_date, apid.assets_tracking_flag,
apid.assets_addition_flag, apid.posted_flag, apid.set_of_books_id,
glcc.chart_of_accounts_id, glcc.account_type, apid.invoice_id
from ap_invoice_distributions_all apid, gl_code_combinations glcc
where invoice_id = ????;
2. Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
If an invoice is not matched to a Purchase Order then Mass Additions Create
will always create a mass addition line with one unit and you would get a
warning in the log file similar to:
Invoice ID: 119788 Distribution Line Number: 10 Warning!
Warning: Invalid Units. Mass Additions created with 1 unit
Cause: The invoice line from which you created a mass addition has units
greater than the limit of 9999, null units or fractional units.
When an invoice line is not matched to a Purchase Order, the units associated
with the invoice line are NULL. In Oracle Assets, the units column is required
to permit the assignment of depreciation expense account distributions.
Therefore a default value of 1 is assigned to these lines.
3. Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Create
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.
If this is the report that is submitted as part of the Mass Additions Create req
uest set it is probably an old version of the report. Development identified sev
eral problems with the report. Please apply the latest patch to update the versi
on of this report. Patches can be downloaded from MetaLink. Ensure you search fo
r patches that include the file FAS822.rdf and apply the latest version of this
If you are running the standalone report from the Standard Report Submission for
m - you will only see data from the last Mass Additions Create run. This is a li
mitation of the FA_SYSTEM_CONTROLS and FA_MASS_ADDITIONS join on concurrent requ
4. Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
The problem could be the fact that several Mass Additions Create Programs were s
ubmitted in parallel and the Concurrent Program Definition for the executable AP
MACR is not incompatible with itself.
Login to System Administration Responsibility and set the program to be incompat
ible with itself under (N:Concurrent -> Program -> Define). Auto Install does no
t set the incompatibility of this program.
10. All books are shown even though security by book is set up
for Mass Addition Create

Steps to fix the problem:

1. Under Application Developer responsibility create a copy of value set
FA_CORP_BOOK (just create manually with the same values/checkboxes, etc.), name
it, say - FA_CORP_BOOK_AP. Put a new where clause like this:
where book_class = 'CORPORATE' and ORG_ID in
order by book_type_code ;
Save the new value set.
2. Go to System Administrator Responsibility,
Navigation Path: Concurrent/Program/Define,
find the Mass Additions Create (Payables) request.
Ensure to take the Payables request, not the Assets!
Press Parameters button, go to the second parameter - Book,
specify the value set, which you have created in step 1.
Save your work.
3. Check the list of values for book parameter using an AP responsibility
having FA: Security Profile assigned.
Troubleshooting Summary
Script: Diagnostic Scripts
Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transa
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Sup
plier Site
Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Problem: Invoice Terms Being Set to PO Terms Instead of Supplier Site Te
Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Problem: PO Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices F
lag Checked
Problem: Attachment TO PAYABLES Entered in Purchasing is not Viewable in
Problem: Reversing PO Matched Invoice Distribution Line Does Not Open Th
e PO Line For Further Matching
Problem: Purchasing Encumbrances Are Not Reversed By Invoice Matching
Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
Error: Create Debit Memo From RTS Errors AP_CANNOT_ASSIGN_DOC_SEQ
Error: APP-SQLAP-10655 Error When Matching an Invoice to a PO
Error: Matching an Invoice to a Receipt Receives ORA-00904 Invalid Colum
n Name
References: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for mo
re information on PO Matching?
Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
PO Matching on MetaLink?
Patches: List of one-off patches available for Payables PO Matching
1. Scripts: Diagnostic Scripts
In order to speed and simplify your troubleshooting process, Payables Support ha

s created diagnostic scripts that can be used to quickly identify common problem
s and issues. Please click on the following links to download the scripts. The l
ink will also provide access to readme files detailing how the script is to be r
Note 148388.1. The script provides detailed data information on an invoice or pa
Note 203567.1. The script checks the basic setup (as outlined in 'Setting Up' Ch
apter in the User's Guide) of Accounts Payable.
When setup information is missing or when the setup is invalid, the test will ou
tput error/warning messages, the action to be taken, and the impact of the missi
ng setup.
2. Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transaction
For an Automatic Debit Memo to be created in AP, the following must be true:
The supplier site has to be marked to allow RTS transactions.
There must be an original invoice already in AP for the item being retur
The PO and the original Invoice must be to the same Supplier Site.
The Supplier Site must be marked as both a Pay Site and a Purchasing Sit
The return quantity cannot cause the quantity invoiced to go negative.
The return quantity must be equal to or less than the quantity invoiced.
The Create Debit Memo checkbox must also be turned on in the Receipt for
The return must be to the Supplier, and not to Receiving.
If the debit memo is not created automatically, you should create the debit memo
manually in the Payables application.
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
When the system profile option, RCV: Processing Mode is set to Online, no Debit
Memo is created in Payables. Set the option to Immediate so the debit memo will
be generated in Payables. Check with Oracle Purchasing Support for more detail
s about this profile option.
4. Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Supplier
The payment terms for a supplier site default to the invoices you enter for the
site except in the following circumstances:
You enter a PO Default or QuickMatch invoice in the Invoice Workbench, i
n which case the terms default from the purchase order.
You import an invoice record that has payment terms specified on the rec
ord, or the import process can derive terms from purchase order matching. You ca
n override the default payment terms on any invoice.
So, the debit memo is correctly picking up payment term from the supplier site.
5. Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:
Match the credit memo to the PO with price correction enabled and the re
lated invoice selected.
Match the credit memo to the invoice which is matched to the PO in question and
validate both the invoice and the credit memo.
7. Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Enable the Allow Distribution Level Matching Payables Option, if you want to all
ow matching to purchase order distributions. If you enable this option, you can
match an invoice to one or more purchase order distributions. If you do not ena
ble this option, Payables only allows you to match an invoice to a purchase orde

r shipment.
8. Problem: Po Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices Flag
If the Hold Unmatched Invoices option is enabled for a supplier site, and you wa
nt to match a Credit Memo or Debit Memo to an invoice without receiving the Matc
hing Required hold during validation, use the procedure outlined in the Matching
Credit and Debit Memos to Purchase Orders and Receipts section of the
11. Problem: Purchasing encumbrances are not reversed by invoice matching
If PO Encumbrance Type and Invoice Encumbrance Type are the same, AP will encum
ber only for variances. Only
when the Accounting Entries have been created for AP, would the encumbrance be
relieved. Once the 'Create
Accounting Entries' process is run, encumbrance is relieved. This is the standar
d functionality and as per design.
12. Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
A Final Matching Hold is placed by the approval process when an invoice is match
ed to a already finally closed PO Shipment. This hold is not manually releasabl
e. To release this hold, the distribution created by matching to the finally
closed PO line must be reversed. If there are many lines on the invoice and man
y are matched to different PO's, it becomes difficult to determine the correct d
istribution to reverse. And, if there are distributions in the same invoice tha
t were created by final matching to a PO, these distributions cannot be reversed
. To find the invoice distribution causing the hold, run the following SQL:
Select distribution_line_number LINE, dist_code_combination_id ACCOUNT, match
_status_flag APP, amount ,
final_match_flag FINAL, Quantity_invoiced QTY, reversal_flag REV from ap_in
where invoice_id = <invoice_id>;
If an invoice distribution displays a final_match_flag = D this invoice
distribution cannot be reversed.
If an invoice distribution displays a match_status_flag not equal to
'A' and final_match_flag is null or 'Y', then this is most likely the cause.
Reverse this distribution and revalidate the invoice. The final matching should
be released.


What is MRC?
MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more
than one set of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting
set of books to a primary set of books . The chart of accounts and calendar
have to be the same for the primary and reporting set of books .
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the
primary and reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Cash management
Cost Management
General Ledger
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the
reporting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time
of original entry
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are
converted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and
reporting set of books respectively.
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in
the Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the
same chart of accounts and calendar.
Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get record
in Reporting set of books?

No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.

Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get
recorded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when
they are posted in the primary set of books.
Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.

Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?

In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of

Oracle Application and operating unit for which you want to convert
transactions to your reporting set of books.
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.
In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then
this profile option should be set to the same operating unit for both
the Primary and Reporting set of books .
When a
be the

How do document numbers get assigned to journals?

journal is entered in the primary set of books the document
assigned is determined by the primary set of books and it will
same number in the reporting set of books also .

When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it
also occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times
once for the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting
set of books assigned to the primary set of books .
Note: The one step subledger posting feature is available by applying
the relevant patch .
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also
revalue the balances in the reporting set of books?
Revaluation can be run in the primary set of books and in each
of the reporting set of books. It can also be automated,
i.e running the Revaluation process in the PSOB
automatically generates the Revaluation process in the RSOB
Refer to note 93677.1

How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from
non-Oracle feeder system and the journals are posted successfully
in the primary set of books General ledger creates converted journals
in the reporting set of books .
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances,
as you can record your transactions in multiple currencies by
assigning the required reporting sets of books as per your business
What is the difference between the translation feature of
General Ledger and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts
from the functional currency of the primary set of books to another
currency at the account balances level, but MRC in General ledger
is used to convert the functional currency to another currency at the
transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the
reporting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger
will also reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books.
The reporting journal uses the same conversion rate that was used
to create the original entry .
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars
have to be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first
ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books
does not have to be the same as the associated reporting book.
The 1st MRC Period is used by our historical transactions/balances
conversion programs and does not need to be entered if you are not
going to be using them.
The replication of data from the primary book to the reporting book
is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in the Assign Set of
Books form, Conversion Options window.
You can further control the sources/categories to convert or not
to convert in the GL Conversion Rules window.

What are the errors we normally face when the transactions are imported from Ora
cle Paybles?
What the tables affected when the journals are imported from Oracle Payables dir

What kind of problems we normally when such journals are posted?

Can we post a journal having the code combination on which Cross validation rule
is imposed?
Can I define and impose a Cross validation rule on a code combination on which J
ournal entry is created?
How many periods I can keep open in Journal Ledger at any point of time?
What is the impact of opening two periods on the GL balances? How does system ca
lculate balance for the second open period? When a transaction is made in the fi
rst open period then does the balance of both the open periods will be effected?
How do I know while making a Journal whether the cross validation is imposed or
not on a particular code combination?
What is revaluation
What Subledgers does Oracle General Ledger 11i Drilldown support?
----Drilldown from Oracle General Ledger 11i is supported for Oracle Payables, Oracl
e Receivables, Oracle Assets (except depreciation), Projects, Purchasing, Invent
ory, and Work in Process (WIP).
What are the application objects that support View Accounting and Drilld
-----GL_Import_Reference_Table (modified) For Example Invoices imported from Payables
into GL goes to this table from GL_Inerface table.
GL_JE_LINES (modified)
New views in the database:
Where in Oracle General Ledger 11i can Drilldown be accessed?
-----You can drilldown from GL Account Inquiry window and the GL Journal Entry and GL
Journal Inquiry windows. Nav: Tools -- Drilldown
What are the Release 11i Subledger drilldown features?
------ Expanded Subledger drilldown, to other subledgers.
- View Accounting Lines window.
Get the following message on Drilldown - Function not available to this
responsibility. Change responsibility or contact your system administrator.
-----Make sure you have the Correct Menu attached to the Responsibility you are

Using to drill down.

When you drill down to AX Payables or Receivables from GL, you get the
message FRM-40350 Query caused no records to be retrieved.
Can you disable budgetary control for a set of books?
------Yes you can however existing encumbrances are not cleared from the feeder system
s. Therefore it is not recommended. If you do change the budgetary control opti
ons for an existing set of books, you must do two things for the change to be re
--Run the Period Map Maintenance concurrent request, it must complete successful
--Exit Oracle Applications and restart.
You must completely exit the is not sufficient to select Sign o
n again from the Oracle Applications Special menu. Ref: Oracle GL User's Guide,
Rel 11, Vol 1, page 2-90
Is there a limit to the number of periods in a budget year or how many y
ears a budget can span?
------Your budget can include up to 60 periods per year and can span an unlimited numb
er of fiscal years.
Why don't my Detail budgets roll up to my Master budget?
------Detail budgets do not automatically roll up to the master budget.The GL uses sum
mary accounts to maintain master/detail budget relationships between hierarchy
levels. Summary templates are
defined so that accounts in your lower level detail budgets roll up into the sam
e summary accounts as the detail accounts in your controlling master budget. A c
ommon misconception is that the detail budgets somehow roll up to the master bud
get by definition, this is not true. You must actually budget to a detail accoun
t in the master budget, this then serves as the controlling amount for the detai
l budgets. Master/Detail budgets are used in the budgeting process to control
Authority and identify budgets that exceed control limits. They are not intended
for reporting purposes.
I was able to post a budget journal to a closed period, why?
------A budget journal can be posted to any period that is in an open budget year for
that budget. This is regardless of the status of that period (closed, opened, or
future enterable).
How many 'Current' budgets can you have?
------You can only have one current budget. The only distinction between a 'current'
and an 'open' budget is that the current budget defaults into the budget field o
n several budget-related forms. It can be replaced however by any 'open' budget
in the field.
Why don't my budget amounts appear on my FSG?
------To include budgets (encumbrances or currencies) in a FSG report, your report def
inition must specify a row set of column set that has control values specified i

n the Balance Control options.

In the report definition itself, you associate budget names with the control val
ues that are assigned to the row or column set.
What is a funding budget?
------It is a budget that requires journal entries, and is assigned to a summary templ
ate or account range in the budget org, where the funds check level is set at Ab
solute or Advisory. It is the assignment that makes it a 'funding budget', it is
not done at the budget definition level.
Why is my budget requiring budget journals? At the set of books level th
at option is not enabled.
------This would happen when the budget itself is defined to require budget journals.
This is done at the budget definition level.
Why can't I inquire on my budget amounts from INQUIRE/BUDGETS navigation
------The Budget Inquiry form (GLXIQBUD) is used to perform inquiries about master and
detail budgets. GL compares summary balances between your master and detail bud
gets, and checks for budget variances and violations. This form only looks at su
mmary accounts. To inquire on detail accounts you must use the navigation INQUIR
E/ACCOUNTS, and choose the 'budget' amount type.
If I delete my budget org, will the budget amounts be deleted?
------No. Deleting the budget organization does not remove the budget amounts from the

Can I update/adjust an existing account range in my budget organization?

------No. To update/adjust an existing account range, you must delete the old range an
d create a new range (which incorporates your adjustment).
Can I delete a budget?
------No. Budget data can be deleted using the archive and purge functionality, but th
e budget definition itself cannot be deleted.
How many times can a budget be purged?
------A budget can only be purged one time. The archive/purge functionality was not de
signed to be a maintenace tool in the budgeting process.
Why don't my asset and liability budgets roll forward?
------This is the current functionality. An enhancement request has been logged.

Why do you receive an advisory warning during funds reservation of a man

ual journal entry, even though there are sufficient funds in the account?
------You are getting the advisory warning because your transaction is going against a
detail account where no budget has been entered. So even though there are suffi
cient funds on the summary level, there are not sufficient funds at the detail l
evel. The funds checking/reservation process will look at the funds check level
for the detail account first, and then the funds check level for the summary acc
ount. The warning is alerting you to the fact that the detail account you are en
tering a transaction against does not have sufficient funds available. When you
know there are sufficient funds at the summary level, you must either change you
r funds check level on your detail account to none (to only look at the summary
level), or enter a sufficient budget to all the detail accounts that you will be
entering transactions against, if you don't want to see the warning. ReferenceNote 1074915.6
You are trying to open the next budget year. After navigating to the for
m and querying the budget, you notice the [Open Next Year] button is grayed out.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Budget
Short Form Name = GLXBDDEF
You query up a Budget that has already been defined and the [Open Next Year] but
ton is grayed out for that Budget as well. You are trying to open the next budge
t year on February 8, 1998. Pertinent fields in the Define Budget Form are displ
aying the following information:
Status = Open
Budget Periods Block----------------------------------------First = JAN-97 Last = DEC-97
Latest Open Year = 1997
------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM EXPLANATION
------------------The last day of the Last Period defined in your Budget has already passed.
------------------The Define Budget form looks at the periods you have defined as "First" and "Las
t". Once the "Last" date has passed, you will no longer be able to open the next
year (The "Open Next Year" button will be grayed out.) General Ledger views thi
s Budget as finished since the end date has expired. According to the General Le
dger User's Guide for Release 10SC, page 2-19, "You can change the last period t
o a later period only if the period you are changing from corresponds to the las
t period of your fiscal year." In many cases you will need to define a new budge
t. When defining your budget remember that you can span an unlimited number of f
iscal years.
You find that Account code combinations are not being added to the Budge
t Organization?
------------------Account code combinations are not being added to the Budget Organization. You ha
ve added the following range to a budget organization:
Low High
----------------- ----------------000-13099-000-000 999-13099-000-000
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Organization (Form = GLXBDORG)
Name = use the flashlight icon to find the Budget Organization you are currently
working on.

Click on the [Ranges] button at the bottom of the window.

Enter the low and high range. Save/Commit the changes. Exit the screen.
When you go back to the Define Budget Organization window, click on the [Assignm
ents] button, the expected account code combinations have not been assigned to t
hat Budget Organization. You requery to verify. You run the Maintain Budget Orga
nization Program, which will also force creation of accounts. To do this, you na
vigate to the Define Budget Organization window and click on the [Maintain] butt
on. This does not add the account code combinations either. You have also tried
doing the following (to no avail):
* Unfreezing, refreezing and compiling the accounting flexfield structure.
* Running Program Optimizer from the Standard Report Submission Screen.
* Deleting the assignment and adding the assignment.
* Added account to parent.
* Dropped / recreated summary template.
-------------------Budgeting must be enabled in the Account Combination screen.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Setup/Accounts/Combinations
Do a query to pull up the desired combinations (Query Enter/Query Run).
Make sure the Allow Budgeting box has been checked for all the account code comb
inations within the range you assigned.
-------------------Assigning budget account ranges will assign accounts within the given range if t
hey have been enabled for budgeting. Otherwise, they will fail.
You want to change the period dates because of a change in business need
s or a mistake was made when it was set up. How can you fix this?
Answer: You can change a period's specifications, except for the period type, as
long as the period has not been used in a set of books. You cannot change a cal
endar period that is open, closed, future enterable, or permanently closed in an
y set of books, or is included in an open budget or encumbrance year. If it is n
ot feasible to use the periods as is, the solution is to create a new set of boo
ks that uses a new calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolida
tion to move the General Ledger balances from the old set of books to the new se
t of books. For step by step instructions on the Consolidation process, refer to
the Oracle General Ledger User's Guides. This may also mean that you need to re
-install your subledgers so they will use the new set of books. References: Note
76503.1 - Scripts to check calendar setup
Can I add an adjusting period to my calendar?
Answer: You can only define the number of periods that is specified by the Peri
od Type you are using for your set of books. For example, if, for your set of bo
oks, you are using a Period Type of Month, and Month is defined to have 12 perio
ds per year, you can only define 12 periods of Period Type Month for any one yea
r, on the Calendar form.
You defined a Period Type and now have decided that you want to change t
he periods per year that are associated with the Period Type. How can you do thi
Answer: Once you define a Period Type and save it, you cannot change it. If you
need to change the number of periods then you have to define a new Period Type a
nd a new Set of Books to use that new Period Type.
What are the year types 'Fiscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar) is used only to determine which two d
igits to append to the system generated period name. Regardless of which Year Ty
pe is used, the 'Year' entered on the Calendar form must be the same for all per
iods in your fiscal year - whether it is a calendar year or a fiscal year.

If Year Type = Calendar: The last 2 digits of the 'From' date for the period are
If Year Type = Fiscal: The last 2 digits of the value in the 'Year' are used.
You are setting up a new set of books and a calendar and are not sure ho
w much of the first year you need to define in the calendar. Do you need to defi
ne an entire year for the first year in your calendar if you are only going to o
pen the last period in that year?
Answer: No, you do not have to define the entire year. You only define the perio
ds you need, but of course without gaps between periods. Remember to define one
prior period if you will be translating. Example: You want to start entering tra
nsactions for January 2001, but you will be doing translations for January 2001
also, then you will need to define and open a period before that. In this exampl
e, December 2000.
Your calendar year is changing from a fiscal year to a calendar year, an
d you already have a set of books that is using the fiscal year calendar. How ca
n you change your calendar in GL?
Answer: There are 2 possible solutions. See Note 102460.1 for a full explanation
- Your current fiscal year runs from April 1 through March 31.
- Your new year will run from January 1 through December 31.
- You will transition to the new year beginning on January 1 of the next year, s
o you will have a short year from April 1 through December 31.
1) Create a new calendar and set of books
-------------------------------------Create a new calendar, with the correct periods, and define a new set of books t
hat uses that calendar. Run Consolidation to move your balances from the existin
g set of books to the new set of books. You may also need to re-install your sub
ledgers so they will use the new set of books.
2) Update the existing calendar
Define the periods for your short year (April through December). You mus
t define the number of periods that are expected for the Period Type you are usi
ng. In this example, it is 12. So you will need to define 9 regular periods, and
3 adjusting periods. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year. Defi
ne the periods for the next year. This is the first year that runs from January
through December. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year.
You opened a period by mistake and want to set the status back to Future
Enterable. How can you do this?
Answer: This is NOT supported. You can not set a period status back to future en
terable after it has already been opened. If you do, it will cause corruption in
the gl_balances table.
The year was specified incorrectly on your calendar periods. How can you
fix this?
Answer: You cannot make changes to calendar periods in the form if the period is
in an open budget year, open encumbrance year, or the status is Open, Future En
terable or Closed. The solution is to create a new set of books that uses a new
calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolidation to move the Ge
neral Ledger data from the old set of books to the new set of books.This may als
o mean that you need to re-install your subledgers so they will use the new set
of books.

The Year Type in your Period Types Form is not what you want. You used F

iscal instead of Calendar or visa versa.

Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar), is used only to determine which two
digits to append to the system generated period name. What are the year types 'F
iscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Can you change a period name after the calendar is defined?
Answer: If the Calendar form lets you make the change, you can do it. Otherwise,
it means the period is in use, and you can not make the change.
Can you drilldown to subsidiary subledger details?
Answer: You have run consolidation successfully. You want to know if you can per
form drilldown to your subsidiary subledger details. From your consolidated pare
nt set of books, you can drilldown to account balances, review consolidation jou
rnal entries, drilldown further to subsidiary sets of books, review subsidiary a
ccount balances, then drilldown even further to subsidiary journal entries and e
ven to your subsidiaries' subledger details. Responsibility = General Ledger Sup
erUser Navigation = Inquiry/Account
Perform an account inquiry in your consolidated parent set of books.
Click on the Show Journal Details button to drilldown to the Journals wi
Select a consolidation journal batch whose details you want to review.
(The source of the batch should be Consolidation).
Click on the Drilldown button to view the Consolidation Drilldown window.The win
dow displays information about the subsidiary balance that was consolidated to t
he parent.
To view the subledger detail information, Click on the Journal Details
button. You see the batch name, journal entry name, source, currency, line and e
ntered debits and credits for journals that effected the selected detail balance
. However we cannot drilldown to subledger data if you maintain multiple sets of
books in multiple application instances
What do the consolidation Run options mean?
Answer:The function of each of the 3 Consolidation Run Options is listed below:
Run Journal Import: If you select 'Run Journal Import' option by checking the ch
eck box [X],
the system will automatically start the journal import process.
Audit Mode: If you select the 'Audit Mode' option, a report of the consolidation
Process will be generated.
Create Summary Journals: If you select 'Create Summary Journals' option, only su
mmary amounts will be created for each account. If this option is not checked, i
t will import in detail mode.
GLXCAR: Shows a difference in December Consolidation You executed the co
nsolidation process and an unbalanced journal is generated. If you look at the C
onsolidation Audit Report, there is a difference.
Answer:The problem is that the consolidation rules were defined with overlapping
account ranges. Review consolidation rules and fix the overlapping ranges:
a. Navigate to Consolidation/Define.
b. Query up the consolidation.
c. Press [Account Rules] Button
d. Look for the rules with overlapping ranges and update them.
e. Repeat 3 and 4 for the "Segment Rules" Button
When you have overlapping ranges in the consolidation rules, the same informatio
n is consolidated more than once and it can generate an unbalanced journal.
Consolidation of translated balances caused wrong numbers for misclassif
y account
Anwer:You had an ASSET account that was classified as an expense, thereby causin
g it to close out into retained earnings at the end of the fiscal year. You cho

se only to correct the account type and just make a journal entry to correct the
balances in the first period of the New Year. You then ran translation for the
First period of the New Year. Then you ran the consolidation program, and posted
the entry in the consolidated set of books. The balance the above mentioned acc
ount did not appear to be correct. The problem is that you did not make the entr
y to correct the balances in the first period in the consolidated set of books,
thereby getting only period to date activity in the account. After you made the
entry the year to date balance was correct.
How do you keep from doubling the data when re-running Consolidation?
Answer:You want to know how to prevent data from doubling when you re-run a Cons
olidation. You ran Consolidation once. Then you ran it again. The data has doubl
ed. If you ran Consolidation a second time and re-posted the data, it would be d
oubled. You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Journals/Enter
a. Query up the Consolidation Journal
b. Click on the [More Actions] button
c. Click on the [Reverse Journal] button to reverse.
You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal. Usually Consolidatio
n is rerun because there is a problem/error in the first run. In this case, the
previous posted batch needs to reversed.
When Consolidating for the first time choose YTD Amount.
Answer:When running consolidation for the first time, it is best to run a YTD co
nsolidation instead of a PTD consolidation. PTD consolidation will only consolid
ate the period net activity. If you want to consolidate the subsidiary book's be
ginning balances, you will need to run a YTD consolidation. Also, if you are con
solidating a first-ever translated period, the using PTD consolidation is probab
ly a bad idea -- due to a lack of history you cannot really distinguish the tran
slated begin balances from the translation adjustment for the new rate. Both get
clumped into the begin balance.
Consolidation of Two Master Organizations into One
Answer:You would like to know if there is any documentation that discusses the c
onsolidation of two master organizations into one. You would like to know how to
migrate from multiple master organizations to a single master and 3 children. S
ee the Oracle Applications Release 10.7 for UNIX, Upgrade Preparation Manual, p
.11-22 through 11-24 for instructions on consolidation two master organizations
into one. Note: 1038946.6
Consolidation List of Values for Period contains no entries
Answer:You have recently created a new set of books. You are trying to run a Con
solidation for the first time using your new set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Run
GUI Form Name = GLXCOSUB (Consolidate Set of Books)
1. Navigate to Consolidation/Run.
2. With your cursor in the Consolidation field, click on your list of values (LO
V) from the toolbar and select a consolidation name. Populate the following fiel
ds as listed below
a. Balance Type = Actual
b. Method = Balances
c. Currency = <functional currency>
d. Amount Type = <PTD> or <YTD>
3. In the 'From Subsidiary' region:
a. Set of Books = <new set of books>
b. In the Period field, when you click on the LOV icon, you receive the followin
g error:
FRM-41830 List of values contains no entries
c. When you try to type in the period name, you receive the following error:

FRM-40212 Invalid value for STANDARD_TO_PERIOD_NAME

You need to open the first period of the subsidiary set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Setup/Open/Close
GUI Form Name = GLXOCPER (Open and Close Periods)
This will spawn a concurrent process. Once this completes successfully, your lis
t of values will include the Open and Future Enterable periods. This was a newly
defined set of books. No periods were opened, they were all Future Enterable. A
period needs to have a status of 'Open' in order to be consolidated. Note: 1035
Clarification of Journal Type and Average Balance Processing
You need clarification on the Journal Type and Average Balance Processing inform
ation that is documented. General Ledger has two tables that store balances, GL_
BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES. For a non-consolidation set of books:
You do not select a Journal Type.
Posting will update the GL_BALANCES.
Posting will update GL_DAILY_BALANCES if average balance processing is e
For a consolidation set of books:
- The link exists between GL_BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES (i.e., causing a pos
t to update both tables)
You can specify the Journal Type (Standard or Average)
The Standard Journal Type usage will cause GL_BALANCES only to be update
The Average Journal Type usage will cause GL_DAILY_BALANCES only to be u
In a consolidation set of books, with Average Daily Balance enabled you
would want more control over average balances maintained by date. Hence the opti
on was provided to allow posting using a journal type of Average which affects o
nly the GL_DAILY_BALANCES. When does the calculation of averages occur?
Answer: Data is stored in the GL_DAILY_BALANCES table and information is calcula
ted and output at run time based on the query or report being run. Note: 1072012
How to get Net Change when running Consolidation?
You are running YTD Balance Consolidation. You notice that the journal entries c
reated by the consolidation process is:
Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
You were expecting to see the net change. How does YTD Balance Consolidation wor
k? What is it used for?
Answer:When running consolidation by YTD Balances, the journal entry created by
consolidation is based on:
Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
YTD balance consolidation does not produce the net change. To get the net change
, run consolidation-using PTD for each of the periods or QTD for each of the qua
rters. Thus, QTD would be the amount type and they would need to run it for Q1,
Q2, Q3, and Q4. YTD consolidation is used when you want to create a new set of b
ooks from an old one. Note: 1018113.102
How do you select Subsidiary Calendar from GLXCORST
Answer:You are using Oracle General Ledger version 11.XX and are trying to conso
lidate several subsidiaries into one parent using a data set where the children
do not share the same calendar as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set

GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)

1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set by placing your cursor in the Mapping Set and clicking the
list of values icon on your toolbar.
3. When you enter the Subsidiary Default Parameters Period, the only calendar di
splayed in your list of values is the Parent calendar. This does not match the c
alendar for one or more of the subsidiaries you want to consolidate. In order to
select from your list of values, a calendar for the subsidiaries, which do not
share the same calendar as the parent, you will need to do the following:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set
GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)
1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set, which has the mapping you would like to consolidate by pl
acing your cursor in the Mapping Set field and clicking on the list of values ic
on on your toolbar.
3. Select the Subsidiary Default Parameters 'Period' you would like to consolida
te from the list of values.
4. Select the Parent Period 'Standard' value you would like to consolidate from
the list of values.
5. Click on the [Query Mappings] button to query the mappings in the mapping set
6. Click on the [Apply Defaults] button to apply the defaults for these mapping
7. You should now be able to select the mapping(s) which contain the subsidiary
with the calendar that is different than the Parent calendar.
Once you select the Subsidiary Period for that mapping set, the subsidia
ry calendar should be displayed in your list of values.
You can then save these settings and the calendars will be set up for th
e Data Set.
Note: 1016557.102
You ran a consolidation and the accounts do not appear to be mapped as y
ou expect?
Answer:You defined your Consolidation mapping:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Define/Mapping
GUI Form Name = Consolidation Mapping (GLXCODEF)
Click on the [Segment Rules] button and define the mapping as follows:
Parent Action Subsidiary
-------------------------------------------Segment 1 Copy Value Segment 1
Segment 2 Copy Value Segment 2
Segment 3 Not assigned
Segment 4 Copy Value Segment 4
Segment 5 Copy Value Segment 5
Click the [Account Rules] button and assign a range of subsidiary accounts to be
mapped to a parent account code combination in the parent set of books. When yo
u run the consolidation, the range of subsidiary accounts map to that specific p
arent account code combination you defined in the Account Rule, not the value yo
u were intending.
Solution Description
-------------------To correctly map your subsidiary accounts, Segment 3 Action should be 'Use Rollu
p Rules From', instead of 'Not Assigned'. Then under the Rollup Rules section, m
ap a range of detail values from your subsidiary set of books into one detail va
lue in your parent set of books. You can enter multiple rollup rules for a singl
e segment as long as the segment values specified in each rule do not overlap. Y

ou can enter more than one subsidiary segment range as long as the segment value
s included in the ranges do not overlap. Account rules override segment rules if
there is any conflict.
How do I enable cross validation?
Answer:You navigate to Setup/Financials/Flexfields/Key/Rules. Your rules are not
working and/or you cannot see anything in your list of values for Application S
tructure and Flexfield Title. Using General Ledger Super User Responsibility Nav
igate to Setup/Financials/Flexfield/Key/Segments
Check checkbox for Cross-Validate Segments Save
Why are my cross validation rules not working?
Possibly these code combinations were created before your rules were established
. Now after turning on the cross-validation rules they are not taking effect. Th
is is the way the system works. Rules are not retroactive. They apply only to se
gment value combinations entered after they are defined and enabled. You may hav
e to disable these code combinations if they are not longer considered valid. Na
vigate to Setup/Account/combinations. Query your combination.
Can you use parent values in your cross-validation rules?
The cross-validation rules are independent of the value hierarchy. Even if a par
ent value falls under the range of an Exclude type cross-validation rule, its ch
ildren are not excluded unless the child values also fall under the range.
How are cross validation rules evaluated?
To pass a rule, a combination must be included in at least one Include element,
and must not be included in any Exclude element. The combination is considered t
o be included in an element if all of the segment values fall within the low and
high range of that include or exclude element. The Cross Validation Rules are e
valuated alphabetically. The Exclude elements are looked at first. See Note 1012
616.102 for more information.
Where is the Cross-Validation Report and Cross-Validation Rules Listing
Report located?
Using system administration responsibility Navigate to submit/request. Choose fr
om the list of values.
Can the Cross-Validation Rules Violation Report Disable Account Code Com
Yes. The Cross-Validation Rule Violation Report allows users to disable existing
combinations that violate a cross validation rule. This is the normal functiona
lity of this report.
Can you define cross validation rules for a set of books?
No. Cross Validation rules are defined per accounting flexfield structure. Any s
et of books using that structure would operate under the defined cross validatio
n rules of the structure.
How to run revaluation again in a previous period.
Answer: Yes, you can run revaluation more than once in a period. Based on the Re
valuation calculation, any additional journal entries posted after the initial R
evaluation journal has been posted, will be picked up in the balances that are s
ubsequently revalued in that same period. The subsequent Revaluation journal ent
ry will then represent the incremental change in the revalued balance, due to th
e additional journal entries posted After the initial Revaluation. Note: 1064920
How do you specify PTD or YTD Revaluation?
Answer:You can specify period-to-date (PTD) or year-to-date (YTD) to revalue inc
ome statement accounts using PTD or YTD balances by setting the profile option '
GL: Income Statement Accounts Revaluation Rule'.
The following values are available:

PTD: Only PTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts.
If you select PTD, the Revaluation program only revalues the PTD balances of you
r income statement accounts but continues to revalue YTD balances for balance sh
eet accounts.
YTD: Only YTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts. If you sp
ecify YTD, then the revaluation program behaves as it did before, revaluing YTD
balances for both your income statement and balance sheet accounts. You can only
review this profile option at the user level. Your System Administrator can set
this profile option at the site, application, or responsibility level. Note: 11
Can you run revaluation over again without re-entering account ranges?
Answer:Yes, account ranges do not have to be reentered every time you run revalu
ation. Set the profile option 'GL: Revaluation AutoQuery Last Run Range' to Yes.
The Revalue Balances form will then reuse the account ranges you last used when
you generated your revaluations. Note: 110488.1
What formula does YTD and PTD Revaluation use?
Answer:YTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr - Begin_balance_
cr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate)
(Begin_balance_dr_beq + period_net_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq - period_net_cr
PTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((period_net_dr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate))
(Period_net_dr_beq - period_net_cr_beq) Note: 119697.1
Are there scripts that can be used to extract data necessary to verify r
evaluation formula?
Answer:YTD script: SQL> select code_combination_id,TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_COD
PTD script:
SQL> select code_combination_id, TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_CODE,
: 119697.1
Can you change the automatic reversal entries for revaluation?
Answer:Revaluation assumes that the customer will want reverse the journals in t
he following period as to not do so would mean the Realized Currency exchange ga
in or loss is not recognized in that months accounts. Journals created by revalu
ation are therefore marked available for reversing in the next non-Adjusting per
iod see. In 11i you can also automatically reverse journals by category
but this is not obligatory. Note: 1013221.102
How are the reversal journals created for the revaluation?
Answer:In Release 10.7 and 11.0, GL automatically marks all Revaluation journals
for reversal in the next accounting period, making them available for generatio
n on the Reverse Journals form. GL does not automatically reverse revaluations f
or you, but simply defaults the reversal period as the next accounting period. I
n Release 11.5, if you want to automatically reverse Revaluations, you must set
up AutoReversal criteria for the category Revaluation (Setup->Journal->AutoRever
se). Then when you run the program called Program-Automatic Reversal, it will lo
ok for all the revaluation journal entries and reverse them and/or post the reve

rsals if you defined the criteria that way. If you like, you can still manually
reverse the journal. If you do not want them to be automatically reversed by the
AutoReverse program, but want them to be available on the Reversal form for gen
eration of the reversal journal, define the Journal Reversal Criteria for the Re
valuation Category, but do not check the AutotReverse or AutoPost Reversal check
How to verify Translation Adjustment Account. Mathematically, how can a
user verify what is in the Translation Adjustment account, for a given period.
Take the total of your P&L (Revenue and Expense) accounts and multiply t
his amount by the period average rate defined.
Take the total of assets and liabilities and multiply this amount by the
period end rate.
Take the total of your retained earnings and use the historical amount o
r Multiply by historical rate (whichever way you have defined it).
Add 1,2 and 3 together. This should equal the amount in your translation
adjustment account, with the opposite sign.
Make sure no other entries have been made to the account. If there are t
hey would have to be backed out in order to reconcile the amount. Note: 1057759.
Translation using Historical Amounts
Answer:In some situations, you may want to use Historical Amounts to translate c
ertain accounts. However, when Historical Amounts are used in the very first per
iod ever translated, this creates a large Rate Adjustment for the same amount wh
ich distorts the Cumulative Translation Adjustment account. The translation code
cannot distinguish between how much of the Historical Amount defined is attribu
table to the Beginning Balance and how much is attributable to rate fluctuation
in the period, so the entire amount is thrown into the Rate Adjustment bucket. F
or example, in the first period ever translated where there is no period activit
y for the account, when you use Historical Amounts, you may see: Beginning Trans
lated Balance = zero. Rate Adjustment = the Historical Amount defined. Ending Tr
anslated Balance = the Historical Amount defined. By definition, when translatin
g on YTD basis, the Historical Amount defined is equal to the YTD Translated Bal
ance. You would like to know how to correct the situation so that you do not hav
e a large Rate Adjustment in the first period translated. The workaround is to "
back into" an Historical Rate, based on the Historical Amount that you want to a
chieve for the period. You should use this Historical Rate in the first period e
ver translated, then in the subsequent months use the appropriate Historical Amo
unt. This eliminates the large Rate Adjustment in the first period ever translat
Manually entered beginning balance to Retained Earnings.
Answer:You manually entered a beginning balance to the Retained Earnings. How th
is is translated will depend on how you have the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equ
ity Translation Rule' set.
Set to YTD: First period Translation, the translated amount for the retained ear
ning will equal 0. Subsequent Translations will have a translated amount for the
retained account
Set to PTD: You will have a Translated amount for the retained earnings in the f
irst period.
11.0 apply patch 762953 (Patch 762953 is included in GL Patchset E 1178837) 10.7
apply patches 762953 and 600293 Note: 119581.1
Does the Translation of Owner's Equity Accounts comply with FASB 52?
The profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Translation Rule' should be set PTD to co
mply with FASB 52.
Set to PTD: Beginning Translated Balance + (Current month activity in Functional
Currency x
Current Month Historical Rate) = Ending Translated balance.

Set to YTD: Translated Currency YTD = Functional Currency YTD * Rate YTD transla
tion of Owner's Equity Accounts calculation does not take into account the histo
rical rates that were in effect at the time of each transaction in the account.
For 10.7 apply patch 600293 to add the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Transl
ation Rule'
Translation changing Historical to Period Rates?
You will need to do the following:
Delete the historical rate from the Historical Rate Form. (Note if you h
ave a 'Prior' Historical Rate - this will have to be deleted. You may have a pri
or historical rate if you deleted the historical rate and reran translation with
out purging the original translations using the original historical rate).
Define a period-end rate in the Period Rates form.
Purge translated balances to get rid of the original historical rate.
If you change a period or historical rate for a prior period, do you hav
e to go back and re-run translation for the prior period?
NO. Translation of the current period will automatically retranslate all prior p
eriods where the translation is not current, limited by the parameters specified
for translation run.
CONVERSION Questions and Answers:
What are the valid values for STATUS_CODE in the GL_DAILY_RATES Table an
d what triggers a change in the column?
Valid values for the STATUS_CODE column in the GL_DAILY_RATES table are:
C - current
D - deleted
O - outdated
These values are based on the activity, deletion, or update of rates in the Dail
y Rates form. When you update the rate, the value will change to "O".
Can the user conversion type be suppressed in the list of values on the
enter journals form?
Currently there is no supported way to restrict users from being able to select
the Conversion Type of User from the list of values on the Enter Journals form.
Is Document Sequencing valid for budget journals?
-----Document sequences only apply to actual journal entries. Budget and encumbrance
journal entries will not work with document sequencing.
Where do you setup the GL document sequencing so you can see the categor
You have created document categories for each of your companies and have linked
these categories to an assignment in the Sequence Assignment form. Navigation= S
etup:Financials:Sequences:Assign (FNDSNASQ). When you go into the journals entry
form and try to select the new category that you have created, you do not see t
he new category. You have the same setup in AP and it works fine. Is there somew
here else they need to setup the categories?
-----Document categories for Journal Entries must be setup in GL. Following is a brie
f explanation of how to set up document sequencing for journal entries. In Syste
m Administrator Responsibility, you need to set the profile option 'Sequential N
umbering' to Partially Used at the Application (OGL) and Responsibility (your GL
responsibility) levels and commit. In your GL responsibility:
a. Journal categories - create a new record and set the reversal method to Switc
h Dr/Cr and commit. (Setup: Journal: Categories)
b. Document Sequences - create a new record as follows: Application=OGL; From=<s
tart date>; Type=manual; Dist... Access=GL and commit. (Setup: Financials: Seque

nces: Define).
c. Sequence assignments - create a new record with: Application=OGL; Category= T
estxyz; SOB=<your set of books name>; Method=manual; Start Date=<start date>; Se
quence=Testxyz and commit. (Setup: Financials: Sequences: Assign)
Enter a new journal and tab through Document No. And do not enter a number. This
should result in the following error: APP-1738 - "The sequence Testxyz is type
manual. You must enter a value." By entering a number you should be able to save
the Journal Entry. GL document categories are not available to the System Admin
istration responsibility and cannot be setup there. Creation of document categor
ies in SysAdmin updates FND_DOC_SEQUENCES_CATEGORIES but when created in GL the
record is inserted into GL_JE_CATEGORIES. Thus, categories must be setup through
a GL responsibility (e.g. GL Superuser) with the required GL setup forms/menu f
unctions enabled.
NOTE: This above example is not a complete setup of document sequences. In order
to use document sequences with programs such as journal import that will automa
tically assign a sequence number, you must set up an automatic sequence and crea
te an assignment with an automatic method.
How is the profile option 'Sequential Numbering' used?
-----Sequential Numbering assigns numbers to documents created by forms in Oracle fin
ancial products. Sequential numbering provides a method of checking whether docu
ments have been posted or lost. Not all forms within an application may be selec
ted to support sequential numbering. Sequential numbering has the following prof
ile option settings:
Always Used - You may not enter a document if no sequence exists for it.
Not Used - You may always enter a document.
Partially Used - You will be warned, but not prevented from entering a document,
when no sequence exists.
Users can see this profile option, but they cannot update it. This profile optio
n is visible and updatable at the site, application and responsibility levels. T
he internal name for this profile option is UNIQUE:SEQ_NUMBERS.
Can you set up document sequences for Journal Categories in the System A
dmin Responsibility?
-----No you have to set up document sequencing for Journal Categories in the General
Ledger responsibility as this updates an extra table in GL.
Can document sequencing be used for some categories in a set
ut not all?
-----Yes. Document sequencing is specific to to the combination of set of
gory. So yes you can have some categories within a set of books that
nt sequencing while other categories in the same set of books do not
nt sequencing.

of books, b

have docume
have docume

Will a reversed journal have the same sequence as the original journal.
-----It can do if an automatic method is assigned to the sequence as well as a manual
method. Reversals are generated by the system, so the system considers them to
be automatic transactions. For document sequences to be applied to automatic tra
nsactions, the category must have a document sequence assignment with a method o
f automatic. Manual method refers to journal entries that you enter manually on
the Enter Journals form. Automatic method refers to transactions that are gener
ated automatically by General Ledger.

How do you disable a segment value and code combinations so journals wil
l not be created with these accounts?
You must disable the segment, and disable every code combination that uses that
segment. In version 11 and prior, you must disable each code combination individ
ually. However, in 11i, you can disable a range of code combinations using the n
ew Segment Value Inheritance program.
If the Accounting Flexfield structure is not frozen, why does the Shorth
and Alias form (FNDFFMSA) allow updates?
This form should become non-updateable and non-insertable if the flexfield is no
t frozen. Bug 1080345 (Problem 9) has been submitted to address this issue.
How do you update segment qualifiers or rollup groups for an existing va
You need to unfreeze all flexfields that use the value set. Then you should be a
ble to update the values. See note 1015950.600 for detailed steps, and scripts t
o find the flexfields that use a particular value set.
How do you add a new value to an existing segment?
On the Segment Values form, insert a new row with your new value. Make sure the
segment qualifiers are set correctly (Allow Posting and Budgeting). If this is t
he natural account segment, specify the Account Type also.
How do I know which accounts are inactive?
Run the standard report: Chart of Accounts - Inactive Accounts Listing. This rep
ort is new in Release 11i.
Can you add or delete segments to an existing accounting flexfield struc
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data
Which table stores the parent value and its' child ranges?
What tables store segment values and descriptions?
Do all segments of your accounting flexfield have to be enabled and disp
Yes. This is true for all applications versions. All segments must be enabled an
d displayed. Any other configuration is not supported. From the Oracle Applicati
ons Flexfields Guide: 'If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, you MUST di
splay ALL segments. Hiding segments will adversely affect your application featu
res, such as Mass Allocations'. The only supported solution therefore, is to hav
e all segments displayed from the start, and for them to remain that way.
When trying to compile an accounting flexfield, you receive APP-00981 an
d APP-00068 errors. How do you resolve this?
Remove any spaces in the View Name and replace them with underscores. Verify the
segment qualifiers have been assigned. See Note 1053770.6 for more information.
The View Compilation for the Accounting Flexfield view failed with APP-0
0988 ORACLE error 905 in afuddl. How should you resolve this issue?
The View Name on the Define Key Flexfield Segments form can only contain letters
, numbers or underscores. For more information, see Note 1022367.6.

Can a flexfield qualifier be changed after it has been created?
No. Once a segment qualifier has been designated for a specific segment and has
been saved, it will permanently have the attributes with that qualifier. For exa
mple, you accidentally designate the cost center segment as the natural account
segment. Even though you do not compile this, the system saves the changes. And
once it has been saved, it will have all the attributes designated for the natur
al account qualifier, even after it has been changed back, resaved with the corr
ect qualifier and compiled. This is the inherent functionality of the software.
Unfortunately, there is no real easy solution for this issue. The only option is
to create a new chart of accounts and attach a new set of books. You may be abl
e to just create a new chart of accounts if you haven't created the set of books
yet. See Note 107448.1, for more information.
You receive the message 'APP-00734: Please enter a valid value for the A
ccount Type segment qualifier using the Segment Qualifiers pop-up window' when e
ntering a new value. How do you resolve this?
You need to make sure that segment qualifier values have been entered. If you pl
an on choosing the default values, you must tab to the segment qualifier popup w
indow and click the OK button. See Note 1071883.6 for more information.
Can you change the size of a value set used in the accounting flexfield
after it has been created?
No. Once the value set is created, you should not change the size of a value set
used in an accounting flexfield. We recommend that you set Right-justify Zero-f
ill Numbers to Yes for value sets you use with the Accounting Flexfield. You sho
uld never change to a value set with a
larger (or smaller) maximum size if your value set is Right-justify Zero-fill, s
ince 001 is not the same as 0000001, and all of your existing values would becom
e invalid.
You receive APP-00668, APP-00874 FDFBKS error when compiling accounting
Make sure you have created the segments for your accounting flexfield structure.
Also verify that you have assigned the Balancing Segment and Natural Account se
gment qualifiers to the appropriate segments.
You receive APP-1564 and ORA-904 errors when trying to create a new code
combination. How should this be resolved?
This issue is corrected in patch 656683. Apply patch 656683 or FND Patchset F (1
You received APP-00822 and APP-00730 errors when entering flexfields in
Set of Books form GLXSTBKS. How should this be resolved?
Make sure your segment qualifiers have been assigned (Balancing Segment and Natu
ral Account). Verify that value sets have been assigned to all segments. Re-sign
on to the application.
How do you enable the Journals-Captured Information descriptive flexfiel
Define context values for each of the account values you want to capture inform
ation for. Then define context-sensitive segments that will hold the desired inf
ormation. See Note 108331.1 for detailed setup steps.
How do you correct a misclassified account?
Note 1050920.6 contains detailed steps for correcting Misclassified Account Type
s. The steps must be followed in the exact order if the misclassified account is
to be corrected in its entirety.
You are trying to modify an existing segment value and receive errors FR
M-40735 and FRM-40654: Record has been updated, re-query block to see changes.

These errors are probably due to trailing spaces in a text field. The script, $F
ND_TOP/sql/afchrchk.sql can be run to find and optionally remove the trailing sp
aces. Note 1016277.102 contains more information.
Can the Accounting Flexfield Segment name be changed?
Note: 1053771.6 contains detailed steps for changing the name of a Accounting Fl
exfield segment.
Can a parent value be changed to a child value and vice versa?
An account should never be changed from a child to a parent or vice a versa. Thi
s may cause corruption in the chart of accounts at the table level and is not re
commended or supported by development.
Can changes be made to segments in an existing accounting flexfield stru
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data corruption.
How do you enable an existing Future use accounting flexfield segment?
There are no extra steps to follow except the following:
1) Unfreeze the accounting flexfield
2) Change the segment name to a proper name (if necessary)
3) Change the value set value type from constant to char and default value (if n
4) freeze the accounting flex field and recompile
Disabling an account code segment value does not prevent transactions to
be entered to all account code combinations. Is this a bug?
This is the functionality of the application. Disabling the segment value does n
ot disable the account code combinations associated with it. Disable the account
code combinations separately or run the Inherit Segment Values process which wi
ll disable all the account code combinations associated with this particular seg
ment value automatically.
What is the difference between Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Securit
y Type?
Hierarchical Security: This feature combines Flex Value Security and Flex Value
Hierarchy. The end result is 'a flex value is secured if one of it's parents is
secured'. With non-hierarchical security, the child values do not inherit the pa
rent security.
Why can you update the Segment Values form (FNDFFMSV) when the flexfield
structure is frozen?
You do NOT need to Unfreeze Flexfields to amend Segment Qualifiers from FNDFFMSV
11.5.28 (FND patchset C) onwards, for Release 11i. Due to customer requests, pa
tch 1081772 introduced this change for FNDFFMSV.fmb 115.28, and it is included i
n R11i FND patchset C onwards. This is now standard functionality. Documentation
bug 1377482 has been raised to reflect this change to functionality, since the
11i User's Guide does not advise of the change.
Should Rollup Groups be frozen?
It is recommended that Rollup Groups be frozen unless they are being modified. H
owever, if they are not frozen, there should not be any effects on General Ledge
r reports, functions, or other processes.
Do you need to have an Accounting Flexfield segment that is flagged with
the Intercompany qualifier?
The intercompany segment is an optional Intercompany feature for the Intercompan

y Segment Balancing. It is NOT required in order to do intercompany balancing. I

t is just another way to do the intercompany balancing, instead of using differe
nt natural accounts to track intercompany balances, you can use the intercompany
segment in the Chart of Accounts to record the same detail. It is more just a m
atter of preference of how you want to track the intercompany transactions. Refe
r to Note 151130.1 to see additional information regarding How Intercompany Jour
nal Lines are Created in General Ledger 11i.
What is a Reconciliation qualifier and how is it setup?
This Reconciliation flag is a localization feature used primarily by European cu
stomers. When the flag is set to YES, the account is set up to be reconciled. GL
Entry Reconciliation is a set of forms and reports that enable the user to sele
ctively cross-reference transactions in the General Ledger. Once the balance of
a group of transactions is zero, the user can mark them as reconciled. This func
tionality enables the transactions in any account that should balance to zero (f
or example, an Inter-company suspense account) to be reconciled.
What is the recommended numbering for the Accounting Flexfield structure
and why?
The Accounting Flexfield structure requires consecutive segment numbers beginnin
g with 1, such as 1,2,3..... Gaps in numbering like 10, 20, 30 could cause error
s when compiling and with other General Ledger functions.

Some of the segment separators are displayed as question marks (?), why?

Check the descriptions of the Segment Values. If the same segment separator valu
e (ie: dash) is used in the segment value description, the actual segment separa
tor on the chart of accounts will appear at times as a "?" Do not use the segmen
t separator in the description and this should resolve the issue.
What is the difference between printing standard reports and printing F
The standard reports use the SRW drivers when they are generated, whereas, the
FSGs do not use the SRW drivers at all. The standard reports have a predefin
ed print style and driver assigned to them. When an FSG is submitted, its' init
ial style is DYNAMIC which calls the GL routine FDUGST which in turn will selec
t an appropriate print style.
What are the valid print styles for printing FSGs?
There are four valid print styles for printing: 80 or < (portrait), 81-132 (la
ndscape), 133-180 (landwide), and 181-255 (landwide 255). FSG will automaticall
y pick the smallest one of these that can hold your report, and use that as you
r print style. Landwide 255 does not come seeded with Oracle Applications. If
there is a need to use the 255 style, you will have to create this new style.
How can I create the Landwide 255 print style?
Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Print St
yle form (Install/Printer/Style). You can create a new style of Landwide 255 b
y copying the Landwide style as a new record, and changing the column setting t
o 255 (leaving other settings the same). The same driver that is assigned to t
he Landwide style can be assigned to the Landwide 255 style.
What should the profile option FSG: Allow Portrait Print Style be set t
The portrait print style is only available if the FSG: Allow Portrait Print St
yle is set to Yes. Otherwise, reports that are 80 characters wide or less will
be printed as landscape, or you might receive an error when attempting to prin
t portrait reports.
How can I verify if the FSGs are set up for dynamic printing?
Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Concurren

t Program form (Concurrent/Program/Define). Query the short name RGRARG. Make

sure that the style is set to Dynamic. Also, ensure that the row and column set
tings are set to zero.
How can I get rid of the error message "Application File Server cannot o
pen file"? I get this error message when trying to view the FSG output.
This error message usually means that the FSG did not bring in any data. Your
FSG report may be referencing a period that does not exist in the calendar. Or,
there might not be any data for the period that you are running the FSG for.
What profile options should be set with regards to printing of FSG repor
Make sure that you have set the following profile options: Printer Concurrent:
Report Copies
Does Work Flow need to be installed?
No the GIS system incorporates basic workflow functionality required to function
. If you want to customize the standard functionality, then you may need to Ins
tall workflow .
Does GIS eliminate the standard intercompany journals from subledgers?
No it does not.
Do the subsidiaries have to be local to the instance which has the GIS s
No The subsidiaries can be on the same system as GIS, or physically on a differe
nt server, at a remote location, even a non oracle system.
Is GIS similar to CENTRA?
Centra (Centralized Transaction Approval System) was the name given to the inter
company system in release 11 In Release 11i GIS is the Global Intercompany Syste
m and has more enhanced features.
What is the benefit of entering Intercompany Transactions through GIS?
The major benefit of the Global Intercompany System is to prevent unbalanced tra
nsactions between subsidiaries. Also the subsidiaries involved can approve the t
ransactions in GIS prior to transferring them.
Can the 'Intercompany Segment Qualifier' be used with GIS?
Yes it is used to track the trading company's balancing segment value. The Inter
company Segment is also an optional feature for Intercompany Balancing of journa
ls, outside of GIS.
Do all the sets of books that use GIS have to be on the same instance of
No, they can also use set of books from a remote oracle instance, or even a non
oracle system.
Which responsibility should I use to enter the transaction in Centra for
a given subsidiary ?
Each Subsidiary defined for GIS should also have a responsibility defined and yo
ur system administrator must assign the subsidiary name to each of these respons
ibilities using the 'Intercompany:Subsidiary' profile option. You have to use a
responsibility that is associated with your subsidiary, or a responsibility asso
ciated with a subsidiary who has parent privileges.
Can I see the intercompany transactions for all my subsidiaries using on
e responsibility?
Yes if you assign a set of books that has parent privileges to your responsibili
ty then you should be able to view all the transactions between subsidiaries.

Is there any periodic delete program that should be run to keep GIS upda
Yes the subsidiary with parent privileges can run the "Delete Intercompany Trans
actions" program to remove the old approved and transferred transactions from GI
What type of reports are available for the intercomapany transactions en
tered in GIS?
The following three reports :
Intercompany Transactions Detail
Unapproved Intercompany Transactions
Intercompany Transactions Activity Summary
What is the Intercompany Segment in 11i? Is it backported?
-----The Intercompany Segment Flexfield Qualifier can be used with the Intercompany B
alancing feature in Release 11i. The user can assign a segment to be the interco
mpany segment. When a journal entry that affects multiple balancing segment valu
es is posted, the Intercompany Balancing feature will automatically create jou
rnal lines to ensure each balancing segment value is balanced, and the balancing
segment value of the appropriate trading partner will be automatically entered
as the intercompany segment value for each journal line. The Intercompany Balanc
ing feature is only available in Release 11i, and has not been backported to Rel
ease 11.

How do I define Intercompany Accounts in Release 11i?

------ Navigate to the Intercompany Accounts form (Setup/Accounts/Intercompany).
- Specify the Source and Category that apply to the intercompany account(s) yo
u are defining.
- Select Summary or Detail Balance.
- Complete the Clearing Company Usage and Default Options tabs.
- Define your specific balancing segments and accounts in the
Intercompany De
tail region.

Is a separate value set required for the Intercompany Balancing Segment?

-----The intercompany segment shares the same value set as the balancing segment and
is used in the account combination that Oracle General Ledger creates to balance
intercompany journals. They can use separate values sets, but they must be iden
How does the new Intercompany Segment improve intercompany accounting?
-----Specified intercompany accounts means quicker reconciliations.
Maintain granularity for due-to and due-from companies tracking, even fo
r multicompany transactions.
You can now balance intercompany journals based on multiple parameters,i
Journal Source J
Journal Category
Balancing Segment Value
- Your intercompany accounting rules may also include different accounts based o

n whether the balancing amount should be posted to a credit account (due to) or
debit account (due from). At the journal source and category level, you can c
hoose a default clearing company against which all trading partners balance.
You can also specify whether intercompany journal balancing is performed at a su
mmarized level for each trading partner or at the journal line level.
Can Intercompany Segments be used with clearing companies?
-----Yes. You can designate one company to act as the trading partner for all subsid
iary companies in the organization for certain types of intercompany transaction
How are Intercompany journal lines created in General Ledger 11i?
-----Using Intercompany functionality there are four options to automatically account
for intercompany transactions in a single set of books.
Standard Intercompany Balancing: Automatic Intercompany creates generic balancin
g lines against the intercompany accounts that are defined for specific sources
and categories.
Enhanced Intercompany Balancing: This allows definition of separate intercompany
accounts to record more detail for the intercompany journals and track the inte
rcompany balances.
Intercompany Segment Balancing: Instead of using different natural accounts to
track intercompany balances, it is possible to use an intercompany segment in yo
ur chart of accounts to record the same detail as enhanced intercompany balancin
Clearing companies: It allows to define one company to act as the trading partn
er for all subsidiary companies in the organization for certain types of interco
mpany transactions.
Is it possible to implement the Intercompany Balancing Segment in an exi
sting Set of Books?
-----Oracle General Ledger does not have a process to change the accounting flexfield
structure of an existing set of books. It is not supported or recommended to ad
d a new segment to an accounting flexfield structure that is being used. In this
case, it is necessary to define a new set of books that includes the new Interc
ompany segment.
In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment, is it possible to have a secur
ity rule on the balancing segment without it affecting the intercompany segment,
since they share the same value set?
-----Yes it is possible. Enable security on the value set. Enable security on the ba
lancing segment in the accounting flexfield structure. Do not enable security on
the intercompany segment in the accounting flexfield structure.
How are lines identified that are created by automatic intercompany bala
ncing? How do you determine which rows in the GL_JE_LINES table have been create
d by the automatic intercompany balancing process?
-----The ONLY way you will be able to distinguish such transactions is from the entry
in the DESCRIPTION column. The description column contains-> "Intercompany line
added by Posting"
How to delete a Journal Batch? The delete icon is greyed out. The Journa

l Batch does not have journals associated and it is unposted.

-----The journals/enter first popup form looks only for batches with journals.
a. Go to Journals > Enter.
b. When the Find Journals window appears, click on the 'X' in the upper righ
t corner to close
the window.
c. Click the Review Batch button on the Enter Journals form. This will bring
up the Find Batches window to query the batch.
d. Enter the batch Name and the Period.
e. Click the Find button and the batch should be displayed on the Batch wind
ow now.
f. Now it is possible to click on the delete icon to delete the unposted jou
rnal batch.
Why does an accounting period not appear in the accounting period s list o
f values on the journal entry form?
-----The accounting period list of values displays periods that have a closing st
atus of Open (O) or Future Enterable (F). New journal entries can be defined in
open and future enterable accounting periods. New journal entries can be posted
only in open accounting periods.
Why can not a journal batch be deleted or modified?
-----A journal batch can not be deleted or modified under the following circumsta
a. The source is frozen
b. Funds have been reserved for the batch
c. Funds are in the process of being reserved for the batch
d. The batch is in the process of being posted
e. The batch is posted
f. The batch is approved
g. The batch is in the process of being approved
A journal batch should not be updated if it comes from a sub-ledger. Changin
g accounting information in a journal that originated in a sub-module will unsyn
chronize the accounting information between the ledger and the sub-ledger. Inste
ad of changing the sub-ledger journal, define a new journal to adjust the accoun
ting information if necessary. A journal batch that has funds reversed can not b
e updated because the funds would not be re-reserved appropriately.
Which report shows details of a posted journal batch?
-----Journals - General(180 Char) and Journals - General(132 Char) reports displa
y information relating to a particular journal batch.
Is there a report that displays information of one specific journal entr
y - unposted/posted?
-----No. General Ledger reports display information of journal batches that are p
osted or unposted.
Can a posted journal batch be deleted?

-----No, a posted jounal batch can not be deleted. Reverse it to nullify the acco
unting effects of the posted journal batch.
Is possible to restrict users from entering negative amounts in journal
------Unfortunately, it is not possible to restrict users from entering negative a
mounts in journal entry lines.

How do you easily copy a journal entry from one set of books to another?

-----There is no standard feature to copy journal entries between sets of books.
However, there are some alternatives. See Note 204082.1.
An entire batch was reversed and posted, while trying to reverse and pos
t just one journal entry in the batch. How can this be corrected?
-----When you reverse an entire batch, one reversal batch is created for each jou
rnal in that batch. To correct your problem, reverse the reversal batches that c
ontained the journals you reversed by mistake, then post them.
Why is there a reversed posted journal in the next accounting period of
a non posted journal?
-----This is the current funcionality. Reversing journals can be posted before the
original journal is posted.
Why is the reversal period of a journal being cleared out after the peri
od is changed?
-----This is the expected functionality in Release 11i. When you change the perio
d of a journal, the application can not determine what you want to do with the r
eversal period, so it is cleared.
A journal entry with a source set up for automatic reversal is not rever
-----General Ledger automatically submits the AutoReverse program when a period i
s opened if the profile option, GL: Launch AutoReverse After Open Period, is set
to Yes. If a journal is created after the period has already been opened, then
the AutoReverse program will need to be submitted manually.
Does the reversal program generate separate reversal batches-journals fo
r each journal in a batch that is reversed?
-----Yes. When a batch is reversed, General Ledger creates a reversing journal e
ntry for each journal entry in the batch. Note that this also generates a separa
te reversal batch for each reversed journal.
How do you reverse a journal entry that was already reversed, but its re
versed journal was deleted?

-----General Ledger does not allow you to reverse a journal entry twice.Confirm t
hat the first reversed journal entry does not exist in the system.
Contact Oracle Support for the solution to Note 145043.1.
How do you restrict the ability to reverse unposted journals?
-----Unposted journals can be posted, this is the intended functionality.
Additional information can be found in Note 172016.1.
How do you automatically generate a reversal journal entry for a journal
category in the previous accounting period?
-----Automatic Journal Reversal is a feature that is included in Release 11i.
Additional information can be found in Note 151920.1.
How does the application determine the default period when a recurring j
ournal is generated?
-----The default period is only determined for non Average Daily Balance (ADB) se
ts of books.
The period that appears in the period field, will default to the
first period following the last run period which statisfies the following:
a. The period status is 'Open' or 'Future Enterable'.
b. There is at least one formula header within the batch that is valid wit
hin this period. The start and end effective dates must be valid.
How do you insert an additional adjusting journal entry into an unposted
recurring journal batch? The journal was added to the journal on the Enter Jou
rnals form, but it was not included in the recurring journal batch as expected.
-----To generate an additional journal in a recurring batch you must update the d
efinition of the recurring batch.When you create a manual journal entry on the E
nter Journals form, the
Source is set to Manual and a new batch with a Sourc
e of Manual is created. The Source for the recurring journal(s) is recurring. T
his new journal will not be combined with the original recurring journal batch s
ince they have different sources. However, you can update the unposted recurring
batch with additional lines and amounts.
Is it possible to generate recurring journals automatically?
-----In Release 11i, the automatic journal scheduling feature enables you to auto
matically generate journals for:
a. Recurring Journals
b. Mass Allocations/Mass Budgets
c. Step-down allocation sets
d. Parallel Allocation sets
How do you create a credit line for a debit balance account?
-----To create a line in a recurring journal with a balance which is opposite the na
tural account type, you will need to create the formula and include a line item

that multiplies the account by 1.

What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option"Create
Summary Journals"?
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c
oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?
What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?
Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journa
l Import?
What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
The Group ID distinguishes import data within a particular source, i.e. Oracle R
eceivables and Payables subledgers. When Journal Import is run without a Group I
D, the process will only pick up those records of the given source that do not h
ave a Group ID. A new feature was introduced in Release 11.5 with patch 1455528,
which allows you to submit requests in one step for all group ids for a particu
lar source, instead of having to enter each group id individually for that sourc
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option "Create
Summary Journals"?
Importing journals using this run option selected will summarize all transaction
s for the same period, account and currency, into one debit/credit journal line.
This will make your reports more manageable in size, but you lose the one to on
e mapping of your detail transactions to the summary journal lines created by Jo
urnal Import. You can still maintain a mapping of how Journal Import summarizes
your detail transactions from your feeder systems into journal lines, if the jou
rnal source definition has the Import Journal References option checked.
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
Journal Import does not check security rules. Transactions that come from Oracle
subledgers (AR, AP, etc.) already have the CCID (Code Combination ID) in the GL
_INTERFACE table. These have been validated in the feeder system. You can also p
opulate the accounting segments directly into the gl_interface table and let Jou
rnal Import populate the code_combination_id. If dynamic insertion is enabled, a
nd this is a new combination, then the import program will check for cross valid
ation rule violations.
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c
oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?
When the Journal Import program is completed, it automatically generates a Journ
al Import Execution Report that identifies all data errors that were found by th
e Journal Import program. This report can be viewed from the System Administrati
on responsibility by navigating as follows - Request/View/Report.
What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?

Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
No. Journals can only be imported into an open or future enterable, non-adjustin
g period for releases 11.5.6 and prior.
Please see Note 1055866.6 for a workaround.
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
Yes. Using the CONCSUB utility, you can submit a Journal Import from outside of
the application and create batch jobs to automatically run the Journal Import. H
owever this process needs to receive, as a parameter, the value of the GL_INTERF
For more information on CONCSUB see the Oracle Applications System Administrator
's Guide.
See also Note 1079972.6, Note 198041.1, Note 1034539.6 and Internal Note 136370.
1 and Note 146045.1.
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
See Note 198437.1 about Journal Import Performance improvement.
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Yes. Descriptive Flexfields can be imported with or without validation. When imp
orting Descriptive Flexfields with validation, Journal Import generates journals
only if validation succeeds.
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Yes. However, this procedure is not recommended, as data originating in an Oracl
e subledger may be lost or irretrievable. The Correct Journal Import Data form s
hould be used to correct Journal Import errors. You should also refer back to th
e subledgers where the data originated.
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
No. Journal Import does not automatically create reversing journal entries. If t
he reversal flag and reversal period were populated in the GL_INTERFACE table, t
hen the reversal must be generated after Journal Import is run. In 11i you now h
ave the autoreversal procedure that you can setup to create reversing Journals a
utomatically once an imported journal is created.
Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journal
No. These options are not available for Journal Import. There is a setup option
available for the number of lines to process at once that affects Journal Import
. Using General Ledger Super User,
navigate to Setup/System/Controls.
Does the MassAllocation program check cross validation rules?
Can you copy a MassAllocation to a MassBudget Allocation?
Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
How are MassAllocation entries calculated: Full vs. Incremental?
Does the Mass Allocation program check cross validation rules?

-----The validation portion of the program does NOT check for violations of account c
ross validation rules. Invalid lines will be created and you will have to correc
t the resulting journals in the Enter Journals Window before you post.
Can you copy a Mass Allocation to a Mass Budget Allocation?
-----No, it is not possible to make a copy from one to the other.
Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
-----They are specific to the accounting flexfield structures, not to sets of books.
If you have two sets of books using the same flexfield structure you could run a
MassAllocation defined in one or the other set of books. The responsibility you
are in would determine which set of books the journal entry would be created fo
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
-----Yes, but you can only do so if there is a summary account associated with the pa
rent. To use summary accounts in the formula, all segments in the formula must b
e assigned a segment type of Constant (C).
What is MRC?
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of Oracle Applica
What Applications support MRC feature?
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
dger ?
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting sets of
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books?
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Does posting journals in the Primary set of books also post them in repo
rting set of books?
Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
In what ways does the Profile option MO: Operating Unit affects MRC?
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When subledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it also
occur for the reporting set of books?
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to

be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
What is MRC?
MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more than one se
t of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting set of books to a p
rimary set of books. The chart of accounts and calendar have to be the same for
the primary and reporting set of books .
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle applica
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the primary and
reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Assets, Cash management, Cost Management, General Ledger, Payables, Projects, Pu
rchasing, Receivables.
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time of original
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are conver
ted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and reporting se
t of books respectively.
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the same chart of accounts
and calendar. Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when they are p
osted in the primary set of books.
Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.

Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of Orac
le Application and operating unit for which you want to convert transactions to
your reporting set of books.
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.
In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then this prof
ile option should be set to the same operating unit for both the Primary and Rep
orting set of books.
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When a journal is entered in the primary set of books the document number assign
ed is determined by the primary set of books and it will be the same number in t
he reporting set of books also.
When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it als
o occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times once for
the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting set of books assi
gned to the primary set of books.
Note: The one step Subledger posting feature is available by applying the releva
nt patch.
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
No, revaluation must be run in the primary set of books and in each of the repor
ting set of books .
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from non-Oracle feeder
system and the journals are posted successfully in the primary set of books Gen
eral ledger creates converted journals in the reporting set of books .
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances, as you can r
ecord your transactions in multiple currencies by assigning the required reporti
ng sets of books as per your business needs.
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts from the
functional currency of the primary set of books to another currency at the accou
nt balances level, but MRC in General ledger is used to convert the functional c
urrency to another currency at the transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger will also
reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books. The reporting j
ournal uses the same conversion rate that was used to create the original entry
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to
be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books does not have to
be the same as the associated reporting book. The 1st MRC Period is used by our
historical transactions/balances conversion programs and does not need to be ent

ered if you are not going to be using them. The replication of data from the pri
mary book to the reporting book is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in
the Assign Set of Books form, Conversion Options window. You can further control
the sources/categories to convert or not to convert in the GL Conversion Rules
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?
I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
enterable? Can we do this?
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?
How do you open a permanently closed period?
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?
-----Yes. You can still create entries for any period that has a status of open or Fu
ture Enterable. You can post to any period that has a status of Open. If you pos
t in a prior fiscal year, the balanced will be rolled forward and retained earni
ngs will be updated as needed.
I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
-----No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close that period.
There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close a period.
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
-----None. General Ledger will properly maintain the balances for the New Year, regar
dless of how many times the periods are opened or closed. Retained earnings are
calculated when the first period of the New Year is initially opened, and therea
fter when any posting is done to a revenue or expense account in a prior year.
We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
Enterable? Can we do this?
-----No. There is no way within the application to set the period status back to Futu
re Enterable after the period has been opened.
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
-----When Open Period runs, it sets the status of the next X periods to Future Entera
ble. On the Set of Books form, you define the number of Future Enterable periods

. If, when you open a period, there are no subsequent periods defined, the Futur
e Enterable periods can not be updated. When you define new periods in the calen
dar, the status will remain Never Opened, until you open the next period. At tha
t time, the program will update the status to Open on the next period, and will
update the status to Future Enterable on the next X periods.
Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?
-----No. You associate a Period Type with a Set of Books. The Period Type is defined
to have a fixed number of periods. That is the number of periods you must define
for your set of books - no more and no less.
How do you open a permanently closed period?
-----You cannot open a period that has a status of Permanently Closed.
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
-----No. There is no way within General Ledger to do this
How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Can I delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Can I post out of balance journal entries?
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Can I post to a parent account?
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the b
atch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter
Journals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Posting fails with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo
urnal entry lines for this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch
for posting?
Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Are security rules enforced in posting?
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts that can be created p
er the Summary Template process?
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current" without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templ
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?

Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary template criteria?
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir


How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
The Posting Journal Batches screen will only display journals available for
posting. A batch in error is not available for posting. If you cannot clear the
error you need to post from the journal entry screen See Note 1061835.6 for deta
iled instructions.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Answer: Yes you can. However, before doing so, you should check the posting, t
ranslation, and open period or summarization processes that created these files.
The GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables are temporary tables and are normally dropped
after the process has completed successfully.
TIP: Wait a week or so before you delete the table manually, just in case your
processes did not complete.
tables (i.e., the tables without the numbers at the end of their names), a
s these tables are used by the General Ledger system.
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Answer: When you post to an earlier open period, actual balances roll forward
through the latest open period; budget balances roll forward through the end of
the latest open budget year; and encumbrance balances roll forward through the e
nd of the latest open encumbrance year.
If you post a journal entry in
to a prior year, General Ledger adjusts your retained earnings balance for the e
ffect on your income and expense accounts.
Can you delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Answer: No.
Can you post out-of-balance journal entries?
Answer: Yes, if you turned on suspense posting for the set of books. If you en
abled suspense posting when you defined the set of books, General Ledger automa
tically balances each out-of-balance journal entry against a suspense account yo
u specify for your set of books. You can define additional suspense accounts if
you want to balance journal entries with specific sources and categories to corr
esponding suspense accounts automatically.
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Answer: The Journals General report can be run for Posted, Unposted or Error s
tatus batches.
Can I post to a parent account?
Answer: No, you can only post to detail level accounts. Parent accounts do not
hold balances.
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
Answer: Error1: The batch has a control total violation

Error2: Selected for posting to a period that is not open

Error3: Showing no journal entries for this batch
Error4: Showing journal control total violation
Error5: Showing multiple problems preventing posting of batch
Error6: Showing an unbalanced journal entry, and suspense posting is not
allowed Error7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no journal entry lines
for this batch
Error8: Showing unbalanced encumbrance entry without res
erve account
Error9: Showing an encumbrance journal entry with no encumbrance type
Error10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal entry
Error11: Showing unbalanced journal entry by account category
Error12: Funds reservation failed
Error13: Showing invalid period and conversion information for this batch
Error14: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive suspense account
Error15: Showing encumbrance entry with invalid or inactive reserve account
Error16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany account
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
Answer: You can run any GL program from the command line. Follow the
steps listed in Note 1013587.102.
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
Answer: You need to use the Find Batches window to find the Batch on the Enter
Journals form. From there, you can delete the batch. The first window that is d
isplayed when you navigate to the Enter Journals form is the Find Journals windo
w. You can not find the Batch using this window, since there are no journals ass
ociated with the batch. See Note 1036784.6 for detailed instructions.
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the ba
tch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter J
ournals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Answer: This batch does not have any journals. You need to use the Find Batche
s window to find the Batch on the Enter Journals form. From there, you can delet
e the batch. The first window that is displayed when you navigate to the Enter J
ournals form is the Find Journals window. You can not find the batch using this
window, since there are no journals associated with the batch. See Note 1036784.
6 for detailed instructions.

Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?

Answer: In Release 10.7, you must set the profile option 'Journals: Allow Posti
ng During Journal Entry'. In Release 11, this is controlled with Function Secu
rity. See Note 1051909.6 for
detailed instructions.
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Answer: Set the 'Printer' profile option. This profile option must be set to
successfully submit most concurrent requests.
Posting fails
urnal entry lines for
for posting?
Answer: Correct the
e to the batch so the

with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo

this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch
journal lines that caused the error(s). Make a dummy chang
status will be updated, then resubmit the batch for postin

g. See Note 1061835.6 for detailed instructions.

Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Answer: This is an unbalanced intercompany journal. If automatic intercompany
balancing is not enabled for the set of books, you must manually add lines to th
e journal to balance the companies (balancing segment values). If automatic inte
rcompany balancing is enabled, then one of the following is true:
-- An intercompany account has not been defined for one or more balanc
ing segments and dynamic insertion is not enabled for the set of books.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that vio
lates a cross-validation or security rule.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that con
tains a segment that is disabled or not postable.
-- An intercompany account combination is disabled or not postable
Note: Error16 can also be caused by a cross validation rule preventing the creat
ion of a suspense account. Suspense logic is always applied before intercompany
balancing in posting. If you have unbalanced journal headers in your batch, susp
ense posting will first try to balance them with the suspense accounts, i.e. mak
ing the total header debit = total header credit, and also making the journal en
tries balanced within the balancing segment values.
Are security rules enforced in posting?
Answer: No. Posting is controlled at the user level. A user can post all journa
ls for a set of books or none at all. This is controlled by function security in
Release 11 and 11i. In Release 10.7, you can remove the Post form from the use
r's menu, to restrict posting.
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Answer: No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close th
at period. There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close
a period.
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts which can be created
per the Summary Template process?
There are no limits on the amount of accounts which can be created by the Summar
y Template process however, the more templates created/maintained, the slower th
e performance of the concurrent programs.
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?
Redefining summary templates can be confusing at times. Note:61272.1 ad
dresses this process.
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templat
You cannot update the status via SQL*Plus to "Current". These must be deleted a
nd the summary accounts recreated.
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
When this is done, you will be able to quick pick on the Rollup Group name on th
e Define Segment Values form.
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary
template criteria?

NO, It just groups the existing accounts to meet the summary template criteria.
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Example: 4 requests: 1 for the parent and 3 for child accounts.
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir
NO. When you drop a summary template, and reassign the child values, Summary Ac
count Inquiry does not save the history of the previous accounts.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
In Release 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible
to have a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting
the intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility ba
sed on the User ID?
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization, in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilean user. How is this possible?
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?
In General Ledger security rule of a parent with children, was setup to
include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functioni
ng properly.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue? Example of issue: A user in Argentina Entered a Journal Entry.
Another User from Chile Posted the Argentina Entry in Global SOB. And later reve
rsed it as well.
Question: How could that be possible when Flexfield Rules are in place.Also, if
logging in to Global SOB with CI GL ARGENTINA MANAGER, are able to view all the
Journals of say TAIWAN or CHILE or UK at the Header Level/choose batch for Rever
sing/Posting even if are not logged on to their specific Responsibility.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?
-------Make sure that you have enabled security at both the segemnt and value set level
s, it must be enabled at both these levels to work. Also make sure you have swit
ched out and back into the responsibility.
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
-------This functionality is available starting in Release 11i. In Releases 11 and lowe
r, one cannot set security for standard reports. Security Rules will only limit
users from a few functions (e.g. Account Inquiry, Budgets, Journal Entries, and
FSGs). In addition, in Release 11i there is limited
use of the security rule functionality for running standard reports. It appears
that you're the goal to restrict users from submitting reports for a particular

company cannot be accomplished using security rules.

In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible to h
ave a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting the
intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
-------Yes it is possible. You would enable security on the value set, but then on the
flexfield segment (intercompany) you would not enable security.
Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility b
ased on the User ID?
--------You cannot apply different security rules to the same responsibility for differe
nt users based on the user ID. You will have to create a new responsibility and
define its own security rules. Then you can assign the new responsibility to one
of the users.
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
-------Security rules apply only with regards to creation/modification of lines within
a journal. They do not apply when the journal is posted.
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
-------Flexfield Value Security gives you the capability to restrict the set of values
a user can use during data entry. With easy-to-define security rules and respons
ibility level control, you can quickly set up data entry security on your flexfi
eld segments and report parameters. Flexfield Value Security lets you determine
who can use flexfield segment values and report parameter values. Based on your
responsibility and access rules that you define, Flexfield Value Security limits
what values you can enter in flexfield pop-up windows and report parameters. Se
curity rules for the Accounting Flexfield also restrict query access to segment
values in the Account Inquiry, Funds Available, and Summary Account Inquiry wind
ows. In these windows, you cannot query up any combination that contains a secur
e value. However in all other forms, you will be able to query up a value even i
f it is restricted to the user.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
There is not a way in the same set of books, to prevent users from one operating
unit via security rules, from changing cross validation rules for another opera
ting unit. The only way to do this would to be create a separate set of books f
or each operating unit. Since security rules prevent users from either viewing d
ata or entering data in general, they do not pertain to set up issues such as cr
eating cross validation rules. Therefore, the only other way to prevent one user
from one organization from creating cross-validation rules to the other organiz
ation, when in the same set of books, would be to completely remove that menu fu
nction from the user.
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilian user. How is this possible?
This is working as intended. Security rules will prohibit a responsibility from
being able to enter in certain values as well as prohibit the viewing of those v
alues as well. However security rules will not prohibit the actions above becaus
e they are in the same set of books. The system does not determine if a journal
has values in it that are blocked by security rules. If it did that, then the jo

urnal would appear as unbalanced. There would have to be an incredible amount of

logic involved, which would further reduce performance, for the posting program
to scan the journal for security rules first before posting. Posting does not t
ake into consideration the rules, this is done at the time of journal entry .
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?
Check your Accounting Flexfield Structure possibly it is frozen. Unfreeze the St
ructure and then you should be able to enable Security for the Segment.
In General Ledger,a security rule of a parent with children, was setup t
o include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functio
ning properly.
System allows the account the customer wanted but doesn't disallow the ones that
are children of the parent values excluded.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue?
The Security rule should not be modified by deleting an exclude or include as it
may corrupt the rule. One should try to delete all rule lines (include and excl
udes) save and redefine the include and exclude the way that it should work and
save. If the rule still doesn't work, it may be necessary to create a new rule a
nd assign it to the responsibilities in place of the original rule.
Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled

What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?



--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates


What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?

Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions
How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?
Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type




What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?

Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition


The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?

Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget
Both (a) and (b)


What are the types of Boundry in Budgets available in GL?

Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)


Revaluation is done for ?

Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)


Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?

We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook


What are the types of Interfaces ?

Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface

For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?
A. Translation
B. Depreciation
C. Average balance processing
D. Scheduling
A. they
B. They
C. They
D. They

Which option best describes the function of security rules?

restrict access to a Set of Books
restrict access to account combinations
restrict access to segment values
restrict access to forms

Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables
supplied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
C. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
D. None
If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, w
hat accounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account

C. Offset account
Target account

Which of the

following is Funds available equation

- (Actual+Encumbrance).
+ (Actual+Encumbrance).
- (Actual-Encumbrance)

Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the
most journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Unposted batched are stored in which table?

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?

Which schema provides access to all Oracle Applications tables?

Which data element is not in Oracle General Ledger ?
Journal entries
Accounts Master File
Which line number is used as balancing account in recurring journal?
The last line of the recurring journal
By what entity is the authorization dollar limit for manual journal entr
y set?
Journal source
Journal category
For which of the following conversion type can you override the exchange
rate in a foreign journal?




To which account should revaluation adjustments be posted?

Unrealized gain/loss
Cumulative translation adjustments
What are the tables which get populated when you run Journal Import?
Which is the Profile Option that has to be set to enter statistical jou


Name the Segment Mapping rules used for defining consolidations.

In case both segment rules and account rules are defined which one overr
ides the other?
Write a select statement to get the default set of books id while defini
ng report parameters.

How many calendars can be attached to a set of books


No Limit

What should be the value for the status_code column when journals are po
pulated into the interface table for the first time?

Oracle General Ledger Module
1.What Does a Set Of Book Consists of ?
Currency-Accounting Structure-Accounting Calendar
All the above
2.In how many ways you can create journal entries ?
3.Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled
4.What is Mass allocation Formula ?

5.What are the different status a Budget can be assigned ?
6.What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?
7.What are the two mandatory Flexfield Qualifiers?
8.An FSG Report is made up of ?
Rows and Columns
Row Set and Column Set
Rows Only
Columns Only
9.--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates
10.What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?
Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions
11.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Oracle Financials ?
12.How are Journals Identified ?
By Using Source and Categories
By Using Journal Batch Number
By Journal Number
All the above
13.How many currencies we can use in a single Journal ?
As Many
14.How many Segments are there in GL ?

15.How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?
16.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Gl ?
17.Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type
18.How many types of definition of Reversal Journals are possible?
19.Posted Journals are generally available for Reversal ?
20.What is a FlexField ?
Collection of ValueSets
Collection of Segments
Collection of Values
All the above
21.For how many segments a Qualifier can be attached ?
n number
22.Can Valueset be shared by multiple Flexfields ?
23.In the ValueSet window Min value can't be modified once it is saved.Is it is
True or False ?
24.What are the types of Validation types available in ValueSet window ?
All the above

25.Which of the following is True ?
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to only one Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 30 Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 3 Segment
26.What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?
Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition
27.The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?
28.In which module of Oracle Financial Reconcilation can be done?
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash Management
29.Which is the compulsory account that should be mentioned while creating a Set
ofbook ?
Net Earnings
Retained Earning
Suspense Account
Reserve for Encumbrance
30.What is the only account type that OF accepts for Retained Earnings ?
31.Individually entered Journals creates Batch no automatically.True or False ?
32.What are the types of a currency?
33.Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget
Both (a) and (b)
34.If the Calendar has 366 periods then ?
Budget can use only first period
Budget can use maximum of 60 periods
Both (a) and (b)
35.How to see the corresponding form name of any screen in OF ?
Help->About Oracle Application

Help->About this record

Ctl + F11
Go->Next Record
36.What are the basic needs for a Budgetting ?
Required Budgetory Journal-Range Flex field
All the periods must be open
37.What is Encumbrance ?
Used to reduce the Budgetted amount
>Used to increase the Budgetted amount
Used to Reserve the amounts from Budgetted amount
38.Encumbrance feature is available only in which of the following modules?
39.What are the levels of Funds Check?
40.What are the types of Boundry available in GL?
Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)
41.What are the types Journals in GL?
42.What are the different status of the Budgetting?
43.What are the types of Encumbrance?
44.Which module in Oracle Financial has maximum number of Flexfields?
45.What is the total no of Flexfields are there in Oracle Financial?

46.Error messages in OF is governed by which module ?
Sys Admin
Oracle Alert
47.Table associated with Value Sets is ?
48.Table associated with Calendar ?
49.Revaluation is done for ?
Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)
50.Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?
We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook
51.What is Master/Detail Budget ?
Used to create Master-Detail relationship among Budgets
Used for defining Budget Heirarchies
Used to cumulate the Parent-Detail values
52.What are the types of Interfaces ?
Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface
53. When the journal is posted then in which table the entry is effected?
54. Which interface table is used for Journal Import?
55. What is the significance of Group_id column in gl_interface table?


For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?

Average balance processing

Answer: - C
2. What is the initial status of an accounting period?
A. Future-Entry
B. Open
C. Never Opened
D. Closed
Answer: - C
3. Which option best describes the function of security rules?
A. they restrict access to a Set of Books
B. They restrict access to account combinations
C. They restrict access to segment values
D. They restrict access to forms
4. Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables supp
lied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. The interface programs for them have been created for you.
C. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
D. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
Answer: - B, D
5. Which of the following items are valid considerations when you need to import
legacy data into Oracle General Ledger?
A. Adding new GL columns for data not accommodated by GL
B. Network throughput rate
C. Interfacing legacy tables to Oracle GL tables
D. Working around legacy-system shortcomings
Answer: C
to GL s

Which of the following modules post its accounting journals directly in

production tables bypassing the interface table called GL_INTERFACE .
Oracle Asset
Oracle Purchasing
Both A and B
None of the above

7. If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, what a

ccounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account
C. Offset account
Target account
Answer: B
8. Which of the following Open Interfaces are provided by Oracle General Ledger
A. Journal Import and Budget Upload
B. Only Journal Import
C. Only Budget Upload
D. None
Answer: A
9. Which of the following is Funds available equation
FAE=Budgeted +(Actual-Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted - (Actual+Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted + (Actual+Encumbrance).

FAE=Budgeted - (Actual-Encumbrance)
Answer: B.
10. Which of the following is correct?
Converting table validation type value set to dependent value set.
Converting dependent validation type value set to independent value set
Converting table validation type value set to independent value set.
D. None of the above.
Answer. C.
11. Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
D. It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
Answer: B.
12. What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
D. Transfered.
Answer: C.
13. What is the purpose of the content set?
a. It is used to override the row set a/c assignments.
b. It is used to override the column set a/c assignments.
c. It is used to create quick report.
d. None of the above.
Answer: A.
14. Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the mos
t journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Answer B.
15. How do you omit a segment and its heading from a row set?
A. By not having a Row Order
B. By setting the segment width to 0 in the Row Order
C. By not including the segment in the Row Order
D. By setting the segment to be the last one in the Row Order
Answer B.
16. Which one of the following is not an option for summary account templates?
A. D
B. B
C. T
D. Rollup groups
Answer B.
In translation what are the rates followed by different accounts?
Answer: Period-end rate: Assets/liabilities, Period-average rate: Revenues/Expen
ses, Historical rate: ownership/stock equity.
In which table are the currencies stored?

Describe the steps in creation of Mater-Detail Budgets?

Unposted batched are stored in which table?
What are the phases of a request?
Answer: Inactive, Pending, Running and Completed
What are the mandatory columns for journal import?
Can two more journals have same name, if yes what the condition?
Answer: Yes, if the periods are different the journals can have same name.

Which one of the following is true for Consolidation?

Should have minimum two set of books.
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation.
Consolidation puts datas of translation into Parent set of books.
All of the above.

What is Encumbrance?
Answer: reserve amounts for defined budgets.

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?
Answer: Year types: Calendar/ Fiscal. And both can have 366 periods.
What the difference between Security and Cross-validation Rule?
Answer: Security rule is applied for values in value set and Cross-validation fo
r combination (include/exclude) of accounts/flexfields.
For Value set type
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B


can the WHERE/ORDER BY clause be changed.

While creating Sets of Books, for the compulsory accounts (Suspense, Ret
ained Earnings, Intercompany, Translation, Reserve for Encumbrance. Tick the typ
es of accounts can be assigned?
Ownership/Stock Equity
Answer: C, D, E


How many payment methods can be assigned to a customer?



What are the two types of commitments in Oracle Receivables?

While entering Invoices manually, Ship to Address of the customer is man



Name the two Invoicing Rules in Oracle Receivables

Assuming a payment term IMMEDIATE is attached to a Transaction Type, can w
e raise an Invoice with Payment term 30 Days for the transaction type?



In which of the following field, Standard Memo Lines appear as List of v


Invoice Lines Description

Transaction Type
Miscellaneous Receipt Description
Invoice Item Code


Auto Cash Rule Sets are defined to


Automatically apply receipts to invoices

Automatically apply commitments to invoices
Automatically apply credit memos to invoices
All of the above


If a value in a Profile class is changed, the system will

Automatically change the value for all existing customers with the profi
le class
Assign the new value only to new customers
Prompt the user whether to update for all customers or only for new cust
None of the above
Which is of the following is a mandatory descriptive Flexfield to be def
ined before importing simple invoices through Auto Invoice?

Line Transaction Flexfield

Link-to Transaction Flexfield
Reference Transaction Flexfield
None of the above


Name the interface tables used for Auto Invoice Lines and Distributions


What are the valid values for the column LINE_TYPE in the interface tabl

Can the user import invoices with user defined code combinations without
using auto accounting?


Which of the following information is not required when the user is impo
rting Credit memos?

Transaction Type
Payment terms

Miscellaneous Receipts can be imported into Oracle Receivables using Aut
o Lockbox



Name the interface table used for Auto Lockbox.


The three steps in Auto Lockbox in sequence are


Validation, Import, Post QuickCash

Import, Validation, Post QuickCash
Post QuickCash, Import, Validation
Any of the above


Lockbox is defined for a


Bank Branch
Bank Account
None of the above


Lockbox transmission formats are normal copied into



Assuming a transaction number is not assigned to a receipt in the transm
ission file and Auto Cash rules are not used, the system will

Assign a status of Unidentified

Assign a status of Unapplied
Ignore the receipt
Apply to the oldest invoice


Dunning Letters are


Statement of Account Covering Letter

Invoice Covering Letter


Reminder Letters
Receipt Covering Letters

Explain about the Lock Box functionality?

What is the interface table into which Lockbox data has to be populated?
What is the API available for Receipts?
What tables get affected when Receipts are imported into Oracle Receivables?
What tables get affected when transactions are entered in Oracle Receivables?
What are the problems we normally face during the Auto Invoice Interface program
What is the month process for Oracle Receivables?
When can I Incomplete a Completed invoice? If there are any restrictions what ar
e they?
What is the difference between Revenue Recognition and Transfer to General Ledge
How many programs will be fired when Transfer to General Ledger is fired and wha
t are they and what do they do?
What does revenue recognition program? What does it do in the case of Transactio
ns having Invoice Rules attached?
What are the accounting entries get generated in the case of Bill in Advance and
Bill in Arrears? Are all the entries created in the same period?
How can I know a particular customer balance from backend?
What is the functionality of Lockbox?
What is the interface table used for Autolockbox?
What is the use of Auto Invoice program in Oracle Receivables?
What are the tables involved in Auto Invoice Program?
QUESTION: What is the selection criteria for party purge?
ANSWER: Both organization and person party_type parties can be submitted for a p
urge, however, only the parties that have
no attached transactions or relationships can qualify for purge.
QUESTION: Is it possible to change the PARTY.PARTY_TYPE of a party using a form
within the financial applications?
ANSWER: There are no application forms which allow the change of party_type. Cus
tomer Interface is not to be used to change party_type. A bug exists prior to 11
.5.10 which allows one to complete the person type fields and convert the party
of the account being updated by customer interface but this creates other proble
ms for the account and party. With 11.5.10 this change is prevented.
The only way to change the party_type of party is to merge the existing party in
to a newly created party with the desired party_type. Also an account may be mer
ged into an account attached to a party with the desired party_type.
QUESTION: When using Party Merge and the Site Merge flag box is checked the To
Party becomes the same as the From Party. Why is this?
ANSWER: As documented under the topic: Merging Parties or Party Sites (Oracle Tr

ading Community Architecture User Guide) "You can merge parties or party sites
that belong to a party. You CANNOT merge party sites between parties, however, u
ntil you merge the parties that they belong to."
Therefore to merge Party Sites (Addresses) when the sites are in different parti
es, you must first merge the two Parties without checking the Site Merge flag
Once the Sites (Addresses) belong to a single Party, check the Site Merge flag
box and merge the sites.
QUESTION: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options is unchecked
and the 'Site Number' field is still grayed out and not available for manual nu
mbering. Why is this?
ANSWER: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options determines whe
ther the 'Location' field under Business Purpose of Customers Addresses form sho
uld be auto-generated or Not.
The profile option 'HZ: Generate Party Site Number' determines whether party sit
e number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
In order to have manual site numbering, please set the profile option 'HZ: Gener
ate Party Site Number' to NO at Site Level.
QUESTION: When a new customer site is created for the first time in the Custom
er Addresses form (ARXCUDCI), the site number field is grayed out. If using dow
n-arrow to enter a new address, the field is NOT grayed out, but gives the follo
wing error if users try to put anything in:
FRM-40212: Invalid Value for Field SITE_NUMBER
Why is this?
ANSWER: The profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" determines whether p
arty site number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
Since the profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" is set to Yes, party s
ite number will be auto-generated and therefore the invalid site number error is
received if user tries to enter any value.
At the first time you are creating a customer account and the address with the p
rofile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" set to Yes, the 'Site Number' fie
ld is grayed out because the list of values (LOV) of party_sites is empty.
But if you are creating a new customer account site for a customer account who a
lready has a customer account site then the 'Site Number ' field is enabled and
you can access the existing party sites via the LOV.
This feature is helpful when a user wants to default addresses across operating
Party sites in HZ_PARTY_SITES table is not striped by org.
Customer account sites in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL is striped by org.
So users can default data from HZ_PARTY_SITES into HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL across
operating units.


Deposits and Guarantees
Bill in Advance and Bill in Arrears


What does Create mass additions do? What tables get effected?
What is Prorate Convention in Oracle Assets?
What does depreciation program do in Oracle Assets?
How do we create accounting entries in Oracle Assets?
When the period in FA does gets closed
What is mass addition

Accounting Entries in all modules

vables ,Assets and Projects.

Inventory , Purchasing , Payables , OE , Recei

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Example: The recoverable cost is $4,000 and the method is

straight line 4 years.
Current and Prior Period Addition
You purchase and place the asset into service in Year 1, Quarter 1.
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
(Fixed Assets)
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1, but you do not enter
it into Oracle Assets until Year 2, Quarter 2. Your payables system
creates the same journal entries to asset clearing and accounts payable
liability as for a current period addition.
(Oracle Assets


Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
Depreciation Expense(adjustment)
Asset Clearing
Accumulated Depreciation


Merge Mass Additions

When you merge two mass additions, Oracle Assets adds the asset cost of the mass
addition that you are merging to the asset account of the mass addition you are
merging into. Oracle Assets records the merge when you perform the transaction.

Oracle Assets does not change the asset clearing account journal entries it cre
ates for each line, so each of the appropriate clearing accounts clears separate
Payables System
Dr. Asset Cost
(mass addition #2
asset cost account)


Cr. Asset Clearing

(mass addition #1 accounts
payables clearing account)


Cr. Asset Clearing

(mass addition #2 accounts
payables clearing account)


Construction In Process (CIP) Addition

You add a CIP asset. (CIP assets do not depreciate)
Oracle Assets
Dr. CIP Cost
Cr. CIP Clearing


Deleted Mass Additions

Oracle Assets creates no journal entries for deleted mass additions and does not
clear the asset clearing accounts credited by accounts payable.
You clear the accounts by either reversing the invoice in your payables system,
or creating manual journal entries in your general ledger.
A capitalization transaction is similar to an addition transaction: you place th
e asset in service so you can begin depreciating it. When you capitalize an asse
t in the period you added it, Oracle Assets creates the following journal entrie
Payables System
Dr. CIP Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
Oracle Assets




Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
CIP Clearing
Accumulated Depreciation

Oracle Assets




Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
CIP Cost
Accumulated Depreciation


Asset Type Adjustments

If you change the asset type from capitalized to CIP, Oracle Assets creates jour

nal entries to debit the CIP cost account and credit the asset clearing account.
Oracle Assets does not create capitalization or reverse capitalization journal
entries for CIP reverse transactions.
Oracle Assets


Dr. CIP Cost

Cr. Asset Clearing


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Life Based Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. The life of your asset is 4 years, and you are using straight line de
preciation. In Year 1, Quarter 4, you receive an additional invoice for the asse
t and change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing


Oracle Assets EXPENSED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation




Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 1, Qu
arter 4, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of year
net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Depreciating Under a Units of Production Method :

Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 3, you realize that you entered the wrong asset cost. You adjust th
e recoverable cost to $15,000.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing


Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Capitalized and CIP Source Lines

When you transfer source lines you adjust the recoverable cost of an asset. Beca
use CIP assets do not depreciate, Oracle Assets does not need to reverse depreci
ation expense when you transfer invoice lines between CIP assets. If you transfe
r source lines from CIP to capitalized
assets, Oracle Assets takes catchup depreciation as for any cost adjustment tran
saction. If you transfer source lines from capitalized to CIP assets, Oracle Ass
ets must back out some of the depreciation from the capitalized asset.
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Prior Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between capitalized assets added in a prior period.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Cost
(from asset #1 category)



Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #1 category)
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Oracle Assets




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #2 category)
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Current Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between assets added in the current period:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Clearing (from accounts
payable for asset #1)


Cost Adjustment by Adding a Mass Addition to an Existing Asset

If you add a mass addition to an asset, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry to
the asset cost account of the existing asset. Oracle Assets also credits the cl
earing account you assigned to the invoice distribution line in accounts payable
to net it to zero.
If you want the existing asset to assume the asset category and description of t
he mass addition, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry for the new total asset
cost to the asset cost account of the mass addition s category. It also creates jo
urnal entries for the clearing account you assigned to the invoice line in accou
nts payable, and for the clearing or cost account of the original addition categ
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for a capitalized $2,000 mas
s addition added to a new, manually added $500 asset, where the asset uses the c
ategory of the mass addition:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset category of mass
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from original asset category)
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from accounts payable)


Depreciation Method Adjustments

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using the 200 declining balance de
preciation method. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the depreciation method to s
traight line.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Life Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 2, you change the asset life to 5 years.

Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Rate Adjustments


Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 2,
Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets AMORTIZED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation



Rate Adjustments Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of y
ear net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Capacity Adjustments
Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 4 you discover that you entered the wrong capacity. You increase th
e production capacity to 50,000 barrels.

Oracle Assets
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets AMORTIZED

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation




Journal Entries for Transfers and Reclassifications

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
??Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Prior Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments
??Prior Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments:
??Unit Adjustment:
Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers
In Year 2, Quarter 2, you transfer the asset from cost center 100 to cost center
200 in the current period.
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost


Cost Center 200

Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Cost Center 200
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments

In Year 3, Quarter 4, you transfer the asset from the ABC Manufacturing Company
to the XYZ Distribution Company.
Oracle Assets


ABC Manufacturing

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation

Dr. Intercompany Receivables
Cr. Asset Cost
XYZ Distribution
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Intercompany Payables
Oracle Assets
ABC Manufacturing
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Dr. Intercompany Receivables
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense
XYZ Distribution
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Intercompany Payables




Unit Adjustment
A unit adjustment is similar to a transfer, since you must
ormation when you change the number of units for an asset.
e the same $4,000 asset in service with two units assigned
n Year 2, Quarter 3, you realize the
asset actually has four units, two of which belong to cost

update assignment inf

For example, you plac
to cost center 100. I
center 200.

Oracle Assets ADJUST UNITS

Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cost Center 200
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Note: If all units remain in the original cost center, Oracle Assets does not cr
eate any journal entries.
Example: You reclassify an asset from office equipment to computers in Year 1, Q
uarter 3. The asset cost is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using strai
ght line depreciation.
When you reclassify an asset in a period after the period you entered it, Oracle
Assets creates journal entries to transfer the cost and accumulated depreciatio
n to the asset and accumulated depreciation accounts of the new asset category.
This occurs when you create journal entries for your general ledger.. Oracle Ass
ets also changes the depreciation expense account to the default depreciation ex
pense Account for the new category, but does not adjust for prior period expense
Oracle Assets
Office Equipment
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense


Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Journal Entries for Retirements and Reinstatements

When you retire an asset and create journal entries for that period,Oracle Asset
s creates journal entries for your general ledger for each component of the gain
/loss amount. Oracle Assets creates journal entries for either the gain or the l
oss accounts for the following components: proceeds of sale, cost of removal, ne
t book value retired, and revaluation reserve retired. Oracle Assets also create
s journal entries to clear the proceeds of sale and cost of removal.
Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the retirement accounts you set up in
the Book Controls form. If you enter distinct gain and loss accounts for each co
mponent of the gain/loss amount, Oracle Assets creates multiple journal entries
for these accounts. You can enter different sets of retirement accounts for reti
rements that result in a gain and retirements that result in a loss.
Depreciation for Retirements
The retirement convention, date retired, and depreciation method control how muc
h depreciation Oracle Assets takes when you retire an asset. Oracle Assets rever
ses the year to date depreciation if the asset s depreciation method does not depreci
ate it in the year of retirement. In
this case, when you perform a full retirement, Oracle Assets reverses the year to da
te depreciation of the asset, and computes the gain or loss using the resulting
net book value. For partial retirements, Oracle Assets reverses the appropriate
fraction of the year to date
depreciation and computes the gain or loss using the appropriate fraction of the
resulting net book value. If the depreciation method takes depreciation in the
year of retirement,
Oracle Assets uses your retirement convention to determine whether the asset is
eligible for additional depreciation in that year or whether some of that year s d
epreciation must be reversed.
When you perform a partial retirement, Oracle Assets depreciates the portion of
the asset you did not retire based on the method you use. If your depreciation m
ethod multiplies a flat rate by the cost, Oracle Assets depreciates the asset s cost
remaining after a partial retirement. For assets that use a diminishing value m
ethod, Oracle Assets depreciates the remaining fraction of the asset s net book va
lue as of the beginning of the fiscal year.
Depreciation for Reinstatements
The retirement convention, date retired, and period in which you reinstate an as
set control how much depreciation Oracle Assets calculates when you reinstate an
asset. When you reinstate a retired asset, Oracle Assets usually calculates som
e additional depreciation expense in the period in which you perform the reinsta
tement, unless you perform it in the same period that you retired the asset. Thi
s additional depreciation is the depreciation that would have been taken if you
had not retired the asset. Sometimes, however, a reinstatement results in a reve
rsal of
depreciation. This occurs if the retirement convention caused some additional de
preciation when you retired the asset, and then you reinstate the asset before t
he retirement prorate date. Then Oracle Assets reverses the extra depreciation t
hat it took at retirement, and waits until the appropriate accounting periods to
take it.
Current Period Retirements
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you sell the asset for $2,000. The cost to remove the asset is $50
0. The asset uses a retirement convention and

depreciation method which take depreciation in the period of retirement. You ret
ire revaluation reserve in this book.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing


Payables System
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable
Oracle Assets



Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cost of Removal Gain
Revaluation Reserve
Net Book Value Retired Gain
Asset Cost
Proceeds of Sale Gain
Cost of Removal Clearing
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain


If you enter the same account for each gain and loss account, Oracle
Assets creates a single journal entry for the net gain or loss.
Book Controls form:
Proceeds of Sale
Cost of Removal
Net Book Value Retired
Revaluation Reserve Retired
Oracle Assets




Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve
Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing


Prior Period Retirement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you discover that the asset was sold in Year 3, Quarter 1, for $2,
000. The removal cost was $500. The asset
uses a retirement convention and depreciation method which allow you to take dep
reciation in the period of retirement.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Payables System


Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing

Cr. Accounts Payable


Oracle Assets

Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cost of Removal Loss
Net Book Value Retired Loss
Proceeds of Sale Loss
Cost of Removal Clearing
Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense


Current Period Reinstatement

Example: You discover that you retired the wrong asset. Oracle Assets creates jo
urnal entries for the reinstatement to debit asset cost, credit accumulated depr
eciation, and reverse the gain or loss you recognized for the retirement. Oracle
Assets reverses the journal entries for
proceeds of sale, cost of removal, net book value retired, and revaluation reser
ve retired. Oracle Assets also reverses the journal entries you made to clear th
e proceeds of sale and cost of removal. Oracle Assets also creates journal entri
es to recover the depreciation not charged to the asset and for the current peri
od depreciation
Oracle Assets

Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing
Gain / Loss
Depreciation Expense
Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve


Prior Period Reinstatement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 1, you retire the asset. In Year 2, Quarter 4, you realize that you r
etired the wrong asset so you reinstate it.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Dr. Proceeds of Sale Loss
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Net Book Value Retired Loss
Cr. Cost of Removal Loss
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Assets Fully Reserved Upon Addition

If you add an asset with an accumulated depreciation equal to the recoverable co
st, it is fully reserved upon addition. When you retire it, Oracle Assets does n
ot back out any depreciation, even if you assigned the asset a depreciation meth
od that backs out all depreciation in the

year of retirement. However, it creates all the other journal entries associated
with retiring a capitalized asset.
Non Depreciated Capitalized/Construction In Process (CIP) Assets
A non depreciated capitalized asset or a CIP asset has no accumulated depreciation
. Therefore, Oracle Assets does not create journal entries to catch up depreciat
ion to the retirement prorate date, and does not remove the accumulated deprecia
tion. However, Oracle Assets creates
all other journal entries associated with retiring a capitalized asset.
Reinstatement Transactions
PENDING Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in the current accounting period that the ca
lculate gains and losses program has not yet processed, the retirement transacti
on is deleted, and the asset is immediately reinstated. No journal entries are c
PROCESSED Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in a previous accounting period or already p
rocessed in the current period, the existing retirement transaction gets a new S
tatus REINSTATE, and the asset is reinstated when you process retirements. Oracl
e Assets creates journal entries to catch up any missed depreciation expense.
Journal Entries for Revaluations
The following examples illustrate the effect on your assets and your accounts wh
en you specify different revaluation rules.
Revalue Accumulated Depreciation
Example 1: You place an asset in service in Year
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using
in Year 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again

1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is

straight line depreciation.
a revaluation rate of 5%. Then
using a revaluation rate of 10%.

Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = No
Oracle Assets bases the new depreciation expense on the revalued remaining net b
ook value.
In Year 5, Quarter 4, at the end of the asset s life, you retire the asset with no
proceeds of sale or cost of removal.
Year 2, Quarter 1, 5% revaluation
*Accumulated Depreciation =
Existing Accumulated Depreciation +
[Existing Accumulated Depreciation x (Revaluation Rate / 100)]
2,000 + [2,000 X (5/100)] = 2,100
**Revaluation Reserve =
Existing Revaluation Reserve + Change in Net Book Value
0 + (8,400 8,000) = 400
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost


Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:

Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00

Cr. Asset Cost


Accumulated Depreciation Not Revalued

Example 2: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Y
ear 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a revaluation rate of 5%. Then in Y
ear 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a revaluation rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to
the revaluation reserve in addition to the change in cost. Since you are also n
ot amortizing the revaluation reserve, this amount remains in the revaluation re
serve account until you retire the asset, when Oracle Assets transfers it to the
appropriate revaluation reserve retired account. Oracle Assets bases the new de
preciation expense on the revalued net book value. For the second revaluation, t
he asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you do not revalue the accumulate
d depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to the revaluation reserve
along with the change in cost.
You retire the asset in Year 5, Quarter 4, with no proceeds of sale or cost of r
5% revaluation in Year 2, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:

Oracle Assets


Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00

Revaluation Reserve
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain
Asset Cost


Amortizing Revaluation Reserve

Example 3: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a rate of 5%. Then in Year 4, Q
uarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire amo
unt to the revaluation reserve. Since you are amortizing the revaluation reserve
, Oracle Assets calculates the revaluation amortization amount for each period u
sing the asset s depreciation method. Oracle Assets also bases the new depreciatio
n expense on the revalued net book value.
For the second revaluation, the asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you
do not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire
amount to the revaluation reserve.
The effects of the revaluations are illustrated in the following table:
Year 2, quarter 1, 5% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the
revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Cr. Revaluation Amortization


Year 4, quarter 1, 10% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the

revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 681.25

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Revaluation of a Fully Reserved Asset
Example 4: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 2 and the maximum fully reserved revaluations allo
wed for this book is 3.
In year 5, quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In Year 9, Quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
First, Oracle Assets checks whether this fully reserved asset has been previousl
y revalued as fully reserved, and that the maximum number of times is not exceed
ed by this revaluation. Since this asset has not been previously revalued as ful
ly reserved, this revaluation is allowed.
The asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. The life extension factor for this asset
is 2, so the asset s new life is 2 _ 5 years = 10 years. Oracle Assets calculates
depreciation expense over its new life of 10 years.
Oracle Assets calculates the depreciation adjustment of $2,000 using the new 10
year asset life. It transfers the change in net book value to the revaluation re
serve account.
Oracle Assets revalues the accumulated depreciation using the 5% revaluation rat
e. The change in net book value is transferred to the revaluation reserve accoun
t. Since you do not amortize the revaluation reserve, the amount remains in the
revaluation reserve account.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Revaluation with Life Extension Ceiling


Example 5: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 3.0 and its life extension ceiling is 2.
In Year 5, Quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In year 9, quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
To determine the depreciation adjustment, Oracle Assets uses the smaller of the
life extension factor and the life extension ceiling. Since the life extension c
eiling is smaller than the life extension factor, Oracle Assets uses the ceiling
to calculate the depreciation adjustment. The
new life used to calculate the depreciation adjustment is 2 _ 5 years = 10 year
s, the life extension ceiling of 2 multiplied by the original 5 year life of the

Oracle Assets calculates the asset s depreciation expense under the new life of 10
years up to the revaluation period, and moves the difference between this value
and the existing accumulated depreciation from accumulated depreciation to reva
luation reserve.
Oracle Assets then determines the new asset cost using the revaluation rate of 5
% and revalues the accumulated depreciation with the same rate. Oracle Assets ca
lculates the asset s new life by multiplying the current life by the life extensio
n factor. The asset s new life is 3 _ 5 years = 15 years. Oracle Assets bases the
new depreciation expense on the revalued net book value and the new 15 year life
Depreciation Adjustment (calculated using life extension ceiling)=
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Revaluation with a Revaluation Ceiling

Example 6: You own an asset which has been damaged during its life.
You placed the asset in service in Year 1, quarter 1. The asset cost is $10,000,
the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. You entered a
revaluation ceiling of $10,300 for the asset. In year 3, quarter 3 you revalue t
he asset s category with a revaluation
rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
If Oracle Assets applied the new revaluation rate of 5%, the asset s new cost woul
d be higher than the revaluation ceiling for this asset, so instead Oracle Asset
s uses the ceiling as the new cost. The ceiling creates the same effect as reval
uing the asset at a rate of 3%. Oracle
Assets bases the asset s new depreciation expense on the revalued asset cost.
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to

amortize the revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 530.00

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Journal Entries for Tax Accumulated Depreciation Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
4, Quarter 1, your tax authority requests that you change the depreciation taken
in Year 2 from $1000 to $800.
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for the reserve adjustment:

Oracle Assets
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Adjustment
Work in Process Accounting Transactions


The following are the basic accounting transactions carried out in WIP
Relieve Inventory and charge WIP at standard Cost.
Move Assemblies on the shop floor and charge Resources
Earn Resources and Overheads into Jobs and Schedules
Relieve WIP and Charge Inventory at Standard Cost.
Given below is an example of what transaction and which stage they are generate
d in Oracle Application.
The following table details the costs that are used for the accounting flows.
Item Cost
At start of Production
Material Overhead
This Level
Previous Level 150
Total 150
Level Costs
Material Overhead
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Total 150
This Level
Cost Element
Incurred cost per unit
Standard Cost /unit
Resource RS1
125 (250% of Rs 50)
Resource Rs2
OSP OS1 30
OSP OS2 40
Material O/H
* Overhead for operation 10 is applied at 250% of the resource value earned at t
he operation
# Material overhead is earned when an assembly is completed from a discrete job
or repetitive schedule into inventory. Material Overhead is never earned in the
job or schedule.
Material Transactions , Issue all material Transaction : Push all compon
ents at standard cost into the job 10 units at 250 =2500
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Subinventory Accounts


Material Transactions, Return specific component : Return 2 defective un
its of component 2 to inventory 2 units at 33 = 66

Dr. Subinventory Accounts

Cr. WIP Accounts


Material Transactions , Issue Specific Component : Replace defective com
ponents with substitute items
2 units at 40 = 80
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Subinventory Accounts 80
Resource charged at Actual Cost and no variance accounted
Shop Transaction, Resource w/o rate variance : Charge resource RS1 at ac
tual for operation 10.
11 units at 50 = 550
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse resource charge : Reverse Overcharge
1 unit at 50 = 50
Dr. Resource Absorption Account 50
Cr. WIP Accounts
Resource Charged at Standard Cost and variance accounted
Shop Floor Transaction, Resource with rate variance : Charge resource RS
2 at standard for operation 20 5 units at 25 = 125
Dr. WIP Accounts 125
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
of 30 for 5 units = 150 )
Dr. Rate Variance

150 ( Incurred cost

Shop Floor Transaction, OSP resource w/o rate variance : Charge OSP OS1
at actual for operation 30 Receive 11 units at 25 = 275
On pushing the quantity to outside processing operation
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account


On receiving the material after being processed

Dr. Receiving Inspection Account
Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account


Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse OSP overcharge : Reverse Overcharge 1 u
nit at 25 = 25
Dr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account

Receiving Inspection Account

Cr. WIP Accounts



Shop Floor Transactions, OSP resource with rate variance : Charge OSP OS
P2 at standard for operation 20. Receive 10 units at 12 = 120

WIP Accounts



Receiving Inspection Account

Receiving Inspection Account

Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Purchase Price Variance



Shop Floor Transactions, Resource based O/H : Charge 250% on the resourc
e charged in step 4
550 * 250 % = 1375
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Shop Floor Transaction , Reverse resource based O/H : Reverse overhead f
or resource reversed in step 5 50 * 250 % = 125
Dr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts


Shop Floor Transactions, Item based O/H : Move through operation 20 and
charge item based overhead 10 units at 20 = 200
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts


Summary of Transactions
The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance
Cost Element
This Level
Previous Level This Level
Previous Level
This Level
Previous Level
Material OH
Total 2445
Costs are relieved from Work in Process when assemblies are completed to invento
ry or scrapped at an operation. Costs are always relieved from Jobs and Schedule
s at Standard.
Shop Floor Transaction : Scrap 2 assemblies at operation 40. 2 units at
495.90 = 934

Scrap Account
Cr. WIP Accounts

Shop Floor Transaction : Return repaired unit from scrap.
5.90 = 495.90

1 unit at 49

WIP Accounts
Cr. Scrap Account

WIP Completion Transaction : Complete 9 assemblies from WIP to inventory
. 9 units at 495.90 = 4959+ 9 units at 20 for Material Overhead.


Subinventory Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Material O/H Abs Account


The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance
Cost Element
This Level
Previous Level This Level
Previous Level
This Level
Previous Level
Material OH
(525) (450) 100
(1200) (400) 250
Total 2445
(2045) (2500) 400
Variances are recognised when you close your jobs and schedules.
Close Job or Schedule : Recognise this and previous level variances.
Dr. Variance Accounts 414
Cr. WIP Accounts


Cost Update in WIP

The Cost update revalues your discrete and asset non-standard jobs.
Carrying from the previous example
Update Previous level Costs
Material cost increases by 50.
Material overhead rate remains at 10% but the cost increases by 5 due to
increase in material cost.
Resource cost decreases by 15.
Overhead rate increases from 100% to 150% of resource cost./
Overhead cost remains at 45 due to decrease in resource costs
Quantity in job = 10
Bill of Material Cost
Old Cost
New Cost
Increase/ Decrease

Material OH










Update this Level Costs


Resource RS1 amount decreases by 5

Outside processing OSP1 amount per item increases by 20.
Overhead rate increases from 200% of RS1 value to 400% of RS1 value.
10 hours of RS1 charged to the job.
10 units received for OSP1

Bill of Material Cost

Old Cost
New Cost
Increase/ Decrease




Adjusting Accounting Entries


Material OH


Cr. Resource
Cr. Standard Cost Variance Account


Adjustment Recorded in the Job

Bill of Material Cost
Material OH
This Level
Previous Level 500
Increase/ Decrease
Purchase Orders and Releases







Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator



Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator

PO Accrual Account Generator and

PO Requisition Accrual Account Generator
??Accrual Account for Expense Item
??Accrual Account from Organization
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Budget Account Generator and
PO Requisition Budget Account Generator
??Build Inventory Charge Account
??Get Budget Account from Item/Sub
??Get Charge Account
??Get Item Level Budget Account
??Get Org Level Budget Account
??Item Pre Defined?
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
PO Charge Account Generator and
PO Requisition Charge Account Generator
??Build Inventory Charge Account

??Expense Account
??Job WIP Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Schedule Account
??Type of WIP
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Variance Account Generator and
PO Requisition Variance Account Generator
??Get Charge Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Variance Account from Organization
??Work Item Destination Type
Inventory - Standard Costing
Define Organization Parameters
?Costing Method is set to Standard
?Transfer Detail to GL is appropriately set
?Default Material Sub Element account (Required)
Define cost types are defined.
Define activities and activity costs are defined.
Define material overhead defaults are defined
Define item, item costs, and establish item cost controls.
Launch transaction managers are launched
Inventory Standard Cost Transactions
The following transctions can be performed in distribution
?Purchase Order Receipt To Receiving Inspection:
?Delivery From Receiving Inspection To Inventory:
?Purchase Order Receipt To Inventory:
?Return To Supplier From Receiving:
?Return To Supplier From Inventory:
?Sales Order Shipments:
?RMA Receipts:
?RMA Return:
?Miscellaneous Transactions:
?Inter Organization Transfers:
?Subinventory Transfers:
?Internal Requisitions:
?Cycle Count and Physical Inventory:
Purchasing related transactions with inventory destinations are also discussed,
but not those with expense destinations such as office supplies and non inventory
Purchase Order Receipt to Receiving Inspection
You can use the Receipts window in Oracle Purchasing to receive material from a
supplier into a receiving location. You can also use this window to receive mate
rial directly to inventory. Please note that this section addresses Inventory de
stinations only.

When you receive material or outside processing items from a supplier into recei
ving inspection, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A
/P Accrual account is credited based on the quantity received and the purchase o
rder price.


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


Delivery From Receiving Inspection to Inventory

You can use the Receiving Transactions window to move material from receiving in
spection to inventory. The system uses the quantity and the purchase order price
of the delivered item to update the receiving inspection account and quantity.
The system uses the standard cost of the delivered item to update the subinvento
ry balances.


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price




Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead associated with it, the subinventory account
is debited for the amount of the material overhead and the material overhead abs
orption account(s) are credited.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
Purchase price variances (PPV) occur when there are differences between the stan
dard cost and the purchase order cost of an item.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
When you receive inventory expense items into expense subinventory locations, th
e following accounting entry is generated:
Subinventory Expense account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


When you receive an expense (non asset) inventory item, or into an expense subinve
ntory, the subinventory expense account instead of the valuation account is debi
ted. Because the expense account is debited at the purchase order price, there i
s no purchase price variance.
Purchase Order Receipt to Inventory
When you receive material from a supplier directly to inventory, the receipt and
delivery transactions are performed in one step.
First, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A/P Accrual
account credited based on quantity received and the purchase order price.


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price



Next, the Subinventory and Receiving Inspection accounts are, respectively, debi
ted and credited based on the transaction quantity and standard cost of the rece
ived item.


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Debit/Credit Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead(s), the subinventory entry is debited for the
material overhead and the material overhead absorption account(s) is credited.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: If the subinventory account is combined with the above entry, the mat
erial overhead absorption account adds one additional entry.
Return To Supplier From Inventory
When you do not use receiving inspection, the return to supplier transaction upd
ates the same accounts as the direct receipt to inventory, with reverse transact
ion amounts. The Inventory A/P
Accrual account is debited and the Receiving Inspection account is credited base
d on quantity received and the purchase order price.
Foreign Currencies
As with the purchase order receipt to inventory transaction, the system converts
the purchase order price to the functional currency and uses this converted val
ue for the return to supplier accounting entries.
Sales Order Shipments
Ship material on a sales order using Order Entry/Shipping. The accounting entrie
s generated by a sales order shipment are:
Cost of Goods Sold account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Based on the rules you define in Order Entry/Shipping, the Account Generator dyn
amically creates the cost of goods sold account.
Attention: You do not create any accounting information when you ship from an ex
pense subinventory or ship an expense inventory item.
RMA Receipts
You can receive items back from a customer using the RMA (return material author
ization) Receipts window.
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Cost of Goods Sold Account



This uses the same account as the original cost of goods sold transaction.
Attention: You do not create any accounting entries when you receive mat
erial for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.
RMA Returns
You can return items received into inventory through an RMA back to the customer
using RMA Returns window.
For example, you can send back
an item that was returned by the customer to
for repair.
This transaction reverses an RMA receipt. It also mimics a sales order shipment
and updates the same accounts as a sales order shipment.
Cost of Goods Sold Account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Attention: Do not create any accounting entries when you return material
for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.

Miscellaneous Transactions
Using the Miscellaneous Transaction window, you can issue material from a subinv
entory to a general ledger account (or account alias) or receive material to a s
ubinventory from an account or alias. An account alias identifies another name f
or a general ledger account.
Suggestion: Use account aliases for account numbers you use frequently. For exam
ple, use the alias SCRAP for your general ledger scrap account.
Issuing material from a subinventory to a general ledger account or alias genera
tes the following accounting entries:
Debit Credit
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost XX
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Receiving material to a subinventory from an account or an alias generates the f
ollowing accounting entries:
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost



Expense Subinventories and Expense Items When you receive into an expense locati
on or receive an expense item, you have expensed the material. If you use the mi
transaction to issue from an expense location,
You can issue to an account or to an asset subinventory of the
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to
If issued to an account the system assumes the material is consumed at the expe
location and moves the quantity without any associated value. If transferred to
an asset subinventory, the material moves at its current cost.
When you perform a miscellaneous transaction to receive an expense item to eithe
r an asset or expense subinventory, no accounting occurs. Since the account bala
nce could involve different costs over time, The system assumes that the cost of
the expense item is unknown.
Inter Organization Transfers

You can transfer material from one inventory organization to another either dire
ctly or through intransit inventory. Intransit inventory represents material tha
t has not yet arrived at the receiving
Using Intransit Inventory You can move material from the shipping organization t
o intransit
inventory using the Transfer Subinventories window. You can use the Receipts win
dow to move material from intransit invenotry to the receiving organization.
Issue Transaction
Depending upon the Freight On Board (FOB) point defined in the inventory organiz
ation relationship, the shipment to intransit inventory creates the following ac
counting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization
Intransit inventory account Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending


FOB Point is set to Shipment:

Account Organization Debit Credit
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending


Intransit Inventory account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Receipt Transaction
Depending upon the FOB point defined in the organization relationship, the recei
pt from intransit inventory creates the following accounting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Intransit Inventory account Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving

FOB Point is set to Shipment:
Account Organization
Subinventory accounts Receiving
Intransit Inventory account Receiving




In addition to accounting for the movement of the material, these transactions a

lso update the inter organization receivable and payable accounts. These inter organ
ization clearing accounts represent inter organization receivables and payables fo

r the respective shipping and receiving organizations.

Direct Inter Organization Transfer
When your organization relationship is set to directly transfer material, Invent
ory performs both the issue and the receipt transaction at the time of the issue
. Any difference between the cost of items in the two organizations is recogniz
ed as variance in the receiving organization.
The accounting entries created are as follows:
Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending



Subinventory accounts Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Use the Transfer Subinventories window for direct transfers. Material Overhead a
nd Inter Organization Transfers If your item has material overhead(s), you earn ma
terial overhead on
inter organization transfers. The subinventory entry is increased for the material
overhead with a credit to the material overhead absorption account(s) in the re
ceiving organization.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: The subinventory account is combined with the above entry. Th
e material overhead absorption transaction adds one additional account to the en
The FOB Point changes the accounting for freight. With FOB receiving, freight is
accrued on the receipt transaction by the sending organization. With FOB shipme
nt, freight is accrued on the shipment transaction by the receiving organization
. For direct transfers, the receipt and shipment transaction occur at the same t
When the FOB Point is set to Receiving, the transfer creates the following freig
ht and transfer charge entries at time of receipt:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Freight Expense account Sending

Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending

Org. Material account Receiving
Inter Organization Payable Receiving



For the receiving organization, the inter organization payable account is increase
d for freight and transfer charges. These charges are included in the comparison
to the standard cost.

When the FOB Point is set to Shipment, the transfer creates the following freigh
t and transfer charge entries at shipment:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending

Intransit Inventory account Receiving



Freight Expense account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Intransit inventory includes both freight and transfer charges. The inter organiza
tion payable is only increased for transfer charges.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items:
When you receive an inter organization transfer into an expense subinventory or re
ceive an expense inventory item, you have expensed the material and cannot direc
tly issue it. The system assumes the material cost is consumed at the expense lo
Using the direct or intransit method, you can receive material to an expense sub
inventory or receive an expense inventory item. When you receive to expense loca
tions or receive expense inventory items, the subinventory expense account is de
bited for the receiving organization,
instead of the valuation accounts. The subinventory expense account is charged t
he total transaction value from the other organization.
Inter Organization Transfers and Sets of Books
The Inter Organization Direct Transfer transaction also supports transfers from an
y set of books, even if the currency is different. However, you cannot use the I
nter Organization Intransit with
multiple sets of books. These transactions use receiving functions from Purchasi
ng, which only supports one set of books. To perform an inter organization intrans
it transfer from one set of books to another, you need to perform a combination
of two transactions: a direct
transfer and an intransit transfer.
Subinventory Transfers
This transaction increases the accounts of the To Subinventory and decreases the
From Subinventory, but has no net effect on overall inventory value.If you spec
ify the same subinventory as the From and To Subinventory, you can move material
between locators within a subinventory.
Account Subinventory
Subinventory accounts To
Subinventory accounts From


Expense Subinventories and Expense Items

You can issue from an asset to an expense subinventory, and you can issue from a
n expense subinventory if the Oracle Inventory
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option is set to Yes.
The system assumes the material is consumed at the expense location.
Internal Requisitions :
You can use the internal requisitions to replenish inventory. You can source mat
erial from a supplier, a subinventory within your organization, or from another
organization. Depending upon the source you choose, the accounting entries are s

imilar to one of the proceeding scenarios. However, unlike inter organization tran
sfers, internal requisitions do not support freight charges.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory :
Use cycle counting and physical inventory to correct inventory on hand balances. A
cycle count updates the accounts of the affected subinventory and offsets the a
djustment account you specify.
If you physically count more than your on hand balance, the accounting sentries ar
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Adjustment account @ standard cost


If you count less than your on hand balance, the accounting entries are:


Adjustment account @ standard cost


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Like a cycle count, a physical inventory adjustment also updates the accounts of
the affected subinventories and the physical inventory adjustment account you s
Suggestion: Since the standard cost is not stored as you freeze the phys
ical quantities, you should not perform a standard cost update until you have ad
justed your physical inventory.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
The system does not record accounting entries for expense subinventories or expe
nse items for either physical inventory or cycle count adjustments. However, the
on hand balance of an expense subinventory is corrected if you track the quantiti
Work in Process Standard Cost Transactions
The following cost transactions can occur when Oracle Work in Process is install

?Component Issue and Return Transactions:

?Move Transactions:
?Resource Charges:
?Outside Processing Charges:
Overhead Charges:
?Assembly Scrap Transactions:
?Assembly Completion Transactions:
Job Close Transactions:
Period Close Transactions:
Work in Process Cost Update Transactions:

Component Issue and Return Transactions

Component issue and return transactions can be launched in a variety of ways. Se
e: Component Issue and Return Transaction Options, Oracle Work in Process User s G
uide and Backflush Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Costing Issue and Return Transactions

Issue transactions increase the work in process valuation and decrease the inven
tory valuation. The accounting entries for issue transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:


Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Subinventory accounts are defined in the Define Subinventories window in Oracle
Inventory. WIP elemental accounts are defined in the WIP Accounting Classes wind
ow in Work in Process. See: Defining Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User s Guide
, Subinventory General Ledger Account Fields, Oracle Inventory User s Guide, and W
IP Accounting Classes, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Move Transactions
A move transaction moves assemblies within an operation, such as from Queue to R
un, or from one operation to the next. Move transactions can automatically launc
h operation completion
backflushing and charge resources and overheads.
You can perform move transactions using the Move Transactions window, Open Move
Transaction Interface window, or the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing.
Backflush Material Transactions
With backflushing, you issue component material used in an assembly or subassemb
ly by exploding the bills of material, and then multiplying by the number of ass
emblies produced.
Move transactions can create operation pull backflush material transactions that
issue component material from designated WIP supply subinventories and locators
to a job or repetitive schedule. For backflush components under lot or serial n
umber control, you assign the lot or serial numbers during the move transaction.
When you move backward in a routing, Work in Process automatically reverses oper
ation pull backflush transactions.
The accounting entries for move transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts




Moved Based Resource Charging

As the assemblies you build pass through the operations on their routings, move
transactions charge all pre assigned resources with an auto charge type of WIP Move
at their standard rate.
You can charge resources based upon a fixed amount per item moved in an operatio
n (Item basis) or based upon a fixed lot charge per item moved in an operation (
Lot basis). For resources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically cha
rges the lot cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can also enter manual resource transactions associated with a move, or indep
endent of any moves. You can manually charge resources to a job and repetitive s
chedule provided the job and
repetitive schedule has a routing. You can also transact resources through the O
pen Resource Transaction Interface.
Resource Charges
Work in Process supports four resource autocharging methods:
Manual, WIP Move, PO Move, and PO Receipt.
You can charge resources at an actual rate.
You can also charge resource overheads automatically as you charge resources.
WIP Move Resource Charges You can automatically charge resources at their standa
rd rate to a job or repetitive schedule when you perform a move transaction usin
g either the Move Transactions window or the Open Move Transaction Interface. Wh
en you move assemblies from the Queue or Run intra operation steps forward to th
e To move, Reject, or Scrap intraoperation steps, or to the next operation, Work
in Process charges all pre assigned resources with an charge type of WIP Move at
their standard rate. For resources with a basis of Item, Work in Process automat
ically charges the resource s usage rate or amount multiplied by the
resource s standard cost upon completion of each assembly in the operation. For re
sources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically charges the resource s
usage rate or amount multiplied by the resource s standard cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can undo the WIP Move resource charges automatically by moving the assembli
es from Queue or Run of your current operation to Queue or Run of any prior oper
ation, or by moving the assemblies from the To move, Reject, or Scrap intraopera
tion steps backward to the Queue or
Run intraoperation steps of the same operation, or to any intraoperation step of
any prior operation.
Work in Process applies WIP Move resource transactions to multiple repetitive sc
hedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work i
n Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis.
Manual Resource Charges
You can charge manual resources associated with a move transaction or independen
t of any moves. Manual resource transactions require you to enter the actual res
ource units applied rather than autocharging the resource s usage rate or amount b
ased on the move quantity. You can
charge resources using that resource s unit of measure or any valid alternate. You
can manually charge resources to a job or repetitive schedule provided the job
or repetitive schedule has a routing. If you use the Move Transactions window to
perform moves and manual resource transactions at the same time, Work in Proces
s displays all pre assigned manual resources with an charge type of Manual assigne
d to the operations completed in the move. If the resource is a person type resour
ce, you can enter an employee number. In addition to the resources displayed, yo
u can manually charge any resource to a job or repetitive schedule, even if you
have not previously assigned the resource to an operation in the job or repetiti
ve schedule.
You can also manually charge resources to an operation added ad hoc by entering
any resource defined for the department associated with the operation. Work in P

rocess applies Manual resource transactions to the first open repetitive schedul
e on the line. You can correct or undo manual resource transactions by entering
negative resource units worked.
Costing Resource Charges at Resource Standard
Resource charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
resource transactions are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account


Resource absorption account


If Autocharge is set to WIP Move, work in process and labor are charged at stand
ard. There are no resource rate or efficiency variances.
The accounting entries for negative Manual resource transactions and backward mo
ves for WIP Move resources are:


Resource absorption account



WIP accounting class resource valuationaccount

Costing Labor Charges at Actual
You can charge labor charges at actual in two ways. You can enter an actual rate
for the employee using the Open Resource Transaction Interface or when you defi
ne employee rates. For labor charges using an actual or employee rate for a reso
urce for which charge standard
rate is turned off, the accounting entries are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account
Resource absorption account
Any difference between the total labor charged at actual and the standard labor
amount is recognized as an efficiency variance at period close.
If the Standard Rates check box is checked and you enter an actual rate for a re
source, the system charges the job or repetitive schedule at standard. If Autoch
arge is set to Manual and actual rates and quantities are recorded, a rate varia
nce is recognized immediately for
any rate difference. Any quantity difference is recognized as an efficiency vari
ance at period close.
The accounting entries for the actual labor charges are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account



Resource rate variance account (Debit when actual

rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit when
the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)



Resource absorption account

PO Receipt and PO Move Transactions
You can receive purchased items associated with outside resources from an outsid
e processing operation back into work in process in Oracle Purchasing. For these
items, Work in Process creates resource transactions at the standard or actual
rate for all outside resources with
an autocharge type of PO receipt or PO move. For outside resources with an autoc
harge type of PO move, Work in Process also moves the assemblies from the Queue
or Run intraoperation step of the outside processing operation into the Queue in
traoperation step of the next

operation or into the To move intraoperation step if the outside processing oper
ation is the last operation on the routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an autocharge ty
pe of Manual, charge the resources using the Resource Transactions window or the
Open Resource Transaction Interface.
If you return assemblies to the supplier using the Enter Returns and Adjustments
window in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Purchasing automatically reverses the charg
es to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must manually r
everse all manual resource charges using the Resource Transactions window. For o
utside resources with an autocharge type of PO move, Oracle Purchasing automatic
ally moves the assemblies from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation im
mediately following the outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperati
on step of your outside processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on the routing, the as
semblies automatically move from the To move intraoperation step to the Queue in
traoperation step. PO move resource transactions are applied to multiple repetit
ive schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. M
oves are allocated across multiple repetitive schedules on a first in first out ba
sis. PO receipt resource transactions are allocated across schedules on a first
in first (FIFO) out basis.
Outside Processing Charges
Work in Process automatically creates resource transactions at the standard or
actual rate for all outside processing resources with an charge type of PO Recei
pt or PO Move when you receive assemblies from an outside processing operation b
ack into work in process, using the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing. For out
side processing resources with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process also p
erforms a move of the assemblies from the Queue or Run
intraoperation step of your outside processing operation into the Queue intraope
ration step of your next operation or into the To move intraoperation step if th
e outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an charge type o
f Manual, you use the Move Transactions window or the Open Resource Transaction
Interface to charges these resources.
If you return assemblies to the supplier, Work in Process automatically reverses
the charges to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must
manually reverse all manual resource charges using the Move Transactions window.
For outside processing resources
with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process automatically moves the assembli
es from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation immediately following the
outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperation step of your outside
processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing, Work
in Process automatically moves the assemblies from the To move intraoperation st
ep to the Queue intraoperation step. Work in Process applies PO Move resource tr
ansactions to multiple repetitive
schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work
in Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis. Work in Process applies PO Receipt resource transactions to t
he first open repetitive schedule
on the line.
Costing Outside Processing Charges at Standard
When you receive the assembly from the supplier, Purchasing sends the resource c
harges to Work in Process at either standard cost or actual purchase order price

, depending upon how you specified the standard rate for the outside processing
If the Standard Rates option is enabled for the outside processing resource bein
g charged, the system charges Work in Process at the standard rate and creates a
purchase price variance for the difference between the standard rate and the pu
rchase order price. The accounting entries for outside processing items are as f


WIP accounting class outside processing valuationaccount


Purchase price variance account (Debit when the

actual rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)


Organization Receiving account

Any quantity or usage difference is recognized as an outside processing efficien
cy variance at period close.
The accounting entries for return to supplier for outside processing are:
Organization Receiving account
Purchase price variance account (Debit when
actual rate is less than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is greater than the standard
WIP accounting class outside processing valuation account


Costing Outside Processing Charges at Actual Purchase Order Price

If the Standard Rates option is disabled for the outside processing resource bei
ng charged, the system charges Work in Process the purchase order price and does
not create a purchase price variance.
The accounting transactions for outside processing charges at purchase order pri
ce are as follows:
WIP accounting class outside processing valuation


Organization Receiving account

Any difference from the standard is recognized as a resource efficiency
variance at period close.
Overhead Charges
Move Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you move ass
emblies through the shop floor. You can charge overheads directly based on move
transactions or based on resource charges. For overheads charged based on move t

ransactions with a basis of Item, Work in Process automatically charges overhead

s upon completion of each assembly in the operation. Work in Process automatical
ly reverse these charges during a backward move
For overheads based on move transactions with a basis of Lot, Work in Process au
tomatically charges overheads upon completion of the first assembly in the opera
tion. Work in Process automatically reverses these charges during a backward mov
e transaction if it results in zero
net assemblies completed in the operation.
Resource Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you charge r
esources. You can charge overheads based on resource units or value. Work in Pro
cess automatically reverses overhead charges when you reverse the underlying res
ource charge.
Costing Overhead Charges
Overhead charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
overhead charges are:
WIP accounting class overhead account
Overhead absorption account


You can reverse overhead charges by entering negative Manual resource charges or
performing backward moves for WIP Move resources. The accounting entries for re
verse overhead charges are:
Overhead absorption account


WIP accounting class overhead account

Assembly Scrap Transactions
You can move partially completed assemblies that you consider unrecoverable to t
he Scrap intraoperation step of that operation. (If necessary, you can recover a
ssemblies from scrap by moving them to another intraoperation step.) By moving i
nto the Scrap intraoperation step, you can effectively isolate good assemblies f
rom bad.
Work in Process considers a move into the Scrap intraoperation step from the Que
ue or Run of the same operation as an operation completion, and thus updates ope
ration completion information, backflushes components, and charges resource and
overhead costs according to the elemental cost setup.
You can also move assemblies back to the Scrap intraoperation step of the previo
us operation for Queue or Run if no work has been completed at the current opera
Costing Assembly Scrap Transactions
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify whether moves into t
he Scrap intraoperation step require a scrap account. If you enter a scrap accou
nt or alias when you move assemblies into Scrap, the scrap account is debited an
d the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for the standard cost of the
assembly through the scrap operation are credited. This removes the cost of the
scrapped assemblies from the job or repetitive schedule. If you do not enter a
scrap account or select an alias, the cost of the scrap remains in the job Or sc
hedule until job or period close. If you recover assemblies from scrap, the scra
p account is credited and the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for
the standard cost of this assembly through this

operation are debited.

The accounting entries for scrap transactions are:
Scrap account


WIP accounting class valuation

The accounting entries for reverse scrap transactions are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts@standard


Scrap account
Assembly Completion Transactions
Use the Completion Transactions window, Move Transactions window, and Inventory
Transaction Interface to move completed assemblies from work in process into sub
inventories. Completion transactions relieve the valuation account of the accoun
ting class and charge the subinventory accounts (for example, finished goods) ba
sed upon the assembly s elemental cost structure.
Costing Assembly Completion Transactions Completions decrease work in process va
luation and increase inventory valuation at standard costs.
The accounting entries for completion transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Earning Assembly Material Overhead on Completion
You can assign overheads based on Item, Lot or Total Value basis. For standard d
iscrete jobs and repetitive schedules, you can earn these overheads as you compl
ete assemblies from work in process to inventory.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for stan
dard discrete jobs and repetitive schedules are:
Subinventory material overhead account


Inventory material overhead absorption

Use non standard expense jobs for such activities as repair and maintenance. Use n
on standard asset jobs to upgrade assemblies, for teardown, and to prototype produ
ction. Non standard discrete jobs do not earn overhead on completion. Since you ha
ve already earned overhead to produce the assemblies as you are repairing or rew
orking, Work in Process prevents you from double earning material overhead on th
ese assemblies.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for non st
andard expense and non standard asset jobs are:



Subinventory material overhead account

WIP accounting class material overhead account


Job Close Transactions

Until you close a job, or change the status of the job to Complete
No Charges, y
ou can make material, resource, and scrap charges to the job. Closing a discrete
job prevents any further activity on the job.
Costing Job Close Transactions
Work in Process recognizes variances when you close a job. The actual close date
you specify determines the accounting period Work in Process uses to recognize
variances. You can back date the close to a prior open period if desired. The cl
ose process writes off the balances remaining in the WIP elemental valuation acc
ounts to the elemental variance accounts you
defined by accounting class, leaving a zero balance remaining in the closed job.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the close, the accountin
g entries for a job close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Period Close Transactions

The period close process in Inventory recognizes variances for non standard expens
e jobs and repetitive schedules. It also transfers the work in process period co
sts to the general ledger.
Costing Non Standard Expense Job Period Close Transactions
You can close discrete jobs and recognize variances for non standard expense jobs
at any time. In addition, the period close process automatically recognizes vari
ances on all non standard expense job charges incurred during the period. Therefor
e, open non standard expense jobs have zero WIP accounting balances at the start o
f a new period.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the period, the accounti
ng entries for non standard expense jobs at period close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts




WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Costing Repetitive Schedule Period Close Transactions

You do not close a repetitive schedule. However, you do recognize variances on a
period basis that result in zero WIP accounting balances at the start of the ne
w period. You should check your transactions and balances using the Repetitive V
alue Report before you close a period.
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify which repetitive sch
edule variances you recognize when you close an
accounting period. You can either recognize variances for all repetitive schedul
es when you close an accounting period, or recognize variances for those repetit
ive schedules with statuses of either Complete No Charges or Cancelled.
Assuming positive balances in the repetitive schedules at the end of the period,
the accounting entries for repetitive schedules at period close are:



WIP accounting class variance accounts



WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Work in Process Standard Cost Update Transactions

The standard cost update process revalues standard and non standard asset discrete
jobs and updates pending costs to frozen standard costs. Repetitive schedules a
nd non standard expense jobs do not get revalued by the cost update.
The cost update creates accounting transactions by job and cost element valuatio
n account. Each standard and non standard asset discrete job is updated using the
following formula:
rges)] rges) -

cost update adjustment = [new costs in (material, resource, outside pro

and overhead charges)- new costs out (scrap and assembly completion cha
[old costs in (material, resource, outside processing, and overhead cha
old costs out (scrap and assembly completion charges)]

If the result of the cost update is an increase in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts


WIP Standard cost adjustment account



If the result of the cost update is a decrease in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:
WIP Standard cost adjustment account
WIP accounting class valuation accounts



When the cost update occurs for open jobs, standards and WIP balances are revalu
ed according to the new standard, thus retaining relief variances incurred up to
the date of the update.
Standard Cost Valuation
Inventory and Work in Process continually update inventory value with each trans
action. Work in Process balances are updated with each related accounting transa
ction. Inventory subinventory values may be reported when the quantity movement
Value by Cost Element
Inventory or work in process value is maintained and reported on by distinct cos
t element (such as material, material overhead, and so on), even if you assign t
he same general ledger valuation account to each cost element. You can also repo
rt work in process value by cost element within specific WIP accounting classes.
Standard Costing
Under standard costing, the value of inventory is determined using the material
and material overhead standard costs of each inventory item. If you use Bills of
Material, Inventory maintains the standard cost by cost element (material, mate
rial overhead, resource, outside processing,
and overhead).

Unlimited Cost Types

You can define an unlimited number of cost types and use them with any inventory
valuation and margin analysis reports. This allows you to see the potential eff
ects of a cost rollup/update. You can also update your standard costs from any o
f the cost types you have defined. When you use Bills of Material with Inventory
, you can specify the cost type in explosion reports and report these costs for
simulation purposes
Inventory and Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
This section describes Inventory standard cost variances and Work in Process sta
ndard cost variances.
Inventory Standard Cost Variances
In general, Inventory records purchase price variance (PPV) and recognizes cycle
count and physical inventory adjustments as variances.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
During a purchase order receipt, Inventory calculates purchase price variance. I
n general, this is the difference between what you pay the supplier and the item s
standard cost. Inventory calculates this value as follows:
PPV = (PO unit price standard unit cost) - quantity received.
Inventory updates the purchase price variance account with the PPV value. If the
purchase order price is in a foreign currency, Inventory converts it into the f
unctional currency of the inventory organization and calculates the purchase pri
ce variance. Purchasing reports PPV using the Purchase Price Variance Report. Yo
u distribute this variance to the general ledger when you perform the general le
dger transfer, or period close.
Invoice Price Variance (IPV)
In general, invoice price variance is the difference between the purchase price
and the invoice price paid for a purchase order receipt. Purchasing reports invo
ice variance. Upon invoice approval, Payables automatically records Invoice Pric
e Variance, to both invoice price
variance and exchange rate variance accounts.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory
Inventory considers cycle count and physical inventory adjustments as variance.
You distribute these variances to the general ledger when you perform the genera
l ledger transfer or period close.
Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
Work in Process provides usage, efficiency, and standard cost adjustment varianc
Usage and Efficiency Variances
Usage and efficiency variances result when the total costs charged to a job or s
chedule do not equal the total costs relieved from a job or schedule at standard
. Charges occur from issues and returns, resource and overhead charges, and outs
ide processing receipts. Cost relief occurs from assembly completions, scrap tra
nsactions, and close transactions.
You can view these variances in the Discrete Job Value report, the Repetitive Va
lue report, and by using the WIP Value Summary window.
Work in Process reports usage and efficiency variances as you incur them, but do
es not update the appropriate variance accounts until you close a job or period.
Work in Process updates the standard cost adjustment variance account at cost u

Usage and efficiency variances are primarily quantity variances. They identify
the difference between the amount of material, resources, outside processing, an
d overheads required at standard, and the actual amounts you use to manufacture
an assembly. Efficiency variance can
also include rate variance as well as quantity variance if you charged resources
or outside processing at actual.
You can calculate and report usage and efficiency variances based on planned sta
rt quantity or the actual quantity completed. You can use the planned start quan
tity to check potential variances during the job or repetitive schedule. You can
use the actual quantity completed to
check the variances before the job or period close. Your choice of planned start
quantity or actual quantity completed determines the standard requirements. The
se standard requirements are compared to the actual material issues, resource, o
utside processing, and overhead charges to determine the reported variance.
Work in Process calculates, reports, and recognizes the following quantity varia
Material Usage Variance
The material usage variance is the difference between the actual material issued
and the standard material required to build a given assembly, calculated as fol
standard material cost - (quantity issued - quantity required)
This variance occurs when you over or under issue components or use an alternate
Resource and Outside Processing Efficiency Variance
The resource and outside processing efficiency variances is the difference betwe
en the resources and outside processing charges incurred and the standard resour
ce and outside processing charges required to build a given assembly, calculated
as follows:
(applied resource units X standard or actual rate) - (standard resource units at
standard resource rate)
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No
direct charg
e operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource,
or charge a resource at
Move Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
Move based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead charg
es incurred for move based overheads (overhead basis of Item or Lot) and standar
d move based overheads required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows
applied move based overheads - standard move based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add operations to a stan
dard routing during production, or do not complete all the move transactions ass
ociated with the assembly quantity being built.
Resource Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
Resource based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead c
harges incurred for resource based overheads (overhead basis of Resource units o

r Resource value) and standard resource based overheads required to build a give
n assembly, calculated as follows:
applied resource based overheads - standard resource based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No
direct charge
operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource, or
charge a resource at actual.
Standard Cost Adjustment Variance
Standard cost adjustment variance is the difference between costs at the previou
s standards and costs at the new standards created by cost update transactions.
Standard and Average Costing Compared
Cost Management offers two costing methods: standard costing and average costing
Average costing is used primarily for distribution and other industries where th
e product cost fluctuates rapidly, or when dictated by regulation and other indu
stry conventions.
Average costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a moving average cost
?track inventory and manufacturing costs without the requirement of havi
ng predefined standards
determine profit margin based on an actual cost method
measure the organization s performance against historical costs
include all direct costs of manufacturing an item in that item s inventory
Use standard costing for performance measurement and cost control. Stand
ard costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a predetermined cost
?determine profit margin based on projected costs
?record variances against expected costs
?update standard costs from any cost type
?evaluate production costs relative to standard costs
?measure the organization s performance based on predefined product costs
?evaluate product costs to assist management decisions

Under average costing, you cannot share costs. Average costs are maintained sepa
rately in each organization. Under standard costing if you use Inventory without
Work in Process,you can define your item costs in the organization that control
s your costs and share those costs across organizations. If you share standard c
osts across multiple organizations, all reports, inquiries, and processes use th
ose costs. You are not required to enter duplicate costs.
Note: The organization that controls your costs can be a manufacturing organizat
ion that uses Work in Process or Bills of Material. Organizations that share cos
ts with the organization that controls your costs cannot use Bills of Material.
Valuation Accounts and Cost Elements with Average Costing
The system maintains the average unit cost at the organization level; it does no
t use any subinventory valuation accounts. If you had separate valuation account
s by subinventory, total inventories would balance, but account balances by subi
nventory would not match the inventory
valuation reports.
Note: Cost Management enforces the same account number for organization level ma
terial and intransit accounts. Otherwise the balances of inventory valuation rep

orts do not
equal the sum of accounting transactions.
Changing from Standard to Average Costing
Once transactions have been performed you cannot change the costing method of an
organization in the Organization Parameters window in Oracle Inventory.
Accounting for Transactions
This essay describes the accounting entries created when you enter transactions
in Receivables using the Accrual method of accounting.
When you enter a regular invoice through the Transaction window, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:

Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Arrears invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entry:
In the first period of Rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In all periods of Rule:

Unbilled Receivables
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Advance invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entries:

Unearned Revenue
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, Suspense, Tax, Unbilled Recei
vable, and Unearned Revenue accounts that you specified in your AutoAccounting s
Credit Memos
When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or chargeback through the Credit Memos w
indow, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Tax (if you credit tax)
Freight (if you credit freight)

When you credit a commitment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
When you enter a credit memo against an installment, Receivables lets you choose
between the following methods: LIFO, FIFO, and Prorate.
When you enter a credit memo against an invoice with invoicing and accounting ru
les, Receivables lets you choose between the following methods:
LIFO, Prorate, and Unit.
If the profile option Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, Rec
eivables credits the accounts of the original transaction. If this profile optio
n is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receiv
ables Revenue, and Tax accounts.
Receivables uses the account information for on account credits thatyou specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. Receivables let you update accounting informa
tion for your credit
memo after it has posted to your general ledger.
Receivables keeps the original accounting information as an audit trail while it
creates an offsetting entry and the new entry.
When you enter a deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the deposit s transaction type. When you enter an invoice
against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

Receivables (Invoice)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you apply an invoice to a deposit, Receivables creates a receivable adjustm
ent against the invoice. Receivables uses the account information you specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. When cash is received against this deposit, Re
ceivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When you enter a guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the guarantee s transaction type.When you enter an invoic
e against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (If you charge tax)

CR Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Unbilled Receivables
When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a receivable adjus
tment against the guarantee. These accounts come from your guarantee s transactio
n type.
When cash is received against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following
journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and fully apply this receipt to an invoice, Receivables
creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables
When you enter an unapplied receipt, Receivables creates the following journal e
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journa
l entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified
When you enter an on account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal en
DR Cash
CR On Account
When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified, On Account, Unearned,
and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks window for this r
eceipt class. When you enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit, R
eceivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR On Account
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment, Receivables

creates the following journal entries:

DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
You set up a Write Off account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment, Receivables
creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback, Receivables creates t
he following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Chargeback
CR Receivables (Chargeback)
You set up a Chargeback account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you create a receipt that requires remittance to your bank, Receivables deb
its the Confirmation account instead of Cash. An example of a receipt requiring
remittance would be a check before it was cashed. Receivables creates the follow
ing journal entry when you enter such a receipt:
DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
You can then remit the receipt to your remittance bank using one of the two remi
ttance methods: Standard or Factoring. If you remit your receipt using the stand
ard method of remittance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
If you remit your receipt using the factoring remittance method, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:
DR Factor
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates a short term liability for recei

pts which mature at a future date. The factoring process let you receive cash be
fore the maturity date, and assumes that you are liable for the receipt amount u
ntil the customer pays the balance on maturity
date. When you receive payment, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short Term Debt
On the maturity date, Receivables reverses the short term liability and creates
the following journal entry:
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factor
When you enter a negative adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a positive adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
Debit Memos
When you enter a debit memo in the Transaction window, Receivables creates the f
ollowing journal entries:

Revenue (If you enter line amounts)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
When you enter an on account credit in the Credit Memo or the Transaction window,
Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Revenue (If you credit line amounts)

Tax (If you credit tax)
Freight (If you credit freight)

Receivables use the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax accounts that you spec
ified in your AutoAccounting structure.
Accounting Entries - Payables
Accounting Events
An accounting event is a Payables transaction that has accounting impact
. After an accounting event completes, you can create accounting entries for it
by creating accounting entries for the category or document class that includes

the event.( 11)

The following is the complete list of the accounting events in Payables,
listed by document class.
invoice adjustment
invoice cancellation
prepayment application
prepayment unapplication
Credit/Debit Memo

(future dated) payment maturity
payment adjustment
payment cancellation
payment clearing
payment unclearing
After Clearing
Payment is voided

Invoice Entry DR Expenses

CR Accounts Payables
Credit/Debit Memo Entry Dr Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Mixed Invoice Entry
Negative Amount
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Positive Amount
DR Expenses
CR Accounts Payables
Prepayment Entry
DR Prepaid Expenses
Cr Accounts Payables
withholding tax entry DR Withholding Tax
Cr Accounts Payables
Invoice cancellation
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Payment DR Accounts Payables

CR Cash
If it is used for cash clearing then
DR Accounts Payables(with sep lines of each inv)
CR Cash Clearing
After Clearing DR Cash Clearing
CR Cash
when payment is voided DR Cash Clearing
CR Accounts Payables
When payment is issued
AP Liability
Future Dated Payment a/c
On payment maturity
Future Dated Payment a/c
Cash Clearing a/c
payment reconciliation or clearing in Cash Mgmt
Cash Clearing a/c
Cash a/c
Future Dated payment
DR Bank Charges a/c
CR cash a/c



Accounting Events
Invoice Entry
Debit Memo
Deposit Applied to Invoice
Cash Received on deposit
Invoice against this guarantee
Cash received against this guarantee,
Credit Memo(Against Invoice/DM/Chargeback)
On Account Credits
On Account Credit Applied Against Invoice


Fully apply a receipt

Unidentified Receipt
On account Receipt
Receipt includes Discount
Receipt combined with On Account Credit
Receipt combined with negative adjustment


Receipt combined with positive adjustment

Receipt Combined with a Chargeback
Receipt with Remittance needed


Remittance and Clearing = Standard

Remittance and Clearing = Factoring


Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill in Arrear

Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill In Advance

Invoice Entry DR Receivables

CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Receipt DR.....Cash
When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables
These examples assume that the receipt has a Remittance
Method of No Remittance and a Clearance Method of Directly.
Unidentified receipt, DR Cash
CR Unidentified
enter an on account receipt,
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR On Account
receipt includes a discount,
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified,
On Account, Unearned, and Earned accounts that you specified in the
Remittance Banks window for this receipt class.
Enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit((which increases the bala
nce of the receipt))
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment,
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Cash

DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback,
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Cash

DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Chargeback (Activity)
DR Chargeback (Activity)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
receipt that requires remittance to your bank, DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
Deposit Entry DR......Receivables (Dep)
CR.....Unearned Revenue
No accounting effect
Deposit Applied to Invoice
DR.....Receivables (Inv)
CR.....Revenue No accounting effect
Invoice is adjusted to write
off bad debt
DR.....Bad Debt
No accounting effect
Credit memo is created
against an invoice, debit memo or chargeback
DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)
DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice) No accounting effect
credit a commitment,
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
To close the receivable on the credit memo and increase the unapplied
cash balance, DR Receivables
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a deposit,
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Offset Account
enter an invoice against this deposit, DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Offset Account (such as Unearned Revenue)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
cash is received against this deposit, DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When Guarantee is entered
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Receivable Account and Revenue Account fiel
ds on
this guarantee s transaction type to obtain the accounting flexfields for
the Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue accounts, respectively.
Enter an invoice against this guarantee,
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Revenue
CR Receivables When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a
receivable adjustment against the guarantee. Receivables uses the
account information you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to
create these entries.
Cash is received against this guarantee,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Invoice with Rules

1. Invoice In Bill in Arrears

In the first period of the rule:

DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In the second period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In the third and final period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Receivables
CR Unbilled Receivables
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Invoice with Rules
2. Invoice In Bill in Advance

In the first period of the rule:

DR Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
In all periods of the rule for the portion that is recognized:
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
>standard method
On remittance
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When u clear the receipt
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
>factoring method
On Remmittance
DR Factor
CR Confirmation
On Receipt is cleared
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short Term Debt
On Maturity Date
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factor
Adjustment against an invoice
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Positive Adjustment
DR Receivables (Invoice)

Negative Adjustment

CR Write Off
Debit Memo
DR Receivables
CR Revenue (if you enter line amounts)
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
DR Revenue (if you credit line amounts)
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (On account Credit)
Receivables use the Freight, Receivable,
Revenue, and Tax accounts that
you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.
When On Account Credit is applied to invoice
DR Receivables (On account Credit)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

What does gl_balances table contains?
Explain the steps in AP while doing payments.
What the difference is between debit memo and invoice in AP?
Which process is used to post the transactions from AP to GL?
What is the difference between accounting in 10.7 and 11I?
What is Unearned Revenue(AR)?
What is Revenue Recognition(AR)?
What transactions gets transferred from AR to GL (AR)?
What is the difference between credit memo and invoice in AR?
What tables are involved while creating transactions and receipts in AR
What are auto accounting rules(AR)?
What is the Important table which gives the exact details about invoices
and receipts amounts (AR)?
Which program is used to post the transaction from FA to GL?
What does revenue recognition program do?
What are onaccount credit memos?
What are grouping rules?
Explain about Auto Invoice and Auto Lockbox.
What is an accounting flex field?
What are cross validation rules?
What does dynamic insertion allowed means for a flex field?
What are security rules?
Which of these supercede when you create a account code? combination: dy

namic insertion allowed, cross validation rule and security rules.

What are the common errors in gl_interface program?
Which tables contain the accounting details for AP transactions?
What is cash management used for
How many Flex fields are there in AR and what are they?
What is MRC and what is its use?
Ans: The Multi Reporting Currency Feature allows you to report and maintain reco
rds at the transaction level in more than one functional currency. You can do by
defining one or more set of books in addition to primary set of books.
How many reporting currencies can be attached to Primary Set of Books?
What are the new features in Release 11I?
What is FSG and what is its use?
Ans: FSG is a powerful and flexible tool you can use to build your own custom r
without programming. FSG is only available with GL.
What are Different types of transactions in AR?
What are value sets?
What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables?


What are different period types?

What are different types of Journal entries?
What are the setup steps for testing?
What is an Invoice? How many types of invoices are there in AP and AR?
What id recurring invoices?
What are AP setup steps?
If any conflict occurs in FSG who will override Column Set or Row Set?
What is Set of Books? What are the four conditions when you change your
What is the difference between cross-validation rules and security-rules
In how many ways can you enter a journal in GL?
What are the setup steps for AP, AR, and GL?
What is the difference between discounts and adjustments?
What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?
What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
What are Summary Accounts and Rollup groups?

Multi Org:Advantages of multi Org Concept

Multiple Organizations in a Single Installation
Secure Access> You can assign users to particular organizations. This ensures ac

curate transactions in the correct operating unit.

Sell And Ship Products From Different Legal Entities> You can sell from one lega
l entity and ship from another, posting to each organization s SOBs.
Receive Goods Into Any Inventory Organization >You can enter purchase orders and
assign for receipt any inventory organization that uses the same SOBs. Your pur
chase order operating unit and receiving inventory organization must share the s
ame SOBs to receive against a purchase order.
Automatic Accounting for Internal Requisitions>You can create an internal requis
ition (sales order) in one organization, then ship from another organization, wi
th correct intercompany invoicing.
Multiple Organizations Reporting>You can set up your Oracle Applications impleme
ntation to allow reporting across operating units by setting up the top reportin
g level. You can run your reports at the SOBs level, legal entity level, or oper
ating unit level
What is BG, Legal Entity and Operation Unit?
What are Multi Org Table? What is the common column?

Steps in defining Multi Org

Develop the Organization Structure
Define Sets of Books
Define Locations
Define Business Groups (optional)
Associate Responsibilities with Business Groups
Define Organizations
Define Organization Relationships
Define Responsibilities
Set MO: Operating Unit Profile Option
Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture
Change Order Management Profile Option
Set Profile Options Specific to Operating Units
Define Inventory Organization Security (optional)
Implement the Applications Products


Secure Balancing Segment Values by Legal Entity (optional)

Run the Multi Org Setup Validation Report (recommended)

Implementing Multi Org

Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)
Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)
Assign the SOB name and optionally the VAT registration number.
Define the Operating Unit (KSL SM)
Assign the Legal Entity name and automatically the SOB name defaults fro
m the legal entity.
Define the Inventory Organization. (KSL SM)
Assign the SOB, Legal Entity and Operating Unit Name
Switch Responsibility to system Administrator and set the profile option
MO:Operating Unit = KSL SM
Run the Replicate Seed Data program and give the Operating Unit name as pa
rameter to generate the Org ID.
After successful completion of the above program switch responsibility t
o the Responsibility created (AP SM KSL).
Choose the SOB in the Choose Set Of Books Window.
Now navigate to the Financials option
Human Resources tab and see the bu

siness group name that will be the one that we assigned (KSL BG).

In Short
1. Define SOB
2.Define a Resp and assign
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name
3. Assign Resp to a User.
4. Using the Resp, define a BG
HR:Business Group = <BG Name>
HR.Security Profile = <BG Name>
5. Define LE, OU, Inv Org, Sub Inv Org ((Using the same Resp )) and define Resp
MO:Operating Unit = <OU Name>
6. Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture. Run the Replicate Seed Data prog
ram and give the Operating Unit name as parameter to generate the Org ID

FAQs on Multi Org:Business Group

What is the Pre defined Business Group ((Setup Business Group))
What is the Profile Option used to associate Responsibility to a BG ((HR: Securi
ty Profile))
If there is different BG, what is the profile option used to associate a BG with
a Resp ((HR: Business Group))
Can a responsibility be attached to different Business Group ((NO))
Legal Entity
How is LE attached to the BG (LE will be automatically attached to BG if we defi
ne the LE using the responsibility associated with the business group for which
you are defining an organization.))
Operating Unit
Functionally what is the relevance of an Operating Unit?
What is the Profile Option used to link the Operating Unit to a Responsibility (
(MO: Operating Unit))
How can we find out in which operating unit we are working now?
Can Operating Unit have different SOB than the LE its attached to ((Yes))
Then what is the Profile Option used to determine the current SOB ((GL: Sets of
Books Name))
What is the program used to convert the installation to Multi Organisation Arch
itecture ((Ad Administration Utility (adadmin)))
What actually is a responsibility ((the responsibility you choose determines the
data, forms, menus, reports, and concurrent programs you can access.))
What are the information shared across organization?
??Flexfield definitions ??Customer Header (customer site is at the operating uni
t level) ??Supplier Header (supplier site is at the operating unit level)
Information Specific to Each Operating Unit

Payables ??Supplier sites ??Reporting entities ??Financial options??Syst
em options etc
Receivables ??Customer address ??Customer relationships ??Customer bank
accounts ??Customer call information (call records, topics) ??Distribution sets
??Transaction sources ??Lockbox definitions ??Memo lines ??Receipt sources ??Re
ceivables activities ??Salesperson, sales territories assigned to salespersons ?
?System options ??Tax exemptions and exceptions ??Tax codes ??Tax rates ??Tax na
mes etc
Can a new organization added to a Multi Org structure ((Yes))
What is the additional step required than when Organisation is added initially.

Limitation of Multi Org

Data Security With the exception of data that is shared across organizations, al
l data is secured and striped by operating unit.
Centralization / Decentralization Multiple Organizations enabled products proce
ss transactions within an operating unit. There is no additional support for cen
tralization/decentralization of business functions. For example, the following c
ombinations are not supported: centralized payables with decentralized purchasin
g, centralized purchasing with decentralized payables
Supplier and customer tables are shared across operating units. However, you mus
t define supplier sites and customer addresses for
each operating unit.
The Customer Merge process allows you to merge only addresses and sites within t
he same operating unit, since transactions are secured by
operating unit.
Receiving You can receive against purchase orders only in the operating unit to
which your responsibility is connected. As before, a purchase order s ship to organi
zation must be in the purchase order s SOBs.
Internal Requisitions Intercompany Payable and Receivable Invoices are not autom
atically generated for Internal Requisitions.
Location Flexfield Structure Only operating units with the same Accounting Flexf
ield structure can share a Location Flexfield structure.

Multiple Organizations Reporting

Multi Org feature enables user to generate reports across different organisation
The Reporting Level a user can select is determined by Profile Option MO: Top Re
porting Level
The report parameters
Reporting Level = SOB/ Legal Entity / Operating Unit
Reporting Context = The entity within the selected Reporting Level (SOB/
Legal Entity / Operating Unit)
Multi Org Reports
Oracle Payables
??Accounts Payable Trial Balance
??Payables Accounting Entries Report
??Payables Account Analysis Report
Oracle Receivables
4 Buckets Report
??Aging 7 Buckets Report

7 Buckets
By Salesperson Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Collector Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Account Report
??Credit Hold Report
??Customer Credit Snapshot

Scenario 1

Reporting Level = SOB

Then Reporting Context = US legal Entity or Canada Legal Entity

Scenario 11

Reporting Level = Legal Entity

Then Reporting Context = Western Division OU or Eastern Division OU

Scenario 111

Reporting Level = Operating Unit

Then Reporting Context defaults to the current OU.

Step 1:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define

Create the User and add System Administrator Responsibility

Step 2:
Log on with that User
Step 3:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?Responsibility?Define
Create the Responsibility
General Ledger






Human Resources




Cash Management


Fixed Assets


Order Management

Step 4:
Set the Profile
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
1) Payables
Click Find Button

Same as for PO Responsibility

Step 5: Add all the Responsibilities to ur user
Step 6: Switch on to AP ABC USER Responsibility
Navigation: Employee? Locations

Step 7: Setup Business Group

Responsibility: AP ABC USER (INR)
Navigation: Setup?Organizations
Click Others Button

Press OK and SAVE

Step 8: Switch on to System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
Click FIND Button

Same Profile Option gives to all Responsibilities like

(GL, AR, PO, HR, CM, FA, OM)
Profile Option HR:Business Group (assign the business group name to all responsi
Step 9: Switch on to AP ABC USER
Create the Set of Books
Navigation: Setup?flex fileds?key?Segments

Create Set of Book for created flex field

Step 10:
Navigation: Setup?Organization

Click Others Button and select Legal Entity Accounting

Press OK
Organization Classification: Operating Unit

Click Others Button

Click OK
Add Inventory Organization to Organization Classification

Save and close

Step 11: Switch on PO ABC USER
Navigation: Setup?Organizations?Organizations

Go to Organization Classification--Select Inventory Organization Click Others Butt

Select Accounting Information

Press OK and Save

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Inventory Information

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Receiving Information

Step 12: Switch on System Administrator

Navigation: Profile?System
Set the set of books profile option to all responsibilities (GL, AP, AR, HR, PO,
Step 13: Switch on HR ABC USER
Navigation: HRMS Manager?People?Enter & Maintain
(Create new employee)

Step 14:
Switch on System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define (Query the user and assign employee to that use




1) Can one supplier information can be shared by different operating units ? if
yes then how ?
A. Yes, but only header level information can be shared.
You need to change the profile option (MO : Operating Unit) to the respective op
erating unit.
2) Difference between P.O Default & Quick match invoice ?
A) PO default:-To match specific shipment of po with invoice
B) Quick Match:-To match all the shipments of a po with invoice at a time
Both type of invoices turns into standard invoice after matching
3) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to GL?
create batch
create invoice
create distribution
validate the invoice
actions -? approve
if individual create accounting click ok
If batch go to batch create accounting.
Create accounting hits Payable Accounting(Transfer) ??Program which wil
l create accounting.
Run Transfer to GL Concurrent Program
Journal Import
Post journals
Hits balances.
4) How do u Transfer from AP to GL?
Ans--- Payables transfer to GL program is used to transfer from AP to GL.
5) What are the Interface and base Tables for payables/ open invoice ?
Ans--Table Details:
AP Invoice Interface tables
AP Invoice Base Tables:

Error table:
6) How many types of Transactions are there in AP?
Standard Invoice : The amount is g
Debit memo (increases balances owed to supplier)
Raised by organization
Raised by Supplier.
Credit memo
Mixed Invoices both debit & credit
Expense Report
Quick Match
7) Tell me about PO cycle( Procure To Pay )?
Request For Quote (RFQ)
Quote Analysis (Track/check record)
Issue Purchase Order (PO)
Goods Receipt Note(GRN)
Transfer To GL (Payables transfer to GL program)
Journal Import
GL Balances
8) How many types of purchase order types/agreements are there?
a) Standard Purchase Order
b) Planned PO : A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to
buy it
items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery sche
dules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including char
ge account, quantities and estimated cost.
EX: Buying goods for Christmas from a specific dealer.
c) Contract PO : You create contract purchase agreement with your supplier to a
gree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services
that you will be purchasing i.e. for $ amount you must supply this much quantity
. You can later issue standard PO referencing your contracts and you can encumbe
r these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.
d) Blanket PO : You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail
of goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period , but
you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket
purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually
purchasing them.
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur suppli
er about the price at which you will purchase the items from the supplier in fut
ure. Here you enter the price of the item not the quantity of the items. When yo
u create the release you enter the quantity of the items. The price is not updat
able in the release. The quantity * price makes the Released Amount. Now suppose
your contract with your supplier is such that you can only purchase the items w
orth a fixed amount against the contract.
9) What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching?
2-way matching: 2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice quantiti
es must match within your tolerances as follows:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered

Invoice price <= Purchase order price

(<= sign is used because of tolerances)
Often used for services where no receiver is generated.
3-way matching: 3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information
match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
4-way matching: 4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice in
formation match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
(Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods).
Whether a PO shipment has 2-way, 3-way or 4-way matching can be setup in the Shi
pment Details zone of the Enter PO form (character)
Receipt required
Inspection required
What is the month end process?
What are the interfaces available?
Can we pay an invoice without creating accounting for an Invoice?
Can we post a payment without posting the Invoice to GL?
What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What are the errors we face when Payables Transfer to General Ledger program is
What kind of problems normally we face when we create accounting for the Invoice
and How to identify and resolve such problems?
What are the tables effected when an invoice accounting is created?
What is the transaction flow in Oracle Payables along with Tables getting effect
What are the tables in which the accounting entries in Accounts Payables are sto
What are the features provided by Oracle Payables?
What does Payables Accounting Process do?
What is the program used to post the transactions from Oracle Paybles to Oracle
GL? What does that do? What are the tables involved?
Payment Batch: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?
Void: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the chec
k went out and was cashed. What do we do?
Payment Batch: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Ca
n I delete it?
Payment Batch: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
Payment Document: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account tha
t says it is in use. How can I tell?
Payment Batch: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the P
ayment Batch?
Payment Batch: Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the
payment batch exceeds the maximum outlay?

Printing: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatt
Payment Batch: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed?
EFT: How can I select EFT document type on a Payment Batch?
Payment Register: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payme
nt Register?
Void: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT t
Payment Batch: What is the process flow for generating payment batches
and mailing checks?
Payment Batch: How to cancel Payment Batch if it is stuck in status "ing
" (selecting, formatting, confirming)?
FAQ Details
Q: What is the Payment Batch processing flow?
A: The flow of payment processing is as follows:
AutoSelect - First you initiate the Payment Batch by entering criteria for invoi
Build - The system then builds payments based on the selection criteria.
Modify - You can optionally modify the payment batch.
Format - Format payments to have Payables produce an output file.
Print - Print checks from the output file or deliver the output file to your ban
Confirm - Confirm the payment batch.
Q: A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the check w
ent out and was cashed. What do we do?
A: Example:
1. Invoice created for $1300
2. Invoice paid for $1300
3. Payment was voided.
4. Check was sent to the customer who cashed it.
5. Invoice was also canceled and another check against it was voided.
Solution Summary:
----------------Create a 0$ invoice with 2 distribution lines, 1 for the expense account as a de
bit and the other distribution lines to the cash account as a credit
Solution Explanation:
---------------------When the invoice was created if this was just a simple invoice created, invoice
paid, payment voided, but check cleared, then we would have done the following:
original invoice
db expense 1300
cr liability 1300
db liability 1300
cr cash 1300
void payment
db cash 1300
cr liability 1300
But to take care of the voided check that cleared and was cashed, we would have
created a 0$ invoice with two new distribution lines:
line 1 1300
db expense 1300
line 2 -1300 (you fill in the expense account as the cash account) which will ge
nerate these entries
db liability 1300

cr cash account 1300 (this is used in place of the expense account)

So invoice is still owed, and we issue a $0 manual payment check:
db liability
cr cash
So the invoice is paid, and the cash is ok.
1099 considerations...
If this is a 1099 vendor, you need to go into the distributions on the zero invo
ice and go to the details section, and fill in the income tax type for the expen
distribution, but for the distribution for the cash, take off the income tax typ
e. That will fix your 1099.
Almost all reports, report off the distributions, not the invoice total, so as l
ong as everything is posted this should be fine.
Q: I have created a Payment Batch and wish to abort it. Can I delete it
A: Yes. But only if the status of the Payment Batch is 'Unstarted' or 'New'. I
f the batch has already been selected for processing, you must Cancel it. If yo
u have already formatted the Payment Batch, then click on Actions and deselect t
he Confirm action. After doing so, the Cancel Payment Batch option will be avai
Q: How do I determine the status of the Payment Batch?
A: Query up the Payment Batch in the Payment Batches Summary window to view the
Alternative: Technical employees with access to SQL*Plus:
SELECT status
FROM ap_inv_selection_criteria_all
WHERE checkrun_name = ?<payment batch name>?;
Q: I selected a Payment Document for my Bank Account that says it is in
use. How can I tell?
A: When you selected the Payment Document for the Bank Account, the Document Nam
es window displays a column ?In Use By?. This is the Payment Batch name that is
using the Payment Document. You must complete the Payment Batch using that doc
ument before you can use it. You will only get the list of payment documents if
there is more than one payment document associated with that bank account. If
there is only one payment document for that bank account, you will simply get th
e message that the payment document is in use. If you still do not see a Paymen
t Batch, then most likely a QuickCheck did not complete successfully. Contact O
racle Support for scripts to determine the status of the QuickCheck.
Q: When can I modify a Payment Batch?
A: After the Payment Batch has been Built and before it has been Formatted. On
ce the payment batch has been Formatted, Modify is no longer an option.
Q: How do I add an invoice to the Payment Batch?
1. From the Actions Window, unselect Format and select Modify Payment Batch.
2. Enter the Supplier Name and Site.
3. Select Yes for Pay Supplier.
4. Select the invoice you wish to add to this Payment Batch.
5. Select the Build button.
The system will automatically submit the Build Payments program to rebuild the p
Q: Can I modify the Discount on a selected invoice in the Payment Batch
A: Yes. You can change the Discount Amount to reflect more or less of a discoun
t. The discount amount and payment amount can not be more than the amount due.
If you take less of a discount and you wish to pay the invoice in full, you will
need to adjust the Payment Amount also. If the invoice includes withholding ta
x, you can not adjust the Payment Amount or the Discount Amount.

Q. Can I add an invoice that has been excluded because the payment batc
h exceeds the maximum outlay.
A: Yes. Select the Supplier and Site and choose 'Force' as the Pay Option in th
e Modify Payments Window.
Q: How do I reprint checks after payment batch has been formatted.
A: These instructions are for Smart Client or NCA, not character.
1. Navigate to the concurrent request summary form (Other -> Concurrent)
2. Either query the format payment concurrent request, or query all and manually
search for the format payments request.
3. Select Special?Reprint from the toolbar.
4. This opens the reprint dialog box.
5. Select the number of copies, the printer, and the print style
6. Press OK..
Q: Can I cancel a Payment Batch that has been confirmed.
A: No. You must void each payment created by the Payment Batch to accomplish th
Q: How can I select EFT document type on a payment batch?
A: Change the "Disbursement Type" for ACHs under Setup -> Payments -> Banks -> B
ank Accounts -> Payables Documents from "Recorded" to "Combined"
Q: How do I remove zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register?
A: The best way to get around zero amounts on the Preliminary Payment Register w
hen an Invoice and a Credit Memo cancel each other out is to make a Manual
Payment for a zero amount (the Invoice and the Credit Memo). You can either set
up a dummy Payment Document to make the payment on, or use some other
Payment Method. The important thing here is that Oracle Payables won't make a z
ero amount payment for you, AutoSelect will not pick up zero amount payments,
nor will QuickCheck allow zero amount payments.
Once the zero amount Manual Payment is made, both the Invoice and the Credit Mem
o will be marked as paid and will stop being picked up by AutoSelect, so
they won't appear on the Preliminary Payment Register.
Q: How do I void a reconciled payment whether it be a check or EFT trans
A: You will need to unreconcile the payment first, void it and then reissue.
From Cash Management Responsibility:
Navigate -> Bank Statements -> Find Bank Statement -> Review -> Lines -> Mark ch
eck to be unreconciled -> Unreconcile. Once you unreconcile the payment, you wil
l be able to void the payment and then pay again.
Q: What is the process flow for generating payment batches and mailing c
A: Please review APNews Vol 24 to resolve this issue.
FAQ Summary
iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the
Match: What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Fina
l Match do?
Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" invoice and how do I enter one?
Tax: How do I create a Withholding Tax Invoice?
Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
Match: How to Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?
New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced
since 11i was released?
Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after
applying 11i.AP.I?
Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy syste
m into Oracle Payables?
Requester: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice
Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more in

formation on Expense Report Import (Invoice Import in 10.7 and 11.0)?

Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
Invoice Processing Issues?
Patches: List of One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
FAQ Details
Q1. iSupplier Invoices: How do I use iSupplier Portal Invoice Entry?
A: iSupplier Invoice entry is a new feature released with one-off patch 2234922,
Procurement Family Pack H and Financials Family Pack C (same as 11i.AP.J). Usin
g this new feature your suppliers can enter their invoices on-line directly into
AP through the iSupplier module. For a complete overview of this new feature in
cluding implementation steps and usage instructions, please refer to the 11i Pay
ables User Guide (pages 4-171 through 4-174) available via Metalink. This users
guide is current as of Family Pack C (11i.AP.J) and contains installation instru
ctions for all new features released in 11i.
Q2. Match/Hold: How do I remove a Final Matching hold so that I can pay the invo
A:This hold is in effect because the invoice was matched to a PO line that has a
status of Final Closed. There is no way to manually remove the hold; the system
must remove the hold. There are two workarounds for this situation:
Workaround #1: You need to reverse the distribution line that has the final matc
h hold. You can then create a new PO line, and match to that line.
Workaround #2: You can manually create a distribution line on the invoice that i
s not matched to the PO, but is charged to the correct GL account. For More info
rmation on Final Match Holds see Note 1026090.6.
Q3. Match:What do the codes in the Final Match flag mean and what does Final Mat
ch do?
A:After you match an invoice to a Purchase Order, you can look at the AP_INVOICE
_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table and observe different codes in the FINAL_MATCH FLAG col
umn. The FINAL_MATCH_FLAG has the following QuickCodes:
N No The PO shipment line has not been matched.
Y Yes The PO shipment line has been matched, AND one of the invoices for this PO
has been final matched. When a PO is final matched to an invoice, all other inv
oices for that PO are updated, too. So you cannot tell from this flag, which inv
oice was final matched. D Done The PO shipment line is closed. You cannot invoic
e this distribution line.
Note: When you match an invoice to a PO, nothing special happens. But when you f
inal match an invoice to a PO, that means you can never match another invoice to
that PO. The PO lines that have been matched are closed.
Q4. Invoice Type: What is a "Mixed" Invoice and how do I enter one?
A:Mixed Invoices are invoices or credit/debit memos for which you can perform bo
th positive and negative matching to purchase orders and to other invoices.
For example, you can enter an invoice for -$100 with Invoice Type Mixed. You can
match to an invoice for $-200, and match to a purchase order for $100.
To enter a Mixed invoice:
1. Enter the invoice or credit/debit memo in the Invoices Summary, and enter Mix
ed as the invoice Type. You can enter either a positive or negative invoice amou
2. Match to purchase orders, and/or invoices.
Q5. How do I create a Withholding Tax invoice?
A:After you apply withholding tax to an invoice, you can optionally create invoi
ces to remit withheld tax to the tax authority.
Payables can automatically create withholding tax invoices, or you can perform t
his task manually. If you chose to automatically create withholding tax invoices
, you must choose whether to do this during Approval or during payment processin

g. Indicate this choice in the Withholding Tax region of the Payables Options wi
ndow. See: Withholding Tax Payables Options.
If you choose to create withholding tax invoice manually, create an invoice for
each Withholding Tax type invoice distribution on an invoice. Create the invoice
for the tax authority supplier and site assigned to the Withholding Tax type ta
x name and for the amount of the Withholding Tax type invoice distribution.
Please see Note 198307.1 and the 11i Payables User Guide (pages 10-26 through 10
-55), for more information on Withholding Tax invoice creation.
Q6. Interest: How do I create Interest Invoices?
A:Chapter 10 of the 11i Payables User Guide discusses setting up and using Inter
est Invoices. Also see Note 198308.1 for more information on creating Interest I
nvoices including coverage of the following Interest Invoice sub-topics:
1) Setting steps that must be completed
2) Minimum Interest amounts
3) Expense GL Account to be charged for interest expense
4) Liability GL Account to be charged for interest expense
5) Automatic Interest
6) Invoice Due Date calculations
7) Interest amount calculations
Q7. Match: How do I Match Invoices to Purchase Orders?
A: Note 198535.1 provides detailed instructions for matching purchase orders to
Invoices. This content is presented in the form of a white paper in PDF format.
The 11i Payables User Guide (pages 4-68 through 4-82) also provides a thorough o
verview of the Invoice Matching process.
Q8. New Features: What new Invoice Processing features have been introduced sinc
e 11i was released?
A: For a complete description of new features released in Mini-Packs "A" through
"I" please review Note 166537.1. Beginning with 11i.AP.J and continuing with Fa
mily Packs C+, Payables will deliver new feature descriptions in the "About" doc
ument for each Mini/Family Pack. Please see the 11i.AP.J About document for more
AP support strongly recommends that you install the corresponding documentation
patch for Mini/Family Packs that you apply. These documentation patches contain
the most up to date On-Line Help files with instructions on how to use or implem
ent the new functionality introduced by the patch.
Note: 11i.AP.J was the last Payables Mini-Pack for 11i. After Mini-Pack J, Payab
les will deliver all 11i consolidated patches in Family Packs. 11i.AP.J will con
tain the same code release as Financials Family Pack C.
New Invoice Processing Features by Mini/Family Pack:
AP.J / Family Pack C: Interest Expense Proration, Enhanced Matching Controls for
Finally Closed Purchase Orders, Payment Batch Enhancements, Invoice Approval Wo
rkflow Enhancements, iSupplier Portal Invoices.
AP.I: View Currency Details, Primary Pay Site, Invoice Approval Workflow
AP.E: Negative Supplier Balance Report, Employee Update Program
AP.A: Automatic Creation of Debit Memo from RTS, Input Tax Groups
Q9. Approval/Validation: What happened to the Invoice Approval option after appl
ying 11i.AP.I?
A: In Mini-pack I, Payables is adding a new workflow named Invoice Approval Work
flow that asks approvers to review invoice details, and confirm online whether t
he invoice is accurate and should be paid. The Payables Approval program has bee
n renamed to prevent confusion with the new workflow and to more accurately refl
ect its function. For a complete list of the renamed programs see Note: 179837.1
Q10. Supplier Import: Is it possible to import suppliers from my legacy system i
nto Oracle Payables?

A: This functionality does not currently exist however enhancement an enhancemen

t request has been logged. Please follow bug 94383 for up to date status on this
Q11. Requestor: In 11i, what is the "Requestor" field used for on the Invoice Wo
A: This field represents the person who requested the goods or services that are
on the invoice. If you use Invoice Approval Workflow, then you can define rules
that use this value to generate a hierarchical list of approvers for the invoic
Q12. Setup: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more infor
mation on Invoice Processing?
A: Please see the Metalink Note 207154.1 for the most current version of the 11i
Payables Users Guide.
Q13. What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for Invoice Proc
essing Issues on MetaLink?
Q14. Patches: List off One-Off Patch available for Invoice Processing
A: A listing of the most frequently requested one-off patches for Invoice proces
sing can be found in Note 202259.1.
5. Prob: There are payments and/or invoices that are not posting to GL and you b
elieve they should post.
Sol: Ensure invoices are ready to post. An invoice must be approved and/or have
no posting holds in order to be selected for posting. To ensure that your invoic
es are ready to post, you should run autoapproval and review the hold reports.
Invoice Hold Report - displays all held invoices.
Posting Hold Report - only displays invoices with holds that prevent posting.
Matching Hold Report - only displays invoices with matching holds.
Ensure payments are made. You must insure that all your payment batches have bee
n completed (either confirmed or canceled). A period will not close if there are
payment batches in a status other than confirmed or canceled. If an invoice is
approved but will not pay, you should insure that the invoice is due to be paid
and that the payment schedule is not on hold.
6. Prob: Payables Transfer to GL was successful, but the Journal Import is not i
mporting the data into GL
Sol: Examine AP Reports for Exceptions and Correct. Transactions that were selec
ted but encountered some exception are not inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table
nor are they updated to ?Posted?. (Exceptions can be an inactive accounting flex
field value, a GL_DATE in an un-opened GL period, exchange rate missing, etc.)
After the process is complete, the AP Journal reports are generated to display t
he results of the posting selection. These reports are very important and should
be saved. They are generated directly from the posting process and can not be r
erun at a later date.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Audit Report This report lists the details of the
accounting transactions that have been inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table. It
displays the AP transaction, its corresponding debits and credits, the GL accou
nts affected, and more.
Accounts Payable Journal Entry Exception Report This report displays the transac
tions that encountered an exception during the posting process. Each transaction
includes an exception code that explains why it was prevented from posting. All
transactions appearing on this report will require some change in order to be s
elected for posting the next time you run the AP transfer process.
7. Error: In Release 10.7 or 11.0, you are using Automatic Offsets, and you get
an "undist" error on some of the payments.
Sol: Navigate to Payments -> Invalid GL Accounts. Query in this form to show the
accounts that are causing the "undist" error. You can correct the invalid accou
nts in this form.

8. Prob: You get a RATE exception when running Payables Transfer to GL.
Sol: Populate the Daily Rates table for the exchange date, run Autorate, if need
ed, and rerun the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program.
11. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, Payables Transfer to GL program shows 'No da
ta found'.
Sol: Please review Note 1067036.6 and Note 1012060.7
13. Prob: In Release 10.7 and 11.0, the Journal Import process fails when kicked
off by the Payables Transfer to GL process.
Sol: Please review Note 107272.1
15. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to General Ledger Report lists som
e of the transactions as "Accounting entries have accounting entry creation erro
Sol: There is a problem with the accounting for your transactions. Please either
review Payables Accounting Process Report, which is created when the Payables A
ccounting Process is run, or the run the Payables Accounting Entries Report to d
etermine which transactions are accounted incorrectly. For additional help troub
leshooting accounting problems, please review Note 131225.1
16. Error: In Release 11.5, Payables Transfer to GL exits with Status 1 ORA-2010
0 File o0000004.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed ORA-06512.
Sol: Please review Note 141706.1
Current Issues Details
1. ALERT: Pre-Upgrade Data Issue That Will Impact AP Trial Balance in R11i (Note
During the upgrade to R11i, the accounting entries for existing payments are bui
lt using, in part, the ?Payments Distribution? tables. When certain fields are N
ULL, the accounting upgrade script will not pick up those records. This causes a
ll related invoice records to appear as UNPAID on the Accounts Payable Trial Bal
ance Report (APXTRBAL).
3. 10.7 and 11.0 Trial Balance Does Not Match GL (Note 1021413.6)
In release 10.7 and 11.0 the AP Trial Balance report occasionally displays incor
rect balances. This can be due to numerous causes including duplicate invoices,
duplicate payments, zero dollar invoices, voided payment/invoice, canceled invoi
ce, etc.. This note contains instructions on how to rebuild the trial balance ta
bles to resolve out of balance issues.
Can a user send payments or invoices to AP and AR in any currency that has been
activated in the reporting currencies table?
Yes, a user can handle payments in Euro, and can change the currency before send
ing invoices to AP or AR. It is also possible to convert a lease contract from N
CU's to Euro. Because the conversion is made at the time the currency is changed
prior to being sent to AP/AR and then stored, you are able to send payments in
one currency for a certain time period, and then switch to another currency at a
later time.
1. Q: What formula should I use to balance AP to GL?
A: Use the following as an example of how to balance:
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of March 31
+ "Posted Invoice Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
- "Posted Payment Register" for the period between April 1 and April 30
= "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" as of April 30
Reconciling AP to GL is accomplished with the use of the following reports.
"Posted Invoice Register"
"Posted Payment Register"
"Accounts Payable Trial Balance" (current and last period)
These reports ensure that your Trial Balance accurately reflects your accounts p
ayable liability by matching the Posted invoices and payments with the AP liabil
ity account.
Additional Information on Reconciling AP to GL:
Note 160267.1 How to Reconcile Between Accounts Payable and General Ledger
Note 175057.1 AP Does Not Tie to GL- Checking the Interface Tables

2. Q: How is the as-of-date used in the "Accounts Payable Trial Balance" report?
A: The as-of-date is used to determine which invoices and payments should be inc
luded on the report. Any invoices or payments with an accounting date AFTER the
entered as-of-date will not be displayed on this report.
5. Q: How is the 11i Trial Balance Different from 10.7 and 11.0 ?
A: The Accounts Payable Trial Balance is actually a new report but since the nam
e is the same it is included in the changed reports section. The new
accounting model made it necessary to rewrite the trial balance report. All of t
he enhancements that had been outstanding against the report were
reviewed and incorporated into the new report. For example, there is now an opti
on to run the report for a single supplier. There is also an option to
run the report for a single liability account. For More information and a list o
f reports changed in 11i see AP News Vol. 20
Troubleshooting Summary
Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to
Oracle Assets.
Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Cre
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.
Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
AP: 11i Replacement of FAMACR With APMACR
Create Mass Additions No Data Found.
Mass Additions Create Ends With Error ORA-01012
Invoices appear as Future Additions since 11i.FA.K.
How to determine why invoices are not interfacing from AP to FA.
All books are shown even though security by book is set up
Troubleshooting Details
1. Create Mass Additions from Oracle Payables did not send anything over to Orac
le Assets.
Mass Additions Create will only create mass addition lines under certain
circumstances. Please check that you have invoice lines that satisfy the
following criteria.
Conditions for ASSET Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported:
a) The line is charged to an account set up as an Asset account.
b) The account is set up for an existing Asset Category as either the Asset
Clearing Account or the CIP Clearing Account.
c) The Track as Asset check box is checked. (It is automatically checked
if the account is an Asset account).
d) The invoice is approved.
e) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Payable
f) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.
g) If you use the multiple organizations feature, your Payables operating unit
must be tied to the same General Ledger Set of Books as the Corporate book
for which you want to run FAMACR.

Conditions for EXPENSED Invoice Line Distributions to be Imported :

a) The invoice line distribution is charged to an Expense account.
b) The Track As Asset box is manually checked.
c) The invoice is approved.
d) The invoice line distribution is posted to Oracle General Ledger from Oracle
e) The General Ledger date on the invoice line distribution is on or before
the date you specify for the FAMACR program.
f) Your installation of Payables must be tied to the same General Ledger Set
of Books as the Corporate book for which you want to run FAMACR.
To be picked up, the following settings are required against the line in the
ap_invoice_distributions_all table:
assets_tracking_flag = 'Y'
asset_additions_flag = 'U' (U = Untested, Y = Accepted, N = Rejected)
posted_flag = 'Y'
accounting_date = ? (must be <= to the date entered when running the FAMACR proc
The following script can be run to check the relevant flag settings for lines
that have not come through to Oracle Assets:
SQL> Select apid.accounting_date, apid.assets_tracking_flag,
apid.assets_addition_flag, apid.posted_flag, apid.set_of_books_id,
glcc.chart_of_accounts_id, glcc.account_type, apid.invoice_id
from ap_invoice_distributions_all apid, gl_code_combinations glcc
where invoice_id = ????;
2. Mass addition lines have been created, but the log file shows a warning
about the number of units being invalid.
If an invoice is not matched to a Purchase Order then Mass Additions Create
will always create a mass addition line with one unit and you would get a
warning in the log file similar to:
Invoice ID: 119788 Distribution Line Number: 10 Warning!
Warning: Invalid Units. Mass Additions created with 1 unit
Cause: The invoice line from which you created a mass addition has units
greater than the limit of 9999, null units or fractional units.
When an invoice line is not matched to a Purchase Order, the units associated
with the invoice line are NULL. In Oracle Assets, the units column is required
to permit the assignment of depreciation expense account distributions.
Therefore a default value of 1 is assigned to these lines.
3. Create Mass Additions completed successfully, but the Mass Additions Create
Report (FAS822.rdf) does not show any data or it shows different invoices.
If this is the report that is submitted as part of the Mass Additions Create req
uest set it is probably an old version of the report. Development identified sev
eral problems with the report. Please apply the latest patch to update the versi
on of this report. Patches can be downloaded from MetaLink. Ensure you search fo
r patches that include the file FAS822.rdf and apply the latest version of this

If you are running the standalone report from the Standard Report Submission for
m - you will only see data from the last Mass Additions Create run. This is a li
mitation of the FA_SYSTEM_CONTROLS and FA_MASS_ADDITIONS join on concurrent requ
4. Mass Additions Create created duplicate lines in the interface table.
The problem could be the fact that several Mass Additions Create Programs were s
ubmitted in parallel and the Concurrent Program Definition for the executable AP
MACR is not incompatible with itself.
Login to System Administration Responsibility and set the program to be incompat
ible with itself under (N:Concurrent -> Program -> Define). Auto Install does no
t set the incompatibility of this program.
10. All books are shown even though security by book is set up
for Mass Addition Create
Steps to fix the problem:
1. Under Application Developer responsibility create a copy of value set
FA_CORP_BOOK (just create manually with the same values/checkboxes, etc.), name
it, say - FA_CORP_BOOK_AP. Put a new where clause like this:
where book_class = 'CORPORATE' and ORG_ID in
order by book_type_code ;
Save the new value set.
2. Go to System Administrator Responsibility,
Navigation Path: Concurrent/Program/Define,
find the Mass Additions Create (Payables) request.
Ensure to take the Payables request, not the Assets!
Press Parameters button, go to the second parameter - Book,
specify the value set, which you have created in step 1.
Save your work.
3. Check the list of values for book parameter using an AP responsibility
having FA: Security Profile assigned.
Troubleshooting Summary
Script: Diagnostic Scripts
Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transa
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Sup
plier Site
Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Problem: Invoice Terms Being Set to PO Terms Instead of Supplier Site Te
Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Problem: PO Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices F
lag Checked
Problem: Attachment TO PAYABLES Entered in Purchasing is not Viewable in
Problem: Reversing PO Matched Invoice Distribution Line Does Not Open Th
e PO Line For Further Matching
Problem: Purchasing Encumbrances Are Not Reversed By Invoice Matching

Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
Error: Create Debit Memo From RTS Errors AP_CANNOT_ASSIGN_DOC_SEQ
Error: APP-SQLAP-10655 Error When Matching an Invoice to a PO
Error: Matching an Invoice to a Receipt Receives ORA-00904 Invalid Colum
n Name
References: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for mo
re information on PO Matching?
Keywords: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for
PO Matching on MetaLink?
Patches: List of one-off patches available for Payables PO Matching
1. Scripts: Diagnostic Scripts
In order to speed and simplify your troubleshooting process, Payables Support ha
s created diagnostic scripts that can be used to quickly identify common problem
s and issues. Please click on the following links to download the scripts. The l
ink will also provide access to readme files detailing how the script is to be r
Note 148388.1. The script provides detailed data information on an invoice or pa
Note 203567.1. The script checks the basic setup (as outlined in 'Setting Up' Ch
apter in the User's Guide) of Accounts Payable.
When setup information is missing or when the setup is invalid, the test will ou
tput error/warning messages, the action to be taken, and the impact of the missi
ng setup.
2. Problem: Automatic Debit Memo Creation Failed When Creating a RTS Transaction
For an Automatic Debit Memo to be created in AP, the following must be true:
The supplier site has to be marked to allow RTS transactions.
There must be an original invoice already in AP for the item being retur
The PO and the original Invoice must be to the same Supplier Site.
The Supplier Site must be marked as both a Pay Site and a Purchasing Sit
The return quantity cannot cause the quantity invoiced to go negative.
The return quantity must be equal to or less than the quantity invoiced.
The Create Debit Memo checkbox must also be turned on in the Receipt for
The return must be to the Supplier, and not to Receiving.
If the debit memo is not created automatically, you should create the debit memo
manually in the Payables application.
Problem: Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction is Not Created when the
RCV: Processing Mode Profile Option is Set to Online
When the system profile option, RCV: Processing Mode is set to Online, no Debit
Memo is created in Payables. Set the option to Immediate so the debit memo will
be generated in Payables. Check with Oracle Purchasing Support for more detail
s about this profile option.
4. Problem: Debit Memo Created for a RTS Transaction Has Terms From the Supplier
The payment terms for a supplier site default to the invoices you enter for the
site except in the following circumstances:
You enter a PO Default or QuickMatch invoice in the Invoice Workbench, i
n which case the terms default from the purchase order.
You import an invoice record that has payment terms specified on the rec
ord, or the import process can derive terms from purchase order matching. You ca

n override the default payment terms on any invoice.

So, the debit memo is correctly picking up payment term from the supplier site.
5. Problem: Price Hold Not Released When Entering Credit Memo
Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:
Match the credit memo to the PO with price correction enabled and the re
lated invoice selected.
Match the credit memo to the invoice which is matched to the PO in question and
validate both the invoice and the credit memo.
7. Problem: Unable to Match to a Specific Distribution on a Release
Enable the Allow Distribution Level Matching Payables Option, if you want to all
ow matching to purchase order distributions. If you enable this option, you can
match an invoice to one or more purchase order distributions. If you do not ena
ble this option, Payables only allows you to match an invoice to a purchase orde
r shipment.
8. Problem: Po Match Required For Credit Memos If Hold Unmatched Invoices Flag
If the Hold Unmatched Invoices option is enabled for a supplier site, and you wa
nt to match a Credit Memo or Debit Memo to an invoice without receiving the Matc
hing Required hold during validation, use the procedure outlined in the Matching
Credit and Debit Memos to Purchase Orders and Receipts section of the
11. Problem: Purchasing encumbrances are not reversed by invoice matching
If PO Encumbrance Type and Invoice Encumbrance Type are the same, AP will encum
ber only for variances. Only
when the Accounting Entries have been created for AP, would the encumbrance be
relieved. Once the 'Create
Accounting Entries' process is run, encumbrance is relieved. This is the standar
d functionality and as per design.
12. Problem: How do I Release Final Matching Hold on an Invoice
A Final Matching Hold is placed by the approval process when an invoice is match
ed to a already finally closed PO Shipment. This hold is not manually releasabl
e. To release this hold, the distribution created by matching to the finally
closed PO line must be reversed. If there are many lines on the invoice and man
y are matched to different PO's, it becomes difficult to determine the correct d
istribution to reverse. And, if there are distributions in the same invoice tha
t were created by final matching to a PO, these distributions cannot be reversed
. To find the invoice distribution causing the hold, run the following SQL:
Select distribution_line_number LINE, dist_code_combination_id ACCOUNT, match
_status_flag APP, amount ,
final_match_flag FINAL, Quantity_invoiced QTY, reversal_flag REV from ap_in
where invoice_id = <invoice_id>;
If an invoice distribution displays a final_match_flag = D this invoice
distribution cannot be reversed.
If an invoice distribution displays a match_status_flag not equal to
'A' and final_match_flag is null or 'Y', then this is most likely the cause.
Reverse this distribution and revalidate the invoice. The final matching should
be released.


What is MRC?
MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more
than one set of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting
set of books to a primary set of books . The chart of accounts and calendar
have to be the same for the primary and reporting set of books .
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the
primary and reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Cash management
Cost Management
General Ledger
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the
reporting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time
of original entry
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are
converted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and
reporting set of books respectively.

Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in
the Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the
same chart of accounts and calendar.
Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get record
in Reporting set of books?
No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get
recorded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when
they are posted in the primary set of books.
Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.

Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?

In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of

Oracle Application and operating unit for which you want to convert
transactions to your reporting set of books.
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.
In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then
this profile option should be set to the same operating unit for both
the Primary and Reporting set of books .
When a
be the

How do document numbers get assigned to journals?

journal is entered in the primary set of books the document
assigned is determined by the primary set of books and it will
same number in the reporting set of books also .

When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it
also occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times
once for the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting
set of books assigned to the primary set of books .

Note: The one step subledger posting feature is available by applying

the relevant patch .
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also
revalue the balances in the reporting set of books?
Revaluation can be run in the primary set of books and in each
of the reporting set of books. It can also be automated,
i.e running the Revaluation process in the PSOB
automatically generates the Revaluation process in the RSOB
Refer to note 93677.1
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from
non-Oracle feeder system and the journals are posted successfully
in the primary set of books General ledger creates converted journals
in the reporting set of books .
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances,
as you can record your transactions in multiple currencies by
assigning the required reporting sets of books as per your business
What is the difference between the translation feature of
General Ledger and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts
from the functional currency of the primary set of books to another
currency at the account balances level, but MRC in General ledger
is used to convert the functional currency to another currency at the
transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the
reporting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger
will also reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books.
The reporting journal uses the same conversion rate that was used
to create the original entry .
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars
have to be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first
ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books
does not have to be the same as the associated reporting book.
The 1st MRC Period is used by our historical transactions/balances
conversion programs and does not need to be entered if you are not
going to be using them.
The replication of data from the primary book to the reporting book

is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in the Assign Set of

Books form, Conversion Options window.
You can further control the sources/categories to convert or not
to convert in the GL Conversion Rules window.

What are the errors we normally face when the transactions are imported from Ora
cle Paybles?
What the tables affected when the journals are imported from Oracle Payables dir
What kind of problems we normally when such journals are posted?
Can we post a journal having the code combination on which Cross validation rule
is imposed?
Can I define and impose a Cross validation rule on a code combination on which J
ournal entry is created?
How many periods I can keep open in Journal Ledger at any point of time?
What is the impact of opening two periods on the GL balances? How does system ca
lculate balance for the second open period? When a transaction is made in the fi
rst open period then does the balance of both the open periods will be effected?
How do I know while making a Journal whether the cross validation is imposed or
not on a particular code combination?
What is revaluation
What Subledgers does Oracle General Ledger 11i Drilldown support?
----Drilldown from Oracle General Ledger 11i is supported for Oracle Payables, Oracl
e Receivables, Oracle Assets (except depreciation), Projects, Purchasing, Invent
ory, and Work in Process (WIP).
What are the application objects that support View Accounting and Drilld
-----GL_Import_Reference_Table (modified) For Example Invoices imported from Payables
into GL goes to this table from GL_Inerface table.
GL_JE_LINES (modified)
New views in the database:
Where in Oracle General Ledger 11i can Drilldown be accessed?

-----You can drilldown from GL Account Inquiry window and the GL Journal Entry and GL
Journal Inquiry windows. Nav: Tools -- Drilldown
What are the Release 11i Subledger drilldown features?
------ Expanded Subledger drilldown, to other subledgers.
- View Accounting Lines window.
Get the following message on Drilldown - Function not available to this
responsibility. Change responsibility or contact your system administrator.
-----Make sure you have the Correct Menu attached to the Responsibility you are
Using to drill down.
When you drill down to AX Payables or Receivables from GL, you get the
message FRM-40350 Query caused no records to be retrieved.
Can you disable budgetary control for a set of books?
------Yes you can however existing encumbrances are not cleared from the feeder system
s. Therefore it is not recommended. If you do change the budgetary control opti
ons for an existing set of books, you must do two things for the change to be re
--Run the Period Map Maintenance concurrent request, it must complete successful
--Exit Oracle Applications and restart.
You must completely exit the is not sufficient to select Sign o
n again from the Oracle Applications Special menu. Ref: Oracle GL User's Guide,
Rel 11, Vol 1, page 2-90
Is there a limit to the number of periods in a budget year or how many y
ears a budget can span?
------Your budget can include up to 60 periods per year and can span an unlimited numb
er of fiscal years.
Why don't my Detail budgets roll up to my Master budget?
------Detail budgets do not automatically roll up to the master budget.The GL uses sum
mary accounts to maintain master/detail budget relationships between hierarchy
levels. Summary templates are
defined so that accounts in your lower level detail budgets roll up into the sam
e summary accounts as the detail accounts in your controlling master budget. A c
ommon misconception is that the detail budgets somehow roll up to the master bud
get by definition, this is not true. You must actually budget to a detail accoun
t in the master budget, this then serves as the controlling amount for the detai
l budgets. Master/Detail budgets are used in the budgeting process to control
Authority and identify budgets that exceed control limits. They are not intended
for reporting purposes.
I was able to post a budget journal to a closed period, why?
------A budget journal can be posted to any period that is in an open budget year for
that budget. This is regardless of the status of that period (closed, opened, or

future enterable).
How many 'Current' budgets can you have?
------You can only have one current budget. The only distinction between a 'current'
and an 'open' budget is that the current budget defaults into the budget field o
n several budget-related forms. It can be replaced however by any 'open' budget
in the field.
Why don't my budget amounts appear on my FSG?
------To include budgets (encumbrances or currencies) in a FSG report, your report def
inition must specify a row set of column set that has control values specified i
n the Balance Control options.
In the report definition itself, you associate budget names with the control val
ues that are assigned to the row or column set.
What is a funding budget?
------It is a budget that requires journal entries, and is assigned to a summary templ
ate or account range in the budget org, where the funds check level is set at Ab
solute or Advisory. It is the assignment that makes it a 'funding budget', it is
not done at the budget definition level.
Why is my budget requiring budget journals? At the set of books level th
at option is not enabled.
------This would happen when the budget itself is defined to require budget journals.
This is done at the budget definition level.
Why can't I inquire on my budget amounts from INQUIRE/BUDGETS navigation
------The Budget Inquiry form (GLXIQBUD) is used to perform inquiries about master and
detail budgets. GL compares summary balances between your master and detail bud
gets, and checks for budget variances and violations. This form only looks at su
mmary accounts. To inquire on detail accounts you must use the navigation INQUIR
E/ACCOUNTS, and choose the 'budget' amount type.
If I delete my budget org, will the budget amounts be deleted?
------No. Deleting the budget organization does not remove the budget amounts from the

Can I update/adjust an existing account range in my budget organization?

------No. To update/adjust an existing account range, you must delete the old range an
d create a new range (which incorporates your adjustment).
Can I delete a budget?

No. Budget data can be deleted using the archive and purge functionality, but th
e budget definition itself cannot be deleted.
How many times can a budget be purged?
------A budget can only be purged one time. The archive/purge functionality was not de
signed to be a maintenace tool in the budgeting process.
Why don't my asset and liability budgets roll forward?
------This is the current functionality. An enhancement request has been logged.
Why do you receive an advisory warning during funds reservation of a man
ual journal entry, even though there are sufficient funds in the account?
------You are getting the advisory warning because your transaction is going against a
detail account where no budget has been entered. So even though there are suffi
cient funds on the summary level, there are not sufficient funds at the detail l
evel. The funds checking/reservation process will look at the funds check level
for the detail account first, and then the funds check level for the summary acc
ount. The warning is alerting you to the fact that the detail account you are en
tering a transaction against does not have sufficient funds available. When you
know there are sufficient funds at the summary level, you must either change you
r funds check level on your detail account to none (to only look at the summary
level), or enter a sufficient budget to all the detail accounts that you will be
entering transactions against, if you don't want to see the warning. ReferenceNote 1074915.6
You are trying to open the next budget year. After navigating to the for
m and querying the budget, you notice the [Open Next Year] button is grayed out.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Budget
Short Form Name = GLXBDDEF
You query up a Budget that has already been defined and the [Open Next Year] but
ton is grayed out for that Budget as well. You are trying to open the next budge
t year on February 8, 1998. Pertinent fields in the Define Budget Form are displ
aying the following information:
Status = Open
Budget Periods Block----------------------------------------First = JAN-97 Last = DEC-97
Latest Open Year = 1997
------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM EXPLANATION
------------------The last day of the Last Period defined in your Budget has already passed.
------------------The Define Budget form looks at the periods you have defined as "First" and "Las
t". Once the "Last" date has passed, you will no longer be able to open the next
year (The "Open Next Year" button will be grayed out.) General Ledger views thi
s Budget as finished since the end date has expired. According to the General Le
dger User's Guide for Release 10SC, page 2-19, "You can change the last period t
o a later period only if the period you are changing from corresponds to the las
t period of your fiscal year." In many cases you will need to define a new budge
t. When defining your budget remember that you can span an unlimited number of f

iscal years.
You find that Account code combinations are not being added to the Budge
t Organization?
------------------Account code combinations are not being added to the Budget Organization. You ha
ve added the following range to a budget organization:
Low High
----------------- ----------------000-13099-000-000 999-13099-000-000
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Budgets/Define/Organization (Form = GLXBDORG)
Name = use the flashlight icon to find the Budget Organization you are currently
working on.
Click on the [Ranges] button at the bottom of the window.
Enter the low and high range. Save/Commit the changes. Exit the screen.
When you go back to the Define Budget Organization window, click on the [Assignm
ents] button, the expected account code combinations have not been assigned to t
hat Budget Organization. You requery to verify. You run the Maintain Budget Orga
nization Program, which will also force creation of accounts. To do this, you na
vigate to the Define Budget Organization window and click on the [Maintain] butt
on. This does not add the account code combinations either. You have also tried
doing the following (to no avail):
* Unfreezing, refreezing and compiling the accounting flexfield structure.
* Running Program Optimizer from the Standard Report Submission Screen.
* Deleting the assignment and adding the assignment.
* Added account to parent.
* Dropped / recreated summary template.
-------------------Budgeting must be enabled in the Account Combination screen.
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Setup/Accounts/Combinations
Do a query to pull up the desired combinations (Query Enter/Query Run).
Make sure the Allow Budgeting box has been checked for all the account code comb
inations within the range you assigned.
-------------------Assigning budget account ranges will assign accounts within the given range if t
hey have been enabled for budgeting. Otherwise, they will fail.
You want to change the period dates because of a change in business need
s or a mistake was made when it was set up. How can you fix this?
Answer: You can change a period's specifications, except for the period type, as
long as the period has not been used in a set of books. You cannot change a cal
endar period that is open, closed, future enterable, or permanently closed in an
y set of books, or is included in an open budget or encumbrance year. If it is n
ot feasible to use the periods as is, the solution is to create a new set of boo
ks that uses a new calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolida
tion to move the General Ledger balances from the old set of books to the new se
t of books. For step by step instructions on the Consolidation process, refer to
the Oracle General Ledger User's Guides. This may also mean that you need to re
-install your subledgers so they will use the new set of books. References: Note
76503.1 - Scripts to check calendar setup
Can I add an adjusting period to my calendar?
Answer: You can only define the number of periods that is specified by the Peri
od Type you are using for your set of books. For example, if, for your set of bo
oks, you are using a Period Type of Month, and Month is defined to have 12 perio

ds per year, you can only define 12 periods of Period Type Month for any one yea
r, on the Calendar form.
You defined a Period Type and now have decided that you want to change t
he periods per year that are associated with the Period Type. How can you do thi
Answer: Once you define a Period Type and save it, you cannot change it. If you
need to change the number of periods then you have to define a new Period Type a
nd a new Set of Books to use that new Period Type.
What are the year types 'Fiscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar) is used only to determine which two d
igits to append to the system generated period name. Regardless of which Year Ty
pe is used, the 'Year' entered on the Calendar form must be the same for all per
iods in your fiscal year - whether it is a calendar year or a fiscal year.
If Year Type = Calendar: The last 2 digits of the 'From' date for the period are
If Year Type = Fiscal: The last 2 digits of the value in the 'Year' are used.
You are setting up a new set of books and a calendar and are not sure ho
w much of the first year you need to define in the calendar. Do you need to defi
ne an entire year for the first year in your calendar if you are only going to o
pen the last period in that year?
Answer: No, you do not have to define the entire year. You only define the perio
ds you need, but of course without gaps between periods. Remember to define one
prior period if you will be translating. Example: You want to start entering tra
nsactions for January 2001, but you will be doing translations for January 2001
also, then you will need to define and open a period before that. In this exampl
e, December 2000.
Your calendar year is changing from a fiscal year to a calendar year, an
d you already have a set of books that is using the fiscal year calendar. How ca
n you change your calendar in GL?
Answer: There are 2 possible solutions. See Note 102460.1 for a full explanation
- Your current fiscal year runs from April 1 through March 31.
- Your new year will run from January 1 through December 31.
- You will transition to the new year beginning on January 1 of the next year, s
o you will have a short year from April 1 through December 31.
1) Create a new calendar and set of books
-------------------------------------Create a new calendar, with the correct periods, and define a new set of books t
hat uses that calendar. Run Consolidation to move your balances from the existin
g set of books to the new set of books. You may also need to re-install your sub
ledgers so they will use the new set of books.
2) Update the existing calendar
Define the periods for your short year (April through December). You mus
t define the number of periods that are expected for the Period Type you are usi
ng. In this example, it is 12. So you will need to define 9 regular periods, and
3 adjusting periods. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year. Defi
ne the periods for the next year. This is the first year that runs from January
through December. The Year must be defined as the next sequential year.
You opened a period by mistake and want to set the status back to Future
Enterable. How can you do this?

Answer: This is NOT supported. You can not set a period status back to future en
terable after it has already been opened. If you do, it will cause corruption in
the gl_balances table.
The year was specified incorrectly on your calendar periods. How can you
fix this?
Answer: You cannot make changes to calendar periods in the form if the period is
in an open budget year, open encumbrance year, or the status is Open, Future En
terable or Closed. The solution is to create a new set of books that uses a new
calendar with the correct period dates. You can run Consolidation to move the Ge
neral Ledger data from the old set of books to the new set of books.This may als
o mean that you need to re-install your subledgers so they will use the new set
of books.
The Year Type in your Period Types Form is not what you want. You used F
iscal instead of Calendar or visa versa.
Answer: The Year Type (Fiscal or Calendar), is used only to determine which two
digits to append to the system generated period name. What are the year types 'F
iscal' and 'Calendar' used for?
Can you change a period name after the calendar is defined?
Answer: If the Calendar form lets you make the change, you can do it. Otherwise,
it means the period is in use, and you can not make the change.
Can you drilldown to subsidiary subledger details?
Answer: You have run consolidation successfully. You want to know if you can per
form drilldown to your subsidiary subledger details. From your consolidated pare
nt set of books, you can drilldown to account balances, review consolidation jou
rnal entries, drilldown further to subsidiary sets of books, review subsidiary a
ccount balances, then drilldown even further to subsidiary journal entries and e
ven to your subsidiaries' subledger details. Responsibility = General Ledger Sup
erUser Navigation = Inquiry/Account
Perform an account inquiry in your consolidated parent set of books.
Click on the Show Journal Details button to drilldown to the Journals wi
Select a consolidation journal batch whose details you want to review.
(The source of the batch should be Consolidation).
Click on the Drilldown button to view the Consolidation Drilldown window.The win
dow displays information about the subsidiary balance that was consolidated to t
he parent.
To view the subledger detail information, Click on the Journal Details
button. You see the batch name, journal entry name, source, currency, line and e
ntered debits and credits for journals that effected the selected detail balance
. However we cannot drilldown to subledger data if you maintain multiple sets of
books in multiple application instances
What do the consolidation Run options mean?
Answer:The function of each of the 3 Consolidation Run Options is listed below:
Run Journal Import: If you select 'Run Journal Import' option by checking the ch
eck box [X],
the system will automatically start the journal import process.
Audit Mode: If you select the 'Audit Mode' option, a report of the consolidation
Process will be generated.
Create Summary Journals: If you select 'Create Summary Journals' option, only su
mmary amounts will be created for each account. If this option is not checked, i
t will import in detail mode.
GLXCAR: Shows a difference in December Consolidation You executed the co
nsolidation process and an unbalanced journal is generated. If you look at the C
onsolidation Audit Report, there is a difference.

Answer:The problem is that the consolidation rules were defined with overlapping
account ranges. Review consolidation rules and fix the overlapping ranges:
a. Navigate to Consolidation/Define.
b. Query up the consolidation.
c. Press [Account Rules] Button
d. Look for the rules with overlapping ranges and update them.
e. Repeat 3 and 4 for the "Segment Rules" Button
When you have overlapping ranges in the consolidation rules, the same informatio
n is consolidated more than once and it can generate an unbalanced journal.
Consolidation of translated balances caused wrong numbers for misclassif
y account
Anwer:You had an ASSET account that was classified as an expense, thereby causin
g it to close out into retained earnings at the end of the fiscal year. You cho
se only to correct the account type and just make a journal entry to correct the
balances in the first period of the New Year. You then ran translation for the
First period of the New Year. Then you ran the consolidation program, and posted
the entry in the consolidated set of books. The balance the above mentioned acc
ount did not appear to be correct. The problem is that you did not make the entr
y to correct the balances in the first period in the consolidated set of books,
thereby getting only period to date activity in the account. After you made the
entry the year to date balance was correct.
How do you keep from doubling the data when re-running Consolidation?
Answer:You want to know how to prevent data from doubling when you re-run a Cons
olidation. You ran Consolidation once. Then you ran it again. The data has doubl
ed. If you ran Consolidation a second time and re-posted the data, it would be d
oubled. You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Journals/Enter
a. Query up the Consolidation Journal
b. Click on the [More Actions] button
c. Click on the [Reverse Journal] button to reverse.
You need to reverse out the previous Consolidation Journal. Usually Consolidatio
n is rerun because there is a problem/error in the first run. In this case, the
previous posted batch needs to reversed.
When Consolidating for the first time choose YTD Amount.
Answer:When running consolidation for the first time, it is best to run a YTD co
nsolidation instead of a PTD consolidation. PTD consolidation will only consolid
ate the period net activity. If you want to consolidate the subsidiary book's be
ginning balances, you will need to run a YTD consolidation. Also, if you are con
solidating a first-ever translated period, the using PTD consolidation is probab
ly a bad idea -- due to a lack of history you cannot really distinguish the tran
slated begin balances from the translation adjustment for the new rate. Both get
clumped into the begin balance.
Consolidation of Two Master Organizations into One
Answer:You would like to know if there is any documentation that discusses the c
onsolidation of two master organizations into one. You would like to know how to
migrate from multiple master organizations to a single master and 3 children. S
ee the Oracle Applications Release 10.7 for UNIX, Upgrade Preparation Manual, p
.11-22 through 11-24 for instructions on consolidation two master organizations
into one. Note: 1038946.6
Consolidation List of Values for Period contains no entries
Answer:You have recently created a new set of books. You are trying to run a Con
solidation for the first time using your new set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Run

GUI Form Name = GLXCOSUB (Consolidate Set of Books)

1. Navigate to Consolidation/Run.
2. With your cursor in the Consolidation field, click on your list of values (LO
V) from the toolbar and select a consolidation name. Populate the following fiel
ds as listed below
a. Balance Type = Actual
b. Method = Balances
c. Currency = <functional currency>
d. Amount Type = <PTD> or <YTD>
3. In the 'From Subsidiary' region:
a. Set of Books = <new set of books>
b. In the Period field, when you click on the LOV icon, you receive the followin
g error:
FRM-41830 List of values contains no entries
c. When you try to type in the period name, you receive the following error:
FRM-40212 Invalid value for STANDARD_TO_PERIOD_NAME
You need to open the first period of the subsidiary set of books as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User GUI
GUI Navigation = Setup/Open/Close
GUI Form Name = GLXOCPER (Open and Close Periods)
This will spawn a concurrent process. Once this completes successfully, your lis
t of values will include the Open and Future Enterable periods. This was a newly
defined set of books. No periods were opened, they were all Future Enterable. A
period needs to have a status of 'Open' in order to be consolidated. Note: 1035
Clarification of Journal Type and Average Balance Processing
You need clarification on the Journal Type and Average Balance Processing inform
ation that is documented. General Ledger has two tables that store balances, GL_
BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES. For a non-consolidation set of books:
You do not select a Journal Type.
Posting will update the GL_BALANCES.
Posting will update GL_DAILY_BALANCES if average balance processing is e
For a consolidation set of books:
- The link exists between GL_BALANCES and GL_DAILY_BALANCES (i.e., causing a pos
t to update both tables)
You can specify the Journal Type (Standard or Average)
The Standard Journal Type usage will cause GL_BALANCES only to be update
The Average Journal Type usage will cause GL_DAILY_BALANCES only to be u
In a consolidation set of books, with Average Daily Balance enabled you
would want more control over average balances maintained by date. Hence the opti
on was provided to allow posting using a journal type of Average which affects o
nly the GL_DAILY_BALANCES. When does the calculation of averages occur?
Answer: Data is stored in the GL_DAILY_BALANCES table and information is calcula
ted and output at run time based on the query or report being run. Note: 1072012
How to get Net Change when running Consolidation?
You are running YTD Balance Consolidation. You notice that the journal entries c
reated by the consolidation process is:
Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
You were expecting to see the net change. How does YTD Balance Consolidation wor
k? What is it used for?
Answer:When running consolidation by YTD Balances, the journal entry created by

consolidation is based on:

Debit = Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr
Credit = Begin_balance_cr + period_net_cr
YTD balance consolidation does not produce the net change. To get the net change
, run consolidation-using PTD for each of the periods or QTD for each of the qua
rters. Thus, QTD would be the amount type and they would need to run it for Q1,
Q2, Q3, and Q4. YTD consolidation is used when you want to create a new set of b
ooks from an old one. Note: 1018113.102
How do you select Subsidiary Calendar from GLXCORST
Answer:You are using Oracle General Ledger version 11.XX and are trying to conso
lidate several subsidiaries into one parent using a data set where the children
do not share the same calendar as follows:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set
GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)
1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set by placing your cursor in the Mapping Set and clicking the
list of values icon on your toolbar.
3. When you enter the Subsidiary Default Parameters Period, the only calendar di
splayed in your list of values is the Parent calendar. This does not match the c
alendar for one or more of the subsidiaries you want to consolidate. In order to
select from your list of values, a calendar for the subsidiaries, which do not
share the same calendar as the parent, you will need to do the following:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Transfer/Data Set
GUI From Name = GLXCORST (Transfer Consolidation Data Set)
1. Navigate to the Transfer Consolidation Data Set window by clicking on Consoli
dation/Transfer/Data Set.
2. Query the Data Set, which has the mapping you would like to consolidate by pl
acing your cursor in the Mapping Set field and clicking on the list of values ic
on on your toolbar.
3. Select the Subsidiary Default Parameters 'Period' you would like to consolida
te from the list of values.
4. Select the Parent Period 'Standard' value you would like to consolidate from
the list of values.
5. Click on the [Query Mappings] button to query the mappings in the mapping set
6. Click on the [Apply Defaults] button to apply the defaults for these mapping
7. You should now be able to select the mapping(s) which contain the subsidiary
with the calendar that is different than the Parent calendar.
Once you select the Subsidiary Period for that mapping set, the subsidia
ry calendar should be displayed in your list of values.
You can then save these settings and the calendars will be set up for th
e Data Set.
Note: 1016557.102
You ran a consolidation and the accounts do not appear to be mapped as y
ou expect?
Answer:You defined your Consolidation mapping:
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
GUI Navigation = Consolidation/Define/Mapping
GUI Form Name = Consolidation Mapping (GLXCODEF)
Click on the [Segment Rules] button and define the mapping as follows:
Parent Action Subsidiary
-------------------------------------------Segment 1 Copy Value Segment 1
Segment 2 Copy Value Segment 2

Segment 3 Not assigned

Segment 4 Copy Value Segment 4
Segment 5 Copy Value Segment 5
Click the [Account Rules] button and assign a range of subsidiary accounts to be
mapped to a parent account code combination in the parent set of books. When yo
u run the consolidation, the range of subsidiary accounts map to that specific p
arent account code combination you defined in the Account Rule, not the value yo
u were intending.
Solution Description
-------------------To correctly map your subsidiary accounts, Segment 3 Action should be 'Use Rollu
p Rules From', instead of 'Not Assigned'. Then under the Rollup Rules section, m
ap a range of detail values from your subsidiary set of books into one detail va
lue in your parent set of books. You can enter multiple rollup rules for a singl
e segment as long as the segment values specified in each rule do not overlap. Y
ou can enter more than one subsidiary segment range as long as the segment value
s included in the ranges do not overlap. Account rules override segment rules if
there is any conflict.
How do I enable cross validation?
Answer:You navigate to Setup/Financials/Flexfields/Key/Rules. Your rules are not
working and/or you cannot see anything in your list of values for Application S
tructure and Flexfield Title. Using General Ledger Super User Responsibility Nav
igate to Setup/Financials/Flexfield/Key/Segments
Check checkbox for Cross-Validate Segments Save
Why are my cross validation rules not working?
Possibly these code combinations were created before your rules were established
. Now after turning on the cross-validation rules they are not taking effect. Th
is is the way the system works. Rules are not retroactive. They apply only to se
gment value combinations entered after they are defined and enabled. You may hav
e to disable these code combinations if they are not longer considered valid. Na
vigate to Setup/Account/combinations. Query your combination.
Can you use parent values in your cross-validation rules?
The cross-validation rules are independent of the value hierarchy. Even if a par
ent value falls under the range of an Exclude type cross-validation rule, its ch
ildren are not excluded unless the child values also fall under the range.
How are cross validation rules evaluated?
To pass a rule, a combination must be included in at least one Include element,
and must not be included in any Exclude element. The combination is considered t
o be included in an element if all of the segment values fall within the low and
high range of that include or exclude element. The Cross Validation Rules are e
valuated alphabetically. The Exclude elements are looked at first. See Note 1012
616.102 for more information.
Where is the Cross-Validation Report and Cross-Validation Rules Listing
Report located?
Using system administration responsibility Navigate to submit/request. Choose fr
om the list of values.
Can the Cross-Validation Rules Violation Report Disable Account Code Com
Yes. The Cross-Validation Rule Violation Report allows users to disable existing
combinations that violate a cross validation rule. This is the normal functiona
lity of this report.
Can you define cross validation rules for a set of books?
No. Cross Validation rules are defined per accounting flexfield structure. Any s
et of books using that structure would operate under the defined cross validatio

n rules of the structure.

How to run revaluation again in a previous period.
Answer: Yes, you can run revaluation more than once in a period. Based on the Re
valuation calculation, any additional journal entries posted after the initial R
evaluation journal has been posted, will be picked up in the balances that are s
ubsequently revalued in that same period. The subsequent Revaluation journal ent
ry will then represent the incremental change in the revalued balance, due to th
e additional journal entries posted After the initial Revaluation. Note: 1064920
How do you specify PTD or YTD Revaluation?
Answer:You can specify period-to-date (PTD) or year-to-date (YTD) to revalue inc
ome statement accounts using PTD or YTD balances by setting the profile option '
GL: Income Statement Accounts Revaluation Rule'.
The following values are available:
PTD: Only PTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts.
If you select PTD, the Revaluation program only revalues the PTD balances of you
r income statement accounts but continues to revalue YTD balances for balance sh
eet accounts.
YTD: Only YTD balances will be revalued for income statement accounts. If you sp
ecify YTD, then the revaluation program behaves as it did before, revaluing YTD
balances for both your income statement and balance sheet accounts. You can only
review this profile option at the user level. Your System Administrator can set
this profile option at the site, application, or responsibility level. Note: 11
Can you run revaluation over again without re-entering account ranges?
Answer:Yes, account ranges do not have to be reentered every time you run revalu
ation. Set the profile option 'GL: Revaluation AutoQuery Last Run Range' to Yes.
The Revalue Balances form will then reuse the account ranges you last used when
you generated your revaluations. Note: 110488.1
What formula does YTD and PTD Revaluation use?
Answer:YTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((Begin_balance_dr + period_net_dr - Begin_balance_
cr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate)
(Begin_balance_dr_beq + period_net_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq - period_net_cr
PTD: ACCOUNT AMOUNT = ((period_net_dr - period_net_cr) * revaluation_rate))
(Period_net_dr_beq - period_net_cr_beq) Note: 119697.1
Are there scripts that can be used to extract data necessary to verify r
evaluation formula?
Answer:YTD script: SQL> select code_combination_id,TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_COD
PTD script:
SQL> select code_combination_id, TRANSLATED_FLAG, CURRENCY_CODE,
: 119697.1
Can you change the automatic reversal entries for revaluation?
Answer:Revaluation assumes that the customer will want reverse the journals in t

he following period as to not do so would mean the Realized Currency exchange ga

in or loss is not recognized in that months accounts. Journals created by revalu
ation are therefore marked available for reversing in the next non-Adjusting per
iod see. In 11i you can also automatically reverse journals by category
but this is not obligatory. Note: 1013221.102
How are the reversal journals created for the revaluation?
Answer:In Release 10.7 and 11.0, GL automatically marks all Revaluation journals
for reversal in the next accounting period, making them available for generatio
n on the Reverse Journals form. GL does not automatically reverse revaluations f
or you, but simply defaults the reversal period as the next accounting period. I
n Release 11.5, if you want to automatically reverse Revaluations, you must set
up AutoReversal criteria for the category Revaluation (Setup->Journal->AutoRever
se). Then when you run the program called Program-Automatic Reversal, it will lo
ok for all the revaluation journal entries and reverse them and/or post the reve
rsals if you defined the criteria that way. If you like, you can still manually
reverse the journal. If you do not want them to be automatically reversed by the
AutoReverse program, but want them to be available on the Reversal form for gen
eration of the reversal journal, define the Journal Reversal Criteria for the Re
valuation Category, but do not check the AutotReverse or AutoPost Reversal check
How to verify Translation Adjustment Account. Mathematically, how can a
user verify what is in the Translation Adjustment account, for a given period.
Take the total of your P&L (Revenue and Expense) accounts and multiply t
his amount by the period average rate defined.
Take the total of assets and liabilities and multiply this amount by the
period end rate.
Take the total of your retained earnings and use the historical amount o
r Multiply by historical rate (whichever way you have defined it).
Add 1,2 and 3 together. This should equal the amount in your translation
adjustment account, with the opposite sign.
Make sure no other entries have been made to the account. If there are t
hey would have to be backed out in order to reconcile the amount. Note: 1057759.
Translation using Historical Amounts
Answer:In some situations, you may want to use Historical Amounts to translate c
ertain accounts. However, when Historical Amounts are used in the very first per
iod ever translated, this creates a large Rate Adjustment for the same amount wh
ich distorts the Cumulative Translation Adjustment account. The translation code
cannot distinguish between how much of the Historical Amount defined is attribu
table to the Beginning Balance and how much is attributable to rate fluctuation
in the period, so the entire amount is thrown into the Rate Adjustment bucket. F
or example, in the first period ever translated where there is no period activit
y for the account, when you use Historical Amounts, you may see: Beginning Trans
lated Balance = zero. Rate Adjustment = the Historical Amount defined. Ending Tr
anslated Balance = the Historical Amount defined. By definition, when translatin
g on YTD basis, the Historical Amount defined is equal to the YTD Translated Bal
ance. You would like to know how to correct the situation so that you do not hav
e a large Rate Adjustment in the first period translated. The workaround is to "
back into" an Historical Rate, based on the Historical Amount that you want to a
chieve for the period. You should use this Historical Rate in the first period e
ver translated, then in the subsequent months use the appropriate Historical Amo
unt. This eliminates the large Rate Adjustment in the first period ever translat
Manually entered beginning balance to Retained Earnings.
Answer:You manually entered a beginning balance to the Retained Earnings. How th
is is translated will depend on how you have the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equ

ity Translation Rule' set.

Set to YTD: First period Translation, the translated amount for the retained ear
ning will equal 0. Subsequent Translations will have a translated amount for the
retained account
Set to PTD: You will have a Translated amount for the retained earnings in the f
irst period.
11.0 apply patch 762953 (Patch 762953 is included in GL Patchset E 1178837) 10.7
apply patches 762953 and 600293 Note: 119581.1
Does the Translation of Owner's Equity Accounts comply with FASB 52?
The profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Translation Rule' should be set PTD to co
mply with FASB 52.
Set to PTD: Beginning Translated Balance + (Current month activity in Functional
Currency x
Current Month Historical Rate) = Ending Translated balance.
Set to YTD: Translated Currency YTD = Functional Currency YTD * Rate YTD transla
tion of Owner's Equity Accounts calculation does not take into account the histo
rical rates that were in effect at the time of each transaction in the account.
For 10.7 apply patch 600293 to add the profile option 'GL: Owner's Equity Transl
ation Rule'
Translation changing Historical to Period Rates?
You will need to do the following:
Delete the historical rate from the Historical Rate Form. (Note if you h
ave a 'Prior' Historical Rate - this will have to be deleted. You may have a pri
or historical rate if you deleted the historical rate and reran translation with
out purging the original translations using the original historical rate).
Define a period-end rate in the Period Rates form.
Purge translated balances to get rid of the original historical rate.
If you change a period or historical rate for a prior period, do you hav
e to go back and re-run translation for the prior period?
NO. Translation of the current period will automatically retranslate all prior p
eriods where the translation is not current, limited by the parameters specified
for translation run.
CONVERSION Questions and Answers:
What are the valid values for STATUS_CODE in the GL_DAILY_RATES Table an
d what triggers a change in the column?
Valid values for the STATUS_CODE column in the GL_DAILY_RATES table are:
C - current
D - deleted
O - outdated
These values are based on the activity, deletion, or update of rates in the Dail
y Rates form. When you update the rate, the value will change to "O".
Can the user conversion type be suppressed in the list of values on the
enter journals form?
Currently there is no supported way to restrict users from being able to select
the Conversion Type of User from the list of values on the Enter Journals form.
Is Document Sequencing valid for budget journals?
-----Document sequences only apply to actual journal entries. Budget and encumbrance
journal entries will not work with document sequencing.
Where do you setup the GL document sequencing so you can see the categor
You have created document categories for each of your companies and have linked
these categories to an assignment in the Sequence Assignment form. Navigation= S

etup:Financials:Sequences:Assign (FNDSNASQ). When you go into the journals entry

form and try to select the new category that you have created, you do not see t
he new category. You have the same setup in AP and it works fine. Is there somew
here else they need to setup the categories?
-----Document categories for Journal Entries must be setup in GL. Following is a brie
f explanation of how to set up document sequencing for journal entries. In Syste
m Administrator Responsibility, you need to set the profile option 'Sequential N
umbering' to Partially Used at the Application (OGL) and Responsibility (your GL
responsibility) levels and commit. In your GL responsibility:
a. Journal categories - create a new record and set the reversal method to Switc
h Dr/Cr and commit. (Setup: Journal: Categories)
b. Document Sequences - create a new record as follows: Application=OGL; From=<s
tart date>; Type=manual; Dist... Access=GL and commit. (Setup: Financials: Seque
nces: Define).
c. Sequence assignments - create a new record with: Application=OGL; Category= T
estxyz; SOB=<your set of books name>; Method=manual; Start Date=<start date>; Se
quence=Testxyz and commit. (Setup: Financials: Sequences: Assign)
Enter a new journal and tab through Document No. And do not enter a number. This
should result in the following error: APP-1738 - "The sequence Testxyz is type
manual. You must enter a value." By entering a number you should be able to save
the Journal Entry. GL document categories are not available to the System Admin
istration responsibility and cannot be setup there. Creation of document categor
ies in SysAdmin updates FND_DOC_SEQUENCES_CATEGORIES but when created in GL the
record is inserted into GL_JE_CATEGORIES. Thus, categories must be setup through
a GL responsibility (e.g. GL Superuser) with the required GL setup forms/menu f
unctions enabled.
NOTE: This above example is not a complete setup of document sequences. In order
to use document sequences with programs such as journal import that will automa
tically assign a sequence number, you must set up an automatic sequence and crea
te an assignment with an automatic method.
How is the profile option 'Sequential Numbering' used?
-----Sequential Numbering assigns numbers to documents created by forms in Oracle fin
ancial products. Sequential numbering provides a method of checking whether docu
ments have been posted or lost. Not all forms within an application may be selec
ted to support sequential numbering. Sequential numbering has the following prof
ile option settings:
Always Used - You may not enter a document if no sequence exists for it.
Not Used - You may always enter a document.
Partially Used - You will be warned, but not prevented from entering a document,
when no sequence exists.
Users can see this profile option, but they cannot update it. This profile optio
n is visible and updatable at the site, application and responsibility levels. T
he internal name for this profile option is UNIQUE:SEQ_NUMBERS.
Can you set up document sequences for Journal Categories in the System A
dmin Responsibility?
-----No you have to set up document sequencing for Journal Categories in the General
Ledger responsibility as this updates an extra table in GL.
Can document sequencing be used for some categories in a set of books, b
ut not all?

Yes. Document sequencing is specific to to the combination of set of books/cate

gory. So yes you can have some categories within a set of books that have docume
nt sequencing while other categories in the same set of books do not have docume
nt sequencing.
Will a reversed journal have the same sequence as the original journal.
-----It can do if an automatic method is assigned to the sequence as well as a manual
method. Reversals are generated by the system, so the system considers them to
be automatic transactions. For document sequences to be applied to automatic tra
nsactions, the category must have a document sequence assignment with a method o
f automatic. Manual method refers to journal entries that you enter manually on
the Enter Journals form. Automatic method refers to transactions that are gener
ated automatically by General Ledger.
How do you disable a segment value and code combinations so journals wil
l not be created with these accounts?
You must disable the segment, and disable every code combination that uses that
segment. In version 11 and prior, you must disable each code combination individ
ually. However, in 11i, you can disable a range of code combinations using the n
ew Segment Value Inheritance program.
If the Accounting Flexfield structure is not frozen, why does the Shorth
and Alias form (FNDFFMSA) allow updates?
This form should become non-updateable and non-insertable if the flexfield is no
t frozen. Bug 1080345 (Problem 9) has been submitted to address this issue.
How do you update segment qualifiers or rollup groups for an existing va
You need to unfreeze all flexfields that use the value set. Then you should be a
ble to update the values. See note 1015950.600 for detailed steps, and scripts t
o find the flexfields that use a particular value set.
How do you add a new value to an existing segment?
On the Segment Values form, insert a new row with your new value. Make sure the
segment qualifiers are set correctly (Allow Posting and Budgeting). If this is t
he natural account segment, specify the Account Type also.
How do I know which accounts are inactive?
Run the standard report: Chart of Accounts - Inactive Accounts Listing. This rep
ort is new in Release 11i.
Can you add or delete segments to an existing accounting flexfield struc
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data
Which table stores the parent value and its' child ranges?
What tables store segment values and descriptions?
Do all segments of your accounting flexfield have to be enabled and disp
Yes. This is true for all applications versions. All segments must be enabled an
d displayed. Any other configuration is not supported. From the Oracle Applicati
ons Flexfields Guide: 'If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, you MUST di

splay ALL segments. Hiding segments will adversely affect your application featu
res, such as Mass Allocations'. The only supported solution therefore, is to hav
e all segments displayed from the start, and for them to remain that way.
When trying to compile an accounting flexfield, you receive APP-00981 an
d APP-00068 errors. How do you resolve this?
Remove any spaces in the View Name and replace them with underscores. Verify the
segment qualifiers have been assigned. See Note 1053770.6 for more information.
The View Compilation for the Accounting Flexfield view failed with APP-0
0988 ORACLE error 905 in afuddl. How should you resolve this issue?
The View Name on the Define Key Flexfield Segments form can only contain letters
, numbers or underscores. For more information, see Note 1022367.6.
Can a flexfield qualifier be changed after it has been created?
No. Once a segment qualifier has been designated for a specific segment and has
been saved, it will permanently have the attributes with that qualifier. For exa
mple, you accidentally designate the cost center segment as the natural account
segment. Even though you do not compile this, the system saves the changes. And
once it has been saved, it will have all the attributes designated for the natur
al account qualifier, even after it has been changed back, resaved with the corr
ect qualifier and compiled. This is the inherent functionality of the software.
Unfortunately, there is no real easy solution for this issue. The only option is
to create a new chart of accounts and attach a new set of books. You may be abl
e to just create a new chart of accounts if you haven't created the set of books
yet. See Note 107448.1, for more information.
You receive the message 'APP-00734: Please enter a valid value for the A
ccount Type segment qualifier using the Segment Qualifiers pop-up window' when e
ntering a new value. How do you resolve this?
You need to make sure that segment qualifier values have been entered. If you pl
an on choosing the default values, you must tab to the segment qualifier popup w
indow and click the OK button. See Note 1071883.6 for more information.
Can you change the size of a value set used in the accounting flexfield
after it has been created?
No. Once the value set is created, you should not change the size of a value set
used in an accounting flexfield. We recommend that you set Right-justify Zero-f
ill Numbers to Yes for value sets you use with the Accounting Flexfield. You sho
uld never change to a value set with a
larger (or smaller) maximum size if your value set is Right-justify Zero-fill, s
ince 001 is not the same as 0000001, and all of your existing values would becom
e invalid.
You receive APP-00668, APP-00874 FDFBKS error when compiling accounting
Make sure you have created the segments for your accounting flexfield structure.
Also verify that you have assigned the Balancing Segment and Natural Account se
gment qualifiers to the appropriate segments.
You receive APP-1564 and ORA-904 errors when trying to create a new code
combination. How should this be resolved?
This issue is corrected in patch 656683. Apply patch 656683 or FND Patchset F (1
You received APP-00822 and APP-00730 errors when entering flexfields in
Set of Books form GLXSTBKS. How should this be resolved?
Make sure your segment qualifiers have been assigned (Balancing Segment and Natu
ral Account). Verify that value sets have been assigned to all segments. Re-sign

on to the application.
How do you enable the Journals-Captured Information descriptive flexfiel
Define context values for each of the account values you want to capture inform
ation for. Then define context-sensitive segments that will hold the desired inf
ormation. See Note 108331.1 for detailed setup steps.
How do you correct a misclassified account?
Note 1050920.6 contains detailed steps for correcting Misclassified Account Type
s. The steps must be followed in the exact order if the misclassified account is
to be corrected in its entirety.
You are trying to modify an existing segment value and receive errors FR
M-40735 and FRM-40654: Record has been updated, re-query block to see changes.
These errors are probably due to trailing spaces in a text field. The script, $F
ND_TOP/sql/afchrchk.sql can be run to find and optionally remove the trailing sp
aces. Note 1016277.102 contains more information.
Can the Accounting Flexfield Segment name be changed?
Note: 1053771.6 contains detailed steps for changing the name of a Accounting Fl
exfield segment.
Can a parent value be changed to a child value and vice versa?
An account should never be changed from a child to a parent or vice a versa. Thi
s may cause corruption in the chart of accounts at the table level and is not re
commended or supported by development.
Can changes be made to segments in an existing accounting flexfield stru
No. This will cause data inconsistencies and data corruption. Development and Su
pport do not support changes to the accounting flexfield. Changing your flexfiel
d definition once you have used it to acquire data can cause serious inconsisten
cies with existing data, which could cause data corruption.
How do you enable an existing Future use accounting flexfield segment?
There are no extra steps to follow except the following:
1) Unfreeze the accounting flexfield
2) Change the segment name to a proper name (if necessary)
3) Change the value set value type from constant to char and default value (if n
4) freeze the accounting flex field and recompile
Disabling an account code segment value does not prevent transactions to
be entered to all account code combinations. Is this a bug?
This is the functionality of the application. Disabling the segment value does n
ot disable the account code combinations associated with it. Disable the account
code combinations separately or run the Inherit Segment Values process which wi
ll disable all the account code combinations associated with this particular seg
ment value automatically.
What is the difference between Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Securit
y Type?
Hierarchical Security: This feature combines Flex Value Security and Flex Value
Hierarchy. The end result is 'a flex value is secured if one of it's parents is
secured'. With non-hierarchical security, the child values do not inherit the pa
rent security.
Why can you update the Segment Values form (FNDFFMSV) when the flexfield
structure is frozen?

You do NOT need to Unfreeze Flexfields to amend Segment Qualifiers from FNDFFMSV
11.5.28 (FND patchset C) onwards, for Release 11i. Due to customer requests, pa
tch 1081772 introduced this change for FNDFFMSV.fmb 115.28, and it is included i
n R11i FND patchset C onwards. This is now standard functionality. Documentation
bug 1377482 has been raised to reflect this change to functionality, since the
11i User's Guide does not advise of the change.
Should Rollup Groups be frozen?
It is recommended that Rollup Groups be frozen unless they are being modified. H
owever, if they are not frozen, there should not be any effects on General Ledge
r reports, functions, or other processes.
Do you need to have an Accounting Flexfield segment that is flagged with
the Intercompany qualifier?
The intercompany segment is an optional Intercompany feature for the Intercompan
y Segment Balancing. It is NOT required in order to do intercompany balancing. I
t is just another way to do the intercompany balancing, instead of using differe
nt natural accounts to track intercompany balances, you can use the intercompany
segment in the Chart of Accounts to record the same detail. It is more just a m
atter of preference of how you want to track the intercompany transactions. Refe
r to Note 151130.1 to see additional information regarding How Intercompany Jour
nal Lines are Created in General Ledger 11i.
What is a Reconciliation qualifier and how is it setup?
This Reconciliation flag is a localization feature used primarily by European cu
stomers. When the flag is set to YES, the account is set up to be reconciled. GL
Entry Reconciliation is a set of forms and reports that enable the user to sele
ctively cross-reference transactions in the General Ledger. Once the balance of
a group of transactions is zero, the user can mark them as reconciled. This func
tionality enables the transactions in any account that should balance to zero (f
or example, an Inter-company suspense account) to be reconciled.
What is the recommended numbering for the Accounting Flexfield structure
and why?
The Accounting Flexfield structure requires consecutive segment numbers beginnin
g with 1, such as 1,2,3..... Gaps in numbering like 10, 20, 30 could cause error
s when compiling and with other General Ledger functions.

Some of the segment separators are displayed as question marks (?), why?

Check the descriptions of the Segment Values. If the same segment separator valu
e (ie: dash) is used in the segment value description, the actual segment separa
tor on the chart of accounts will appear at times as a "?" Do not use the segmen
t separator in the description and this should resolve the issue.
What is the difference between printing standard reports and printing F
The standard reports use the SRW drivers when they are generated, whereas, the
FSGs do not use the SRW drivers at all. The standard reports have a predefin
ed print style and driver assigned to them. When an FSG is submitted, its' init
ial style is DYNAMIC which calls the GL routine FDUGST which in turn will selec
t an appropriate print style.
What are the valid print styles for printing FSGs?
There are four valid print styles for printing: 80 or < (portrait), 81-132 (la
ndscape), 133-180 (landwide), and 181-255 (landwide 255). FSG will automaticall
y pick the smallest one of these that can hold your report, and use that as you
r print style. Landwide 255 does not come seeded with Oracle Applications. If
there is a need to use the 255 style, you will have to create this new style.

How can I create the Landwide 255 print style?

Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Print St

yle form (Install/Printer/Style). You can create a new style of Landwide 255 b
y copying the Landwide style as a new record, and changing the column setting t
o 255 (leaving other settings the same). The same driver that is assigned to t
he Landwide style can be assigned to the Landwide 255 style.
What should the profile option FSG: Allow Portrait Print Style be set t
The portrait print style is only available if the FSG: Allow Portrait Print St
yle is set to Yes. Otherwise, reports that are 80 characters wide or less will
be printed as landscape, or you might receive an error when attempting to prin
t portrait reports.
How can I verify if the FSGs are set up for dynamic printing?
Under the system administrator responsibility, navigate to the Define Concurren
t Program form (Concurrent/Program/Define). Query the short name RGRARG. Make
sure that the style is set to Dynamic. Also, ensure that the row and column set
tings are set to zero.
How can I get rid of the error message "Application File Server cannot o
pen file"? I get this error message when trying to view the FSG output.
This error message usually means that the FSG did not bring in any data. Your
FSG report may be referencing a period that does not exist in the calendar. Or,
there might not be any data for the period that you are running the FSG for.
What profile options should be set with regards to printing of FSG repor
Make sure that you have set the following profile options: Printer Concurrent:
Report Copies
Does Work Flow need to be installed?
No the GIS system incorporates basic workflow functionality required to function
. If you want to customize the standard functionality, then you may need to Ins
tall workflow .
Does GIS eliminate the standard intercompany journals from subledgers?
No it does not.
Do the subsidiaries have to be local to the instance which has the GIS s
No The subsidiaries can be on the same system as GIS, or physically on a differe
nt server, at a remote location, even a non oracle system.
Is GIS similar to CENTRA?
Centra (Centralized Transaction Approval System) was the name given to the inter
company system in release 11 In Release 11i GIS is the Global Intercompany Syste
m and has more enhanced features.
What is the benefit of entering Intercompany Transactions through GIS?
The major benefit of the Global Intercompany System is to prevent unbalanced tra
nsactions between subsidiaries. Also the subsidiaries involved can approve the t
ransactions in GIS prior to transferring them.
Can the 'Intercompany Segment Qualifier' be used with GIS?
Yes it is used to track the trading company's balancing segment value. The Inter
company Segment is also an optional feature for Intercompany Balancing of journa
ls, outside of GIS.
Do all the sets of books that use GIS have to be on the same instance of
No, they can also use set of books from a remote oracle instance, or even a non

oracle system.
Which responsibility should I use to enter the transaction in Centra for
a given subsidiary ?
Each Subsidiary defined for GIS should also have a responsibility defined and yo
ur system administrator must assign the subsidiary name to each of these respons
ibilities using the 'Intercompany:Subsidiary' profile option. You have to use a
responsibility that is associated with your subsidiary, or a responsibility asso
ciated with a subsidiary who has parent privileges.
Can I see the intercompany transactions for all my subsidiaries using on
e responsibility?
Yes if you assign a set of books that has parent privileges to your responsibili
ty then you should be able to view all the transactions between subsidiaries.
Is there any periodic delete program that should be run to keep GIS upda
Yes the subsidiary with parent privileges can run the "Delete Intercompany Trans
actions" program to remove the old approved and transferred transactions from GI
What type of reports are available for the intercomapany transactions en
tered in GIS?
The following three reports :
Intercompany Transactions Detail
Unapproved Intercompany Transactions
Intercompany Transactions Activity Summary
What is the Intercompany Segment in 11i? Is it backported?
-----The Intercompany Segment Flexfield Qualifier can be used with the Intercompany B
alancing feature in Release 11i. The user can assign a segment to be the interco
mpany segment. When a journal entry that affects multiple balancing segment valu
es is posted, the Intercompany Balancing feature will automatically create jou
rnal lines to ensure each balancing segment value is balanced, and the balancing
segment value of the appropriate trading partner will be automatically entered
as the intercompany segment value for each journal line. The Intercompany Balanc
ing feature is only available in Release 11i, and has not been backported to Rel
ease 11.

How do I define Intercompany Accounts in Release 11i?

------ Navigate to the Intercompany Accounts form (Setup/Accounts/Intercompany).
- Specify the Source and Category that apply to the intercompany account(s) yo
u are defining.
- Select Summary or Detail Balance.
- Complete the Clearing Company Usage and Default Options tabs.
- Define your specific balancing segments and accounts in the
Intercompany De
tail region.

Is a separate value set required for the Intercompany Balancing Segment?

-----The intercompany segment shares the same value set as the balancing segment and
is used in the account combination that Oracle General Ledger creates to balance
intercompany journals. They can use separate values sets, but they must be iden

How does the new Intercompany Segment improve intercompany accounting?
-----Specified intercompany accounts means quicker reconciliations.
Maintain granularity for due-to and due-from companies tracking, even fo
r multicompany transactions.
You can now balance intercompany journals based on multiple parameters,i
Journal Source J
Journal Category
Balancing Segment Value
- Your intercompany accounting rules may also include different accounts based o
n whether the balancing amount should be posted to a credit account (due to) or
debit account (due from). At the journal source and category level, you can c
hoose a default clearing company against which all trading partners balance.
You can also specify whether intercompany journal balancing is performed at a su
mmarized level for each trading partner or at the journal line level.
Can Intercompany Segments be used with clearing companies?
-----Yes. You can designate one company to act as the trading partner for all subsid
iary companies in the organization for certain types of intercompany transaction
How are Intercompany journal lines created in General Ledger 11i?
-----Using Intercompany functionality there are four options to automatically account
for intercompany transactions in a single set of books.
Standard Intercompany Balancing: Automatic Intercompany creates generic balancin
g lines against the intercompany accounts that are defined for specific sources
and categories.
Enhanced Intercompany Balancing: This allows definition of separate intercompany
accounts to record more detail for the intercompany journals and track the inte
rcompany balances.
Intercompany Segment Balancing: Instead of using different natural accounts to
track intercompany balances, it is possible to use an intercompany segment in yo
ur chart of accounts to record the same detail as enhanced intercompany balancin
Clearing companies: It allows to define one company to act as the trading partn
er for all subsidiary companies in the organization for certain types of interco
mpany transactions.
Is it possible to implement the Intercompany Balancing Segment in an exi
sting Set of Books?
-----Oracle General Ledger does not have a process to change the accounting flexfield
structure of an existing set of books. It is not supported or recommended to ad
d a new segment to an accounting flexfield structure that is being used. In this
case, it is necessary to define a new set of books that includes the new Interc
ompany segment.
In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment, is it possible to have a secur
ity rule on the balancing segment without it affecting the intercompany segment,
since they share the same value set?

-----Yes it is possible. Enable security on the value set. Enable security on the ba
lancing segment in the accounting flexfield structure. Do not enable security on
the intercompany segment in the accounting flexfield structure.
How are lines identified that are created by automatic intercompany bala
ncing? How do you determine which rows in the GL_JE_LINES table have been create
d by the automatic intercompany balancing process?
-----The ONLY way you will be able to distinguish such transactions is from the entry
in the DESCRIPTION column. The description column contains-> "Intercompany line
added by Posting"
How to delete a Journal Batch? The delete icon is greyed out. The Journa
l Batch does not have journals associated and it is unposted.
-----The journals/enter first popup form looks only for batches with journals.
a. Go to Journals > Enter.
b. When the Find Journals window appears, click on the 'X' in the upper righ
t corner to close
the window.
c. Click the Review Batch button on the Enter Journals form. This will bring
up the Find Batches window to query the batch.
d. Enter the batch Name and the Period.
e. Click the Find button and the batch should be displayed on the Batch wind
ow now.
f. Now it is possible to click on the delete icon to delete the unposted jou
rnal batch.
Why does an accounting period not appear in the accounting period s list o
f values on the journal entry form?
-----The accounting period list of values displays periods that have a closing st
atus of Open (O) or Future Enterable (F). New journal entries can be defined in
open and future enterable accounting periods. New journal entries can be posted
only in open accounting periods.
Why can not a journal batch be deleted or modified?
-----A journal batch can not be deleted or modified under the following circumsta
a. The source is frozen
b. Funds have been reserved for the batch
c. Funds are in the process of being reserved for the batch
d. The batch is in the process of being posted
e. The batch is posted
f. The batch is approved
g. The batch is in the process of being approved
A journal batch should not be updated if it comes from a sub-ledger. Changin
g accounting information in a journal that originated in a sub-module will unsyn
chronize the accounting information between the ledger and the sub-ledger. Inste
ad of changing the sub-ledger journal, define a new journal to adjust the accoun
ting information if necessary. A journal batch that has funds reversed can not b
e updated because the funds would not be re-reserved appropriately.

Which report shows details of a posted journal batch?
-----Journals - General(180 Char) and Journals - General(132 Char) reports displa
y information relating to a particular journal batch.
Is there a report that displays information of one specific journal entr
y - unposted/posted?
-----No. General Ledger reports display information of journal batches that are p
osted or unposted.
Can a posted journal batch be deleted?
-----No, a posted jounal batch can not be deleted. Reverse it to nullify the acco
unting effects of the posted journal batch.
Is possible to restrict users from entering negative amounts in journal
------Unfortunately, it is not possible to restrict users from entering negative a
mounts in journal entry lines.

How do you easily copy a journal entry from one set of books to another?

-----There is no standard feature to copy journal entries between sets of books.
However, there are some alternatives. See Note 204082.1.
An entire batch was reversed and posted, while trying to reverse and pos
t just one journal entry in the batch. How can this be corrected?
-----When you reverse an entire batch, one reversal batch is created for each jou
rnal in that batch. To correct your problem, reverse the reversal batches that c
ontained the journals you reversed by mistake, then post them.
Why is there a reversed posted journal in the next accounting period of
a non posted journal?
-----This is the current funcionality. Reversing journals can be posted before the
original journal is posted.
Why is the reversal period of a journal being cleared out after the peri
od is changed?
-----This is the expected functionality in Release 11i. When you change the perio
d of a journal, the application can not determine what you want to do with the r
eversal period, so it is cleared.
A journal entry with a source set up for automatic reversal is not rever

General Ledger automatically submits the AutoReverse program when a period i

s opened if the profile option, GL: Launch AutoReverse After Open Period, is set
to Yes. If a journal is created after the period has already been opened, then
the AutoReverse program will need to be submitted manually.
Does the reversal program generate separate reversal batches-journals fo
r each journal in a batch that is reversed?
-----Yes. When a batch is reversed, General Ledger creates a reversing journal e
ntry for each journal entry in the batch. Note that this also generates a separa
te reversal batch for each reversed journal.
How do you reverse a journal entry that was already reversed, but its re
versed journal was deleted?
-----General Ledger does not allow you to reverse a journal entry twice.Confirm t
hat the first reversed journal entry does not exist in the system.
Contact Oracle Support for the solution to Note 145043.1.
How do you restrict the ability to reverse unposted journals?
-----Unposted journals can be posted, this is the intended functionality.
Additional information can be found in Note 172016.1.
How do you automatically generate a reversal journal entry for a journal
category in the previous accounting period?
-----Automatic Journal Reversal is a feature that is included in Release 11i.
Additional information can be found in Note 151920.1.
How does the application determine the default period when a recurring j
ournal is generated?
-----The default period is only determined for non Average Daily Balance (ADB) se
ts of books.
The period that appears in the period field, will default to the
first period following the last run period which statisfies the following:
a. The period status is 'Open' or 'Future Enterable'.
b. There is at least one formula header within the batch that is valid wit
hin this period. The start and end effective dates must be valid.
How do you insert an additional adjusting journal entry into an unposted
recurring journal batch? The journal was added to the journal on the Enter Jou
rnals form, but it was not included in the recurring journal batch as expected.
-----To generate an additional journal in a recurring batch you must update the d
efinition of the recurring batch.When you create a manual journal entry on the E
nter Journals form, the
Source is set to Manual and a new batch with a Sourc
e of Manual is created. The Source for the recurring journal(s) is recurring. T
his new journal will not be combined with the original recurring journal batch s
ince they have different sources. However, you can update the unposted recurring
batch with additional lines and amounts.

Is it possible to generate recurring journals automatically?
-----In Release 11i, the automatic journal scheduling feature enables you to auto
matically generate journals for:
a. Recurring Journals
b. Mass Allocations/Mass Budgets
c. Step-down allocation sets
d. Parallel Allocation sets
How do you create a credit line for a debit balance account?
-----To create a line in a recurring journal with a balance which is opposite the na
tural account type, you will need to create the formula and include a line item
that multiplies the account by 1.
What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option"Create
Summary Journals"?
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c
oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?
What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?
Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journa
l Import?
What is the function/purpose of the Group ID?
The Group ID distinguishes import data within a particular source, i.e. Oracle R
eceivables and Payables subledgers. When Journal Import is run without a Group I
D, the process will only pick up those records of the given source that do not h
ave a Group ID. A new feature was introduced in Release 11.5 with patch 1455528,
which allows you to submit requests in one step for all group ids for a particu
lar source, instead of having to enter each group id individually for that sourc
What is the advantage of selecting the Journal Import Run Option "Create
Summary Journals"?
Importing journals using this run option selected will summarize all transaction
s for the same period, account and currency, into one debit/credit journal line.
This will make your reports more manageable in size, but you lose the one to on
e mapping of your detail transactions to the summary journal lines created by Jo
urnal Import. You can still maintain a mapping of how Journal Import summarizes
your detail transactions from your feeder systems into journal lines, if the jou
rnal source definition has the Import Journal References option checked.
Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security r
ule violations?
Journal Import does not check security rules. Transactions that come from Oracle
subledgers (AR, AP, etc.) already have the CCID (Code Combination ID) in the GL

_INTERFACE table. These have been validated in the feeder system. You can also p
opulate the accounting segments directly into the gl_interface table and let Jou
rnal Import populate the code_combination_id. If dynamic insertion is enabled, a
nd this is a new combination, then the import program will check for cross valid
ation rule violations.
While running Journal Import, the process completes with errors in the c
oncurrent log file. Where else are error messages located?
When the Journal Import program is completed, it automatically generates a Journ
al Import Execution Report that identifies all data errors that were found by th
e Journal Import program. This report can be viewed from the System Administrati
on responsibility by navigating as follows - Request/View/Report.

What are the primary GL tables populated during Journal Import?


Can you run Journal Import for Adjusting Periods?
No. Journals can only be imported into an open or future enterable, non-adjustin
g period for releases 11.5.6 and prior.
Please see Note 1055866.6 for a workaround.
Can the Journal Import process be automated?
Yes. Using the CONCSUB utility, you can submit a Journal Import from outside of
the application and create batch jobs to automatically run the Journal Import. H
owever this process needs to receive, as a parameter, the value of the GL_INTERF
For more information on CONCSUB see the Oracle Applications System Administrator
's Guide.
See also Note 1079972.6, Note 198041.1, Note 1034539.6 and Internal Note 136370.
1 and Note 146045.1.
What steps can be taken to improve Journal Import performance?
See Note 198437.1 about Journal Import Performance improvement.
Are Descriptive Flexfields allowed to be imported through the Journal Im
port process?
Yes. Descriptive Flexfields can be imported with or without validation. When imp
orting Descriptive Flexfields with validation, Journal Import generates journals
only if validation succeeds.
Can I delete data from the GL_INTERFACE table?
Yes. However, this procedure is not recommended, as data originating in an Oracl
e subledger may be lost or irretrievable. The Correct Journal Import Data form s
hould be used to correct Journal Import errors. You should also refer back to th
e subledgers where the data originated.
Will Journal Import automatically create a reversing journal entry based
on the source name?
No. Journal Import does not automatically create reversing journal entries. If t
he reversal flag and reversal period were populated in the GL_INTERFACE table, t
hen the reversal must be generated after Journal Import is run. In 11i you now h
ave the autoreversal procedure that you can setup to create reversing Journals a
utomatically once an imported journal is created.

Are there any profile options to change the rollback segment for Journal

No. These options are not available for Journal Import. There is a setup option
available for the number of lines to process at once that affects Journal Import
. Using General Ledger Super User,
navigate to Setup/System/Controls.
Does the MassAllocation program check cross validation rules?
Can you copy a MassAllocation to a MassBudget Allocation?
Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
How are MassAllocation entries calculated: Full vs. Incremental?
Does the Mass Allocation program check cross validation rules?
-----The validation portion of the program does NOT check for violations of account c
ross validation rules. Invalid lines will be created and you will have to correc
t the resulting journals in the Enter Journals Window before you post.
Can you copy a Mass Allocation to a Mass Budget Allocation?
-----No, it is not possible to make a copy from one to the other.
Are Mass Allocation/Budget formulas specific to sets of books?
-----They are specific to the accounting flexfield structures, not to sets of books.
If you have two sets of books using the same flexfield structure you could run a
MassAllocation defined in one or the other set of books. The responsibility you
are in would determine which set of books the journal entry would be created fo
Can you use the Constant (C) segment type with parent segment values?
-----Yes, but you can only do so if there is a summary account associated with the pa
rent. To use summary accounts in the formula, all segments in the formula must b
e assigned a segment type of Constant (C).
What is MRC?
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of Oracle Applica
What Applications support MRC feature?
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
dger ?
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting sets of
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books?
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Does posting journals in the Primary set of books also post them in repo
rting set of books?

Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
In what ways does the Profile option MO: Operating Unit affects MRC?
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When subledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it also
occur for the reporting set of books?
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to
be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
What is MRC?
MRC is a feature that allows for transactions to be recorded in more than one se
t of books/functional currency by way of assigning reporting set of books to a p
rimary set of books. The chart of accounts and calendar have to be the same for
the primary and reporting set of books .
Can MRC be used with the Multiple Organization feature of oracle applica
Yes , the operating unit/organization must be the same for both the primary and
reporting sets of books.
What Applications support the MRC feature?
Assets, Cash management, Cost Management, General Ledger, Payables, Projects, Pu
rchasing, Receivables.
***Inventory does not support MRC.***
When do the transactions entered in subledgers get converted to the repo
rting currency?
The transactions are converted to the reporting currency at the time of original
When Can I inquire on these reporting currency transactions in the suble
They are available immediately in the sub-ledgers as the transactions are conver
ted at the time of original entry in the subledger.
Can I use the same responsibility for both Primary and Reporting set of
No, two responsibilities have to be set up, one for the primary and reporting se
t of books respectively.
Does opening the period in the Primary set of books also open it in the
Reporting set of books?
No, periods have to be opened in both sets of books individually.
Can I use a different chart of accounts for my reporting set of books?
No, both primary and reporting sets of books must use the same chart of accounts
and calendar. Only the functional currency can be different .
When budgets are defined in the Primary set of books do they get recorde
d in Reporting set of books?
No, budgets have to be defined separately in the reporting set of books.

Do all journals entered or created in the primary set of books get recor
ded in the reporting set of books ?
The following journals get created in the reporting set of books when they are p
osted in the primary set of books.
Mass allocations
Journals that are imported from non oracle applications.
Can I assign more than one reporting set of books to one Primary?
Yes, up to eight reporting books can be assigned to a Primary.
Does posting journals in Primary books also post them in reporting?
No, Posting has to be done in the reporting sob.
Do I have to define conversion options for each set of books?
In release 11 and 11iconversion options are defined for each combination of Orac
le Application and operating unit for which you want to convert transactions to
your reporting set of books.
Can I change the effective date once I start using MRC?
No, it is strongly recommended not to change the effective date.
In what way does the profile option MO - Operating unit affect the MRC?
If a reporting set of books is assigned to a primary set of books then this prof
ile option should be set to the same operating unit for both the Primary and Rep
orting set of books.
How do document numbers get assigned to journals?
When a journal is entered in the primary set of books the document number assign
ed is determined by the primary set of books and it will be the same number in t
he reporting set of books also.
When sub ledger posting is done for the primary set of books does it als
o occur for the reporting set of books?
Subledger posting process to General ledger must be done multiple times once for
the primary set of books and then repeated for each reporting set of books assi
gned to the primary set of books.
Note: The one step Subledger posting feature is available by applying the releva
nt patch.
When revaluation is run in the primary set of books does it also revalue
the balances in the reporting set of books?
No, revaluation must be run in the primary set of books and in each of the repor
ting set of books .
How does MRC handle journal import from non-Oracle feeder systems?
After journal import is done for you primary set of books from non-Oracle feeder
system and the journals are posted successfully in the primary set of books Gen
eral ledger creates converted journals in the reporting set of books .
How is the translation process in General ledger used with MRC?
If you use MRC you may not need to translate your account balances, as you can r
ecord your transactions in multiple currencies by assigning the required reporti
ng sets of books as per your business needs.
What is the difference between the translation feature of General Ledger
and MRC?
The translation feature of General ledger is used to translate amounts from the
functional currency of the primary set of books to another currency at the accou

nt balances level, but MRC in General ledger is used to convert the functional c
urrency to another currency at the transaction level.
How does reversing a journal in the primary set of books affect the repo
rting set of books?
When a journal is reversed in the primary set of books General ledger will also
reverse the corresponding journal in the reporting set of books. The reporting j
ournal uses the same conversion rate that was used to create the original entry
Do the primary set of books and reporting set of books calendars have to
be the same in General Ledger (i.e. have the same first ever period)?
No. The first ever calendar period in the primary set of books does not have to
be the same as the associated reporting book. The 1st MRC Period is used by our
historical transactions/balances conversion programs and does not need to be ent
ered if you are not going to be using them. The replication of data from the pri
mary book to the reporting book is controlled by the From/To Effective dates in
the Assign Set of Books form, Conversion Options window. You can further control
the sources/categories to convert or not to convert in the GL Conversion Rules
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?
I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
enterable? Can we do this?
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?
How do you open a permanently closed period?
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
If we open the first period of the new year, can we still process entrie
s for the prior year(s)?
-----Yes. You can still create entries for any period that has a status of open or Fu
ture Enterable. You can post to any period that has a status of Open. If you pos
t in a prior fiscal year, the balanced will be rolled forward and retained earni
ngs will be updated as needed.
I opened the first period of the new year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
-----No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close that period.
There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close a period.
The first period of my new fiscal year was opened and closed. What are t
he ramifications to the roll forward process and retained earnings?
-----None. General Ledger will properly maintain the balances for the New Year, regar
dless of how many times the periods are opened or closed. Retained earnings are
calculated when the first period of the New Year is initially opened, and therea
fter when any posting is done to a revenue or expense account in a prior year.

We opened a period by mistake and need to set the status back to future
Enterable? Can we do this?
-----No. There is no way within the application to set the period status back to Futu
re Enterable after the period has been opened.
We created new periods after the last period defined was opened. Now we
can not see those new periods on the Open/Close form.
-----When Open Period runs, it sets the status of the next X periods to Future Entera
ble. On the Set of Books form, you define the number of Future Enterable periods
. If, when you open a period, there are no subsequent periods defined, the Futur
e Enterable periods can not be updated. When you define new periods in the calen
dar, the status will remain Never Opened, until you open the next period. At tha
t time, the program will update the status to Open on the next period, and will
update the status to Future Enterable on the next X periods.
Can I add a 13th period to my calendar?
-----No. You associate a Period Type with a Set of Books. The Period Type is defined
to have a fixed number of periods. That is the number of periods you must define
for your set of books - no more and no less.
How do you open a permanently closed period?
-----You cannot open a period that has a status of Permanently Closed.
Is there a way to automatically open General Ledger periods?
-----No. There is no way within General Ledger to do this
How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Can I delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Can I post out of balance journal entries?
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Can I post to a parent account?
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the b
atch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter
Journals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Posting fails with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo
urnal entry lines for this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch

for posting?
Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Are security rules enforced in posting?
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts that can be created p
er the Summary Template process?
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current" without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templ
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary template criteria?
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir


How can I post a journal in an error status? It does not show in the pos
t journal batches screen.
The Posting Journal Batches screen will only display journals available for
posting. A batch in error is not available for posting. If you cannot clear the
error you need to post from the journal entry screen See Note 1061835.6 for deta
iled instructions.
Can I drop the GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables?
Answer: Yes you can. However, before doing so, you should check the posting, t
ranslation, and open period or summarization processes that created these files.
The GL_POSTING_INTERIM_XX tables are temporary tables and are normally dropped
after the process has completed successfully.
TIP: Wait a week or so before you delete the table manually, just in case your
processes did not complete.
tables (i.e., the tables without the numbers at the end of their names), a
s these tables are used by the General Ledger system.
Can I post to a period prior to my latest open period? Are the balances
rolled forward? Is retained earnings updated?
Answer: When you post to an earlier open period, actual balances roll forward
through the latest open period; budget balances roll forward through the end of
the latest open budget year; and encumbrance balances roll forward through the e
nd of the latest open encumbrance year.
If you post a journal entry in
to a prior year, General Ledger adjusts your retained earnings balance for the e
ffect on your income and expense accounts.
Can you delete a batch from the Post Journals form?
Answer: No.
Can you post out-of-balance journal entries?
Answer: Yes, if you turned on suspense posting for the set of books. If you en
abled suspense posting when you defined the set of books, General Ledger automa

tically balances each out-of-balance journal entry against a suspense account yo

u specify for your set of books. You can define additional suspense accounts if
you want to balance journal entries with specific sources and categories to corr
esponding suspense accounts automatically.
What reports show unposted or posted journal entries?
Answer: The Journals General report can be run for Posted, Unposted or Error s
tatus batches.
Can I post to a parent account?
Answer: No, you can only post to detail level accounts. Parent accounts do not
hold balances.
What are the possible batch posting error statuses?
Answer: Error1: The batch has a control total violation
Error2: Selected for posting to a period that is not open
Error3: Showing no journal entries for this batch
Error4: Showing journal control total violation
Error5: Showing multiple problems preventing posting of batch
Error6: Showing an unbalanced journal entry, and suspense posting is not
allowed Error7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no journal entry lines
for this batch
Error8: Showing unbalanced encumbrance entry without res
erve account
Error9: Showing an encumbrance journal entry with no encumbrance type
Error10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal entry
Error11: Showing unbalanced journal entry by account category
Error12: Funds reservation failed
Error13: Showing invalid period and conversion information for this batch
Error14: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive suspense account
Error15: Showing encumbrance entry with invalid or inactive reserve account
Error16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany account
How do I run posting from the command line in debug mode?
Answer: You can run any GL program from the command line. Follow the
steps listed in Note 1013587.102.
How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
Answer: You need to use the Find Batches window to find the Batch on the Enter
Journals form. From there, you can delete the batch. The first window that is d
isplayed when you navigate to the Enter Journals form is the Find Journals windo
w. You can not find the Batch using this window, since there are no journals ass
ociated with the batch. See Note 1036784.6 for detailed instructions.
A batch is available for posting on the Post Journals form that has no d
ebit or credit amounts shown for it. You post the batch and the Posting executio
n report contains the error 'No journal entry lines for this batch'. Now the ba
tch is greyed out on the Post Journals form and I can not find it on the Enter J
ournals form. How can I find and delete this batch?
Answer: This batch does not have any journals. You need to use the Find Batche
s window to find the Batch on the Enter Journals form. From there, you can delet
e the batch. The first window that is displayed when you navigate to the Enter J
ournals form is the Find Journals window. You can not find the batch using this
window, since there are no journals associated with the batch. See Note 1036784.
6 for detailed instructions.

Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?

Answer: In Release 10.7, you must set the profile option 'Journals: Allow Posti

ng During Journal Entry'. In Release 11, this is controlled with Function Secu
rity. See Note 1051909.6 for
detailed instructions.
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-805
8: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure th
at your concurrent manager is running.'
Answer: Set the 'Printer' profile option. This profile option must be set to
successfully submit most concurrent requests.
Posting fails
urnal entry lines for
for posting?
Answer: Correct the
e to the batch so the
g. See Note 1061835.6

with Error 7: Showing invalid journal entry lines or no jo

this batch. How can I correct this and resubmit the batch
journal lines that caused the error(s). Make a dummy chang
status will be updated, then resubmit the batch for postin
for detailed instructions.

Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced intercompany journal ent
ry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive intercompany acc
ount. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
Answer: This is an unbalanced intercompany journal. If automatic intercompany
balancing is not enabled for the set of books, you must manually add lines to th
e journal to balance the companies (balancing segment values). If automatic inte
rcompany balancing is enabled, then one of the following is true:
-- An intercompany account has not been defined for one or more balanc
ing segments and dynamic insertion is not enabled for the set of books.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that vio
lates a cross-validation or security rule.
-- The system is trying to create an account code combination that con
tains a segment that is disabled or not postable.
-- An intercompany account combination is disabled or not postable
Note: Error16 can also be caused by a cross validation rule preventing the creat
ion of a suspense account. Suspense logic is always applied before intercompany
balancing in posting. If you have unbalanced journal headers in your batch, susp
ense posting will first try to balance them with the suspense accounts, i.e. mak
ing the total header debit = total header credit, and also making the journal en
tries balanced within the balancing segment values.
Are security rules enforced in posting?
Answer: No. Posting is controlled at the user level. A user can post all journa
ls for a set of books or none at all. This is controlled by function security in
Release 11 and 11i. In Release 10.7, you can remove the Post form from the use
r's menu, to restrict posting.
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year
. Will this cause a problem?
Answer: No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close th
at period. There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close
a period.
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts which can be created
per the Summary Template process?
There are no limits on the amount of accounts which can be created by the Summar
y Template process however, the more templates created/maintained, the slower th
e performance of the concurrent programs.
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new val
ues are added?

Redefining summary templates can be confusing at times. Note:61272.1 ad

dresses this process.
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back
to "Current without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templat
You cannot update the status via SQL*Plus to "Current". These must be deleted a
nd the summary accounts recreated.
What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?
When this is done, you will be able to quick pick on the Rollup Group name on th
e Define Segment Values form.
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet th
e summary
template criteria?
NO, It just groups the existing accounts to meet the summary template criteria.
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete S
ummary Program?
Example: 4 requests: 1 for the parent and 3 for child accounts.
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquir
NO. When you drop a summary template, and reassign the child values, Summary Ac
count Inquiry does not save the history of the previous accounts.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
In Release 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible
to have a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting
the intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility ba
sed on the User ID?
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization, in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilean user. How is this possible?
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?
In General Ledger security rule of a parent with children, was setup to
include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functioni
ng properly.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue? Example of issue: A user in Argentina Entered a Journal Entry.
Another User from Chile Posted the Argentina Entry in Global SOB. And later reve
rsed it as well.
Question: How could that be possible when Flexfield Rules are in place.Also, if
logging in to Global SOB with CI GL ARGENTINA MANAGER, are able to view all the
Journals of say TAIWAN or CHILE or UK at the Header Level/choose batch for Rever
sing/Posting even if are not logged on to their specific Responsibility.
I have defined a security rule and assigned it to my responsibilty, but
is still does not work, why?

-------Make sure that you have enabled security at both the segemnt and value set level
s, it must be enabled at both these levels to work. Also make sure you have swit
ched out and back into the responsibility.
My security rules don't work for the Account Analysis and General Ledger
reports in Release 11.0.3.
-------This functionality is available starting in Release 11i. In Releases 11 and lowe
r, one cannot set security for standard reports. Security Rules will only limit
users from a few functions (e.g. Account Inquiry, Budgets, Journal Entries, and
FSGs). In addition, in Release 11i there is limited
use of the security rule functionality for running standard reports. It appears
that you're the goal to restrict users from submitting reports for a particular
company cannot be accomplished using security rules.
In Rel 11i with the intercompany segment being used, is it possible to h
ave a security rule on the balancing segment (company) without it affecting the
intercompany segment, since they share the same value set?
-------Yes it is possible. You would enable security on the value set, but then on the
flexfield segment (intercompany) you would not enable security.
Is there a way to assign different security rules to a responsibility b
ased on the User ID?
--------You cannot apply different security rules to the same responsibility for differe
nt users based on the user ID. You will have to create a new responsibility and
define its own security rules. Then you can assign the new responsibility to one
of the users.
Can security rules be used to control the posting of journal entries?
-------Security rules apply only with regards to creation/modification of lines within
a journal. They do not apply when the journal is posted.
Security rules don't seem to work on all forms when performing a query.
-------Flexfield Value Security gives you the capability to restrict the set of values
a user can use during data entry. With easy-to-define security rules and respons
ibility level control, you can quickly set up data entry security on your flexfi
eld segments and report parameters. Flexfield Value Security lets you determine
who can use flexfield segment values and report parameter values. Based on your
responsibility and access rules that you define, Flexfield Value Security limits
what values you can enter in flexfield pop-up windows and report parameters. Se
curity rules for the Accounting Flexfield also restrict query access to segment
values in the Account Inquiry, Funds Available, and Summary Account Inquiry wind
ows. In these windows, you cannot query up any combination that contains a secur
e value. However in all other forms, you will be able to query up a value even i
f it is restricted to the user.
Can Security Rules prevent users in one organization in the same set of
books from adding Cross Validation Rules to another organization?
There is not a way in the same set of books, to prevent users from one operating
unit via security rules, from changing cross validation rules for another opera
ting unit. The only way to do this would to be create a separate set of books f

or each operating unit. Since security rules prevent users from either viewing d
ata or entering data in general, they do not pertain to set up issues such as cr
eating cross validation rules. Therefore, the only other way to prevent one user
from one organization from creating cross-validation rules to the other organiz
ation, when in the same set of books, would be to completely remove that menu fu
nction from the user.
Every Country has a Global Manager or User Responsibility to access Glob
al SOB but it is supposed to limit users to their own Legal Entities. However, a
n Argentian journal can be posted by the Chilian user. How is this possible?
This is working as intended. Security rules will prohibit a responsibility from
being able to enter in certain values as well as prohibit the viewing of those v
alues as well. However security rules will not prohibit the actions above becaus
e they are in the same set of books. The system does not determine if a journal
has values in it that are blocked by security rules. If it did that, then the jo
urnal would appear as unbalanced. There would have to be an incredible amount of
logic involved, which would further reduce performance, for the posting program
to scan the journal for security rules first before posting. Posting does not t
ake into consideration the rules, this is done at the time of journal entry .
Forgot to check the security enabled flag for each segment and it is not
updatable. How do I correct this?
Check your Accounting Flexfield Structure possibly it is frozen. Unfreeze the St
ructure and then you should be able to enable Security for the Segment.
In General Ledger,a security rule of a parent with children, was setup t
o include the parent and assigned to a responsibility however, it is not functio
ning properly.
System allows the account the customer wanted but doesn't disallow the ones that
are children of the parent values excluded.
Is it feasible to delete an Exclude statement in order to resolve a Secu
rity Rule issue?
The Security rule should not be modified by deleting an exclude or include as it
may corrupt the rule. One should try to delete all rule lines (include and excl
udes) save and redefine the include and exclude the way that it should work and
save. If the rule still doesn't work, it may be necessary to create a new rule a
nd assign it to the responsibilities in place of the original rule.
Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled

What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?



--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates


What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?

Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions



How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?

Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type


What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?

Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition


The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?

Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget
Both (a) and (b)


What are the types of Boundry in Budgets available in GL?

Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)


Revaluation is done for ?

Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)


Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?

We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook


What are the types of Interfaces ?

Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface

For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?
A. Translation
B. Depreciation
C. Average balance processing
D. Scheduling
A. they
B. They
C. They

Which option best describes the function of security rules?

restrict access to a Set of Books
restrict access to account combinations
restrict access to segment values

D. They restrict access to forms

Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables
supplied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
C. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
D. None
If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, w
hat accounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account
C. Offset account
Target account

Which of the

following is Funds available equation

- (Actual+Encumbrance).
+ (Actual+Encumbrance).
- (Actual-Encumbrance)

Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the
most journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Unposted batched are stored in which table?

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?

Which schema provides access to all Oracle Applications tables?


Which data element is not in Oracle General Ledger ?

Journal entries

Accounts Master File
Which line number is used as balancing account in recurring journal?
The last line of the recurring journal
By what entity is the authorization dollar limit for manual journal entr
y set?
Journal source
Journal category
For which of the following conversion type can you override the exchange
rate in a foreign journal?

To which account should revaluation adjustments be posted?

Unrealized gain/loss
Cumulative translation adjustments
What are the tables which get populated when you run Journal Import?
Which is the Profile Option that has to be set to enter statistical jou


Name the Segment Mapping rules used for defining consolidations.

In case both segment rules and account rules are defined which one overr
ides the other?
Write a select statement to get the default set of books id while defini
ng report parameters.

How many calendars can be attached to a set of books


No Limit

What should be the value for the status_code column when journals are po
pulated into the interface table for the first time?

Oracle General Ledger Module
1.What Does a Set Of Book Consists of ?
Currency-Accounting Structure-Accounting Calendar
All the above
2.In how many ways you can create journal entries ?

3.Can you post unbalanced monitory journal in Oracle GL ?
Only if suspense posting has been enabled
Only if monitory posting has been enabled
4.What is Mass allocation Formula ?
5.What are the different status a Budget can be assigned ?
6.What are the different levels of Budgetory control ?
7.What are the two mandatory Flexfield Qualifiers?
8.An FSG Report is made up of ?
Rows and Columns
Row Set and Column Set
Rows Only
Columns Only
9.--------- Rates are used for Translate Revenue and Expense Accounts ?
PJTD Rates
PTD Rates
Period Average Rates
QTD Rates
10.What are the different methods available for Consolidation ?
Balances & Averages
Balances & Transactions
11.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Oracle Financials ?
12.How are Journals Identified ?

By Using Source and Categories

By Using Journal Batch Number
By Journal Number
All the above
13.How many currencies we can use in a single Journal ?
As Many
14.How many Segments are there in GL ?
15.How many minimum segments should be there in GL ?
16.How many KeyFlexFields are there in Gl ?
17.Once a budget is defined first period is unchangeable ?
Depends on the the Budget Type
18.How many types of definition of Reversal Journals are possible?
19.Posted Journals are generally available for Reversal ?
20.What is a FlexField ?
Collection of ValueSets
Collection of Segments
Collection of Values
All the above
21.For how many segments a Qualifier can be attached ?
n number
22.Can Valueset be shared by multiple Flexfields ?

23.In the ValueSet window Min value can't be modified once it is saved.Is it is
True or False ?
24.What are the types of Validation types available in ValueSet window ?
All the above
25.Which of the following is True ?
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to only one Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 30 Segment
A Flexfield qulifier can be assigned to 3 Segment
26.What does Allow Dynamic Insert does ?
Creates Code Combination
Creates Code Combination with the Segment seperator
Freezes the Flex field definition
27.The table associated with the Segment Qualifier is ?
28.In which module of Oracle Financial Reconcilation can be done?
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash Management
29.Which is the compulsory account that should be mentioned while creating a Set
ofbook ?
Net Earnings
Retained Earning
Suspense Account
Reserve for Encumbrance
30.What is the only account type that OF accepts for Retained Earnings ?
31.Individually entered Journals creates Batch no automatically.True or False ?
32.What are the types of a currency?

33.Require Budget journal determines ?
Whether the Budget is a Planning Budget
Whether the Budget is a Funding Budget
Both (a) and (b)
34.If the Calendar has 366 periods then ?
Budget can use only first period
Budget can use maximum of 60 periods
Both (a) and (b)
35.How to see the corresponding form name of any screen in OF ?
Help->About Oracle Application
Help->About this record
Ctl + F11
Go->Next Record
36.What are the basic needs for a Budgetting ?
Required Budgetory Journal-Range Flex field
All the periods must be open
37.What is Encumbrance ?
Used to reduce the Budgetted amount
>Used to increase the Budgetted amount
Used to Reserve the amounts from Budgetted amount
38.Encumbrance feature is available only in which of the following modules?
39.What are the levels of Funds Check?
40.What are the types of Boundry available in GL?
Period-Quarter if the amount type is PTD
Period-Quarter-Year if the amount type is YTD
both (b) and (c)
41.What are the types Journals in GL?
42.What are the different status of the Budgetting?

43.What are the types of Encumbrance?
44.Which module in Oracle Financial has maximum number of Flexfields?
45.What is the total no of Flexfields are there in Oracle Financial?
46.Error messages in OF is governed by which module ?
Sys Admin
Oracle Alert
47.Table associated with Value Sets is ?
48.Table associated with Calendar ?
49.Revaluation is done for ?
Expenses Only
Both (a) and (b)
50.Which of the following is true in connection with Consolidation ?
We should have minimum of two Setofbooks
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation
Consolidation puts datas of Translation into Parent Setofbook
51.What is Master/Detail Budget ?
Used to create Master-Detail relationship among Budgets
Used for defining Budget Heirarchies
Used to cumulate the Parent-Detail values
52.What are the types of Interfaces ?
Open System Interface and Budget Upload
Gl Import and Budget Upload
Open System Interface and Feeder System Interface

53. When the journal is posted then in which table the entry is effected?
54. Which interface table is used for Journal Import?
55. What is the significance of Group_id column in gl_interface table?

1. For what purpose is a transaction calendar used?

A. Translation
B. Depreciation
C. Average balance processing
D. Scheduling
Answer: - C
2. What is the initial status of an accounting period?
A. Future-Entry
B. Open
C. Never Opened
D. Closed
Answer: - C
3. Which option best describes the function of security rules?
A. they restrict access to a Set of Books
B. They restrict access to account combinations
C. They restrict access to segment values
D. They restrict access to forms
4. Which of the following are advantages of using the open interface tables supp
lied with Oracle Applications?
A. Tables are open for all users to access.
B. The interface programs for them have been created for you.
C. Invalid data is automatically cleaned.
D. Third-party data-export programs can easily populate the feeder tables, becau
se the configuration of those tables is known.
Answer: - B, D
5. Which of the following items are valid considerations when you need to import
legacy data into Oracle General Ledger?
A. Adding new GL columns for data not accommodated by GL
B. Network throughput rate
C. Interfacing legacy tables to Oracle GL tables
D. Working around legacy-system shortcomings
Answer: C
to GL s

Which of the following modules post its accounting journals directly in

production tables bypassing the interface table called GL_INTERFACE .
Oracle Asset
Oracle Purchasing
Both A and B
None of the above

7. If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, what a

ccounts will be used as balancing accounts?
A. Intercompany account
B. Suspense account

C. Offset account
Target account
Answer: B
8. Which of the following Open Interfaces are provided by Oracle General Ledger
A. Journal Import and Budget Upload
B. Only Journal Import
C. Only Budget Upload
D. None
Answer: A
9. Which of the following is Funds available equation
FAE=Budgeted +(Actual-Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted - (Actual+Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted + (Actual+Encumbrance).
FAE=Budgeted - (Actual-Encumbrance)
Answer: B.
10. Which of the following is correct?
Converting table validation type value set to dependent value set.
Converting dependent validation type value set to independent value set
Converting table validation type value set to independent value set.
D. None of the above.
Answer. C.
11. Why do we require the cross validation rules ?
A. It gives the account values for accross the segments.
B. It validate the data across segments of a flexifield.
C. It restrict the user to enter the values.
D. It allows the user to write the new cross validatin rules.
Answer: B.
12. What type of journal entries can send for journal approval ?
A. Other.
B. Actual.
C. Manual.
D. Transfered.
Answer: C.
13. What is the purpose of the content set?
a. It is used to override the row set a/c assignments.
b. It is used to override the column set a/c assignments.
c. It is used to create quick report.
d. None of the above.
Answer: A.
14. Which one of the following MassAllocations options usually generates the mos
t journal lines?
A. Constant
B. Looping
C. Summing
Answer B.
15. How do you omit a segment and its heading from a row set?
A. By not having a Row Order
B. By setting the segment width to 0 in the Row Order
C. By not including the segment in the Row Order
D. By setting the segment to be the last one in the Row Order
Answer B.

16. Which one of the following is not an option for summary account templates?
A. D
B. B
C. T
D. Rollup groups
Answer B.
In translation what are the rates followed by different accounts?
Answer: Period-end rate: Assets/liabilities, Period-average rate: Revenues/Expen
ses, Historical rate: ownership/stock equity.
In which table are the currencies stored?

Describe the steps in creation of Mater-Detail Budgets?

Unposted batched are stored in which table?
What are the phases of a request?
Answer: Inactive, Pending, Running and Completed
What are the mandatory columns for journal import?
Can two more journals have same name, if yes what the condition?
Answer: Yes, if the periods are different the journals can have same name.

Which one of the following is true for Consolidation?

Should have minimum two set of books.
Translation is a pre-required step for Consolidation.
Consolidation puts datas of translation into Parent set of books.
All of the above.

What is Encumbrance?
Answer: reserve amounts for defined budgets.

Name any 4 reports associated with Trial-Balance?

In calendar definition what are the year types and what is the max perio
d a calendar can have?
Answer: Year types: Calendar/ Fiscal. And both can have 366 periods.
What the difference between Security and Cross-validation Rule?
Answer: Security rule is applied for values in value set and Cross-validation fo
r combination (include/exclude) of accounts/flexfields.
For Value set type
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: B


can the WHERE/ORDER BY clause be changed.

While creating Sets of Books, for the compulsory accounts (Suspense, Ret
ained Earnings, Intercompany, Translation, Reserve for Encumbrance. Tick the typ
es of accounts can be assigned?


Ownership/Stock Equity
C, D, E


How many payment methods can be assigned to a customer?



What are the two types of commitments in Oracle Receivables?

While entering Invoices manually, Ship to Address of the customer is man



Name the two Invoicing Rules in Oracle Receivables

Assuming a payment term IMMEDIATE is attached to a Transaction Type, can w
e raise an Invoice with Payment term 30 Days for the transaction type?



In which of the following field, Standard Memo Lines appear as List of v


Invoice Lines Description

Transaction Type
Miscellaneous Receipt Description
Invoice Item Code


Auto Cash Rule Sets are defined to


Automatically apply receipts to invoices

Automatically apply commitments to invoices
Automatically apply credit memos to invoices
All of the above


If a value in a Profile class is changed, the system will

Automatically change the value for all existing customers with the profi
le class
Assign the new value only to new customers
Prompt the user whether to update for all customers or only for new cust
None of the above
Which is of the following is a mandatory descriptive Flexfield to be def
ined before importing simple invoices through Auto Invoice?

Line Transaction Flexfield

Link-to Transaction Flexfield
Reference Transaction Flexfield
None of the above


Name the interface tables used for Auto Invoice Lines and Distributions


What are the valid values for the column LINE_TYPE in the interface tabl

Can the user import invoices with user defined code combinations without
using auto accounting?


Which of the following information is not required when the user is impo
rting Credit memos?

Transaction Type
Payment terms

Miscellaneous Receipts can be imported into Oracle Receivables using Aut
o Lockbox



Name the interface table used for Auto Lockbox.


The three steps in Auto Lockbox in sequence are


Validation, Import, Post QuickCash

Import, Validation, Post QuickCash
Post QuickCash, Import, Validation
Any of the above


Lockbox is defined for a


Bank Branch
Bank Account
None of the above


Lockbox transmission formats are normal copied into





Assuming a transaction number is not assigned to a receipt in the transm
ission file and Auto Cash rules are not used, the system will

Assign a status of Unidentified

Assign a status of Unapplied
Ignore the receipt
Apply to the oldest invoice


Dunning Letters are


Statement of Account Covering Letter

Invoice Covering Letter
Reminder Letters
Receipt Covering Letters

Explain about the Lock Box functionality?

What is the interface table into which Lockbox data has to be populated?
What is the API available for Receipts?
What tables get affected when Receipts are imported into Oracle Receivables?
What tables get affected when transactions are entered in Oracle Receivables?
What are the problems we normally face during the Auto Invoice Interface program
What is the month process for Oracle Receivables?
When can I Incomplete a Completed invoice? If there are any restrictions what ar
e they?
What is the difference between Revenue Recognition and Transfer to General Ledge
How many programs will be fired when Transfer to General Ledger is fired and wha
t are they and what do they do?
What does revenue recognition program? What does it do in the case of Transactio
ns having Invoice Rules attached?
What are the accounting entries get generated in the case of Bill in Advance and
Bill in Arrears? Are all the entries created in the same period?
How can I know a particular customer balance from backend?
What is the functionality of Lockbox?
What is the interface table used for Autolockbox?
What is the use of Auto Invoice program in Oracle Receivables?
What are the tables involved in Auto Invoice Program?
QUESTION: What is the selection criteria for party purge?
ANSWER: Both organization and person party_type parties can be submitted for a p

urge, however, only the parties that have

no attached transactions or relationships can qualify for purge.
QUESTION: Is it possible to change the PARTY.PARTY_TYPE of a party using a form
within the financial applications?
ANSWER: There are no application forms which allow the change of party_type. Cus
tomer Interface is not to be used to change party_type. A bug exists prior to 11
.5.10 which allows one to complete the person type fields and convert the party
of the account being updated by customer interface but this creates other proble
ms for the account and party. With 11.5.10 this change is prevented.
The only way to change the party_type of party is to merge the existing party in
to a newly created party with the desired party_type. Also an account may be mer
ged into an account attached to a party with the desired party_type.
QUESTION: When using Party Merge and the Site Merge flag box is checked the To
Party becomes the same as the From Party. Why is this?
ANSWER: As documented under the topic: Merging Parties or Party Sites (Oracle Tr
ading Community Architecture User Guide) "You can merge parties or party sites
that belong to a party. You CANNOT merge party sites between parties, however, u
ntil you merge the parties that they belong to."
Therefore to merge Party Sites (Addresses) when the sites are in different parti
es, you must first merge the two Parties without checking the Site Merge flag
Once the Sites (Addresses) belong to a single Party, check the Site Merge flag
box and merge the sites.
QUESTION: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options is unchecked
and the 'Site Number' field is still grayed out and not available for manual nu
mbering. Why is this?
ANSWER: The 'Automatic Site Numbering' checkbox in System Options determines whe
ther the 'Location' field under Business Purpose of Customers Addresses form sho
uld be auto-generated or Not.
The profile option 'HZ: Generate Party Site Number' determines whether party sit
e number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
In order to have manual site numbering, please set the profile option 'HZ: Gener
ate Party Site Number' to NO at Site Level.
QUESTION: When a new customer site is created for the first time in the Custom
er Addresses form (ARXCUDCI), the site number field is grayed out. If using dow
n-arrow to enter a new address, the field is NOT grayed out, but gives the follo
wing error if users try to put anything in:
FRM-40212: Invalid Value for Field SITE_NUMBER
Why is this?
ANSWER: The profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" determines whether p
arty site number should be auto-generated or Not.
If the value is 'No', party site number must be passed in by the user.
If the value is 'Yes' or if the value is not set, party site number will be auto
Since the profile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" is set to Yes, party s
ite number will be auto-generated and therefore the invalid site number error is
received if user tries to enter any value.
At the first time you are creating a customer account and the address with the p
rofile option "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" set to Yes, the 'Site Number' fie

ld is grayed out because the list of values (LOV) of party_sites is empty.

But if you are creating a new customer account site for a customer account who a
lready has a customer account site then the 'Site Number ' field is enabled and
you can access the existing party sites via the LOV.
This feature is helpful when a user wants to default addresses across operating
Party sites in HZ_PARTY_SITES table is not striped by org.
Customer account sites in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL is striped by org.
So users can default data from HZ_PARTY_SITES into HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL across
operating units.


Deposits and Guarantees
Bill in Advance and Bill in Arrears


What does Create mass additions do? What tables get effected?
What is Prorate Convention in Oracle Assets?
What does depreciation program do in Oracle Assets?
How do we create accounting entries in Oracle Assets?
When the period in FA does gets closed
What is mass addition

Accounting Entries in all modules

vables ,Assets and Projects.

Inventory , Purchasing , Payables , OE , Recei

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Example: The recoverable cost is $4,000 and the method is

straight line 4 years.
Current and Prior Period Addition
You purchase and place the asset into service in Year 1, Quarter 1.
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
(Fixed Assets)
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1, but you do not enter
it into Oracle Assets until Year 2, Quarter 2. Your payables system
creates the same journal entries to asset clearing and accounts payable

liability as for a current period addition.

(Oracle Assets


Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
Depreciation Expense(adjustment)
Asset Clearing
Accumulated Depreciation


Merge Mass Additions

When you merge two mass additions, Oracle Assets adds the asset cost of the mass
addition that you are merging to the asset account of the mass addition you are
merging into. Oracle Assets records the merge when you perform the transaction.
Oracle Assets does not change the asset clearing account journal entries it cre
ates for each line, so each of the appropriate clearing accounts clears separate
Payables System
Dr. Asset Cost
(mass addition #2
asset cost account)


Cr. Asset Clearing

(mass addition #1 accounts
payables clearing account)


Cr. Asset Clearing

(mass addition #2 accounts
payables clearing account)


Construction In Process (CIP) Addition

You add a CIP asset. (CIP assets do not depreciate)
Oracle Assets
Dr. CIP Cost
Cr. CIP Clearing


Deleted Mass Additions

Oracle Assets creates no journal entries for deleted mass additions and does not
clear the asset clearing accounts credited by accounts payable.
You clear the accounts by either reversing the invoice in your payables system,
or creating manual journal entries in your general ledger.
A capitalization transaction is similar to an addition transaction: you place th
e asset in service so you can begin depreciating it. When you capitalize an asse
t in the period you added it, Oracle Assets creates the following journal entrie
Payables System
Dr. CIP Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. CIP Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets



Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense
CIP Cost
Accumulated Depreciation


Asset Type Adjustments

If you change the asset type from capitalized to CIP, Oracle Assets creates jour
nal entries to debit the CIP cost account and credit the asset clearing account.
Oracle Assets does not create capitalization or reverse capitalization journal
entries for CIP reverse transactions.
Oracle Assets


Dr. CIP Cost

Cr. Asset Clearing


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Life Based Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. The life of your asset is 4 years, and you are using straight line de
preciation. In Year 1, Quarter 4, you receive an additional invoice for the asse
t and change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing


Oracle Assets EXPENSED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation




Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 1, Qu
arter 4, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Using a Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000. You are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of year
net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the recoverable cost to $4,800
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation



Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Assets Depreciating Under a Units of Production Method :

Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 3, you realize that you entered the wrong asset cost. You adjust th
e recoverable cost to $15,000.
Payables System
Dr. Asset Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable Liability


Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Asset Clearing
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets




Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Cost Adjustments to Capitalized and CIP Source Lines

When you transfer source lines you adjust the recoverable cost of an asset. Beca
use CIP assets do not depreciate, Oracle Assets does not need to reverse depreci
ation expense when you transfer invoice lines between CIP assets. If you transfe
r source lines from CIP to capitalized
assets, Oracle Assets takes catchup depreciation as for any cost adjustment tran
saction. If you transfer source lines from capitalized to CIP assets, Oracle Ass
ets must back out some of the depreciation from the capitalized asset.
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Prior Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between capitalized assets added in a prior period.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Cost
(from asset #1 category)



Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #1 category)


Cr. Depreciation Expense

Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
(from asset #2 category)
Transfer Source Lines Between Assets (Current Period)
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for an source line transfer
between assets added in the current period:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset #2 category)
Cr. Asset Clearing (from accounts
payable for asset #1)


Cost Adjustment by Adding a Mass Addition to an Existing Asset

If you add a mass addition to an asset, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry to
the asset cost account of the existing asset. Oracle Assets also credits the cl
earing account you assigned to the invoice distribution line in accounts payable
to net it to zero.
If you want the existing asset to assume the asset category and description of t
he mass addition, Oracle Assets creates a journal entry for the new total asset
cost to the asset cost account of the mass addition s category. It also creates jo
urnal entries for the clearing account you assigned to the invoice line in accou
nts payable, and for the clearing or cost account of the original addition categ
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for a capitalized $2,000 mas
s addition added to a new, manually added $500 asset, where the asset uses the c
ategory of the mass addition:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

(from asset category of mass
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from original asset category)
Cr. Asset Clearing
(from accounts payable)


Depreciation Method Adjustments

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using the 200 declining balance de
preciation method. In Year 2, Quarter 1, you change the depreciation method to s
traight line.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Life Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 2, you change the asset life to 5 years.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense
Oracle Assets



Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Rate Adjustments


Flat Rate Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are depreciating the asset cost at a 20% flat rate. In Year 2,
Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Oracle Assets AMORTIZED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation



Rate Adjustments Diminishing Value Depreciation Method

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000 and you are using a 20% flat rate that you apply to the beginning of y
ear net book value. In Year 2, Quarter 3, you change the flat rate to 25%.
Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Dr. Depreciation Expense


Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Oracle Assets


Dr. Depreciation Expense

Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Capacity Adjustments
Example: You purchase an oil well for $10,000. You expect to extract 10,000 barr
els of oil from this well. Each quarter you extract 2,000 barrels of oil. In Yea
r 1, Quarter 4 you discover that you entered the wrong capacity. You increase th
e production capacity to 50,000 barrels.
Oracle Assets EXPENSED
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Oracle Assets AMORTIZED

Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation




Journal Entries for Transfers and Reclassifications

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The recoverable cos
t is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
??Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Prior Period Transfer Between Cost Centers:
??Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments
??Prior Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments:
??Unit Adjustment:
Current Period Transfer Between Cost Centers
In Year 2, Quarter 2, you transfer the asset from cost center 100 to cost center
200 in the current period.
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost


Cost Center 200

Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense


Cost Center 200

Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Current Period Transfer Between Balancing Segments

In Year 3, Quarter 4, you transfer the asset from the ABC Manufacturing Company
to the XYZ Distribution Company.
Oracle Assets


ABC Manufacturing
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Dr. Intercompany Receivables
Cr. Asset Cost
XYZ Distribution
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Intercompany Payables
ABC Manufacturing
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Dr. Intercompany Receivables
Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Depreciation Expense
XYZ Distribution
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Intercompany Payables




Unit Adjustment
A unit adjustment is similar to a transfer, since you must
ormation when you change the number of units for an asset.
e the same $4,000 asset in service with two units assigned
n Year 2, Quarter 3, you realize the
asset actually has four units, two of which belong to cost

update assignment inf

For example, you plac
to cost center 100. I
center 200.

Oracle Assets ADJUST UNITS

Cost Center 100
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Cost Center 200
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation
Note: If all units remain in the original cost center, Oracle Assets does not cr
eate any journal entries.
Example: You reclassify an asset from office equipment to computers in Year 1, Q
uarter 3. The asset cost is $4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using strai
ght line depreciation.

When you reclassify an asset in a period after the period you entered it, Oracle
Assets creates journal entries to transfer the cost and accumulated depreciatio
n to the asset and accumulated depreciation accounts of the new asset category.
This occurs when you create journal entries for your general ledger.. Oracle Ass
ets also changes the depreciation expense account to the default depreciation ex
pense Account for the new category, but does not adjust for prior period expense
Oracle Assets
Office Equipment
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Journal Entries for Retirements and Reinstatements

When you retire an asset and create journal entries for that period,Oracle Asset
s creates journal entries for your general ledger for each component of the gain
/loss amount. Oracle Assets creates journal entries for either the gain or the l
oss accounts for the following components: proceeds of sale, cost of removal, ne
t book value retired, and revaluation reserve retired. Oracle Assets also create
s journal entries to clear the proceeds of sale and cost of removal.
Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the retirement accounts you set up in
the Book Controls form. If you enter distinct gain and loss accounts for each co
mponent of the gain/loss amount, Oracle Assets creates multiple journal entries
for these accounts. You can enter different sets of retirement accounts for reti
rements that result in a gain and retirements that result in a loss.
Depreciation for Retirements
The retirement convention, date retired, and depreciation method control how muc
h depreciation Oracle Assets takes when you retire an asset. Oracle Assets rever
ses the year to date depreciation if the asset s depreciation method does not depreci
ate it in the year of retirement. In
this case, when you perform a full retirement, Oracle Assets reverses the year to da
te depreciation of the asset, and computes the gain or loss using the resulting
net book value. For partial retirements, Oracle Assets reverses the appropriate
fraction of the year to date
depreciation and computes the gain or loss using the appropriate fraction of the
resulting net book value. If the depreciation method takes depreciation in the
year of retirement,
Oracle Assets uses your retirement convention to determine whether the asset is
eligible for additional depreciation in that year or whether some of that year s d
epreciation must be reversed.
When you perform a partial retirement, Oracle Assets depreciates the portion of
the asset you did not retire based on the method you use. If your depreciation m
ethod multiplies a flat rate by the cost, Oracle Assets depreciates the asset s cost
remaining after a partial retirement. For assets that use a diminishing value m
ethod, Oracle Assets depreciates the remaining fraction of the asset s net book va
lue as of the beginning of the fiscal year.
Depreciation for Reinstatements
The retirement convention, date retired, and period in which you reinstate an as
set control how much depreciation Oracle Assets calculates when you reinstate an
asset. When you reinstate a retired asset, Oracle Assets usually calculates som
e additional depreciation expense in the period in which you perform the reinsta
tement, unless you perform it in the same period that you retired the asset. Thi

s additional depreciation is the depreciation that would have been taken if you
had not retired the asset. Sometimes, however, a reinstatement results in a reve
rsal of
depreciation. This occurs if the retirement convention caused some additional de
preciation when you retired the asset, and then you reinstate the asset before t
he retirement prorate date. Then Oracle Assets reverses the extra depreciation t
hat it took at retirement, and waits until the appropriate accounting periods to
take it.
Current Period Retirements
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you sell the asset for $2,000. The cost to remove the asset is $50
0. The asset uses a retirement convention and
depreciation method which take depreciation in the period of retirement. You ret
ire revaluation reserve in this book.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing


Payables System
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable
Oracle Assets



Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cost of Removal Gain
Revaluation Reserve
Net Book Value Retired Gain
Asset Cost
Proceeds of Sale Gain
Cost of Removal Clearing
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain


If you enter the same account for each gain and loss account, Oracle
Assets creates a single journal entry for the net gain or loss.
Book Controls form:
Proceeds of Sale
Cost of Removal
Net Book Value Retired
Revaluation Reserve Retired
Oracle Assets




Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve
Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing


Prior Period Retirement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
3, Quarter 3, you discover that the asset was sold in Year 3, Quarter 1, for $2,
000. The removal cost was $500. The asset
uses a retirement convention and depreciation method which allow you to take dep
reciation in the period of retirement.
Receivables System
Dr. Accounts Receivable
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing


Payables System
Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing
Cr. Accounts Payable


Oracle Assets

Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cost of Removal Loss
Net Book Value Retired Loss
Proceeds of Sale Loss
Cost of Removal Clearing
Asset Cost
Depreciation Expense


Current Period Reinstatement

Example: You discover that you retired the wrong asset. Oracle Assets creates jo
urnal entries for the reinstatement to debit asset cost, credit accumulated depr
eciation, and reverse the gain or loss you recognized for the retirement. Oracle
Assets reverses the journal entries for
proceeds of sale, cost of removal, net book value retired, and revaluation reser
ve retired. Oracle Assets also reverses the journal entries you made to clear th
e proceeds of sale and cost of removal. Oracle Assets also creates journal entri
es to recover the depreciation not charged to the asset and for the current peri
od depreciation
Oracle Assets

Asset Cost
Cost of Removal Clearing
Gain / Loss
Depreciation Expense
Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Revaluation Reserve


Prior Period Reinstatement

Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
2, Quarter 1, you retire the asset. In Year 2, Quarter 4, you realize that you r
etired the wrong asset so you reinstate it.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost


Dr. Cost of Removal Clearing

Dr. Proceeds of Sale Loss
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Dr. Depreciation Expense
Cr. Net Book Value Retired Loss
Cr. Cost of Removal Loss
Cr. Proceeds of Sale Clearing
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


Assets Fully Reserved Upon Addition

If you add an asset with an accumulated depreciation equal to the recoverable co
st, it is fully reserved upon addition. When you retire it, Oracle Assets does n
ot back out any depreciation, even if you assigned the asset a depreciation meth
od that backs out all depreciation in the
year of retirement. However, it creates all the other journal entries associated
with retiring a capitalized asset.
Non Depreciated Capitalized/Construction In Process (CIP) Assets
A non depreciated capitalized asset or a CIP asset has no accumulated depreciation
. Therefore, Oracle Assets does not create journal entries to catch up depreciat
ion to the retirement prorate date, and does not remove the accumulated deprecia
tion. However, Oracle Assets creates
all other journal entries associated with retiring a capitalized asset.
Reinstatement Transactions
PENDING Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in the current accounting period that the ca
lculate gains and losses program has not yet processed, the retirement transacti
on is deleted, and the asset is immediately reinstated. No journal entries are c
PROCESSED Asset Retirement
When you reinstate an asset retired in a previous accounting period or already p
rocessed in the current period, the existing retirement transaction gets a new S
tatus REINSTATE, and the asset is reinstated when you process retirements. Oracl
e Assets creates journal entries to catch up any missed depreciation expense.
Journal Entries for Revaluations
The following examples illustrate the effect on your assets and your accounts wh
en you specify different revaluation rules.
Revalue Accumulated Depreciation
Example 1: You place an asset in service in Year
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using
in Year 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again

1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is

straight line depreciation.
a revaluation rate of 5%. Then
using a revaluation rate of 10%.

Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = No
Oracle Assets bases the new depreciation expense on the revalued remaining net b
ook value.
In Year 5, Quarter 4, at the end of the asset s life, you retire the asset with no
proceeds of sale or cost of removal.

Year 2, Quarter 1, 5% revaluation

*Accumulated Depreciation =
Existing Accumulated Depreciation +
[Existing Accumulated Depreciation x (Revaluation Rate / 100)]
2,000 + [2,000 X (5/100)] = 2,100
**Revaluation Reserve =
Existing Revaluation Reserve + Change in Net Book Value
0 + (8,400
8,000) = 400
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Asset Cost


Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:

Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00

Cr. Asset Cost


Accumulated Depreciation Not Revalued

Example 2: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Y
ear 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a revaluation rate of 5%. Then in Y
ear 4, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a revaluation rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
??Retire Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to
the revaluation reserve in addition to the change in cost. Since you are also n
ot amortizing the revaluation reserve, this amount remains in the revaluation re
serve account until you retire the asset, when Oracle Assets transfers it to the
appropriate revaluation reserve retired account. Oracle Assets bases the new de
preciation expense on the revalued net book value. For the second revaluation, t
he asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you do not revalue the accumulate
d depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the balance to the revaluation reserve
along with the change in cost.
You retire the asset in Year 5, Quarter 4, with no proceeds of sale or cost of r
5% revaluation in Year 2, Quarter 1:

Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


10% revaluation in Year 4, Quarter 1:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Retirement in Year 5, Quarter 4:

Oracle Assets


Accumulated Depreciation 9,450.00

Revaluation Reserve
Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain
Asset Cost


Amortizing Revaluation Reserve

Example 3: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation.
In Year 2, Quarter 1 you revalue the asset using a rate of 5%. Then in Year 4, Q
uarter 1 you revalue the asset again using a rate of 10%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
For the first revaluation, the asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. Since you do
not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire amo
unt to the revaluation reserve. Since you are amortizing the revaluation reserve
, Oracle Assets calculates the revaluation amortization amount for each period u
sing the asset s depreciation method. Oracle Assets also bases the new depreciatio
n expense on the revalued net book value.
For the second revaluation, the asset s revalued cost is $9,450. Again, since you
do not revalue the accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the entire
amount to the revaluation reserve.
The effects of the revaluations are illustrated in the following table:
Year 2, quarter 1, 5% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the
revaluation reserve:

Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve

Cr. Revaluation Amortization


Year 4, quarter 1, 10% revaluation
Oracle Assets


Dr. Accumulated Depreciation 5,250.00

Cr. Asset Cost
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to amortize the
revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 681.25

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Revaluation of a Fully Reserved Asset
Example 4: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 2 and the maximum fully reserved revaluations allo
wed for this book is 3.
In year 5, quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In Year 9, Quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
First, Oracle Assets checks whether this fully reserved asset has been previousl
y revalued as fully reserved, and that the maximum number of times is not exceed
ed by this revaluation. Since this asset has not been previously revalued as ful
ly reserved, this revaluation is allowed.
The asset s new revalued cost is $10,500. The life extension factor for this asset
is 2, so the asset s new life is 2 _ 5 years = 10 years. Oracle Assets calculates
depreciation expense over its new life of 10 years.
Oracle Assets calculates the depreciation adjustment of $2,000 using the new 10
year asset life. It transfers the change in net book value to the revaluation re
serve account.
Oracle Assets revalues the accumulated depreciation using the 5% revaluation rat
e. The change in net book value is transferred to the revaluation reserve accoun
t. Since you do not amortize the revaluation reserve, the amount remains in the
revaluation reserve account.
Oracle Assets
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve
Revaluation with Life Extension Ceiling


Example 5: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is
$10,000, the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. The a
sset s life extension factor is 3.0 and its life extension ceiling is 2.

In Year 5, Quarter 4 the asset is fully reserved. In year 9, quarter 1 you want
to revalue the asset with a revaluation rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = Yes
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = No
To determine the depreciation adjustment, Oracle Assets uses the smaller of the
life extension factor and the life extension ceiling. Since the life extension c
eiling is smaller than the life extension factor, Oracle Assets uses the ceiling
to calculate the depreciation adjustment. The
new life used to calculate the depreciation adjustment is 2 _ 5 years = 10 year
s, the life extension ceiling of 2 multiplied by the original 5 year life of the
Oracle Assets calculates the asset s depreciation expense under the new life of 10
years up to the revaluation period, and moves the difference between this value
and the existing accumulated depreciation from accumulated depreciation to reva
luation reserve.
Oracle Assets then determines the new asset cost using the revaluation rate of 5
% and revalues the accumulated depreciation with the same rate. Oracle Assets ca
lculates the asset s new life by multiplying the current life by the life extensio
n factor. The asset s new life is 3 _ 5 years = 15 years. Oracle Assets bases the
new depreciation expense on the revalued net book value and the new 15 year life
Depreciation Adjustment (calculated using life extension ceiling)=
Oracle Assets


Dr. Asset Cost

Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Revaluation with a Revaluation Ceiling

Example 6: You own an asset which has been damaged during its life.
You placed the asset in service in Year 1, quarter 1. The asset cost is $10,000,
the life is 5 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. You entered a
revaluation ceiling of $10,300 for the asset. In year 3, quarter 3 you revalue t
he asset s category with a revaluation
rate of 5%.
Revaluation Rules:
??Revalue Accumulated Depreciation = No
??Amortize Revaluation Reserve = Yes
If Oracle Assets applied the new revaluation rate of 5%, the asset s new cost woul
d be higher than the revaluation ceiling for this asset, so instead Oracle Asset
s uses the ceiling as the new cost. The ceiling creates the same effect as reval
uing the asset at a rate of 3%. Oracle
Assets bases the asset s new depreciation expense on the revalued asset cost.
Dr. Asset Cost
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Revaluation Reserve


Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries each period to

amortize the revaluation reserve:
Oracle Assets


Dr. Revaluation Reserve 530.00

Cr. Revaluation Amortization
Journal Entries for Tax Accumulated Depreciation Adjustments
Example: You place an asset in service in Year 1, Quarter 1. The asset cost is $
4,000, the life is 4 years, and you are using straight line depreciation. In Year
4, Quarter 1, your tax authority requests that you change the depreciation taken
in Year 2 from $1000 to $800.
Oracle Assets creates the following journal entries for the reserve adjustment:
Oracle Assets
Dr. Accumulated Depreciation
Cr. Depreciation Adjustment
Work in Process Accounting Transactions


The following are the basic accounting transactions carried out in WIP
Relieve Inventory and charge WIP at standard Cost.
Move Assemblies on the shop floor and charge Resources
Earn Resources and Overheads into Jobs and Schedules
Relieve WIP and Charge Inventory at Standard Cost.
Given below is an example of what transaction and which stage they are generate
d in Oracle Application.
The following table details the costs that are used for the accounting flows.
Item Cost At start of Production
Material Overhead
This Level
Previous Level 150
Total 150
Level Costs
Material Overhead
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Total 150
This Level
Cost Element
Incurred cost per unit
Standard Cost /unit
Resource RS1
125 (250% of Rs 50)
Resource Rs2
OSP OS1 30
OSP OS2 40
Material O/H
* Overhead for operation 10 is applied at 250% of the resource value earned at t

he operation
# Material overhead is earned when an assembly is completed from a discrete job
or repetitive schedule into inventory. Material Overhead is never earned in the
job or schedule.
Material Transactions , Issue all material Transaction : Push all compon
ents at standard cost into the job 10 units at 250 =2500
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Subinventory Accounts


Material Transactions, Return specific component : Return 2 defective un
its of component 2 to inventory 2 units at 33 = 66
Dr. Subinventory Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts


Material Transactions , Issue Specific Component : Replace defective com
ponents with substitute items
2 units at 40 = 80
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Subinventory Accounts 80
Resource charged at Actual Cost and no variance accounted
Shop Transaction, Resource w/o rate variance : Charge resource RS1 at ac
tual for operation 10.
11 units at 50 = 550
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse resource charge : Reverse Overcharge
1 unit at 50 = 50
Dr. Resource Absorption Account 50
Cr. WIP Accounts
Resource Charged at Standard Cost and variance accounted
Shop Floor Transaction, Resource with rate variance : Charge resource RS
2 at standard for operation 20 5 units at 25 = 125
Dr. WIP Accounts 125
Cr. Resource Absorption Account
of 30 for 5 units = 150 )
Dr. Rate Variance

150 ( Incurred cost

Shop Floor Transaction, OSP resource w/o rate variance : Charge OSP OS1
at actual for operation 30 Receive 11 units at 25 = 275
On pushing the quantity to outside processing operation
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account


On receiving the material after being processed

Dr. Receiving Inspection Account
Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account


Shop Floor Transaction, Reverse OSP overcharge : Reverse Overcharge 1 u
nit at 25 = 25
Dr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Receiving Inspection Account

Receiving Inspection Account

Cr. WIP Accounts



Shop Floor Transactions, OSP resource with rate variance : Charge OSP OS
P2 at standard for operation 20. Receive 10 units at 12 = 120

WIP Accounts
Receiving Inspection Account
Receiving Inspection Account
Cr. Inventory AP Accrual Account
Cr. Purchase Price Variance



Shop Floor Transactions, Resource based O/H : Charge 250% on the resourc
e charged in step 4
550 * 250 % = 1375
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Shop Floor Transaction , Reverse resource based O/H : Reverse overhead f
or resource reversed in step 5 50 * 250 % = 125
Dr. Overhead Absorption Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts


Shop Floor Transactions, Item based O/H : Move through operation 20 and
charge item based overhead 10 units at 20 = 200
Dr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Overhead Absorption Accounts


Summary of Transactions
The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance
Cost Element
This Level
Previous Level This Level
Previous Level
This Level
Previous Level
Material OH
Total 2445
Costs are relieved from Work in Process when assemblies are completed to invento
ry or scrapped at an operation. Costs are always relieved from Jobs and Schedule
s at Standard.

Shop Floor Transaction : Scrap 2 assemblies at operation 40. 2 units at
495.90 = 934

Scrap Account
Cr. WIP Accounts

Shop Floor Transaction : Return repaired unit from scrap.
5.90 = 495.90

1 unit at 49

WIP Accounts
Cr. Scrap Account

WIP Completion Transaction : Complete 9 assemblies from WIP to inventory
. 9 units at 495.90 = 4959+ 9 units at 20 for Material Overhead.

Subinventory Accounts
Cr. WIP Accounts
Cr. Material O/H Abs Account


The table below gives a summary of all the transactions at this point.
Work in Process Value
Cost Incurred Cost Relieved Balance
Cost Element
This Level
Previous Level This Level
Previous Level
This Level
Previous Level
Material OH
(525) (450) 100
(1200) (400) 250
Total 2445
(2045) (2500) 400
Variances are recognised when you close your jobs and schedules.
Close Job or Schedule : Recognise this and previous level variances.
Dr. Variance Accounts 414
Cr. WIP Accounts


Cost Update in WIP

The Cost update revalues your discrete and asset non-standard jobs.
Carrying from the previous example
Update Previous level Costs
Material cost increases by 50.
Material overhead rate remains at 10% but the cost increases by 5 due to
increase in material cost.
Resource cost decreases by 15.
Overhead rate increases from 100% to 150% of resource cost./
Overhead cost remains at 45 due to decrease in resource costs
Quantity in job = 10
Bill of Material Cost
Old Cost
New Cost

Material OH








Increase/ Decrease




Update this Level Costs


Resource RS1 amount decreases by 5

Outside processing OSP1 amount per item increases by 20.
Overhead rate increases from 200% of RS1 value to 400% of RS1 value.
10 hours of RS1 charged to the job.
10 units received for OSP1

Bill of Material Cost

Old Cost
New Cost
Increase/ Decrease




Adjusting Accounting Entries


Material OH


Cr. Resource
Cr. Standard Cost Variance Account


Adjustment Recorded in the Job

Bill of Material Cost
Material OH
This Level
Previous Level 500
Increase/ Decrease
Purchase Orders and Releases







Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator



Accrual Account Generator

Budget Account Generator
Charge Account Generator
Variance Account Generator

PO Accrual Account Generator and

PO Requisition Accrual Account Generator
??Accrual Account for Expense Item
??Accrual Account from Organization
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Budget Account Generator and
PO Requisition Budget Account Generator

??Build Inventory Charge Account

??Get Budget Account from Item/Sub
??Get Charge Account
??Get Item Level Budget Account
??Get Org Level Budget Account
??Item Pre Defined?
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
PO Charge Account Generator and
PO Requisition Charge Account Generator
??Build Inventory Charge Account
??Expense Account
??Job WIP Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Schedule Account
??Type of WIP
??Work Item Destination Type
PO Variance Account Generator and
PO Requisition Variance Account Generator
??Get Charge Account
??PO Project Related? (You can customize this function if you
want to build project related accounts using your own rules and
if Oracle Projects is installed.)
??Purchase Order FlexBuilder Upgrade
??Variance Account from Organization
??Work Item Destination Type
Inventory - Standard Costing
Define Organization Parameters
?Costing Method is set to Standard
?Transfer Detail to GL is appropriately set
?Default Material Sub Element account (Required)
Define cost types are defined.
Define activities and activity costs are defined.
Define material overhead defaults are defined
Define item, item costs, and establish item cost controls.
Launch transaction managers are launched
Inventory Standard Cost Transactions
The following transctions can be performed in distribution
?Purchase Order Receipt To Receiving Inspection:
?Delivery From Receiving Inspection To Inventory:
?Purchase Order Receipt To Inventory:
?Return To Supplier From Receiving:
?Return To Supplier From Inventory:
?Sales Order Shipments:
?RMA Receipts:
?RMA Return:
?Miscellaneous Transactions:

?Inter Organization Transfers:

?Subinventory Transfers:
?Internal Requisitions:
?Cycle Count and Physical Inventory:
Purchasing related transactions with inventory destinations are also discussed,
but not those with expense destinations such as office supplies and non inventory
Purchase Order Receipt to Receiving Inspection
You can use the Receipts window in Oracle Purchasing to receive material from a
supplier into a receiving location. You can also use this window to receive mate
rial directly to inventory. Please note that this section addresses Inventory de
stinations only.
When you receive material or outside processing items from a supplier into recei
ving inspection, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A
/P Accrual account is credited based on the quantity received and the purchase o
rder price.


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


Delivery From Receiving Inspection to Inventory

You can use the Receiving Transactions window to move material from receiving in
spection to inventory. The system uses the quantity and the purchase order price
of the delivered item to update the receiving inspection account and quantity.
The system uses the standard cost of the delivered item to update the subinvento
ry balances.


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price




Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead associated with it, the subinventory account
is debited for the amount of the material overhead and the material overhead abs
orption account(s) are credited.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
Purchase price variances (PPV) occur when there are differences between the stan
dard cost and the purchase order cost of an item.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
When you receive inventory expense items into expense subinventory locations, th
e following accounting entry is generated:
Subinventory Expense account @ PO price
Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price



When you receive an expense (non asset) inventory item, or into an expense subinve
ntory, the subinventory expense account instead of the valuation account is debi

ted. Because the expense account is debited at the purchase order price, there i
s no purchase price variance.
Purchase Order Receipt to Inventory
When you receive material from a supplier directly to inventory, the receipt and
delivery transactions are performed in one step.
First, the Receiving Inspection account is debited and the Inventory A/P Accrual
account credited based on quantity received and the purchase order price.


Receiving Inspection account @ PO price



Inventory A/P Accrual account @ PO price


Next, the Subinventory and Receiving Inspection accounts are, respectively, debi
ted and credited based on the transaction quantity and standard cost of the rece
ived item.


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Receiving Inspection account @ PO price


Debit/Credit Purchase Price Variance

If your item has material overhead(s), the subinventory entry is debited for the
material overhead and the material overhead absorption account(s) is credited.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: If the subinventory account is combined with the above entry, the mat
erial overhead absorption account adds one additional entry.
Return To Supplier From Inventory
When you do not use receiving inspection, the return to supplier transaction upd
ates the same accounts as the direct receipt to inventory, with reverse transact
ion amounts. The Inventory A/P
Accrual account is debited and the Receiving Inspection account is credited base
d on quantity received and the purchase order price.
Foreign Currencies
As with the purchase order receipt to inventory transaction, the system converts
the purchase order price to the functional currency and uses this converted val
ue for the return to supplier accounting entries.
Sales Order Shipments
Ship material on a sales order using Order Entry/Shipping. The accounting entrie
s generated by a sales order shipment are:
Cost of Goods Sold account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Based on the rules you define in Order Entry/Shipping, the Account Generator dyn
amically creates the cost of goods sold account.
Attention: You do not create any accounting information when you ship from an ex
pense subinventory or ship an expense inventory item.
RMA Receipts
You can receive items back from a customer using the RMA (return material author
ization) Receipts window.
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Cost of Goods Sold Account


This uses the same account as the original cost of goods sold transaction.
Attention: You do not create any accounting entries when you receive mat
erial for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.
RMA Returns
You can return items received into inventory through an RMA back to the customer
using RMA Returns window.
For example, you can send back
an item that was returned by the customer to
for repair.
This transaction reverses an RMA receipt. It also mimics a sales order shipment
and updates the same accounts as a sales order shipment.
Cost of Goods Sold Account
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Attention: Do not create any accounting entries when you return material
for an RMA for an expense item or expense subinventory.

Miscellaneous Transactions
Using the Miscellaneous Transaction window, you can issue material from a subinv
entory to a general ledger account (or account alias) or receive material to a s
ubinventory from an account or alias. An account alias identifies another name f
or a general ledger account.
Suggestion: Use account aliases for account numbers you use frequently. For exam
ple, use the alias SCRAP for your general ledger scrap account.
Issuing material from a subinventory to a general ledger account or alias genera
tes the following accounting entries:
Debit Credit
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost XX
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Receiving material to a subinventory from an account or an alias generates the f
ollowing accounting entries:
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost
Entered General Ledger Account @ standard cost



Expense Subinventories and Expense Items When you receive into an expense locati
on or receive an expense item, you have expensed the material. If you use the mi

transaction to issue from an expense location,
You can issue to an account or to an asset subinventory of the
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option in Oracle Inventory is set to
If issued to an account the system assumes the material is consumed at the expe
location and moves the quantity without any associated value. If transferred to
an asset subinventory, the material moves at its current cost.
When you perform a miscellaneous transaction to receive an expense item to eithe
r an asset or expense subinventory, no accounting occurs. Since the account bala
nce could involve different costs over time, The system assumes that the cost of
the expense item is unknown.
Inter Organization Transfers
You can transfer material from one inventory organization to another either dire
ctly or through intransit inventory. Intransit inventory represents material tha
t has not yet arrived at the receiving
Using Intransit Inventory You can move material from the shipping organization t
o intransit
inventory using the Transfer Subinventories window. You can use the Receipts win
dow to move material from intransit invenotry to the receiving organization.
Issue Transaction
Depending upon the Freight On Board (FOB) point defined in the inventory organiz
ation relationship, the shipment to intransit inventory creates the following ac
counting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization
Intransit inventory account Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending


FOB Point is set to Shipment:

Account Organization Debit Credit
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending

Intransit Inventory account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Receipt Transaction
Depending upon the FOB point defined in the organization relationship, the recei
pt from intransit inventory creates the following accounting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending



Intransit Inventory account Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving

FOB Point is set to Shipment:
Account Organization
Subinventory accounts Receiving


Intransit Inventory account Receiving


In addition to accounting for the movement of the material, these transactions a

lso update the inter organization receivable and payable accounts. These inter organ
ization clearing accounts represent inter organization receivables and payables fo
r the respective shipping and receiving organizations.
Direct Inter Organization Transfer
When your organization relationship is set to directly transfer material, Invent
ory performs both the issue and the receipt transaction at the time of the issue
. Any difference between the cost of items in the two organizations is recogniz
ed as variance in the receiving organization.
The accounting entries created are as follows:
Account Organization


Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Subinventory accounts Sending

Subinventory accounts Receiving



Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Use the Transfer Subinventories window for direct transfers. Material Overhead a
nd Inter Organization Transfers If your item has material overhead(s), you earn ma
terial overhead on
inter organization transfers. The subinventory entry is increased for the material
overhead with a credit to the material overhead absorption account(s) in the re
ceiving organization.


Subinventory accounts
Material Overhead Absorption account



Attention: The subinventory account is combined with the above entry. Th
e material overhead absorption transaction adds one additional account to the en
The FOB Point changes the accounting for freight. With FOB receiving, freight is
accrued on the receipt transaction by the sending organization. With FOB shipme
nt, freight is accrued on the shipment transaction by the receiving organization
. For direct transfers, the receipt and shipment transaction occur at the same t
When the FOB Point is set to Receiving, the transfer creates the following freig
ht and transfer charge entries at time of receipt:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending



Freight Expense account Sending

Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending

Org. Material account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


For the receiving organization, the inter organization payable account is increase
d for freight and transfer charges. These charges are included in the comparison
to the standard cost.
When the FOB Point is set to Shipment, the transfer creates the following freigh
t and transfer charge entries at shipment:
Account Organization
Inter Organization Receivable Sending


Inter Org. Transfer Credit Sending

Intransit Inventory account Receiving



Freight Expense account Receiving


Inter Organization Payable Receiving


Intransit inventory includes both freight and transfer charges. The inter organiza
tion payable is only increased for transfer charges.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items:
When you receive an inter organization transfer into an expense subinventory or re
ceive an expense inventory item, you have expensed the material and cannot direc
tly issue it. The system assumes the material cost is consumed at the expense lo
Using the direct or intransit method, you can receive material to an expense sub
inventory or receive an expense inventory item. When you receive to expense loca
tions or receive expense inventory items, the subinventory expense account is de
bited for the receiving organization,
instead of the valuation accounts. The subinventory expense account is charged t
he total transaction value from the other organization.
Inter Organization Transfers and Sets of Books
The Inter Organization Direct Transfer transaction also supports transfers from an
y set of books, even if the currency is different. However, you cannot use the I
nter Organization Intransit with
multiple sets of books. These transactions use receiving functions from Purchasi
ng, which only supports one set of books. To perform an inter organization intrans
it transfer from one set of books to another, you need to perform a combination
of two transactions: a direct
transfer and an intransit transfer.
Subinventory Transfers
This transaction increases the accounts of the To Subinventory and decreases the
From Subinventory, but has no net effect on overall inventory value.If you spec
ify the same subinventory as the From and To Subinventory, you can move material
between locators within a subinventory.
Account Subinventory

Subinventory accounts To


Subinventory accounts From


Expense Subinventories and Expense Items

You can issue from an asset to an expense subinventory, and you can issue from a
n expense subinventory if the Oracle Inventory
INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transfer profile option is set to Yes.
The system assumes the material is consumed at the expense location.
Internal Requisitions :
You can use the internal requisitions to replenish inventory. You can source mat
erial from a supplier, a subinventory within your organization, or from another
organization. Depending upon the source you choose, the accounting entries are s
imilar to one of the proceeding scenarios. However, unlike inter organization tran
sfers, internal requisitions do not support freight charges.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory :
Use cycle counting and physical inventory to correct inventory on hand balances. A
cycle count updates the accounts of the affected subinventory and offsets the a
djustment account you specify.
If you physically count more than your on hand balance, the accounting sentries ar
Subinventory accounts @ standard cost


Adjustment account @ standard cost


If you count less than your on hand balance, the accounting entries are:


Adjustment account @ standard cost


Subinventory accounts @ standard cost



Like a cycle count, a physical inventory adjustment also updates the accounts of
the affected subinventories and the physical inventory adjustment account you s
Suggestion: Since the standard cost is not stored as you freeze the phys
ical quantities, you should not perform a standard cost update until you have ad
justed your physical inventory.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
The system does not record accounting entries for expense subinventories or expe
nse items for either physical inventory or cycle count adjustments. However, the
on hand balance of an expense subinventory is corrected if you track the quantiti
Work in Process Standard Cost Transactions
The following cost transactions can occur when Oracle Work in Process is install

?Component Issue and Return Transactions:

?Move Transactions:


?Resource Charges:
?Outside Processing Charges:
Overhead Charges:
?Assembly Scrap Transactions:
?Assembly Completion Transactions:
Job Close Transactions:
Period Close Transactions:
Work in Process Cost Update Transactions:

Component Issue and Return Transactions

Component issue and return transactions can be launched in a variety of ways. Se
e: Component Issue and Return Transaction Options, Oracle Work in Process User s G
uide and Backflush Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Costing Issue and Return Transactions
Issue transactions increase the work in process valuation and decrease the inven
tory valuation. The accounting entries for issue transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:


Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Subinventory accounts are defined in the Define Subinventories window in Oracle
Inventory. WIP elemental accounts are defined in the WIP Accounting Classes wind
ow in Work in Process. See: Defining Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User s Guide
, Subinventory General Ledger Account Fields, Oracle Inventory User s Guide, and W
IP Accounting Classes, Oracle Work in Process User s Guide.
Move Transactions
A move transaction moves assemblies within an operation, such as from Queue to R
un, or from one operation to the next. Move transactions can automatically launc
h operation completion
backflushing and charge resources and overheads.
You can perform move transactions using the Move Transactions window, Open Move
Transaction Interface window, or the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing.
Backflush Material Transactions
With backflushing, you issue component material used in an assembly or subassemb
ly by exploding the bills of material, and then multiplying by the number of ass
emblies produced.
Move transactions can create operation pull backflush material transactions that
issue component material from designated WIP supply subinventories and locators
to a job or repetitive schedule. For backflush components under lot or serial n
umber control, you assign the lot or serial numbers during the move transaction.

When you move backward in a routing, Work in Process automatically reverses oper
ation pull backflush transactions.
The accounting entries for move transactions are:
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Subinventory elemental accounts

The accounting entries for return transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts




Moved Based Resource Charging

As the assemblies you build pass through the operations on their routings, move
transactions charge all pre assigned resources with an auto charge type of WIP Move
at their standard rate.
You can charge resources based upon a fixed amount per item moved in an operatio
n (Item basis) or based upon a fixed lot charge per item moved in an operation (
Lot basis). For resources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically cha
rges the lot cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can also enter manual resource transactions associated with a move, or indep
endent of any moves. You can manually charge resources to a job and repetitive s
chedule provided the job and
repetitive schedule has a routing. You can also transact resources through the O
pen Resource Transaction Interface.
Resource Charges
Work in Process supports four resource autocharging methods:
Manual, WIP Move, PO Move, and PO Receipt.
You can charge resources at an actual rate.
You can also charge resource overheads automatically as you charge resources.
WIP Move Resource Charges You can automatically charge resources at their standa
rd rate to a job or repetitive schedule when you perform a move transaction usin
g either the Move Transactions window or the Open Move Transaction Interface. Wh
en you move assemblies from the Queue or Run intra operation steps forward to th
e To move, Reject, or Scrap intraoperation steps, or to the next operation, Work
in Process charges all pre assigned resources with an charge type of WIP Move at
their standard rate. For resources with a basis of Item, Work in Process automat
ically charges the resource s usage rate or amount multiplied by the
resource s standard cost upon completion of each assembly in the operation. For re
sources with a basis of Lot, Work in Process automatically charges the resource s
usage rate or amount multiplied by the resource s standard cost upon completion of
the first assembly in the operation.
You can undo the WIP Move resource charges automatically by moving the assembli
es from Queue or Run of your current operation to Queue or Run of any prior oper
ation, or by moving the assemblies from the To move, Reject, or Scrap intraopera
tion steps backward to the Queue or
Run intraoperation steps of the same operation, or to any intraoperation step of
any prior operation.
Work in Process applies WIP Move resource transactions to multiple repetitive sc
hedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work i
n Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis.
Manual Resource Charges
You can charge manual resources associated with a move transaction or independen

t of any moves. Manual resource transactions require you to enter the actual res
ource units applied rather than autocharging the resource s usage rate or amount b
ased on the move quantity. You can
charge resources using that resource s unit of measure or any valid alternate. You
can manually charge resources to a job or repetitive schedule provided the job
or repetitive schedule has a routing. If you use the Move Transactions window to
perform moves and manual resource transactions at the same time, Work in Proces
s displays all pre assigned manual resources with an charge type of Manual assigne
d to the operations completed in the move. If the resource is a person type resour
ce, you can enter an employee number. In addition to the resources displayed, yo
u can manually charge any resource to a job or repetitive schedule, even if you
have not previously assigned the resource to an operation in the job or repetiti
ve schedule.
You can also manually charge resources to an operation added ad hoc by entering
any resource defined for the department associated with the operation. Work in P
rocess applies Manual resource transactions to the first open repetitive schedul
e on the line. You can correct or undo manual resource transactions by entering
negative resource units worked.
Costing Resource Charges at Resource Standard
Resource charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
resource transactions are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account


Resource absorption account


If Autocharge is set to WIP Move, work in process and labor are charged at stand
ard. There are no resource rate or efficiency variances.
The accounting entries for negative Manual resource transactions and backward mo
ves for WIP Move resources are:


Resource absorption account



WIP accounting class resource valuationaccount

Costing Labor Charges at Actual
You can charge labor charges at actual in two ways. You can enter an actual rate
for the employee using the Open Resource Transaction Interface or when you defi
ne employee rates. For labor charges using an actual or employee rate for a reso
urce for which charge standard
rate is turned off, the accounting entries are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account
Resource absorption account
Any difference between the total labor charged at actual and the standard labor
amount is recognized as an efficiency variance at period close.
If the Standard Rates check box is checked and you enter an actual rate for a re
source, the system charges the job or repetitive schedule at standard. If Autoch
arge is set to Manual and actual rates and quantities are recorded, a rate varia
nce is recognized immediately for
any rate difference. Any quantity difference is recognized as an efficiency vari
ance at period close.
The accounting entries for the actual labor charges are:
WIP accounting class resource valuation account



Resource rate variance account (Debit when actual

rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit when
the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)



Resource absorption account

PO Receipt and PO Move Transactions
You can receive purchased items associated with outside resources from an outsid
e processing operation back into work in process in Oracle Purchasing. For these
items, Work in Process creates resource transactions at the standard or actual
rate for all outside resources with
an autocharge type of PO receipt or PO move. For outside resources with an autoc
harge type of PO move, Work in Process also moves the assemblies from the Queue
or Run intraoperation step of the outside processing operation into the Queue in
traoperation step of the next
operation or into the To move intraoperation step if the outside processing oper
ation is the last operation on the routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an autocharge ty
pe of Manual, charge the resources using the Resource Transactions window or the
Open Resource Transaction Interface.
If you return assemblies to the supplier using the Enter Returns and Adjustments
window in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Purchasing automatically reverses the charg
es to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must manually r
everse all manual resource charges using the Resource Transactions window. For o
utside resources with an autocharge type of PO move, Oracle Purchasing automatic
ally moves the assemblies from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation im
mediately following the outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperati
on step of your outside processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on the routing, the as
semblies automatically move from the To move intraoperation step to the Queue in
traoperation step. PO move resource transactions are applied to multiple repetit
ive schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. M
oves are allocated across multiple repetitive schedules on a first in first out ba
sis. PO receipt resource transactions are allocated across schedules on a first
in first (FIFO) out basis.
Outside Processing Charges
Work in Process automatically creates resource transactions at the standard or
actual rate for all outside processing resources with an charge type of PO Recei
pt or PO Move when you receive assemblies from an outside processing operation b
ack into work in process, using the Enter Receipts window in Purchasing. For out
side processing resources with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process also p
erforms a move of the assemblies from the Queue or Run
intraoperation step of your outside processing operation into the Queue intraope
ration step of your next operation or into the To move intraoperation step if th
e outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing.
If you assigned internal resources to an outside operation with an charge type o
f Manual, you use the Move Transactions window or the Open Resource Transaction
Interface to charges these resources.
If you return assemblies to the supplier, Work in Process automatically reverses
the charges to all automatic resources associated with the operation. You must
manually reverse all manual resource charges using the Move Transactions window.
For outside processing resources
with an charge type of PO Move, Work in Process automatically moves the assembli
es from the Queue intraoperation step of the operation immediately following the

outside processing operation into the Queue intraoperation step of your outside
processing operation.
If the outside processing operation is the last operation on your routing, Work
in Process automatically moves the assemblies from the To move intraoperation st
ep to the Queue intraoperation step. Work in Process applies PO Move resource tr
ansactions to multiple repetitive
schedules on a line based on how the assemblies being moved are allocated. Work
in Process allocates moves across multiple repetitive schedules based on a first
in first out basis. Work in Process applies PO Receipt resource transactions to t
he first open repetitive schedule
on the line.
Costing Outside Processing Charges at Standard
When you receive the assembly from the supplier, Purchasing sends the resource c
harges to Work in Process at either standard cost or actual purchase order price
, depending upon how you specified the standard rate for the outside processing
If the Standard Rates option is enabled for the outside processing resource bein
g charged, the system charges Work in Process at the standard rate and creates a
purchase price variance for the difference between the standard rate and the pu
rchase order price. The accounting entries for outside processing items are as f


WIP accounting class outside processing valuationaccount


Purchase price variance account (Debit when the

actual rate is greater than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is less than the standard rate.)


Organization Receiving account

Any quantity or usage difference is recognized as an outside processing efficien
cy variance at period close.
The accounting entries for return to supplier for outside processing are:
Organization Receiving account
Purchase price variance account (Debit when
actual rate is less than the standard rate. Credit
when the actual rate is greater than the standard
WIP accounting class outside processing valuation account


Costing Outside Processing Charges at Actual Purchase Order Price

If the Standard Rates option is disabled for the outside processing resource bei
ng charged, the system charges Work in Process the purchase order price and does
not create a purchase price variance.
The accounting transactions for outside processing charges at purchase order pri
ce are as follows:

WIP accounting class outside processing valuation


Organization Receiving account

Any difference from the standard is recognized as a resource efficiency
variance at period close.
Overhead Charges
Move Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you move ass
emblies through the shop floor. You can charge overheads directly based on move
transactions or based on resource charges. For overheads charged based on move t
ransactions with a basis of Item, Work in Process automatically charges overhead
s upon completion of each assembly in the operation. Work in Process automatical
ly reverse these charges during a backward move
For overheads based on move transactions with a basis of Lot, Work in Process au
tomatically charges overheads upon completion of the first assembly in the opera
tion. Work in Process automatically reverses these charges during a backward mov
e transaction if it results in zero
net assemblies completed in the operation.
Resource Based Overhead Charging
Work in Process automatically charges appropriate overhead costs as you charge r
esources. You can charge overheads based on resource units or value. Work in Pro
cess automatically reverses overhead charges when you reverse the underlying res
ource charge.
Costing Overhead Charges
Overhead charges increase work in process valuation. The accounting entries for
overhead charges are:
WIP accounting class overhead account
Overhead absorption account


You can reverse overhead charges by entering negative Manual resource charges or
performing backward moves for WIP Move resources. The accounting entries for re
verse overhead charges are:
Overhead absorption account


WIP accounting class overhead account

Assembly Scrap Transactions
You can move partially completed assemblies that you consider unrecoverable to t
he Scrap intraoperation step of that operation. (If necessary, you can recover a
ssemblies from scrap by moving them to another intraoperation step.) By moving i
nto the Scrap intraoperation step, you can effectively isolate good assemblies f
rom bad.
Work in Process considers a move into the Scrap intraoperation step from the Que
ue or Run of the same operation as an operation completion, and thus updates ope
ration completion information, backflushes components, and charges resource and
overhead costs according to the elemental cost setup.
You can also move assemblies back to the Scrap intraoperation step of the previo

us operation for Queue or Run if no work has been completed at the current opera
Costing Assembly Scrap Transactions
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify whether moves into t
he Scrap intraoperation step require a scrap account. If you enter a scrap accou
nt or alias when you move assemblies into Scrap, the scrap account is debited an
d the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for the standard cost of the
assembly through the scrap operation are credited. This removes the cost of the
scrapped assemblies from the job or repetitive schedule. If you do not enter a
scrap account or select an alias, the cost of the scrap remains in the job Or sc
hedule until job or period close. If you recover assemblies from scrap, the scra
p account is credited and the job or repetitive schedule elemental accounts for
the standard cost of this assembly through this
operation are debited.
The accounting entries for scrap transactions are:
Scrap account
WIP accounting class valuation
The accounting entries for reverse scrap transactions are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts@standard


Scrap account
Assembly Completion Transactions
Use the Completion Transactions window, Move Transactions window, and Inventory
Transaction Interface to move completed assemblies from work in process into sub
inventories. Completion transactions relieve the valuation account of the accoun
ting class and charge the subinventory accounts (for example, finished goods) ba
sed upon the assembly s elemental cost structure.
Costing Assembly Completion Transactions Completions decrease work in process va
luation and increase inventory valuation at standard costs.
The accounting entries for completion transactions are:
Subinventory elemental accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts

Earning Assembly Material Overhead on Completion
You can assign overheads based on Item, Lot or Total Value basis. For standard d
iscrete jobs and repetitive schedules, you can earn these overheads as you compl
ete assemblies from work in process to inventory.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for stan
dard discrete jobs and repetitive schedules are:


Subinventory material overhead account


Inventory material overhead absorption

Use non standard expense jobs for such activities as repair and maintenance. Use n
on standard asset jobs to upgrade assemblies, for teardown, and to prototype produ
ction. Non standard discrete jobs do not earn overhead on completion. Since you ha
ve already earned overhead to produce the assemblies as you are repairing or rew
orking, Work in Process prevents you from double earning material overhead on th
ese assemblies.
The accounting entries for material overhead on completion transactions for non st
andard expense and non standard asset jobs are:
Subinventory material overhead account
WIP accounting class material overhead account


Job Close Transactions

Until you close a job, or change the status of the job to Complete No Charges, y
ou can make material, resource, and scrap charges to the job. Closing a discrete
job prevents any further activity on the job.
Costing Job Close Transactions
Work in Process recognizes variances when you close a job. The actual close date
you specify determines the accounting period Work in Process uses to recognize
variances. You can back date the close to a prior open period if desired. The cl
ose process writes off the balances remaining in the WIP elemental valuation acc
ounts to the elemental variance accounts you
defined by accounting class, leaving a zero balance remaining in the closed job.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the close, the accountin
g entries for a job close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Period Close Transactions

The period close process in Inventory recognizes variances for non standard expens
e jobs and repetitive schedules. It also transfers the work in process period co
sts to the general ledger.
Costing Non Standard Expense Job Period Close Transactions
You can close discrete jobs and recognize variances for non standard expense jobs
at any time. In addition, the period close process automatically recognizes vari
ances on all non standard expense job charges incurred during the period. Therefor
e, open non standard expense jobs have zero WIP accounting balances at the start o
f a new period.
If there is a positive balance in the job at the end of the period, the accounti
ng entries for non standard expense jobs at period close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts
WIP accounting class valuation accounts




Costing Repetitive Schedule Period Close Transactions

You do not close a repetitive schedule. However, you do recognize variances on a
period basis that result in zero WIP accounting balances at the start of the ne
w period. You should check your transactions and balances using the Repetitive V
alue Report before you close a period.
When you define Work in Process parameters, you can specify which repetitive sch
edule variances you recognize when you close an
accounting period. You can either recognize variances for all repetitive schedul
es when you close an accounting period, or recognize variances for those repetit
ive schedules with statuses of either Complete
No Charges or Cancelled.
Assuming positive balances in the repetitive schedules at the end of the period,
the accounting entries for repetitive schedules at period close are:
WIP accounting class variance accounts


WIP accounting class valuation accounts


Work in Process Standard Cost Update Transactions

The standard cost update process revalues standard and non standard asset discrete
jobs and updates pending costs to frozen standard costs. Repetitive schedules a
nd non standard expense jobs do not get revalued by the cost update.
The cost update creates accounting transactions by job and cost element valuatio
n account. Each standard and non standard asset discrete job is updated using the
following formula:
rges)] rges) -

cost update adjustment = [new costs in (material, resource, outside pro

and overhead charges)- new costs out (scrap and assembly completion cha
[old costs in (material, resource, outside processing, and overhead cha
old costs out (scrap and assembly completion charges)]

If the result of the cost update is an increase in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:


WIP accounting class valuation accounts


WIP Standard cost adjustment account



If the result of the cost update is a decrease in the standard cost of the job,
the accounting entries for a cost update transaction are:
WIP Standard cost adjustment account
WIP accounting class valuation accounts



When the cost update occurs for open jobs, standards and WIP balances are revalu
ed according to the new standard, thus retaining relief variances incurred up to
the date of the update.
Standard Cost Valuation
Inventory and Work in Process continually update inventory value with each trans
action. Work in Process balances are updated with each related accounting transa
ction. Inventory subinventory values may be reported when the quantity movement

Value by Cost Element

Inventory or work in process value is maintained and reported on by distinct cos
t element (such as material, material overhead, and so on), even if you assign t
he same general ledger valuation account to each cost element. You can also repo
rt work in process value by cost element within specific WIP accounting classes.
Standard Costing
Under standard costing, the value of inventory is determined using the material
and material overhead standard costs of each inventory item. If you use Bills of
Material, Inventory maintains the standard cost by cost element (material, mate
rial overhead, resource, outside processing,
and overhead).
Unlimited Cost Types
You can define an unlimited number of cost types and use them with any inventory
valuation and margin analysis reports. This allows you to see the potential eff
ects of a cost rollup/update. You can also update your standard costs from any o
f the cost types you have defined. When you use Bills of Material with Inventory
, you can specify the cost type in explosion reports and report these costs for
simulation purposes
Inventory and Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
This section describes Inventory standard cost variances and Work in Process sta
ndard cost variances.
Inventory Standard Cost Variances
In general, Inventory records purchase price variance (PPV) and recognizes cycle
count and physical inventory adjustments as variances.
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
During a purchase order receipt, Inventory calculates purchase price variance. I
n general, this is the difference between what you pay the supplier and the item s
standard cost. Inventory calculates this value as follows:
PPV = (PO unit price standard unit cost) - quantity received.
Inventory updates the purchase price variance account with the PPV value. If the
purchase order price is in a foreign currency, Inventory converts it into the f
unctional currency of the inventory organization and calculates the purchase pri
ce variance. Purchasing reports PPV using the Purchase Price Variance Report. Yo
u distribute this variance to the general ledger when you perform the general le
dger transfer, or period close.
Invoice Price Variance (IPV)
In general, invoice price variance is the difference between the purchase price
and the invoice price paid for a purchase order receipt. Purchasing reports invo
ice variance. Upon invoice approval, Payables automatically records Invoice Pric
e Variance, to both invoice price
variance and exchange rate variance accounts.
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory
Inventory considers cycle count and physical inventory adjustments as variance.
You distribute these variances to the general ledger when you perform the genera
l ledger transfer or period close.
Work in Process Standard Cost Variances
Work in Process provides usage, efficiency, and standard cost adjustment varianc

Usage and Efficiency Variances

Usage and efficiency variances result when the total costs charged to a job or s
chedule do not equal the total costs relieved from a job or schedule at standard
. Charges occur from issues and returns, resource and overhead charges, and outs
ide processing receipts. Cost relief occurs from assembly completions, scrap tra
nsactions, and close transactions.
You can view these variances in the Discrete Job Value report, the Repetitive Va
lue report, and by using the WIP Value Summary window.
Work in Process reports usage and efficiency variances as you incur them, but do
es not update the appropriate variance accounts until you close a job or period.
Work in Process updates the standard cost adjustment variance account at cost u
Usage and efficiency variances are primarily quantity variances. They identify
the difference between the amount of material, resources, outside processing, an
d overheads required at standard, and the actual amounts you use to manufacture
an assembly. Efficiency variance can
also include rate variance as well as quantity variance if you charged resources
or outside processing at actual.
You can calculate and report usage and efficiency variances based on planned sta
rt quantity or the actual quantity completed. You can use the planned start quan
tity to check potential variances during the job or repetitive schedule. You can
use the actual quantity completed to
check the variances before the job or period close. Your choice of planned start
quantity or actual quantity completed determines the standard requirements. The
se standard requirements are compared to the actual material issues, resource, o
utside processing, and overhead charges to determine the reported variance.
Work in Process calculates, reports, and recognizes the following quantity varia
Material Usage Variance
The material usage variance is the difference between the actual material issued
and the standard material required to build a given assembly, calculated as fol
standard material cost - (quantity issued - quantity required)
This variance occurs when you over or under issue components or use an alternate
Resource and Outside Processing Efficiency Variance
The resource and outside processing efficiency variances is the difference betwe
en the resources and outside processing charges incurred and the standard resour
ce and outside processing charges required to build a given assembly, calculated
as follows:
(applied resource units X standard or actual rate) - (standard resource units at
standard resource rate)
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No
direct charg
e operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource,
or charge a resource at

Move Based Overhead Efficiency Variance

Move based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead charg
es incurred for move based overheads (overhead basis of Item or Lot) and standar
d move based overheads required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows
applied move based overheads - standard move based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add operations to a stan
dard routing during production, or do not complete all the move transactions ass
ociated with the assembly quantity being built.
Resource Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
Resource based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead c
harges incurred for resource based overheads (overhead basis of Resource units o
r Resource value) and standard resource based overheads required to build a give
n assembly, calculated as follows:
applied resource based overheads - standard resource based overheads
This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a
standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No
direct charge
operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource, or
charge a resource at actual.
Standard Cost Adjustment Variance
Standard cost adjustment variance is the difference between costs at the previou
s standards and costs at the new standards created by cost update transactions.
Standard and Average Costing Compared
Cost Management offers two costing methods: standard costing and average costing
Average costing is used primarily for distribution and other industries where th
e product cost fluctuates rapidly, or when dictated by regulation and other indu
stry conventions.
Average costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a moving average cost
?track inventory and manufacturing costs without the requirement of havi
ng predefined standards
determine profit margin based on an actual cost method
measure the organization s performance against historical costs
include all direct costs of manufacturing an item in that item s inventory
Use standard costing for performance measurement and cost control. Stand
ard costing allows you to:
?value inventory at a predetermined cost
?determine profit margin based on projected costs
?record variances against expected costs
?update standard costs from any cost type
?evaluate production costs relative to standard costs
?measure the organization s performance based on predefined product costs
?evaluate product costs to assist management decisions

Under average costing, you cannot share costs. Average costs are maintained sepa
rately in each organization. Under standard costing if you use Inventory without
Work in Process,you can define your item costs in the organization that control
s your costs and share those costs across organizations. If you share standard c

osts across multiple organizations, all reports, inquiries, and processes use th
ose costs. You are not required to enter duplicate costs.
Note: The organization that controls your costs can be a manufacturing organizat
ion that uses Work in Process or Bills of Material. Organizations that share cos
ts with the organization that controls your costs cannot use Bills of Material.
Valuation Accounts and Cost Elements with Average Costing
The system maintains the average unit cost at the organization level; it does no
t use any subinventory valuation accounts. If you had separate valuation account
s by subinventory, total inventories would balance, but account balances by subi
nventory would not match the inventory
valuation reports.
Note: Cost Management enforces the same account number for organization level ma
terial and intransit accounts. Otherwise the balances of inventory valuation rep
orts do not
equal the sum of accounting transactions.
Changing from Standard to Average Costing
Once transactions have been performed you cannot change the costing method of an
organization in the Organization Parameters window in Oracle Inventory.
Accounting for Transactions
This essay describes the accounting entries created when you enter transactions
in Receivables using the Accrual method of accounting.
When you enter a regular invoice through the Transaction window, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:

Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Arrears invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entry:
In the first period of Rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In all periods of Rule:

Unbilled Receivables
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Advance invoicing rule, Receivables creat
es the following journal entries:

Unearned Revenue
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue

CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, Suspense, Tax, Unbilled Recei
vable, and Unearned Revenue accounts that you specified in your AutoAccounting s
Credit Memos
When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or chargeback through the Credit Memos w
indow, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Tax (if you credit tax)
Freight (if you credit freight)

When you credit a commitment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
When you enter a credit memo against an installment, Receivables lets you choose
between the following methods: LIFO, FIFO, and Prorate.
When you enter a credit memo against an invoice with invoicing and accounting ru
les, Receivables lets you choose between the following methods:
LIFO, Prorate, and Unit.
If the profile option Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, Rec
eivables credits the accounts of the original transaction. If this profile optio
n is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receiv
ables Revenue, and Tax accounts.
Receivables uses the account information for on account credits thatyou specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. Receivables let you update accounting informa
tion for your credit
memo after it has posted to your general ledger.
Receivables keeps the original accounting information as an audit trail while it
creates an offsetting entry and the new entry.
When you enter a deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the deposit s transaction type. When you enter an invoice
against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

Receivables (Invoice)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you apply an invoice to a deposit, Receivables creates a receivable adjustm
ent against the invoice. Receivables uses the account information you specified
in your AutoAccounting structure. When cash is received against this deposit, Re
ceivables creates the

following journal entry:

DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When you enter a guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
These accounts come from the guarantee s transaction type.When you enter an invoic
e against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

Receivables (Invoice)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Unbilled Receivables
When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a receivable adjus
tment against the guarantee. These accounts come from your guarantee s transactio
n type.
When cash is received against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following
journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and fully apply this receipt to an invoice, Receivables
creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables
When you enter an unapplied receipt, Receivables creates the following journal e
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journa
l entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified
When you enter an on account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal en
DR Cash
CR On Account
When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash

CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified, On Account, Unearned,
and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks window for this r
eceipt class. When you enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit, R
eceivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR On Account
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment, Receivables
creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
You set up a Write Off account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment, Receivables
creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
When you enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback, Receivables creates t
he following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Chargeback
CR Receivables (Chargeback)
You set up a Chargeback account when defining your Receivables Activity.
When you create a receipt that requires remittance to your bank, Receivables deb
its the Confirmation account instead of Cash. An example of a receipt requiring
remittance would be a check before it was cashed. Receivables creates the follow
ing journal entry when you enter such a receipt:
DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
You can then remit the receipt to your remittance bank using one of the two remi
ttance methods: Standard or Factoring. If you remit your receipt using the stand
ard method of remittance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
If you remit your receipt using the factoring remittance method, Receivables cre
ates the following journal entry:
DR Factor
CR Confirmation
When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates a short term liability for recei
pts which mature at a future date. The factoring process let you receive cash be
fore the maturity date, and assumes that you are liable for the receipt amount u
ntil the customer pays the balance on maturity
date. When you receive payment, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short Term Debt
On the maturity date, Receivables reverses the short term liability and creates
the following journal entry:
DR Short Term Debt
CR Factor
When you enter a negative adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
When you enter a positive adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the
following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
Debit Memos
When you enter a debit memo in the Transaction window, Receivables creates the f
ollowing journal entries:

Revenue (If you enter line amounts)
Tax (If you charge tax)
Freight (If you charge freight)

DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
When you enter an on account credit in the Credit Memo or the Transaction window,
Receivables creates the following journal entry:


Revenue (If you credit line amounts)

Tax (If you credit tax)
Freight (If you credit freight)

Receivables use the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax accounts that you spec
ified in your AutoAccounting structure.
Accounting Entries - Payables
Accounting Events
An accounting event is a Payables transaction that has accounting impact
. After an accounting event completes, you can create accounting entries for it
by creating accounting entries for the category or document class that includes
the event.( 11)
The following is the complete list of the accounting events in Payables,
listed by document class.
invoice adjustment
invoice cancellation
prepayment application
prepayment unapplication
Credit/Debit Memo

(future dated) payment maturity
payment adjustment
payment cancellation
payment clearing
payment unclearing
After Clearing
Payment is voided

Invoice Entry DR Expenses

CR Accounts Payables

Credit/Debit Memo Entry Dr Accounts Payables

CR Expenses
Mixed Invoice Entry
Negative Amount
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Positive Amount
DR Expenses
CR Accounts Payables
Prepayment Entry
DR Prepaid Expenses
Cr Accounts Payables
withholding tax entry DR Withholding Tax
Cr Accounts Payables
Invoice cancellation
DR Accounts Payables
CR Expenses
Payment DR Accounts Payables
CR Cash
If it is used for cash clearing then
DR Accounts Payables(with sep lines of each inv)
CR Cash Clearing
After Clearing DR Cash Clearing
CR Cash
when payment is voided DR Cash Clearing
CR Accounts Payables
When payment is issued
AP Liability
Future Dated Payment a/c
On payment maturity
Future Dated Payment a/c
Cash Clearing a/c
payment reconciliation or clearing in Cash Mgmt
Cash Clearing a/c
Cash a/c
Future Dated payment
DR Bank Charges a/c
CR cash a/c



Accounting Events
Invoice Entry
Debit Memo
Deposit Applied to Invoice
Cash Received on deposit
Invoice against this guarantee


Cash received against this guarantee,

Credit Memo(Against Invoice/DM/Chargeback)
On Account Credits
On Account Credit Applied Against Invoice


Fully apply a receipt

Unidentified Receipt
On account Receipt
Receipt includes Discount
Receipt combined with On Account Credit
Receipt combined with negative adjustment
Receipt combined with positive adjustment
Receipt Combined with a Chargeback
Receipt with Remittance needed


Remittance and Clearing = Standard

Remittance and Clearing = Factoring


Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill in Arrear

Invoice With Rules = Invoice in Bill In Advance

Invoice Entry DR Receivables

CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Receipt DR.....Cash
When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables
These examples assume that the receipt has a Remittance
Method of No Remittance and a Clearance Method of Directly.
Unidentified receipt, DR Cash
CR Unidentified
enter an on account receipt,
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR On Account
receipt includes a discount,
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables

DR Receivables

DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified,
On Account, Unearned, and Earned accounts that you specified in the
Remittance Banks window for this receipt class.
Enter a receipt and combine it with an on account credit((which increases the bala
nce of the receipt))
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment,
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off
enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback,
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Cash

DR Cash

DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Chargeback (Activity)
DR Chargeback (Activity)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
receipt that requires remittance to your bank, DR Confirmation
CR Receivables
Deposit Entry DR......Receivables (Dep)
CR.....Unearned Revenue
No accounting effect
Deposit Applied to Invoice
DR.....Receivables (Inv)
CR.....Revenue No accounting effect
Invoice is adjusted to write
off bad debt
DR.....Bad Debt
No accounting effect
Credit memo is created
against an invoice, debit memo or chargeback
DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)
DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice) No accounting effect
credit a commitment,
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
To close the receivable on the credit memo and increase the unapplied
cash balance, DR Receivables
CR Unapplied Cash
enter a deposit,
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Offset Account
enter an invoice against this deposit, DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Offset Account (such as Unearned Revenue)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
cash is received against this deposit, DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)
When Guarantee is entered
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Receivable Account and Revenue Account fiel
ds on

this guarantee s transaction type to obtain the accounting flexfields for

the Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue accounts, respectively.
Enter an invoice against this guarantee,
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Revenue
CR Receivables When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a
receivable adjustment against the guarantee. Receivables uses the
account information you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to
create these entries.
Cash is received against this guarantee,
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Invoice with Rules
1. Invoice In Bill in Arrears

In the first period of the rule:

DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In the second period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
In the third and final period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Receivables
CR Unbilled Receivables
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
Invoice with Rules
2. Invoice In Bill in Advance

In the first period of the rule:

DR Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
In all periods of the rule for the portion that is recognized:
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue
>standard method
On remittance
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation
When u clear the receipt
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance
>factoring method
On Remmittance


Receipt is cleared
Bank Charges
Short Term Debt
Maturity Date
Short Term Debt

Adjustment against an invoice

DR Write Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Positive Adjustment
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write Off

Negative Adjustment

Debit Memo
DR Receivables
CR Revenue (if you enter line amounts)
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges
On Account Credits
DR Revenue (if you credit line amounts)
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (On account Credit)
Receivables use the Freight, Receivable,
Revenue, and Tax accounts that
you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.
When On Account Credit is applied to invoice
DR Receivables (On account Credit)
CR Receivables (Invoice)


What does gl_balances table contains?

Explain the steps in AP while doing payments.
What the difference is between debit memo and invoice in AP?
Which process is used to post the transactions from AP to GL?
What is the difference between accounting in 10.7 and 11I?
What is Unearned Revenue(AR)?
What is Revenue Recognition(AR)?
What transactions gets transferred from AR to GL (AR)?
What is the difference between credit memo and invoice in AR?

What tables are involved while creating transactions and receipts in AR
What are auto accounting rules(AR)?
What is the Important table which gives the exact details about invoices
and receipts amounts (AR)?
Which program is used to post the transaction from FA to GL?
What does revenue recognition program do?
What are onaccount credit memos?
What are grouping rules?
Explain about Auto Invoice and Auto Lockbox.
What is an accounting flex field?
What are cross validation rules?
What does dynamic insertion allowed means for a flex field?
What are security rules?
Which of these supercede when you create a account code? combination: dy
namic insertion allowed, cross validation rule and security rules.
What are the common errors in gl_interface program?
Which tables contain the accounting details for AP transactions?
What is cash management used for
How many Flex fields are there in AR and what are they?
What is MRC and what is its use?
Ans: The Multi Reporting Currency Feature allows you to report and maintain reco
rds at the transaction level in more than one functional currency. You can do by
defining one or more set of books in addition to primary set of books.
How many reporting currencies can be attached to Primary Set of Books?
What are the new features in Release 11I?
What is FSG and what is its use?
Ans: FSG is a powerful and flexible tool you can use to build your own custom r
without programming. FSG is only available with GL.
What are Different types of transactions in AR?
What are value sets?
What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables?


What are different period types?

What are different types of Journal entries?
What are the setup steps for testing?
What is an Invoice? How many types of invoices are there in AP and AR?
What id recurring invoices?
What are AP setup steps?
If any conflict occurs in FSG who will override Column Set or Row Set?
What is Set of Books? What are the four conditions when you change your
What is the difference between cross-validation rules and security-rules
In how many ways can you enter a journal in GL?
What are the setup steps for AP, AR, and GL?
What is the difference between discounts and adjustments?
What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?
What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
What are Summary Accounts and Rollup groups?

Multi Org:Advantages of multi Org Concept

Multiple Organizations in a Single Installation
Secure Access> You can assign users to particular organizations. This ensures ac
curate transactions in the correct operating unit.
Sell And Ship Products From Different Legal Entities> You can sell from one lega
l entity and ship from another, posting to each organization s SOBs.
Receive Goods Into Any Inventory Organization >You can enter purchase orders and
assign for receipt any inventory organization that uses the same SOBs. Your pur
chase order operating unit and receiving inventory organization must share the s
ame SOBs to receive against a purchase order.
Automatic Accounting for Internal Requisitions>You can create an internal requis
ition (sales order) in one organization, then ship from another organization, wi
th correct intercompany invoicing.
Multiple Organizations Reporting>You can set up your Oracle Applications impleme
ntation to allow reporting across operating units by setting up the top reportin
g level. You can run your reports at the SOBs level, legal entity level, or oper
ating unit level
What is BG, Legal Entity and Operation Unit?
What are Multi Org Table? What is the common column?

Steps in defining Multi Org

Develop the Organization Structure
Define Sets of Books
Define Locations
Define Business Groups (optional)
Associate Responsibilities with Business Groups
Define Organizations
Define Organization Relationships
Define Responsibilities
Set MO: Operating Unit Profile Option
Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture
Change Order Management Profile Option
Set Profile Options Specific to Operating Units
Define Inventory Organization Security (optional)
Implement the Applications Products
Secure Balancing Segment Values by Legal Entity (optional)
Run the Multi Org Setup Validation Report (recommended)
Implementing Multi Org
Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)
Define Set of Book.
Switch Responsibility to System Administrator
Define Responsibility (ex: AP SM KSL)
Set Profile Option for the above defined responsibility
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name which you had defined in Step 1.
Assign User to the new Responsibility created in Step 2
Switch Responsibility to the newly created responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define Business Group (KSL BG)
Enter Short name, Employee and Applicant number generation
Choose the flexfield structure for Grade, Group, Job, Costing, Position
and Competence.
Enter the Legislation Code and Currency.
Switch responsibility back to System Administrator and set System profil
e option.
HR:Business Group = KSL BG
HR.Security Profile = KSL BG
Switch Responsibility to the new responsibility (AP SM KSL)
Define the GRE (Government Reporting Entity) (KSL SM)

Assign the SOB name and optionally the VAT registration number.
Define the Operating Unit (KSL SM)
Assign the Legal Entity name and automatically the SOB name defaults fro
m the legal entity.
Define the Inventory Organization. (KSL SM)
Assign the SOB, Legal Entity and Operating Unit Name
Switch Responsibility to system Administrator and set the profile option
MO:Operating Unit = KSL SM
Run the Replicate Seed Data program and give the Operating Unit name as pa
rameter to generate the Org ID.
After successful completion of the above program switch responsibility t
o the Responsibility created (AP SM KSL).
Choose the SOB in the Choose Set Of Books Window.
Now navigate to the Financials option
Human Resources tab and see the bu
siness group name that will be the one that we assigned (KSL BG).

In Short
1. Define SOB
2.Define a Resp and assign
HR:User Type = HR User
GL Set of Books Name = Set of Book Name
3. Assign Resp to a User.
4. Using the Resp, define a BG
HR:Business Group = <BG Name>
HR.Security Profile = <BG Name>
5. Define LE, OU, Inv Org, Sub Inv Org ((Using the same Resp )) and define Resp
MO:Operating Unit = <OU Name>
6. Convert to Multiple Organization Architecture. Run the Replicate Seed Data prog
ram and give the Operating Unit name as parameter to generate the Org ID

FAQs on Multi Org:Business Group

What is the Pre defined Business Group ((Setup Business Group))
What is the Profile Option used to associate Responsibility to a BG ((HR: Securi
ty Profile))
If there is different BG, what is the profile option used to associate a BG with
a Resp ((HR: Business Group))
Can a responsibility be attached to different Business Group ((NO))
Legal Entity
How is LE attached to the BG (LE will be automatically attached to BG if we defi
ne the LE using the responsibility associated with the business group for which
you are defining an organization.))
Operating Unit
Functionally what is the relevance of an Operating Unit?

What is the Profile Option used to link the Operating Unit to a Responsibility (
(MO: Operating Unit))
How can we find out in which operating unit we are working now?
Can Operating Unit have different SOB than the LE its attached to ((Yes))
Then what is the Profile Option used to determine the current SOB ((GL: Sets of
Books Name))
What is the program used to convert the installation to Multi Organisation Arch
itecture ((Ad Administration Utility (adadmin)))
What actually is a responsibility ((the responsibility you choose determines the
data, forms, menus, reports, and concurrent programs you can access.))
What are the information shared across organization?
??Flexfield definitions ??Customer Header (customer site is at the operating uni
t level) ??Supplier Header (supplier site is at the operating unit level)
Information Specific to Each Operating Unit
Payables ??Supplier sites ??Reporting entities ??Financial options??Syst
em options etc
Receivables ??Customer address ??Customer relationships ??Customer bank
accounts ??Customer call information (call records, topics) ??Distribution sets
??Transaction sources ??Lockbox definitions ??Memo lines ??Receipt sources ??Re
ceivables activities ??Salesperson, sales territories assigned to salespersons ?
?System options ??Tax exemptions and exceptions ??Tax codes ??Tax rates ??Tax na
mes etc
Can a new organization added to a Multi Org structure ((Yes))
What is the additional step required than when Organisation is added initially.

Limitation of Multi Org

Data Security With the exception of data that is shared across organizations, al
l data is secured and striped by operating unit.
Centralization / Decentralization Multiple Organizations enabled products proce
ss transactions within an operating unit. There is no additional support for cen
tralization/decentralization of business functions. For example, the following c
ombinations are not supported: centralized payables with decentralized purchasin
g, centralized purchasing with decentralized payables
Supplier and customer tables are shared across operating units. However, you mus
t define supplier sites and customer addresses for
each operating unit.
The Customer Merge process allows you to merge only addresses and sites within t
he same operating unit, since transactions are secured by
operating unit.
Receiving You can receive against purchase orders only in the operating unit to
which your responsibility is connected. As before, a purchase order s ship to organi
zation must be in the purchase order s SOBs.
Internal Requisitions Intercompany Payable and Receivable Invoices are not autom
atically generated for Internal Requisitions.
Location Flexfield Structure Only operating units with the same Accounting Flexf
ield structure can share a Location Flexfield structure.

Multiple Organizations Reporting

Multi Org feature enables user to generate reports across different organisation
The Reporting Level a user can select is determined by Profile Option MO: Top Re

porting Level
The report parameters
Reporting Level = SOB/ Legal Entity / Operating Unit
Reporting Context = The entity within the selected Reporting Level (SOB/
Legal Entity / Operating Unit)
Multi Org Reports
Oracle Payables
??Accounts Payable Trial Balance
??Payables Accounting Entries Report
??Payables Account Analysis Report
Oracle Receivables
4 Buckets Report
??Aging 7 Buckets Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Salesperson Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Collector Report
??Aging 7 Buckets
By Account Report
??Credit Hold Report
??Customer Credit Snapshot

Scenario 1

Reporting Level = SOB

Then Reporting Context = US legal Entity or Canada Legal Entity

Scenario 11

Reporting Level = Legal Entity

Then Reporting Context = Western Division OU or Eastern Division OU

Scenario 111

Reporting Level = Operating Unit

Then Reporting Context defaults to the current OU.

Step 1:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define

Create the User and add System Administrator Responsibility

Step 2:
Log on with that User
Step 3:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security?Responsibility?Define
Create the Responsibility
General Ledger






Human Resources




Cash Management


Fixed Assets


Order Management

Step 4:
Set the Profile
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
1) Payables
Click Find Button

Same as for PO Responsibility

Step 5: Add all the Responsibilities to ur user
Step 6: Switch on to AP ABC USER Responsibility
Navigation: Employee? Locations

Step 7: Setup Business Group

Responsibility: AP ABC USER (INR)
Navigation: Setup?Organizations
Click Others Button

Press OK and SAVE

Step 8: Switch on to System Administrator
Navigation: Profile?System
Click FIND Button

Same Profile Option gives to all Responsibilities like

(GL, AR, PO, HR, CM, FA, OM)
Profile Option HR:Business Group (assign the business group name to all responsi
Step 9: Switch on to AP ABC USER
Create the Set of Books
Navigation: Setup?flex fileds?key?Segments

Create Set of Book for created flex field

Step 10:
Navigation: Setup?Organization

Click Others Button and select Legal Entity Accounting

Press OK
Organization Classification: Operating Unit

Click Others Button

Click OK
Add Inventory Organization to Organization Classification

Save and close

Step 11: Switch on PO ABC USER
Navigation: Setup?Organizations?Organizations

Go to Organization Classification--Select Inventory Organization Click Others Butt

Select Accounting Information

Press OK and Save

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Inventory Information

Inventory Organization Click Others Select Receiving Information

Step 12: Switch on System Administrator

Navigation: Profile?System

Set the set of books profile option to all responsibilities (GL, AP, AR, HR, PO,
Step 13: Switch on HR ABC USER
Navigation: HRMS Manager?People?Enter & Maintain
(Create new employee)

Step 14:
Switch on System Administrator
Navigation: Security?User?Define (Query the user and assign employee to that use


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